BIOME 2023

Highlights 2023

© UME/Andre Zelck

29.11.2023 22nd Research Day: Science and AI – Friend or Foe?

“Science and AI – Friend or Foe?” was the theme of the Medical Faculty’s 22nd Research Day held in November 2023. Almost 190 doctoral students presented their posters in the first half of the day, which were evaluated by experts. The afternoon programme was opened by Dr. Barbara Marte, senior editor at the scientific journal Nature. She gave the audience insights into the publishing practices of major journals and exchanged views on a panel with, among others, Prof. Dr. Anke Hinney and Prof. Dr. Tienush Rassaf. Three doctoral students then competed in the Science Slam: Lisa Trautmann (BIOME) won the 500 Euro prize for her slam entitled the “Power of expectation” which focused on the topic of placebos. At the end, 20 young researchers received awards for their poster presentations, including the BIOME members Daniel Agranovski, Emily Alefeld, Antonia Belter, Victoria Berg, Hannah Breiter, Kirsten Dombrowski, Lou Hecker, Kai Robin Pfeifer, Ann-Kathrin Schnormeier, Rebecca Steffen, Chiara Wedekind, and Fatma Yalinci. The prizes were donated by the StiftungUniversitätsmedizinEssen.


13-14.11.2023 Ruhr meets Rhine

BIOME's triple-core annual retreat participants gathered off-campus in Cologne again for a translational immunology/infectious diseases/tumour group exchange. The supporting doctoral orga-team consisting of Clara Roggendorf, Anne Petzold, Lorraine Muungani and Xi Wang decided on a broader approach to the selection of keynote speakers this year by inviting Ariane Pessentheiner (University of Graz) to share her experiences of segueing from classic post-doc research into science communications, while the BIOME alumna Anna-Lena Volckmar (University of Heidelberg) discussed the finer issues of In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR). Around eighty MD/PhD candidates presented progress updates on their research projects in talks and poster sessions, with Maren Soldierer winning the award for the best talk, and Sebastian Kromat, Antonia Belter and Lara Kaumanns each receiving prizes for their posters.

Photo Prize Winners

09.11.2023 RTG 2989 TCI repAMI: Heart Matters

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is supporting the establishment of a new research training group 2989 on Targeting Cellular Interfaces in Reperfused Acute Myocardial Infarction (TCI repAMI) by researchers from the Medical Faculty of the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) with 7.5 million Euros. The research training group (RTG) team's focus is on the so-called acute myocardial infarction, commonly called a heart attack. In 2022 it was the second most common cause of death in Germany, after coronary heart disease. Even with optimal therapy and if the blocked coronary artery is quickly reopened (reperfusion), mortality is high. The consequences that reperfusion can have on patients are highly complex and not fully understood. The aim of the new RTG is to identify novel processes and targets for therapeutic approaches.

The speaker for the new RTG is Prof. Dr. Tienush Rassaf, Director of the Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology at the University Hospital Essen. In the funded RTG, the group includes experts from the heart and circulatory focus as well as the immunology/infectiology focus of the UDE Medical Faculty and the Leibniz Institute for Analytical Sciences (ISAS Dortmund).


30.10.2023 Ischemia, Reperfusion and Angiogenesis - and Ruhr Flower Power

Traditionally, the Ischemia, Reperfusion and Angiogenesis core has always had a wider scientific theme guiding its choice of retreat venue. This year a medicinal plant focus was chosen. As an ice-breaker to kick off the event, the doctorates prepared short presentations on plant-derived agents used in medicine such as coumarine (Marcumar), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), caffeine, acetylsalicylic acid, cocaine, curcumin, digoxin, wild lowbush blueberry, trehalose, Crataegus pinnatifida, and oleic acid (olive oil).

The excellent external speaker, Dr. Sarah Starosta, has analyzed the connection between cancer and depression and found in her mouse model that inflammation can trigger depression. This is of course of great importance as there are many diseases that cause inflammation and are negatively associated with depression. The keynote lecture was followed by listening to and critically discussing the doctoral and expert presentations of research-in-progress. The retreat ended with a group excursion to the Ruhr University Bochum's botanical garden where some of the plants talked about earlier could be identified IRL.


18.10.2023 Scientific sketches and other highlights

During the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience core retreat in Düsseldorf, members presented their dissertation projects in the form of digital posters. However, before presenting their work, members had to introduce themselves to the group by using a digital "Bio Sketch" comprising of information about "Education" and "Skills", as well as an "About Me" section. Finally, each person had to explain "Why I am pursuing a PhD/MD".

The creativity regarding the bio-sketches was very inspiring and funny, while the presentations of the dissertation projects were very precise and informative, offering a lot of valuable feedback from students to students. After this intense exchange of scientific information, the psychologist Beatrix Stahlberger gave an impressive interactive keynote talk on the subject  "Emotional Intelligence - Personal + Social Competence" which was followed by a workshop and coaching session focusing on difficult situations young researchers may face during their doctorate thesis. The retreat ended with a networking get together where informal exchange was possible.

Annual Retreats 2023

Clinical Research
Venue: IMIBE, Cologne Haus, Zweigertstr. 37, 45147 Essen

Transplantation Medicine
Venue: Lunch: Robert-Koch-Haus, Roof Terrace (4th floor), Sessions: Lehr-Lern-Zentrum, LLZ, Room 1, Second Floor, Virchowstraße 163a, 45147 Essen

Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience
Venue: WhiteLoft ★ Düsseldorf, Ackerstraße 19, 40233 Düsseldorf

Ischaemia, Reperfusion and Angiogenesis
Venue: Veranstaltungszentrum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum, Room "Saal 4"

Cellular and Molecular Immunology/Infectious Diseases/Tumour and Signalling
Venue: DJH Köln-Riehl, An der Schanz 14, 50735 Köln