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Fakultät für Chemie

Universitätsstraße 7
45141 Essen
S07 S02 C20


  • Gruppe der Professorinnen und Professoren, Studienbeirat

  • Gruppe der Professorinnen und Professoren, Prüfungsausschuss B.Sc./M.Sc.-Studiengang Water Science

  • Gruppe der Professorinnen und Professoren, Fakultätsrat

  • Universitätsprofessor/in, Anorganische Chemie

  • Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Gleichstellungskommission

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Kruse, Benedikt; Vasic, Katarina; Böker, Kai O.; Schilling, Arndt F.; Lehmann, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    A particle-filled hydrogel based on alginate and calcium phosphate nanoparticles as bone adhesive
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 35 (2024) Nr. 1,
  • Wolff, Natalie; Prymak, Oleg; Białas, Nataniel; Schaller, Torsten; Loza, Kateryna; Niemeyer, Felix; Heggen, Marc; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.; Epple, Matthias
    Conversion of Ultrasmall Glutathione-Coated Silver Nanoparticles during Dispersion in Water into Ultrasmall Silver Sulfide Nanoparticles
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 14 (2024) Nr. 17, 1449
  • Tenkumo, Taichi; Kruse, Benedikt; Kostka, Kathrin; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Ogawa, Toru; Yoda, Nobuhiro; Prymak, Oleg; Suzuki, Osamu; Sasaki, Keiichi; Epple, Matthias
    Development of triple-functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles as an advanced drug delivery system for bone tissue repair
    In: Regenerative Therapy Jg. 25 (2024) S. 49 - 60
  • Kruse, Benedikt; Dash, Banendu Sunder; Kostka, Kathrin; Wolff, Natalie; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Gumbiowski, Nina; Heggen, Marc; Oliveira, Cristiano Luis Pinto; Chen, Jyh-Ping; Epple, Matthias
    Doxorubicin-Loaded Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles (1.5 nm) for Brain Tumor Therapy and Assessment of Their Biodistribution
    In: ACS Applied Bio Materials (2024) in press
  • Wolff, Natalie; Białas, Nataniel; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Schaller, Torsten; Niemeyer, Felix; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Beuck, Christine; Bayer, Peter; Prymak, Oleg; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.; Epple, Matthias
    Increased Cytotoxicity of Bimetallic Ultrasmall Silver–Platinum Nanoparticles (2 nm) on Cells and Bacteria in Comparison to Silver Nanoparticles of the Same Size
    In: Materials Jg. 17 (2024) Nr. 15, 3702
  • Zyman, Zoltan Z.; Epple, Matthias; Goncharenko, Anton V.; Tkachenko, Mykola V.; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro V.; Sofronov, D.; Orlov, H.
    Phase and structural transformations during sintering of uncalcinated hydrolyzed and carbonated amorphous calcium phosphates
    In: Ceramics International Jg. 50 (2024) Nr. 1, B, S. 2185 - 2193
  • Wolff, Natalie; Beuck, Christine; Schaller, Torsten; Epple, Matthias
    Possibilities and limitations of solution-state NMR spectroscopy to analyze the ligand shell of ultrasmall metal nanoparticles
    In: Nanoscale Advances Jg. 6 (2024) Nr. 13, S. 3285 - 3298
  • Gumbiowski, Nina; Barthel, Juri; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias
    Simulated HRTEM images of nanoparticles to train a neural network to classify nanoparticles for crystallinity
    In: Nanoscale Advances (2024) in press
  • Bialas, Nataniel; Rosenkranz, Nina; Weber, Daniel; Kostka, Kathrin; Johnen, Georg; Winter, Aileen; Brik, Alexander; Loza, Kateryna; Szafranski, Katja; Brüning, Thomas; Bünger, Jürgen; Westphal, Götz; Epple, Matthias
    Synthetic silica fibers of different length, diameter and shape : synthesis and interaction with rat (NR8383) and human (THP-1) macrophages in vitro, including chemotaxis and gene expression profile
    In: Particle and Fibre Toxicology Jg. 21 (2024) Nr. 1, 23
  • Kostka, Kathrin; Sokolova, Viktoriya; El-Taibany, Aya; Kruse, Benedikt; Porada, Daniel; Wolff, Natalie; Prymak, Oleg; Seeds, Michael C.; Epple, Matthias; Atala, Anthony J.
    The Application of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles (2 nm) Functionalized with Doxorubicin in Three-Dimensional Normal and Glioblastoma Organoid Models of the Blood–Brain Barrier
    In: Molecules: A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry Jg. 29 (2024) Nr. 11, 2469
  • Wagner, Lisa-Sofie; Prymak, Oleg; Schaller, Torsten; Beuck, Christine; Loza, Kateryna; Niemeyer, Felix; Gumbiowski, Nina; Kostka, Kathrin; Bayer, Peter; Heggen, Marc; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.; Epple, Matthias
    The Molecular Footprint of Peptides on the Surface of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles (2 nm) Is Governed by Steric Demand
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 128 (2024) Nr. 17, S. 4266 - 4281
  • Bals, Jonas; Epple, Matthias
    Artificial Scanning Electron Microscopy Images Created by Generative Adversarial Networks from Simulated Particle Assemblies
    In: Advanced Intelligent Systems Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 7, 2300004
  • Storsberg, Jana; Schmitt, Marcus; Hilken, Gero; Dammann, Philip; Begall, Sabine; Caspar, Kai R.; Epple, Matthias
    Auf den Zahn gefühlt : Einblick in die Zahnschmelzstruktur von Nagern und Insektenfressern
    In: Biologie in unserer Zeit Jg. 53 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 58 - 66
  • Gumbiowski, Nina; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias
    Automated analysis of transmission electron micrographs of metallic nanoparticles by machine learning
    In: Nanoscale Advances Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 8, S. 2318 - 2326
  • Sokolova, V.; Loza, Kateryna; Ebel, J.F.; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Barium sulphate microparticles are taken up by three different cell types: HeLa, THP-1, and hMSC
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 164 (2023) S. 577 - 587
  • Breisch, Marina; Olejnik, Mateusz; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Rosenkranz, Nina; Bünger, Jürgen; Sengstock, Christina; Köller, Manfred; Westphal, Götz; Epple, Matthias
    Cell-Biological Response and Sub-Toxic Inflammatory Effects of Titanium Dioxide Particles with Defined Polymorphic Phase, Size, and Shape
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 10, 1621
  • Bals, Jonas; Epple, Matthias
    Deep learning for automated size and shape analysis of nanoparticles in scanning electron microscopy
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 5, S. 2795 - 2802
  • Zyman, Zoltan; Epple, Matthias; Goncharenko, Anton; Onyshchenko, O.; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna
    Favorable features of a calcium phosphate cement based on a metastable α ̅-tricalcium phosphate and reinforced by hydroxyapatite whiskers
    In: Physica Scripta Jg. 98 (2023) Nr. 12, 125905
  • Imangali, Nurgul; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Kostka, Kathrin; Epple, Matthias; Winkler, Christoph
    Functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles to direct osteoprotegerin to bone lesion sites in a medaka (Oryzias latipes) osteoporosis model
    In: Frontiers in Endocrinology Jg. 14 (2023) 1101758
  • Storsberg, Jana; Loza, Kateryna; Heske, Immo; Epple, Matthias
    Life history reconstruction by dental enamel analysis of the medieval population (8th–10th Century AD) of Gevensleben (Lower Saxony, Germany)
    In: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports Jg. 52 (2023) 104251
  • MacArthur, Katherine E.; Polani, Shlomi; Klingenhof, Malte; Gumbiowski, Nina; Möller, Tim; Paciok, Paul; Kang, Jiaqi; Epple, Matthias; Basak, Shibabrata; Eichel, Rüdiger-A.; Strasser, Peter; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.; Heggen, Marc
    Post-Synthesis Heat Treatment of Doped PtNi-Alloy Fuel-Cell Catalyst Nanoparticles Studied by In-Situ Electron Microscopy
    In: ACS Applied Energy Materials Jg. 6 (2023) Nr. 11, S. 5959 - 5967
  • Seiler, Theresa; Lennartz, Annika; Klein, Kai; Hommel, Katrin; Figueroa Bietti, Antonio; Hadrovic, Inesa; Kollenda, Sebastian; Sager, Jonas; Beuck, Christine; Chlosta, Emilia; Bayer, Peter; Juul-Madsen, Kristian; Vorup-Jensen, Thomas; Schrader, Thomas; Epple, Matthias; Knauer, Shirley; Hartmann, Laura
    Potentiating Tweezer Affinity to a Protein Interface with Sequence-Defined Macromolecules on Nanoparticles
    In: Biomacromolecules Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 8, S. 3666 - 3679
  • Zyman, Zoltan; Epple, Matthias; Goncharenko, Anton; Tkachenko, Mykola; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro; Sofronov, Dmytro; Orlov, Herman
    Reaction sintering in compacted hydrolysed carbonated calcium phosphate
    In: Processing and Application of Ceramics Jg. 17 (2023) Nr. 4, S. 421 - 427
  • Kostka, Kathrin; Epple, Matthias
    Surface Functionalization of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles via Click Chemistry : Covalent Attachment of Proteins and Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles
    In: Chemistry Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 1060 - 1076
  • Epple, Matthias; Rotello, Vincent M.; Dawson, Kenneth
    The Why and How of Ultrasmall Nanoparticles
    In: Accounts of Chemical Research Jg. 56 (2023) Nr. 23, S. 3369 - 3378
  • Karatzia, A.; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Heggen, M.; Epple, Matthias
    Thermal Behavior of Silver–Gold Core–Shell Nanocubes : In Situ X-ray Diffraction and In Situ Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM)
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 127 (2023) Nr. 39, S. 19620 - 19628
  • Machla, F.; Sokolova, V.; Platania, V.; Prymak, O.; Kostka, K.; Kruse, B.; Agrymakis, M.; Pasadaki, S.; Kritis, A.; Alpantaki, K.; Vidaki, M.; Chatzinikolaidou, M.; Epple, Matthias; Bakopoulou, A.
    Tissue engineering at the dentin-pulp interface using human treated dentin scaffolds conditioned with DMP1 or BMP2 plasmid DNA-carrying calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 159 (2023) S. 156 - 172
  • Stahl, Paul; Kollenda, Sebastian; Sager, Jonas; Schmidt, Laura; Schroer, Martin; Stauber, Roland H.; Epple, Matthias; Knauer, Shirley
    Tuning Nanobodies’ Bioactivity : Coupling to Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles Allows the Intracellular Interference with Survivin
    In: Small Jg. 19 (2023) Nr. 33, 2300871 10.1002/smll.202300871
  • Wolff, Natalie; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Schaller, Torsten; Niemeyer, Felix; Bayer, Peter; Beuck, Christine; Oliveira, Cristiano L P; Prymak, Oleg; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Epple, Matthias
    Ultrastructure and Surface Composition of Glutathione-Terminated Ultrasmall Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Alloyed Silver-Platinum Nanoparticles (2 nm)
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 62 (2023) Nr. 42, S. 17470 - 17485
  • Bals, Jonas; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, P.; Kircher, Tim; Epple, Matthias
    Automated and manual classification of metallic nanoparticles with respect to size and shape by analysis of scanning electron micrographs
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 53 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 270 - 283
  • Bialas, Nataniel; Sokolova, Viktoriya; van der Meer, Selina Beatrice; Knuschke, Torben; Ruks, Tatjana; Klein, Kai; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Bacteria (E. coli) take up ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (2 nm) as shown by different optical microscopic techniques (CLSM, SIM, STORM)
    In: Nano Select Jg. 3 (2022) Nr. 10, S. 1407 - 1420
  • Machla, Foteini; Angelopoulos, Ioannis; Epple, Matthias; Chatzinikolaidou, Maria; Bakopoulou, Athina
    Biomolecule‐Mediated Therapeutics of the Dentin–Pulp Complex : A Systematic Review
    In: Biomolecules Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 2, 285
  • Klein, Kai; Hayduk, Matthias; Kollenda, Sebastian; Schmiedtchen, Marco; Voskuhl, Jens; Epple, Matthias
    Covalent Attachment of Aggregation-Induced Emission Molecules to the Surface of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles to Enhance Cell Penetration
    In: Molecules: A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry Jg. 27 (2022) Nr. 6, 1788
  • Damm, D.; Kostka, Kathrin; Weingärtner, C.; Wagner, J.T.; Rojas-Sánchez, L.; Gensberger-Reigl, S.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Überla, K.; Epple, Matthias; Temchura, V.
    Covalent coupling of HIV-1 glycoprotein trimers to biodegradable calcium phosphate nanoparticles via genetically encoded aldehyde-tags
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 140 (2022) S. 586 - 600
  • Sharkeev, Yurii; Eroshenko, Anna; Legostaeva, Elena; Kovalevskaya, Zhanna; Belyavskaya, Olga; Khimich, Margarita; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Zhu, Qifang; Zeming, Sun; Hongju, Zhang
    Development of Ultrafine–Grained and Nanostructured Bioinert Alloys Based on Titanium, Zirconium and Niobium and Their Microstructure, Mechanical and Biological Properties
    In: Metals Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 7, 1136
  • Zyman, Zoltan; Epple, Matthias; Goncharenko, Anton V.; Tkachenko, Mykola V.; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro V.; Sofronov, Dmitry
    Effect of thermal and densification processes on reaction and conventional sinterings of a hydrolyzed calcium phosphate phase
    In: Ceramics International Jg. 48 (2022) Nr. 5, S. 6716 - 6721
  • Epple, Matthias; Fischer, Carola; Loza, Kateryna
    Ein Gartenpool im kalten Sommer – wie wird er warm?
    In: Chemie in unserer Zeit Jg. 56 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 180 - 186
  • Kostka, Kathrin; Kruse, Benedikt; Fischer, Carola; Epple, Matthias
    Ein Rumtopf chemisch betrachtet
    In: Chemie in unserer Zeit Jg. 56 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 378 - 383
  • Storsberg, Jana; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias
    Incorporation of Fluoride into Human Teeth after Immersion in Fluoride-Containing Solutions
    In: Dentistry Journal Jg. 10 (2022) Nr. 8, 153
  • Müller, Elena K.; Bialas, Nataniel; Epple, Matthias; Hilger, Ingrid
    Nanoparticles Carrying NF-κB p65-Specific siRNA Alleviate Colitis in Mice by Attenuating NF-κB-Related Protein Expression and Pro-Inflammatory Cellular Mediator Secretion
    In: Pharmaceutics Jg. 14 (2022) Nr. 2, 419
  • Enax, Joachim; Meyer, Frederic; Schulze zur Wiesche, Erik; Epple, Matthias
    On the application of calcium phosphate micro- and nanoparticles as food additive
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 22, 4075
  • Epple, Matthias; Enax, Joachim; Meyer, Frederic
    Prevention of Caries and Dental Erosion by Fluorides : A Critical Discussion Based on Physico-Chemical Data and Principles
    In: Dentistry Journal Jg. 10 (2022) Nr. 1, 6
  • Hrvat, Antonio; Schmidt, Mathias; Obholzer, Martin; Benders, Sonja; Kollenda, Sebastian; Horn, Peter; Epple, Matthias; Brandau, Sven; Mallmann-Gottschalk, Nina
    Reactivity of NK Cells Against Ovarian Cancer Cells Is Maintained in the Presence of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 13 (2022) 830938
  • Wolff, Natalie; Kollenda, Sebastian; Klein, Kai; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Brochhagen, Leonie; Witzke, Oliver; Krawczyk, Adalbert; Hilger, Ingrid; Epple, Matthias
    Silencing of proinflammatory NF-κB and inhibition of herpes simplex virus (HSV) replication by ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (2 nm) conjugated with small-interfering RNA
    In: Nanoscale Advances Jg. 4 (2022) S. 4502 - 4516
  • Müller, Elena K.; Bialas, Nataniel; Epple, Matthias; Hilger, Ingrid
    The Peptide/Antibody-Based Surface Decoration of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Carrying siRNA Influences the p65 NF-κB Protein Expression in Inflamed Cells In Vitro
    In: Biomedicines Jg. 10 (2022) Nr. 7, 1571
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Ebel, Jana‐Fabienne; Kollenda, Sebastian; Klein, Kai; Kruse, Benedikt; Veltkamp, Claudia; Lange, Christian; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Uptake of Functional Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles in 3D Gut Cell Models
    In: Small (2022) 2201167
  • Wetzel, Oliver; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Gumbiowski, Nina; Heggen, Marc; Bayer, Peter; Beuck, Christine; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Epple, Matthias
    Water-Based Synthesis of Ultrasmall Nanoparticles of Platinum Group Metal Oxides (1.8 nm)
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 61 (2022) Nr. 12, S. 5133 - 5147
  • Knuschke, Torben; Kollenda, Sebastian; Wenzek, Christina; Zelinskyy, Gennadiy; Steinbach, Philine; Dittmer, Ulf; Buer, Jan; Epple, Matthias; Westendorf, Astrid
    A combination of anti-pd-l1 treatment and therapeutic vaccination facilitates improved retroviral clearance via reactivation of highly exhausted t cells
    In: mBio Jg. 12 (2021) Nr. 1, S. e02121 - 20
  • Chernykh, Mariia; Zavalny, Dmytro; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Ponomarenko, Stanislav; Prylutska, Svitlana; Kuziv, Yuliia; Chumachenko, Vasyl; Marynin, Andrii; Kutsevol, Nataliya; Epple, Matthias; Ritter, Uwe; Piosik, Jacek; Prylutskyy, Yuriy
    A new water-soluble thermosensitive star-like copolymer as a promising carrier of the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin
    In: Materials Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 13, 3517
  • Klein, Kai; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias
    An Efficient Method for Covalent Surface Functionalization of Ultrasmall Metallic Nanoparticles by Surface Azidation Followed by Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition (Click Chemistry)
    In: ChemNanoMat Jg. 7 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 1330 - 1339
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias
    Biological and Medical Applications of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 27 (2021) Nr. 27, S. 7471 - 7488
  • Meyer, Frederic; Enax, Joachim; Epple, Matthias; Amaechi, Bennett T.; Simader, Barbara
    Cariogenic biofilms : Development, properties, and biomimetic preventive agents
    In: Dentistry Journal Jg. 9 (2021) Nr. 8, 88
  • Olejnik, Mateusz; Kersting, M.; Rosenkranz, Nina; Loza, Kateryna; Breisch, Marina; Rostek, Alexander; Prymak, Oleg; Schürmeyer, Leonie; Westphal, Götz Alexander; Köller, Manfred; Bünger, Jürgen; Epple, Matthias; Sengstock, Christina
    Cell-biological effects of zinc oxide spheres and rods from the nano- to the microscale at sub-toxic levels
    In: Cell Biology and Toxicology Jg. 37 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 573 - 593
  • Wey, Karolin; Schirrmann, Ronja; Diesing, Detlef; Lang, Stephan; Brandau, Sven; Hansen, Stefan; Epple, Matthias
    Coating of cochlear implant electrodes with bioactive DNA-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticles for the local transfection of stimulatory proteins
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 276 (2021)
  • McGinnity, Tracie L.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prymak, Oleg; Nallathamby, Prakash D.; Epple, Matthias; Roeder, Ryan K.
    Colloidal stability, cytotoxicity, and cellular uptake of HfO₂ nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials Jg. 109 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 1407 - 1417
  • van der Meer, Selina Beatrice; Seiler, Theresa; Buchmann, Christin; Partalidou, Georgia; Boden, Sophia; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Linders, Jürgen; Prymak, Oleg; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.; Hartmann, Laura; Epple, Matthias
    Controlling the Surface Functionalization of Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles by Sequence-Defined Macromolecules
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 27 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 1451 - 1464
  • Du, Yanqin; Yang, Xiaoli; Li, Jia; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Zou, Shi; Han, Meihong; Yan, Hu; Wey, Karolin; Lu, Mengji; Dittmer, Ulf; Yang, Dongliang; Epple, Matthias; Wu, Jun
    Delivery of toll-like receptor 3 ligand poly(I:C) to the liver by calcium phosphate nanoparticles conjugated with an F4/80 antibody exerts an anti-hepatitis B virus effect in a mouse model
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 133 (2021) S. 297 - 307
  • Chudinova, Ekaterina; Koptyug, Andrey; Mukhortova, Yulia; Pryadko, Artyom; Volkova, Anastasiya; Ivanov, Alexey; Plotnikov, Evgenii; Khan, Yelena; Epple, Matthias; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prymak, Oleg; Douglas, Timothy; Surmenev, Roman; Surmeneva, Maria
    Functionalization of additive-manufactured Ti6Al4V scaffolds with poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/poly(styrene sulfonate) bilayer microcapsule system containing dexamethasone
    In: Materials Chemistry and Physics Jg. 273 (2021) 125099
  • Xiang, Chen; Tenkumo, Taichi; Ogawa, Toru; Kanda, Yoshiaki; Nakamura, Keisuke; Shirato, Midori; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias; Kamano, Yuya; Egusa, Hiroshi; Sasaki, Keiichi
    Gene transfection achieved by utilizing antibacterial calcium phosphate nanoparticles for enhanced regenerative therapy
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 119 (2021) S. 375 - 389
  • Vagropoulou, Georgia; Trentsiou, Maria; Georgopoulou, Anthie; Papachristou, Eleni; Prymak, Oleg; Kritis, Aristeidis; Epple, Matthias; Chatzinikolaidou, Maria; Bakopoulou, Athina; Koidis, Petros
    Hybrid chitosan/gelatin/nanohydroxyapatite scaffolds promote odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells and in vitro biomineralization
    In: Dental Materials Jg. 37 (2021) Nr. 1, S. e23 - e36
  • Wetzel, Oliver; Hosseini, Shabnam; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Prymak, Oleg; Bayer, Peter; Beuck, Christine; Schaller, Torsten; Niemeyer, Felix; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Epple, Matthias
    Metal-Ligand Interface and Internal Structure of Ultrasmall Silver Nanoparticles (2 nm)
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 125 (2021) Nr. 21, S. 5645 - 5659
  • van der Meer, Selina Beatrice; Hadrovic, Inesa; Meiners, Annika; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Knauer, Shirley; Bayer, Peter; Schrader, Thomas; Beuck, Christine; Epple, Matthias
    New tools to probe the protein surface : Ultrasmall gold nanoparticles carry amino acid binders
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 125 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 115 - 127
  • Hosseini, Shabnam; Wetzel, Oliver; Kostka, Kathrin; Heggen, Marc; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias
    Pathways for Oral and Rectal Delivery of Gold Nanoparticles (1.7 nm) and Gold Nanoclusters into the Colon : Enteric-Coated Capsules and Suppositories
    In: Molecules: A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry Jg. 26 (2021) Nr. 16, 5069
  • Ruks, Tatjana; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Prymak, Oleg; Sehnem, Andre Luiz; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.; Bayer, Peter; Beuck, Christine; Epple, Matthias
    Peptide-Conjugated Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles (2 nm) for Selective Protein Targeting
    In: ACS Applied Bio Materials Jg. 4 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 945 - 965
  • Surmenev, Roman A.; Ivanova, Anna A.; Epple, Matthias; Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Surmeneva, Maria A.
    Physical principles of radio-frequency magnetron sputter deposition of calcium-phosphate-based coating with tailored properties
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Jg. 413 (2021) S. 127098
  • Prymak, Oleg; Vagiaki, Lida E.; Buyakov, Ales; Kulkov, Sergei; Epple, Matthias; Chatzinikolaidou, Maria
    Porous Zirconia/Magnesia Ceramics Support Osteogenic Potential In Vitro
    In: Materials Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 1049
  • Van Den Broek, Karina; Epple, Matthias; Kersten, Lisa Sophie; Kuhn, Hubert; Zielesny, Achim
    Quantitative Estimation of Cyclotide-Induced Bilayer Membrane Disruption by Lipid Extraction with Mesoscopic Simulation
    In: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Jg. 61 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 3027 - 3040
  • Bialas, Nataniel; Müller, Elena K.; Epple, Matthias; Hilger, Ingrid
    Silica-coated calcium phosphate nanoparticles for gene silencing of NF-κB p65 by siRNA and their impact on cellular players of inflammation
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 276 (2021) S. 121013
  • Hosseini, Shabnam; Epple, Matthias
    Suppositories with bioactive calcium phosphate nanoparticles for intestinal transfection and gene silencing
    In: Nano Select Jg. 2 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 561 - 572
  • Ruks, Tatjana; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Ottmann, Christian; Bayer, Peter; Beuck, Christine; Epple, Matthias
    Targeting the Surface of the Protein 14-3-3 by Ultrasmall (1.5 nm) Gold Nanoparticles Carrying the Specific Peptide CRaf
    In: ChemBioChem Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 8, S. 1456 - 1463
  • Bialas, Nataniel; Prymak, Oleg; Singh, Ningthoujam Premjit; Paul, Debajyoti; Patnaik, Rajeev; Epple, Matthias
    Teeth of Past and Present Elephants : Microstructure and Composition of Enamel in Fossilized Proboscidean Molars and Implications for Diagenesis
    In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 4, S. e2020GC009557
  • Seidl, Bastian; Reisecker, Christian; Neues, Frank; Campanaro, Alessandro; Epple, Matthias; Hild, Sabine; Ziegler, Andreas
    The dorsal tergite cuticle of Helleria brevicornis : Ultrastructure, mineral distribution, calcite microstructure and texture
    In: Journal of Structural Biology: X Jg. 5 (2021) 100051
  • Olejnik, Mateusz; Breisch, Marina; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Rosenkranz, Nina; Westphal, Götz; Bünger, Jürgen; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina; Epple, Matthias
    The effect of short silica fibers (0.3 μm 3.2 μm) on macrophages
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 769 (2021) S. 144575
  • Yurchenko, Alexander V.; Nikitina, N.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prylutska, Svitlana; Kuziv, Yu; Virych, P. A.; Chumachenko, Vasyl; Kutsevol, Nataliya; Ponomarenko, S.; Prylutskyy, Yuriy; Epple, Matthias
    A novel branched copolymer-containing anticancer drug for targeted therapy : In vitro research
    In: BioNanoScience Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 249 - 259
  • Kollenda, Sebastian; Kopp, Mathis; Wens, Jasmin; Koch, Johannes; Schulze, Nina; Papadopoulos, Chrisovalantis; Pöhler, Robert; Meyer, Hemmo; Epple, Matthias
    A pH-sensitive fluorescent protein sensor to follow the pathway of calcium phosphate nanoparticles into cells
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 111 (2020) S. 406 - 417
  • Surmenev, R.A.; Grubova, Irina Yu; Neyts, Erik C.; Teresov, Anton D.; Koval, N.N.; Epple, Matthias; Tyurin, A.I.; Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Chaikina, M.V.; Surmeneva, M.A.
    Ab initio calculations and a scratch test study of RF-magnetron sputter deposited hydroxyapatite and silicon-containing hydroxyapatite coatings
    In: Surfaces and Interfaces Jg. 21 (2020) 100727
  • Garcia, Paulo R. A. F.; Prymak, Oleg; Grasmik, Viktoria; Pappert, Kevin; Wlysses, Wagner; Otubo, Larissa; Epple, Matthias; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.
    An in situ SAXS investigation of the formation of silver nanoparticles and bimetallic silver–gold nanoparticles in controlled wet-chemical reduction synthesis
    In: Nanoscale Advances Jg. 2 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 225 - 238
  • Tenkumo, Taichi; Ishiyama, Kirika; Prymak, Oleg; Nakamura, Keisuke; Shirato, Midori; Ogawa, Toru; Miyashita, Makiko; Takahashi, Masatoshi; Epple, Matthias; Kanno, Taro; Sasaki, Keiichi
    Bactericidal activity and recovery effect of hydroxyl radicals generated by ultraviolet irradiation and silver ion application on an infected titanium surface
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 8553
  • Sedelnikova, Mariya B.; Sharkeev, Yurii P.; Tolkacheva, Tatiana V.; Khimich, Margarita A.; Bakina, Olga V.; Fomenko, Alla N.; Kazakbaeva, Aigerim A.; Fadeeva, Inna V.; Egorkin, Vladimir S.; Gnedenkov, Sergey V.; Schmidt, Juergen; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Comparative study of the structure, properties, and corrosion behavior of Sr-containing biocoatings on Mg0.8Ca
    In: Materials Jg. 13 (2020) Nr. 8, S. 1942
  • Surmeneva, Maria A.; Chudinova, Ekaterina A.; Chernozem, Roman V.; Lapanje, Ales; Koptyug, Andrey V.; Rijavec, Tomaž; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Wittmar, Alexandra; Ulbricht, Mathias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Development of a bone substitute material based on additive manufactured Ti6Al4V alloys modified with bioceramic calcium carbonate coating : Characterization and antimicrobial properties
    In: Ceramics International Jg. 46 (2020) Nr. 16, Part A, S. 25661 - 25670
  • Scheffel, Florian; Knuschke, Torben; Otto, Lucas; Kollenda, Sebastian; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Cosmovici, Christine; Buer, Jan; Timm, Jörg; Epple, Matthias; Westendorf, Astrid
    Effective Activation of Human Antigen-Presenting Cells and Cytotoxic CD8+ T Cells by a Calcium Phosphate-Based Nanoparticle Vaccine Delivery System
    In: Vaccines Jg. 8 (2020) Nr. 1, 110
  • Breisch, Marina; Loza, Kateryna; Pappert, Kevin; Rostek, Alexander; Rurainsky, Christian; Tschulik, Kristina; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias; Tiller, Jörg C.; Schildhauer, Thomas A.; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina
    Enhanced dissolution of silver nanoparticles in a physical mixture with platinum nanoparticles based on the sacrificial anode effect
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 055703
  • Hosseini, Shabnam; Wey, Karolin; Epple, Matthias
    Enteric Coating Systems for the Oral Administration of Bioactive Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles Carrying Nucleic Acids into the Colon
    In: ChemistrySelect Jg. 5 (2020) Nr. 31, S. 9720 - 9729
  • Ernst, Franziska; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Griesshaber, Erika; Reisecker, Christian; Neues, Frank; Epple, Matthias; Schmahl, Wolfgang W.; Hild, Sabine; Ziegler, Andreas
    Functional adaptations in the tergite cuticle of the desert isopod Hemilepistus reaumuri (Milne-Edwards, 1840)
    In: Journal of Structural Biology Jg. 212 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 107570
  • Rojas-Sánchez, Leonardo; Zhang, Ejuan; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Zhong, Maohua; Yan, Hu; Lu, Mengji; Li, Qian; Yan, Huimin; Epple, Matthias
    Genetic immunization against hepatitis B virus with calcium phosphate nanoparticles in vitro and in vivo
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 110 (2020) S. 254 - 265
  • Sudradjat, Henny; Meyer, Frederic; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Enax, Joachim
    In Vivo Effects of a Hydroxyapatite-Based Oral Care Gel on the Calcium and Phosphorus Levels of Dental Plaque
    In: European Journal of Dentistry Jg. 14 (2020) Nr. 02, S. 206 - 211
  • Surmeneva, Maria A.; Koptyug, Andrey; Khrapov, Dmitriy; Ivanov, Yuriy F.; Mishurova, Tatiana; Evsevleev, Sergei; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Bruno, Giovanni; Surmenev, Roman A.
    In situ synthesis of a binary Ti–10at% Nb alloy by electron beam melting using a mixture of elemental niobium and titanium powders
    In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology Jg. 282 (2020) Article-No: 116646
  • Kollenda, Sebastian; Klose, Jasmin; Knuschke, Torben; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Schmitz, Jochen; Staniszewska, Magdalena; Costa, Pedro Fragoso; Herrmann, Ken; Westendorf, Astrid; Fendler, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    In vivo biodistribution of calcium phosphate nanoparticles after intravascular, intramuscular, intratumoral, and soft tissue administration in mice investigated by small animal PET/CT
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 109 (2020) S. 244 - 253
  • Van Den Broek, Karina; Daniel, Mirco; Epple, Matthias; Hein, Jan-Mathis; Kuhn, Hubert; Neumann, Stefan; Truszkowski, Andreas; Zielesny, Achim
    MFsim : An open Java all-in-one rich-client simulation environment for mesoscopic simulation
    In: Journal of Cheminformatics Jg. 12 (2020) 29
  • Tenkumo, Taichi; Rojas-Sánchez, Leonardo; Vanegas Sáenz, Juan Ramón; Ogawa, Toru; Miyashita, Makiko; Yoda, Nobuhiro; Prymak, Oleg; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Sasaki, Keiichi; Epple, Matthias
    Reduction of inflammation in a chronic periodontitis model in rats by TNF-α gene silencing with a topically applied siRNA-loaded calcium phosphate paste
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 105 (2020) S. 263 - 279
  • Kersting, Markus; Olejnik, Mateusz; Rosenkranz, Nina; Loza, Kateryna; Breisch, Marina; Rostek, Alexander; Westphal, Götz; Bünger, Jürgen; Ziegler, Nadine; Ludwig, Alfred; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina; Epple, Matthias
    Subtoxic cell responses to silica particles with different size and shape
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 10 (2020) S. 21591
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Kostka, Kathrin; Shalumon, K. T.; Prymak, Oleg; Chen, Jyh-Ping; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis and characterization of PLGA/HAP scaffolds with DNA-functionalised calcium phosphate nanoparticles for bone tissue engineering
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 11, S. 102
  • Rojas-Sánchez, Leonardo; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis and intracellular tracing surface-functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles by super-resolution microscopy (STORM)
    In: Materialia Jg. 12 (2020) 100773
  • Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications of Bimetallic Nanoparticles of Noble Metals
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 30 (2020) Nr. 21, S. 1909260
  • Prymak, Oleg; Grasmik, Viktoria; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias
    Temperature-Induced Stress Relaxation in Alloyed Silver-Gold Nanoparticles (7-8 nm) by in Situ X-ray Powder Diffraction
    In: Crystal Growth & Design Jg. 20 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 107 - 115
  • Khrapov, D.; Koptyug, Andrey; Manabaev, Kayrat; Léonard, Fabien; Mishurova, Tatiana; Bruno, Giovanni; Cheneler, David; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman; Surmeneva, Maria
    The impact of post manufacturing treatment of functionally graded Ti6Al4V scaffolds on their surface morphology and mechanical strength
    In: Journal of Materials Research and Technology Jg. 9 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 1866 - 1881
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Mekky, Gehad; van der Meer, Selina Beatrice; Seeds, Michael C.; Atala, Anthony J.; Epple, Matthias
    Transport of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (2 nm) across the blood–brain barrier in a six-cell brain spheroid model
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 18033
  • Wey, Karolin; Epple, Matthias
    Ultrasmall gold and silver/gold nanoparticles (2 nm) as autofluorescent labels for poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles (140 nm)
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 12, S. 117
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Nzou, Goodwell; van der Meer, Selina; Ruks, Tatjana; Heggen, Marc; Loza, Kateryna; Hagemann, Nina; Murke, Florian; Giebel, Bernd; Hermann, Dirk M.; Atala, Anthony J.; Epple, Matthias
    Ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (2 nm) can penetrate and enter cell nuclei in an in vitro 3D brain spheroid model
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 111 (2020) S. 349 - 362
  • Komarova, Ekaterina G.; Sharkeev, Yurii P.; Sedelnikova, Mariya B.; Prosolov, Konstantin A.; Khlusov, Igor A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Zn- or Cu-Containing CaP-Based Coatings Formed by Micro-arc Oxidation on Titanium and Ti-40Nb Alloy : Part I—Microstructure, Composition and Properties
    In: Materials Jg. 13 (2020) Nr. 18, S. 4116
  • Komarova, Ekaterina G.; Sharkeev, Yurii P.; Sedelnikova, Mariya B.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Litvinova, Larisa S.; Shupletsova, Valeria V.; Malashchenko, Vladimir V.; Yurova, Kristina A.; Dzyuman, Anna N.; Kulagina, Irina V.; Mushtovatova, Lyudmila S.; Bochkareva, Olga P.; Karpova, Mariia R.; Khlusov, Igor A.
    Zn- or Cu-containing CaP-Based Coatings Formed by Micro-Arc Oxidation on Titanium and Ti-40Nb Alloy : Part II—Wettability and Biological Performance
    In: Materials Jg. 13 (2020) Nr. 19, S. 4366
  • Bilobrov, V.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prylutska, Svitlana V.; Panchuk, Rostyslav R.; Litsis, Olena O.; Osetskyi, V.; Evstigneev, Maxim P.; Prylutskyy, Y. I.; Epple, Matthias; Ritter, Uwe; Rohr, Jürgen
    A Novel Nanoconjugate of Landomycin A with C₆₀ Fullerene for Cancer Targeted Therapy : In Vitro Studies
    In: Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Jg. 12 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 41 - 51
  • Schlickewei, Carsten; Klatte, Till O.; Wildermuth, Yasmin; Laaff, Georg; Rueger, Johannes M.; Ruesing, Johannes; Chernousova, Svitlana; Lehmann, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    A bioactive nano-calcium phosphate paste for in-situ transfection of BMP-7 and VEGF-A in a rabbit critical-size bone defect : results of an in vivo study
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 30 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 15
  • Epple, Matthias; Meyer, Frederic; Enax, Joachim
    A critical review of modern concepts for teeth whitening
    In: Dentistry Journal Jg. 7 (2019) Nr. 3, 79
  • Heße, Carolin; Kollenda, Sebastian; Rotan, Olga; Pastille, Eva; Adamczyk, Alexandra; Wenzek, Christina; Hansen, Wiebke; Epple, Matthias; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid; Knuschke, Torben
    A tumor-peptide–based nanoparticle vaccine elicits efficient tumor growth control in antitumor immunotherapy
    In: Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Jg. 18 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 1069 - 1080
  • Chudinova, Ekaterina A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Timin, Alexander S.; Karpov, Timofey E.; Wittmar, Alexandra; Ulbricht, Mathias; Ivanova, Anna; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Koptyug, Andrey; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Adhesion, proliferation, and osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells on additively manufactured Ti6Al4V alloy scaffolds modified with calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Jg. 176 (2019) S. 130 - 139
  • Kirmanidou, Yvoni; Sidira, Margarita; Bakopoulou, Athina; Tsouknidas, Alexandros; Prymak, Oleg; Papi, Rigini; Choli-Papadopoulou, Theodora; Epple, Matthias; Michailidis, Nikolaos; Koidis, Petros; Michalakis, Konstantinos
    Assessment of cytotoxicity and antibacterial effects of silver nanoparticle-doped titanium alloy surfaces
    In: Dental Materials Jg. 35 (2019) Nr. 9, S. e220 - e233
  • Breisch, Marina; Grasmik, Viktoria; Loza, Kateryna; Pappert, Kevin; Rostek, Alexander; Ziegler, Nadine; Ludwig, Alfred; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias; Tiller, Jörg C.; Schildhauer, Thomas A; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina
    Bimetallic silver-platinum nanoparticles with combined osteo-promotive and antimicrobial activity
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 30 (2019) Nr. 30, S. 305101
  • Socrates, R.; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Sakthivel, N.; Rajaram, A.; Epple, Matthias; Narayana Kalkura, S.
    Biomimetic fabrication of mineralized composite films of nanosilver loaded native fibrillar collagen and chitosan
    In: Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems Jg. 99 (2019) S. 357 - 366
  • Damm, Dominik; Rojas-Sánchez, Leonardo; Theobald, Hannah; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Wyatt, Richard T.; Überla, Klaus; Epple, Matthias; Temchura, Vladimir
    Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticle-Based Vaccines as a Platform for Improvement of HIV-1 Env Antibody Responses by Intrastructural Help
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 1389
  • Hettich, Georg; Schierjott, Ronja A.; Epple, Matthias; Gbureck, Uwe; Heinemann, Sascha; Mozaffari-Jovein, Hadi; Grupp, Thomas M.
    Calcium phosphate bone graft substitutes with high mechanical load capacity and high degree of interconnecting porosity
    In: Materials Jg. 12 (2019) Nr. 21, S. 3471
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Rojas-Sánchez, Leonardo; Bialas, Nataniel; Schulze, Nina; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticle-mediated transfection in 2D and 3D mono- and co-culture cell models
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 84 (2019) S. 391 - 401
  • van der Meer, Selina; Loza, Kateryna; Wey, Karolin; Heggen, Marc; Beuck, Christine; Bayer, Peter; Epple, Matthias
    Click chemistry on the surface of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles (2 nm) for covalent ligand attachment followed by nmr spectroscopy
    In: Langmuir Jg. 35 (2019) Nr. 22, S. 7191 - 7204
  • Garcia, Paulo R. A. F.; Loza, Kateryna; Daumann, S.; Grasmik, Victoria; Pappert, Kevin; Rostek, Alexander; Helmlinger, Jens; Prymak, Oleg; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.
    Combining Small-Angle X-ray Scattering and X-ray Powder Diffraction to Investigate Size, Shape and Crystallinity of Silver, Gold and Alloyed Silver-Gold Nanoparticles
    In: Brazilian Journal of Physics Jg. 49 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 183 - 190
  • Rojas-Sánchez, Leonardo; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Riebe, Steffen; Voskuhl, Jens; Epple, Matthias
    Covalent Surface Functionalization of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles with Fluorescent Dyes by Copper-Catalysed and by Strain-Promoted Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry
    In: ChemNanoMat Jg. 5 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 436 - 446
  • Surmeneva, Maria; Lapanje, Ales; Chudinova, Ekaterina; Ivanova, Anna; Koptyug, Andrey; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ennen-Roth, Franka; Ulbricht, Mathias; Rijavec, Tomaž; Surmenev, Roman
    Decreased bacterial colonization of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V metallic scaffolds with immobilized silver and calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 480 (2019) S. 822 - 829
  • Bakopoulou, Athina; Georgopoulou, Αnthie; Grivas, Ioannis; Bekiari, Chryssa; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Κateryna; Epple, Matthias; Papadopoulos, Chrisovalantis; Koidis, Petros; Chatzinikolaidou, Μaria
    Dental pulp stem cells in chitosan/gelatin scaffolds for enhanced orofacial bone regeneration
    In: Dental Materials Jg. 35 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 310 - 327
  • Chudinova, E.; Surmeneva, M.; Koptyug, A.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prymak, Oleg; Bouckercha, S.; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R.
    Determination of the properties and loading efficiency of encapsulated BSA-FITC and dexamethasone for drug delivery systems
    In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Jg. 597 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 012056
  • Chernozem, Roman V.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Krause, Bärbel; Baumbach, Tilo; Ignatov, Viktor P.; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Ennen-Roth, Franka; Wittmar, Alexandra; Ulbricht, Mathias; Chudinova, Ekaterina A.; Rijavec, Tomaž; Lapanje, Aleš; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Functionalization of titania nanotubes with electrophoretically deposited silver and calcium phosphate nanoparticles : Structure, composition and antibacterial assay
    In: Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems Jg. 97 (2019) S. 420 - 430
  • Prosolov, K.A.; Belyavskaya, Olga A.; Linders, Jürgen; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Mayer, Christian; Rau, Julietta V.; Epple, Matthias; Sharkeev, Yurii P.
    Glancing angle deposition of Zn doped calcium phosphate coatings by RF magnetron sputtering
    In: Coatings Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 4, 220
  • Matvienko, Tatiana; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prylutska, Svitlana; Harahuts, Yuliia; Kutsevol, Nataliya; Kostjukov, Viktor; Evstigneev, Maxim; Prylutskyy, Yuriy; Epple, Matthias; Ritter, Uwe
    In vitro study of the anticancer activity of various doxorubicin-containing dispersions
    In: BioImpacts Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 57 - 63
  • Kopp, Mathis; Aufderhorst, Ulrich Wilhelm; Alt, Mira; Dittmer, Ulf; Eis-Hübinger, Anna-Maria; Giebel, Bernd; Roggendorf, Michael; Epple, Matthias; Krawczyk, Adalbert
    Induction of herpes simplex virus type 1 cell-to-cell spread inhibiting antibodies by a calcium phosphate nanoparticle-based vaccine
    In: Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine Jg. 16 (2019) S. 138 - 148
  • Zviagin, A.; Chernozem, R.; Surmeneva, M.; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Ulbricht, Mathias; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R.
    Influence of Calcium-Phosphate Coating on Wettability of Hybrid Piezoelectric Scaffolds
    In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Jg. 597 (2019) Nr. 1,
  • Pappert, Kevin; Loza, Kateryna; Shviro, Meital; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heggen, Marc; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.; Schierholz, Roland; Maeda, Takuya; Kaneko, Kenji; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoscopic Porous Iridium/Iridium Dioxide Superstructures (15 nm) : Synthesis and Thermal Conversion by In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 25 (2019) Nr. 47, S. 11048 - 11057
  • Luebke, Alwina; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Dammann, Philip; Fabritius, Helge Otto; Epple, Matthias
    Optimized biological tools: ultrastructure of rodent and bat teeth compared to human teeth
    In: Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials Jg. 8 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 247 - 253
  • Chernozem, Roman V.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Shkarina, Svetlana N.; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Ulbricht, Mathias; Cecilia, Angelica; Krause, Bärbel; Baumbach, T.; Abalymov, Anatoly A.; Parakhonskiy, Bogdan V.; Skirtach, André G.; Surmenev, R.A.
    Piezoelectric 3-D Fibrous Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-Based Scaffolds Ultrasound-Mineralized with Calcium Carbonate for Bone Tissue Engineering : Inorganic Phase Formation, Osteoblast Cell Adhesion, and Proliferation
    In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Jg. 11 (2019) Nr. 21, S. 19522 - 19533
  • Ruks, Tatjana; Beuck, Christine; Schaller, Torsten; Niemeyer, Felix; Zähres, Manfred; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Hagemann, Ulrich; Mayer, Christian; Bayer, Peter; Epple, Matthias
    Solution NMR Spectroscopy with Isotope-Labeled Cysteine (¹³C and ¹⁵N) Reveals the Surface Structure of l -Cysteine-Coated Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles (1.8 nm)
    In: Langmuir Jg. 35 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 767 - 778
  • Sharonova, Anna; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R.
    Surface functionalization of titanium with silver nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 1145 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 012032
  • Chudinova, Ekaterina; Surmeneva, M.; Koptyug, Andrey; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R.
    Surface modification of Ti6Al4V alloy scaffolds manufactured by electron beam melting
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 1145 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 012030
  • Rostek, Alexander; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias
    X-ray powder diffraction to analyse bimetallic core–shell nanoparticles (gold and palladium; 7–8 nm)
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 46, S. 26628 - 26636
  • Shkarina, Svetlana; Shkarin, Roman; Weinhardt, Venera; Melnik, Elizaveta; Vacun, Gabriele; Kluger, Petra J.; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Ivlev, Sergei I.; Baumbach, Tilo; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Surmenev, Roman A.
    3D biodegradable scaffolds of polycaprolactone with silicate-containing hydroxyapatite microparticles for bone tissue engineering : high-resolution tomography and in vitro study
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 8907
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Loza, Kateryna; Knuschke, Torben; Heinen-Weiler, J.; Jastrow, Holger; Hasenberg, Mike; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid; Gunzer, Matthias; Epple, Matthias
    A systematic electron microscopic study on the uptake of barium sulphate nano-, submicro-, microparticles by bone marrow-derived phagocytosing cells
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 80 (2018) S. 352 - 363
  • Dautova, Yana; Kapustin, Alexander N; Pappert, Kevin; Epple, Matthias; Okkenhaug, Hanneke; Cook, Simon J; Shanahan, Catherine M; Bootman, Martin D; Proudfoot, Diane
    Calcium phosphate particles stimulate interleukin-1β release from human vascular smooth muscle cells : A role for spleen tyrosine kinase and exosome release
    In: Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology Jg. 115 (2018) S. 82 - 93
  • Rostek, Alexander; Breisch, Marina; Pappert, Kevin; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina; Epple, Matthias
    Comparative biological effects of spherical noble metal nanoparticles (Rh, Pd, Ag, Pt, Au) with 4-8 nm diameter
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 9 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 2763 - 2774
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Epple, Matthias; Jakobi, Jurij; Prymak, Oleg; Rehbock, Christoph
    Crystallographic characterization of laser-generated, polymer-stabilized 4 nm silver-gold alloyed nanoparticles
    In: Materials Chemistry and Physics Jg. 207 (2018) S. 442 - 450
  • Plichta, Zdeněk; Kozak, Yulia; Panchuk, Rostyslav; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias; Kobylinska, Lesya; Jendelová, Pavla; Horák, Daniel
    Cytotoxicity of doxorubicin-conjugated poly[N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide]-modified γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles towards human tumor cells
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 9 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 2533 - 2545
  • Grasmik, Viktoria; Rurainsky, Christian; Loza, Kateryna; Evers, Mathies V.; Prymak, Oleg; Heggen, Marc; Tschulik, Kristina; Epple, Matthias
    Deciphering the Surface Composition and the Internal Structure of Alloyed Silver–Gold Nanoparticles
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 24 (2018) Nr. 36, S. 9051 - 9060
  • Prosolov, K.A.; Belyavskaya, O.A.; Rau, J.V.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Sharkeev, Yu. P.
    Deposition of polycrystalline zinc substituted hydroxyapatite coatings with a columnar structure by RF magnetron sputtering : Role of in-situ substrate heating
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 1115 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 032077
  • Enax, Joachim; Epple, Matthias
    Die Charakterisierung von Putzkörpern in Zahnpasten
    In: Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift (DZZ) Jg. 73 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 100 - 108
  • Ettelt, Volker; Belitsky, Alice; Lehnert, Michael; Loidl-Stahlhofen, Angelika; Epple, Matthias; Veith, Michael
    Enhanced selective cellular proliferation by multi-biofunctionalization of medical implant surfaces with heterodimeric BMP-2/6, fibronectin, and FGF-2
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Jg. 106 (2018) Nr. 11, S. 2910 - 2922
  • Moser, Norman; Goldstein, Jan; Kauffmann, Phillip; Epple, Matthias; Schliephake, Henning
    Experimental variation of the level and the ratio of angiogenic and osteogenic signaling affects the spatiotemporal expression of bone-specific markers and organization of bone formation in ectopic sites
    In: Clinical Oral Investigations Jg. 22 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 1223 - 1234
  • Livitska, Oksana; Strutynska, Nataliia; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Prylutskyy, Yuriy; Livitska, Olha; Epple, Matthias; Slobodyanik, Nikolai
    Immobilization of cesium from aqueous solution using nanoparticles of synthetic calcium phosphates
    In: Chemistry Central Journal Jg. 12 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 87
  • Banerjee, Soham; Liu, Chia-Hao; Lee, Jennifer D.; Kovyakh, Anton; Grasmik, Viktoria; Prymak, Oleg; Koenigsmann, Christopher; Liu, Haiqing; Wang, Lei; Abeykoon, A.M. Milinda; Wong, Stanislaus S.; Epple, Matthias; Murray, Christopher B.; Billinge, Simon J.L.
    Improved models for metallic nanoparticle cores from atomic pair distribution function (PDF) analysis
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces (2018)
  • Knuschke, Torben; Rotan, Olga; Bayer, Wibke; Kollenda, Sebastian; Dickow, Julia; Sutter, Kathrin; Hansen, Wiebke; Dittmer, Ulf; Lang, Karl S.; Epple, Matthias; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid
    Induction of Type I Interferons by Therapeutic Nanoparticle-Based Vaccination Is Indispensable to Reinforce Cytotoxic CD8+ T Cell Responses During Chronic Retroviral Infection
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 9 (2018) 614
  • Epple, Matthias; Enax, Joachim
    Moderne Zahnpflege aus chemischer Sicht
    In: Chemie in unserer Zeit Jg. 52 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 218 - 228
  • Ludwig, Anna-Kristin; De Miroschedji, Kyra; Döppner, Thorsten R.; Börger, Verena; Ruesing, Johannes; Rebmann, Vera; Durst, Stephan; Jansen, Sören; Bremer, Michel; Behrmann, Elmar; Singer, Bernhard B.; Jastrow, Holger; Kuhlmann, Jan Dominik; El Magraoui, Fouzi; Meyer, Helmut E.; Hermann, Dirk M.; Opalka, Bertram; Raunser, Stefan; Epple, Matthias; Horn, Peter; Giebel, Bernd
    Precipitation with polyethylene glycol followed by washing and pelleting by ultracentrifugation enriches extracellular vesicles from tissue culture supernatants in small and large scales
    In: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (JEV) Jg. 7 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 1528109
  • Tenkumo, Taichi; Vanegas Sáenz, Juan Ramón; Nakamura, Keisuke; Shimizu, Yoshinaka; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias; Kamano, Yuya; Egusa, Hiroshi; Sugaya, Tsutomu; Sasaki, Keiichi
    Prolonged release of bone morphogenetic protein-2 in vivo by gene transfection with DNA-functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticle-loaded collagen scaffolds
    In: Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems Jg. 92 (2018) S. 172 - 183
  • Epple, Matthias
    Review of potential health risks associated with nanoscopic calcium phosphate
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 77 (2018) S. 1 - 14
  • van den Broek, Karina; Daniel, Mirco; Epple, Matthias; Kuhn, Hubert; Schaub, Jonas; Zielesny, Achim
    SPICES: a particle-based molecular structure line notation and support library for mesoscopic simulation
    In: Journal of Cheminformatics Jg. 10 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 35
  • Graf, Christina; Nordmeyer, Daniel; Sengstock, Christina; Ahlberg, Sebastian; Diendorf, Jörg; Raabe, Jörg; Epple, Matthias; Köller, Manfred; Lademann, Jürgen; Vogt, Annika; Rancan, Fiorenza; Rühl, Eckart
    Shape-Dependent Dissolution and Cellular Uptake of Silver Nanoparticles
    In: Langmuir Jg. 34 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 1506 - 1519
  • Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias
    Silver nanoparticles in complex media : An easy procedure to discriminate between metallic silver nanoparticles, reprecipitated silver chloride, and dissolved silver species
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 43, S. 24386 - 24391
  • Ettelt, Volker; Ekat, Katharina; Kämmerer, Peer W.; Kreikemeyer, Bernd; Epple, Matthias; Veith, Michael
    Streptavidin-coated surfaces suppress bacterial colonization by inhibiting non-specific protein adsorption
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Jg. 106 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 758 - 768
  • Grasmik, Viktoria; Breisch, Marina; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis and biological characterization of alloyed silver–platinum nanoparticles : from compact core–shell nanoparticles to hollow nanoalloys
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 67, S. 38582 - 38590
  • Enax, Joachim; Epple, Matthias
    Synthetic hydroxyapatite as a biomimetic oral care agent
    In: Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry Jg. 16 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 7 - 19
  • Weske, Sarah; Vaidya, Mithila; Reese, Alina; Von Wnuck Lipinski, Karin; Keul, Petra; Bayer, Julia K; Fischer, Jens W; Flögel, Ulrich; Nelsen, Jens; Epple, Matthias; Scatena, Marta; Schwedhelm, Edzard; Dörr, Marcus; Völzke, Henry; Moritz, Eileen; Hannemann, Anke; Rauch, Bernhard H; Gräler, Markus H; Heusch, Gerd; Levkau, Bodo
    Targeting sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase as an anabolic therapy for bone loss
    In: Nature Medicine Jg. 24 (2018) Nr. 5, S. 667 - 678
  • Rostek, Alexander; Breisch, Marina; Loza, Kateryna; Garcia-Montero, Angelica; Oliveira, Cristiano L. P.; Prymak, Oleg; Heggen, Marc; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina; Epple, Matthias
    Wet-Chemical Synthesis of Pd-Au Core-Shell Nanoparticles (8 nm) : From Nanostructure to Biological Properties
    In: ChemistrySelect Jg. 3 (2018) Nr. 17, S. 4994 - 5001
  • Francis, Biju; Neuhaus, Bernhard; Reddy, Mundlapudi; Epple, Matthias; Janiak, Christoph
    Amine-Functionalized Silica Nanoparticles Incorporating Covalently Linked Visible-Light Excitable Eu3+-Complexes : Synthesis, Characterization and Cell Uptake Studies
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2017) Nr. 25, S. 3205 - 3213
  • van der Meer, Selina; Knuschke, Torben; Frede, Annika; Schulze, Nina; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Avidin-conjugated calcium phosphate nanoparticles as a modular targeting system for the attachment of biotinylated molecules in vitro and in vivo
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 57 (2017) S. 414 - 425
  • Ramana Ramya, J.; Thanigai Arul, K.; Epple, Matthias; Giebel, Ursula; Guendel-Graber, J.; Jayanthi, V.; Sharma, M.; Rela, M.; Narayana Kalkura, S.
    Chemical and structural analysis of gallstones from the Indian subcontinent
    In: Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems Jg. 78 (2017) S. 878 - 885
  • Johnston, Blair D.; Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Pfeiffer, Christian; Schäffler, Martin; Sarioglu, Hakan; Ristig, Simon; Hirn, Stephanie; Haberl, Nadine; Thalhammer, Stefan; Hauck, Stefanie M.; Semmler-Behnke, Manuela; Epple, Matthias; Hühn, Jonas; Del Pino, Pablo; Parak, Wolfgang J.
    Colloidal Stability and Surface Chemistry Are Key Factors for the Composition of the Protein Corona of Inorganic Gold Nanoparticles
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 27 (2017) Nr. 42, S. 1701956
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Shi, Zou; Huang, Shunmei; Du, Yanqin; Kopp, Mathis; Frede, Annika; Knuschke, Torben; Buer, Jan; Yang, Dongliang; Wu, Jun; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Delivery of the TLR ligand poly(I:C) to liver cells in vitro and in vivo by calcium phosphate nanoparticles leads to a pronounced immunostimulation
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 64 (2017) S. 401 - 410
  • Kopp, Mathis; Rotan, Olga; Papadopoulos, Chrisovalantis; Schulze, Nina; Meyer, Hemmo; Epple, Matthias
    Delivery of the autofluorescent protein R-phycoerythrin by calcium phosphate nanoparticles into four different eukaryotic cell lines (HeLa, HEK293T, MG-63, MC3T3) : Highly efficient, but leading to endolysosomal proteolysis in HeLa and MC3T3 cells
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 12 (2017) Nr. 6, S. e0178260
  • Moser, Norman; Lohse, Nils; Goldstein, Jan; Kauffmann, Philipp; Sven, B.; Epple, Matthias; Schliephake, Henning
    Do we need retarded delivery of bone growth factors in facial bone repair? : An experimental study in rats
    In: European Cells and Materials Jg. 34 (2017) S. 162 - 179
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Epple, Matthias; Barcikowski, Stephan
    How Size Determines the Value of Gold : Economic Aspects of Wet Chemical and Laser-Based Metal Colloid Synthesis
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1012 - 1019
  • Chernozem, Roman V.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Krause, Bärbel; Baumbach, Tilo; Ignatov, Viktor P.; Tyurin, Alexander I.; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Hybrid biocomposites based on titania nanotubes and a hydroxyapatite coating deposited by RF-magnetron sputtering : surface topography, structure, and mechanical properties
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 426 (2017) S. 229 - 237
  • Melnikov, Evgenii S.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Tyurin, Alexander I.; Pirozhkova, Tatyana S.; Shuvarin, Ivan A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Improvement of the Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Magnesium Alloys by Deposition of Thin Hydroxyapatite Film
    In: Nano Hybrids and Composites Jg. 13 (2017) S. 355 - 361
  • Surmeneva, Maria A.; Sharonova, Anna A.; Chernousova, Svitlana; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Tkachev, Mikhail S.; Shulepov, Ivan A.; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Incorporation of silver nanoparticles into magnetron-sputtered calcium phosphate layers on titanium as an antibacterial coating
    In: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Jg. 156 (2017) S. 104 - 113
  • Pastille, Eva; Frede, Annika; McSorley, Henry J.; Gräb, Jessica; Adamczyk, Alexandra; Kollenda, Sebastian; Hansen, Wiebke; Epple, Matthias; Buer, Jan; Maizels, Rick M.; Klopfleisch, Robert; Westendorf, Astrid
    Intestinal helminth infection drives carcinogenesis in colitis-associated colon cancer
    In: PLoS Pathogens Jg. 13 (2017) Nr. 9, e1006649
  • Chernousova, Svitlana; Epple, Matthias
    Live-cell imaging to compare the transfection and gene silencing efficiency of calcium phosphate nanoparticles and a liposomal transfection agent
    In: Gene Therapy Jg. 24 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 282 - 289
  • Frede, Annika; Neuhaus, Bernhard; Knuschke, Torben; Wadwa, Munisch; Kollenda, Sebastian; Klopfleisch, Robert; Hansen, Wiebke; Buer, Jan; Bruder, Dunja; Epple, Matthias; Westendorf, Astrid
    Local delivery of siRNA-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticles abates pulmonary inflammation
    In: Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine Jg. 13 (2017) Nr. 8, S. 2395 - 2403
  • Seifarth, Volker; Grosse, Joachim O.; Gossmann, Matthias; Janke, Heinz Peter; Arndt, Patrick; Koch, Sabine; Epple, Matthias; Artmann, Gerhard M.; Artmann, Aysegül Temiz
    Mechanical induction of bi-directional orientation of primary porcine bladder smooth muscle cells in tubular fibrin-poly(vinylidene fluoride) scaffolds for ureteral and urethral repair using cyclic and focal balloon catheter stimulation
    In: Journal of Biomaterials Applications Jg. 32 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 321 - 330
  • Ziegler, Andreas Siegfried; Neues, Frank; Janáček, Jiří; Beckmann, Felix H.; Epple, Matthias
    Mineral in skeletal elements of the terrestrial crustacean Porcellio scaber : SRμCT of function related distribution and changes during the moult cycle
    In: Arthropod Structure & Development Jg. 46 (2017) Nr. 1, Arthropod Cuticle Function: from Molecules to Structures to Ecology, S. 63 - 76
  • Kopp, Mathis; Kollenda, Sebastian; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoparticle-Protein Interactions : Therapeutic Approaches and Supramolecular Chemistry
    In: Accounts of Chemical Research Jg. 50 (2017) Nr. 6, S. 1383 - 1390
  • Zilker, Claudia; Kozlova, Diana; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Yan, HHuimin; Epple, Matthias; Überla, Klaus; Temchura, Vladimir
    Nanoparticle-based B-cell targeting vaccines : Tailoring of humoral immune responses by functionalization with different TLR-ligands
    In: Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine Jg. 13 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 173 - 182
  • Zimmermann, Sonja; Ruchter, Nadine; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Sures, Bernd
    Nanoparticulate versus ionic silver : Behavior in the tank water, bioaccumulation, elimination and subcellular distribution in exposure studies with the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha
    In: Environmental Pollution Jg. 222 (2017) S. 251 - 260
  • Zyman, Zoltan; Epple, Matthias; Goncharenko, Anton; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna
    Peculiarities in thermal evolution of precipitated amorphous calcium phosphates with an initial Ca/P ratio of 1:1
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 28 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 52
  • Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Grubova, Irina Yu.; Chernozem, Roman V.; Krause, Bärbel; Baumbach, Tilo; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias
    RF magnetron sputtering of a hydroxyapatite target : a comparison study on polytetrafluorethylene and titanium substrates
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 414 (2017) S. 335 - 344
  • Lübke, Alwina; Loza, Kateryna; Patnaik, Rajeev; Enax, Joachim; Raabe, Dierk; Prymak, Oleg; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Gaengler, Peter; Epple, Matthias
    Reply to the ‘Comments on “Dental lessons from past to present: ultrastructure and composition of teeth from plesiosaurs, dinosaurs, extinct and recent sharks"´ : by H. Botella et al. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 74384-74388
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 7 (2017) S. 6215 - 6222
  • Grubova, Irina Yu; Priamushko, Tatiana S.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Korneva, Olga S.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Sand-blasting treatment as a way to improve the adhesion strength of hydroxyapatite coating on titanium implant
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 830 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 012109
  • Rotan, Olga; Severin, Katharina; Pöpsel, Simon; Peetsch, Alexander; Merdanovic, Melisa; Ehrmann, Michael; Epple, Matthias
    Uptake of the proteins HTRA1 and HTRA2 by cells mediated by calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 8 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 381 - 393
  • Daumann, S.; Andrzejewski, Dominik; Di Marcantonio, M.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Wepfer, Svenja; Vollkommer, F.; Bacher, Gerd; Epple, Matthias; Nannen, Ekaterina
    Water-free synthesis of ZnO quantum dots for application as an electron injection layer in light-emitting electrochemical cells
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices Jg. 5 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 2344 - 2351
  • Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Bünger, Jürgen; Westphal, Götz A.; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christian
    Barium sulfate micro- and nanoparticles as bioinert reference material in particle toxicology
    In: Nanotoxicology Jg. 10 (2016) Nr. 10, S. 1492 - 1502
  • Habraken, Wouter; Habibovic, Pamela; Epple, Matthias; Bohner, Marc
    Calcium phosphates in biomedical applications : materials for the future?
    In: Materials Today Jg. 19 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 69 - 87
  • Frede, Annika; Neuhaus, Bernhard; Klopfleisch, Robert; Walker, Catherine; Buer, Jan; Müller, Werner; Epple, Matthias; Westendorf, Astrid
    Colonic gene silencing using siRNA-loaded calcium phosphate/PLGA nanoparticles ameliorates intestinal inflammation in vivo
    In: Journal of Controlled Release Jg. 222 (2016) S. 86 - 96
  • Knuschke, Torben; Rotan, Olga; Bayer, Wibke; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Hansen, Wiebke; Sparwasser, Tim; Dittmer, Ulf; Epple, Matthias; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid M.
    Combination of nanoparticle‑based therapeutic vaccination and transient ablation of regulatory T cells enhances anti‑viral immunity during chronic retroviral infection
    In: Retrovirology Jg. 13 (2016) 24
  • Ahlberg, Sebastian; Rancan, Fiorenza; Epple, Matthias; Loza, Kateryna; Höppe, David; Lademann, Jürgen; Vogt, Annika; Kleuser, Burkhard; Gerecke, Christian; Meinke, Martina C.
    Comparison of different methods to study effects of silver nanoparticles on the pro- and antioxidant status of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts
    In: Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology Jg. 109 (2016) S. 55 - 63
  • Lübke, Alwina; Enax, Joachim; Wey, Karolin; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Raabe, Dierk; Epple, Matthias
    Composites of fluoroapatite and methylmethacrylate-based polymers (PMMA) for biomimetic tooth replacement
    In: Bioinspiration & Biomimetics Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 035001
  • Schütze, Benjamin; Mayer, Christian; Loza, Kateryna; Gocyla, Martin; Heggen, M.; Epple, Matthias
    Conjugation of thiol-terminated molecules to ultrasmall 2 nm-gold nanoparticles leads to remarkably complex ¹H-NMR spectra
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 4 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 2179 - 2189
  • Livitska, O.; Strutynska, N.; Zatovsky, I.; Nikolenko, I.; Slobodyanik, N.; Prylutskyy, Y.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Byeda, Alexander
    Copper(II), zinc(II) and copper(II)/zinc(II)‐containing carbonate‐substituted hydroxyapatite : synthesis, characterization and thermal behaviour
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 47 (2016) Nr. 2-3, S. 85 - 91
  • Knoche, Thomas; Lund, Roland; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ulbricht, Mathias
    Effect of annealing temperature on pore formation in preparation of advanced polyethylene battery separator membranes
    In: Materials Today Communications Jg. 8 (2016) S. 23 - 30
  • Saw, Enning; Grasmik, Viktoria; Rurainsky, Christian; Epple, Matthias; Tschulik, Kristina
    Electrochemistry at single bimetallic nanoparticles : using nano impacts for sizing and compositional analysis of individual AgAu alloy nanoparticles
    In: Faraday Discussions (2016) Nr. 193, S. 327 - 338
  • Ivanova, A.A.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Tyurin, A.I.; Pirozhkova, T.S.; Shuvarin, I.A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R.A.
    Fabrication and physico-mechanical properties of thin magnetron sputter deposited silver-containing hydroxyapatite films
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 360, Part B (2016) Nr. January, S. 929 - 935
  • Grubova, I.; Priamushko, T.; Chudinova, E.; Surmeneva, M.; Korneva, O.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Shulepov, I.; Surmenev, R.
    Formation and Characterization of Crystalline Hydroxyapatite Coating with the (002) Texture
    In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Jg. 116 (2016) Nr. 1,
  • Tenkumo, Taichi; Vanegas Sáenz, Juan Ramón; Takada, Yukyo; Takahashi, Masatoshi; Rotan, Olga; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias; Sasaki, Keiichi
    Gene transfection of human mesenchymal stem cells with a nano-hydroxyapatite-collagen scaffold containing DNA-functionalised calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Genes to Cells Jg. 21 (2016) Nr. 7, S. 682 - 695
  • Großmann, Matthias; Palm, Thomas; Kettenhofen, Ralf; Bohlen, Heribert; Lu, Hua Rong; Gallacher, David J.; Artmann, Gerhard; Epple, Matthias; Artmann, Aysegül Temiz
    Human iPS-derived cardiac myocyte-fibroblast 3D co-cultures : a predictive in vitro model to assess drug-induced contractile and metabolic liabilities
    In: Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods Jg. 81 (2016) Nr. Focused Issue on Safety Pharmacology, S. 382
  • Bychko, A.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prylutska, S.; Bogutska, K.; Rybalchenko, V.; Evstigneev, M.; Prylutskyy, Y.; Epple, Matthias; Ritter, U.; Scharff, P.
    Interaction of C60 fullerene complexed to cisplatin with model bilipid membranes and its uptake by HeLa cells
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 47 (2016) Nr. 2-3, S. 105 - 111
  • Prylutskyy, Yu; Bychko, A.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prylutska, S.; Evstigneev, M.; Rybalchenko, V.; Epple, Matthias; Scharff, P.
    Interaction of C60 fullerene complexed to doxorubicin with model bilipid membranes and its uptake by HeLa cells
    In: Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems Jg. 59 (2016) S. 398 - 403
  • Schremmer, Isabell; Brik, Alexander; Weber, Daniel; Rosenkranz, Nina; Rostek, Alexander; Loza, Kateryna; Brüning, Thomas A.; Johnen, Georg; Epple, Matthias; Bünger, Jürgen D.; Westphal, Götz Alexander
    Kinetics of chemotaxis, cytokine, and chemokine release of NR8383 macrophages after exposure to inflammatory and inert granular insoluble particles
    In: Toxicology Letters Jg. 263 (2016) S. 68 - 75
  • Goßmann, Matthias; Frotscher, Ralf; Linder, Peter; Neumann, Stephan; Bayer, Robin; Epple, Matthias; Staat, Manfred; Artmann, Ayșegül T.; Artmann, Gerhard M.
    Mechano-Pharmacological Characterization of Cardiomyocytes Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
    In: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry Jg. 38 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 1182 - 1198
  • Neuhaus, Bernhard; Tosun, Benjamin; Rotan, Olga; Frede, Annika; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoparticles as transfection agents : a comprehensive study with ten different cell lines
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 6 (2016) Nr. 22, S. 18102 - 18112
  • Helmlinger, Jens; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Gocyla, Martin; Heggen, Marc; Epple, Matthias
    On the Crystallography of Silver Nanoparticles with Different Shapes
    In: Crystal Growth & Design Jg. 16 (2016) Nr. 7, S. 3677 - 3687
  • Syromotina, D.S.; Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Boyandin, Anatoly N.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ulbricht, Mathias; Oehr, Christian; Volova, Tatiana G.
    Oxygen and ammonia plasma treatment of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) films for controlled surface zeta potential and improved cell compatibility
    In: Materials Letters Jg. 163 (2016) S. 277 - 280
  • Schmitz, I.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ernert, C.; Tannapfel, A.
    Plattenepithelkarzinom in Verbindung mit einer roten Tätowierung
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 14 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 604 - 609
  • Epple, Matthias; Kuhn, Hubert; Siebers, Bettina; Rehage, Heinz; Köller, Manfred; Sengstock, Christina
    Silberdotierte Calciumphosphat-Nanopartikel als antibakterielle Wirkstoffe : Synthese, Charakterisierung und biologische Wirkung
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2016) Nr. 48: Materials Chain : Forschung aus dem UA Ruhr-Profilschwerpunkt, S. 122 - 127
  • Helmlinger, Jens; Sengstock, C.; Groß-Heitfeld, Christoph; Mayer, Christian; Schildhauer, T.A.; Köller, M.; Epple, Matthias
    Silver nanoparticles with different size and shape : equal cytotoxicity, but different antibacterial effect
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 6 (2016) Nr. 22, S. 18490 - 18501
  • Tolkachov, M.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Loza, Kateryna; Korolovych, Volodymyr F.; Prylutskyy, Yu I.; Epple, Matthias; Ritter, Uwe; Scharff, Peter
    Study of biocompatibility effect of nanocarbon particles on various cell types in vitro
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 47 (2016) Nr. 2-3, S. 216 - 221
  • Syromotina, D.S.; Surmenev, R.A.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Boyandin, A.N.; Nikolaeva, E.D.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ulbricht, Mathias; Oehr, C.; Volova, T.G.
    Surface wettability and energy effects on the biological performance of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate films treated with RF plasma
    In: Materials Science and Engineering C: Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems (2016) Nr. 62, S. 450 - 457
  • Kolanthai, Elayaraja; Ganesan, Kathirvel; Epple, Matthias; Kalkura, S. Narayana
    Synthesis of nanosized hydroxyapatite/agarose powders for bone filler and drug delivery application
    In: Materials Today Communications Jg. 2016 (2016) Nr. 8, S. 31 - 40
  • Sharonova, A.; Loza, Kateryna; Surmeneva, M.; Surmenev, R.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis of positively and negatively charged silver nanoparticles and their deposition on the surface of titanium
    In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Jg. 116 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 012009
  • Zyman, Zyman; Epple, Matthias; Goncharenko, Anton; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna
    Thermally induced crystallization and phase evolution in powders derived from amorphous calcium phosphate precipitates with a Ca/P ratio of 1:1
    In: Journal of Crystal Growth Jg. Vol. 450 (2016) S. 190 - 196
  • Range, Sven; Hagmeyer, Daniel; Rotan, Olga; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Verheyen, Julia; Siebers, Bettina; Epple, Matthias
    A continuous method to prepare poorly crystalline silver-doped calcium phosphate ceramics with antibacterial properties
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 5 (2015) Nr. 54, S. 43172 - 43177
  • Helmlinger, Jens; Heise, Martin; Heggen, Marc; Ruck, Michael; Epple, Matthias
    A rapid, high-yield and large-scale synthesis of uniform spherical silver nanoparticles by a microwave-assisted polyol process
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 5 (2015) Nr. 112, S. 92144 - 92150
  • Schlickewei, Carsten W.; Laaff, Georg; Andresen, Anne; Klatte, Till O.; Rueger, Johannes M.; Ruesing, Johannes; Epple, Matthias; Lehmann, Wolfgang
    Bone augmentation using a new injectable bone graft substitute by combining calcium phosphate and bisphosphonate as composite : an animal model
    In: Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 1, 116
  • Hadjicharalambous, Chrystalleni; Kozlova, Diana; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias; Chatzinikolaidou, Maria
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles carrying BMP-7 plasmid DNA induce an osteogenic response in MC3T3-E1 pre-osteoblasts
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Jg. 103 (2015) Nr. 12, S. 3834 - 3842
  • Lohse, Nils; Moser, Norman; Backhaus, S.; Annen, Thomas; Epple, Matthias; Schliephake, Henning
    Continuous delivery of rhBMP2 and rhVEGF165 at a certain ratio enhances bone formation in mandibular defects over the delivery of rhBMP2 alone : an experimental study in rats
    In: Journal of Controlled Release Jg. 220, Part A (2015) Nr. December, S. 201 - 209
  • Gorodzha, S.N.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Koval, N.; Teresov, A.; Epple, Matthias; Ulbricht, Mathias; Wittmar, Alexandra; Prymak, Oleg; Surmenev, R.A.
    Correlation between surface properties and wettability of multi-scale structured biocompatible surfaces
    In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Jg. 98 (2015) S. 012026
  • Lübke, Alwina; Enax, Joachim; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Gängler, Peter; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Raabe, Dierk; Epple, Matthias
    Dental lessons from past to present : ultrastructure and composition of teeth from plesiosaurs,dinosaurs, extinct and recent sharks
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 5 (2015) Nr. 76, S. 61612 - 61622
  • Neuhaus, Bernhard; Frede, Annika; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Gene silencing of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha with siRNA delivered by calcium phosphate nanoparticles, quantified by different methods
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 3 (2015) Nr. 36, S. 7186 - 7193
  • Helmlinger, Jens; Busch, N.; Epple, Matthias
    Gold-Nanopartikel aus der Mikrowelle : ein Schulversuch für eine Doppelstunde
    In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Chemie in der Schule Jg. 4 (2015) Nr. 64, S. 37 - 41
  • Ivanova, Anna A.; Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Mukhametkaliyev, Timur; Loza, Kateryna; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Hybrid biocomposite with a tunable antibacterial activity and bioactivity based on rf magnetron sputter deposited coating and silver nanoparticles
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 329 (2015) S. 212 - 218
  • Truszkowski, Andreas; van den Broek, Karina; Kuhn, Hubert; Zielesny, Achim; Epple, Matthias
    Mesoscopic simulation of phospholipid membranes, peptides, and proteins with molecular fragment dynamics
    In: Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Jg. 55 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 983 - 997
  • Haedicke, Katja; Kozlova, Diana; Gräfe, Susanna; Teichgräber, Ulf; Epple, Matthias; Hilger, Ingrid
    Multifunctional calcium phosphate nanoparticles for combining near-infrared fluorescence imaging and photodynamic therapy
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 14 (2015) S. 197 - 207
  • Ristig, Simon; Prymak, Oleg; Loza, Kateryna; Gocyla, Martin; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Heggen, Marc; Raabe, Dierk; Epple, Matthias
    Nanostructure of wet-chemically prepared, polymer-stabilized silver–gold nanoalloys (6 nm) over the entire composition range
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 3 (2015) Nr. 23, S. 4654 - 4662
  • Westphal, Götz A.; Schremmer, Isabell; Rostek, Alexander; Loza, Kateryna; Rosenkranz, Nina; Brüning, Thomas; Epple, Matthias; Bünger, Jürgen
    Particle-induced cell migration assay (PICMA) : a new in vitro assay for inflammatory particle effects based on permanent cell lines
    In: Toxicology In Vitro Jg. 29 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 997 - 1005
  • Petrack, Janina; Vucak, Marijan; Nover, Christoph; Epple, Matthias
    Polymorphic calcium carbonate phases as adsorbents for allergens from natural rubber latex
    In: Journal of Applied Polymer Science Jg. 132 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 41271
  • Grass, Stefan; Diendorf, Jörg; Gebauer, Julia S.; Epple, Matthias; Treuel, Lennart
    Quantitative replacement of citrate by phosphane on silver nanoparticle surfaces monitored by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)
    In: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Jg. 15 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 1591 - 1596
  • Range, Sven; Bernardes, Carlos E. S.; Simões, Ricardo G.; Epple, Matthias; Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.
    Size matters : An experimental and computational study of the influence of particle size on the lattice energy of NaCl
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 119 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 4387 - 4396
  • Schliephake, Henning; Vučak, Marijan; Boven, J.; Backhaus, S.; Annen, Thomas; Epple, Matthias
    Solvent free production of porous PDLLA/calcium carbonate composite scaffolds improves the release of bone growth factors
    In: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Jg. 19 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 133 - 141
  • Nosenko, Valentyna; Strutynska, Nataliia; Vorona, Igor; Zatovsky, Igor; Dzhagan, Volodymyr; Lemishko, Sergiy; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Baran, Nikolai; Ishchenko, Stanislav; Slobodyanik, Nikolai; Prylutskyy, Yuriy; Klyui, Nickolai; Temchenko, Volodymyr
    Structure of biocompatible coatings produced from hydroxyapatite nanoparticles by detonation spraying
    In: Nanoscale Research Letters Jg. 10 (2015) S. 464
  • Ristig, Simon; Chernousova, Svitlana; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis, characterization and in vitro effects of 7 nm alloyed silver-gold nanoparticles
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 6 (2015) S. 1212 - 1220
  • Bezkrovnyi, O.S.; Matveevskaya, N.A.; Yermolayeva, Y.V.; Tolmachev, A.V.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Baumer, N.V.
    Synthesis, morphology and structure of the dense (Y1-xEux)2O3 spherical shape particles
    In: Crystal Research and Technology Jg. 50 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 621 - 625
  • Grubova, Irina Yu.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Ivanova, Anna A.; Kravchuk, Konstantin; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Buck, Volker; Surmenev, Roman A.
    The effect of patterned titanium substrates on the properties of silver-doped hydroxyapatite coatings
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Jg. 276 (2015) S. 595 - 601
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Westendorf, Astrid; Buer, Jan; Überla, Klaus; Epple, Matthias
    The potential of nanoparticles for the immunization against viral infections
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 3 (2015) Nr. 24, S. 4767 - 4779
  • Mukhametkaliyev, T.M.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Müller, M.; Surmenev, R.A.
    Thin hydroxyapatite coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy fabricated via RF-magnetron sputtering
    In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Jg. 98 (2015) S. 012027
  • Althoff, Kristina; Lindner, Sven; Odersky, Andrea; Mestdagh, Pieter; Beckers, Anneleen; Karczewski, Sarah; Molenaar, Jan J; Bohrer, Anna; Knauer, Shirley; Speleman, Frank; Epple, Matthias; Kozlova, Diana; Yoon, Sena; Baek, Kwanghee; Vandesompele, Jo; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    miR-542-3p exerts tumor suppressive functions in neuroblastoma by downregulating Survivin
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 136 (2015) Nr. 6, S. 1308 - 1320
  • Truszkowski, Andreas; Daniel, Mirco; Kuhn, Hubert; Neumann, Stefan; Steinbeck, Christoph; Zielesny, Achim; Epple, Matthias
    A molecular fragment cheminformatics roadmap for mesoscopic simulation
    In: Journal of Cheminformatics Jg. 6 (2014) S. 45
  • Dördelmann, Gregor; Kozlova, Diana; Epple, Matthias
    A pH-sensitive poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymer for efficient drug and gene delivery across the cell membrane
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 2 (2014) Nr. 41, S. 7123 - 7131
  • Ristig, Simon; Kozlova, Diana; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    An easy synthesis of autofluorescent alloyed silver–gold nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 2 (2014) Nr. 45, S. 7887 - 7895
  • Chernousova, Svitlana; Epple, Matthias
    Bioactive bone substitution materials
    In: Advanced Biomaterials and Devices in Medicine Jg. 1 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 74 - 87
  • Dördelmann, Gregor; Kozlova, Diana; Karczewski, Sarah; Lizio, Rosario; Knauer, Shirley; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate increases the encapsulation efficiency of hydrophilic drugs (proteins, nucleic acids) into poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide acid) nanoparticles for intracellular delivery
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 2 (2014) Nr. 41, S. 7250 - 7259
  • Kozlova, Diana; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Zhong, Maohua; Zhang, Ejuan; Yang, Jingyi; Li, Wei; Yang, Yi; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias; Yan, Huimin
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles show an effective activation of the innate immune response in vitro and in vivo after functionalization with flagellin
    In: Virologica Sinica Jg. 29 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 33 - 39
  • Fissan, Heinz; Ristig, S.; Kaminski, Heinz; Asbach, Christof; Epple, Matthias
    Comparison of Different Characterization Methods for Nanoparticle Dispersions Before and After Aerosolization
    In: Analytical Methods Jg. 6 (2014) Nr. 18, S. 7324 - 7334
  • Ahlberg, Sebastian; Meinke, Martina C.; Werner, Luise; Epple, Matthias; Diendorf, Jörg; Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike; Lademann, Jürgen; Vogt, Annika; Rancan, Fiorenza
    Comparison of silver nanoparticles stored under air or argon with respect to the induction of intracellular free radicals and toxic effects toward keratinocytes
    In: European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics Jg. 88 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 651 - 657
  • Sengstock, Christina; Diendorf, Jörg; Epple, Matthias; Schildhauer, Thomas A.; Köller, Manfred
    Effect of silver nanoparticles on human mesenchymal stem cell differentiation
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 2058 - 2069
  • Branco, Joaquim; Carretas, José M.; Epple, Matthias; Cruz, Adelaide; de Matos, A. Pires; Leal, Joao Paulo
    Enthalpies of formation of europium alkoxides : what lessons can be drawn from them
    In: The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Jg. 75 (2014) S. 20 - 24
  • Gorodzha, S. N.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Gribennikov, M.V.; Pichugin, V.F.; Sharonova, A.A.; Pustovalova, A.A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Wittmar, Alexandra; Ulbricht, Mathias; Gogolinskii, K.V.; Kravchuk, K.S.
    Erratum to: Wettability of Thin Silicate-Containing Hydroxyapatite Films formed by RF-Magnetron Sputtering
    In: Russian Physics Journal Jg. 56 (2014) Nr. 11, S. 1318
  • Surmeneva, Maria A.; Surmenev, Roman A.; Nikonova, Yulia A.; Selezneva, Irina I.; Ivanova, Anna A.; Putlyaev, Valery I.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Fabrication, ultra-structure characterization and in vitro studies of RF magnetron sputter deposited nano-hydroxyapatite thin films for biomedical applications
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 317 (2014) S. 172 - 180
  • Dautova, Yana; Kozlova, Diana; Skepper, Jeremy N.; Epple, Matthias; Bootman, Martin D.; Proudfoot, Diane
    Fetuin-A and Albumin Alter Cytotoxic Effects of Calcium Phosphate Nanoparticles on Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 5, S. e97565
  • Chakif, M.; Essaidi, A.; Ostendorf, A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Generation of NiTi-Nanoparticles by Femtosecond Laser Ablation in Liquid
    In: Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Jg. 23 (2014) Nr. 7, S. 2482 - 2486
  • Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Fertsch-Gapp, Stefanie; Schäffler, Martin; Johnston, Blair D.; Haberl, Nadine; Pfeiffer, Christian; Diendorf, Jörg; Schleh, Carsten; Hirn, Stephanie; Semmler-Behnke, Manuela; Epple, Matthias; Parak, Wolfgang J.
    In vitro and in vivo interactions of selected nanoparticles with rodent serum proteins and their consequences in biokinetics
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 1699 - 1711
  • Chernousova, Svitlana; Epple, Matthias
    In-situ-Untersuchung der Transfektion mit Calciumphosphat- Nanopartikeln durch time-lapse microscopy
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Supplement, S. 110
  • Vogt, Annika; Rancan, Fiorenza; Ahlberg, Sebastian; Nazemi, Berouz; Choe, Chun Sik; Darvin, Maxim E.; Hadam, Sabrina; Blume-Peytavi, Ulrike; Loza, Kateryna; Diendorf, Jorg; Epple, Matthias; Graf, Christina; Ruhl, Eckart; Meinke, Martina C.; Lademann, Jurgen
    Interaction of dermatologically relevant nanoparticles with skin cells and skin
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 2363 - 2373
  • Kordelas, L; Rebmann, Vera; Ludwig, A-K; Radtke, Stefan; Ruesing, J; Döppner, Thorsten R.; Epple, Matthias; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Giebel, Bernd
    MSC-derived exosomes : a novel tool to treat therapy-refractory graft-versus-host disease
    In: Leukemia Jg. 28 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 970 - 973
  • Petrack, Janina; Jost, Steffen Oliver; Boenigk, Jens; Epple, Matthias
    Magnesiothermic conversion of the silicamineralizing golden algae Mallomonas caudata and Synura petersenii to elemental silicon with high geometric precision
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 554 - 560
  • Herzog, Fabian; Loza, Kateryna; Balog, Sandor; Clift, Martin J. D.; Epple, Matthias; Gehr, Peter; Petri-Fink, Alke; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara
    Mimicking exposures to acute and lifetime concentrations of inhaled silver nanoparticles by two different in vitro approaches
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 1357 - 1370
  • Rüsing, Johannes; Rotan, Olga; Groß-Heitfeld, Christoph; Mayer, Christian; Epple, Matthias
    Nanocapsules of a cationic polyelectrolyte and nucleic acid for efficient cellular uptake and gene transfer
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 2 (2014) Nr. 29, S. 4625 - 4630
  • Ahlberg, Sebastian; Antonopulos, Alexandra; Diendorf, Jörg; Dringen, Ralf; Epple, Matthias; Flöck, Rebekka; Goedecke, Wolfgang; Graf, Christina; Haberl, Nadine; Helmlinger, Jens; Herzog, Fabian; Heuer, Frederike; Hirn, Stephanie; Johannes, Christian; Kittler, Stefanie; Köller, Manfred; Korn, Katrin; Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Krombach, Fritz; Lademann, Jürgen; Loza, Kateryna; Luther, Eva M.; Malissek, Marcelina; Meinke, Martina C.; Nordmeyer, Daniel; Pailliart, Anne; Raabe, Jörg; Rancan, Fiorenza; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara; Rühl, Eckart; Schleh, Carsten; Seibel, Andreas; Sengstock, Christina; Treuel, Lennart; Vogt, Annika; Weber, Katrin; Zellner, Reinhard
    PVP-coated, negatively charged silver nanoparticles : A multi-center study of their physicochemical characteristics, cell culture and in vivo experiments
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) S. 1944 - 1965
  • Syromotina, D. S.; Surmeneva, M. A.; Gorodzha, S. N.; Pichugin, V. F.; Ivanova, A. A.; Grubova, I. Y.; Kravchuk, K. S.; Gogolinskii, K. V.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R. A.
    Physical-Mechanical Characteristics of RF Magnetron Sputter-Deposited Coatings Based on Silver-Doped Hydroxyapatite
    In: Russian Physics Journal Jg. 56 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1198 - 1205
  • Hirn, Stephanie; Haberl, Nadine; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara; Rehberg, Markus; Krombach, Fritz
    Proinflammatory and cytotoxic response to nanoparticles in precision-cut lung slices
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 90 (2014) Nr. 5, S. 2440 - 2449
  • Knuschke, Torben; Bayer, Wibke; Rotan, Olga; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Wadwa, Munisch; Kirschning, Carsten Jürgen; Hansen, Wiebke; Sparwasser, T.; Dittmer, Ulf; Epple, Matthias; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid
    Prophylactic and therapeutic vaccination with a nanoparticle-based peptide vaccine induces efficient protective immunity during acute and chronic retroviral infection
    In: Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 1787 - 1798
  • Surmeneva, M.; Surmenev, R.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Selezneva, I.
    RF-magnetron sputter-deposited calcium phosphate-based coatings on the surface of titanium
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Supplement S1, S. 172
  • Banerjee, Soham; Loza, Kateryna; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Structural Evolution of Silver Nanoparticles during Wet-Chemical Synthesis
    In: Chemistry of Materials Jg. 26 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 951 - 957
  • Legostaeva, Elena V.; Sharkeev, Yurii. P.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg
    Structure and Properties of Microarc Calcium Phosphate Coatings on the Surface of Titanium and Zirconium Alloys
    In: Russian Physics Journal Jg. 56 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1130 - 1136
  • Konizev, M.E.; Kusmin, O.C.; Pustovalova, A.A.; Morosova, N.S.; Evdokimov, K.E.; Surmemev, R.A.; Pichugin, W.F.; Epple, Matthias
    Structure and properties of Ti-O-N, formed by reactive magnetron sputtering
    In: Russian Physics Journal Jg. 56 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1144 - 1149
  • Lübke, Alwina; Enax, J.; Fabritius, O.; Prymak, Oleg; Raabe, D.; Epple, Matthias
    Struktur und Zusammensetzung von fossilen Haifischzähnen
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. S1, S. 72 - 74
  • Freyer, Katja; Epple, Matthias; Brand, Matthias; Schiebener, Johannes; Sumfleth, Elke
    Studienerfolgsprognose bei Erstsemesterstudierenden in Chemie
    In: Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften Jg. 20 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 129 - 142
  • Malyshenko, Anna I.; Strutynska, Nataliia Yu.; Zatovsky, Igor V.; Slobodyanik, Mykola S.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg
    Synthesis of Na⁺,CO₃ ²⁻-containing calcium phosphate nanoparticles and their thermal transformations
    In: Functional Materials Jg. 21 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 333 - 337
  • Temchura, Vladimir V.; Kozlova, Diana; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Überla, Klaus; Epple, Matthias
    Targeting and activation of antigen-specific B-cells by calcium phosphate nanoparticles, loaded with protein antigen
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 35 (2014) Nr. 23, S. 6098 - 6105
  • Loza, Kateryna; Diendorf, Jörg; Sengstock, C.; Ruiz-Gonzalez, L.; Gonzalez-Calbet, J.M.; Vallet-Regi, M.; Köller, M.; Epple, Matthias
    The dissolution and biological effects of silver nanoparticles in biological media
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 2 (2014) Nr. 12, S. 1634 - 1643
  • Loza, Kateryna; Sengstock, C.; Chernousova, Svitlana; Köller, M.; Epple, Matthias
    The predominant species of ionic silver in biological media is colloidally dispersed nanoparticulate silver chloride
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 4 (2014) S. 35290 - 35297
  • Arcos, D.; Boccaccini, A.R.; Bohner, M.; Díez-Pérez, A.; Epple, Matthias; Gómez-Barrena, E.; Herrera, A.; Planell, J. A.; Rodríguez-Mañas, L.; Maria Vallet-Regi, M.
    The relevance of biomaterials to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 5, S. 1793 - 1805
  • Knuschke, Torben; Epple, Matthias; Westendorf, Astrid
    The type of adjuvant strongly influences the T-cell response during nanoparticle-based immunization
    In: Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 164 - 169
  • Enax, Joachim; Janus, Anna M.; Raabe, Dierk; Epple, Matthias; Fabritius, Helge-Otto
    Ultrastructural organization and micromechanical properties of shark tooth enameloid
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 3959 - 3968
  • Epple, Matthias
    Von einem Polymer, Nitinol und poröser Keramik : Erfahrungen mit 18 Jahren Patentanmeldungen
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2014) Nr. 46: Patente : Motivation für die Wissenschaft?, S. 42 - 47
  • Gorodzha, S.N.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Gribennikov, M.V.; Pichugin, V.F.; Sharonova, A.A.; Pustovalova, A.A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Wittmar, Alexandra; Ulbricht, Mathias; Gogolinskii, K.V.; Kravchuk, K.S.
    Wettability of Thin Silicate-Containing Hydroxyapatite Films Formed by RF-Magnetron Sputtering
    In: Russian Physics Journal Jg. 56 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1163 - 1169
  • Prymak, Oleg; Ristig, Simon; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Rostek, Alexander; Ruiz, Luisa; Gonzalez-Calbet, José M.; Vallet-Regi, María; Epple, Matthias
    X-ray powder diffraction as a tool to investigate the ultrastructure of nanoparticles
    In: Russian Physics Journal Jg. 56 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1111 - 1115
  • Petrack, J.; Ruks, T.; Epple, Matthias
    Über die Brennbarkeit von hochprozentigen Spirituosen : Untersuchungen des Brennverhaltens und Ermittlung der Zusammensetzung
    In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Chemie in der Schule Jg. 63 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 45 - 49
  • Syromotina, D.S.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Gorodzha, S.N.; Pichugin, V.F.; Ivanova, A.A.; Grubova, I.Yu.; Kravchuk, K.S.; Gogolinskii, K.V.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R.A.; Grubova, I. Yu.
    In: Russian Physics Journal Jg. 10 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 85 - 91
  • Chernousova, Svitlana; Klesing, Jan; Soklakova, Nadiia; Epple, Matthias
    A genetically active nano-calcium phosphate paste for bone substitution, encoding the formation of BMP-7 and VEGF-A
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 3 (2013) Nr. 28, S. 11155 - 11161
  • Backhaus, Sven; Annen, Thomas; Epple, Matthias
    A porous pH-stabilized composite material consisting of poly(D,L-lactide), calcium carbonate and gentamicin for bone substitution
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 44 (2013) Nr. 2-3, S. 107 - 111
  • Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Pichugin, V.F.; Koval, N.N.; Teresov, A.D.; Ivanova, Anna; Grubova, Irina; Ignatov, V.P.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Adhesion properties of a silicon-containing calcium phosphate coating deposited by RF magnetron sputtering on a heated Substrate
    In: Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques Jg. 7 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 944 - 951
  • Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Pichugin, V.F.; Koval', N.N.; Teresov, A.D.; Ivanova, A.A.; Grubova, I. Yu.; Ignatov, V.P.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Koval’, N. N.
    Adhesion properties of a silicon-containing calcium phosphate coating deposited by RF magnetron sputtering on a heated substrate
    In: Poverchnost' : rentgenovskie, sinchrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovanija Jg. 7 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 32 - 40
  • Kozlova, Diana; Epple, Matthias
    Biological targeting with nanoparticles : state of the art
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 3-4, S. 161 - 170
  • Zyman, Zoltan Z.; Epple, Matthias; Goncharenko, Anton V.; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro V.
    Calcium phosphate ceramics with sodium-rich calcium phosphate phases at the surface
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 44 (2013) Nr. 2-3, S. 259 - 263
  • Enax, Joachim; Fabritius, Helge-Otto; Rack, Alexander; Prymak, Oleg; Raabe, Dierk; Epple, Matthias
    Characterization of crocodile teeth: Correlation of composition, microstructure, and hardness
    In: Journal of Structural Biology Jg. 184 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 155 - 163
  • Haberl, Nadine; Hirn, Stephanie; Wenk, Alexander; Diendorf, Jörg; Epple, Matthias; Johnston, Blair D.; Krombach, Fritz; Kreyling, Wolfgang G.; Schleh, Carsten
    Cytotoxic and proinflammatory effects of PVP-coated silver nanoparticles after intratracheal instillation in rats
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 4 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 933 - 940
  • Huo, Da; He, Jian; Yang, Shangwen; Zhou, Zhengyang; Hu, Yong; Epple, Matthias
    Facile synthesis of polymer core@silver shell hybrid nanoparticles with super surface enhanced Raman scattering capability
    In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences Jg. 393 (2013) S. 119 - 125
  • Knuschke, Torben; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Rotan, Olga; Wadwa, Munisch; Tenbusch, Matthias; Hansen, Wiebke; Staeheli, Peter; Epple, Matthias; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid M.
    Immunization with biodegradable nanoparticles efficiently induces cellular immunity and protects against influenza virus infection
    In: The Journal of Immunology (JI) Jg. 190 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 6221 - 6229
  • Ivanova, Anna; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Grubova, Irina Y.; Sharonova, Anna; Pichugin, V.F.; Chaikina, Marina V.; Buck, Volker; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Influence of the substrate bias on the stoichiometry and structure of RF-magnetron sputter-deposited silver-containing calcium phosphate coatings
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 44 (2013) Nr. 2-3, S. 218 - 225
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Kozlova, Diana; Knuschke, Torben; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Mechanism of the uptake of cationic and anionic calcium phosphate nanoparticles by cells
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 9 (2013) Nr. 7, S. 7527 - 7535
  • Sharkeev, Yu P.; Eroshenko, Anna Yu; Kulyashova, Ksenia S.; Fortuna, Sergey; Suvorov, K.A.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Chernousova, Svitlana
    Microstructure, mechanical and biological properties of zirconium alloyed with niobium after severe plastic deformation
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 44 (2013) Nr. 2-3, S. 198 - 204
  • Wang, Shou; Kryvi, Harald; Grotmol, Sindre; Wargelius, Anna; Krossøy, Christel; Epple, Matthias; Neues, Frank; Furmarek, Tomasz; Totland, Geir K.
    Mineralization of the vertebral bodies in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) is initiated segmentally in the form of hydroxyapatite crystal accretions in the notochord sheath
    In: Journal of Anatomy Jg. 223 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 159 - 170
  • Truszkowski, Andreas; Epple, Matthias; Fiethen, Annamaria; Zielesny, Achim; Kuhn, Hubert
    Molecular fragment dynamics study on the water–air interface behavior of non-ionic polyoxyethylene alkyl ether surfactants
    In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences Jg. 410 (2013) S. 140 - 145
  • Kovtun, Anna; Neumann, Sebastian; Neumeier, Manuel; Urch, Henning; Heumann, Rolf; Gepp, Michael M.; Wallat, Katrin; Koeller, Manfred; Zimmermann, Heiko; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoparticle-mediated gene transfer from electrophoretically coated metal surfaces
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 117 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 1550 - 1555
  • Surmeneva, M. A.; Surmenev, R. A.; Chaikina, Marina V.; Kachaev, Artem A.; Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Epple, Matthias
    Phase and Elemental Composition of Silicon Containing Hydroxyapatite Based Coatings Fabricated by RFMagnetron Sputtering for Medical Implants
    In: Inorganic Materials: Applied Research Jg. 4 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 227 - 235
  • Legostaeva, Elena V.; Kulyashova, K.S.; Komarova, E.G.; Epple, Matthias; Sharkeev, Y.P.; Khlusov, I.A.
    Physical, chemical and biological properties of micro-arc deposited calcium phosphate coatings on titanium and zirconium-niobium alloy
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 44 (2013) Nr. 2-3, S. 188 - 197
  • Surmeneva, Maria A.; Kovtun, Anna; Peetsch, Alexander; Goroja, S. N.; Sharonova, Anna; Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Grubova, Irina Y.; Ivanova, Anna A.; Teresov, A. D.; Koval, N. N.; Buck, Volker; Wittmar, Alexandra; Ulbricht, Mathias; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R. A.
    Preparation of a silicate-containing hydroxyapatite-based coating by magnetron sputtering : structure and osteoblast-like MG63 cells in vitro study
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 3 (2013) Nr. 28, S. 11240 - 11246
  • Tenkumo, Taichi; Rotan, Olga; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias
    Protamine increases transfection efficiency and cell viability after transfection with calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Nano Biomedicine Jg. 5 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 64 - 74
  • Chernousova, Svitlana; Epple, Matthias
    Silver as Antibacterial Agent : Ion, Nanoparticle, and Metal
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 52 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 1636 - 1653
  • Peetsch, Alexander; Greulich, Christina; Braun, Dieter; Stroetges, Christian; Rehage, Heinz; Siebers, Bettina; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    Silver-doped calcium phosphate nanoparticles : Synthesis, characterization, and toxic effects toward mammalian and prokaryotic cells
    In: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2013) Nr. 102, S. 724 - 729
  • Konischev, M.E.; Kuzmin, O.S.; Pustovalova, A.A.; Morozova, N.S.; Evdokimov, K.E.; Surmenev, R.A.; Pichugin, V.F.; Epple, Matthias
    Structure and Properties of Ti-O-N Coatings Produced by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
    In: Izvestija vysšich učebnych zavedenij: Fizika Jg. 10 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 35 - 40
  • Legostaeva, Elena V.; Sharkeev, Yurii P.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Sharkeev, Yu. P.
    Structure and properties of microarc calcium-phosphate coatings on surface of titanium and zirconium
    In: Izvestija vysšich učebnych zavedenij: Fizika Jg. 10 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 24 - 28
  • Surmeneva, Maria A.; Chaikina, Marina V.; Zaikovskiy, Vladimir I.; Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Buck, Volker; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    The structure of an RF-magnetron sputter-deposited silicate-containing hydroxyapatite-based coating investigated by high-resolution techniques
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Jg. 218 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 39 - 46
  • Rotan, Olga; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Gilles, Patrick; Hu, Wenbin; Dutt, Som; Schrader, Thomas; Epple, Matthias
    Transport of supramolecular drugs across the cell membrane by calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 44 (2013) Nr. 2-3, S. 176 - 182
  • Gorodzha, S.N.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Gribennikov, M.V.; Pichugin, V.F.; Sharonova, A.A.; Pustovalova, A.A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Wittmar, Alexandra; Ulbricht, Mathias; Gogolinskii, K.V.; Kravchuk, K.S.
    Wettability of surface of silicate-containing hydroxyapatite-based coating prepared by rf-magnetron sputtering
    In: Izvestija vysšich učebnych zavedenij: Fizika Jg. 10 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 54 - 59
  • Prymak, Oleg; Ristig, Simon; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Rostek, Alexander; Ruiz, Luisa; González-Calbet, José M.; Vallet-Regi, María; Epple, Matthias
    X-Ray Powder Diffraction as a Tool to Investigate the Ultrastructure of Nanoparticles
    In: Izvestija vysšich učebnych zavedenij: Fizika Jg. 10 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 5 - 9
  • Sharonova, Anna A.; Surmenev, Novel A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Ivanova, Anna A.; Grubova, Irina Y.; Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg
    In: Izvestija vysšich učebnych zavedenij: Fizika Jg. 56 (2013) Nr. 12-2, S. 240 - 245
  • Hu, Jun; Kovtun, Anna; Tomaszewski, Anke; Singer, Bernhard B.; Seitz, Berthold; Epple, Matthias; Steuhl, Klaus-Peter; Ergün, Süleyman; Fuchsluger, Thomas
    A new tool for the transfection of corneal endothelial cells : calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 8 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 1156 - 1163
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Rotan, Olga; Klesing, Jan; Nalbant, Perihan; Buer, Jan; Knuschke, Torben; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles as versatile carrier for small and large molecules across cell membranes
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. 6, 0910
  • Kozlova, Diana; Chernousova, Svitlana; Knuschke, Torben; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Cell targeting by antibody-functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 22 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 396 - 404
  • Wallat, Katrin; Dörr, Daniel; Le Harzic, Ronan; Stracke, Frank; Sauer, Daniel; Neumeier, Manuel; Kovtun, Anna; Zimmermann, Heiko; Epple, Matthias
    Cellular reactions toward nanostructured silicon surfaces created by laser ablation
    In: Journal of Laser Applications Jg. 24 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 042016
  • Kovtun, Anna; Kozlova, Diana; Ganesan, Kathirvel; Biewald, Caroline; Seipold, Nadine; Gaengler, Peter; Arnold, Wolfgang Hermann; Epple, Matthias
    Chlorhexidine-loaded calcium phosphate nanoparticles for dental maintenance treatment : combination of mineralising and antibacterial effects
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 2 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 870 - 875
  • Hagmeyer, Daniel; Ruesing, Johannes; Fenske, Tassilo; Klein, Heinz-Werner; Schmuck, Carsten; Schrader, Wolfgang; Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.; Epple, Matthias
    Direct experimental observation of the aggregation of α-amino acids into 100-200 nm clusters in aqueous solution
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 2 (2012) Nr. 11, S. 4690 - 4696
  • Klesing, Jan; Chernousova, Svitlana; Epple, Matthias
    Freeze-dried cationic calcium phosphate nanorods as versatile carriers of nucleic acids (DNA, siRNA)
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 22 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 199 - 204
  • Kovtun, Anna; Epple, Matthias; Steuhl, Klaus-Peter; Ergün, Süleyman; Fuchsluger, Thomas
    Gentherapie in der Ophthalmologie : Stand der Forschung
    In: Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde Jg. 229 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 603 - 607
  • Chernousova, S.; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoparticles in medicine
    In: Nanosystemy, nanomaterialy, nanotechnolohiï (2012) S. 667 - 685
  • Range, Sven; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoscopic NaCl crystals as water-soluble porogens for polymer membranes
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 2 (2012) Nr. 16, S. 6650 - 6654
  • Treuel, Lennart; Malissek, Marcelina; Graß, Stefan; Diendorf, Jörg; Mahl, Dirk; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    Quantifying the influence of polymer coatings on the serum albumin corona formation around silver and gold nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 1102
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias
    Risiken und Nebenwirkungen : Brustimplantate
    In: Chemie in unserer Zeit Jg. 46 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 76 - 79
  • Mahl, Dirk; Diendorf, Jörg; Ristig, Simon; Greulich, Christina; Li, Zi'an; Farle, Michael; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    Silver, gold, and alloyed silver–gold nanoparticles : characterization and comparative cell-biologic action
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. 10, S. 1153
  • Kaempfe, P.; Wischnewsky, S.; Epple, Matthias
    Sprudelwasser und Sirup : eine schäumende Geschichte
    In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Chemie in der Schule Jg. 61 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 30 - 34
  • Enax, Joachim; Prymak, Oleg; Raabe, Dierk; Epple, Matthias
    Structure, composition, and mechanical properties of shark teeth
    In: Journal of Structural Biology Jg. 178 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 290 - 299
  • Kaempfe, Paulina; Molt, Karl; Epple, Matthias
    Sturm im Wetterglas : Admiral Fitzroys legendäres Sturmglas
    In: Chemie in unserer Zeit Jg. 46 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 26 - 31
  • Greulich, Christina; Braun, Dieter; Peetsch, Alexander; Diendorf, Jörg; Siebers, Bettina; Epple, Matthias; Köller, Manfred
    The toxic effect of silver ions and silver nanoparticles towards bacteria and human cells occurs in the same concentration range
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 2 (2012) Nr. 17, S. 6981 - 6987
  • Luther, Eva M.; Schmidt, Maike M.; Diendorf, Jörg; Epple, Matthias; Dringen, Ralf
    Upregulation of metallothioneins after exposure of cultured primary astrocytes to silver nanoparticles
    In: Neurochemical Research Jg. 37 (2012) Nr. 8, S. 1639 - 1648
  • Luther, Eva M.; Köhler, Yvonne; Diendorf, Jörg; Epple, Matthias; Dringen, Ralf
    Accumulation of silver nanoparticles by cultured primary brain astrocytes
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 22 (2011) Nr. 37, S. 375101
  • Range, Sven; Epple, Matthias
    Alte und neue Katalysatoren für Ammoniak- und Methanolsynthese
    In: Praxis der Naturwissenschaften – Chemie in der Schule Jg. 1 (2011) Nr. 60, S. 5 - 7
  • Neues, Frank; Hild, Sabine; Epple, Matthias; Marti, Othmar; Ziegler, Andreas
    Amorphous and crystalline calcium carbonate distribution in the tergite cuticle of moulting Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)cle of moulting Porcellio scaber (Isopoda, Crustacea)
    In: Journal of Structural Biology Jg. 175 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 10 - 20
  • Greulich, Christina; Diendorf, Jörg; Geßmann, Jan; Simon, Tobias; Habijan, Tim; Eggeler, Gunther; Schildhauer, Thomas A.; Epple, Matthias; Köller, Manfred
    Cell type-specific responses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to silver nanoparticles
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 7 (2011) Nr. 9, S. 3505 - 3514
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Ludwig, Anna-Kristin; Hornung, Sandra; Rotan, Olga; Horn, Peter A.; Epple, Matthias; Giebel, Bernd
    Characterisation of exosomes derived from human cells by nanoparticle tracking analysis and scanning electron microscopy
    In: Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Jg. 87 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 146 - 150
  • Peetsch, Alexander; Epple, Matthias
    Characterization of the solid components of three desensitizing toothpastes and a mouth wash
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 42 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 131 - 135
  • Rostek, Alexander; Mahl, Dirk; Epple, Matthias
    Chemical composition of surface-functionalized gold nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 13 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 4809 - 4814
  • Sötje, Ilka; Neues, F.; Epple, Matthias; Ludwig, W.; Rack, A.; Gordon, M.; Boese, Roland; Tiemann, Henry
    Comparison of the statolith structures of Chironex fleckeri (Cnidaria, Cubozoa) and Periphylla periphylla (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) : a phylogenetic approach
    In: Marine Biology Jg. 158 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 1149 - 1161
  • Neumeier, Manuel; Dörr, D.; LeHarzic, R.; Sauer, D.; Stracke, F.; Zimmermann, H.; Epple, Matthias
    Electrophoretic deposition of calcium phosphate nanoparticles on a nanostructured silicon surface
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 42 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 50 - 54
  • Le Harzic, Ronan; Dörr, Daniel; Sauer, Daniel; Neumeier, Manuel; Epple, Matthias; Zimmermann, Heiko; Stracke, Frank
    Formation of periodic nanoripples on silicon and germanium induced by femtosecond laser pulses
    In: Physics Procedia Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. part B, S. 29 - 36
  • Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Pichugin, V.F.; Chernousova, Svitlana; Epple, Matthias
    In-vitro investigation of magnetron-sputtered coatings based on silicon-substituted hydroxyapatite
    In: Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques Jg. 5 (2011) Nr. 6, S. 1202 - 1207
  • Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Pichugin, V.F.; Chernousova, S.S.; Epple, Matthias
    In-vitro investigation of magnetron-sputtered coatings based on silicon-substituted hydroxyapatite
    In: Poverchnost' : rentgenovskie, sinchrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovanija Jg. 5 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 81 - 87
  • Le Harzic, Ronan; Dörr, Daniel; Sauer, Daniel; Neumeier, Manuel; Epple, Matthias; Zimmermann, Heiko; Stracke, Frank
    Large-area, uniform, high-spatial-frequency ripples generated on silicon using a nanojoule-femtosecond laser at high repetition rate nanojoule-femtosecond laser at high repetition rate
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 36 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 229 - 231
  • Zyman, Zoltan; Goncharenko, A.; Rokhmistrov, D.; Epple, Matthias
    Nanocrystalline calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite prepared by a microwave-assisted solvent-free reaction
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 42 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 154 - 157
  • Mahl, Dirk; Diendorf, Jörg; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    Possibilities and limitations of different analytical methods for the size determination of a bimodal dispersion of metallic nanoparticles
    In: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Jg. 377 (2011) Nr. 1-3, S. 386 - 392
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Knuschke, Torben; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Quantitative determination of the composition of multi-shell calcium phosphate-oligonucleotide nanoparticles and their application for the activation of dendritic cells
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 7 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 4029 - 4036
  • Hochdörffer, K.; März-Berberich, J.; Nagel-Steger, L.; Epple, Matthias; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Horn, A.H.C.; Sticht, H.; Sinha, S.; Bitan, G.; Schrader, Thomas
    Rational Design of ß-Sheet Ligands Against Aß42-Induced Toxicity
    In: Journal of the American Chemical Society: JACS Jg. 133 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 4348 - 4358
  • Hagmeyer, Daniel; Ganesan, Kathirvel; Rüsing, Johannes; Schunk, Daniel; Mayer, Christian; Dey, Archan; Sommerdijk, Nico A. J. M.; Epple, Matthias
    Self-assembly of calcium phosphate nanoparticles into hollow spheres induced by dissolved amino acids
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 21 (2011) Nr. 25, S. 9219 - 9223
  • Pichugin, V.F.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Khlusov, I.A.; Epple, Matthias
    Study of physicochemical and biological properties of calcium phosphate coatings prepared by RF magnetron sputtering of silicon-substituted hydroxyapatite
    In: Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques Jg. 5 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 863 - 869
  • Pichugin, V.F.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Khlusov, I.A.; Epple, Matthias
    Study of physicochemical and biological properties of calcium phosphate coatings prepared by RF magnetron sputtering of silicon-substituted hydroxyapatite
    In: Poverchnost' : rentgenovskie, sinchrotronnye i nejtronnye issledovanija Jg. 5 (2011) Nr. 9, S. 54 - 61
  • Neumeier, Manuel; Hails, Lauren A.; Davis, Sean A.; Mann, Stephen; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis of fluorescent core-shell hydroxyapatite nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 21 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 1250 - 1254
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias
    Synthetic pathways to make nanoparticles fluorescent
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 3 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 1957 - 1962
  • Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Evdokimov, Kirill E.; Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Peitsch, Thorsten; Epple, Matthias
    The influence of the deposition parameters on the properties of an rf-magnetron-deposited nanostructured calcium phosphate coating and a possible growth mechanism
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Jg. 205 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 3600 - 3606
  • Seidl, Bastian; Huemer, Katja; Neues, Frank; Hild, Sabine; Epple, Matthias; Ziegler, Andreas
    Ultrastructure and mineral distribution in the tergite cuticle of the beach isopod Tylos europaeus Arcangeli, 1938
    In: Journal of Structural Biology Jg. 174 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 512 - 526
  • Greulich, Christina; Diendorf, Jörg; Simon, Tobias; Eggeler, Gunther; Epple, Matthias; Köller, Manfred
    Uptake and intracellular distribution of silver nanoparticles in human mesenchymal stem cells
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 7 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 347 - 354
  • Peitsch, Thorsten; Matthes, Matthias; Brandenburg, Vincent; Epple, Matthias
    An in vitro crystallization setup to assess the efficiency of different phosphate binders in nephrology: quantitative analytical considerations
    In: Analytical Methods (2010) Nr. 2, S. 901 - 911
  • Klesing, Jan; Chernousova, Svetlana; Kovtun, Anna; Neumann, S.; Ruiz, L.; Gonzalez-Calbet, J.M.; Vallet-Regi, M.; Heumann, R.; Epple, Matthias
    An injectable paste of calcium phosphate nanorods, functionalized with nucleic acids, for cell transfection and gene silencing
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry (2010) Nr. 20, S. 6144 - 6148
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Neumann, Sebastian; Kovtun, Anna; Chernousova, Svitlana; Heumann, Rolf; Epple, Matthias
    An outer shell of positively charged poly(ethyleneimine) strongly increases the transfection efficiency of calcium phosphate/DNA nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Materials Science Jg. 45 (2010) Nr. 18, S. 4952 - 4957
  • Epple, Matthias; Sokolova, Viktoriya
    Anorganische Nanopartikel : Anwendungen in der Medizin
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2010) Nr. 37: Naturwissenschaften/Medizin : Nano meets Bio, S. 54 - 63
  • Epple, Matthias; Ganesan, Kathirvel; Heumann, Rolf; Klesing, Jan; Kovtun, Anna; Neumann, Sebastian; Sokolova, Viktoriya
    Application of calcium phosphate nanoparticles in biomedicine
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 20 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 18 - 23
  • Maas, Michael; Degen, Patrick; Rehage, Heinz; Nebel, Holger; Epple, Matthias
    Biomimetic formation of thin, coherent iron oxide films under Langmuir monolayers
    In: Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Jg. 354 (2010) Nr. 1-3, S. 149 - 155
  • Jayabalan, Muthu; Shalumon, K. T.; Mitha, M. K.; Ganesan, Kathirvel; Epple, Matthias
    Effect of hydroxyapatite on the biodegradation and the biomechanical stability of polyester nanocomposites for orthopaedic applications
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 6 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 763 - 775
  • Mahl, Dirk; Greulich, Christina; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    Gold nanoparticles: dispersibility in biological media and cell-biological effect
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry (2010) Nr. 20, S. 6176 - 6181
  • Klesing, Jan; Wiehe, Arno; Gitter, B.; Gräfe, Susanna; Epple, Matthias
    Positively charged calcium phosphate/polymer nanoparticles for photodynamic therapy
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 21 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 887 - 892
  • Zhang, Xin; Kovtun, Anna; Mendoza-Palomares, Carlos; Oulad-Abdelghani, Mustapha; Fioretti, Florence; Rinckenbach, Simon; Mainard, Didier; Epple, Matthias; Benkirane-Jessel, Nadia
    SiRNA-loaded multi-shell nanoparticles incorporated into a multilayered film as a reservoir for gene silencing
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 31 (2010) Nr. 23, S. 6013 - 6018
  • Epple, Matthias; Neues, Frank
    Synchrotron microcomputer tomography for the non-destructive visualization of the fish skeleton
    In: Journal of Applied Ichthyology Jg. 26 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 286 - 288
  • Jayabalan, Muthu; Shalumon, K.T.; Mitha, M.K.; Ganesan, Kathirvel; Epple, Matthias
    The Effect of radiation processing and filler morphology on the biomechanical stability of thermoset polyester composite
    In: Biomedical Materials Jg. 5 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 025009
  • Kittler, Stefanie; Greulich, Christina; Gebauer, Julia Susanne; Diendorf, Jörg; Treuel, Lennart; Ruiz, Luisa; Gonzalez-Calbet, José M.; Vallet-Regi, Maria; Zellner, Reinhard; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    The influence of proteins on the dispersability and cell-biological activity of silver nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 20 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 512 - 518
  • Surmenev, R.A.; Ryabtseva, M.A.; Shesterikov, E.V.; Pichugin, V.F.; Peitsch, T.; Epple, Matthias
    The release of nickel from nickel-titanium (NiTi) is strongly reduced by a sub-micro-meter thin layer of calcium phosphate deposited by rf-magnetron sputtering
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 21 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 1233 - 1239
  • Detsch, Rainer; Hagmeyer, Daniel; Neumann, Markus C; Schaefer, Susannne; Vortkamp, Andrea; Wülling, Manuela; Ziegler, Günter; Epple, Matthias
    The resorption of nanocrystalline calcium phosphates by osteoclast-like cells
    In: Acta Biomaterialia Jg. 6 (2010) Nr. 8, S. 3223 - 3233
  • Sokolova, Victoriya; Knuschke, Torben; Kovtun, Anna; Buer, Jan; Epple, Matthias; Westendorf, Astrid
    The use of calcium phosphate nanoparticles encapsulating toll-like receptor ligands and the antigen hemagglutinin to induce dendritic cell maturation and T cell activation
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 31 (2010) Nr. 21, S. 5627 - 5633
  • Simões, Ricardo G.; Aleixo, Ana I.; Lagoa, Ana L. C.; Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.; Leal, João P.; Peitsch, T.; Epple, Matthias
    Thermoanalytical and structural characterization of fluoridated calcium phosphates prepared in anhydrous alcohols
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Jg. 100 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 509 - 517
  • Kittler, Stefanie; Greulich, Christina; Diendorf, Jörg; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    Toxicity of silver nanoparticles increases during storage because of slow dissolution under release of silver ions
    In: Chemistry of Materials Jg. 22 (2010) Nr. 16, S. 4548 - 4554
  • Maas, Michael; Rehage, Heinz; Nebel, Holger; Epple, Matthias
    A detailed study of closed calcium carbonate films at the liquid-liquid interface
    In: Langmuir Jg. 25 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 2258 - 2263
  • Annen, Thomas; Epple, Matthias
    A facile synthesis of dispersable NaCl nanocrystals
    In: Dalton Transactions (2009) Nr. 44, S. 9731 - 9734
  • Schwiertz, Janine; Wiehe, Arno; Gräfe, Susanna; Gitter, Burkhard; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles as efficient carriers for photodynamic therapy against cells and bacteria
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 30 (2009) Nr. 19, S. 3324 - 3331
  • Kovtun, Anna; Heumann, R.; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles for the transfection of cells
    In: Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering Jg. 19 (2009) Nr. 2-3, S. 241 - 247
  • Urch, Henning; Vallet-Regi, Maria; Ruiz, Luisa; Gonzalez-Calbet, José M.; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles with adjustable dispersability and crystallinity
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 19 (2009) Nr. 15, S. 2166 - 2171
  • Leskiv, Miroslav; Lagoa, Ana L. C.; Urch, Henning; Schwiertz, Janine; Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.; Epple, Matthias
    Energetics of calcium phosphate nanoparticle formation by the reaction of Ca(NO3)2 with (NH4)2HPO4
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 113 (2009) Nr. 14, S. 5478 - 5484
  • Neues, Frank; Klocke, Arndt; Beckmann, Felix; Herzen, Julia; Loyola-Rodriguez, Juan Pablo; Epple, Matthias
    Mineral distribution in highly fluorotic and normal teeth : a synchrotron microcomputer tomographic study
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 40 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 294 - 296
  • Zyman, Zoltan Z.; Epple, Matthias; Rokhmistrov, Dmytro V.; Glushko, Vladimir I.
    On impurities and the internal structure in precipitates occurring during the precipitation of nanocrystalline calcium phosphate
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 40 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 297 - 301
  • Greulich, Christina; Kittler, Stefanie; Epple, Matthias; Muhr, Gert; Köller, Manfred
    Studies on the biocompatibility and the interaction of silver nanoparticles with human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs)
    In: Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery Jg. 394 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 495 - 502
  • Kittler, Stefanie; Greulich, Christina; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis of PVP-coated silver nanoparticles and their biological activity towards human mesenchymal stem cells
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 40 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 258 - 264
  • Neumann, Sebastian; Kovtun, Anna; Dietzel, Irmgard D.; Epple, Matthias; Heumann, Rolf
    The use of size-defined DNA-functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles to minimise intracellular calcium disturbance during transfection
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 30 (2009) Nr. 35, S. 6794 - 6802
  • Schwiertz, Janine; Geist, André; Epple, Matthias
    Thermally switchable dispersions of thermochromic Ag2HgI4 nanoparticles
    In: Dalton Transactions (2009) Nr. 16, S. 2921 - 2925
  • Hild, Sabine; Neues, Frank; Žnidaršič, Nada; Štrus, Jasna; Epple, Matthias; Marti, Othmar; Ziegler, Andreas
    Ultrastructure and mineral distribution in the tergal cuticle of the terrestrial isopod Titanethes albus. Adaptations to a karst cave biotope
    In: Journal of Structural Biology Jg. 168 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 426 - 436
  • Surmenev, R.A.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Pichugin, V.F.; Epple, Matthias
    VCH-Magnetronnye kalcij-fosfatnye pokrytiya na materialah medicinskih implantatov
    In: Izvestiâ Tomskogo politehničeskogo universiteta Jg. 315 (2009) Nr. 2, S. 138 - 141
  • Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Pichugin, V.F.; Peitsch, T.; Epple, Matthias
    Vliyanie VCH-magnetronnogo pokrytiya na vyhod nikelya iz podlozhek NiTi
    In: Izvestiâ Tomskogo politehničeskogo universiteta Jg. 315 (2009) Nr. 2, S. 142 - 146
  • Lagoa, A. L. C.; Wedemeyer, C.; von Knoch, Marius; Löer, Franz; Epple, Matthias
    A strut graft substitute consisting of a metal core and a polymer surface
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 19 (2008) S. 417 - 424
  • Ewence, A. E.; Bootman, M.; Roderick, L.; Skepper, J. N.; McCarthy, G.; Epple, Matthias; Neumann, M.; Shanahan, C. M.; Proudfoot, D.
    Calcium phosphate crystals induce cell death in human vascular smooth muscle cells : A potential mechanism in atherosclerotic plaque destabilization
    In: Circulation Research Jg. 103 (2008) S. e28 - e32
  • Ganesan, Kathirvel; Kovtun, Anna; Neumann, S.; Heumann, R.; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles : colloidally stabilized and made fluorescent by a phosphate-functionalized porphyrin
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 18 (2008) S. 3655 - 3661
  • Ganesan, Kathirvel; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles as nuclei for the preparation of colloidal calcium phytate
    In: New Journal of Chemistry Jg. 32 (2008) S. 1326 - 1330
  • Schwiertz, Janine; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Ruiz-Gonzalez, L.; Gonzales-Calbet, J. M.; Vallet-Regi, M.; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles as templates for nanocapsules prepared by the layer-by-layer technique
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 18 (2008) S. 3831 - 3834
  • Nebel, Holger; Epple, Matthias
    Continuous preparation of calcite, aragonite and vaterite, and of magnesium-substituted amorphous calcium carbonate (Mg-ACC)
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 634 (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1439 - 1443
  • Marxen, Julia C.; Prymak, Oleg; Beckmann, Felix; Neues, Frank; Epple, Matthias
    Embryonic shell formation in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata : A comparison between scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and synchrotron radiation micro computer tomography (SRµCT)
    In: Journal of Molluscan Studies Jg. 74 (2008) S. 19 - 25
  • Maas, Michael; Rehage, Heinz; Nebel, Holger; Epple, Matthias
    Formation and structure of coherent, ultra-thin calcium carbonate films below monolayers of stearic acid at the oil/water interface
    In: Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science Jg. 134 (2008) S. 11 - 18
  • Maas, M.; Rehage, H.; Nebel, Holger; Epple, Matthias
    Formation of calcium carbonate superstructures by rapid temperature change
    In: Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science Jg. 134 (2008) S. 11 - 18
  • Nebel, Holger; Epple, Matthias
    Formation of calcium carbonate superstructures by rapid temperature change
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 634 (2008) Nr. 12-13, S. 2355 - 2359
  • Epple, Matthias
    From metal complexes to nanominerals : the formation of inorganic nanoparticles on fibrils of transferrin
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 47 (2008) Nr. 27, S. 4960 - 4961
  • Esenwein, S. A.; Bogdanski, D.; Hagijan, T.; Pohl, M.; Epple, Matthias; Muhr, G.; Köller, M.
    Influence of nickel ion release on leukocyte activation: a study with coated and non-coated NiTi shape memory alloys
    In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing Jg. 481 (2008) S. 612 - 615
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias
    Inorganic nanoparticles as carriers of nucleic acids into cells
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 47 (2008) Nr. 8, S. 1382 - 1395
  • Annen, Thomas; Epple, Matthias
    On the formation of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) by thermolysis of metal 3-halogenobutyrates in the absence of a solvent
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 473 (2008) Nr. 1-2, S. 19 - 24
  • Nebel, Holger; Neumann, Markus; Mayer, Christian; Epple, Matthias
    On the structure of amorphous calcium carbonate – a detailed study by solid-state NMR spectroscopy
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 47 (2008) Nr. 17, S. 7874 - 7879
  • Pichugin, Vladimir F.; Surmenev, Roman A.; Shesterikov, Evgeniy V.; Ryabtseva, Maria A.; Eshenko, E. V.; Tverdokhlebov, Sergei I.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    The preparation of calcium phosphate coatings on titanium and nickel–titanium by rf-magnetron-sputtered deposition : Composition, structure and micromechanical properties
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Jg. 202 (2008) Nr. 16, S. 3913 - 3920
  • Neues, Frank; Epple, Matthias
    X-ray Microcomputer Tomography for the Study of Biomineralized Endo- and Exoskeletons of Animals
    In: Chemical Reviews Jg. 108 (2008) Nr. 11, S. 4734 - 4741
  • Neues, Frank; Epple, Matthias
    X-ray micro computer tomography for the study of bio¬minera¬lized endo- and exoskeletons of animals
    In: Chemical Reviews Jg. 108 (2008) S. 4734 - 4741
  • Rohe, Bernd; Weiss, Rainer; Vukojević, Sascha; Baltes, Christian; Muhler, Martin; Tausch, Michael; Epple, Matthias
    CuO/ZnO Nanoparticles in a Matrix of Amorphous Silica as High-Surface Precursors for Methanol Synthesis
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2007) Nr. 12, S. 1723 - 1727
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Kovtun, Anna; Prymak, Oleg; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Kubareva, Elena A.; Romanova, Elena A.; Oretskaya, Tatiana S.; Heumann, Rolf; Epple, Matthias
    Functionalisation of calcium phosphate nanoparticles by oligonucleotides and their application for gene silencing
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 17 (2007) Nr. 8, S. 721 - 727
  • Padilla Mondejar, S.; Kovtun, Anna; Epple, Matthias
    Lanthanide-doped calcium phosphate nanoparticles with high internal crystallinity and with a shell of DNA as fluorescent probes in cell experiments
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 17 (2007) S. 4153 - 4159
  • Neumann, Markus; Epple, Matthias
    Monohydrocalcite and its relationship to hydrated amorphous calcium carbonate in biominerals
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2007) S. 1953 - 1957
  • Epple, Matthias; Maas, Michael; Nebel, Holger
    On the formation of calcium carbonate thin films under Langmuir monolayers of stearic acid
    In: Colloid and Polymer Sciences Jg. 285 (2007) S. 1301 - 1311
  • Wiemann, M.; Bingmann, Dieter; Franzka, Steffen; Hartmann, Nils; Urch, Henning; Epple, Matthias
    Oriented growth of osteoblast-like cells on two-dimensionally structured films of functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles on a silicon substrate
    In: Advanced Engineering Materials Jg. 9 (2007) S. 1077 - 1081
  • Eufinger, Harald; Rasche, Christian; Lehmbrock, Jutta; Wehmöller, Michael; Weihe, Stephan; Schmitz, Inge; Schiller, Carsten; Epple, Matthias
    Performance of functionally graded implants of polylactides and calcium phosphate/calcium carbonate in an ovine model for computer assisted craniectomy and cranioplasty
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 28 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 475 - 485
  • Neues, Frank; Goerlich, R.; Renn, J.; Beckmann, F.; Epple, Matthias
    Skeletal deformations in medaka (Oryzias latipes) visualized by synchrotron radiation micro-computer tomography (SRµCT)
    In: Journal of Structural Biology Jg. 160 (2007) S. 236 - 240
  • Boßelmann, Fabienne; Romano, P.; Fabritius, H.; Raabe, Dierk; Epple, Matthias
    The composition of the exoskeleton of two crustacea : The American lobster Homarus americanus and the edible crab Cancer pagurus
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 463 (2007) Nr. 1–2, S. 65 - 68
  • Neues, Frank; Ziegler, Andreas; Epple, Matthias
    The composition of the mineralized cuticle in marine and terrestrial isopods : A comparative study
    In: CrystEngComm Jg. 9 (2007) Nr. 12, S. 1245 - 1251
  • Peitsch, Thorsten; Klocke, Arndt; Kahl-Nieke, Bärbel; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    The release of nickel from orthodontic NiTi wires is increased by dynamic mechanical loading but not constrained by surface nitridation
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Jg. 82A (2007) Nr. 3, S. 731 - 739
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Kovtun, Anna; Heumann, Rolf; Epple, Matthias
    Tracking the pathway of calcium phosphate/DNA nanoparticles during cell transfection by incorporation of red-fluorescing tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate-bovine serum albumin into these nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (JBIC) Jg. 12 (2007) Nr. 2, S. 174 - 179
  • Jäger, Christian; Welzel, Thea; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    A solid-state NMR investigation of the structure of nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite
    In: Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Jg. 44 (2006) S. 573 - 580
  • Krone, R.; van Treeck, Peter; Schuhmacher, Helmut; Nebel, H.; Epple, Matthias
    A special palate structure of Ctenochaetus striatus – a hidden tool for bioerosion
    In: Coral Reefs Jg. 25 (2006) Nr. 4, S. 645
  • Tiemann, Henry; Sötje, Ilka; Becker, A.; Jarms, Gerhard; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium sulfate hemihydrate (bassanite) statoliths in the cubozoan Carybdea sp.
    In: Zoologischer Anzeiger Jg. 245 (2006) Nr. 1, S. 13 - 17
  • Weiss, Rainer; Guo, Yanzhi; Vukojević, Sascha; Khodeir, Lamma; Boese, Roland; Schüth, Ferdi; Muhler, Martin; Epple, Matthias
    Catalytic activity of copper oxide/zinc oxide composites prepared by thermolysis of crystallographically defined bimetallic coordination compounds
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2006) S. 1796 - 1802
  • Neumann, Markus; Epple, Matthias
    Composites of Calcium Phosphate and Polymers as Bone Substitution Materials
    In: European Journal of Trauma Jg. 32 (2006) Nr. 2, S. 125 - 131
  • Linhart, Wolfgang; Lehmann, Wolfgang; Siedler, Michael; Peters, Fabian; Schilling, Arndt F.; Schwarz, Karsten; Amling, Michael; Rueger, Johannes M.; Epple, Matthias
    Composites of amorphous calcium phosphate and poly(hydroxybutyrate) and poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) for bone substi-tution : Assessment of the biocompatibility
    In: Journal of Materials Science Jg. 41 (2006) S. 4806 - 4813
  • Weiss, Rainer; Vukojević, Sascha; Baltes, Christian; Naumann d'Alnoncourt, Raoul; Muhler, Martin; Epple, Matthias
    Copper/zinc L-tartrates: Mixed crystals and thermolysis to a mixture of copper oxide and zinc oxide that is catalytically active in methanol synthesis
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2006) S. 4782 - 4786
  • Weiss, Rainer; Jansen, Georg; Boese, Roland; Epple, Matthias
    Crystal structure and thermochemical reactivity of an unusual copper complex that contains copper in four different coordination geometries
    In: Dalton Transactions (2006) Nr. 15, S. 1831 - 1835
  • Guo, Yanzhi; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Muhler, Martin; Vukojević, Sascha; Epple, Matthias
    Cu/Zn/Al xerogels and aerogels prepared by a sol-gel reaction as catalysts for methanol synthesis
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2006) S. 4774 - 4781
  • Urch, Henning; Geismann, Christian; Ulbricht, Mathias; Epple, Matthias
    Deposition of functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles on functionalized polymer surfaces
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) S. 422 - 425
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Radtke, Ina; Heumann, Rolf; Epple, Matthias
    Effective transfection of cells with multi-shell calcium phosphate-DNA nanoparticles
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 27 (2006) Nr. 16, S. 3147 - 3153
  • Zyman, Z.; Tkachenko, M.; Epple, Matthias; Polyakov, M.; Naboka, M.
    Magnesium-substituted hydroxyapatite ceramics
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) Nr. 6, Special Issue: Biomaterials, S. 474 - 477
  • Wehmöller, Michael; Neuking, Klaus; Epple, Matthias; Annen, Thomas; Eufinger, Harald
    Mechanical characteristics of functionally graded biodegradable implants for skull bone reconstruction
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) Nr. 6, S. 413 - 415
  • Vanis, S.; Rheinbach, O.; Klawonn, Axel; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Numerical computation of the porosity of bone substitution materials from synchrotron micro computer tomographic data
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) S. 469 - 473
  • Urch, Henning; Franzka, Steffen; Dahlhaus, Daniel; Hartmann, Nils; Hasselbrink, Eckart; Epple, Matthias
    Preparation of two-dimensionally patterned layers of functionalised calcium phosphatenanoparticles by laser direct writing
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 16 (2006) Nr. 19, S. 1798 - 1802
  • Köller, M.; Esenwein, S.A.; Bogdanski, D.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Muhr, G.
    Regulation of leukocyte adhesion molecules by leukocyte/biomaterial-conditioned media : A study with calcium-phosphate-coated and non-coated NiTi-shape memory alloys
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) S. 558 - 562
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Prymak, Oleg; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Cölfen, Helmut; Rehage, Heinz; Shukla, Anuj; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis and characterization of DNA-functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) Nr. 6, S. 441 - 445
  • Guo, Yanzhi; Weiss, Rainer; Boese, Roland; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis, structural characterization and thermochemical reactivity of tris(ethylenediamine)zinc tetracyanozincate, a precursor for nanoscale ZnO
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 446 (2006) S. 101 - 105
  • Prymak, Oleg; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Peitsch, Thorsten; Epple, Matthias
    The crystallization of fluoroapatite dumbbells from supersaturated aqueous solution
    In: Crystal Growth & Design Jg. 6 (2006) S. 498 - 506
  • Zyman, Z.; Rokhmistrov, D.; Ivanov, I.; Epple, Matthias
    The influence of foreign ions on the crystal lattice of hydroxyapatite upon heating
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) S. 530 - 532
  • Neues, F.; Arnold, W.H.; Fischer, J.; Beckmann, F.; Gängler, P.; Epple, Matthias
    The skeleton and pharyngeal teeth of zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model of biomineralization in vertebrates
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 37 (2006) S. 426 - 431
  • Hipólito, Carla; Leal, João P.; Guo, Yanzhi; Epple, Matthias
    Thermochemistry of alkaline earth phenoxides
    In: Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics Jg. 38 (2006) S. 296 - 303
  • Becker, Alexander; Epple, Matthias;
    A high-throughput crystallization device to study biomineralization in vitro
    2005 MRS Spring Meeting, Symposium K: Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials and Devices, 28 March - 1 April 2005, San Francisco, USA,
    In: MRS (Materials Research Society) Online Proceedings Library Archive Jg. 873 (2005) Nr. 1, 21
  • Guo, Yanzhi; Weiss, Rainer; Epple, Matthias
    A straightforward route to copper/zinc nanocomposites : the controlled thermolysis of Zn[Cu(CN)₃]
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2005) Nr. 15, S. 3072 - 3079
  • Prymak, Oleg; Tiemann, Henry; Sötje, Ilka; Marxen, Julia C.; Klocke, Arndt; Kahl-Nieke, Bärbel; Beckmann, Felix; Donath, Tilman; Epple, Matthias
    Application of synchrotron-radiation-based computer microtomography (SRμCT) to selected biominerals: embryonic snails, statoliths of medusae, and human teeth
    In: Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (JBIC) Jg. 10 (2005) Nr. 6, S. 688 - 695
  • Becker, Alexander; Sötje, Ilka; Paulmann, Carsten; Beckmann, Felix; Donath, Tilman; Boese, Roland; Prymak, Oleg; Tiemann, Henry; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium sulfate hemihydrate is the inorganic mineral in statoliths of Scyphozoan medusae (Cnidaria)
    In: Dalton Transactions (2005) Nr. 8, S. 1545 - 1550
  • Schmitz, Inge; Kovalchuk, Andrey; Müller, Klaus Michael; Epple, Matthias
    Charakterisierung von Tätowierungsfarbstoffen : Elementaranalytische Befunde
    In: Aktuelle Dermatologie Jg. 31 (2005) Nr. 11, S. 514 - 518
  • Kovalchuk, Andrey; Fischer, Wilfried; Epple, Matthias
    Controlled release of goserelin from microporous polyglycolide and polylactide
    In: Macromolecular Bioscience Jg. 5 (2005) S. 289 - 298
  • Günther, C.; Becker, Alexander; Wolf, Gotthard; Epple, Matthias
    In vitro synthesis and structural characterisation of amorphous calcium carbonate
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 631 (2005) Nr. 13-14, S. 2830 - 2835
  • Prymak, Oleg; Bogdanski, Denise; Köller, Manfred; Esenwein, Stefan A.; Muhr, Gert; Beckmann, Felix; Donath, Tilmann; Assad, Michel; Epple, Matthias
    Morphological characterization and in vitro biocompatibility of a porous nickel-titanium alloy
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 26 (2005) Nr. 29, S. 5801 - 5807
  • Becker, Alexander; Ziegler, Andreas; Epple, Matthias
    The mineral phase in the cuticles of two species of Crustacea consists of magnesium calcite, amorphous calcium carbonate, and amorphous calcium phosphate
    In: Dalton Transactions (2005) S. 1814 - 1820
  • Krone, L.; Mentz, J.; Bram, M.; Buchkremer, H.P.; Stöver, D.; Wagner, M.; Eggeler, G.; Christ, D.; Reese, S.; Bogdanski, D.; Köller, M.; Esenwein, S.A.; Muhr, G.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    The potential of powder metallurgy for the fabrication of biomaterials on the basis of nickel-titanium : A case study with a staple showing shape memory behaviour
    In: Advanced Engineering Materials Jg. 7 (2005) Nr. 7, S. 613 - 619
  • Guo, Yanzhi; Weiss, Rainer; Epple, Matthias
    Thermolysis of tetrakis(trimethyltin)hexacyanoruthe-nate(II) : Preparation and characterization of Ru₃Sn₇ and (Ru,Sn)O₂
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 15 (2005) S. 424 - 429
  • Becker, Alexander; Epple, Matthias; Müller, Klaus Michael; Schmitz, Inge
    A comparative study of clinically well-characterized human atherosclerotic plaques with histological, chemical, and ultrastruc-tural methods
    In: Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (JBIC) Jg. 98 (2004) Nr. 12, S. 2032 - 2038
  • Dorozhkin, Sergey V.; Dorozhkina, Elena I.; Epple, Matthias
    A model system to provide a good in vitro simulation of biological mineralization
    In: Crystal Growth & Design Jg. 4 (2004) Nr. 2, S. 389 - 395
  • Tadic, Drazen; Beckmann, Felix; Schwarz, Karsten; Epple, Matthias
    A novel method to produce hydroxyapatite objects with interconnecting porosity that avoids sintering
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 25 (2004) Nr. 16, S. 3335 - 3340
  • Tadic, Drazen; Epple, Matthias
    A thorough physicochemical characterisation of 14 calcium phosphate-based bone substitution materials in comparison to natural bone
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 25 (2004) Nr. 6, S. 987 - 994
  • Bogdanski, Denise; Epple, Matthias; Esenwein, Stefan A.; Muhr, Gert; Petzoldt, V.; Prymak, Oleg; Weinert, Klaus; Köller, Manfred
    Biocompatibility of calcium phosphate-coated and of geometrically structured Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) by in-vitro testing methods
    In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing Jg. A 378 (2004) S. 527 - 531
  • Tadic, Drazen; Beckmann, Felix; Donath, Tilman; Epple, Matthias
    Comparison of different methods for the preparation of porous bone substitution materials and structural investigations by syn-chrotron µ-computer tomography
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 35 (2004) Nr. 4, S. 240 - 244
  • Welzel, T.; Meyer-Zaika, W.; Epple, Matthias
    Continuous preparation of functionalised calcium phosphate nanoparticles with adjustable crystallinity
    In: Chemical Communications: ChemComm (2004) Nr. 10, S. 1204 - 1205
  • Tadic, Drazen; Welzel, Thea; Seidel, Peter; Wüst, E.; Dingeldein, Elvira; Epple, Matthias
    Controlled release of gentamicin from biomimetic calcium phosphate in vitro. Comparison of four different incorporation methods
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 35 (2004) Nr. 12, S. 1001 - 1005
  • Prymak, Oleg; Klocke, Arndt; Kahl-Nieke, Bärbel; Epple, Matthias
    Fatigue of orthodontic nickel-titanium (NiTi) wires in different fluids under constant mechanical stress
    In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing Jg. 378 (2004) Nr. 1-2, S. 110 - 114
  • Schiller, Carsten; Rasche, Christian; Wehmöller, Michaela; Beckmann, Felix; Eufinger, Harald; Epple, Matthias; Weihe, Stephan
    Geometrically structured implants for cranial reconstruction made of biodegradable polyesters and calcium phosphate/calcium carbonate
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 25 (2004) Nr. 7-8, S. 1239 - 1247
  • Fackler-Schwalbe, I.; Schwalbe, B.; Epple, Matthias; Becker, A.; Prügl, L.; Gassel, W.-D.; Stoffels, D.; Südhoff, T.
    Hohe Verschlussrate von zentralen Venenkathetersystemen durch Calcit-Präzipitate unter 24-h-Mischinfusion aus 5-Fluorouracil und Calciumfolinat bei Patienten mit gastrointestinalen Tumoren
    In: Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift Jg. 154 (2004) Nr. 9-10, S. 182 - 185
  • Weihe, Stephan; Rasche, Christian; Schiller, Carsten; Wehmöller, Michael; Böckmann, Roland A.; Eufinger, Harald; Epple, Matthias
    Individuelle Implantate aus biodegradierbarem Kompositmaterial zur Versorgung von Schädeldefekten
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 35 (2004) Nr. 4, S. 224 - 228
  • Bogdanski, Denise; Esenwein, Stefan A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Muhr, Gert; Köller, Manfred
    Inhibition of PMN apoptosis after adherence to dip-coated calcium phosphate surfaces on a NiTi shape memory alloy
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 25 (2004) Nr. 19, S. 4627 - 4632
  • Prymak, Oleg; Bogdansk, D.; Esenwein, Stefan A.; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    NiTi shape memory alloys coated with calcium phosphate by plasma-spraying : Chemical and biological properties
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 35 (2004) Nr. 5, S. 346 - 351
  • Bogdanski, Denis; Esenwein, Stefan A.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Muhr, G.; Köller, Manfred
    Release of leucocyte mediators after contact to coated and non-coated NiTi-SMA
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 49 (2004) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 562 - 563
  • Epple, Matthias
    Schneckenhäuser, Haifischzähne, Hüftgelenke und Zahnprothesen
    In: Der mathematische und naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht: MNU Jg. 57 (2004) S. 404 - 410
  • Welzel, T.; Radtke, I.; Meyer-Zaika, W.; Heumann, R.; Epple, Matthias
    Transfection of cells with custom-made calcium phosphate nanoparticles coated with DNA
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 14 (2004) S. 2213 - 2217
  • Esenwein, Stefan A.; Bogdanski, Denis; Krone, L.; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias; Muhr, G.
    Zur Eignung von Formgedächtnislegierungen auf der Basis von NiTi (Nitinol®) als Implantatwerkstoffe : Möglichkeiten der klinischen Anwendung
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 49 (2004) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 582 - 583
  • Klocke, Arndt; Tadic, Drazen; Kahl-Nieke, Bärbel; Epple, Matthias
    An optimized synthetic substrate for orthodontic bond strength testing
    In: Dental Materials Jg. 19 (2003) Nr. 8, S. 773 - 778
  • Choi, Jongsik; Bogdanski, Denise; Köller, Manfred; Esenwein, Stefan A.; Müller, Dietmar; Muhr, Gert; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate coating of nickel-titanium shape-memory alloys : Coating procedure and adherence of leukocytes and platelets
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 24 (2003) Nr. 21, S. 3689 - 3696
  • Schiller, Carsten; Epple, Matthias
    Carbonated calcium phosphates are suitable pH-stabilising fillers for biodegradable polyesters
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 24 (2003) Nr. 12, S. 2037 - 2043
  • Irsen, Stephan H.; Kroll, Peter; Dronskowski, Richard; Weirich, Thomas E.; Epple, Matthias
    Chemical reactivity of tetrasulfur tetranitride : Synthesis, physical properties, and structural characterization of the amorphous phase Cu7S4N4
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 629 (2003) Nr. 10, S. 1751 - 1759
  • Marxen, Julia C.; Becker, Wilhelm; Finke, Doreen; Hasse, Bernd; Epple, Matthias
    Early mineralization in Biomphalaria glabrata : Microscopic and structural results
    In: Journal of Molluscan Studies Jg. 69 (2003) Nr. 2, S. 113 - 121
  • Pompe, Wolfgang; Worch, Hartmut; Epple, Matthias; Frieß, Wolfgang C.; Gelinsky, Michael; Greil, P.; Hempel, Ute; Scharnweber, Dieter; Schulte, K.
    Functionally graded materials for biomedical applications
    In: Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing Jg. 362 (2003) Nr. 1-2, S. 40 - 60
  • Becker, Alexander; Becker, Wilhelm; Marxen, Julia C.; Epple, Matthias
    In-vitro crystallisation of calcium carbonate in the presence of biological additives : comparison of the ammonium carbonate method with double-diffusion techniques
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 629 (2003) Nr. 12-13, S. 2305 - 2311
  • Tadic, Drazen; Veresov, Alexander G.; Putlayev, Valerii I.; Epple, Matthias
    In-vitro preparation of nanocrystalline calcium phosphates as bone substitution materials in surgery
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 34 (2003) Nr. 12, S. 1048 - 1051
  • Klocke, Arndt; Tadic, Drazen; Kahl-Niecke, Bärbel; Epple, Matthias
    Korrosion von kieferorthopädischen Dehnschrauben
    In: Die Quintessenz Jg. 54 (2003) Nr. 2, S. 163 - 167
  • Tadic, Drazen; Epple, Matthias
    Mechanically stable implants of synthetic bone mineral by cold isostatic pressing
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 24 (2003) Nr. 25, S. 4565 - 4571
  • Poll, Eyck-Michael; Rehbein, Marcus; Epple, Matthias; Fischer, R. Dieter
    On the Nature of the Polymeric Organotin(IV) Chromates(VI), [(Me3Sn)2CrO4] and [(Me3Sn)3CrO4(OH)] : An Extension of Non-consolidated Earlier Findings
    In: Supramolecular Chemistry Jg. 15 (2003) Nr. 6, S. 409 - 416
  • Dorozhkin, Sergey V.; Dorozhkina, Elena I.; Epple, Matthias
    Precipitation of carbonateapatite from a revised simulated body fluid in the presence of glucose
    In: Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials Jg. 1 (2003) Nr. 3, S. 200 - 208
  • Becker, Alexander; Bismayer, Ulrich; Epple, Matthias; Fabritius, Helge; Hasse, Bernd; Shi, Jianmin; Ziegler, Andreas
    Structural characterisation of X-ray amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) in sternal deposits of the crustacea Porcellio scaber
    In: Dalton Transactions (2003) Nr. 4, S. 551 - 555
  • Hasse, Bernd; Marxen, Julia C.; Becker, Wihelm; Ehrenberg, Helmut; Epple, Matthias
    A crystallographic study of the love dart (Gypsobelum) of the land snail Helix pomatia (L.)
    In: Journal of Molluscan Studies Jg. 68 (2002) Nr. 3, S. 249 - 254
  • Dorozhkin, Sergey V.; Epple, Matthias
    Biological and Medical Significance of Calcium Phosphates
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 41 (2002) Nr. 17, S. 3130 - 3146
  • Tiemann, Henry; Sötje, Ilka; Jarms, Gerhard; Paulmann, Carsten; Epple, Matthias; Hasse, Bernd
    Calcium sulfate hemihydrate in statoliths of deep-sea medusae
    In: Journal of the Chemical Society.: Dalton Transactions Jg. 2002 (2002) Nr. 7, S. 1266 - 1268
  • Tadic, Drazen; Peters, Fabian; Epple, Matthias
    Continuous synthesis of amorphous carbonated apatites
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 23 (2002) Nr. 12, S. 2553 - 2559
  • Lagoa, Ana L.C.; Diogo, Hermínio P.; Minas Da Piedade, Manuel E.; Schwarz, Karsten; Epple, Matthias
    Driving force for the thermally induced solid state polymerization of alkali metal halogenoacetates : A thermochemical analysis
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 106 (2002) Nr. 41, S. 10764 - 10770
  • Bogdanski, Denise; Koller, Manfred; Muller, Dietmar; Muhr, Gert; Bram, Martin; Buchkremer, Hans Peter; Stover, Detlev; Choi, Jongsik; Epple, Matthias
    Easy assessment of the biocompatibility of Ni-Ti alloys by in vitro cell culture experiments on a functionally graded Ni-NiTi-Ti material
    In: Biomaterials Jg. 23 (2002) Nr. 23, S. 4549 - 4555
  • Weihe, S.; Schiller, C.; Rasche, C.; Wehmöller, M.; Eufinger, H.; Epple, Matthias
    Ein gradierter Kompositwerkstoff für den Einsatz im Bereich des Hirn- und Gesichtsschädels
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 47 (2002) Nr. s1a, S. 488 - 491
  • Lagoa, Ana L.C.; Diogo, Hermínio P.; Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.; Amaral, Luísa M.P.F.; Guedes, Rita C.; Costa Cabral, Benedito J.; Kulikov, Dmitry V.; Verevkin, Sergey P.; Siedler, Michael; Epple, Matthias
    Energetics of the C-Cl bond in CH₃CH(Cl)COOH. Enthalpy of formation of (S)-(-)-2-chloropropionic acid and of the 1-carboxyethyl radical
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment & General Theory Jg. 106 (2002) Nr. 42, S. 9855 - 9861
  • Dorozhkin, S. V.; Dorozhkina, E. I.; Peters, F.; Epple, Matthias;
    In vitro simulation of calcium phosphate crystallization from modified simulated body fluid
    Annual Convention 2002 of the Surgical Biomaterials Study Group (CAB); January 18 – 19, 2002; Berlin, Germany,
    In: European Journal of Trauma Jg. 28 (2002) S. 115 - 116
  • Thoms, Heiko; Epple, Matthias; Reller, Armin
    Magnesium diolates as precursors for MgO : A low-temperature route
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 392 (2002) Nr. 393, S. 195 - 200
  • Rehbein, Marcus; Fischer, R. Dieter; Epple, Matthias
    Preparation of intermetallic phases of noble metals and tin by thermolysis of metal-organic coordination polymers
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 382 (2002) Nr. 1-2, S. 143 - 149
  • Bogdanski, D.; Koller, M.; Bram, M.; Stöver, D.; Buchkremer, H.P.; Choi, J.; Epple, Matthias; Muhr, G.
    Schnelle Analyse der Biokompatibilität mittels gradierter Probekörper am Beispiel von Ni-NiTi-Ti
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 47 (2002) Nr. s1a, S. 500 - 502
  • Weihe, Stephan; Wehmöller, Michael; Tschakaloff, Alexander; von Oepen, R.; Schiller, Carsten; Epple, Matthias; Eufinger, Harald
    Alternative Knochenersatzmaterialien zur präoperativen Fertigung individueller CAD/CAM-Schädelimplantate
    In: Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie Jg. 5 (2001) Nr. 5, S. 299 - 304
  • Linhart, Wolfgang; Peters, Fabian; Lehmann, Wolfgang; Schwarz, Karsten; Schilling, Arndt Friedrich; Amling, Michael; Rueger, Johannes Maria; Epple, Matthias
    Biologically and chemically optimized composites of carbonated apatite and polyglycolide as bone substitution materials
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Jg. 54 (2001) Nr. 2, S. 162 - 171
  • Epple, Matthias
    Biomaterialien: Von fremdkörfern im gewebe hin zu funktionellen implantaten
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 46 (2001) Nr. s1, S. 36 - 38
  • Peters, Fabian; Epple, Matthias
    Crystallisation of calcium phosphates under constant conditions with a double diffusion set-up
    In: Journal of the Chemical Society.: Dalton Transactions (2001) Nr. 24, S. 3585 - 3592
  • Weihe, Stephan; Wehmöller, Michael; Schiller, Carsten; Rasche, Christian; Eufinger, Harald; Epple, Matthias
    Ein optimierter biodegradierbarer werkstoff für die behandlung grossflächiger schädeldefekte
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 46 (2001) Nr. s1, S. 204 - 205
  • Lagoa, Ana L. C.; Diogo, Hermínio P.; Dias, M. Pilar; Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.; Amaral, Luísa M. P. F.; Ribeiro da Silva, Manuel A. V.; Martinho Simões, José A.; Guedes, Rita C.; Costa Cabral, Benedito J.; Schwarz, Karsten; Epple, Matthias
    Energetics of C−Cl, C−Br, and C−I Bonds in Haloacetic Acids : Enthalpies of Formation of XCH2COOH (X=Cl, Br, I) Compounds and the Carboxymethyl Radical
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 7 (2001) Nr. 2, S. 483 - 489
  • Herzberg, Oliver; Epple, Matthias
    Formation of Polyesters by Thermally Induced Polymerization Reactions of Molecular Solids
    In: European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 2001 (2001) Nr. 6, S. 1395 - 1406
  • Weihe, Stephan; Wehmöller, Michael; Schiller, Carsten; Rasche, Christian; Eufinger, Harald; Epple, Matthias
    Formgebung degradierbarer werkstoffe mit hilfe der verfahrenskette zur fertigung individueller CAD/CAM-implantate
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 46 (2001) Nr. s1, S. 214 - 215
  • Epple, Matthias; Lanzer, Peter
    How much interdisciplinarity is required to understand vascular calcifications? Formulation of four basic principles of vascular calcification
    In: Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie Jg. 90 (2001) Nr. SUPPL. 3, S. 2 - 5
  • Tadic, Drazen; Epple, Matthias
    Kontinuierliche Herstellung von knochenmineralähnlichen Calciumphosphat -Keramiken
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 46 (2001) Nr. s1, S. 224 - 225
  • Siedler, Michael; Kitchin, Simon J.; Harris, Kenneth D. M.; Lagoa, Ana L. C.; Diogo, Hermínio P.; Minas da Piedade, Manuel E.; Epple, Matthias
    Porous poly(D,L-lactide) and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) produced by thermal salt elimination from halogenocarboxylates
    In: Journal of the Chemical Society.: Dalton Transactions (2001) Nr. 21, S. 3140 - 3148
  • Peters, F; Epple, Matthias
    Simulating arterial wall calcification in vitro : biomimetic crystallization of calcium phosphates under controlled conditions
    In: Zeitschrift fur Kardiologie Jg. 90 (2001) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 81 - 85
  • Epple, Matthias
    Solid-state chemical methods to investigate the nature of calcified deposits
    In: Zeitschrift für Kardiologie Jg. 90 (2001) S. III64 - III67
  • Herzberg, Oliver; Ehrenberg, Helmut; Kitchin, Simon J.; Harris, Kenneth D.M.; Epple, Matthias
    Structural aspects of the solid-state polycondensation reaction in alkali 4-halogenomethylbenzoates
    In: Journal of Solid State Chemistry Jg. 156 (2001) Nr. 1, S. 61 - 67
  • Choi, J.S.; Koller, Manfred; Müller, Dietmar; Muhr, Gert; Epple, Matthias
    Verbesserung der biokompatibilität von ni-ti-formgedächtnislegierungen (“nitinol”) durch beschichtung mit calciumphosphaten aus lösung
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 46 (2001) Nr. s1, S. 226 - 227
  • Hasse, Bernd; Ehrenberg, Helmut; Marxen, Julia C.; Becker, Wilhelm; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium carbonate modifications in the mineralized shell of the freshwater snail Biomphalaria glabrata
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 6 (2000) Nr. 20, S. 3679 - 3685
  • Epple, Matthias; Panthöfer, M.; Walther, R.; Deiseroth, H.J.
    Crystal-chemical characterization of mixed-valent indium chalcogenides by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS)
    In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials Jg. 215 (2000) Nr. 8, S. 445 - 453
  • Siedler, Michael; Epple, Matthias
    Festkörperchemie im Experiment
    In: Chemie in unserer Zeit Jg. 34 (2000) S. 84 - 89
  • Aliev, Abil E.; Elizabé, Laurent; Kariuki, Benson M.; Kirschnick, Holger; Thomas, John Meurig; Epple, Matthias; Harris, Kenneth D. M.
    In Situ Monitoring of Solid‐State Polymerization Reactions in Sodium Chloroacetate and Sodium Bromoacetate by ²³Na and ¹³C Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 6 (2000) Nr. 7, S. 1120 - 1126
  • Becker, Wilhelm; Marxen, Julia; Epple, Matthias; Reelsen, Oliver
    Influence of microgravity on crystal formation in biomineralization
    In: Journal of Applied Physiology Jg. 89 (2000) Nr. 4, S. 1601 - 1607
  • Gloistein, Ulrich; Epple, Matthias; Cammenga, Heiko K.
    Influencing the solid-solid phase transition in phenanthrene by suitable doping
    In: Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie Jg. 214 (2000) Nr. 3, S. 379 - 388
  • Rehbein, Marcus; Epple, Matthias; Fischer, R.Dieter
    Preparation of nanocrystalline metal oxides and intermetallic phases by controlled thermolysis of organometallic coordination polymers
    In: Solid State Sciences Jg. 2 (2000) Nr. 4, S. 473 - 488
  • Peters, Fabian; Schwarz, Karsten; Epple, Matthias
    The structure of bone studied with synchrotron X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption spectroscopy and thermal analysis
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 361 (2000) Nr. 1-2, S. 131 - 138
  • Rehder, Dieter; Schulzke, Carola; Dau, Holger; Meinke, Carsten; Hanss, Jan; Epple, Matthias
    Water and bromide in the active center of vanadate-dependent haloperoxidases
    In: Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry Jg. 80 (2000) Nr. 1-2, S. 115 - 121
  • Schwarz, Karsten; Epple, Matthias
    A detailed characterization of polyglycolide prepared by solid-state polycondensation reaction
    In: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Jg. 200 (1999) Nr. 10, S. 2221 - 2229
  • Dau, Holger; Dittmer, Jens; Epple, Matthias; Hanss, Jan; Kiss, Erzsébet; Rehder, Dieter; Schulzke, Carola; Vilter, Hans
    Bromine K-edge EXAFS studies of bromide binding to bromoperoxidase from Ascophyllum nodosum
    In: FEBS Letters Jg. 457 (1999) Nr. 2, S. 237 - 240
  • Herzberg, Oliver; Gehrke, Rainer; Epple, Matthias
    Combined in-situ small and wide-angle synchrotron X-ray scattering (SAXS-WAXS) applied to a solid-state polymerization reaction
    In: Polymer Jg. 40 (1999) Nr. 2, S. 507 - 511
  • Epple, Matthias; Rueger, Johannes Maria
    Festkörperchemie und Chirurgie
    In: Nachrichten aus Chemie, Technik und Laboratorium Jg. 47 (1999) Nr. 12, S. 1405 - 1410
  • Günthe, W.; Schöllhorn, R.; Epple, Matthias; Siegle, H.; Thomsen, Ch.; Kabius, B.; Poppe, U.; Schubert, J.; Zander, W.; Günther, W.
    Hydrogen and water intercalation into YBa₂Cu₃O₇-δ: Structural properties of H₂YBa₂Cu₃O₈₋δ
    In: Philosophical Magazine A Jg. 79 (1999) Nr. 2, S. 449 - 466
  • Epple, Matthias
    Organische reaktionen ohne lösungsmittel
    In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik (CIT) Jg. 71 (1999) Nr. 1-2, S. 35 - 42
  • Herzberg, O.; Epple, Matthias
    Single crystal study of a solid-state polymerization reaction
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Jg. 57 (1999) Nr. 1, S. 151 - 156
  • Ehrenberg, H.; Hasse, B.; Schwarz, K.; Epple, Matthias
    Structure determination of lithium chloroacetate, lithium bromoacetate and lithium iodoacetate by powder diffraction
    In: Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials Jg. 55 (1999) Nr. 4, S. 517 - 524
  • Herzberg, Oliver; Epple, Matthias
    Thermally induced polymerization inm- andp-halogenomethyl-benzoates to poly(hydroxymethylbenzoic acid)
    In: Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Jg. 200 (1999) Nr. 12, S. 2662 - 2666
  • Schwarz, Karsten; Epple, Matthias
    Biomimetic crystallization of apatite in a porous polymer matrix
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 4 (1998) Nr. 10, S. 1898 - 1973
  • Schwarz, Karsten; Epple, Matthias
    Hierarchically structured polyglycolide - a biomaterial mimicking natural bone
    In: Macromolecular Rapid Communications Jg. 19 (1998) Nr. 12, S. 613 - 617
  • Thoms, Heiko; Epple, Matthias; Fröba, Michael; Wong, Joe; Reller, Armin
    Metal diolates: Useful precursors for tailor-made oxides prepared at low temperatures
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 8 (1998) Nr. 6, S. 1447 - 1451
  • Feist, Michael; Wloka, Martin; Epple, Matthias; Post, Ekkehard; Kemnitz, Erhard
    On sorption and thermal properties of the zirconium phosphate fluoride [(H₂en)₀.₅][Zr₂(PO₄) ₂(HPO₄)F]·H₂O
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 8 (1998) Nr. 2, S. 433 - 438
  • Epple, Matthias; Herzberg, Oliver
    Porous polyglycolide
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Jg. 43 (1998) Nr. 2, S. 83 - 88
  • Epple, Matthias; Ebbinghaus, Stefan
    Reduction of solid benzophenones with sodium borohydride
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Jg. 52 (1998) Nr. 1, S. 165 - 176
  • Ebbinghaus, S.; Abeln, D.; Epple, Matthias
    Crystal structure of 4-bromo¬benzophenone, Br-C6H4-CO-C6H5 and 3,4-dichlorobenzophenone, Cl2-C6H3-CO-C6H5
    In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: New Crystal Structures Jg. 212 (1997) S. 339 - 340
  • Krummland, A.; Epple, Matthias; Klar, G.; Reller, A.
    Intercalation and Deintercalation of Iodine into 2,3,8,9-Tetramethoxydibenzo[c,e][1,2]- dithiin : A Detailed Mechanistic Study of a Gas−Solid Reaction Leading to an Organic Conductor
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 101 (1997) Nr. 48, S. 10012 - 10015
  • Tröger, L.; Hilbrandt, N.; Epple, Matthias
    Monitoring of Chemical Reactions : In-Situ Combination of XAFS and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
    In: Le Journal de Physique IV Jg. 7 (1997) Nr. C2, C2-323-C2-324
  • Epple, Matthias; Kirschnick, Holger
    Oligomerization and polymerization in sodium salts of chlorocarboxylic acids
    In: Liebigs Annalen (1997) Nr. 1, S. 81 - 85
  • Epple, Matthias; Herzberg, Oliver
    Polyglycolide with controlled porosity: An improved biomaterial
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 7 (1997) Nr. 6, S. 1037 - 1042
  • Epple, Matthias; Tröger, Larc; Hilbrandt, Nicole
    Quantitative reaction kinetics in the liquid state by in situ XAFS
    In: Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions Jg. 93 (1997) Nr. 17, S. 3035 - 3037
  • Epple, Matthias; Kirschnick, Holger
    Silver chloroacetate: Crystal structure and thermal polymerization mechanism
    In: Chemische Berichte Jg. 130 (1997) Nr. 2, S. 291 - 294
  • Epple, Matthias; Sankar, Gopinathan; Thomas, John Meurig
    Solid-State Polymerization Reaction by Combined In-Situ X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XRD-EXAFS)
    In: Chemistry of Materials Jg. 9 (1997) Nr. 12, S. 3127 - 3131
  • Thoms, H.; Epple, Matthias; Reller, A.
    The thermal decomposition of magnesium alcoholates to magnesia (MgO): : studies by IR and thermal analysis
    In: Solid State Ionics Jg. 101-103 (1997) Nr. Part 1, S. 79 - 84
  • Sanchis, M. J.; Marthe, S.; Calleja, R. Díaz; Martínez, E. Sánchez; Epple, Matthias; Klar, G.
    The thermally induced phase transition in 2,3,7,8-tetramethoxythianthrene
    In: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie Jg. 101 (1997) Nr. 12, S. 1889 - 1895
  • Tröger, Larc; Hilbrandt, Nicole; Epple, Matthias
    Thorough insight into reacting systems by combined in-situ XAFS and differential scanning calorimetry
    In: Synchrotron Radiation News Jg. 10 (1997) Nr. 6, S. 11 - 17
  • Elizabe, Laurent; Kariuki, Benson M.; Harris, Kenneth D.M.; Tremayne, Maryjane; Epple, Matthias; Thomas, John Meurig
    Topochemical rationalization of the solid-state polymerization reaction of sodium chloroacetate: Structure determination from powder diffraction data by the Monte Carlo method
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condensed Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces & Biophysical Chemistry Jg. 101 (1997) Nr. 44, S. 8827 - 8831
  • Epple, Matthias; Kirschnick, H.; Thomas, J. M.
    An in situ IR-spectroscopic study of the solid-state formation reaction of polyglycolide
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis Jg. 47 (1996) Nr. 2, S. 331 - 337
  • Epple, Matthias; Sazama, Uta; Reller, Armin; Hilbrandt, Nicole; Martin, Manfred; Tröger, Larc
    Simultaneous X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (XAFS) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
    In: Chemical Communications: ChemComm (1996) Nr. 15, S. 1755 - 1756
  • Epple, Matthias; Tröger, Larc
    Study of a solid-state polymerisation reaction: Thermal elimination of NaCl from sodium chloroacetate
    In: Journal of the Chemical Society.: Dalton Transactions Jg. 1996 (1996) Nr. 1, S. 11 - 16
  • Epple, Matthias; Kirschnick, Holger
    The Thermally Induced Solid-State Polymerization Reaction in Halogenoacetates
    In: Chemische Berichte Jg. 129 (1996) Nr. 9, S. 1123 - 1129
  • Epple, Matthias; Seifert, Roland
    The solid-state substitution reaction between halogenoacetates and metal halides
    In: Journal of Solid State Chemistry Jg. 121 (1996) Nr. 1, S. 129 - 132
  • Epple, Matthias; Kirschnick, Holger; Greaves, G. Neville; Sankar, Gopinathan; Thomas, John Meurig
    Thermochemical reactivity of a solvate crystal studied by thermal analysis and in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy
    In: Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions Jg. 92 (1996) Nr. 24, S. 5035 - 5041
  • Figura, Ludger O.; Epple, Matthias
    Anhydrous α-lactose A study with DSC and TXRD
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis Jg. 44 (1995) Nr. 1, S. 45 - 53
  • Cammenga, Heiko Karl; Epple, Matthias
    Basic Principles of Thermoanalytical Techniques and Their Applications in Preparative Chemistry
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 34 (1995) Nr. 11, S. 1171 - 1187
  • Epple, Matthias
    Gaining insight into structural changes with dynamic diffraction methods
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 269-270 (1995) Nr. C, S. 33 - 42
  • Thoms, Heiko; Epple, Matthias; Viebrock, Heiko; Reller, Armin
    Magnesium alcoholates as precursors for magnesia
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 5 (1995) Nr. 4, S. 589 - 594
  • Epple, Matthias
    On the evaluation of dynamic X-ray diffractometric data for kinetic and structural purposes
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis Jg. 45 (1995) Nr. 6, S. 1265 - 1276
  • Epple, Matthias; Ebbinghaus, Stefan; Reller, Armin; Gloistein, Ulrich; Cammenga, Heiko K.
    Organic solid-solid reactions: exploration of the synthetic potential
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 269-270 (1995) Nr. C, S. 433 - 441
  • Epple, Matthias; Cammenga, Heiko K.; Sarge, Stefan M.; Diedrich, R.; Balek, Vladimir
    The phase transformation of caffeine : Investigation by dynamic X-ray diffraction and emanation thermal analysis
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 250 (1995) Nr. 1, S. 29 - 39
  • Epple, Matthias
    Applications of temperature-resolved diffraction methods in thermal analysis
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis Jg. 42 (1994) Nr. 2-3, S. 559 - 593
  • Epple, Matthias; Berg, J. C.
    The effect of adsorbed surfactants on the electrostatic properties and wettability of a photocopy toner
    In: Progress in Paper Recycling Jg. 4 (1994) S. 52 - 59
  • Epple, Matthias; Schmidt, D.C.; Berg, J.C.
    The effect of froth stability and wettability on the flotation of a xerographic toner
    In: Colloid and polymer science Jg. 272 (1994) Nr. 10, S. 1264 - 1272
  • Blaschette, Armand; Jones, Peter G.; Hammann, Thomas; Näveke, Martina; Schomburg, Dietmar; Cammenga, Heiko K.; Epple, Matthias; Steppuhn, Ingeborg
    Polysulfonylamine. XL Darstellung von Silber(I)‐disulfonylamid‐Acetonitril‐Komplexen. Röntgenstrukturanalytische und thermochemische Charakterisierung von Tetraacetonitrilsilber(I)‐bis(dimesylamido)argentat(I) und von (1,1,3,3‐Tetraoxo‐1,3,2‐benzodithiazolido)acetonitrilsilber(I)
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 619 (1993) Nr. 5, S. 912 - 922
  • Näveke, Martina; Jones, Peter G.; Blaschette, Armand; Schomburg, Dietmar; Cammenga, Heiko K.; Epple, Matthias
    Polysulfonylamine. XLI. Ein Silber(I)‐Hydrat ungewöhnlicher Zusammensetzung : Röntgenstrukturanalytische und thermochemische Charakterisierung von Tetrakis(dimesylamido)aquatetrasilber(I) [Ag₄(N(SO₂CH₃)₂}₄(H₂O)]
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 619 (1993) Nr. 6, S. 1027 - 1036
  • Jones, Peter G.; Hammann, Thomas; Blaschette, Armand; Cammenga, Heiko K.; Epple, Matthias
    Polysulfonylamine. XLII. Ein Aquasilber(I)‐Komplex mit einem Ag(m̈‐H₂O)₂Ag‐Strukturmotiv : Röntgenstrukturanalytische und thermoanalytische Charakterisierung von Aqua(1,1,3,3‐tetraoxo‐1,3,2‐benzodithiazolido)silber(I)
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 619 (1993) Nr. 8, S. 1441 - 1445
  • Epple, Matthias; Cammenga, Heiko K.
    The dehydration of lithium sulphate monohydrate investigated with DSC, TG and temperature-resolved X-ray diffractometry - a comparison between three methods
    In: Solid State Ionics Jg. 63-65 (1993) Nr. C, S. 307 - 311
  • Viswanathan, Krishnamoorthy; Harneit, Otto; Epple, Matthias
    Hydrated barium aluminosilicates, BaAl₂Si₂O₈.nH₂O, and their relations to cymrite and hexacelsian
    In: European Journal of Mineralogy Jg. 4 (1992) Nr. 2, S. 271 - 278
  • Epple, Matthias; Cammenga, Heiko K.
    Investigation of Solid State Reactions and Solid-Solid Phase Transformations with Time- and Temperature-resolved X-ray Powder Diffractometry
    In: Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie Jg. 96 (1992) Nr. 11, S. 1774 - 1778
  • Vorderwülbecke, Thomas; Epple, Matthias; Cammenga, Heiko Karl; Petersen, Sabine; Kieslich, Klaus
    Racemic lactones from butterfat : an advanced approach that includes stereodifferentiation
    In: Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society Jg. 69 (1992) Nr. 8, S. 797 - 801
  • Epple, Matthias; Cammenga, Heiko K.
    Temperature-resolved X-ray diffractometry as a thermoanalytical method - A powerful tool for determining solid state reaction kinetics
    In: Journal of Thermal Analysis Jg. 38 (1992) Nr. 4, S. 619 - 626
  • Cammenga, H. K.; Epple, Matthias; Baumgartner, B.
    Desolvation and phase transitions of silver dimesylaminide hydrate
    In: Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique Jg. 87 (1990) Nr. 7-8, S. 1249 - 1256
  • Cammenga, Heiko K.; Epple, Matthias; Blaschette, Armand; Näveke, Martina
    Thermochemical analysis of solvate complexes of silver dimesylaminide
    In: Thermochimica Acta Jg. 151 (1989) Nr. C, S. 171 - 178
  • Aufsätze

  • Shkarina, Svetlana; Shkarin, Roman; Weinhardt, Venera; Melnik, Elizaveta; Vacun, Gabriele; Kluger, Petra J.; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Ivlev, Sergei I.; Baumbach, Tilo; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Author Correction: 3D biodegradable scaffolds of polycaprolactone with silicate-containing hydroxyapatite microparticles for bone tissue engineering : high-resolution tomography and in vitro study
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 17589
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Epple, Matthias; Prylutskyy, Y.
    Preface to the special issue of Materials Science and Engineering Technology
    In: Materials Science and Engineering Technology Jg. 47 (2016) Nr. 2-3, S. 77
  • Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Bioactive surfaces for hard tissue regeneration
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 3 (2013) Nr. 28, S. 11057
  • Abstracts

  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Shi, Zou; Huang, S.; Du, Y.; Kopp, Mathis; Frede, Annika; Knuschke, Torben; Buer, Jan; Yang, D.; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias;
    Session 5: Biomaterials - Inorganic : Calcium phosphate nanoparticles as a delivery of bioactive compounds to the liver and for imaging and vaccination
    Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials e.V., 08,-10.11.2018, Braunschweig-Stöckheim,
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 64 (2019) Nr. s1: Abstracts of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the German Society for Biomaterials, S. 36 - 40
  • Westphal, G.; Rosenkranz, N.; Monsé, C.; Kirchner, M.; Loza, Kateryna; Rostek, Alexander; Epple, Matthias; Brüning, Thomas; Bünger, Jürgen;
    Chemotaxis and cytotoxicity of metal oxides
    84th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT) and the 20th Annual Meeting of the Association of the Clinical Pharmacology Germany (VKliPha) ; 26 February – 1 March 2018. Göttingen,
    In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology Jg. 391 (2018) Nr. 1, Supplement, S. S78 - S79
  • Proudfoot, D.; Dautova, Y.; Kozlova, D.; Epple, Matthias; Bootman, M.D.
    Calcification stimulates inflammatory signalling pathways in human vascular smooth muscle cells
    In: Atherosclerosis Jg. 244 (2016) S. e9 - e10
  • Neuhaus, Bernhard; Frede, A.; Westendorf, Astrid; Epple, Matthias
    Ein Vergleich der Genstummschaltungseffizienz unterschiedlicher nanopartikulärer Systeme
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. S 1, S. 80
  • Westphal, Götz A.; Schremmer, Isabell; Rostek, Alexander; Loza, Kateryna; Rosenkranz, Nina; Brüning, Thomas; Epple, Matthias; Bünger, Jürgen;
    NR8383 rat macrophages can induce migration of differentiated HL-60 cells following challenge with TIO₂, SIO₂ or carbon black
    50th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX) ; 7th–10th September 2014, Edinburgh, UK,
    In: Toxicology Letters Jg. 229 (2014) Nr. Supplement, S. S200
  • Rotan, Olga; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Knuschke, Torben; Westendorf, Astrid; Buer, Jan; Epple, Matthias;
    Prophylaktische Vakzinierung gegen Tumoren mit funktionalisierten Calciumphosphat-Nanopartikeln in einem murinen Tumortransplantations- Modell
    Annual conference of the German Society of Biomaterials (DGBM) , 06.-08.11.2014, Dresden,
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Supplement, V5
  • Hadjicharalampous, C.; Kozlova, Diana; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Chatzinikolaidou, M.; Epple, Matthias
    The effect of CaP/PEI/DNA-BMP-7/SiO2-SH nanoparticles on the differentiation of MC3T3 cells
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. S1, S. 78
  • Knuschke, Torben; Bayer, Wibke; Rotan, O.; Sokolova, Viktoriya; Dittmer, Ulf; Epple, Matthias; Buer, Jan; Westendorf, Astrid;
    Effective immunmodulation by biodegradable calcium phosphate nanoparticles confers strong antiviral protection
    65th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM), 22.-25.09.2013, Rostock,
    In: International Journal of Medical Microbiology (IJMM) Jg. 303 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 38 - 38
  • Ergün, Süleyman; Czugala, M.; Singer, Bernhard B.; Mykhaylyk, O.; Plank, C.; Epple, Matthias; Wesselborg, S.; Fuchsluger, Thomas; Steuhl, Klaus-Peter
    Nanoparticles for delivery of therapeutical nucleic acids to corneal endothelium
    In: Acta Ophthalmologica Jg. 91 (2013) Nr. S252, Special Issue: Abstracts from the 2013 European Association for Vision and Eye Research Conference, 4234
  • Tadic, D.; Epple, Matthias;
    Amorphous calcium phosphates as bone substitution materials
    Annual Convention 2002 of the Surgical Biomaterials Study Group (CAB); January 18 – 19, 2002; Berlin, Germany,
    In: European Journal of Trauma Jg. 28 (2002) S. 136 - 137
  • Epple, Matthias; Choi, J.; Köller, M.; Bogdanski, D.; Muhr, G.; Müller, D.;
    Calcium phosphate coating of Nitinol shape memory alloys for surgical application
    Annual Convention 2002 of the Surgical Biomaterials Study Group (CAB); January 18 – 19, 2002; Berlin, Germany,
    In: European Journal of Trauma Jg. 28 (2002) S. 139 - 141
  • Epple, Matthias; Schiller, C.; Rasche, C.; Wehmöller, M.; Eufinger, H.; Weihe, S.;
    Individual biodegradable implants for cranial bone reconstruction
    Annual Convention 2002 of the Surgical Biomaterials Study Group (CAB); January 18 – 19, 2002; Berlin, Germany,
    In: European Journal of Trauma Jg. 28 (2002) S. 134 - 136
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias
    Bioceramic nanoparticles in tissue engineering and drug delivery
    In: Tissue Engineering Using Ceramics and Polymers / Boccaccini, Aldo R.; Mia, Peter X.; Liverani, Liliana (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 727 - 742
  • Maletz, Reinhard; Epple, Matthias
    Inorganic biomaterials
    In: Applied Inorganic Chemistry: Volume 3: From Magnetic to Bioactive Materials / Pöttgen, Rainer; Jüstel, Thomas; Strassert, Cristian A. (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 404 - 422
  • Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias; Maskos, Michael
    Stability of nanoparticle dispersions and particle agglomeration
    In: Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles: Molecular and Cellular Aspects and Methodological Approaches / Gehr, Peter; Zellner, Reinhard (Hrsg.) 2019, S. 85 - 100
  • Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias
    Synthesis of Metallic and Metal Oxide Particles
    In: Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles: Molecular and Cellular Aspects and Methodological Approaches / Gehr, Peter; Zellner, Reinhard (Hrsg.) 2019, S. 3 - 27
  • Tkachev, M.S.; Melnikov, E.S.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Sharonova, A.A.; Surmenev, R.A.; Korneva, O.S.; Shulepov, I.A.; Loza, Kateryna; Epple, Matthias
    Adhesion properties of a three-layer system based on RF-magnetron sputter deposited calcium-phosphate coating and silver nanoparticles
    In: IFOST proceedings / 11th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST) : June 1-3, 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia 2017, S. 88 - 90
  • Haude, Michael; Lootz, Daniel; Degen, Hubertus; Epple, Matthias
    Basics of magnesium biodegradation
    In: Bioresorbable Scaffolds: From Basic Concept to Clinical Applications 2017, S. 29 - 37
  • Grubova, I.; Chudinova, E.; Surmeneva, M.; Surmenev, R.; Ivanova, A.; Kravchuk, K.; Shugurov, V.; Teresov, A.; Koval, N.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Comparative evaluation of the sand blasting, acid etching and electron beam surface treatments of titanium for medical application
    In: IFOST proceedings / 11th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST) : June 1-3, 2016, Novosibirsk, Russia 2017, S. 69 - 72
  • Wallat, Katrin; Gepp, Michael M.; Berger, Sabrina; Le Harzic, Ronan; Neubauer, Julia C.; Zimmermann, Heiko; Stracke, Frank; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoparticle-loaded bioactive hydrogels
    In: Optically Induced Nanostructures: Biomedical and Technical Applications / König, Karsten; Ostendorf, Andreas (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 217 - 238
  • Strutynska, N.; Slobodyanik, N.; Malyshenko, A.; Zatovsky, I.; Vorona, I.; Epple, Matthias; Prymak, Oleg; Baran, N.; Ishchenko, S.; Nosenko, V.
    Synthesis, characterization and EPR investigation of γ-induced defects for nanoparticles of (MI, CO3)-containing (MI - Na, K) apatites
    In: Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering - Fabrication, Properties and Application / International Conference on Oxide Materials for Electronic Engineering – fabrication, properties and applications (ОМЕЕ-2014), May 26-30, 2014, Lviv, Ukraine; Zhydachevskii, Yaroslav / Ubizskii, Sergii; Vasylechko, Leonid (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 133 - 139
  • Ivanova, A. A.; Surmenev, R. A.; Surmeneva, M. A.; Mukhametkaliyev, T.; Sharonova, A. A.; Grubova, I. Y.; Loza, Kateryna; Chernousova, Svitlana; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias
    Antibacterial AgNPs/CaP biocomposites
    In: 9th International Forum on Strategic Technology, IFOST 2014: Cox's Bazar; Bangladesh; 21 October 2014 through 23 October 2014 2014 472 - 474, Article number 6991166
  • Sokolova, Viktoriya; Epple, Matthias
    Bioceramic nanoparticles for tissue engineering and drug delivery
    In: Tissue engineering using ceramics and polymers / Boccaccini, Aldo R.; Ma, P. X. (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 633 - 647
  • Chakif, M.; Prymak, Oleg; Slota, M.; Heintze, E.; Gurevich, E. L.; Bogani, L.; Epple, Matthias; Ostendorf, A.
    Impact of solvent mixture on iron nanoparticles generated by laser ablation
    In: Colloidal nanoparticles for biomedical applications IX: 1 - 4 February 2014, San Francisco, California, United States ; [part of SPIE photonics west] 2014, S. 895507 - 895501
  • Chudinova, E. A.; Surmeneva, M. A.; Grubova, I. Y.; Priamushko, T. S.; Pushilina, N. S.; Teresov, A. D.; Koval, N. N.; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Surmenev, R. A.
    Investigation of the morphology and elemental composition of the silicon-containing calcium phosphate coating treated by intensive pulsed electron beam
    In: 9th International Forum on Strategic Technology, IFOST 2014: Cox's Bazar; Bangladesh; 21 October 2014 through 23 October 2014 2014 429-431, Article number 6991155
  • Freyer, Katja; Epple, Matthias; Sumfleth, Elke
    Predicting success of freshmen in chemistry using moderated multiple linear regression analysis
    In: EBook Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning / European Science Education Research Association Conference ; ESERA Conference ; 2nd-7th of September 2013, Nicosia, Cyprus / Constantinou, Constantinos P.; Papadouris, Nicos; Hadjigeorgiou, Angela (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 2036 - 2043
  • Freyer, Katja; Epple, Matthias; Sumfleth, Elke
    Studienerfolg Erstsemesterstudierender im Fach Chemie
    In: Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung zwischen Science- und Fachunterricht / Bernholt, Sascha (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 70 - 72
  • Freyer, Katja; Epple, Matthias; Sumfleth, Elke
    Bestimmung des Studienerfolgs Erstsemesterstudierender im Fach Chemie
    In: Inquiry-based Learning – Forschendes Lernen : Jahrestagung in Hannover 2012 / Bernholt, Sascha (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 227 - 229
  • Surmeneva, M.; Surmenev, R.; Pichugin, V.; Ivanova, A.; Grubova, I.; Chaikina, M.; Khlusov, I.; Kovtun, A.; Epple, Matthias
    Biocompatible nanostructured coatings based on calcium phosphates prepared by means of rf-magnetron sputtering deposition
    In: 7th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST), 2012: Proceedings / International Forum on Strategic Technology, 18 - 21 Sept. 2012, Tomsk Polytechnic University 2012
  • Freyer, Katja; Epple, Matthias; Sumfleth, Elke
    Difficulties chemistry students experience during their first semester : Predicting Success
    In: Science learning and Citizenship: Proceedings of the ESERA 2011 Conference / Science Learning & Citizenship, ESERA conference 2011, Lyon, France, 5th-9th of September 2011 / Bruguière, Catherine; Tiberghien, Andrée; Clément, Pierre (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 12 - 17
  • Freyer, Katja; Epple, Matthias; Sumfleth, Elke
    Schwierigkeiten Erstsemesterstudierender im Fach Chemie
    In: Konzepte fachdidaktischer Strukturierung für den Unterricht : Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik ; Jahrestagung in Oldenburg 2011 / Bernholt, Sascha (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 257 - 259
  • Chernousova, S.; Epple, Matthias
    Calcium phosphate nanoparticles that encode the formation of antibacterial proteins
    In: 24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials / 24th European Conference on Biomaterials, EBS 2011, Dublin, Ireland, 4 September 2011 through 8 September 2011 2011
  • Gorenc, J.; Greulich, Christina; Diendorf, Jörg; Epple, Matthias; Schildhauer, Thomas Armin; Köller, Manfred
    Interactions of spherical silver nanoparticles with human mesenchymal stem cells
    In: 24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials / 24th European Conference on Biomaterials (EBS), 4 September 2011 through 8 September 2011, Dublin, Ireland 2011
  • Klesing, Jan; Chernousova, Svitlana; Neumann, Sebastian; Heumann, Rolf; Meyer-Zaika, Wolfgang; Epple, Matthias
    Positively charged hydroxyapatite nanorods for cell transfection and gene silencing
    In: 24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials / 24th European Conference on Biomaterials, EBS 2011, Dublin, Ireland, 4 September 2011 through 8 September 2011 2011
  • Peetsch, Alexander; Kort, Julia; Greulich, Christina; Siebers, Bettina; Köller, Manfred; Epple, Matthias
    Silver ion-doped calcium phosphate nanoparticles for antibacterial application
    In: 24th European Conference on Biomaterials - Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials / 24th European Conference on Biomaterials (EBS), 4-8 September 2011, Dublin, Ireland 2011
  • Epple, Matthias; Kovtun, Anna
    Functionalized calcium phosphate nanoparticles for biomedical application
    In: Advanced Bioceramics in Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering / Vila, M. / Vallet-Regí, M. (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 299 - 305
  • Bosselmann, Fabienne; Epple, Matthias
    Sulfate-Containing Biominerals
    In: Biomineralization: From Nature to Application / Sigel, Astrid; Sigel, Helmut; Sigel, Roland K. O. 2010, S. 207 - 217
  • Ricken, Tim; Bloßfeld, W. Moritz; Eufinger, H.; Wehmöller, M.; Annen, T.; Epple, Matthias; Bluhm, Joachim
    Modeling of porous functionally graded biodegradable implants for bone replacement
    In: Proceedings of the 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics / 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), Venice, Italy, 2008 / Perego, Umberto (Hrsg.) 2008
  • Epple, Matthias
    Biomimetic bone substitution materials
    In: Biomineralisation: Medical and Clinical Aspects / Epple, Matthias; Baeuerlein, E. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 81 - 95
  • Epple, Matthias; Wehmöller, Michael; Eufinger, Harald
    Knochen : Ein biologischer Werkstoff und wie man ihn durch künstliche Stoffe ersetzen kann
    In: Der Knochen als Archiv: Leopoldina-Meeting vom 9. bis 10. März 2006 in München / Leopoldina-Meeting, 9. bis 10. März 2006, München / Herrmann, Bernd; Linss, Werner; Putz, Reinhard (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 39 - 42
  • Boßelmann, Fabienne; Epple, Matthias; Sötje, Ilka; Tiemann, Henry
    Statoliths of Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate are used for Gravity Sensing in Rhopaliophoran Medusae (Cnidaria)
    In: Handbook of Biomineralization: Biological Aspects and Structure Formation / Bäuerlein, Edmund (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 261 - 272
  • Neues, Frank; Beckmann, Felix; Ziegler, Andreas; Epple, Matthias
    The Application of Synchrotron Radiation‐Based Micro‐Computer Tomography in Biomineralization
    In: Handbook of Biomineralization: Biological Aspects and Structure Formation / Bäuerlein, Edmund (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 369 - 380
  • Epple, Matthias
    Modern methods of investigation in biomineralization
    In: Biomineralization: progress in biology, molecular biology and application / Bäuerlein, Edmund (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 305 - 325
  • Dorozhkina, E.I.; Epple, Matthias
    Biomimetic crystallization of calcium phosphates under constant conditions from the revised SBF
    In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, the annual meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine - Bioceramics 15 / 15th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, 4th - 8th December, 2002, Sydney, Australia; Walsh, William / Ben-Nissan, Besim; Sher, Doron (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 85 - 88
  • Dorozhkina, Elena I.; Epple, Matthias; Dorozhkin, Sergey V.
    Crystallization of a bone-like apatite onto cholesterol from aqueous solutions
    In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, the annual meeting of the International Society for Ceramics in Medicine - Bioceramics 15 / 15th International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, 4th - 8th December, 2002, Sydney, Australia / Ben-Nissan, Besim; Sher, Doron; Walsh, William (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 529 - 532
  • Peters, Fabian; Epple, Matthias
    Die Kristallisation von Calciumphosphaten unter konstanten Bedingungen mit der Doppeldiffusionstechnik
    In: Moderne Methoden zur Untersuchung von Löse- und Kristallisationsprozessen: Vorträge zum 52. Berg- und Hüttenmännischen Tag 2001 in Freiberg / 52. Berg- und Hüttenmännischen Tag; 2001; Freiberg / Voigt, W. (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 104 - 123
  • Eggeler, Günther; Epple, Matthias
    Neue Werkstoffe: mehr als die Natur erlaubt
    In: Die heimlichen Siegerbranchen: Chancen, Risiken, Erfolgsfaktoren / Löw, Günther Paul; Koch, Wolfgang; Wegmann, Jürgen 2002, S. 165 - 187
  • Schiller, C.; Siedler, M.; Peters, F.; Epple, Matthias
    Functionally graded materials of biodegradable polyesters and bone-like calcium phosphates for bone replacement
    In: Functionally graded materials: proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials / 6th International Symposium on Functionally Graded Materials, Colorado, USA, September 10 - 14, 2000; Trumble, Kevin 2001, S. 97 - 108
  • Epple, Matthias; Herzberg, O.; Peters, F.; Schwarz, K.
    Mikrostrukturiertes Polyglycolid als biomedizinischer Werkstoff
    In: Zelluläre Interaktion mit Biomaterialien: VII. Tagung der Chirurgischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Biomaterialien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie / Tagung der Chirurgischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Biomaterialien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie 7, 1998, Hamburg / Meenen, Norbert M.; Katzer, A.; Rueger, J.M. (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 22 - 27
  • Epple, Matthias; Peters, F.; Schwarz, K.
    Composites aus Polyglycolid und Calciumphosphat als potentielle Knochenersatz-materialien
    In: Werkstoffwoche '98: Band 4: Symposium 4; Werkstoffe fur die Medizintechnik / Werkstoffwoche; 1998.10.12-15; München / Planck, Heinrich; Stallforth, H. (Hrsg.) 1999, S. 233 - 237
  • Hasse, B.; Epple, Matthias
    Kontrollierte Kristallisation von Strontiumsulfat, Bariumsulfat und deren Mischkristallen in einer Polymermatrix
    In: Beiträge zur Kristallisation anorganischer Stoffe aus Lösungen: Vorträge zum 50. Berg- und Hüttenmännischen Tag 1999 in Freiberg / Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Tag, 50; 1999; Freiberg; Holldorf, Horst 1999, S. 137 - 146
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Epple, Matthias
    Biomaterialien und Biomineralisation : eine Einführung für Naturwissenschaftler, Mediziner und Ingenieure
    In: Teubner Studienbücher Chemie Wiesbaden Jg. Teubner Studienbücher Chemie (2003) 161 Seiten
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Weiss, Rainer; Jansen, Georg; Boese, Roland; Epple, Matthias;
    Ein Cyanokomplex mit Kupfer in vier unterschiedlichen Koordinationsumgebungen
    13. Vortragstagung der Fachgruppe Festkörperchemie und Materialforschung, 20. bis 22. September 2006, Aachen, Germany,
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Jg. 632 (2006) Nr. 12-13, S. 2142
  • Vorträge

  • Epple, Matthias;
    Nano meets Bio : Nanopartikel in Biologie und Medizin
    Die kleine Form, 30. November 2011, Essen,
    In: Die kleine Form 2011/2012 (2011)