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Fakultät für Physik

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  • ---, Experimentalphysik

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Azazoglu, Hüseyin; Möller, Rolf; Gruber, Manuel
    Thermal expansion in photo-assisted tunneling : Visible light versus free-space terahertz pulses
    In: Surface Science Jg. 743 (2024) 122465
  • Azazoglu, Hüseyin; Kapitza, Philip; Mittendorff, Martin; Möller, Rolf; Gruber, Manuel
    Variable-temperature lightwave-driven scanning tunneling microscope with a compact, turn-key terahertz source
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 95 (2024) Nr. 2, 023703
  • Kolpatzeck, Kira; Brendel, Lothar; Möller, Rolf; Robles, Roberto; Lorente, Nicolás
    Paradoxical effects for a one-dimensional periodic potential embedded in a two-dimensional system
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 107 (2023) Nr. 15, 155418
  • Jungmann, Felix; Bila, Tetyana; Kleinert, Laura; Mölleken, Andre; Möller, Rolf; Schmidt, Lars; Schneider, Niclas; Teiser, Jens; Utzat, Detlef; Volkenborn, Victoria; Wurm, Gerhard
    Cosmic radiation does not prevent collisional charging in (pre)-planetary atmospheres
    In: Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies Jg. 355 (2021) S. 114127
  • Kaponig, Mirco; Mölleken, Andre; Nienhaus, Hermann; Möller, Rolf
    Dynamics of contact electrification
    In: Science Advances Jg. 7 (2021) Nr. 22, eabg7595
  • Nadarajah, Ruksan; Tahir, Shabbir; Landers, Joachim; Koch, David; Semisalova, Anna; Wiemeler, Jonas; El-Zoka, Ayman; Kim, Se-Ho; Utzat, Detlef; Möller, Rolf; Gault, Baptiste; Wende, Heiko; Farle, Michael; Gökce, Bilal
    Controlling the oxidation of magnetic and electrically conductive solid-solution iron-rhodium nanoparticles synthesized by laser ablation in liquids
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 12, S. 2362
  • Kaponig, Mirco; Mölleken, Andre; Tarasevitch, Doris; Utzat, Detlef; Nienhaus, Hermann; Möller, Rolf
    Following the motion of a charged conducting sphere by electrostatic induction in a parallel plate capacitor
    In: Journal of Electrostatics Jg. 103 (2020) 103411
  • Kavangary, Anahita; Graf, Paul; Azazoglu, Hüseyin; Flebbe, Meike; Huba, Kornelia; Nienhaus, Hermann; Möller, Rolf
    Temperature dependent electrical characteristics of a junction field effect transistor for cryogenic sub-attoampere charge detection
    In: AIP Advances Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 025104
  • Genc, Erdem; Mölleken, Andre; Tarasevitch, Doris; Utzat, Detlef; Nienhaus, Hermann; Möller, Rolf
    Three dimensional tracing of a charged particle by electrostatic detection
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 90 (2019) Nr. 7, 075115
  • Graf, Paul; Flebbe, Meike; Hoepken, Stephanie; Utzat, Detlef; Nienhaus, Hermann; Möller, Rolf
    Scanning probe microscopy and potentiometry using a junction field effect transistor based sensor
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 113 (2018) Nr. 22, S. 223101
  • Graf, Paul; Flebbe, Meike; Utzat, Detlef; Nienhaus, Hermann; Möller, Rolf
    Electrometer with sub-attoampere current load
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 88 (2017) Nr. 8, S. 084702
  • Ekici, Ebru; Kapitza, Philip; Bobisch, Christian A.; Möller, Rolf
    Electron-induced photon emission above the quantum cutoff due to time-energy uncertainty
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 42 (2017) Nr. 22, S. 4585 - 4588
  • van Vörden, Dennis; Wortmann, Ben; Schmidt, Nico; Lange, Manfred; Robles, Roberto; Brendel, Lothar; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Following the steps of a reaction by direct imaging of many individual molecules
    In: Chemical Communications: ChemComm Jg. 52 (2016) Nr. 49, S. 7711 - 7714
  • Wortmann, Ben; van Vörden, Dennis; Graf, P.; Robles, Roberto; Abufager, Paula N.; Lorente, Nicolás; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Reversible 2D Phase Transition Driven by an Electric Field : Visualization and Control on the Atomic Scale
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 16 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 528 - 533
  • Cottin, Maren; Lobo-Checa, Jorge; Schaffert, Johannes; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf; Ortega, J Enrique; Walter, Andrew L
    A chemically inert Rashba split interface electronic structure of C 60 , FeOEP and PTCDA on BiAg 2 /Ag(111) substrates
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 16 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 045002
  • Krok, Franciszek; Kaspers, Mark; Bernhart, Alexander M.; Nikiel, Marek; Jany, Benedykt R.; Indyka, Paulina; Wojtaszek, Mateusz; Möller, Rolf; Bobisch, Christian
    Probing the electronic transport on the reconstructed Au/Ge(001) surface
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) S. 1463 - 1471
  • Vörden, Dennis van; Lange, Manfred; Schmuck, Merlin; Schaffert, Johannes; Cottin, Maren C.; Bobisch, Christian A.; Möller, Rolf
    Communication : substrate induced dehydrogenation ; transformation of octa-ethyl-porphyrin into tetra-benzo-porphyrin
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 138 (2013) Nr. 21, S. 211102
  • Schaffert, Johannes; Cottin, Maren C.; Sonntag, Andreas; Karacuban, Hatice; Bobisch, Christian A.; Lorente, Nicolás; Gauyacq, Jean-Pierre; Möller, Rolf
    Imaging the dynamics of individually adsorbed molecules
    In: Nature Materials Jg. 12 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 223 - 227
  • Cottin, Maren; Bobisch, Christian; Schaffert, Johannes; Jnawali, Giriraj; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Möller, Rolf
    Interplay between forward and backward scattering of spin-orbit split surface states of Bi(111)
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 13 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 2717 - 2722
  • Schaffert, Johannes; Cottin, Maren; Sonntag, Andreas; Karacuban, Hatice; Utzat, Detlef; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Scanning noise microscopy
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 84 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 043702
  • van Vörden, Dennis; Lange, Manfred; Schaffert, Johannes; Cottin, Maren; Schmuck, Merlin; Robles, Roberto; Wende, Heiko; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Surface-Induced Dechlorination of FeOEP-Cl** on Cu(111)
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 15, S. 3472 - 3475
  • Schaffert, Johannes; Cottin, Maren; Sonntag, A.; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf; Gauyacq, Jean-Pierre; Lorente, Nicolas
    Tunneling electron induced rotation of a copper phthalocyanine molecule on Cu(111)
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 88 (2013) Nr. 7, S. 075410
  • Lange, Manfred; van Vörden, Dennis; Möller, Rolf
    A measurement of the hysteresis loop in force-spectroscopy curves using a tuning-fork atomic force microscope
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 3 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 207 - 212
  • Kaspers, Mark; Bernhart, Alexander M.; Bobisch, Christian A.; Möller, Rolf
    Current induced surface diffusion on a single-crystalline silver nanowire
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 23 (2012) Nr. 20, S. 205706
  • Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Electron transport at surfaces and interfaces
    In: Chimia: International Journal for Chemistry Jg. 66 (2012) Nr. 1-2, S. 23 - 30
  • van Vörden, Dennis; Lange, Manfred; Schmuck, Merlin; Schmidt, Nico; Möller, Rolf
    Spring constant of a tuning-fork sensor for dynamic force microscopy
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 3 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 809 - 816
  • Cottin, Maren C.; Schaffert, Johannes; Sonntag, Andreas; Karacuban, Hatice; Möller, Rolf; Bobisch, Christian A.
    Supramolecular architecture of organic molecules : PTCDA and CuPc on a Cu(1 1 1) substrate
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 258 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 2196 - 2200
  • Langewisch, Gernot; Kaminski, Wojciech; Braun, Daniel-Alexander; Möller, Rolf; Fuchs, Harald; Schirmeisen, Andre; Perez, Ruben
    Understanding dissipative tip-molecule interactions with submolecular resolution on an organic adsorbate
    In: Small Jg. 8 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 602 - 611
  • Cottin, Maren; Bobisch, Christian; Schaffert, Johannes; Jnawali, Giriraj; Sonntag, Andreas; Bihlmayer, Gustav; Möller, Rolf
    Anisotropic scattering of surface state electrons at a point defect on Bi(111)
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 98 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 022108
  • Lange, Manfred; van Vörden, Dennis; Möller, Rolf
    Dynamic force microscopy study on Si(111)√3 ×√3-Ag using a tuning fork atomic force microscope
    In: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Jg. 9 (2011) S. 26 - 29
  • Van Vörden, Dennis; Lange, Manfred; Möller, Rolf; Vörden, Dennis van
    Energy Dissipation in Dynamic Force Spectroscopy of PTCDA on Ag-Si(111) √3×√3
    In: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Jg. 9 (2011) S. 21 - 25
  • Van Vörden, Dennis; Lange, Manfred; Möller, Rolf; Vörden, Dennis van
    Erratum: Energy Dissipation in Dynamic Force Spectroscopy of PTCDA on Ag-Si(111) √3×√3
    In: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Jg. 9 (2011) S. 46
  • Karacuban, Hatice; Koch, Sascha; Fendrich, Markus; Wagner, Th.; Möller, Rolf
    PTCDA on Cu(111) partially covered with NaCl
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 22 (2011) Nr. 29, 1-9, art. no. 295305
  • Zahl, Percy; Wagner, Thorsten; Möller, Rolf; Klust, Andreas
    Open source scanning probe microscopy control software package GXSM
    In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics Jg. 28 (2010) Nr. 3, S. C4E39
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Wagner, Th.; Hattab, Hichem; Möller, Rolf; Lorke, Axel; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Two-dimensional electron transport and scattering in Bi(111) surface states
    In: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Jg. 8 (2010) S. 27 - 31
  • Wintjes, Nikolai Jens; Lange, M.; Van Vörden, D.; Karacuban, Hatice; Utzat, Detlef; Möller, Rolf
    Very compact design for a low-temperature tuning fork atomic force microscope
    In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics Jg. 28 (2010) Nr. 3, S. C4E21 - C4E23
  • Wagner, Thorsten; Karacuban, Hatice; Möller, Rolf
    Analysis of complex thermal desorption spectra : PTCDA on copper
    In: Surface Science Jg. 603 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 482 - 490
  • Bobisch, Christian; Bannani, A.; Koroteev, Yu. M.; Bihlmayer, G.; Chulkov, Evgueni V.; Möller, Rolf
    Conservation of the Lateral Electron Momentum at a Metal-Semiconductor Interface Studied by Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 102 (2009) Nr. 13, S. 136807
  • Kaspers, Mark; Bernhart, Alexander; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Dumpich, Günter; Möller, Rolf
    Electromigration and potentiometry measurements of single-crystalline Ag nanowires under UHV conditions
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 21 (2009) Nr. 26, 265601
  • Homoth, J.; Wenderoth, M.; Druga, T.; Winking, L.; Ulbrich, R. G.; Bobisch, Christian; Weyers, Bastian; Bannani, A.; Zubkov, E.; Bernhart, A. M.; Kaspers, Mark; Möller, Rolf
    Electronic transport on the nanoscale : ballistic transmission and Ohm’s law
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 9 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 1588 - 1592
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Hattab, Hichem; Bobisch, Christian; Zubkov, E.; Deiter, C.; Weisemoeller, T.; Bertram, F.; Wollschläger, J.; Möller, Rolf; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Epitaxial growth of Bi(111) on Si(001)
    In: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Jg. 7 (2009) S. 441 - 447
  • Fendrich, Markus; Lange, Manfred; Weiss, Christian; Kunstmann, Tobias; Möller, Rolf
    N , N ′ -dimethylperylene-3,4,9,10-bis(dicarboximide) on alkali halide (001) surfaces
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 105 (2009) Nr. 9, S. 094311
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Hattab, Hichem; Bobisch, Christian A.; Bernhart, Alexander M.; Zubkov, E.; Möller, Rolf; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Nanoscale dislocation patterning in Bi(1 1 1)/Si(0 0 1) heteroepitaxy
    In: Surface Science Jg. 603 (2009) Nr. 13, S. 2057 - 2061
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Wagner, Th.; Hattab, Hichem; Möller, Rolf; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Nucleation and initial growth in the semimetallic homoepitaxial system of Bi on Bi(111),
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 79 (2009) Nr. 19, S. 193306
  • Karacuban, Hatice; Lange, Manfred; Schaffert, Johannes; Weingart, O.; Wagner, Thorsten; Möller, Rolf
    Substrate-induced symmetry reduction of CuPc on Cu(111) : an LT-STM study
    In: Surface Science Jg. 603 (2009) Nr. 5, S. L39 - L43
  • Bobisch, Christian A.; Bannani, A.; Bernhart, A.; Zubkov, E.; Weyers, B.; Möller, Rolf
    Ballistic electron and hole transport through individual molecules
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 100 (2008) Nr. 5, Nanoscience, 052064
  • Bannani, Amin; Bobisch, Christian; Matena, M.; Möller, Rolf
    Ballistic electron emission spectroscopy on Ag/Si devices
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 19 (2008) Nr. 37, S. 375706
  • Möller, Rolf
    Elektronenmikroskopie einmal anders : Mikroskopie mit ballistischen Elektronen
    In: Essener Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2008) Nr. 32: Naturwissenschaften - Physik: Energieumwandlungen an Oberflächen, S. 30 - 41
  • Hattab, Hichem; Zubkov, E.; Bernhart, Alexander; Jnawali, Giriraj; Bobisch, Christian; Krenzer, Boris; Acet, Mehmet; Möller, Rolf; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Epitaxial Bi(111) films on Si(001) : strain state, surface morphology, and defect structure
    In: Thin Solid Films Jg. 516 (2008) Nr. 23, S. 8227 - 8231
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Hattab, Hichem; Bobisch, Christian; Bernhart, Alexander; Zubkov, E.; Möller, Rolf; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Homoepitaxial growth of Bi(111)
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 78 (2008) Nr. 3, 35321 (9p)
  • Bannani, Amin; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Local potentiometry using a multiprobe scanning tunneling microscope
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 79 (2008) S. 083704
  • Bannani, Amin; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Studies on the Bi/Si(100)−(2×1) interface
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 93 (2008) Nr. 3, S. 032111
  • Roll, Tino; Kunstmann, Tobias; Fendrich, Markus; Möller, Rolf; Schleberger, Marika
    Temperature dependence of the energy dissipation in dynamic force microscopy
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 19 (2008) Nr. 4,
  • Bannani, A.; Bobisch, Christian; Möller, Rolf
    Ballistic Electron Microscopy of Individual Molecules.
    In: Science Jg. 30 (2007) Nr. 315/5820, S. 1824 - 1828
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Hattab, Hichem; Bobisch, Christian; Bernhart, A.; Zubkov, E.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Möller, Rolf; Krenzer, Boris; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Nanopattern Formation by Periodic Array of Interfacial Misfit Dislocations in Bi(111)/Si(001) Heteroepitaxy
    In: MRS (Materials Research Society) Online Proceedings Library Archive Jg. 1059 (2007)
  • Möller, Rolf
    Einblick in die Materie : die Möglichkeiten der Rastersondenmikroskopie
    In: Essener Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2000) Nr. 13 : Materialwissenschaft – Grundlagen für die Technik der Zukunft, S. 14 - 29
  • Abstracts

  • Temnov, V. V.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Stojanovic, Nikola; Kudryashov, S.; von der Linde, Dietrich; Kogan, B.; Schlarb, A.; Weyers, Bastian; Möller, Rolf
    Modification of semiconductor surfaces irradiated by single intense fs-laser pulses
    In: Technical Digest: Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, May 19-24, 2002 / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; CLEO 2002 ; May 19-24, 2002, Long Beach, California, USA / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) (2002) S. 223