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Institut für Materialwissenschaft

Universitätsstr 15
45117 Essen
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  • Stellv. Mitglied Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Promotionsausschuss "Dr.-Ing."

  • Akademische/r Rätin/Rat, Materialwissenschaft

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Kröll, Eva; Devecioglu, Lara; Salak, Andrei N.; Piotrowsky, Lukas; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Weakly-coupled barium titanate stannate-based relaxors as energy storage materials
    In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2025) in press
  • Papadopoulos, Kyrillos; Myrovali, Eirini; Dubey, Astita; Malletzidou, Lamprini; Lupascu, Doru C.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Wiedwald, Ulf; Angelakeris, Mavroeidis
    Control of physical properties in BiFeO3 nanoparticles via Sm3+ and Co2+ ion doping
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 35 (2024) Nr. 1, 015707
  • Fathabad, Sobhan M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Lewin, Daniil; Kaleva, Galina M.; Politova, Ekaterina D.; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effect of Bi(Mg₀.₅Ti₀.₅)O₃ addition on the dielectric and electrocaloric properties of relaxor (Na₀.₅Bi₀.₅)TiO₃ - BaTiO₃ ceramics
    In: Ceramics International Jg. 50 (2024) Nr. Issue 19, Part A,, S. 35769 - 35781
  • Dubey, Astita; Shoaib, Mohd.; Ali, Muntjeer; Kazmi, Absar A.; Dutta, Raj K.; Castillo, Marianela Escobar; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Ferroelectric-Photocatalysts for Degradation of Phthalate: Doped BiFeO₃-Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
    In: Advanced Sustainable Systems Jg. 8 (2024) Nr. 4, 2300444
  • Chernozem, Roman V.; Pariy, Igor; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Planckaert, Guillaume; Verduijn, Joost; Ghysels, Stef; Abalymov, Anatolii; Parakhonskiy, Bogdan V.; Gracey, Eric; Gonçalves, Amanda; Mathur, Sanjay; Ronsse, Frederik; Depla, Diederik; Lupascu, Doru C.; Elewaut, Dirk; Surmenev, Roman A.; Skirtach, Andre G.
    Cell Behavior Changes and Enzymatic Biodegradation of Hybrid Electrospun Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-Based Scaffolds with an Enhanced Piezoresponse after the Addition of Reduced Graphene Oxide
    In: Advanced Healthcare Materials Jg. 12 (2023) Nr. 8, 2201726
  • Politova, Ekaterina D.; Kaleva, G.M.; Ivanov, S.A.; Mosunov, A.V.; Stefanovich, S. Yu.; Sadovskaya, N.V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Dielectric properties and crystallite size distribution of modified lead-free sodium-bismuth titanate ceramics
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 605 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 73 - 82
  • Kröll, Eva; Dubey, Astita; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Enhanced energy storage and breakdown strength in barium titanate zirconate solid solutions with niobates and tantalates
    In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society Jg. 43 (2023) Nr. 15, S. 6864 - 6874
  • Scatena, Rebecca; Liu, Ran; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Inaguma, Yoshiyuki; Yamaura, Kazunari; Belik, Alexei A.; Johnson, Roger D.
    Hybrid Improper Ferroelectricity in Columnar (NaY)MnMnTi₄O₁₂
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 62 (2023) Nr. 29, e202305994
  • Kuruvila, Krupa Maria; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Hotari, M.; Kiselev, D.A.; Giridharan, N.V.
    Investigation on degree of non-ergodicity and local piezoelectric properties in Na₀.₅Bi₀.₅TiO₃-BiFeO₃-PbTiO₃ system
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 133 (2023) Nr. 22, 224101
  • Fischer, J.; Döntgen, J.; Molin, C.; Gebhardt, S.E.; Hambal, Y.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Hägele, D.; Rudolph, J.
    Simultaneous direct measurement of the electrocaloric and dielectric dynamics of ferroelectrics with microsecond temporal resolution
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 94 (2023) Nr. 4, 043906
  • Chernozem, Roman V.; Pariy, Igor O.; Pryadko, Artem; Bonartsev, Anton P.; Voinova, Vera V.; Zhuikov, Vsevolod A.; Makhina, Tatiana K.; Bonartseva, Garina A.; Shaitan, Konstantin V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Romanyuk, Konstantin N.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Surmenev, Roman A.; Surmeneva, Maria A.
    A comprehensive study of the structure and piezoelectric response of biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate-based films for tissue engineering applications
    In: Polymer Journal Jg. 54 (2022) Nr. 10, S. 1225 - 1236
  • Cardoso, João Pedro V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Pushkarev, Anatoli V.; Radyush, Yuriy V.; Olekhnovich, Nikolai M.; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Čižmár, Erik; Feher, Alexander; Salak, Andrei N.
    Annealing-Dependent Morphotropic Phase Boundary in the BiMg0.5Ti0.5O3–BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3 Perovskite System
    In: Materials Jg. 15 (2022) Nr. 19, 6998
  • Politova, E. D.; Kaleva, G. M.; Mosunov, A. V.; Stefanovich, S. Yu.; Sadovskaya, N. V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.
    Characterization of modified lead-free ferroelectric sodium-bismuth titanate ceramics
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 591 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 91 - 99
  • Chen, Xin; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Zhang, Q. M.
    Electrocaloric cooling : From materials to devices
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 132 (2022) Nr. 24, S. 240901
  • Hambal, Yusra; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Michiels, Ivo; Zhang, Qiming; Lupascu, Doru C.
    High Energy Storage Density in Nanocomposites of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Terpolymer and BaZr₀.₂Ti₀.₈O₃ Nanoparticles
    In: Materials Jg. 15 (2022) Nr. 9, 3151
  • Pariy, Igor O.; Chernozem, Roman V.; Chernozem, Polina V.; Mukhortova, Yulia R.; Skirtach, Andre G.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Mathur, Sanjay; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Hybrid biodegradable electrospun scaffolds based on poly(l-lactic acid) and reduced graphene oxide with improved piezoelectric response
    In: Polymer Journal Jg. 54 (2022) Nr. 10, S. 1237 - 1252
  • Grünebohm, Anna; Marathe, Madhura; Khachaturyan, Ruben; Schiedung, Raphael; Lupascu, Doru C.; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.
    Interplay of domain structure and phase transitions : theory, experiment and functionality
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 34 (2022) Nr. 7, 073002
  • Plyushch, Artem; Lewin, Daniil; Sokal, Aliaksei; Grigalaitis, Robertas; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Macutkevič, Jan; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Lapko, Konstantin N.; Kuzhir, Polina P.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Banys, Juras P.
    Magnetoelectric coupling in nonsintered bulk BaTiO₃ -- xCoFe₂O₄ multiferroic composites
    In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Jg. 917 (2022) 165519
  • Dubey, Astita; Keat, Chin Hon; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Yusenko, Kirill V.; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Buzanich, Ana Guilherme; Hagemann, Ulrich; Kovalenko, Sergey A.; Stähler, Julia; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Mono-, Di-, and Tri-Valent Cation Doped BiFe₀.₉₅Mn₀.₀₅O₃ Nanoparticles : Ferroelectric Photocatalysts
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 32 (2022) Nr. 43, 2207105
  • Plyushch, A.; Lewin, Daniil; Ažubalis, P.; Kalendra, V.; Sokal, A.; Grigalaitis, R.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Selskis, A.; Lapko, K.N.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Banys, J.
    Phosphate bonded CoFe₂ O₄ –BaTiO₃ layered structures : Dielectric relaxations and magnetoelectric coupling
    In: Lithuanian Journal of Physics Jg. 62 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 221 - 228
  • Dubey, Astita; Salamon, Soma; Attanayake, Supun B.; Ibrahim, Syaidah; Landers, Joachim; Castillo, Marianela Escobar; Wende, Heiko; Srikanth, Hari; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Rare-earth doped BiFe₀.₉₅Mn₀.₀₅O₃ nanoparticles for potential hyperthermia applications
    In: Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology Jg. 10 (2022) 965146
  • Schell, Juliana; Schmuck, Merlin; Efe, İpek; Dang, Thien Thanh; Gonçalves, João Nuno; Lewin, Daniil; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Costa, Ângelo Rafael Granadeiro; Köster, Ulli; Vianden, Reiner; Noll, Cornelia; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Strong magnetoelectric coupling at an atomic nonmagnetic electromagnetic probe in bismuth ferrite
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 105 (2022) Nr. 9, 094102
  • Salak, Andrei N.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Cardoso, João Pedro; Pushkarev, Anatoli V.; Radyush, Yury V.; Olekhnovich, Nikolai M.; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Vieira, Joaquim M.; Čižmár, Erik; Feher, Alexander
    The orthorhombic-tetragonal morphotropic phase boundary in high-pressure synthesized BiMg₀.₅Ti₀.₅O₃–BiZn₀.₅Ti₀.₅O₃ perovskite solid solutions
    In: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Jg. 161 (2022) 110392
  • Ganter, Domenic; Franzka, Steffen; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    The phenomenon of bitumen ‘bee' structures–bulk or surface layer–a closer look
    In: International Journal of Pavement Engineering Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 1768 - 1776
  • Orlandi, Fabio; Delmonte, Davide; Calestani, Gianluca; Cavalli, Enrico; Gilioli, Edmondo; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Graziosi, Patrizio; Rampino, Stefano; Spaggiari, Giulia; Liu, Chao; Ren, Wei; Picozzi, Silvia; Solzi, Massimo; Casappa, Michele; Mezzadri, Francesco
    γ-BaFe₂O₄ : A fresh playground for room temperature multiferroicity
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 13 (2022) Nr. 1, 7968
  • Bartek, Nicole; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bouyanfif, Houssny; Schmitz, Alexander; Bacher, Gerd; Olthof, Selina; Sirotinskaya, Svetlana; Benson, Niels; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Band gap of pb(Fe0.5nb0.5)o3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
    In: Materials Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 22, 6841
  • Chen, Xin; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Zhang, Qiming
    Comment on “Giant pyroelectric energy harvesting and a negative electrocaloric effect in multilayered nanostructures” by G. Vats, A. Kumar, N. Ortega, C. R. Bowen and R. S. Katiyar
    In: Energy and Environmental Science Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 1612 - 1614
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Samulionis, Vytautas; Ivanov, Maksim; Banys, Juras; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Dependence of the magnetoelectric coupling on elastic and dielectric properties of two-phase multiferroic composites
    In: Journal of Materials Science Jg. 56 (2021) Nr. 27, S. 14978 - 14988
  • Politova, Ekaterina D.; Kaleva, Galina M.; Bel’kova, D.A.; Mosunov, Alexander V.; Sadovskaya, Nataliya V.; Kiselev, Dimitry A.; Ilina, Tatiana S.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (Na₀.₅Bi₀.₅)(Ti₁–ₓMn ₓ)O₃ (x = 0–0.1) Modified Ceramics
    In: Inorganic Materials Jg. 57 (2021) Nr. 9, S. 942 - 949
  • Hambal, Yusra; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lewin, Daniil; Huat, Chieng Huo; Chen, Xin; Michiels, Ivo; Zhang, Qiming; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effect of Composition on Polarization Hysteresis and Energy Storage Ability of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) Relaxor Terpolymers
    In: Polymers Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 8, S. 1343
  • Politova, E.D.; Kaleva, G.M.; Bel’kova, D.A.; Mosunov, A.V.; Sadovskaya, N.V.; Kiselev, D.A.; Il’ina, T.S.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Erratum to: Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of (Na₀.₅ Bi₀.₅ )(Ti₁ – ₓ Mnₓ )O₃ (x = 0–0.1) Modified Ceramics
    In: Inorganic Materials Jg. 57 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 1317
  • Bartek, Nicole; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Influence of calcination and sintering temperatures on dielectric and magnetic properties of Pb(Fe₀.₅Nb₀.₅)O₃ ceramics synthesized by the solid state method
    In: Ceramics International Jg. 43 (2021) Nr. 16, S. 23396 - 23403
  • Ichangi, Arun; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Lê, Khan; Grosch, Matthias; Kathrin Schmidt-Verma, Anna; Bohr, Christoph; Verma, Anjneya; Fischer, Thomas; Mathur, Sanjay
    Li and Ta-modified KNN piezoceramic fibers for vibrational energy harvesters
    In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society Jg. 41 (2021) Nr. 15, S. 7662 - 7669
  • Salak, Andrei N.; Cardoso, João Pedro V.; Vieira, Joaquim M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Fertman, Elena L.; Fedorchenko, Alexey V.; Pushkarev, Anatoli V.; Radyush, Yury V.; Olekhnovich, Nikolai M.; Tarasenko, Róbert; Feher, Alexander; Čižmár, Erik
    Magnetic behaviour of perovskite compositions derived from BiFeO₃
    In: Magnetochemistry Jg. 7 (2021) Nr. 11, 151
  • Chen, Xin; Li, Siqi; Jian, Xiaodong; Hambal, Yusra; Lu, Sheng-Guo; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Zhang, Qiming
    Maxwell relation, giant (negative) electrocaloric effect, and polarization hysteresis
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 118 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 122904
  • Svirskas, Šarūnas; Balčiūnas, Sergejus; Šimėnas, Mantas; Usevičius, Gediminas; Kinka, Martynas; Velička, Martynas; Kubicki, Dominik; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Karabanov, Andrei; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Soares, Maria De Rosário; Šablinskas, Valdas; Salak, Andrei N.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Banys, Jūras
    Reply to the Comment on "phase transitions, screening and dielectric response of CsPbBr₃" by Š. Svirskas, S. Balčiūnas, M. Šimėnas, G. Usevičius, M. Kinka, M. Velička, D. Kubicki, M. E. Castillo, A. Karabanov, V. V. Shvartsman, M. R. Soares, V. Šablinskas, A. N. Salak, D. C. Lupascu and J. Banys,: J. Mater. Chem. A, 2020, 8, 14015
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability Jg. 9 (2021) Nr. 18, S. 11453 - 11455
  • Dubey, Astita; Schmitz, Alexander; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bacher, Gerd; Lupascu, Doru C.; Escobar Castillo, Marianela
    Role of cooperative factors in the photocatalytic activity of Ba and Mn doped BiFeO₃nanoparticles
    In: Nanoscale Advances Jg. 3 (2021) Nr. 20, S. 5830 - 5840
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Olekhnovich, Nikolai M.; Pushkarev, Anatoli V.; Radyush, Yuri V.; Salak, Andrei N.
    Spontaneous and Induced Ferroelectricity in the BiFe₁−ₓScₓO₃ Perovskite Ceramics
    In: Physica Status Solidi (A) - Applications and Materials Science Jg. 218 (2021) Nr. 19, 2100173
  • Politova, E. D.; Kaleva, G. M.; Mosunov, A. V.; Sadovskaya, N. V.; Il’ina, T. S.; Kiselev, D. A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Synthesis and Properties of Modified Potassium-Sodium Niobate Ceramics
    In: Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 66 (2021) Nr. 8, S. 1257 - 1263
  • Karabanov, Andrei; Salak, Andrei N.; Escobar C., Marianela; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Synthesis, Structure, and Optical Properties of Large FAPbBr3 Perovskite Single Crystals
    In: Integrated Ferroelectrics Jg. 220 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 46 - 55
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Trivedi, Harsh; Salamon, Soma; Webers, Samira; Wende, Heiko; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schröder, Jörg; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Corrigendum to ‘Strong converse magnetoelectric effect in (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O₃-NiFe₂O₄ multiferroics: A relationship between phase-connectivity and interface coupling’ (Acta Materialia (2018) 144 (305–313), (S1359645417309072), (10.1016/j.actamat.2017.10.048))
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 187 (2020) S. 91 - 92
  • Dubey, Astita; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Landers, Joachim; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Hagemann, Ulrich; Gemeiner, Pascale; Dkhil, Brahim; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effect of Mn and Ba Codoping on a Magnetic Spin Cycloid of Multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite Nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 124 (2020) Nr. 40, S. 22266 - 22277
  • Fertman, Elena L.; Fedorchenko, A.V.; Desnenko, Vladimir A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Vaisburd, A.I.; Stanulis, Andrius; Ramanauskas, R.; Olekhnovich, Nikolai M.; Pushkarev, Anatoly V.; Radyush, Yu V.; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Salak, A.N.
    Exchange bias effect in bulk multiferroic BiFe₀.₅Sc₀.₅O₃
    In: AIP Advances Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 045102
  • Siebeneicher, Simon; Waag, Friedrich; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Gökce, Bilal
    Laser fragmentation synthesis of colloidal bismuth ferrite particles
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 2, 359
  • Cardoso, João Pedro; Delmonte, Davide; Gilioli, Edmondo; Fertman, Elena L.; Fedorchenko, Alexey V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Paukšta, Vaidotas; Grigalaitis, Robertas; Banys, Ju Ras; Khalyavin, Dmitry D.; Vieira, Joaquim M.; Salak, Andrei N.
    Phase Transitions in the Metastable Perovskite Multiferroics BiCrO₃ and BiCr₀.₉Sc₀.₁O₃ : A Comparative Study
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 59 (2020) Nr. 13, S. 8727 - 8735
  • Svirskas, Šarūnas; Balčiūnas, Sergejus; Šimėnas, Mantas; Usevičius, Gediminas; Kinka, Martynas; Velička, Martynas; Kubicki, Dominik; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Karabanov, Andrei; Shvartsman, Vladimir; De Rosário Soares, Maria; Šablinskas, Valdas; Salak, Andrei N.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Banys, Jūras
    Phase transitions, screening and dielectric response of CsPbBr₃
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability Jg. 8 (2020) Nr. 28, S. 14015 - 14022
  • Pariy, I.O.; Ivanova, A.A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Sukhorukov, G.B.; Surmeneva, M.A.; Surmenev, R.A.
    Poling and annealing of piezoelectric Poly(Vinylidene fluoride) micropillar arrays
    In: Materials Chemistry and Physics Jg. 239 (2020) 122035
  • Tarasov, Alexander; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Shoja, S.; Lewin, D.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Spray-flame synthesis of BaTi₁₋ₓZrₓO₃ nanoparticles for energy storage applications
    In: Ceramics International Jg. 46 (2020) Nr. 9, S. 13915 - 13924
  • Shevliakova, Hanna V.; Morozovska, Anna N.; Morozosky, Nicholas V.; Svechnikov, George S.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    The Influence of the Distribution Function of Ferroelectric Nanoparticles Sizes on Their Electrocaloric and Pyroelectric Properties
    In: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Jg. 67 (2020) Nr. 11, S. 2445 - 2453
  • Morozovska, Anna N.; Eliseev, Eugene A.; Glinchuk, Maya D.; Shevliakova, Hanna V.; Svechnikov, George S.; Silibin, Maxim V.; Sysa, Artem V.; Yaremkevich, Andrii D.; Morozovsky, Nicholas V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Analytical description of the size effect on pyroelectric and electrocaloric properties of ferroelectric nanoparticles
    In: Physical Review Materials Jg. 3 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 104414
  • Stanchik, A.V.; Gremenok, V.F.; Juskenas, R.; Tyukhov, Igor I.; Tivanov, M.S.; Fettkenhauer, Christian; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Giraitis, R.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effects of selenization time and temperature on the growth of Cu₂ZnSnSe₄ thin films on a metal substrate for flexible solar cells
    In: Solar Energy Jg. 178 (2019) S. 142 - 149
  • Karpinsky, Dmitry V.; Fesenko, Olena M.; Silibin, Maxim V.; Dubkov, Sergei V.; Chaika, Mykola; Yaremkevich, Andrii; Lukowiak, Anna; Gerasymchuk, Yuri; Stręk, Wiesław; Pakalniškis, Andrius; Skaudzius, Ramunas; Kareiva, Aivaras; Fomichov, Yevhen M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kalinin, Sergei V.; Morozovsky, Nicholas V.; Morozovska, Anna N.
    Ferromagnetic-like behavior of Bi₀.₉La₀.₁FeO₃–KBr nanocomposites
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 10417
  • Belovickis, Jaroslavas; Werne, Lisa; Silibin, Maxim; Samulionis, Vytautas; Lellinger, Dirk; Oehler, Harald; Banys, Juras; Sysa, Artem; Nekludov, Kapiton; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Alig, Ingo
    Influence of annealing conditions on elastic and dielectric properties of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer and its composites
    In: Polymer Composites Jg. 40 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 1609 - 1618
  • Filippov, Andrey; Laletin, V.M.; Poddubnaya, N.N.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Zhang, J.; Srinivasan, G.
    Magnetostriction via Magnetoelectricity : Using Magnetoelectric Response to Determine the Magnetostriction Characteristics of Composite Multiferroics
    In: Technical Physics Letters Jg. 45 (2019) Nr. 11, S. 1152 - 1154
  • Pariy, Igor O.; Ivanova, Anna A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Sukhorukov, Gleb B.; Ludwig, Tim; Bartasyte, Ausrine; Mathur, Sanjay; Surmeneva, Maria A.; Surmenev, Roman A.
    Piezoelectric response in hybrid micropillar arrays of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and reduced graphene oxide
    In: Polymers Jg. 11 (2019) Nr. 6, 1065
  • Belovickis, Jaroslavas; Ivanov, Maksim; Svirskas, Šarunas; Samulionis, Vytautas; Banys, Jūras; Solnyshkin, Alexander V.; Gavrilov, Sergey A.; Nekludov, Kapiton N.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Silibin, Maxim V.
    Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Investigation of Polymer-Based P(VDF-TrFE) Composites
    In: Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Solid State Physics Jg. 255 (2018) Nr. 3, Art. Nr. 1700196, S. 1 - 6
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, M.; Webers, Samira; Trivedi, Harsh; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Usman, Muhammad; Mumtaz, Arif; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effect of substrate orientation on local magnetoelectric coupling in bi-layered multiferroic thin films
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 10 (2018) Nr. 44, S. 20618 - 20627
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kiselev, Dmitrii A.; Solnyshkin, Alexander V.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Silibin, M.V.
    Evolution of poled state in P(VDF-TrFE)/(Pb,Ba)(Zr,Ti)O3 composites probed by temperature dependent Piezoresponse and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 378
  • Eliseev, Eugene A.; Khist, Victoria V.; Fomichov, Yevhen M.; Silibin, Maxim V.; Svechnikov, George S.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Karpinsky, Dmitry V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Morozovska, Anna N.
    Fixed volume effect on polar properties and phase diagrams of ferroelectric semi-ellipsoidal nanoparticles
    In: The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Jg. 91 (2018) Nr. 7, S. 150
  • Grünebohm, Anna; Ma, Yang-Bin; Marathe, Madhura; Xu, Bai-Xiang; Albe, Karsten; Kalcher, Constanze; Meyer, Kai-Christian; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Ederer, Claude
    Origins of the Inverse Electrocaloric Effect
    In: Energy Technology Jg. 6 (2018) Nr. 8, S. 1491 - 1511
  • Sanlialp, Mehmet; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Faye, Romain; Karabasov, Maksim O.; Molin, Christian; Gebhardt, Sylvia; Defay, Emmanuel; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Quasi-adiabatic calorimeter for direct electrocaloric measurements
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 89 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 034903
  • Morozovska, Anna N.; Eliseev, Eugene A.; Glinchuk, Maya D.; Fesenko, Olena M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Gopalan, Venkatraman; Silibin, Maxim V.; Karpinsky, Dmitry V.
    Rotomagnetic coupling in fine-grained multiferroic BiFe O3 : Theory and experiment
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 97 (2018) Nr. 13, 134115
  • Trivedi, Harsh; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Medeiros, Marco S. A.; Pullar, Robert C.; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Sequential piezoresponse force microscopy and the 'small-data' problem
    In: npj Computational Materials Jg. 4 (2018) Nr. 1, 28
  • Trivedi, Harsh; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Medeiros, Marco S. A.; Pullar, Robert C.
    Stress induced magnetic-domain evolution in magnetoelectric composites
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 29 (2018) Nr. 25, S. 255702
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Trivedi, Harsh; Salamon, Soma; Webers, Samira; Wende, Heiko; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schröder, Jörg; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Strong converse magnetoelectric effect in (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3 - NiFe2O4 multiferroics : a relationship between phase-connectivity and interface coupling
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 144 (2018) S. 305 - 313
  • Svirskas, Š.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Dunce, M.; Ignatans, R.; Birks, E.; Ostapchuk, T.; Kamba, S.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Banys, J.
    Two-phase dielectric polar structures in 0.1NBT-0.6ST-0.3PT solid solutions
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 153 (2018) S. 117 - 125
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Gobeljic, Danka; Dec, Jan; Lupascu, Doru C.
    A piezoresponse force microscopy study of CaxBa1-xNb2O6 Single Crystals
    In: Materials Jg. 10 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1032
  • Anusca, Irina; Balčiūnas, Sergejus; Gemeiner, Pascale; Svirskas, Šarūnas; Sanlialp, Mehmet; Lackner, Gerhard; Fettkenhauer, Christian; Belovickis, Jaroslavas; Samulionis, Vytautas; Ivanov, Maksim; Dkhil, Brahim; Banys, Juras; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Dielectric Response : Answer to Many Questions in the Methylammonium Lead Halide Solar Cell Absorbers
    In: Advanced Energy Materials Jg. 7 (2017) Nr. 19, 1700600
  • Solnyshkin, Alexander V.; Kislova, Inna L.; Morsakov, I.M.; Belov, Alexey N.; Shevyakov, Vasiliy I.; Kiselev, Dmitrii A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Dielectric properties of composite based on ferroelectric copolymer of poly(Vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) and ferroelectric ceramics of barium lead zirconate titanate
    In: Journal of Advanced Dielectrics Jg. 7 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 1720003
  • Sanlialp, Mehmet; Luo, Zhengdong; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Wei, Xianzhu; Liu, Yang; Dkhil, Brahim; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Direct measurement of electrocaloric effect in lead-free Ba(SnₓTi₁₋ₓ)O₃ ceramics
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 111 (2017) Nr. 17, S. 173903
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Constantinescu, Gabriel; Trivedi, Harsh; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effect of Al3+ modification on cobalt ferrite and its impact on the magnetoelectric effect in BCZT-CFO multiferroic composites
    In: Journal of Materials Science Jg. 52 (2017) Nr. 23, S. 13402 - 13413
  • Marathe, Madhura; Renggli, Damian; Sanlialp, Mehmet; Karabasov, Maksim O.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Grünebohm, Anna; Ederer, Claude
    Electrocaloric effect in BaTiO3 at all three ferroelectric transitions : Anisotropy and inverse caloric effects
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 96 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 014102
  • Fedorchenko, Alexey V.; Fertman, Elena L.; Desnenko, Vladimir A.; Kotlyar, Oleksandr; Čižmár, Erik; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Šalak, Andrei N.; Khalyavin, Dmitry Dmitrievich; Olekhnovich, Nikolai M.; Pushkarev, Anatoly V.; Radyush, Yuri V.; Feher, Alexander
    Magnetic Properties of the Bi0.65La0.35Fe0.5Sc0.5O3 Perovskite
    In: Acta Physica Polonica A Jg. 131 (2017) Nr. 4, Proceedings of the 16th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism, Košice, Slovakia, June 13–17, 2016, S. 1069 - 1071
  • Ma, Yang-Bin; Molin, Christian; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Gebhardt, Sylvia; Lupascu, Doru C.; Albe, Karsten; Xu, Bai-Xiang
    State transition and electrocaloric effect of BaZrxTi1−xO3 : Simulation and experiment
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 121 (2017) Nr. 2, S. 024103
  • Shur, Vladimir Ya.; Shikhova, V. A.; Alikin, D. O.; Lebedev, Vasily A.; Ivleva, Lyudmila I.; Dec, J.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Temperature Effect on the Stability of the Polarized State Created by Local Electric Fields in Strontium Barium Niobate Single Crystals
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) S. 125
  • KC, Amit; Borisov, Pavel; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lederman, David
    Weak ferromagnetism and short range polar order in NaMnF
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 110 (2017) Nr. 9,
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, Muhammad; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Trivedi, Harsh; Mumtaz, Arif; Lupascu, Doru C.
    A new (Ba,Ca)(Ti,Zr)O3 based multiferroic with large magnetoelectric effect
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 6 (2016) S. 32164
  • Sanlialp, Mehmet; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Acosta, Matias; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Electrocaloric Effect in Ba(Zr,Ti)O 3 -(Ba,Ca)TiO 3 Ceramics Measured Directly
    In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Jg. 99 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 4022 - 4030
  • Belianinov, Alex; Gobeljic, Danka; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Endeve, Erik; Lingerfelt, Eric J.; Archibald, Richard; Kalinin, Sergei; Jesse, Stephen
    High performance computing tools for cross correlation of multi-dimensional data sets across instrument platforms
    In: Microscopy and Microanalysis Jg. 22 (2016) Nr. S3, S. 288 - 289
  • Sanlialp, Mehmet; Molin, Christian; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Gebhardt, Sylvia; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Modified Differential Scanning Calorimeter for Direct Electrocaloric Measurements
    In: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Jg. 63 (2016) Nr. 10, S. 1690 - 1696
  • Dittmer-Gobeljic, Danka; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Belianinov, Alex; Okatan, Baris; Jesse, Stephen; Kalinin, Sergei; Groh, Claudia; Rödel, Jürgen; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Nanoscale mapping of heterogeneity of the polarization reversal in lead-free relaxor– ferroelectric ceramic composites
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 8 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 2168 - 2176
  • Labusch, Matthias; Schröder, Jörg; Lupascu, Doru C.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Keip, Marc-André
    On the influence of ferroelectric polarization states on the magneto-electric coupling in two-phase composites
    In: Technische Mechanik Jg. 36 (2016) Nr. 1-2, S. 73 - 87
  • Etier, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Salamon, Soma; Gao, Yanling; Wende, Heiko; Lupascu, Doru C.
    The Direct and the Converse Magnetoelectric Effect in Multiferroic Cobalt Ferrite–Barium Titanate Ceramic Composites
    In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Jg. 99 (2016) Nr. 11, S. 3623 - 3631
  • Kiselev, D. A.; Zhukov, R. N.; Ksenich, S. V.; Kubasov, I. V.; Temirov, A. A.; Timushkin, N. G.; Bykov, A. S.; Malinkovich, M. D.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Parkhomenko, Yu. N.
    The effect of silicon-substrate orientation on the local piezoelectric characteristics of LiNbO3 films
    In: Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques Jg. 10 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 742 - 747
  • Melo, M.; Araújo, E. B.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Shur, V. Ya.; Kholkin, A. L.
    Thickness effect on the structure, grain size, and local piezoresponse of self-polarized lead lanthanum zirconate titanate thin films
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 120 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 054101
  • Belovickis; Samulionis; Banys; Silibin; Solnyshkin; Shilyaeva; Nekludov; Gavrilov; Rubanik; Rubanik; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Ultrasonic spectroscopy of copolymer based P(VDF-TrFE) composites with fillers on lead zirconate titanate basis
    In: Polymer Testing Jg. 53 (2016) S. 211 - 216
  • Solnyshkin, Alexander V.; Morsakov, I. M.; Bogomolov, Alexey A.; Belov, Alexey N.; Vorobiev, Maksim I.; Shevyakov, Vasiliy I.; Silibin, Maxim V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Dynamic pyroelectric response of composite based on ferroelectric copolymer of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) and ferroelectric ceramics of barium lead zirconate titanate
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 121 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 311 - 316
  • Molin, C.; Sanlialp, Mehmet; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Neumeister, Peter; Schönecker, Andreas; Gebhardt, Sylvia
    Effect of dopants on the electrocaloric effect of 0.92 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.08PbTiO3 ceramics
    In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society Jg. 35 (2015) Nr. 7, S. 2065 - 2071
  • Fertman, E. L.; Fedorchenko, A. V.; Kotlyar, O. V.; Desnenko, V. O.; Čižmár, E.; Baran, A.; Khalyavin, D. D.; Salak, A. N.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Feher, A.
    Exchange bias phenomenon in (Nd1-xYx)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (x = 0; 0.1) perovskites
    In: Low Temperature Physics Jg. 41 (2015) Nr. 12, S. 1283 - 1288
  • Trivedi, Harsh; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Medeiros, Marco S. A.; Pullar, Robert C.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Zelenovskiy, Pavel; Sosnovskikh, Andrey; Shur, Vladimir Ya.
    Local manifestations of a static magnetoelectric effect in nanostructured BaTiO3–BaFe12O9 composite multiferroics
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 7 (2015) Nr. 10, S. 4489 - 4496
  • Naveed Ul-Haq, M.; Yunus, Tayyaba; Mumtaz, Arif; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Magnetodielectric effect in relaxor/ferrimagnetic composites
    In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Jg. 640 (2015) S. 462 - 467
  • Etier, Morad; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Salamon, Soma; Trivedi, Harsh; Gao, Yanling; Nazrabi, Ahmadschah; Landers, Joachim; Gautam, Devendraprakash; Winterer, Markus; Schmitz, Detlef; Wende, Heiko; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Magnetoelectric coupling on multiferroic cobalt ferrite–barium titanate ceramic composites with different connectivity schemes
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 90 (2015) S. 1 - 9
  • Lupascu, Doru C.; Wende, Heiko; Etier, Morad; Nazrabi, Ahmadshah; Anusca, Irina; Trivedi, Harsh; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Landers, Joachim; Salamon, Soma; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin
    Measuring the magnetoelectric effect across scales
    In: GAMM-Mitteilungen Jg. 38 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 25 - 74
  • Silibin, Maxim V.; Belovickis, Jaroslavas; Svirskas, Sarunas; Ivanov, Maksim; Banys, Juras; Solnyshkin, Alexandr V.; Gavrilov, Sergei A.; Varenyk, Olexander V.; Pusenkova, Anastasiia S.; Morozovsky, Nicholas; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Morozovska, Anna N.
    Polarization reversal in organic-inorganic ferroelectric composites : Modeling and experiment
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 107 (2015) S. 142907
  • Alikin, D. O.; Turygin, A. P.; Walker, J.; Rojac, T.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Shur, Vladimir Ya.; Kholkin, A. L.
    Quantitative phase separation in multiferroic Bi0.88Sm0.12FeO3 ceramics via piezoresponse force microscopy
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 118 (2015) Nr. 7, S. 072004
  • Sanlialp, Mehmet; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Acosta, Matias; Dkhil, Brahim; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Strong electrocaloric effect in lead-free 0.65Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.35(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramics obtained by direct measurements
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 106 (2015) Nr. 6, S. 1-5, art. no. 062901
  • Gorfman, Semën; Choe, Hyeokmin; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Ziolkowski, Michael; Vogt, Marco; Strempfer, Jörg; Lukasiewicz, Tadeusz; Pietsch, Ullrich; Dec, Jan
    Time-resolved x-ray diffraction reveals the hidden mechanism of high piezoelectric activity in a uniaxial ferroelectric
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 114 (2015) S. 097601
  • Dittmer, Robert; Dittmer-Gobeljic, Danka; Jo, Wook; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Jones, Jacob L.; Rödel, Jürgen
    Ergodicity reflected in macroscopic and microscopic field-dependent behavior of BNT-based relaxors
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 115 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 084111
  • Gobeljic, Danka; Dittmer, Robert; Rödel, Jürgen; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Macroscopic and nanoscopic polarization relaxation kinetics in lead-free relaxors Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3–Bi1/2K1/2TiO3–BiZn1/2Ti1/2O3
    In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Jg. 97 (2014) Nr. 12, S. 3904 - 3912
  • Gao, Yanling; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Gautam, Devendraprakash; Winterer, Markus; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Nanocrystalline Barium Strontium Titanate Ceramics Synthesized via the “Organosol” Route and Spark Plasma Sintering
    In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Jg. 97 (2014) Nr. 7, S. 2139 - 2146
  • Gobeljic, Danka; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Wang, Ke; Yao, Fangzhou; Li, Jing-Feng; Jo, Wook; Rödel, Jürgen; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Temperature dependence of the local piezoresponse in (K,Na)NbO3-based ceramics with large electromechanical strain
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 116 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 066811
  • Tkach, Alexander; Vilarinho, Paula M.; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Bedanta, Subhankar
    Comment on “The Origin of Magnetism in Mn-Doped SrTiO3”
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 23 (2013) Nr. 18, S. 2229 - 2230
  • Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Dittmer-Gobeljic, Danka; Gao, Yanling; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effect of particle size on ferroelectric and magnetic properties of BiFeO₃ nanopowders
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 24 (2013) Nr. 35, S. 355701
  • Silibin, Maxim V.; Solnyshkin, Alexander V.; Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Morozovska, Anna N.; Eliseev, Eugene A.; Gavrilov, Sergei A.; Malinkovich, Mikhail D.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Local ferroelectric properties in polyvinylidene fluoride/barium lead zirconate titanate nanocomposites : Interface effect
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 114 (2013) Nr. 14, S. 144102-1 - 144102-7
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, A. L.; Raevski, I. P.; Raevskaya, S. I.; Savenko, F. I.; Emelyanov, A. S.
    Macroscopic and local piezoelectric properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 single crystals exhibiting giant piezoelectric response
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 113 (2013) Nr. 18, S. 187208
  • Etier, Morad; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Gao, Yanling; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Magnetoelectric effect in (0–3) CoFe2O4-BaTiO3(20/80) composite ceramics prepared by the organosol route
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 448 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 77 - 85
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Dkhil, B.; Kholkin, A. L.
    Mesoscale Domains and Nature of the Relaxor State by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
    In: Annual Review of Materials Research Jg. 43 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 423 - 449
  • Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Ksenich, S.V.; Zhukov, Roman N.; Bykov, Alexander S.; Malinkovich, Mikhail D.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Parkhomenko, Yu N.
    Piezoelectric characteristics of linbo3 thin-film heterostructures via piezoresponse force microscopy
    In: Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics Jg. 5 (2013) Nr. 4,
  • Wang, Ke; Yao, Fang-Zhou; Jo, Wook; Gobeljic, Danka; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Li, Jing-Feng; Rödel, Jürgen
    Temperature-Insensitive (K,Na)NbO 3 -Based Lead-Free Piezoactuator Ceramics
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 23 (2013) Nr. 33, S. 4079 - 4086
  • Etier, Morad; Gao, Yanling; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Elsukova, Anna; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Cobalt ferrite/barium titanate core/shell nanoparticles
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 438 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 115 - 122
  • Dec, Jan; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Lukasiewicz, T.
    From mesoscopic to global polar order in the uniaxial relaxor ferroelectric Sr0.8Ba0.2Nb2O6
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 100 (2012) Nr. 5, Article number 052903
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Lead-Free Relaxor Ferroelectrics
    In: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Jg. 95 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 26
  • Gao, Yanling; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Elsukova, Anna; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Low-temperature synthesis of crystalline BaTiO ₃ nanoparticles by one-step "organosol"-precipitation
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 22 (2012) Nr. 34, S. 17573 - 17583
  • Tkach, Alexander; Okhay, Olena; Wu, Aiying; Vilarinho, Paula Maria; Bedanta, Subhankar; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel
    Magnetic Anomaly and Dielectric Tunability of (Sr,Mn)TiO3 Thin Films
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 426 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 274 - 281
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Borisov, Pavel; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bedanta, S.
    Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials -Developments and perspectives
    In: EPJ Web of Conferences: Open-Access Proceedings in Physics and Related Sciences Jg. 29 (2012) 00046
  • Dziaugys, Andrius; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Macutkevic, J.; Banys, J.; Vysochanskii, Yu; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Phase diagram of mixed Cu(In ₓCr ₁₋ₓ)P ₂S ₆ crystals
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 85 (2012) Nr. 13, Art. Nr. 134105 (6 S.)
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, A. L.
    Polar structures of PbMg 1/3 Nb 2/3 O 3 -PbTiO 3 relaxors: piezoresponse force microscopy approach
    In: Journal of Advanced Dielectrics Jg. 02 (2012) Nr. 02, Art. No. 1241003
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Alawneh, F.; Borisov, Pavel; Kozodaev, D.; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Converse magnetoelectric effect in CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 composites with a core-shell structure
    In: Smart Materials and Structures Jg. 20 (2011) Nr. 7, S. 075006
  • Banys, Juras; Ramoska, T.; Matukas, J.; Pralgauskaitė, S.; Alawneh, F.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Investigation of Dielectric and Noise Properties of the Multiferoic Composite BaTiO3 with CoFe2O4
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 417 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 25 - 32
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Banys, Juras; Vysochanskii, Y. M.
    Magnetic and polar phases and dynamical clustering in multiferroic layered solid solutions CuCr1-xInxP2S6
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 84 (2011) Nr. 9, S. 094411
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, Andrei
    Spontaneous and induced surface piezoresponse in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 single crystals
    In: Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials Jg. 226 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 108 - 112
  • Khomchenko, V. A.; Paixao, J. A.; Costa, B. F. O.; Karpinsky, D. V.; Kholkin, Andrei; Troyanchuk, I. O.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Structural, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of Bi0.85Sm0.15FeO3 perovskite
    In: Crystal Research and Technology Jg. 46 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 238 - 242
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Kania, A.; Borisov, Pavel; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Coexistence of Antiferromagnetic and Spin Cluster Glass Order in the Magnetoelectric Relaxor Multiferroic PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 105 (2010) Nr. 25, S. 257202
  • Khomchenko, V.A.; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Borisov, Pavel; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Paixão, J.A.
    Effect of Sm substitution on ferroelectric and magnetic properties of BiFeO3
    In: Scripta Materialia Jg. 62 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 238 - 241
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, A. L.
    Investigation of the ferroelectric-relaxor transition in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-PbTiO3 ceramics by piezoresponse force microscopy
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 108 (2010) Nr. 4, Art. No. 042007
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Katsufuji, T.; Kamba, S.; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Borisov, Pavel
    Large off-diagonal magnetoelectric coupling in the quantum paraelectric antiferromagnet EuTiO3
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 81 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 064426
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Borisov, Pavel; Bedanta, Subhankar; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials-novel developments and perspectives
    In: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Jg. 57 (2010) Nr. 10, S. 2228 - 2232
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Vilarinho, P.M.; Tkach, A.; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Borisov, Pavel; Bedanta, S.
    Spin cluster glass and magnetoelectricity in Mn-doped KTaO3
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 107 (2010) Nr. 10, S. 103926
  • Figueiras, F.; Rauwel, E.; Amaral, V. S.; Vyshatko, N.; Kholkin, A. L.; Soyer, C.; Remiens, D.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Study of Ni2-Mn-Ga phase formation by magnetron sputtering film deposition at low temperature onto Si substrates and LaNiO3∕Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 buffer
    In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films Jg. 28 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 6 - 10
  • Khomchenko, V.A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Bdikin, Igor K.; Vieira, Joaquim M.; Kholkin, Andrei L.
    Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Bi0.8(Gd1−xBax)0.2FeO3 (x = 0, 0.5, 1) multiferroics
    In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Jg. 42 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 045418
  • Khomchenko, Vladimir A.; Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Kopcewicz, Michał; Maglione, Mario; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Lopes, Armandina Maria Lima; Pogorelov, Yury; Araújo, João Pedro; Rubinger, Rero Marques; Sobolev, Nikolai A.; Vieira, Joaquim Manuel; Kholkin, Andrei L.
    Doping strategies for increased performance in BiFeO3
    In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 321 (2009) Nr. 11, S. 1692 - 1698
  • Khomchenko, Vladimir A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Bdikin, Igor K.; Vieira, Joaquim Manuel; Kholkin, Andrei L.
    Effect of Gd substitution on the crystal structure and multiferroic properties of BiFeO
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 57 (2009) Nr. 17, S. 5137 - 5145
  • Peng, Wei; Leḿe, Nathalie; Dellis, Jean Luc; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Trontelj, Zvonko; Holc, Janez; Kosec, Marija; Blinc, Robert; Karkut, Michael G.
    Epitaxial growth and magnetoelectric relaxor behavior in multiferroic 0.8Pb (Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3-0.2Pb (Mg1/2W 1/2)O3 thin films
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 95 (2009) Nr. 13, S. 132507
  • Politova, Ekaterina D.; Fortalnova, Elena A.; Kaleva, Galina M.; Mosunov, Alexander V.; Safronenko, Marina G.; Venskovskiǐ, N.U.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Ferroelectric phase transitions and electroconducting properties of ceramic BIMEVOX solid solutions (Me = La, Zr)
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 391 (2009) Nr. 1, 3: Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Applications of Polar Dielectrics, ECAPD-9, 25.-29. August 2008, Rome, Italy, S. 3 - 11
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Borisov, Pavel; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bedanta, Subhankar; Tkach, A.; Vilarinho, Paula M.
    Magnetoelectricity in multiferroically composed multilayers and multiglasses
    In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 321 (2009) Nr. 11, S. 1785 - 1789
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Bedanta, Subhankar; Borisov, Pavel; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Miga, Seweryn; Dec, Jan; Tkach, Alexander; Vilarinho, Paula M.
    Multiglass order and magnetoelectricity in Mn
    In: The European Physical Journal B: Condensed Matter and Complex Systems Jg. 71 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 407 - 410
  • Peng, Wei; Leḿe, Nathalie; Karkut, Michael; Dkhil, Brahim; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Holc, Janez; Kosec, Marija; Blinc, Robert
    Spin-lattice coupling in multiferroic Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O-3 thin films
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 94 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 012509
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Zhai, Jiwei; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    The dielectric relaxation in solid solutions BaTi1-xZrxO3
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 379 (2009) Nr. 1, 2: Proceedings of 9th Russian-CIS-Baltic-Japanese Symposium on Ferroelectricity, RCBJSF-9, 19. - 19. Juni 2008, Vilnius, Lithuania, S. 77 - 85
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bedanta, Subhankar; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Tkach, A.; Vilarinho, Paula M.
    (Sr,Mn)TiO3 : A magnetoelectric multiglass
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 101 (2008) Nr. 16,
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bedanta, Subhankar; Borisov, Pavel; Tkach, Alexander; Vilarinho, Paula M.
    (Sr,Mn)TiO3 : a magnetoelectrically coupled multiglass
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 20 (2008) Nr. 43,
  • Khomchenko, Vladimir A.; Kiselev, Dmitry; Vieira, Joaquim Manuel; Rubinger, Rero Marques; Sobolev, Nikolai A.; Kopcewicz, Michał; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Kholkin, Andrei L.
    Coexistence of spontaneous ferroelectricity and weak ferromagnetism in Bi0.8Pb0.2FeO2.9 perovskite
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 20 (2008) Nr. 15, 155207
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Dec, Jan; Xu, Zhengkui; Banys, Jũras P.; Keburis, Povilas; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Crossover from ferroelectric to relaxor behavior in BaTi1-xSnxO3 solid solutions
    In: Phase Transitions Jg. 81 (2008) Nr. 11-12, S. 1013 - 1021
  • Khomchenko, Vladimir A.; Kiselev, Dmitry; Bdikin, Igor K.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Vieira, Joaquim Manuel; Kholkin, Andrei L.
    Crystal structure and multiferroic properties of Gd-substituted BiFeO3
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 93 (2008) Nr. 26, S. 262905
  • Toupet, H.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lemarrec, Francois; Borisov, Pavel; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Karkut, Michael G.
    Enhanced magnetization in BiFeO3/BaTiO3 multilayers : an interface effect?
    In: Integrated Ferroelectrics Jg. 100 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 165 - 176
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Dec, Jan; Łukasiewicz, Tadeusz; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Evolution of the polar structure in relaxor ferroelectrics close to the Curie temperature studied by piezoresponse force microscopy
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 373 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 77 - 85
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Dec, Jan; Miga, Seweryn; Ukasiewicz, Tadeusz; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Ferroelectric domains in SrxBa1-xNb2O6 Single Crystals (0.4
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 376 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 8
  • Borisov, Pavel; Hochstrat, Andreas; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Hauck, P. M.
    Magnetoelectric Cr2O3 for spintronic applications
    In: Integrated Ferroelectrics Jg. 99 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 69 - 76
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Łukasiewicz, Tadeusz; Dec, Jan
    Nanopolar structure in Srx Ba1-x Nb2 O6 single crystals tuned by Sr/Ba ratio and investigated by piezoelectric force microscopy
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 77 (2008) Nr. 5, S. 054105
  • Borisov, Pavel; Hochstrat, Andreas; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Eimüller, Thomas; Rodríguez, Arantxa Fraile
    Thin Cr2O3 Films for Magnetoelectric Data Storage Deposited by Reactive E-beam Evaporation
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 370 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 147 - 152
  • Dec, Jan; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Miga, Seweryn; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Ukasiewicz, Tadeusz; Świrkowicz, Marek A.
    Aging, rejuvenation, and memory effects in the domain state of Sr0.75Ba0.25Nb2O6
    In: Phase Transitions Jg. 80 (2007) Nr. 1-2, East-European Meeting on Ferroelectrics Physics, Lviv 2006, Guest Editors: Ihor Stasyuk, Zbigniew Czapla and Krystian Roleder, S. 131 - 140
  • Kholkin, Andrei L.; Bdikin, Igor K.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Pertsev, Nikolay A.
    Anomalous polarization inversion in ferroelectrics via scanning force microscopy
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 18 (2007) Nr. 9, S. 095502
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, Andrei L.
    Evolution of nanodomains in 0.9PbMg(1/3)Nb(2/3)O(3)-0.1PbTiO(3) single crystals
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 101 (2007) Nr. 6, S. 064108
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Haumont, Raphaël; Kreisel, Jens
    Large bulk polarization and regular domain structure in ceramic BiFe O3
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 90 (2007) Nr. 17, S. 172115
  • Kholkin, Andrei L.; Bdikin, Igor K.; Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kim, Seunghyun
    Nanoscale characterization of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials for piezoelectric applications
    In: Journal of Electroceramics Jg. 19 (2007) Nr. 1, S. 81 - 94
  • Borisov, Pavel; Hochstrat, Andreas; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Superconducting quantum interference device setup for magnetoelectric measurements
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 78 (2007) Nr. 10, S. 106105
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Dec, Jan; Xu, Zhengkui; Lu, Shengguo
    Diffuse phase transition in BaTi1-xSnxO3 ceramics : an intermediate state between ferroelectric and relaxor behavior
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 99 (2006) Nr. 12, S. 124111
  • Dec, Jan; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Domainlike precursor clusters in the paraelectric phase of the uniaxial relaxor Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 89 (2006) Nr. 21, S. 212901
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Evolution of nanodomains in the uniaxial relaxor Sr/sub 0.61/Ba/sub 0.39/Nb/sub 2/O/sub 6/:Ce
    In: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Jg. 53 (2006) Nr. 12, S. 2275 - 2278
  • Amorín, Harvey; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bdikin, Igor K.; Costa, Maria Elisabeth V.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Pertsev, Nikolay A.
    Ferroelectric domains and twinning in high-quality SrBi2Ta2O9 single crystals
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 88 (2006) Nr. 6, S. 062903
  • Kholkin, Andrei L.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Bdikin, Igor K.
    Nanoscale characterization of ferroelectric materials for piezoelectric applications
    In: Ferroelectrics Jg. 341 (2006) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 19
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Dec, Jan; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kutnjak, Zdravko; Braun, Thomas
    Two-dimensional ising model criticality in a three-dimensional uniaxial relaxor ferroelectric with frozen polar nanoregions
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 97 (2006) Nr. 6, S. 065702
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, A. L.; Verdier, C.; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Fatigue-induced evolution of domain structure in ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate ceramics investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 98 (2005) Nr. 9, Art. no. 094109
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, A. L.; Verdier, C.; Yong, Zhang; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Investigation of fatigue mechanism in ferroelectric ceramic via piezoresponse force microscopy
    In: Journal of the European Ceramic Society Jg. 25 (2005) Nr. 12, S. 2559 - 2561
  • Abstracts

  • Scatena, Rebecca; Liu, R.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Khalyavin, D. D.; Inaguma, Y.; Yamaura, K.; Belik, A. A.; Johnson, R. D.
    Hybrid improper ferroelectricity in columnar (NaY)MnMnTi4O12
    In: Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances Jg. 80 (2024) Nr. S1, S. e474
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Morozovska, Anna N.; Shevliakova, Hanna V.; Eliseev, Eugene A.; Svechnikov, George S.; Silibin, Maxim V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Morozovsky, Nicholas V.
    Analytical calculations of the electrocaloric response of ferroelectric nanoparticles
    In: Electrocaloric Effect: Materials and Applications / Kholkin, Andrei L.; Pakhomov, Oleg V.; Semenov, Alexander A.; Tselev, Alexander 2023, S. 37 - 62
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Hambal, Yusra; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Direct and indirect measurements of the electrocaloric effect (ECE) in metal oxides
    In: Electrocaloric Effect: Materials and Applications / Kholkin, Andrei L.; Pakhomov, Oleg V.; Semenov, Alexander A.; Tselev, Alexander 2023, S. 303 - 332
  • Politova, Ekaterina D.; Kaleva, G. M.; Mosunov, Alexander V.; Sadovskaya, Nataliya V.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Processing and Dielectric Properties of New Lead-Free Ceramics on the Base of Bismuth Sodium Titanate (Na0.5Bi0.5)TiO3 Perovskite
    In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications (ISyDMA’6) / 6th International Symposium on Dielectric Materials and Applications (ISyDMA); DEC 15-17, 2021; Calais, France / Vaseashta, Ashok; Achour, Mohammed Essaid; Mabrouki, Mustapha; Fasquelle, Didier; Tachafine, Amina (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 53 - 60
  • Hambal, Yusra; Menze, Karl-Heinz; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Directly Measured Electrocaloric Effect in Relaxor Polymer Nanocomposites
    In: IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectric, ISAF 2021, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, ISIF 2021 and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop, PFM 2021: Proceedings / International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectric, ISAF ; International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, ISIF ; Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop, PFM ; May 16-21, 2021, Virtual Conference 2021 9477327
  • Kröll, Eva; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Lupascu, Doru C.; Schell, Juliana; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko
    Effect of Excess Lead Oxide and Thermal Treatment on Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Pb(Fe₂/₃W₁/₃)O₃
    In: IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Feeroelectric, ISAF 2021, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, ISIF 2021 and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop, PFM 2021: Proceedings / International Symposium on Applications of Feeroelectric, ISAF ; International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities, ISIF ; Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop, PFM ; May 16-21, 2021, Virtual Conference 2021 9477333
  • Dubkov, Sergey V.; Silibin, Maxim V.; Lebedev, Sergey V.; Ryazanov, Roman I.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Development of a 3D printing technique for PVDF thin films for sensor elements of electronic devices
    In: Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering: EIConRus 2020 / 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, EIConRus 2020, 17.-20.01.2020, Moskau, St. Petersburg 2020, S. 2587 - 2590
  • Shevliakova, Hanna V.; Morozovska, Anna N.; Morozovsky, Nickholas V.; Svechnikov, George S.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Ferroelectric nanocomposites : Influence of nanoparticle size distribution on electrocaloric conversion parameters
    In: IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology: Proceedings / ELNANO 2020; Kyiv; Ukraine; 22 - 24 April 2020 2020, Nr. April, S. 105 - 108
  • Shanshan, G.; Escobar Castillo, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Karabasov, M.; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Electrocaloric effect in P(VDF-TrFE)/ barium zirconium titanate composites
    In: IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics: Proceedings / ISAF 2019; Lausanne; Switzerland; 14 - 19 July 2019 2019 9034944
  • Bartek, Nicole; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Prah, Uroš; Uršič, Hana
    Influence of synthesis route on the properties of lead iron niobate
    In: IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics: Proceedings / ISAF 2019; Lausanne; Switzerland; 14 - 19 July 2019 2019, S. 9034943
  • Dubey, Astita; Escobar Castillo, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko
    Tuning the optical, structural and multiferroic properties of Bismuth Ferrite (BiFeO₃) Nanoparticles by Doping with Ba
    In: IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics: Proceedings / ISAF 2019; Lausanne; Switzerland; 14 - 19 July 2019 2019 9034963
  • Sanlialp, Mehmet; Gebhardt, Sylvia; Molin, Christian; Lupascu, Doru C.; Shvartsman, Vladimir
    Direct electrocaloric measurements using a differential scanning calorimeter
    In: 2015 Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric (ISAF 2015), International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities (ISIF 2015) and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy Workshop (PFM 2015) / Joint IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy Workshop, ISAF/ISIF/PFM 2015; Singapore; Singapore; 24 May 2015 through 27 May 2015 / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 159 - 162
  • Kiselev, Dmitry A.; Malinkovich, Mikhail D.; Parkhomenko, Yuriy N.; Solnyshkin, Alexandr V.; Bogomolov, Alexey A.; Silibin, Maxim V.; Gavrilov, Sergei A.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    The microstructure and local piezoelectric response in polymer nanocomposites with different ferroelectric crystalline additions
    In: Piezoelectric nanogenerators and piezotronics / MRS Spring Meeting; San Francisco, CA; United States; 1 April 2013 through 5 April 2013 2013, S. 51 - 55
  • Etier, Morad; Gao, Yaling; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko
    Magnetoelectric properties of 0.2CoFe ₂O ₄-0. 8BaTiO ₃ composite prepared by organic method
    In: Proceedings of ISAF-ECAPD-PFM 2012 / International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics, Aveiro, Portugal, 9 - 13 July 2012 2012
  • Kleemann, Wolfgang; Borisov, Pavel; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Bedanta, Subhankar
    Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials -Developments and perspectives
    In: EMM-FM2011 - First Euro Mediterranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials: Sousse, Tunisie, 6 - 10 September 2011 / Euro Mediterranean Meeting on Functionalized Materials ; 1; 2011 2012, S. 00046
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, A. L.
    Nanoscale Investigation of Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials via Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
    In: Multifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials: Processing and Properties / Pardo, Lorena; Ricote, Jesús (Hrsg.) 2011, S. 409 - 468
  • Dziaugys, Andrius; Kleemann, Wolfgang; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Macutkevic, Jan; Samulionis, Vytautas; Banys, Juras
    Phase transitions in layered semiconductor-ferroelectrics
    In: Ferroelectrics - Characterization and Modeling / Lallart, Mickaël (Hrsg.) 2011, S. 153 - 180
  • Etier, Morad F.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Stromberg, Frank; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Synthesis and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles
    In: Magnetoelectric composites / Symposium Q, Magnetoelectric Composites, November 28 - December 3, 2011, Boston, Massachusetts, USA / Finkel, P. (Hrsg.) 2011
  • Shvartsman, Vladimir; Kholkin, A.L.; Kiselev, D.A.; Kleemann, Wolfgang
    Polar Structures in Relaxors by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy
    In: Scanning probe microscopy of functional materials: Nanoscale Imaging and Spectroscopy / Kalinin, Sergei; Gruverman, Alexei (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 345 - 383