Order - Central Collection of Algal Cultures (CCAC)
Please see our pricing policy here.
Standard delivery within the EU is free of charge, express mail is available on request and must be paid by the customer.
In case of international orders, we recommend sending by express mail. Please note that the cost of express mail depends on the destination country and must be paid by the customer. Please let us know if you would like express delivery (you can specify this when filling out the online order form) and we will let you know the exact cost.
Strain selection
Please select strains here. We also have a set of strains for teaching that can be downloaded here.
How to order
Once you have selected the strains you wish to purchase, you can proceed to order them in two steps:
1) Fill out the online order form below.
2) Download, complete and sign the MTA form. Send it to ccac@uni-due.de. Please note that your order will not be fully processed until we receive your completed and signed MTA form.
Please note that we usually need at least two weeks to grow the ordered culture, but this may be longer for some strains. The time required to grow the algae from our teaching set can be shorter.