Publications 2002
Beckhaus, P.; Heinzel, A.; Jungsbluth, J.; Krost, G.; Mathiak, J. & Roes, J.
Energiesysteme mit Brennstoffzellen von der Simulation bis zum Monitoring
Deutscher Wasserstoff-Energietag, Nov. 2002, Essen
Pudlo, G.; Tenbohlen, S.; Linders, M. & Krost, G.
Integration of Power Transformer Monitoring and Overload Calculation into the Power System Control Surface
IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference Asia Pacific, Oct. 2002, Yokohama, Japan
Stamtsis, G.C.; Christiansen, J. & Erlich, I.
Evaluation of Power Power System Congestions Using Nodal Price Analysis
MEPS Conference, Sep. 2002, Wroclaw, Poland PDF
Cai, L. & Erlich, I.
Fuzzy Coordination of FACTS Controllers for Damping Power System Oscillations
MEPS Conference, Sep. 2002, Wroclaw, Poland PDF
Erlich, I. & Koch, F.
Dynamische Wechselwirkung zwischen Windparks und elektrischem Verbundnetz
Energiewirtschaft, 2002 Vol. 20 pp. 60 - 65
Papazoglou, Th.M.and Krost, G.
On Continuing Education of Power Engineers (Potential Role of CIGRE)
CIGRE EPEE Forum, 2002, Paris, France
Schnurr, N.; Bachmann, U.; Erlich, I., & et al.
Possibilities of Multifunctional FACTS Application in the European Electric Power System under Changing Conditions of the Liberalized Electricity Market
CIGRE Session, Aug. 2002, Paris, France PDF
Erlich, I. & Bachmann, U.
Dynamic Behavior of variable Speed Pump Storage Units in the German Electric Power System
Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, July 2002, Barcelona, Spain PDF
Beckhaus, P.; Buchholz, G.; Graw, A.; Krost, G. & Matics, J.
Solar Hydrogen Based Energy Supply for Residential Area
World Renewable Energy Congress, July 2002 PDF
Erlich, I. & Fischer, A.
Fast Assessment of Small-Signal Oscillatory Stability in Large Interconnected Power Systems
Balkan Power Conference BPC, June 2002, Belgrade, Yugoslavia PDF
Kasztel, Z.; Erlich, I. & Schegner, P.
Enhanced modal based Technique for Construction of Power System Dynamic Equivalents
Power System Computation Conference, June 2002, Sevilla, Spain PDF
Teeuwsen, S.P.; Erlich, I. & El-Sharkawi, M.A.
Feature Reduction for Neural Network based Small-Signal Stability Assessment
PSCC, June
Krost, G. & Bakare, G.A.
Removal of Overloads and Voltage Problems in Electric Power Systems Using Genetic Algorithm and Knowledge Base
IEE International Conference on Power System Management and Control, April 2002, pp. 53 - 58 London, UK
Linders, M.; Krost, G. & Rumpel, D.
Advanced Operational Views on the Power System and its Components
IEE International Conference on Power System Management and Control, April 2002, pp. 186 - 191 London, UK
Stamtsis, G.C.
Power System Congestions' Evaluation in Pool Market
Dresdner Kreis, März 2002, Werningerode PDF
Teeuwsen, S.P.
Feature Selection for Small-Signal Stability Assessment
Dresdner Kreis, März 2002, Werningerode. PDF
Tenbohlen, S.; Pudlo, G.; Krost, G. & Linders, M.
Berechnung der Überlastbarkeit von Transformatoren in Energieversorgungsnetzen mit Monitoringsystemen
VDE-ETG Fachtagung Diagnostik elektrischer Betriebsmittel, Feb. 2002, Berlin
Krost, G. & Beckhaus, P.
Kraftwerk im Keller - Brennstoffzellen eröffnen kurze Wege in der Energieversorgung
Forum Forschung Forschungsmagazin der Gerhard-Mercator-Universität, Jan. 2002, pp. 81 - 84