Project Information

Continuous world of work reporting: the reporting systems Sozialpolitik Aktuell (Current social policy) and Übergänge in der späten Erwerbsphase (Transitions in the late working phase)

Background and questions

The diverse, sometimes disruptive and often confusing changes in the world of work pose great challenges for all those involved. Timely, well-chosen and scientifically comprehensible information is essential for the work of co-determination actors and political decision-makers alike.

Over the past years, the IAQ has established two proven and widely-requested information systems: The information portal Sozialpolitik aktuell (Current Social Policy) and the Altersübergangsmonitor (Old Age Transition Monitor). The information portal "Sozialpolitik aktuell" has been online since 2000 and is one of the most frequently visited scientific/political portals in Germany. It brings together publicly accessible sources for sociopolitical discussion and reports continuously on empirical developments and sociopolitical discussions. The portal currently covers 11 social policy topics. The Old Age Transition Monitor, which has been established in the IAQ since 2003, focuses on complex analyses of the transition from employment to retirement and related topics (e.g., age-related unemployment, reduction in earning capacity, labour market policy). The results are published as "Old Age Transition Reports" for download.

Both reporting systems will be continued in the long term. For this purpose, co-financing by the Hans Böckler Foundation and IAQ’s own funds has been agreed for the period from mid-2018 to mid-2026. During this period the portal "Sozialpolitik aktuell" will be maintained on the basis of its proven offerings and further developed in cooperation with the HBS. The Old Age Transition Monitor is to be redesigned into a reporting system "Transitions in the late working phase". It is planned to produce reports that continue previous reports on age transition, report on new topics and present current research findings.


A characteristic feature of "Sozialpolitik aktuell" is that it collects and brings together publicly accessible sources for sociopolitical discussion. In this way, an information offer is created with which interested users can obtain a quick overview. Furthermore, "Sozialpolitik aktuell" evaluates selected public statistics and provides descriptive and commented information graphics. "Sozialpolitik aktuell" is updated daily and regularly publishes a "Topic of the Month".

The "Age Transition Monitor" analyses processes of age transition on the basis of research data. Sources from the Federal Employment Agency, the pension insurance and the statistical offices (and others) are used for this purpose.

"Sozialpolitik aktuell" is updated daily and regularly presents a "graph of the month". The Age Transition Monitor publishes about three reports per year. The information systems (in German) are accessible at:


Dr. Jutta Schmitz-Kießler: Sozialpolitik in der Ära Merkel: ein datengestütztes Resümee. Keynote. In-/Stabilitäten: Sozialpolitik in der Ära Merkel und im europäischen Vergleich. Tagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Arbeitskreis Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung. Berlin, 29.04.2022  Weitere Informationen

Dr. Max Keck: Grundsicherungsbezug beim Übergang in Altersrente - Eine Paneluntersuchung mit dem SOEP. IAQ-Kolloquium, 25.04.2022

Dr. Max Keck, Weischer, Christoph: Enttypisierungserfahrungen – „quasi qualitative“ Analyse quantitativer Mikrodaten. Mixed Methods in der Sozialstrukturanalyse: Integrationspotenziale qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungsansätze, Göttingen, Gemeinsame Tagung der Sektion „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“ und des Arbeitskreises „Mixed Methods“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie sowie des Soziologischen Forschungsinstituts Göttingen (SOFI) und des Instituts für Soziologie der Universität Göttingen, 31.03.2022  Weitere Informationen

Dr. Jutta Schmitz-Kießler: Immer mehr Rentner*innen arbeiten - eine sozialpolitische Einordnung. Virtuelle Vortragsreihe "Mensch – Alter!" des Kompetenzzentrum „Zukunft Alter“ der katholischen Stiftungshochschule München (ksh), 28.10.2021

Dr. Jutta Schmitz-Kießler: Der digitale Wandel der Arbeitswelt – Chancen und Herausforderungen für Frauen. Auftaktveranstaltung zum Internationalen Frauentag 2020. Gleichstellungsstelle der Stadt Paderborn. Historisches Rathaus Paderborn, 07.03.2020  Weitere Informationen

Dr. Jutta Schmitz-Kießler: Rente Quo Vadis? Reformdebatten um Regelaltersgrenze und Grundrente auf dem Prüfstand. Arbeits- und Informationstagung der KV-Vertreter*innen der Sozialversicherten sowie der Fachgruppe Sozialversicherte. Sozialverband VDK e.V. Bad Fredeburg, 28.02.2020

Dr. Jutta Schmitz-Kießler: Lebensstandard statt Altersarmut – Reformdebatten und Perspektiven. Herbstversammlung Allianz gegen Altersarmut. Bistum Speyer. Kaiserslautern, 24.10.2019  Weitere Informationen

Prof. Dr. Martin Brussig: Länger arbeiten im demographischen Wandel. Einflussfaktoren, Wirkungsmechanismen und offene Fragen. Sozioökonomische Dimensionen in verlängerten Erwerbskarrieren, Berlin, Gesellschaft für Sozialen Fortschritt, 25.04.2019

Project data

Term of the project:
01.07.2018 - 30.06.2026

Reseach department:
Employment – Integration – Mobility, Flexibility and Security

Project management:
Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer,Prof. Dr. Martin Brussig,Dr. Claudia Weinkopf,Dr. Jutta Schmitz-Kießler

Project team:
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bäcker,Prof. Dr. Martin Brussig,Dr. Susanne Drescher, Lina Zink,Dr. Max Keck, Philip Sommer
