About the portal

Current information about the video shooting

Due to the Corona pandemic the current video shooting was interrupted. Further video material will be added soon.


General information about the video material

When working with teaching cases, the presentation of profession-relevant requirements and conceptual knowledge in the teaching profession is seen as crucial for professional competence acquisition. Instructional videos approximate the actual professional demands of teachers and can provide empirical access for novices (Seidel & Thiel, 2017).
In order to generate authentic video material, scripts were created based on school observations and real classroom recordings. The Linz concept of classroom management according to Lenske and Mayr (2015) served as a theoretical basis here. Classes were staged within theater or drama groups, so that video material could be created that was harmless in terms of data protection. The fit of the class leadership categories and strategies as well as the degree of authenticity was evaluated during the process by experts in class leadership and, if necessary, optimized on the basis of the evaluations. The resulting raw material was then technically processed and edited into video vignettes.Since the winter semester 2017/2018, the video vignettes have been used in teaching at the University of Duisburg-Essen in the Bachelor's and Master's programs. Since then, different comparative studies on the effectiveness of the video vignettes have been conducted. The results show that the video vignettes in connection with the teaching-learning concept prove to be effective for learning and, moreover, are perceived by the majority of participants as authentic.


Purpose of the video portal

The CLIPSS video portal has been developed especially for initial, in-service, and continuing teacher education and is thus available to anyone who is interested (i.e., teachers, lecturers, school administrators, etc.). In addition, researchers are invited to get an overview of the material developed in the CLIPSS project and to use it in their own research projects. Those interested in the teaching profession are also invited to use the portal to gain insights into selected challenges of the teaching profession.



Kounin, J. S. (1970). Discipline and group management in classrooms. Oxford, England: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. 
Kounin, J. S. (2006). Techniken der Klassenführung. Standardwerke aus Psychologie und Pädagogik Reprints: Vol. 3. Münster, New York, München, Berlin: Waxmann.
Lenske, G., & Mayr, J. (2015). Das Linzer Konzept der Klassenführung (LKK). Grundlagen, Prinzipien und Umsetzung in der Lehrerbildung. Jahrbuch Für Allgemeine Didaktik, 1–14.
Seidel, T., & Thiel, F. (2017). Standards und Trends der videobasierten Lehr-Lernforschung. Zeitschrift Für Erziehungswissenschaft, 20(S1), 1–21.