Events 学术活动 CLAIMS
September 27–28, 2019
CLAIMs Final Workshop, Goethe University, Frankfurt.
March 22–24, 2019
Thomas Heberer and Anna Shpakovskaya present their paper on digital political representation and private entrepreneurs at the International Conference on Chinese Governance in Global Context at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.
December 2018
Professor Yu Jianxing (Dean of the School of Public Management at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou) was visiting professor in the CLAIMS project at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
October 17, 2018
Anna Shpakovskaya gives a talk on political representation at Renmin University of China, Beijing. More information:
September 25–28, 2018
Anna Shpakovskaya presents her paper E-Representation in Authoritarian Context: The Cases of Chinese and Russian Cyberspace at DVPW annual conference in Frankfurt.
August 22–25, 2018
Thomas Heberer and Anna Shpakovskaya presented their papers (Heberer: Representation in an Authoritarian Context: The Case of China’s Private Entrepreneurs, and Shpakovskaya: Individualization, Everydayness, Connectivity and Interactivity of Political Representation in the Chinese Cyberspace) at the ECPR General Conference in Hamburg.
June 21, 2018
Thomas Heberer presents his paper “Representation in an Authoritarian Context: The Case of China’s Private Entrepreneurs” at Risk and East Asia Conference in Duisburg.
May 22–23, 2018
Anna Shpakovskaya presents her paper From Deputy to Blogger: an Empirical Map of Political Reprsentation in the Chinese Cyberspace at the 16th Chinese Internet Research Conference in Leiden. For more go to:

March–April 2018
The Duisburg team visits six cities in China and conducts over 30 interviews with experts, academics, bloggers, officials, entrepreneurs and internet prortals’ managers.
March 2018
Beijing: Thomas Heberer and Anna Shpakovskaya visit Tencent – one of the China’s largest Internet and Technology Companies. Read more in Chinese:
February 2–3, 2018
Paris Conference 2018 年法国巴黎研讨会
November 30, 2017
EHESS Conference Representing Political Representation in India, Paris: Conference programme
October–December 2017
LAGAPE Conference cycle, University of Lausanne in Géopolis, Switzerland: Conference programme
Paris Conference on Political Representation 2017 年法国巴黎研讨会
Beijing Conference Political Representation Beyond Elections: A Comparison Between China/Western Countries, Beijing. 2016年中国北京研讨会