Dr.-Ing. Andreas Peters
Dr.-Ing.Senior Engineer
University of Duisburg-Essen
Department of mechanical Engineering
Ship Technology and Ocean Engineering
Bismarckstarsse 69, 47057 Duisburg, Germany
Phone: +49 203 379-2911
E-Mail.: andreas.peters[at]uni-due.de
- Present Position
Senior Engineer
- Professional Activities
Reviewer for scientific journals: Wear, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Ship Technology Research
- Past Positions
2013-2020 Research Associate at Institute of Ship Technology and Ocean Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen
- Education (University of Duisburg-Essen)
2013-2019 Dr.-Ing. Mechanical Engineering (summa cum laude)
2011-2013 M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
2007-2011 B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
- Lectures: Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics
- Exercises: Numerische Berechnungsmethoden für inkompressible Strömungen I & II
Journal Papers
- Peters, A. and el Moctar, O. (2020)
Numerical assessment of cavitation-induced erosion using a multi-scale Euler–Lagrange method.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 894, A19. - Lyu, W., Riesner, M., Peters, A., el Moctar, O. (2019)
A Hybrid Method for Ship Response Coupled with Sloshing in Partially Filled Tanks.
Marine Structures, vol. 67. - Peters, A., Lantermann, U. and el Moctar, O. (2018)
Numerical Prediction of Cavitation Erosion on a Ship Propeller in Model- and Full-Scale.
Wear, 408-409: 1-12. - Peters, A., Lantermann, U., el Moctar, O. (2015):
Numerical Modelling and Prediction of Erosion Induced by Hydrodynamic Cavitation.
Journal of Physics, conf. series, vol. 656/1, id. 012054. - Peters, A., Sagar, H., Lantermann, U. and el Moctar, O. (2015)
Numerical Modelling and Prediction of Cavitation Erosion.
Wear, 338-339: 189-201.
Conference Papers
- Peters, A., Lantermann, U. and el Moctar, O.
„Multi-Scale Euler-Lagrange Cavitation Modelling and Prediction of Cavitation Erosion“
Proc. of the 33rdSymposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Osaka, Japan, 31 May - 5 June 2020. - Peters, A., Lantermann, U. and el Moctar, O.
„Simulation of an Internal Nozzle Flow Using an Euler-Lagrange Method“
Proc. of the 10th International Symposium on Cavitation, CAV 2018, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 14 – 16 May 2018.
- Peters, A. (2020)
Numerical Modelling and Prediction of Cavitation Erosion Using Euler-Euler and Multi-Scale Euler-Lagrange Methods.
PhD Thesis, University of Duisburg-Essen.
Other (non peer-review)
- Peters, A., Lantermann, U. and el Moctar, O.
„Numerical Prediction of Cavitation Damage for the Flow through a Nozzle Using a Multi-Scale Euler-Lagrange Method“
Proc. of the 22nd Numerical Towing Tank Symposium, Tomar, Portugal, 29 September - 1 October 2019.Peters, A., Piehl, H., Lantermann, U. and el Moctar, O.
„A New Approach for a Cavitation Erosion Modelon Hydrofoils” Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics,
ICCFD8, Chengdu, China, 14 – 18 July, 2014.
Awards ceremonies :
Georg Weinblum Awardee 2020 for Dissertation
“Numerical Modelling and Prediction of Cavitation Erosion Using Euler-Euler and Multi-Scale Euler-Lagrange Methods” - Google Scholar
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