Curriculum Vitae - Abstract (English Version)

Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Göbel

1961 – 1967 student of mathematics at University of Frankfurt
PhD at University of Frankfurt (1967) (topic: in group theory [algebra]), supervisor Reinhold Baer
1967 – 1974 collaborator at the Department of Physics (Institute for theoretical astrophysics) at the University of Würzburg,
1969 – 1971 Faculty Assoc. Professor at the Center of Relativity Theory, University of Texas at Austin,  Texas, USA
Habilitation Würzburg (1974) (topic: Algebra, General Relativity Theory),
from 1975 to now: Professor of Mathematics at the University Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen

The more relevant part of my work at the University Duisburg–Essen

(Here I exclude the obvious teaching (duties), seminars, pro-seminars, lectures, lectures on special topics in algebra and logic (which I really enjoyed) and also the `service lectures’  at Duisburg and Essen for business-mathematics, mathematics for computer science and for regular math-students)

Administrative work in Essen

For many years:  Member of the faculty council (Fachbereichsrat) of the Department of  Mathematics, member  of the `permanent’ PhD-committee,  member of many search committees for new faculties,  committees for habilitations, member of the senat committees for research and chairman of the library committee.

Administrative-research work

Organizer or co-organizer or member of  the scientific committees  of conferences on  algebra, module theory and/or combinatorics:

International Conferences in Germany

Conferences at the mathematical research Institute Oberwolfach (January 1981, August 1985, August 1989, August 1993),
Essen (June 1994), Würzburg (Astrophysics, July 1994), Dresden (June 1995), meetings financed by the Euresco-organization, taking place in Hattingen (June 1999, August 2001, July 2003), conference financed by the German DFG and the state NRW in honor of Reinhold Baer’s 100-th birthday, Hattingen (July 2002)

International conferences abroad

Hawaii, USA (December 1982, January 1983), Udine, Italy (March 1984), Perth, Australia (August 1987, July 2000), Curacao (financed by the American NSF and the Netherlands) (August 1991), Venice (on the research island San Sevolo) (September 2002),
Posters of these meetings:  see homepage

Invited speaker at international conferences on algebra, module theory, combinatorics

Rome, Italy  (December 1977), Dublin, Ireland (August 1998), Tulane University, New Orleans, USA (March 1999), Ben Gurion University, Beersheva, Israel (May 1998, May 2001), Padua, Italy (October 1990, June 1997, December 1999, June 2006), Bielefeld (September 1998), Prague (Czech Republic) (September 1999, September 2006), Dresden (June 2002),  Hawaii, USA (July 2001), Essen (mathematics-music July 2004), Bressanone/Brixen, Italy (June 1995,  September 2001, September 2007),  Cortona, Italy (September 2001, May 2004), Leipzig (July 2004, June 2008), Würzburg (November 2004, January2009), Storrs, Connecticut, USA (June 2007), Potsdam (March 2009)
International Meeting (caused by my 60th birthday), Essen (February 2001)

12 Conference Proceedings (as co-editor) at the publishers

Springer-Verlag Berlin, Vienna: Lecture Notes  (1981, 1983,1984), Gordon and Breach, London (1987, 1996), American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Islands, USA (1989, 1994, 2001) Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel (1999), Marcel and Dekker, New York (1991, 1993), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (2008)

Mathematical Journals, Coeditor

Forum Mathematicum (founded jointly in 1989, editor until 2008; international ranking of the journal below  50),
 Journal of Group Theory (1995- 2005),
Communications in Algebra (1985 – 1995)

Editor of monograph series

  • Algebra, Logic and Applications, Taylor and Francis, London
  • Algebra and Discrete Mathematics , as Managing Editor; World Scientific, Singapore

Often referee for research projects for the following research councils

DFG (German Science Foundation),  NSF (USA), NSCERC (Canada), MIUR (Italy), IST (Israel), IRCSET (Ireland) and Humboldt-Foundation.

Member of the International Scientific Advisory Commitee at the
Centre of Excellence in Mathematics, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand: beginning 2010

Scientific work

  • Written over 200 papers published in scientific  mathematical journals or conference proceedings on algebra (group theory, modules), combinatorics, logic and general relativity theory, for details, see homepage.
  • Monograph jointly with Jan Trlifaj:  ``Approximations and Endomorphism Algebras of Modules´´, de Gruyter Expositions 41, Berlin 2006,
    680 pages on current research in algebra
    –  received  a prize from Charles University Prague in 2007
    –  new edition in preparation for 2011.

Research projects on topics in algebra, module theory, combinatorics:   supporting young collaborators and visitors (a total of over  1 Million €):

  • In the golden days when the state NRW supported research projects:
    State-NRW-projects: 1978 - 1983, 1986 – 1988
  • Supported by the German DFG:
    1984 – 1986, 1990 – 1993,
    2008 – 2010 [jointly with Lutz Strüngmann (Essen) und Ralf Schindler (Münster)]
  • Joint research projects with Saharon Shelah, funded by the German Israeli Foundation (GIF) –
    As a contract of cooperation between the Hebrew University Jerusalem and the  University Duisburg-Essen:  1995 – 1998, 1999 – 2001, 2002 – 2006, 2009 – 2012.
    Note: GIF supports collaborators and visitors at either place (Essen and Jerusalem), as well as travel between the countries which makes the collaboration possible.
    The counterpart in Israel is Saharon Shelah,  the strongest logician worldwide: For example, he received as the only mathematician after the mathematical heros Henry  Poincaré (Paris) (1905) and David Hilbert, Göttingen (1910) the Bolyai prize in 2000.

Visiting positions abroad (for at least two months)

New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM(USA) (1982), Hebrew University, Jerusalem (Israel) (1983-1984, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2004, 2006), Baylor University, Waco, Texas (USA) (1988), Van Fleck-Professor at the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut (USA) (1993), Universite du Maine, Le Mans, France (2001).

Doctoral stundents of the last 10 years

Gabor Braun, Georg Henecke, Daniel Herden, Nicole Hülsmann, Christian Müller (to be submitted in May 2009), Ansgar Opdenhövel, Sebastian Pokutta, Lutz Strüngmann.

Pupils or long-term collaborators in Essen who completed habiliation and/or who became professors at a university

Manfred Droste (Leipzig), Manfred Dugas (Waco, Texas, USA), Ulrich Albrecht (Auburn, Alabama, USA),  Berthold Franzen (Giessen), Lutz Strüngmann (Essen),  Burkhard Wald (Essen).

Present research projects and seminars after the official retirement in March 2009

24. - 25.4. 2009: Conference (Essen) caused by the above occasion;
see homepage:
DFG-research project 2008-2010: (see above) To support collaborators and the cooperation between the teams working in logic and algebra in Essen and Münster and to support research at the boarder between algebra and logic.
Based on a permanent ``Oberseminar´´ beween  Essen and Münster, see under forthcoming lectures SS 2009.
GIF-project 2009 – 2012: (see above) A cooperation beween Duisburg-Essen-University and Hebrew University, Jerusalem to perform research in algebra, module theory, combinatorics and to support young collaborators and visitors in Essen and Jerusalem, respectively.