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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
From Anecdotal Evidence to Quantitative Evaluation Methods : A Systematic Review on Evaluating Explainable AIIn: ACM Computing Surveys Jg. 55 (2023) Nr. 13, 295Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colorectal Cancer through Multi-View Stacked Generalization Applied on Gut Microbiome DataIn: Diagnostics Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 10, 2514Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
QueryCrumbs Search History Visualization : Usability, Transparency and Long-term UsageIn: Journal of Computer Languages Jg. 57 (2020) 100941Online Volltext:
Ubiquitous Access to Digital Cultural HeritageIn: Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage / Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (Hrsg.) Jg. 10 (2017) Nr. 1, 4Online Volltext:
On the Quality of Semantic Interest Profiles for Onine Social Network ConsumersIn: ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review Jg. 16 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 5 - 14Online Volltext:
Web-based Just-In-Time Retrieval for Cultural Content
7th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2014), 24 February 2014, Haifa, Israel,(2014)Online Volltext (Open Access) -
Inferring Semantic Interest Profiles from Twitter Followees : Does Twitter Know Better than Your Friends?In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing / SAC 2016: Symposium on Applied Computing, Pisa, Italy April 4 - 8, 2016 / Ossowski, Sascha (Hrsg.) (2016) S. 1152 - 1157Online Volltext:
From Tail to Head : Browser Based Suggestion of Long-tail Resources
i-KNOW '14: 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, 16-19 September 2014, Graz, Austria,(2015)Online Volltext (Open Access) -
A Second Look on BASS : Boosting Abstractive Summarization with Unified Semantic GraphsIn: Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceedings, Part IV / 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2024): 24–28 March 2024; Glasgow, UK / Goharian, Nazli; Tonellotto, Nicola; He, Yulan; Lipani, Aldo; McDonald, Graham; Macdonald, Craig; Ounis, Iadh (Hrsg.) 2024, S. 99 - 114Online Volltext:
Comprehensive Study on German Language Models for Clinical and Biomedical Text UnderstandingIn: 30th Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024): Main Conference Proceedings / 30th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 14th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024); Hybrid, Torino; 20 - 25 May 2024 / European Language Resources Association (ELRA) (Hrsg.) 2024, S. 3654 - 3665
Benchmarking eXplainable AI : A Survey on Available Toolkits and Open ChallengesIn: Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23) / Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23), 19th-25th August 2023, Macao 2023, S. 6665 - 6673
From Black Boxes to Conversations : Incorporating XAI in a Conversational AgentIn: Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings / Longo, Luca; First World Conference, xAI 2023; Lisbon, Portugal; July 26–28, 2023 2023, S. 71 - 96Online Volltext:
PIP-Net : Patch-Based Intuitive Prototypes for Interpretable Image ClassificationIn: 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: Proceedings / 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 18 – 22 June 2023, Vancouver, Canada 2023, S. 2744 - 2753Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Privacy-Preserving Knowledge Transfer through Partial Parameter SharingIn: Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop / Naumann, Tristan; 14.07.2023, The 5th Workshop on Clinical Natural Language Processing (ClinicalNLP), July 14, 2023, Toronto / Abacha, Asma Ben; Bethard, Steven; Roberts, Kirk; Rumshisky, Anna (Hrsg.) 2023, S. 19 - 23Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Speed Control in Trajectory SimulationIn: Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: Proceedings; Part II / 7th International Conference, LOD 2021, Grasmere, UK, October 4–8, 2021; 7th International Conference, LOD 2021, Grasmere, UK, October 4–8, 2021 / Nicosia, Giuseppe; Ojha, Varun; La Malfa, Emanuele; La Malfa, Gabriele; Jansen, Giorgio; Pardalos, Panos M.; Giuffrida, Giovanni; Umeton, Renato (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 436 - 450Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Evaluating Simulated User Interaction and Search BehaviourIn: Advances in Information Retrieval: 44th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2022, Stavanger, Norway, April 10–14, 2022, Proceedings, Part II / 44th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2022, 10-14 April 2022, Stavanger, Norway / Hagen, Matthias; Verberne, Suzan; Macdonald, Craig; Seifert, Christin; Balog, Krisztian; Nørvåg, Kjetil; Setty, Vinay; Hagen, Matthias; Verberne, Suzan; Macdonald, Craig; Seifert, Christin; Balog, Krisztian; Nørvåg, Kjetil; Setty, Vinay (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 240 - 247Online Volltext:
Model Personalization with Static and Dynamic Patients' DataIn: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, ICDMW / 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops; 28 November–1 December 2022; Orlando, Florida / Candan, K. Selçuk; Dinh, Thang N.; Thai, My T.; Washio, Takashi (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 324 - 333Online Volltext:
Simulating User Interaction and Search Behaviour in Digital LibrariesIn: Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries 2022: Proceedings of the 18th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries / IRCDL 2022, Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries 2022, Padua, Italy, February 24-25, 2022; Redavid, Domenico / Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Portelli, Beatrice; Silvello, Gianmaria (Hrsg.) 2022Online Volltext (Open Access)
Query Change as a Contextual Markov Model for Simulating User Search BehaviourIn: FIRE 2021: Proceedings of the 13th annual meeting of the Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation / FIRE 2021, Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation, 13-17 December 2021, Virtual Event, India / Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 43 - 51Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Towards a trustworthy, secure and reliable enclave for machine learning in a hospital setting : The Essen Medical Computing Platform (EMCP)In: Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence: CogMI 2021 / 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence, CogMI 2021, 13 - 15 December 2021, Virtual Conference / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 116 - 123Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Influence of Random Walk Parametrization on Graph EmbeddingsIn: Advances in Information Retrieval: Proceedings, Part II / 42nd European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2020, Lisbon, Portugal, April 14–17, 2020 / Jose, Joemon M. (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 58 - 65Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Investigating Extensions to Random Walk Based Graph EmbeddingIn: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Computing: Proceedings / IEEE ICCC 2019 : 8-13 July 2019, Milan, Italy 2019, S. 81 - 89Online Volltext: (Open Access)
QueryCrumbs for Experts : A Compact Visual Query Support System to Facilitate Insights into Search Engine InternalsIn: Proceedings Information Visualization: Biomedical Visualization, Visualisation on Built and Rural Enviroments & Geometric Modelling and Imaging / 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV18), 10-13 July 2018, Salerno, Italy / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 78 - 84Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Shortest Path Distance Approximation Using Deep Learning TechniquesIn: Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining / ASONAM 2018 : FAB 2018, FOSINT-SI 2018, HI-BI-BI 2018 : Barcelona, Spain, 28-31 August 2018 2018, S. 1007 - 1014Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Focus Paragraph Detection for Online Zero-Effort Queries : Lessons Learned from Eye-Tracking DataIn: Proceedings of the 2017 Conference Human Information Interaction and Retrieval / CHIIR '17 - Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval, 7 - 11 March 2017, Oslo Norway / Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 301 - 304Online Volltext:
Identifying Tweets from the Economic DomainIn: Theorie, Semantik und Organisation von Wissen / 13. Tagung der Deutschen Sektion der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Wissensorganisation (ISKO) in Verbindung mit dem 13. Internationalen Symposium der Informationswissenschaft der Higher Education Association for Information Science (HI), 19.-20.03.2013, Potsdam / Babik, Wieslaw; Ohly, H. Peter; Weber, Karsten (Hrsg.) 2017Online Volltext:
On Joint Representation Learning of Network Structure and Document ContentIn: Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction / First IFIP TC 5, WG 8.4, 8.9, 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2017, 29. August - 1.September 2017, Reggio, Italy / Holzinger, Andreas; Kieseberg, Peter; Tjoa, A Min; Weippl, Edgar (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 237 - 251Online Volltext:
QueryCrumbs : A Compact Visualization for Navigating the Search Query HistoryIn: Proceedings Information Visualization - Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation: Biomedical Visualization, Visualisation on Built and Rural Enviroments & Geometric Modelling and Imaging / 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV17), 11-14 July 2017, London, United Kingdom / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 35 - 44Online Volltext:
Supporting Web Surfers in Finding Related Material in Digital Library RepositoriesIn: Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings / 20th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2016, 5-9 September 2016, Hannover, Germany / Fuhr, Norbert; Kovacs, Laszlo; Risse, Thomas; Nejdl, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 434 - 437Online Volltext:
A Game with a Purpose to Access Europe's Cultural TreasureIn: Second International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval / Second International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval (GamifIR 2015), 29 March 2015, Vienna, Austria / Hopfgartner, Frank; Kazai, Gabriella; Kruschwitz, Udo; Meder, Michael (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 13 - 18Online Volltext (Open Access)
From Context-Aware to Context-Based : Mobile Just-In-Time Retrieval of Cultural Heritage ObjectsIn: Advances in Information Retrieval / 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, 29 March - 2 April 2015, Vienna, Austria / Hanbury, Allan; Kazai, Gabriella; Rauber, Andreas; Fuhr, Norbert (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 805 - 808Online Volltext:
Student Research Abstract : From Context to QueryIn: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing / 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2015), 13-17 April 2015, Salamanca, Spain / Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 1108 - 1109Online Volltext:
Towards a Feature-Rich Data Set for Personalized Access to Long-Tail ContentIn: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing / 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2015), 13-17 April 2015, Salamanca, Spain / Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 1031 - 1038Online Volltext:
User Interface Considerations for Browser-Based Just-In-Time RetrievalIn: Proceedings Information Visualization - Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation: Biomedical Visualization, Visualisation on Built and Rural Enviroments & Geometric Modelling and Imaging / 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV 2015), 22-24 July 2015, Barcelona, Spain / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 460 - 467Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Supporting the Discovery of Long-Tail Resources on the WebPassau (2020)