About Ous

Structure and history


The term CViS and the associated website is the logical parenthesis to describe a very successful cross-faculty cooperation in the area of desktop virtualization with vmWare Horizon View, which has been practiced for many years.
This parenthesis/brand is intended to simplify both internal university communication and communication with external partners. For example, information for users will be simplified (central point with up-to-date information), and joint successes will be presented more easily in publications.


  • 2009: The IT Service Center (ITSC) of the Faculty of Economics is a pioneer in the field of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure at German universities and provides up to 400 VMs for software-supported teaching/learning.
  • 2012: Faculty of Biology wants to introduce VMs. Research for existing experiences at the UDE brings the contact to the ITSC. This results in cooperation in the form of a cluster within the ITSC infrastructure.
  • The implementation is successful and very fast
  • 2014: The Department of Construction Sciences (Faculty of Engineering) plans to introduce VDI to improve the service for students, research and teaching. The Rectorate provides funds (ZLV 14-17)
  • 2015: Decision to establish two new VDI clusters together
  • 2016: Decision to lead the cooperation under the name CViS = Competence Cluster Virtual Systems
  • 2016: Commissioning of the new VDI cluster, start of VDI implementation in the construction sciences department.
  • 2020: CVIS provides ressources for a university wide used BigBlueButton cluster to cope with the corona crisis.
  • 20.02.2018 - 16:56:02

    CVIS / Uni-DuE auf der vmWorld vorgestellt

    Die Arbeit des CViS wurde auf der vmWorld (Hausmesse von vmWare) in Barcelona vorgestellt und positiv aufgenommen.
    Es wurde davon ein Video erstellt und sowohl in LanLine als auch der Computerwoche berichtet.
  • 11.01.2018 - 18:26:01

    Artikel in der IT-ZOOM

    Die Veränderungen in der IT-Landschaft und enstehenden Möglichkeiten werden in der Fachzeitschrift "IT-ZOOM" am Beispiel …
  • 10.11.2022 - 21:23:11

    Ausfälle & Einschränkungen

    Von dem Router-Ausfall im ZIM ist leider auch unsere Anbindung in der Schützenbahn betroffen.
    Die Dienste sind daher …
  • 25.10.2022 - 09:56:10

    Normal Operation

    No know outages. / Keine bekannte Ausfälle