
Europäisierung der pflegerischen Versorgung: die Rolle von Vermittlungs- und Entsendeagenturen für migrantische Arbeitskräfte in Deutschland und Polen (EuroAgencyCare)


The Polish-German project „Euro Agency Care“ looks at cross border care migration between Poland and Germany resulting in so called live-in arrangements. This field is highly influenced by EU regulation and Single Market integration. Since EU Eastern enlargement, in Germany (as well as Austria and Switzerland), private brokering agencies placing Polish care workers in German households have spread considerably. They have become new players in the European care market and – first steps in this direction are observable – in European politics.​

How do these new players act in a legally uncertain and complex environment? Which economic and political strategies do the companies pursue and in how far do they differ from each other? How can we describe the growing market of professionalized live-in care brokerage companies and which role can they play in what may be understood as ‘quality enhancement’?




Externe Kooperationen: 
Universität Warschau (Dr. hab. Maciej Duszczyk | Kamil Matuszczyk)
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Prof. Dr. August Österle)




Zeitschriftenaufsätze u.a.:

Rossow, V. & Leiber, S. (2019): Kein Schattendasein mehr. Entwicklungen auf dem Markt für „24-Stunden-Pflege“. APuZ 69 (33-34), S. 37-42.

Leiber, S., Rossow, V., Matuszczyk, K. (2019): Private Labor Market Intermediaries in the Europeanized Live-in Care Market between Germany and Poland: A Typology. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (im Erscheinen).

Rossow, V. & Leiber, S. (2017): Zwischen Vermarktlichung und Europäisierung: Die wachsende Bedeutung transnational agierender Vermittlungsagenturen in der häuslichen Pflege in Deutschland. Sozialer Fortschritt 66: 285–302.



Leiber, S.; Rossow, V. (2019): Private Brokerage Agencies for Live-in Migrant Care Work: Improving “Quality” in a Europeanized Grey Market between Germany and Poland? Paper presented at the IMISCOE Spring Conference, 28.02.2019, Liège, Belgium.

Frerk, T., Leiber, S., Österle, A., & Rossow, V. (2018): Opening a black box: Brokering agencies in the evolving market for live-in migrant care work in Austria and Germany. Paper presented at the International Conference on Global Dynamics of Social Policy 25-26 October 2018, Bremen.

Leiber, S. & Rossow, V. (2017): Transnationally Acting Brokering Agencies: Improving Working Conditions for Live-in Migrant Care Workers in a Europeanised Welfare Market? Paper presented at the 3rd Transforming Care Conference. Milan, June 26-28.

Leiber, S. & Rossow, V. (2016): Self-regulation in a Europeanized ‚grey market‘? The role of brokering agencies in the (informal) care market between Germany and Poland. Paper presented at the Third ISA Forum of Sociology. Vienna, July 10-14.



Prof. Dr. Simone Leiber

Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften
Institut für Soziale Arbeit und Sozialpolitik


Verena Rossow


Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftsstiftung (DPWS)


12/2016 – 12/2018

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