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  • Nebenberuflich Lehrende/r, Klinik für Neurologie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Lanteri-Minet, Michel; Leroux, Elizabeth; Katsarava, Zaza; Lipton, Richard B.; Sakai, Fumihiko; Matharu, Manjit; Fanning, Kristina; Manack Adams, Aubrey; Sommer, Katherine; Seminerio, Michael; Buse, Dawn C.
    Characterizing barriers to care in migraine : Multicountry results from the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes – International (CaMEO-I) study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 1, 134
  • Matharu, Manjit; Katsarava, Zaza; Buse, Dawn C.; Sommer, Katherine; Reed, Michael L.; Fanning, Kristina M.; Lipton, Richard B.
    Characterizing neck pain during headache among people with migraine : Multicountry results from the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes – International (CaMEO-I) cross-sectional study
    In: Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain Jg. 64 (2024) Nr. 7, S. 750 - 763
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Buse, Dawn C.; Leroux, Elizabeth; Lanteri-Minet, Michel; Sakai, Fumihiko; Matharu, Manjit S.; Adams, Aubrey Manack; Carr, Karen; Fanning, Kristina M.; Lipton, Richard B.
    Disability in migraine : Multicountry results from the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes - International (CaMEO-I) Study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 44 (2024) Nr. 8, in press
  • Obermann, Mark; Katsarava, Zaza
    Headache Attributed to a Substance or Its Withdrawal
    In: Neurologic Clinics Jg. 42 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 497 - 506
  • Schramm, Sara; Tenhagen, I.; Jokisch, M.; Gronewold, J.; Moebus, Susanne; Caspers, S.; Katsarava, Zaza; Erbel, Raimund; Stang, Andreas; Schmidt, Börge
    Migraine or any headaches and white matter hyperintensities and their progression in women and men
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 78
  • Matharu, Manjit; Katsarava, Zaza; Buse, Dawn C.; Sommer, Katherine; Reed, Michael L.; Fanning, Kristina M.; Lipton, Richard B.
    Plain Language Summary Publication: Characterizing neck pain during headache among people with migraine : Multicountry results from the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes - International (CaMEO-I) cross-sectional study
    In: Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain Jg. 64 (2024) Nr. 8, S. 1070 - 1071
  • Rosignoli, C.; Ornello, R.; Caponnetto, V.; Onofri, A.; Avaltroni, S.; Braschinsky, M.; Šved, O.; Gil-Gouveia, R.; Lampl, C.; Paungarttner, J.; Martelletti, P.; Wells-Gatnik, W. D.; Martins, I. P.; Mitsikostas, D.; Apostolakopoulou, L.; Nabaei, G.; Ozge, A.; Narin, D. B.; Pozo-Rosich, P.; Muñoz-Vendrell, A.; Prudenzano, M. P.; Gentile, M.; Ryliskiene, K.; Vainauskiene, J.; Sanchez del Rio, M.; Vernieri, F.; Iaccarino, G.; Waliszewska-Prosol, M.; Budrewicz, S.; Carnovali, M.; Katsarava, Zaza; Sacco, S.
    Resistant and refractory migraine – two different entities with different comorbidities? : Results from the REFINE study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 1, 212
  • Adams, Aubrey Manack; Buse, Dawn C.; Leroux, Elizabeth; Lanteri-Minet, Michel; Sakai, Fumihiko; Matharu, Manjit S.; Katsarava, Zaza; Reed, Michael L.; Fanning, Kristina; Sommer, Katherine; Lipton, Richard B.
    Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes – International (CaMEO-I) Study : Methods and multi-country baseline findings for diagnosis rates and care
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 43 (2023) Nr. 6,
  • Husøy, Andreas; Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, Timothy J.
    The relationship between headache-attributed disability and lost productivity : 3 Attack frequency is the dominating variable
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 1, 7
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Akhvlediani, Tamar; Janelidze, Tamar; Gudadze, Tamar; Todua, Marina; Akhvlediani, Kakhaber; Khinikadze, Mirza; Egutidze, Giorgi; Margania, Temur; Tsiskaridze, Alexander
    Establishing Stroke Services in the Republic of Georgia
    In: European Neurology Jg. 85 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 56 - 64
  • Sacco, Simona; Lampl, Christian; Amin, Faisal Mohammad; Braschinsky, Mark; Deligianni, Christina; Uludüz, Derya; Versijpt, Jan; Ducros, Anne; Gil-Gouveia, Raquel; Katsarava, Zaza; Martelletti, Paolo; Ornello, Raffaele; Raffaelli, Bianca; Boucherie, Deirdre M.; Pozo-Rosich, Patricia; Sanchez-Del-Rio, Margarita; Sinclair, Alexandra; Maassen van den Brink, Antoinette; Reuter, Uwe
    European Headache Federation (EHF) consensus on the definition of effective treatment of a migraine attack and of triptan failure
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 1, 133
  • Sacco, Simona; Amin, Faisal Mohammad; Ashina, Messoud; Bendtsen, Lars; Deligianni, Christina I.; Gil-Gouveia, Raquel; Katsarava, Zaza; MaassenVanDenBrink, Antoinette; Martelletti, Paolo; Mitsikostas, Dimos-Dimitrios; Ornello, Raffaele; Reuter, Uwe; Sanchez-Del-Rio, Margarita; Sinclair, Alexandra J.; Terwindt, Gisela; Uluduz, Derya; Versijpt, Jan; Lampl, Christian
    European Headache Federation guideline on the use of monoclonal antibodies targeting the calcitonin gene related peptide pathway for migraine prevention : 2022 update
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 1, 67
  • Steiner, Timothy J; Terwindt, Gisela M; Katsarava, Zaza; Pozo-Rosich, Patricia; Gantenbein, Andreas R; Roche, Sarah L; Dell’Agnello, Grazia; Tassorelli, Cristina
    Migraine-attributed burden, impact and disability, and migraine-impacted quality of life : Expert consensus on definitions from a Delphi process
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 42 (2022) Nr. 13, S. 1387 - 1396
  • Akhvlediani, Tamar; Gelenidze, Nana; Janelidze, Tamar; Gudadze, Tamar; Pkhakadze, Irine; Webb, Alastair; Katsarava, Zaza
    Prevalence of stroke, associated risk factors and stroke related physical, mental, and economic burden in the Republic of Georgia
    In: European Stroke Journal Jg. 7 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 305 - 313
  • Groth, Marie; Katsarava, Zaza; Ehrlich, Marc
    Results of the gErman migraine PatIent Survey on medical Care and prOPhylactic treatment Experience (EPISCOPE)
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 4589
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Birbeck, Gretchen L.; Jensen, Rigmor H.; Martelletti, Paolo; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Uluduz, Derya; Leonardi, Matilde; Olesen, Jes; Katsarava, Zaza
    The Global Campaign turns 18 : A brief review of its activities and achievements
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 49
  • Sacco, Simona; Lampl, Christian; Maassen van den Brink, Antoinette; Caponnetto, Valeria; Braschinsky, Mark; Ducros, Anne; Little, Patrick; Pozo-Rosich, Patricia; Reuter, Uwe; Ruiz de la Torre, Elena; Sanchez Del Rio, Margarita; Sinclair, Alexandra J .; Martelletti, Paolo; Katsarava, Zaza; Burden and Attitude to Resistant and Refractory (BARR) Study Group
    Burden and attitude to resistant and refractory migraine : A survey from the European Headache Federation with the endorsement of the European Migraine & Headache Alliance
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 39
  • Golovacheva, V.A.; Golovacheva, A.A.; Parfenov, V.A.; Tabeeva, G.R.; Romanov, D.V.; Osipova, V.V.; Katsarava, Zaza
    Cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of chronic migraine : A clinical case report
    In: Nevrologija, Nejropsichiatrija, Psichosomatika Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 74 - 80
  • Eigenbrodt, Anna K.; Ashina, Håkan; Khan, Sabrina; Diener, Hans Christoph; Mitsikostas, Dimos D.; Sinclair, Alexandra J.; Pozo-Rosich, Patricia; Martelletti, Paolo; Ducros, Anne; Lantéri-Minet, Michel; Braschinsky, Mark; del Rio, Margarita Sanchez; Daniel, Oved; Özge, Aynur; Mammadbayli, Ayten; Arons, Mihails; Skorobogatykh, Kirill; Romanenko, Vladimir; Terwindt, Gisela M.; Paemeleire, Koen; Sacco, Simona; Reuter, Uwe; Lampl, Christian; Schytz, Henrik W.; Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, Timothy J.; Ashina, Messoud
    Diagnosis and management of migraine in ten steps
    In: Nature Reviews Neurology Jg. 17 (2021) Nr. 8, S. 501 - 514
  • Lenz, Britta; Obermann, Mark; Katsarava, Zaza
    Entwicklung sekundärer Kopfschmerzen durch Exposition oder Übergebrauch einer Substanz
    In: Nervenheilkunde Jg. 40 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 154 - 159
  • Lenz, Britta; Katsarava, Zaza; Gil-Gouveia, Raquel Santos; Karelis, Guntis; Kaynarkaya, B.; Mekša, Liga; Oliveira, Eduardo; Palavra, Filipe; Rosendo, Inês; Şahin, Mutlu; Silva, Beatriz; Uludüz, Derya Uğurlu; Ural, Y.Z.; Varsberga-Apsite, I.; Zengin, S.T.; Zvaune, L.; Steiner, Timothy Joseph
    Headache service quality evaluation : Implementation of quality indicators in primary care in Europe
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 1, 33
  • Ashina, Messoud; Katsarava, Zaza; Do, Thien Phu; Buse, Dawn C.; Pozo-Rosich, Patricia; Özge, Aynur; Krymchantowski, Abouch V.; Lebedeva, Elena R.; Ravishankar, Krishnamurthy; Yu, Shengyuan; Sacco, Simona; Ashina, Sait; Younis, Samaira; Steiner, Timothy J.; Lipton, Richard B.
    Migraine : Epidemiology and systems of care
    In: Lancet Jg. 397 (2021) Nr. 10283, S. 1485 - 1495
  • Koch, M.; Katsarava, Zaza; Baufeld, C.; Schuh, Kory J.; Gendolla, Astrid; Sträube, Andreas; von Pannwitz, Wolfram; Hofmann, W.E.; Ortler, Sonja
    Migraine patients in Germany - need for medical recognition and new preventive treatments : Results from the PANORAMA survey
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 1, 106
  • Tabeeva, G.R.; Katsarava, Zaza; Dmitriev, G.V.; Lyubovnaya, Y.O.; Kovalchuk, N.A.
    Migren' v real'noi klinicheskoi praktike : rezul'taty nablyudatel'nogo issledovaniya patternov diagnostiki i lecheniya sredi gorodskogo naseleniya Rossiiskoi Federatsii
    In: Zurnal Nevrologii i Psichiatrii Imeni S. S. Korsakova (Zhurnal Nevrologii i Psikhiatrii Imeni S. S. Korsakova) Jg. 121 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 40 - 50
  • Tabeeva, Guzyal R.; Katsarava, Zaza; Amelin, Alexander V.; Sergeev, Aleksey V.; Skorobogatykh, Kirill V.; Efimenko, Irina V.; Khoroshevskiy, V.F.
    New trends in understanding the burden of migraine : Semantic analysis of the voice of Russian patients - Users of Web 2.0
    In: Nevrologija, Nejropsichiatrija, Psichosomatika Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 73 - 84
  • Schramm, Sara; Tenhagen, Isabell; Schmidt, Börge; Holle-Lee, Dagny; Naegel, Steffen; Katsarava, Zaza; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Moebus, Susanne
    Prevalence and risk factors of migraine and non-migraine headache in older people : Results of the Heinz Nixdorf Recall study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 41 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 649 - 664
  • Alkhalawi, Eman; Orban, Ester; Schramm, Sara; Katsarava, Zaza; Hoffmann, Barbara; Moebus, Susanne
    Residential traffic noise exposure and headaches : Results from the population-based heinz nixdorf recall study
    In: Noise & Health Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 108, S. 1 - 10
  • Obermann, Mark; Nägel, Steffen; Ose, Claudia; Sonuc, Nilüfer; Scherag, Andre; Storch, Peter; Gaul, Charly; Böger, Andreas; Kraya, Torsten; Jansen, Jan-Peter; Straube, Andreas; Freilinger, Tobias; Kaube, Holger; Jürgens, Tim P; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Kleinschnitz, Christoph; Holle, Dagny
    Safety and efficacy of prednisone versus placebo in short-term prevention of episodic cluster headache : A multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial
    In: The Lancet Neurology Jg. 20 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 29 - 37
  • Seddik, Ahmed H.; Schiener, Claudio; Ostwald, Dennis A.; Schramm, Sara; Huels, Jasper; Katsarava, Zaza
    Social Impact of Prophylactic Migraine Treatments in Germany : A State-Transition and Open Cohort Approach
    In: Value in Health Jg. 24 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 1446 - 1453
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Uluduz, Derya; Adarmouch, Latifa; Al Jumah, Mohammed; Al Khathaami, Ali M.; Ashina, Messoud; Braschinsky, Mark; Broner, Susan; Eliasson, Jon H.; Gil-Gouveia, Raquel; Gómez-Galván, Juan B.; Gudmundsson, Larus S.; Herekar, Akbar A.; Kawatu, Nfwama; Kissani, Najib; Kulkarni, Girish Baburao; Lebedeva, Elena R.; Leonardi, Matilde; Linde, Mattias; Luvsannorov, Otgonbayar; Maiga, Youssoufa; Milanov, Ivan; Mitsikostas, Dimos D.; Musayev, Teymur; Olesen, Jes; Osipova, Vera; Paemeleire, Koen; Peres, Mario F. P.; Quispe, Guiovanna; Rao, Girish N.; Risal, Ajay; de la Torre, Elena Ruiz; Saylor, Deanna; Togha, Mansoureh; Yu, Sheng-Yuan; Zebenigus, Mehila; Zewde, Yared Zenebe; Zidverc-Trajković, Jasna; Tinelli, Michela
    Structured Q1 headache services as the solution to the ill-health burden of headache : 1. Rationale and description
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 1, 78
  • Thomas, Hallie; Kothari, Simple Futarmal; Husøy, Andreas; Jensen, Rigmor Højland; Katsarava, Zaza; Tinelli, Michela; Steiner, Timothy J.
    The relationship between headache-attributed disability and lost productivity : 2. Empirical evidence from population-based studies in nine disparate countries
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 1, 153
  • Roessler, Tatjana; Zschocke, Juergen; Roehrig, Anne; Friedrichs, Michael; Friedel, Heiko; Katsarava, Zaza
    Administrative prevalence and incidence, characteristics and prescription patterns of patients with migraine in Germany : A retrospective claims data analysis
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 21 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 85
  • Tabeeva, Gyusal R.; Katsarava, Zaza
    Current concept of the pathophysiology of migraine and new targets for its therapy
    In: Nevrologija, Nejropsichiatrija, Psichosomatika Jg. 12 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 143 - 152
  • Sacco, Simona; Braschinsky, Mark; Ducros, Anne; Lampl, Christian; Little, Patrick; van den Brink, Antoinette Maassen; Pozo-Rosich, Patricia; Reuter, Uwe; de la Torre, Elena Ruiz; Del Rio, Margarita Sanchez; Sinclair, Alexandra J.; Katsarava, Zaza; Martelletti, Paolo
    European headache federation consensus on the definition of resistant and refractory migraine : Developed with the endorsement of the European Migraine & Headache Alliance (EMHA)
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 21 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 76
  • Vandenbussche, Nicolas; Paemeleire, Koen; Katsarava, Zaza
    The Many Faces of Medication-Overuse Headache in Clinical Practice
    In: Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain Jg. 60 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 1021 - 1036
  • Silberstein, Stephen D.; Cohen, Joshua M.; Seminerio, Michael J.; Yang, Ronghua; Ashina, Sait; Katsarava, Zaza
    The impact of fremanezumab on medication overuse in patients with chronic migraine : Subgroup analysis of the HALO CM study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 21 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 114
  • Seddik, Ahmed H.; Branner, Jennifer C.; Ostwald, Dennis A.; Schramm, Sara; Bierbaum, Martin; Katsarava, Zaza
    The socioeconomic burden of migraine : An evaluation of productivity losses due to migraine headaches based on a population study in Germany
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 40 (2020) Nr. 14, S. 1551 - 1560
  • Steiner, Timothy Joseph; Jensen, Rigmor Højland; Katsarava, Zaza; Linde, Mattias; MacGregor, E. Anne; Osipova, Vera V.; Paemeleire, Koen; Olesen, Jes; Peters, Michele; Martelletti, Paolo
    Aids to management of headache disorders in primary care (2nd edition) : On behalf of the European Headache Federation and Lifting the Burden: The Global Campaign against Headache
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 57
  • Viana, Michele; De Icco, Roberto; Allena, Marta; Sances, Grazia; Højland, Jensen Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel J A; Fadic, Ricardo; Goicochea, Maria Teresa; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina
    Clinical Subtypes of Medication Overuse Headache - Findings From a Large Cohort
    In: Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain Jg. 59 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 1481 - 1491
  • Jellestad, Pernille Linde; Carlsen, Louise Ninett; Westergaard, Maria Lurenda; Munksgaard, Signe Bruun; Bendtsen, Lars; Lainez, Miguel; Fadic, Ricardo; Katsarava, Zaza; Goicochea, Maria Teresa; Spadafora, Santiago; Jensen, Rigmor Højland; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina
    Economic benefits of treating medication-overuse headache : results from the multicenter COMOESTAS project
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 39 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 274 - 285
  • Scher, Ann I.; Wang, Shuu-Jiun; Katsarava, Zaza; Buse, Dawn C.; Fanning, Kristina M.; Adams, Aubrey Manack; Lipton, Richard B.
    Epidemiology of migraine in men : Results from the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes (CaMEO) Study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 39 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 296 - 305
  • Steiner, T.J.; Göbel, H.; Jensen, R.; Lampl, C.; Paemeleire, K.; Linde, M.; Braschinsky, M.; Mitsikostas, D.; Gil-Gouveia, R.; Katsarava, Zaza
    Headache service quality : the role of specialized headache centres within structured headache services, and suggested standards and criteria as centres of excellence
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 24
  • Peres, Mario Fernando Prieto; Queiroz, Luiz Paulo; Rocha-Filho, Pedro Sampaio; Sarmento, Elder Machado; Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, Timothy J.
    Migraine : a major debilitating chronic non-communicable disease in Brazil, evidence from two national surveys
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 85
  • Bottiroli, Sara; Allena, Marta; Sances, Grazia; De Icco, Roberto; Avenali, Micol; Fadic, Ricardo; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel J. A.; Goicochea, Maria Teresa; Bendtsen, Lars; Jensen, Rigmor Højland; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina
    Psychological, clinical, and therapeutic predictors of the outcome of detoxification in a large clinical population of medication-overuse headache : a six-month follow-up of the COMOESTAS Project
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 39 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 135 - 147
  • Bottiroli, Sara; Allena, Marta; Sances, Grazia; De Icco, Roberto; Avenali, Micol; Fadic, Ricardo; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel J A; Goicochea, Maria Teresa; Jensen, Rigmor Højland; Nappi, Giuseppe; Tassorelli, Cristina
    Changes in anxiety and depression symptoms associated to the outcome of MOH : A post-hoc analysis of the Comoestas Project
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 38 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 646 - 654
  • Silberstein, Stephen D.; Ashina, Sait; Katsarava, Zaza; Bibeau, Kristen; Seminerio, Michael J.; Harlow, Danielle E.; Cohen, Joshua M.
    Erratum to: The impact of fremanezumab on medication overuse in patients with chronic migraine
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. 1, 119
  • Giorgadze, Gvantsa; Mania, Maka; Kukava, Maka; Dzagnidze, Ana; Mirvelashvili, Ekaterine; Steiner, Timothy J; Katsarava, Zaza
    Implementation of effective, self-sustaining headache services in the Republic of Georgia : Evaluation of their impact on headache-related disability and quality of life of people with headache
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 38 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 639 - 645
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Nägel, S.
    Kopfschmerz bei Medikamentenübergebrauch : Primärer oder sekundärer Kopfschmerz?
    In: Nervenheilkunde Jg. 37 (2018) Nr. 1/2, S. 60 - 67
  • Vandenbussche, Nicolas; Laterza, Domenico; Lisicki, Marco; Lloyd, Joseph; Lupi, Chiara; Tischler, Hannes; Toom, Kati; Vandervorst, Fenne; Quintana, Simone; Paemeleire, Koen; Katsarava, Zaza
    Medication-overuse headache : a widely recognized entity amidst ongoing debate
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 50
  • Naegel, S.; Theysohn, Nina; Ringelstein, Adrian; Kleinschnitz, Christoph; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny
    Polarity-specific Modulation of Central Pain Processing by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
    In: Neurology Jg. 90 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 15, S. P2.100
  • Naegel, Steffen; Biermann, Josephine; Theysohn, Nina; Kleinschnitz, Christoph; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny
    Polarity-specific modulation of pain processing by transcranial direct current stimulation – a blinded longitudinal fMRI study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 99
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Mania, Maka; Lampl, Christian; Herberhold, Johanna; Steiner, Timothy J.
    Poor medical care for people with migraine in Europe – evidence from the Eurolight study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 10
  • Henning, Verena; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark; Moebus, Susanne; Schramm, Sara
    Remission of chronic headache : Rates, potential predictors and the role of medication, follow-up results of the German Headache Consortium (GHC) Study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 38 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 551 - 560
  • Braschinsky, Mark; Haldre, Sulev; Kals, Mart; Arge, M.; Saar, Bruno; Niibek, M.; Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, Timothy Joseph
    Structured education to improve primary-care management of headache : How long do the benefits last? A follow-up observational study
    In: European Journal of Neurology Jg. 25 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 497 - 502
  • Obermann, Mark; Katsarava, Zaza; Holle, Dagny
    An update on emerging therapeutic options for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia
    In: Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs Jg. 5 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 859 - 863
  • Sharav, Yair; Katsarava, Zaza; Charles, Andrew
    Facial presentations of primary headache disorders
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 37 (2017) Nr. 7, S. 714 - 719
  • Krämer, Markus; Lee, Sie-In; Ayzenberg, Ilya; Schwitalla, Jan Claudius; Diehl, Rolf; Berlit, Peter; Bosche, Bert; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Headache in Caucasian patients with Moyamoya angiopathy - A systematic cohort study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 37 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 496 - 500
  • Naegel, Steffen; Hagenacker, Tim; Theysohn, Nina; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny
    Short Latency Gray Matter Changes in Voxel-Based Morphometry following High Frequent Visual Stimulation
    In: Neural Plasticity Jg. 2017 (2017) S. 1397801
  • Tassorelli, Cristina; Jensen, Rigmor; Allena, Marta; De Icco, Roberto; Katsarava, Zaza; Miguel Lainez, J.; Leston, Jorge A.; Fadic, Ricardo; Spadafora, Santiago; Pagani, Marco; Nappi, Giuseppe
    The added value of an electronic monitoring and alerting system in the management of medication-overuse headache : A controlled multicentre study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 37 (2017) Nr. 12, S. 1115 - 1125
  • Schramm, Sara; Uluduz, Derya; Gouveia, Raquel Gil; Jensen, Rigmor; Siva, Aksel; Uygunoglu, Ugur; Gvantsa, Giorgadze; Mania, Maka; Braschinsky, Mark; Filatova, Elena; Latysheva, Nina; Osipova, Vera; Skorobogatykh, Kirill; Azimova, Julia; Straube, Andreas; Eren, Ozan Emre; Martelletti, Paolo; De Angelis, Valerio; Negro, Andrea; Linde, Mattias; Hagen, Knut; Radojicic, Aleksandra; Zidverc-Trajkovic, Jasna; Podgorac, Ana; Paemeleire, Koen; De Pue, Annelien; Lampl, Christian; Steiner, Timothy J; Katsarava, Zaza
    Headache service quality : evaluation of quality indicators in 14 specialist-care centres
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 17 (2016) S. 111
  • Lampl, Christian; Thomas, Hallie; Tassorelli, Cristina; Katsarava, Zaza; Laínez, Jose Miguel; Lantéri-Minet, Michel; Rastenyte, Daiva; Ruiz de la Torre, Elena; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Andrée, Colette; Steiner, Timothy J.
    Headache, depression and anxiety : associations in the Eurolight project
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 17 (2016) S. 59
  • Lampl, Christian; Thomas, Hallie; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Tassorelli, Cristina; Katsarava, Zaza; Laínez, Jose Miguel; Lantéri-Minet, Michel; Rastenyte, Daiva; Ruiz de la Torre, Elena; Andrée, Colette; Steiner, Timothy J.
    Interictal burden attributable to episodic headache : findings from the Eurolight project
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 17 (2016) S. 9 10 S.
  • Find, Ninett Louise; Terlizzi, Rossana; Munksgaard, Signe Bruun; Bendtsen, Lars; Tassorelli, Cristina; Nappi, Giuseppe; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel; Goicochea, Maria Teresa; Shand, Beatriz; Fadic, Ricardo; Spadafora, Santiago; Pagani, Marco; Jensen, Rigmor
    Medication overuse headache in Europe and Latin America : general demographic and clinical characteristics, referral pathways and national distribution of painkillers in a descriptive, multinational, multicenter study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 17 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 9 20
  • Braschinsky, Mark; Haldre, Sulev; Kals, Mart; Iofik, Anna; Kivisild, Ave; Korjas, Jaanus; Koljal, Silvia; Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, Timothy J.
    Structured education can improve primary-care management of headache : the first empirical evidence, from a controlled interventional study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 17 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 24
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Ehlken, Birgit; Limmroth, Volker; Taipale, Kirsi; Patel, Sarita Noemi; Niemczyk, Gabriele; Rehberg-Weber, Karin; Wernsdörfer, Colin
    Adherence and cost in multiple sclerosis patients treated with IM IFN beta-1a : impact of the CARE patient management program
    In: BMC Neurology Jg. 15 (2015) Nr. 1, 170
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Gouveia, Rachel Gil; Jensen, Rigmor; Gaul, Charly; Schramm, Sara; Schoppe, Anja; Steiner, Timothy J.
    Evaluation of headache service quality indicators : pilot implementation in two specialist-care centres
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 16 (2015) S. 53
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Birbeck, Gretchen L.; Jensen, Rigmor H.; Katsarava, Zaza; Stovner, Lars J.; Martelletti, Paolo
    Headache disorders are third cause of disability worldwide
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 16 (2015) S. 58
  • Ayzenberg, Ilya; Katsarava, Zaza; Sborowski, Asya; Obermann, Mark; Chernysh, Michail; Osipova, Vera; Tabeeva, Guzelya; Steiner, Timothy J
    Headache yesterday in Russia: its prevalence and impact, and their application in estimating the national burden attributable to headache disorders
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 16 (2015) S. 7
  • Holle, Dagny; Schulte-Steinberg, Benedict; Wurthmann, Sebastian; Naegel, Steffen; Ayzenberg, Ilya; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Persistent postural-perceptual dizziness : A matter of higher, central dysfunction?
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 11, S. e0142468
  • Schramm, Sara; Moebus, Susanne; Lehmann, Nils; Galli, Ursula; Obermann, Mark; Bock, Eva; Yoon, Min-Suk; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    The association between stress and headache : A longitudinal population-based study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 35 (2015) Nr. 10, S. 853 - 863
  • Schramm, Sara; Moebus, Susanne; Özyurt Kugumcu, Melek; Geisel, Henrike; Obermann, Mark; Yoon, Min-Suk; Diener, Hans Christoph; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Katsarava, Zaza
    Use of aspirin combinations with caffeine and increasing headache frequency: A prospective population-based study
    In: Pain Jg. 156 (2015) Nr. 9, S. 1747 - 1754
  • Tassorelli, Cristina; Jensen, Rigmor; Allena, Marta; De Icco, Roberto; Sances, Grazia; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Miguel; Leston, Jorge Alberto; Fadic, Ricardo; Spadafora, Santiago; Pagani, Marco; Nappi, Giuseppe
    A consensus protocol for the management of medication-overuse headache: Evaluation in a multicentric, multinational study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 34 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 645 - 655
  • Obermann, Mark; Bude, V.; Holle, Dagny; Naegel, S.; Hagenacker, Tim; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation alleviates pain in trigeminal neuralgia
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Suppl.1, S. E21
  • Naegel, Steffen; Holle, Dagny; Desmarattes, Nathalie; Theysohn, Nina; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Cortical plasticity in episodic and chronic cluster headache
    In: NeuroImage: Clinical Jg. 6 (2014) S. 415 - 423
  • Braschinsky, M; Haldre, S; Kals, M; Iofik, A; Kivisild, A; Korjas, J; Koljal, S; Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, T
    Demonstrational project : to develop, implement and test an educational model for better headache-related primary health care
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, Abstracts from the 4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress: EHMTIC 2014, S. D3
  • Steiner, Timothy J; Gururaj, Gopalakrishna; Andrée, Colette; Katsarava, Zaza; Ayzenberg, Ilya; Yu, Sheng-Yuan; Al Jumah, Mohammed; Tekle-Haimanot, Redda; Birbeck, Gretchen L; Herekar, Arif; Linde, Mattias; Mbewe, Edouard; Manandhar, Kedar; Risal, Ajay; Jensen, Rigmor; Queiroz, Luiz Paulo; Scher, Ann I; Wang, Shuu-Jiun; Stovner, Lars Jacob
    Diagnosis, prevalence estimation and burden measurement in population surveys of headache : presenting the HARDSHIP questionnaire
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) S. 3
  • Bendtsen, Lars; Munksgaard, Signe B.; Tassorelli, Cristina; Nappi, Giuseppe; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, J. Miguel; Leston, J.; Fadic, Ricardo; Spadafora, Santiago; Stoppini, Andrea; Jensen, Rigmor H.
    Disability, anxiety and depression associated with medication-overuse headache can be considerably reduced by detoxification and prophylactic treatment : Results from a multicentre, multinational study (COMOESTAS project)
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 34 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 426 - 433
  • Andrée, Colette; Steiner, Timothy J; Barré, Jessica; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Jose Miguel; Lampl, Christian; Lantéri-Minet, Michel; Rastenyte, Daiva; Ruiz de la Torre, Elena; Tassorelli, Cristina; Stovner, Lars Jacob
    Headache yesterday in Europe
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) S. 33
  • Ayzenberg, Ilya; Katsarava, Zaza; Sborowski, A.; Chernysh, M.; Osipova, V.; Tabeeva, G.; Steiner, T. J.
    Headache-attributed burden and its impact on productivity and quality of life in Russia : Structured healthcare for headache is urgently needed
    In: European Journal of Neurology Jg. 21 (2014) Nr. 5, S. 758 - 765
  • Ayzenberg, Ilya; Katsarava, Zaza; Osipova, V; Tabeeva, G; Chernysh, M; Steiner, TJ
    Impact of headache-attributed burden on productivity and quality of life in russia : structured healthcare is urgently needed
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Suppl.1, Abstracts from the 4th European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress: EHMTIC 2014, S. B3
  • Holle, Dagny; Heber, Anke; Naegel, Steffen; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Influences of smoking and caffeine consumption on trigeminal pain processing
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) S. 39
  • Tassorelli, C; Jensen, RH; De Icco, R; Allena, M; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, JM; Leston, JA; Fadic, R; Spadafora, S; Pagani, M; Giuseppe, N
    Information and communication technology for improving the management of medication overuse headache : results of the comoestas multicentric, multinational study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Suppl.1, S. D63
  • Stovner, L; Al Jumah, M; Birbeck, G; Gururaj, G; Jensen, R; Katsarava, Zaza; Queiroz, L; Scher, A; Tekle-Haimanot, R; Wang, S; Steiner, T
    Methodology guidelines for population surveys of headache prevalence, burden and cost
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Suppl.1, S. B36
  • Hagenacker, Tim; Bude, Vera; Naegel, Steffen; Holle, Dagny; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph; Obermann, Mark
    Patient-conducted anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex alleviates pain in trigeminal neuralgia
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) S. 78
  • Guo, Song; Shalchian, Sarvnaz; Gérard, Pascale; Küper, Michael; Katsarava, Zaza; Ashina, Messoud; Schoenen, Jean
    Prevalence of right-to-left shunts on transcranial Doppler in chronic migraine and medication-overuse headache
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 34 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 37 - 41
  • Mitsikostas, Dimos D.; Edvinsson, Lars; Jensen, Rigmor H.; Katsarava, Zaza; Lampl, Christian; Negro, Andrea; Osipova, Vera; Paemeleire, Koen; Siva, Aksel; Valade, Dominique; Martelletti, Paolo
    Refractory chronic cluster headache : a consensus statement on clinical definition from the European Headache Federation
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. 1,
  • Martelletti, Paolo; Katsarava, Zaza; Lampl, Christian; Magis, Delphine; Bendtsen, Lars; Negro, Andrea; Russell, Michael Bjørn; Mitsikostas, Dimos-Dimitrios D; Jensen, Rigmor Højland
    Refractory chronic migraine: a Consensus Statement on clinical definition from the European Headache Federation
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. 1,
  • Gerwig, Marcus-Albert; Rauschen, Lisa; Gaul, Charly; Katsarava, Zaza; Timmann-Braun, Dagmar
    Subclinical cerebellar dysfunction in patients with migraine : Evidence from eyeblink conditioning
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 34 (2014) Nr. 11, S. 904 - 913
  • Schramm, Sara; Moebus, Susanne; Lehmann, Nils; Galli, U.; Obermann, Mark; Bock, E.; Yoon, Min-Suk; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    The association between stress and headache : a longitudinal population-based study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. F23
  • Steiner, Timothy J; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Jose Miguel; Lampl, Christian; Lantéri-Minet, Michel; Rastenyte, Daiva; Ruiz de la Torre, Elena; Tassorelli, Cristina; Barré, Jessica; Andrée, Colette
    The impact of headache in Europe: principal results of the Eurolight project
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) S. 31
  • Stovner, Lars Jacob; Al Jumah, Mohammed; Birbeck, Gretchen L; Gururaj, Gopalakrishna; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Queiroz, Luiz Paulo; Scher, Ann I.; Tekle-Haimanot, Redda; Wang, Shuu-Jiun; Steiner, Timothy J.
    The methodology of population surveys of headache prevalence, burden and cost : Principles and recommendations from the Global Campaign against Headache
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 15 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 5
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Manack, Aubrey; Schramm, Sara; Fritsche, Günther; Obermann, Mark; Diener, Hans Christoph; Moebus, Susanne; Katsarava, Zaza
    Chronic migraine and chronic tension-type headache are associated with concomitant low back pain : Results of the German Headache Consortium study
    In: Pain Jg. 154 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 484 - 492
  • Bendtsen, Lars; Jensen, Rigmor H.; Munksgaard, Signe B.; Tassorelli, Cristina; Nappi, Giuseppe; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, J. Miguel; Leston, J.; Fadic, Ricardo
    Disability caused by medication-overuse headache can be considerably reduced by detoxification. Results from multinational COMOESTAS study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. P227
  • Schramm, Sara; Obermann, Mark; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph; Moebus, Susanne; Yoon, Min-Suk
    Epidemiological profiles of patients with chronic migraine and chronic tension-type headache
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) S. 40
  • Martelletti, Paolo; Mitsikostas, Dimos-Dimitrios; Lampl, Christian; Katsarava, Zaza; Osipova, Vera; Paemeleire, Koen; Edvinsson, Lars; Siva, Aksel; Valade, Dominique; Steiner, Timothy J.; Jensen, Rigmor H.
    Framing education on headache disorders into the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 : The European Headache Federation stands ready
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) S. 41
  • Obermann, Mark; Rodriguez-Raecke, Rea; Naegel, Steffen; Holle, Dagny; Müller, Daniel; Yoon, Min-Suk; Theysohn, Nina; Blex, Sebastian; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Gray matter volume reduction reflects chronic pain in trigeminal neuralgia
    In: NeuroImage Jg. 74 (2013) S. 352 - 358
  • Rabe, Kasja; Pageler, Lutz; Gaul, Charly; Lampl, C.; Kraya, T.; Foerderreuther, S.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Headache associated with Medication Overuse Cortisone during Medication Overuse Headache - Yes or no?
    In: Aktuelle Neurologie Jg. 40 (2013) Nr. 8, S. E22 - E23
  • Üçeyler, Nurcan; Kahn, Ann-Kathrin; Kramer, Daniela; Zeller, Daniel; Casanova-Molla, Jordi; Wanner, Christoph; Weidemann, Frank; Katsarava, Zaza; Sommer, Claudia
    Impaired small fiber conduction in patients with Fabry disease : a neurophysiological case-control study
    In: BMC Neurology Jg. 13 (2013) S. 47
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Stovner, Lars J.acob; Al Jumah, Mohammed; Birbeck, Gretchen L.; Gururaj, Gopalakrishna; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Queiroz, Luiz P.aulo; Scher, Ann I.; Tekle-Haimanot, Redda; Wang, Shuu-Jiun; Martelletti, Paolo; Dua, Tarun; Chatterji, Somnath
    Improving quality in population surveys of headache prevalence, burden and cost : key methodological considerations
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) S. 87
  • Lainez, M; Tassorelli, C; Allena, M; Leston, JA; Jensen, R; Fadic, R; Nappi, G; De Icco, R; Katsarava, Zaza
    In-patient/out-patient detoxification is highly effective in Medication Overuse Headache : report from a multicentric, multinational study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. P226
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Medication-overuse headache
    In: Current Opinion in Neurology Jg. 26 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 276 - 281
  • Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Nägel, Steffen; Rabe, Kasja; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Neues zu Kopfschmerzen 2013 : ein Update
    In: Aktuelle Neurologie Jg. 40 (2013) Nr. 7, S. 393 - 399
  • Rabe, Kasja; Küper, Michael; Holle, Dagny; Savidou, Irini; Kastrup, Oliver; Jähne-Blasberg, Andreas; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Frings, Markus
    No evidence of jugular venous valve insufficiency in patients with migraine : a controlled study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) S. 52
  • Rabe, Kasja; Pageler, Lutz; Gaul, Charly; Lampl, Christian; Kraya, Torsten; Förderreuther, Stefanie; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Prednisone for the treatment of withdrawal headache in patients with medication overuse headache : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 33 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 202 - 207
  • Küper, Michael; Rabe, Kasja; Holle, Dagny; Savidou, Irini; Dommes, Peter; Frings, Markus; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Prevalence of cardiac right left shunts in migraine : A population-based case-control study
    In: Neurological Sciences Jg. 34 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 205 - 208
  • Obermann, Mark; Strupp, Michael; Holle, Dagny; Straube, Andreas; Förderreuther, Stefanie; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Vestibuläre Migräne
    In: Aktuelle Neurologie Jg. 40 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 494 - 500
  • Gerwig, Marcus-Albert; Niehaus, Ludwig; Stude, Philipp; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Beta-blocker migraine prophylaxis affects the excitability of the visual cortex as revealed by transcranial magnetic stimulation
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 83 - 89
  • Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Weber, Ralph; Naegel, S.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Chronic Daily Headache Is Associated with Somatoform Vertigo and Dizziness
    In: Neurology Jg. 78 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 16003
  • Yoon, M. S.; Manack, A.; Fritsche, Günther; Obermann, Mark; Diener, Hans Christoph; Moebus, Susanne; Katsarava, Zaza
    Chronic Migraine (CM) and Chronic Tension-Type Headache Are Associated with Concomitant Frequent Back Pain
    In: Neurology Jg. 78 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. P04260
  • Zaremba, Sebastian; Holle, Dagny; Wessendorf, Thomas; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Cluster headache shows no association with rapid eye movement sleep
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 32 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 289 - 296
  • Bloudek, Lisa M.; Stokes, Michael E.; Buse, Dawn C.; Wilcox, Teresa K.; Lipton, Richard B.; Goadsby, Peter James; Varon, Sepideh F.; Blumenfeld, Andrew M.; Katsarava, Zaza; Pascual, Julio; Lanteri-Minet, Michel; Cortelli, Pietro; Martelletti, Paolo
    Cost of healthcare for patients with migraine in five European countries : Results from the International Burden of Migraine Study (IBMS)
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 361 - 378
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Buse, Dawn C.; Manack, Aubrey N.; Lipton, Richard B.
    Defining the differences between episodic migraine and chronic migraine
    In: Current Pain and Headache Reports Jg. 16 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 86 - 92
  • Holle, Dagny; Zillessen, Silke; Gaul, Charly; Naegel, Steffen; Kaube, Holger; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Habituation of the nociceptive blink reflex in episodic and chronic cluster headache
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 32 (2012) Nr. 13, S. 998 - 1004
  • Hansen, Niels; Obermann, Mark; Üçeyler, Nurcan; Zeller, Daniel; Müller, Daniel; Yoon, Min-Suk; Reiners, Karlheinz H.; Sommer, Claudia L.; Katsarava, Zaza
    Klinische Anwendung schmerzevozierter Potenziale
    In: Der Schmerz Jg. 26 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 8 - 15
  • Holle, Dagny; Gaul, Charly; Zillessen, S.; Naegel, S.; Krebs, S.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Kaube, H.; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Lateralized central facilitation of trigeminal nociception in cluster headache
    In: Neurology Jg. 78 (2012) Nr. 13, S. 985 - 992
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark; Fritsche, Günther; Oezyurt, M.; Kaesewinkel, K.; Katsarova, A.; Santowski, I.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Moebus, Susanne
    Prevalence of primary headaches in Germany : results of the German Headache Consortium Study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 215 - 223
  • Peters, Michele; Perera, Suraj; Loder, Elizabeth; Jenkinson, Crispin; Gouveia, Raquel Gil; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, Timothy J.; Gil Gouveia, Raquel
    Quality in the provision of headache care. 1: Systematic review of the literature and commentary
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 437 - 447
  • Peters, Michele; Jenkinson, Crispin; Perera, Suraj; Loder, Elizabeth; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Gouveia, Raquel Gil; Broner, Susan; Steiner, Timothy
    Quality in the provision of headache care. 2 : Defining quality and its indicators
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 449 - 457
  • Linde, Mattias; Gustavsson, A.; Stovner, L. J.; Steiner, T. J.; Barré, J.; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, J. M.; Lampl, C.; Lantéri-Minet, M.; Rastenyte, D.; Ruiz de la Torre, E.; Tassorelli, C.; Andrée, C.
    The cost of headache disorders in Europe : the Eurolight project
    In: European Journal of Neurology Jg. 19 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 703 - 711
  • Ayzenberg, Ilya; Katsarava, Zaza; Sborowski, A.; Chernysh, M.; Osipova, V.; Tabeeva, G.; Yakhno, N.; Steiner, T. J.
    The prevalence of primary headache disorders in Russia : a countrywide survey
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 32 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 373 - 381
  • Holle, Dagny; Naegel, S.; Hagenacker, Tim; Theysohn, Nina; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Voxel Based Morphometry Showing Acute Alteration in a Visual Paradigm
    In: Neurology Jg. 78 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. P01.195
  • Lampl, Christian; Steiner, Timothy Joseph; Mueller, Thomas; Mirvelashvili, Eka; Djibuti, Mamuka; Kukava, Maka; Dzagnidze, Anna; Jensen, Rigmor; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Katsarava, Zaza
    Will (or can) people pay for headache care in a poor country?
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 67 - 74
  • Diener, Hans Christoph; Gaul, Charly; Katsarava, Zaza; Holle, Dagny
    Behandlung der chronischen Migräne
    In: Arzneimitteltherapie (AMT) Jg. 29 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 149 - 154
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Obermann, Mark; Dommes, P; Santowski, Iris; Ozyurt, Melek; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Chronic Pain, Use of Mixed Analgesics/Opioids and Medication Overuse Are Associated with Chronic Daily Headache : Results of German Headache Study
    In: Neurology Jg. 76 (2011) Nr. 9 Suppl. 4, S. A35 - A36
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Manack, A; Yoon, Min-Suk; Obermann, Mark; Becker, H; Dommes, P; Turkel, C; Lipton, R B; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Chronic migraine : classification and comparisons
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 31 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 520 - 529
  • Gaul, Charly; Van Doorn, Christina; Webering, Nadine; Dlugaj, Martha; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph; Fritsche, Günther
    Clinical outcome of a headache-specific multidisciplinary treatment program and adherence to treatment recommendations in a tertiary headache center: An observational study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 475 - 483
  • Naegel, Steffen; Holle, Dagny; Desmarattes, Nathalie; Krebs, Sarah; Theysohn, Nina; Gaul, Charly; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Course of Disease in Cluster Headache Is Reflected by Distinct Gray Matter Transformation
    In: Neurology Jg. 76 (2011) Nr. 9 Suppl. 4, S. A266
  • Gaul, Charly; Brömstrup, Julia; Fritsche, Günther; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Evaluating integrated headache care : a one-year follow-up observational study in patients treated at the Essen headache centre
    In: BMC Neurology Jg. 11 (2011) S. 124
  • Hansen, Niels; Kastrup, Oliver; Göricke, Sophia Luise; Katsarava, Zaza
    Fallbericht : Hämodynamisch-kortikaler infarkt im mediastromgebiet nach externaler kompression der arteria carotis interna
    In: Journal fur Neurologie, Neurochirurgie und Psychiatrie Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 90 - 92
  • Pageler, Lutz; Katsarava, Zaza; Lampl, Christian; Straube, Andreas; Evers, Stefan; Diener, Hans Christoph; Limmroth, Volker
    Frovatriptan for Prophylactic Treatment of Cluster Headache : Lessons for Future Trial Design
    In: Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain Jg. 51 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 129 - 134
  • Holle, Dagny; Naegel, Steffen; Krebs, Sarah; Gaul, Charly; Gizewski, Elke; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Hypothalamic gray matter volume loss in hypnic headache
    In: Annals of Neurology Jg. 69 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 533 - 539
  • Hansen, Niels; Obermann, Mark; Poitz, Franziska; Holle, Dagny; Diener, Hans Christoph; Antal, Andrea; Paulus, Walter; Katsarava, Zaza
    Modulation of human trigeminal and extracranial nociceptive processing by transcranial direct current stimulation of the motor cortex
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 31 (2011) Nr. 6, S. 661 - 670
  • Holle, Dagny; Gaul, Charly; Krebs, Sarah; Naegel, Steffen; Diener, Hans Christoph; Kaube, Holger; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Nociceptive blink reflex and pain-related evoked potentials in hypnic headache
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 31 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 1181 - 1188
  • Müller, Oliver; Gaul, Charly; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph; Sure, Ulrich; Gasser, Thomas
    Occipital nerve stimulation for the treatment of chronic cluster headache lessons learned from 18 months experience
    In: Central European Neurosurgery Jg. 72 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 84 - 89
  • Müller, Daniel; Obermann, Mark; Yoon, Min-Suk; Poitz, Franziska; Hansen, Niels; Slomke, Marc-Andre; Dommes, Peter; Gizewski, Elke; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Prevalence of trigeminal neuralgia and persistent idiopathic facial pain: A population-based study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 31 (2011) Nr. 15, S. 1542 - 1548
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Obermann, Mark; Dockweiler, Christina; Assert, Roland; Canbay, Aliekber; Haag, Sebastian; Gerken, Guido; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Sensory neuropathy in patients with cryoglobulin negative hepatitis-C infection
    In: Journal of Neurology Jg. 258 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 80 - 88
  • Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Naegel, Steffen; Wessendorf, Thomas; Zaremba, Sebastian; Gaul, Charly; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Serial Polysomnography in Cluster Headache Shows No Association with REM Sleep
    In: Neurology Jg. 76 (2011) Nr. 9 Suppl. 4, S. A201 - A202
  • Holle, Dagny; Wessendorf, Thomas; Zaremba, Sebastian; Naegel, Steffen; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Gaul, Charly; Obermann, Mark
    Serial polysomnography in hypnic headache
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 31 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 286 - 290
  • Katsarava, Zaza;
    Stimulation of the Major Occiotal Nerves (NOS) fo the Treatment of Chronic refractory headaches
    15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS). September 11-13, 2011. Budapest, Hungary,
    In: European Journal of Neurology Jg. 18 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 627
  • Andrée, Colette; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Steiner, Timothy Joseph; Barré, Jessica; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, José Miguel; Lanteri-Minet, Michel; Mick, Gérard; Rastenyte, Daiva; De La Torre, Elena Ruiz; Tassorelli, Cristina; Vriezen, Peter; Lampl, Christian
    The Eurolight project: The impact of primary headache disorders in Europe : Description of methods
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 541 - 549
  • Holle, Dagny; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    The Hypothalamus : Specific or Nonspecific Role in the Pathophysiology of Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias?
    In: Current Pain and Headache Reports Jg. 15 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 101 - 107
  • Ayzenberg, Ilya; Katsarava, Zaza; Mathalikov, R.; Chernysh, Michail; Osipova, Vera; Tabeeva, Gyusal; Steiner, Timothy Joseph
    The burden of headache in Russia : Validation of the diagnostic questionnaire in a population-based sample
    In: European Journal of Neurology Jg. 18 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 454 - 459
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Dua, Tarun; Birbeck, Gretchen L.; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Martelletti, Paolo; Saxena, S.
    Time to act on headache disorders
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 501 - 503
  • Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Katsarava, Zaza
    Trigeminal neuralgia and persistent idiopathic facial pain
    In: Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics Jg. 11 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 1619 - 1629
  • Munksgaard, S.B.; Allena, M.; Tassorelli, C.; Rossi, P.; Katsarava, Zaza; Bendtsen, L.; Nappi, G.; Jensen, R.
    What do the patients with medication overuse headache expect from treatment and what are the preferred sources of information?
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 91 - 96
  • Mönninghoff, Christoph; Kraff, Oliver; Schlamann, Marc; Ladd (M.), Mark E.; Katsarava, Zaza; Gizewski, Elke R.
    Assessing a dysplastic cerebellar gangliocytoma (Lhermitte-Duclos Disease) with 7T MR imaging
    In: Korean Journal of Radiology Jg. 11 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 244 - 248
  • Müller, Oliver M.; Gaul, Charly; Katsarava, Zaza; Sure, Ulrich; Diener, Hans Christoph; Gasser, Thomas
    Beidseitige Nervus-occipitalis-Stimulation zur Behandlung des therapierefraktären chronischen Cluster-Kopfschmerzes : eigene Fallserie und Initiierung einer prospektiven Studie
    In: Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie (FDN) Jg. 78 (2010) Nr. 12, S. 709 - 714
  • Holle, Dagny; Naegel, Steffen; Krebs, Sarah; Katsarava, Zaza; Diener, Hans Christoph; Gaul, Charly; Obermann, Mark
    Clinical characteristics and therapeutic options in hypnic headache
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 30 (2010) Nr. 12, S. 1435 - 1442
  • Andrée, Colette; Vaillant, Michel; Barre, Jessica; Katsarava, Zaza; Lainez, Jose Miguel; Lair, Marie-Lise; Lanteri-Minet, Michel; Lampl, Christian; Steiner, Timothy J; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Tassorelli, Cristina; Sándor, Peter S
    Development and validation of the EUROLIGHT questionnaire to evaluate the burden of primary headache disorders in Europe
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 30 (2010) Nr. 9, S. 1082 - 1100
  • Müller, Daniel; Obermann, Mark; Koeppen, Susanne; Kavuk, I.; Yoon, Min-Suk; Sack, F.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Kaube, H.; Katsarava, Zaza
    Electrically evoked nociceptive potentials for early detection of diabetic small-fiber neuropathy
    In: European Journal of Neurology Jg. 17 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 834 - 841
  • Pereira-Monteiro, José; Wysocka-Bakowska, Maria-Magdalena; Katsarava, Zaza; Antonaci, Fabio
    Guidelines for telematic second opinion consultation on headaches in Europe : On behalf of the European Headache Federation (EHF)
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 11 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 345 - 348
  • Putzki, Norman; Katsarava, Zaza
    Headache in multiple sclerosis
    In: Current Pain and Headache Reports Jg. 14 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 316 - 320
  • Obermann, Mark; Nebel, Katharina; Riegel, A.; Thiemann, D.; Yoon, Min-Suk; Keidel, Matthias; Stude, Philipp; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Incidence and predictors of chronic headache attributed to whiplash injury
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 30 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 528 - 534
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Birbeck, Gretchen L.; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Martelletti, Paolo; Stovner, Lars Jacob
    Lifting the burden: the first 7 years
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 11 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 451 - 455
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Weimar, Christian
    Migraine and stroke
    In: Journal of the Neurological Sciences Jg. 299 (2010) Nr. 1-2, S. 42 - 44
  • Weimar, Christian; Benemann, Jens; Michalski, Dominik; Müller, Martin; Luckner, Konrad; Katsarava, Zaza; Weber, Ralph; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Prediction of Recurrent Stroke and Vascular Death in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack or Nondisabling Stroke : A Prospective Comparison of Validated Prognostic Scores
    In: Stroke Jg. 41 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 487 - 493
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Müller, Daniel; Hansen, N.; Poitz, F.; Slomke, M.; Dommes, P; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Prevalence of facial pain in migraine : A population-based study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 30 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 92 - 96
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Obermann, Mark; Yepnjouo, Olivia; Egensperger, Rupert; Gerken, Guido; Katsarava, Zaza; Thomale, Jürgen; Holtmann, Gerald
    Recombinant human erythropoietin counteracts cisplatin-induced visceral hyperalgesia
    In: Neuroscience Bulletin Jg. 26 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 282 - 288
  • Weimar, Christian; Kraywinkel, Klaus; Hagemeister, Christoph; Haaß, Anton; Katsarava, Zaza; Brunner, Freimuth; Haverkamp, Christian; Schmid, Elisabeth; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Recurrent stroke after cervical artery dissection
    In: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Jg. 81 (2010) Nr. 8, S. 869 - 873
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Obermann, Mark; Dockweiler, C.; Assert, Roland; Canbay, Aliekber; Haag, Sebastian; Gerken, Guido; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Sensory Neuropathy in Patients with Cryoglobulin Negative Hepatitis-C Infection
    In: Neurology Jg. 74 (2010) Nr. 9 Suppl. 2, S. A519 - A520
  • Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Wessendorf, Thomas; Zaremba, Sebastian; Gaul, Charly; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza
    Serial Polysomnography in Hypnic Headache Shows No Association with REM Sleep
    In: Neurology Jg. 74 (2010) Nr. 9 Suppl. 2, S. A576
  • Yoon, Min-Suk; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark; Schäfers, Maria; Liedert, Bernd; Dzagnidze, Anna; Kribben, Andreas; Egensperger, Rupert; Limmroth, Volker; Diener, Hans Christoph; Thomale, Jürgen
    Erythropoietin overrides the triggering effect of DNA platination products in a mouse model of Cisplatin-induced neuropathy
    In: BMC Neuroscience Jg. 10 (2009) 77
  • Kavuk, Ilker; Katsarava, Zaza; Stang, Andreas; Agelink, M.W.; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Neues zur Epidemiologie von Kopfschmerzen
    In: Fortschritte der Neurologie - Psychiatrie (FDN) Jg. 72 (2004) Nr. 4, S. 184 - 191
  • Diener, Hans Christoph; Eikermann, Astrid; Limmroth, Volker; Katsarava, Zaza
    Oh, Schmerz lass nach? : Kopfschmerzforschung in Essen
    In: Essener Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2003) Nr. 22 : Neurowissenschaften – Wir und unser Gehirn, S. 60 - 67
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Steiner, Timothy Joseph; Stovner, Lars Jacob; Jensen, Rigmor Højland; Uluduz, Derya Uğurlu; Katsarava, Zaza
    Migraine remains second among the world’s causes of disability, and first among young women : Findings from GBD2019
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 21 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 137
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Stovner, Lars J.; Vos, Theo; Jensen, R.; Katsarava, Zaza
    Migraine is first cause of disability in under 50s : will health politicians now take notice?
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 17
  • Martelletti, Paolo; Birbeck, Gretchen L; Katsarava, Zaza; Jensen, Rigmor H; Stovner, Lars J; Steiner, Timothy J
    The Global Burden of Disease survey 2010, Lifting The Burden and thinking outside-the-box on headache disorders
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 13
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Steiner, Timothy J
    Neglected headache: ignorance, arrogance or insouciance?
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 32 (2012) Nr. 14, S. 1019 - 1020
  • Steiner, Timothy J.; Birbeck, Gretchen L.; Jensen, Rigmor; Katsarava, Zaza; Martelletti, Paolo; Stovner, Lars Jacob
    The Global Campaign, World Health Organization and Lifting the Burden : Collaboration in action
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 273 - 274
  • Abstracts

  • Vargas, Bert; Starling, Amaal; Nicholson, Robert; Polavieja, Pepa; Katsarava, Zaza; Viktrup, Lars; Vincent, Maurice; Lipton, Richard;
    Beyond migraine headache day reduction: Clinically meaningful improvement in disability (MIDAS score) in the absence of greater than 50% reductions in monthly migraine days with galcanezumab
    American Academy of Neurology: Annual Meeting, 22.-27.04.2023, Boston,
    In: Neurology Jg. 100 (2023) Nr. 17, Supplement 2, P10-12.008
  • Lanteri-Minet, Michel; Leroux, Elizabeth; Katsarava, Zaza; Lipton, Richard B.; Sakai, Fumihiko; Matharu, Manjit; Fanning, Kristina; Sommer, Katherine; Seminerio, Michael; Buse, Dawn C.
    Characterizing Barriers to Care in Migraine : Multicountry Results From the Chronic Migraine Epidemiology and Outcomes - International Study
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 43 (2023) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 51 - 52
  • Obermann, Mark; Lippegaus, Daria; Bock, Eva; Katsarava, Zaza; Holle, Dagny
    Field testing the ICHD 3 beta diagnostic criteria of vestibular migraine
    In: Neurology Jg. 90 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 15,
  • Kolpatzik, Katja; Grigoriadis, Stelios; Belamkadem, Hassan; Stasinaki, Xenia; Adelt, Iris; Katsarava, Zaza
    Predictors for prehospital time delay in patients with acute stroke in Germany
    In: Neurology Jg. 90 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 15,
  • Silberstein, S.D.; Ashina, S.; Katsarava, Zaza; Bibeau, K.; Seminerio, M.; Harlow, D.; Cohen, J.M.;
    The Impact of Fremanezumab on Medication Overuse in Patients with Chronic Migraine
    Special Issue: 60th Annual Scientific Meeting American Headache Society,
    In: Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain Jg. 58 (2018) Nr. S2, S. 76 - 77
  • Schramm, Sara; Uluduz, D.; Gouveia, R. G.; Jensen, R.; Siva, A.; Uygunoglu, U.; Gvantsa, G.; Maka, M.; Braschinsky, M.; Filatova, E.; Latysheva, N.; Osipova, V.; Skorobogatykh, K.; Azimova, J.; Straube, A.; Eren, O. E.; Martelletti, P.; De Angelis, V.; Negro, A.; Linde, M.; Hagen, K.; Radojicic, A.; Zidverc-Trajkovic, J.; Podgorac, A.; Paemeleire, K.; De Pue, A.; Lampl, C.; Steiner, T.; Katsarava, Zaza
    How to measure headache service quality : evaluation of quality indicators in 14 european specialist-care centres
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 36 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 181 - 182
  • Schramm, Sara; Uluduz, D.; Gouveia, R. G.; Jensen, R.; Siva, A.; Uygunoglu, U.; Gvantsa, G.; Maka, M.; Braschinsky, M.; Filatova, E.; Latysheva, N.; Osipova, V.; Skorobogatykh, K.; Azimova, J.; Straube, A.; Eren, O. E.; Martelletti, P.; De Angelis, V.; Negro, A.; Linde, M.; Hagen, K.; Radojicic, A.; Zidverc-Trajkovic, J.; Podgorac, A.; Paemeleire, K.; De Pue, A.; Lampl, C.; Steiner, T. J.; Katsarava, Zaza
    Service Quality in headache care : a study in 14 specialized centres in europe
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 36 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 10 - 11
  • Schramm, Sara; Moebus, Susanne; Kugumcu, M. O.; Geisel, Henrike; Obermann, Mark; Yoon, Min-Suk; Diener, Hans Christoph; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Katsarava, Zaza;
    Use of aspirin combinations with caffeine and increasing headache frequency : a prospective population-based study
    International Headache Congress 2015, IHC 2015, 14-17 May 2015, Valencia, Spain,
    In: Cephalalgia Jg. 35 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 155
  • Schramm, Sara; Yoon, Min-Suk; Katsarova, A.; Obermann, Mark; Fritsche, Günther; Moebus, Susanne; Katsarava, Zaza
    Use of acute anti-migraine medication and risk of development of chronic headache : a prospective population based study
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. Supplement 1, S. P164
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Yoon, M. S.; Manack, A.; Fritsche, G.; Katsarova, A.; Kaesewinkel, K.; Santowski, I.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Moebus, Susanne;
    Association of chronic migraine (CM) and chronic back and facial pain : Results of the German Headache Consortium (GHC) study
    15th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS). September 11-13, 2011. Budapest, Hungary,
    In: European Journal of Neurology Jg. 18 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 23
  • Ayzenberg, Ilya; Katsarava, Zaza; Chernysh, Mikhail; Sborowski, Asja; Mathalikov, Rufat; Osipova, Vera; Tabeeva, Guzelya; Steiner, Timothy
    Countrywide Population-Based Survey in Russia Reveals High Prevalence of Chronic Daily Headache and Its Association with Low Socioeconomic Status
    In: Neurology Jg. 76 (2011) Nr. 9 Suppl. 4, S. A180
  • Naegel, S.; Holle, Dagny; Desmarattes, N.; Theysohn, Nina; Gaul, Charly; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark;
    Course of disease in cluster headache is reflected by distinct grey matter transformation
    21st Meeting of the European Neurological Society, 28–31 May, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal,
    In: Journal of Neurology Jg. 258 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S273
  • Holle, Dagny; Gaul, Charly; Zillessen, S.; Krebs, S.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Kaube, H.; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark;
    Lateralized central facilitation of trigeminal nociception in cluster headache
    Twenty-first Meeting of the European Neurological Society 28–31 May, 2011,
    In: Journal of Neurology Jg. 258 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 31 - 32
  • Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Naegel, S.; Wessendorf, Thomas; Zaremba, S.; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza;
    Serial polysomnography in cluster headache shows no association with REM sleep
    Twenty-first Meeting of the European Neurological Society 28–31 May, 2011,
    In: Journal of Neurology Jg. 258 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 56
  • Katsarava, Zaza; Manack, Aubrey; Yoon, Min-Suk; Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Dommes, P; Turkel, Catherine C.; Lipton, Richard B.; Diener, Hans Christoph
    Field Testing Chronic Migraine Criteria in the Population : Results of the German Headache Consortium (GHC) Study
    In: Neurology Jg. 74 (2010) Nr. 9 Suppl. 2, S. A582
  • Holle, Dagny; Naegel, Steffen; Krebs, Sarah; Gaul, Charly; Gizewski, Elke; Katsarava, Zaza; Obermann, Mark
    Hypothalamic Volume Decrease in Hypnic Headache
    In: Neurology Jg. 74 (2010) Nr. 9 Suppl. 2, S. A112
  • Hansen, N.; Uceyler, N.; Kahn, A. K.; Zeller, D.; Katsarava, Zaza; Toyka, K. V.; Sommer, C.;
    Pain-related evoked potentials in mixed fibre neuropathy
    Twentieth Meeting of the European Neurological Society 19–23 June 2010 Berlin, Germany,
    In: Journal of Neurology Jg. 257 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S184
  • Obermann, Mark; Holle, Dagny; Wessendorf, Thomas; Zaremba, S.; Gaul, Charly; Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza;
    Serial polysomnography in hypnic headache shows no association with REM sleep
    Twenty-first Meeting of the European Neurological Society 28–31 May, 2011,
    In: Journal of Neurology Jg. 257 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 97 - S98
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Katsarava, Zaza
    Migraine : An update
    In: Pain 2012: refresher courses / 4th World Congress on Pain, Mailand / Tracey, Irene (Hrsg.) 2012
  • Diener, Hans Christoph; Katsarava, Zaza; Limmroth, Volker
    Headache attributed to a substance or its withdrawal
    In: Headache / Aminoff, Michael J.; Boller, François; Swaab, Dick F. (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 589 - 599
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Silberstein, Stephen D.; Ashina, Sait; Katsarava, Zaza; Bibeau, Kristen; Seminerio, Michael J.; Harlow, Danielle E.; Cohen, Joshua M.
    The impact of fremanezumab on medication overuse in patients with chronic migraine
    In: The Journal of Headache and Pain Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 1, 80