Final Theses
Some information concerning doing a Bachelor or Master thesis with us can be found at We do not usually supervise external/industry theses. Topics for Bachelor candidates will typically be based on contents of the course Programming Paradigms. Theses based solely on the course Modellierung (first year lecture for Computer Science students) are not normally possible, at least very good knowledge of formal logic would be required additionally. Thesis work will usually involve programming in Haskell and/or formal modelling in Alloy.
Some recent and current topics of Bachelor theses (unfortunately, this page is not always updated immediately – so some topics listed as "open" might actually already be "reserved" or "in progress"; also, our supervision bandwidth is limited):
- Flexibilised Exercise Tasks for E-Learning in Logic [reserved]
- Generation of Exercise Tasks on the Semantics of Predicate Logic [open]
- Generation of Exercise Tasks on Haskell-to-Prolog Translation [reserved]
- Generation of Variant-Rich Exercise Tasks on Petri Nets [reserved]
- A Tool for Exploring the Connection between UML Activity Diagrams and Petri Nets [reserved]
- Automatic Code Generation from UML State Diagrams for Teaching [in progress]
- Mining for Term Signatures in Practical Libraries [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Generation of Free Form/Text Tasks in Autotool [finished - second examiner PD Dr. Michael Striewe]
- A Tool for Exploring UML State Diagrams [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Generation of Exercise Tasks on UML State Diagram [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Generating Exercise Tasks on Predicate Logic [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Generation of multi-level models via Haskell [finished - second examiner Prof. Ulrich Frank]
- Generating Exercise Tasks on the Syntax of Logic Formulas [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Generating UML Activity Diagrams for Exercise Tasks [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Formalization of UML State Diagrams in Alloy [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Parametrized configuration of Haskell exercise tasks [finished - second examiner Prof. Jens Krüger], an article on this was presented at ABP 2023
- Structural checking and generation of mathematical representations of UML state diagram [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- A Tool for Mutation Testing of Prolog Exercise Tasks [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König], an article on this was presented at WLP 2022
- Automatic Generation of Exercise Tasks on Operations and Terms [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Modelling and Visualizing UML State Diagrams in Haskell [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Criteria-guided generation of exercise tasks on propositional logic [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König]
- Analysis of Exercise Tasks on Petri Net Concepts [finished - second examiner Prof. Ulrich Hoppe]
- Automatic Generation of Exercise Tasks on Petri net concepts using Alloy [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König], an article on this was presented at MoHoL 2022
- Exploring Petri net concepts through formalization in Alloy [finished - second examiner Prof. Barbara König], an article on this was presented at MoHoL 2022
- Exercise task generation for UML class/object diagrams, via Alloy model instance finding [finished - second examiner Prof. Maritta Heisel], an article on this was presented at SACLA 2019
Other open topics potentially on request. Please state your specific interests, what previous knowledge you have from lectures, etc.
Student developed code from previous theses has flowed into several of our public GitHub repositories, as well as into the general Autotool repository.
More information on our eLearning activities can be found here.