Batiste, Stephanie L. “Interview with Jeffrey Conrad Stewart, Author of The New Negro: The Life of Alain Locke,“ The Black Scholar, vol. 50, no. 1, 2020, pp. 10-36.
Batiste, Stephanie L. “Intellect, Art, Culture: Legacies of The New Negro; a Forum on Jeffrey Stewart's Biography of Alain Locke,“ The Black Scholar, vol. 50, no. 1, 2020, pp. 4-9.
Batiste, Stephanie L. “Introduction, Black Performance I: Subject and Method.” The Black Scholar, vol. 49, no. 3, 2019, pp. 1-5 (special issue).
Batiste, Stephanie L., Mary Anne Boelcskevy, and Shireen K. Lewis. “Interview with John Jennings.” The Black Scholar, vol. 48, no. 4, 2018, pp. 8-18.
Batiste, Stephanie L. “Intimate Visualities: Intimacy as Social Critique and Radical Possibility in Kyle Abraham and Carrie Schneider’s Dance Response Project’s I am Sold and Blood on the Leaves.” International Journal of Screen Dance, vol. 9, 2018, pp. 9-28.
Batiste, Stephanie L. “My’s Silent Scream: Memory, Traumatic Time, and the Embodiment of the Black Surreal in Rickerby Hinds’s Dreamscape.” The New Centennial Review, 2018, pp. 117-155.
Borosch, Juliane. “Detroit: Become Human - Orientational Mapping in City and (Hi)Story.” Video Games and Spatiality in American Studies, edited by Dietmar Meinel. De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 153-166.
Borosch, Juliane.: “Relight my Fire. Industrieerbestätten in altem und neuem Licht“, KWI-BLOG, 13.07.2022, DOI: .
Buchenau, Barbara. “Cain’s Land, or Troping Indigenous Agriculture.” The Routledge Companion to Inter-American Studies, edited by Wilfried Raussert, Routledge, 2017, pp. 283–95.
Buchenau, Barbara. “Inventing Iroquoia? Migrating Tropes of Similarity and Heritage in Francophone Narratives of Colonial Possession.” FIAR: Forum for Inter-American Research, vol.4, no.2, 2011,
Buchenau, Barbara, and Jens Martin Gurr. “On the Textuality of American Cities and their Others: A Disputation.” Projecting American Studies: Essays on Theory, Method, and Practice, edited by Frank Kelleter and Alexander Starre, 1st ed., Winter, 2018, pp. 135–52.
Buchenau, Barbara, and Jens Martin Gurr. “City Scripts: Urban American Studies and the Conjunction of Textual Strategies and Spatial Processes.” Spaces—Communities—Representations: Urban Transformations in the U.S.A, edited by Julia Sattler, transcript, 2016, pp. 395–420.
Buchenau, Barbara, et al. “Urbanität neu denken? Provokationen aus der nordamerikanischen Gegenwartskultur.” Neu gedacht und neu gemacht: Lehrideen aus der Universität Duisburg-Essen, edited by ZfH der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2015, pp. 54–60.
Buchenau, Barbara, and Elena Furlanetto. “Nation and Empire in Northern Atlantic History.“ Oxford Bibliographies in Atlantic History, edited by Trevor Burnard, New York University Press, 2019.
Buchenau, Barbara, and Julia Leyda, editors. Urban Catastrophe in Contemporary U.S. American Screen Culture. A Blog. 2014/15,
Buchenau, Barbara, and Virginia Richter, with Marijke Denger, editors. Post-Empire Imaginaries? Anglophone Literature, History, and the Demise of Empires. ASNEL Papers 19, Brill, 2015.
Buchenau, Barbara, et al. “Normative Programs and Artistic Liberties: Inter-American Case Studies in Historical Fiction and the Campaign for Cultural Emancipation.” Internationalität nationaler Literaturen, edited by Udo Schöning, Wallstein, 2000, pp. 348-89.
Butler, Martin, and Jens Martin Gurr. “Urbane Populärkultur als Bewertungspraxis und -ressource: Zum normativen Potential populärkultureller Inszenierung und zur diskur-siven Aneignung urbaner Räume.” Place-Making in urbanen Diskursen, edited by Beatrix Busse and Ingo Warnke, de Gruyter, 2014. pp. 369–84.
Butler, Martin, Jens Martin Gurr, and Olaf Kaltmeier, editors. EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas, Bilingual Press/ WVT, 2011.
Butler, Martin, Jens Martin Gurr, and Olaf Kaltmeier. “Introduction: On the Intersection between Urban Environments and Ethnic Identities in the Americasof 'America' in Norman M. Klein's Bleeding Through: Layers of Los Angeles 1920-1986.” EthniCities: Metropolitan Cultures and Ethnic Identities in the Americas, edited by Martin Butler et al., Bilingual Press/ WVT, 2011, pp. 1–11.
Caeners, Stefanie, Michael Eisinger, Jens Martin Gurr, and J. Alexander Schmidt, editors. Healthy and Liveable Cities: Gesunde und lebenswerte Städte. Ausgewählte Beiträge der Essener Tagung, avedition, 2013.
Caeners, Stefanie, Michael Eisinger, Jens Martin Gurr, and J. Alexander Schmidt. “Introduction / Einleitung.” Healthy and Liveable Cities. Ausgewählte Beiträge der Essener Tagung, edited by Caeners et al, avedition, 2013, pp. 6–13.
Deckers, Florian. “Exploring the Digital Land of the Dead: Hybrid Latinidad in Grim Fandango (1998).” Video Games and Spatiality in American Studies, edited by Dietmar Meinel. De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 193-205.
Deckers, Florian. “Graffiti im Ruhrgebiet. Zwischen öffentlicher Kunst und Gestaltungshoheit im städtischen Raum“, KWI-BLOG, 22.06.2022, DOI:
Freitag, Kornelia, editor. Recovery and Transgression: Memory in American Poetry, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015.
Freitag, Kornelia. “Down in the Treme: Televising Man-made Disaster in the New Millenium.” After the Storm: The Cultural Politics of Hurricane Katrina, edited by Simon Dickel and Evangelia Kindinger. transcript, 2015, pp. 61–78.
Freitag, Kornelia. “Transnational U.S. Literature: Manhattan Music by Meena Alexander.” Spaces—Communities—Representations: Urban Transformations in the U.S.A, edited by Julia Sattler, transcript, 2016, pp. 131–61.
Gassert, Philipp, and Michael Wala. Weltmacht USA, Reclam, 2013.
Grünzweig, Walter, translator and editor. Leaves of Grass. Grashalme. Zweisprachige Fassung der Erstausgabe von 1855. Mit einem Portrait Whitmans von Armin Mueller-Stahl. Aachen: Rimbaud, 2022.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Armin Mueller-Stahl: Porträts./Portraits.“ Frank Thomas Gaulin, editor. Jüdische Freunde. Schicksale, Weggefährten, Porträts. / Jewish Friends. Fates, Companians. Portraits. Berlin: Hatje Kantz, 2022, pp. 31-37.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Beyond Thalassophobia: On Robert Habeck, German Vice Chancellor & novelist-statesman.” The European Review of Books, Issue 1, June 2022, pp. 48-57.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Die Chartreuse am Dnjepr: Erotik und Rasse bei Sealsfield und Turgenew.“ Charles Sealsfield in Europa und den USA, edited by Wynfrid Kriegleder, and Alexander Ritter, Praesens, 2020, pp. 201-209.
Grünzweig, Walter et al., editors. Erzählen zum Überleben. Ein Fred Wander Handbuch, Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft, 2019.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Ein Traum, der nicht aufhört, uns zu verfolgen: Südfrankreich, Henry David Thoreau und die Wanders.“ Erzählen zum Überleben. Ein Fred Wander Handbuch, edited by Walter Grünzweig et al., Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft, 2019, pp. 217-225.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Saluting Lumbumba: The Global Whitman Network and Intermedia.“ Revisiting Walt Whitman On the Occasion of his 200th Birthday, edited by Winfried Herget, Peter Lang, 2019, pp. 81-94.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Salut au Monde!: Walt Whitmans weltliterarische Programmatik und sein globales Netzwerk.“ Vergleichende Weltliteraturen / Comparative World Literatures, edited by Dieter Lamping, and Galin Tihanov, Metzler, 2019, pp. 163-182.
Grünzweig, Walter. “Parasitic Simulacrum: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Richard Florida, and the Urban 'Creative Class'.” Spaces—Communities—Representations: Urban Transformations in the U.S.A, edited by Julia Sattler, transcript, 2016, pp. 81–99.
Grünzweig, Walter, editor. The United States in Global Contexts: American Studies after 9/11 and Iraq, Lit, 2004.
Grünzweig, Walter, and Andreas Solbach, editors. Grenzüberschreitungen: Narratologie im Kontext / Transcending Boundaries: Narratology in Context, Gunter Narr Verlag, 1999.
Grünzweig, Walter, and Julia Sattler. “Radikale Interdisziplinärität - Raumplanung und Amerikanistik auf der Suche nach einer gemeinsamen Sprache.“ 50 Jahre Dortmunder Raumplanung, edited by Dietwald Grueh et al., jovis, 2019, pp. 297-99.
Gunzenhäuser, Randi. “Die amerikanischen digitalen Medien: Cybertheorien und Computerspiele.” Visuelle Kulturen der USA. Zur Geschichte von Malerei, Fotografie, Film, Fernsehen und Neuen Medien in Amerika, edited by Christof Decker, transcript, 2010, pp. 301–58.
Gunzenhäuser, Randi. Automaten — Roboter — Cyborgs: Körperkonzepte im Wandel. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006.
Gunzenhäuser, Randi. “Nervous Sounds: Auditive Aspects in American City Texts.” Izvestiya Juzhnogo Federalnogo Universiteta vol. 3, 2009, pp. 8–23.
Gurr, Jens Martin, Rolf Parr, Dennis Hardt, editors. Metropolitan Research: Methods and Approaches. transcript, 2022 [open access:].
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman (1759–1767).” Handbook of the British Novel in the Long Eighteenth Century. Ed. Katrin Berndt and Alessa Johns. De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 311-326.
Gurr, Jens Martin and Ursula Kluwick, editors. "Literature and...:Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity", special issue of Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies, vol. 32, no. 3, 2021. Open Access here .
Gurr, Jens Martin and Rolf Parr, editors. "Media, Memory and the City", special setion of andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies 9/10, 2020,2021, pp. 183-280.
Gurr, Jens Martin and Rolf Parr. "Introduction: Media, Memory and the City." andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies 9/10, 2020,2021, pp. 185-187.
Gurr, Jens Martin and Ursula Kluwick. "Literature and...? Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity: Introduction", in: Gurr, Jens Martin and Urusla Kluwick, editors. "Literature and...? Perspectives on Interdisciplinarity", Special Issue of Anglsitik: International Journal of English Studies, vol. 32, no. 3, 2021, pp.5-18. Open Access here.
Gurr, Jens Martin. Charting Literary Urban Studies: Texts as Models of and for Urban Development. Routledge, 2020.
Gurr, Jens Martin. Review of Hidden Topographies: Traces of Urban Reality in Dystopian Fiction, by Raphael Zähringer, Anglistik, vol. 31, no. 2, 2020, pp. 174-176.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Percy Bysshe Shelley und der politische Diskurs um 1820.“ Politisches Denken in der britischen Romantik, edited by Jürgen Kamm, Nomos, 2019, pp. 171-85.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Literature, Transparency, Ideology: Functions of Literature in Negotiating Transparency.“ Contested Transparencies, Social Movements and the Public Sphere: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives, edited by Stefan Berger, and Dimitri Owetschkin, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 69-95.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Texte als 'Modelle von' und 'Modelle für' Stadt: Zur narrativen Modellierung von Urbanität und urbaner Komplexität.” Zeitschrift für ästhetische Bildung, vol. 2, 2019 (special issue “Modell“).
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Critical Urban Studies and/in 'Right to the City' Movements: The Politics of Form in Activist Cultural Production.” Resistance and the City: Challenging Urban Space, edited by Christoph Ehland and Pascal Fischer, Brill Rodopi, 2018, pp. 181–98.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Urban Romanticism.” Handbook of British Romanticism, edited by Ralf Haekel, De Gruyter, 2017, pp. 88–103.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “"All those who knew the term 'gentrification' are part of the problem": Self-Reflexivity in Urban Activism and Cultural Production.” Resistance: Subjects, Representations, Contexts, edited by Martin Butler et al., transcript, 2017, pp. 117–33.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Zur literarischen Modellierung von Urbanität und urbaner Komplexität: Literaturwissenschaft im Kontext disziplinenübergreifender Stadtforschung.” Urbanität: Formen der Inszenierung in Texten, Karten, Bildern, edited by Martina Stercken and Ute Schneider, Böhlau, 2016, pp. 193–208.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “The Modernist Poetics of Urban Memory and the Structural Analogies between 'City' and 'Text': The Waste Land and Benjamin's Arcades Project.” Recovery and Transgression: Memory in American Poetry, edited by Kornelia Freitag, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015, pp. 21–37.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Das Ruhrgebiet als Herausforderung für Kategorien und Ansätze der Stadtforschung.” Dérive: Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung, vol. 58, no. 1, 2015, pp. 23–26.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Die Komplexität der Stadt erzählen: Die Untersuchung literarischer Modellierung urbaner Komplexität im Kontext disziplinenübergreifender Stadtforschung.” Metropolen: Politik - Kultur - Imagination, edited by Susanna Gaidolfi et al., Königshausen & Neumann, 2014, pp. 99–129.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “'Urban Complexity' from a Literary and Cultural Studies Perspective: Key Cultural Dimensions and the Challenges of 'Modeling'.” Understanding Complex Urban Systems. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Modeling, edited by Christian Walloth et al, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 133–150.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “By Way of Introduction: Towards Urban Romantic Studies.” Romantic Cityscapes: Selected Papers from the Essen Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism, edited by Jens Martin Gurr and Berit Michel, WVT, 2013, pp. 7–18.
Gurr, Jens Martin. "Introduction." Cityscapes in the Americas and Beyond. Representations of Urban Complexity in Literature and Film, edited by Jens Martin Gurr and Wilfried Raussert, Bilingual Press/ WVT, 2011, pp. 1–9.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “The Literary Representation of Urban Complexity and the Problem of Simultaneity: A Sketchy Inventory of Strategies.” Cityscapes in the Americas and Beyond. Representations of Urban Complexity in Literature and Film, edited by Jens Martin Gurr and Wilfried Raussert, Bilingual Press/ WVT, 2011, pp. 11–36.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “'Urbane Systeme', die Geisteswissenschaften und die Metropole Ruhr: Interdisziplinäre Metropolenforschung vor der Haustür und in aller Welt.” UNIKATE, vol. 38, no. 1, 2010, pp. 8–17.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Urbanity, Urban Culture and the European Metropolis.” Britannien und Europa: Studien zur Literatur-, Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte; Festschrift für Jürgen Klein, edited by Michael Szczekalla, Lang, 2010, pp. 241–55.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “On the 'Cultural Dimension of Sustainability' in Urban Systems: Urban Cultures as Ecological 'Force-Fields' in Processes of Sustainable Development.” Generative Process, Patterns, and the Urban Challenge: Fall 2011 International PUARL Conference, edited by Hansjoachim Neis et al., PUARL Press, 2012, pp. 77–86.
Gurr, Jens Martin. “Against the 'Erasure of Memory' in Los Angeles City Planning: Strategies of Re-Ethnicizing L.A. in Digital Fiction.” Selling EthniCity: Urban cultural politics in the Americas, edited by Olaf Kaltmeier, Ashgate, 2011, pp. 145–63.
Gurr, Jens Martin, and Martin Butler. “On the 'Cultural Dimension of Sustainability' in Urban Systems: Urban Cultures as Ecological 'Force-Fields' in Processes of Sustainable Development Healthy and Liveable Cities. Ausgewählte Beiträge der Essener Tagung, edited by Caeners et al, avedition, 2013, pp. 138–51.
Gurr, Jens Martin, and Wilfried Raussert, editors. Cityscapes in the Americas and Beyond. Representations of Urban Complexity in Literature and Film, Bilingual Press/ WVT, 2011.
Gurr, Jens Martin, and Ute Schneider. “Strategien zur Bewältigung urbaner Komplexität: Zum Zusammenwirken visueller, verbaler und quantitativer Modelle.” Komplexität und Einfachheit: DFG-Symposion 2015, edited by Albrecht Koschorke, J.B. Metzler Verlag, 2017, pp. 256–75.
Gurr, Jens Martin, and Christian Walloth. “Introduction: Towards a Transdisciplinary Understanding of Complex Urban Systems.” Understanding Complex Urban Systems. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Modeling, edited by Christian Walloth et al, Springer International Publishing, 2014, pp. 1–12.
Haefs, Elisabeth. “#GAMEüse: Planting the Digital Garden.” Video Games and Spatiality in American Studies, edited by Dietmar Meinel. De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 241-252.
Haefs, Elisabeth. “‘Another World Is Plantable’: Community Gardening and Urban Planning.” Utopia, Ideology and Equity in Urban Texts: Fair and Unfair Cities. Eds. Mariano Paz and Michael G. Kelly. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, pp. 135-156.
Haefs, Elisabeth. Cultivation Builds Community: Narrative in Urban Planning for Community Gardens. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2024.
Kaltmeier, Olaf, Sebastian Thies, and Josef Raab, editors. The New Dynamics of Identity Politics in the Americas: Multiculturalism and Beyond, Routledge, 2014.
Katzenberg, Chris. "Alltäglich vertraut und doch leicht zu übersehen. Cornelia Wimmers „Dortmunder Schulhöfe“ zwischen Bildungs- und Stadtraum." KWI-BLOG, 01.06.2022, DOI: .
Katzenberg, Chris. "Elijah Anderson's 'Iconic Ghetto' as Transatlantic Template? Problematic Traveling Imaginaries, Future Scripts, and Postindustrial Ruhr Cities:" Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies, vol.21, no.1, 2020, pp. 43-68.
Katzenberg, Chris. Review of Urban Walking: The Flâneur as an Icon of Metropolitan Culture in Literature and Film, by Oliver Book and Isabel Vila-Cabanese, editors. Anglistik, vol. 31, no. 3, 2020, pp.239-241.
Krickl, Johannes Maria. "Duisburg im Transit der Warenlogistik. Andreas Langfelds „Kohleninsel“ und die Verflüchtigung des Ruhrgebiets". KWI-BLOG, 15.06.2022, DOI: .
Mattheis, Lena and Jens Martin Gurr. "'Routine' versus 'Event': Media, Memory and the City in B.S. Johnson's The Unfortunates." Special section of andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies 9/10, 2020, 2021, pp. 203-216.
Mattheis, Lena and Jens Martin Gurr. "Superpositions: A Typology of Spatiotemporal Laverings in Buried Cities." Literary Geographies, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021, pp. 5-22. (Special Issue Buried Cities) URL:
Moebus, Susanne, Minh-Chau Tran, and Jens Martin Gurr. “Healthy and Liveable Cities: Gebaute Umwelt, Wahrnehmungsmuster räumlicher Bedingungen und Gesundheit in Metropolregionen - Beispiel Ruhrgebiet.” Forschen und Lehren mit der Gesellschaft: Community Based Research und Service Learning an Hochschulen, edited by Karsten Altenschmidt and Wolfgang Stark, Springer, 2016, pp. 121–37.
Raab, Josef. “Barrio Spaces as Alter-Narratives: Louis J. Rodriguez's 'Always Running' and 'The Republic of East L.A.'.” Spaces—Communities—Representations: Urban Transformations in the U.S.A, edited by Julia Sattler, transcript, 2016, pp. 163–186.
Raab, Josef. “From Spic to Spice: Latinas and Latinos on U.S. Television.” New World Colors: Ethnicity, Belonging, and Difference in the Americas, edited by Josef Raab, Bilingual Press/WTV, 2014, pp. 49–116.
Raab, Josef. “Introduction: Contested Americas.” New World Colors: Ethnicity, Belonging, and Difference in the Americas, edited by Josef Raab, Bilingual Press/WTV, 2014, pp. 1–32.
Raab, Josef, Sebastian Thies, and Daniela Noll-Opitz, editors. Screening the Americas: Narration of Nation in Documentary Film / Narración de la nacion en el cine documental. Bilingual Press/WTV, 2011.
Rodewald, Hanna. “Creative frontiers: Germany's Ruhr area as a space of polyrational possibility, “ The Complex City: Social and Built Approaches and Methods. Edited by Caroline Donnellan, Vernon Press, 2022, pp. 49-62.
Sattler, Julia. “Comparisons,” in: Metropolitan Research: Methods and Approaches, edited by Jens Martin Gurr, Rolf Parr and Dennis Hardt, transcript, 2022, pp. 315-324 [open access:].
Sattler, Julia. “Storytelling,” in: Metropolitan Research: Methods and Approaches. transcript, 2022, pp. 274-286 [open access:].
Sattler, Julia. “Narrative Analysis,” in: Metropolitan Research: Methods and Approaches. transcript, 2022, pp. 287-295 [open access:].
Sattler, Julia. "Verbindungslinien", KWI-BLOG, 08.06.2022, DOI: .
Sattler, Julia. “City of Conscience: Fragments, Empty Spaces, and the Psychogeography of Detroit,” in: Andererseits – Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies, edited by William Collins Donahue, Georg Mein, Rolf Parr, Transcript, 2021, pp. 188-201.
Sattler, Julia. “Formerly Industrial: Re-inventing the Two Rust Belts.” Reclaiming Public Space through Intercultural Dialogue, edited by Christa Reicher, Fabio Bayro Kaiser, Maram Tawil, Karin Bäumer, Jan Polívka, and Janset Shawash, LIT Verlag, 2020, pp. 201-221.
Sattler, Julia. “’Hot Hot Heat:’ The U.S. South in Benedict Andrews’s production of A Streetcar Named Desire.” Ex-Centric Souths: Re-imagining Southern Centres and Peripheries on Page and Screen, edited by Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis, Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, 2020, pp. 97-114.
Sattler, Julia, editor. Spaces—Communities—Representations: Urban Transformations in the U.S.A, transcript, 2016.
Sulimma, Maria. “Surviving the City: Zombies, Run! and the Horrors of Urban Exercise.” Video Games and Spatiality in American Studies, edited by Dietmar Meinel. De Gruyter, 2022, pp. 223-240.
Sulimma, Maria. “Wieviel Hitze verträgt ein Trinkwasserspender? Zur gegenderter Kanonbildung, Legitimität und einer kritischen Sphäre des Fernsehens.“ Realität in Serie: Realitätsbehauptungen und -effekte in Fernsehserien. edited by Katja Kanzler, Stefan Schubert, and Sophie Spieler, Springer VS, 2022. pp. 105-127.
Sulimma, Maria. “Needs to Be More Explicit about the Methodologies…: Reluctance, Collaboration, and Vulnerability in Research Processes.” “Method as Practice,” edited by Ilka Brasch and Alexander Starre, Amerikastudien / American Studies, vol. 67, no. 1, 2022, pp. 5-34.
Sulimma, Maria. “Trinkhallen Photography: The Many Visual Lives of the Ruhr Region’s Neighborhood Institution.” KWI-Blog, 06.07.2022, DOI:
Sulimma. Maria. “Sorting through Feminist Cabinets with Clare Hemmings’s Why Stories Matter (2011).” Culture^2: Theorizing Theory for the Twenty-First Century, Vol. 1, edited by Frank Kelleter and Alexander Starre, transcript, 2022, pp. 127-142. Open Access here.
Sulimma, Maria. “The Plane, the City, the Chase: Killing Eve and European Aviation Culture.” Dossier “Contemporary US Television and/in the Banal Anthropocene.” Eds. Diane Negra and Julia Leyda. Screen 62.1 (2021): 107-115.
Sulimma, Maria: Gender and Seriality: Practices and Politics of Contemporary US Television, Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
Sulimma, Maria: “Scripting Urbanity through Intertextuality and Consumerism in N.K. Jemisin's The City We Became: ’I'm Really Going to Have to Watch Some Better Movies about New York’.“ Critique. Studies in Contemporary Fiction, 2021. Available online here.
Sulimma, Maria. “'Sir, she can hear you': The Mute White Woman as Cinematic Meditation on Gender, Communication, and Heterosexual Romance.“ American Counter/Publics, edited by Ulla Haselstein, Frank Kelleter, Alexander Starre, and Birte Wege, Winter, 2020, pp. 325-41.
Sulimma, Maria. “Defined by Distance: The Roadtrip and Queer Love in Alice Isn't Dead.” of Genderforum, no. 77, 2020, pp. 69-89 (special issue “Feminism, Gender, and Podcast Studies“). Available online here.
Wala, Michael, and Benjamin Carter Hett. John Otto. Patriot oder Verräter: Eine deutsche Biographie, Rowohlt, 2019.
Wala, Michael. “'Federal City,' 'Federal Town,' 'Washingtonople.': Washington, D.C., and the Transformation of a National Capital.” Spaces—Communities—Representations: Urban Transformations in the U.S.A, edited by Julia Sattler, transcript, 2016, pp. 29–42.
Wala, Michael. “Europäisierung Amerikas – Amerikanisierung Europas: Bilder und Selbstbilder in den europäisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen.” Bilder von Europa: Innen- und Außenansichten von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart, edited by Benjamin Drechsel et al, transcript, 2010, pp. 213–26.
Walloth, Christian, Jens Martin Gurr, and J. Alexander Schmidt, editors. Understanding Complex Urban Systems: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Modeling, Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Weidner, Timo, Rückl, Hanna, Stöckmann, Martin, Bongers, Anna, Schäfer, Sabrina, and Katzenberg, Chris. “Digital Futures in Research and American Studies: The 2018 Postgraduate Forum.“ Editorial. Special Issue on the 2018 Postgraduate Forum, Current Objectives in Postgraduate American Studies, vol 20, no. 1, 2019, pp. 1-5.
Weidner, Timo, Rückl, Hanna, Stöckmann, Martin, Bongers, Anna, Schäfer, Sabrina, and Katzenberg, Chris, editors. Special Issue on the 2018 Postgraduate Forum, Current Objectives in Postgraduate American Studies, vol 20, no. 1, 2019.
(Under review):
Ameel, Lieven. “Redemptive Scripts in the City Novel.” City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Borosch, Juliane. “Changing the Metonymy: Michigan Central Station and the Face of Detroit.” U.S. American Culture as Popular Culture, edited by Astrid Böger and Florian Sedlmeier. American Studies Monograph Series. Universitätsverlag Winter, expected 2022.
Borosch, Juliane, and Barbara Buchenau. “Walking down Woodward – (Re-)Telling a City’s Stories through Urban Figures.” City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Deckers, Florian, and Renee M. Moreno. “Black Lives Matter Graffiti and Creative Forms of Dissent: Two Sites of Counterscripting in Denver, Colorado.” City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Eckstein, Barbara, and James A. Throgmorton. “Forms, Frames, and Possible Futures.” City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Gurr, Jens Martin. "Palimpsest? Superposition? Layered Postindustrial Sites and their Literary Representation: The Case of Bochum's Mark 51°7 (a.k.a. 'the Opel Site')." Layers of the Urban, edited by Iuditha Balint, Jana Golombek and Tanja Nusser. Fink, expected 2021.
Gurr, Jens Martin. "Palimpsest". Routledge Companion to Literary Urban Studies, edited by Lieven Ameel, Routledge, expected 2021.
Haefs, Elisabeth. “‘Long ago, deep in space’: Narrating Gravitational Waves.” Narrative, Cognition and Science. Eds. Michael Sinding, Aura Heydenreich, and Klaus Mecke. ELINAS Series. De Gruyter. Expected 2024.
Haefs, Elisabeth, and Jens Martin Gurr. “Narrative Path Dependencies in Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Planning: Portland’s Albina Neighborhoods.“ City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Katzenberg, Chris, and Kornelia Freitag. “Scripting the Inclusive City, Narrating the Self: Contemporary Rust Belt Memoirs in Poetry and Prose.“ City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Krickl, Johannes Maria, and Michael Wala. “Patterned Pasts and Scripted Futures: Cleveland’s Waterfronts and Hopes of Changing the Narrative.“ City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Rodewald, Hanna, and Walter Grünzweig. “The Creative Democracy: A Critique of Concepts of Creativity in Contemporary Urban Discourse.“ City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Sattler, Julia. “’Rather than invent a world, I want a different means to understand this one’: Jena Osman’s Conjugations of Capitalist Crisis.” Currently under peer review for publication in Amerikastudien, Special Issue: Capitalist Crisis Poetry: Neoliberalism and the 21st Century Lyric (forthcoming 2023).
Sattler, Julia. “Whose Detroit? – Fictions of Land Ownership and Property in Postindustrial America.” City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Sulimma, Maria. “Dilemma as Technique: Gentrifier-Protagonists in Sarah Schulman’s Maggie Terry and Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation.” Special Issue of English Studies, edited by James Peacock. In preparation.
Sulimma, Maria. “Recursive Cities: Seriality and Literary Urban Studies.” Companion of Literary Urban Studies, edited by Lieven Ameel, Routledge. In preparation.
Sulimma, Maria. “To the Bodega or the Café? – Contemporary Fiction’s Microscripts of Gentrification.” City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
Wood, Katharina, and Randi Gunzenhäuser. “Architecture and Narrative: Is Tiny Best? Scripting Minimal Urban Living Spaces.” City Scripts: Narratives of Postindustrial Urban Futures. Eds. Barbara Buchenau, Jens Martin Gurr, and Maria Sulimma. Ohio State University Press. Expected 2023.
(If you are a journalist preparing work related to the areas of urban studies and urban planning, do not hesitate to contact the members of the City Scripts Research Group. You may contact individual researchers directly or send an email to
23.10.2020: For the German radio station Deutschlandfunk, Walter Grünzweig was interviewed regarding the second Trump-Biden debate. (Audio: Link | Print: Link)