Client Installation

Client installation

To access a virtual desktop, you need an Internet connection and the installation of the free VMware Horizon View Client. You can download the appropriate client for your operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux) free of charge on the VMWare page or you can obtain it from Tablet PCs and smartphones in the respective App Store (iTunes Store, Google Play Store etc.) under the search term "Horizon View Client".

After installation you will find the following (or similar) shortcut on your desktop


​Open the application and add the servers for connections outside the university network and for connections inside the university network.

Konfigurationsanleitung-add Server

In order to establish a connection, please select the currently suitable server by double-clicking on it and enter your ZIM-Account and the corresponding password in the appearing window:


A window will appear displaying the virtual desktops you have shared. You can select one of them by double-clicking on it.


By default, all available monitors in the full screen are used, but this can be adjusted via the settings:



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