04.04.2024 | CentreThe Centre welcomes Elena Furlanetto and Hannes Krämer

The Centre for Global Cooperation Research is pleased to welcome two new fellows to its research community.

In her project titled “Northbound and Southbound: Underground Railroads in Comparison”, Elena Furlanetto focuses on border-crossings towards the free North and Mexico by enslaved individuals in 19th-century America, and situates itself at the intersection of literary studies, memory studies, and inter-american history.

Hannes Krämer's project "Borders of the future. The European external border as a place and mode of cooperation" asks about the future imaginations of external borders of the European Union (EU) at a time in which Europe's borders have become increasingly questionable in the face of profound and plural crises.

We look forward to an exciting collaboration and are keen to witness lively discussions with valuable new perspectives.