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  • Privatdozent/in, Institut für Transfusionsmedizin

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    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Rohn, Hana; Rebmann, Vera
    Is HLA-E with its receptors an immune checkpoint or an antigenic determinant in allo-HCT?
    In: Best Practice & Research Clinical Haematology Jg. 37 (2024) Nr. 2, 101560
  • Hoffmann, Oliver; Wormland, Sebastian; Bittner, Ann-Kathrin; Hölzenbein, Julian; Schwich, Esther; Schramm, Sabine; Rohn, Hana; Horn, Peter; Kimmig, Rainer; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Rebmann, Vera
    Elevated sHLA-G plasma levels post chemotherapy combined with ILT-2 rs10416697C allele status of the sHLA-G-related receptor predict poorest disease outcome in early triple-negative breast cancer patients
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 14 (2023) 1188030
  • Rohn, Hana; Schramm, Sabine; Pansikaki, Krystallenia; Jansen, Sarah; Hendriks, Celina; Platte, Maximilian; Konik, Margarethe; Dolff, Sebastian; Wilde, Benjamin; Kordelas, Lambros; Trilling, Mirko; Krawczyk, Adalbert; Horn, Peter; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    Peripheral HLA-G/ILT-2 immune checkpoint axis in acute and convalescent COVID-19 patients
    In: Human Immunology Jg. 84 (2023) Nr. 8, S. 393 - 400
  • Hoffmann, Oliver; Wormland, Sebastian; Bittner, Ann-Kathrin; Collenburg, Monika; Horn, Peter; Kimmig, Rainer; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Rebmann, Vera
    Programmed death receptor ligand-2 (PD-L2) bearing extracellular vesicles as a new biomarker to identify early triple-negative breast cancer patients at high risk for relapse
    In: Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology Jg. 149 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 1159 - 1174
  • Rohn, Hana; Lang, Cordula; Schramm, Sabine; Heinemann, Falko M.; Trilling, Mirko; Gäckler, Anja; Witzke, Oliver; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Effect of HLA-G5 Immune Checkpoint Molecule on the Expression of ILT-2, CD27, and CD38 in Splenic B cells
    In: Journal of Immunology Research Jg. 2022 (2022) 4829227
  • Rebmann, Vera; Schwich, Esther; Michita, Rafael Tomoya; Grüntkemeier, Lisa; Bittner, Ann-Kathrin; Rohn, Hana; Horn, Peter; Hoffmann, Oliver; Kimmig, Rainer; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine
    Systematic Evaluation of HLA-G 3’Untranslated Region Variants in Locally Advanced, Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients : UTR-1, 2 or UTR-4 are Predictors for Therapy and Disease Outcome
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 12 (2022) 817132
  • Möhlendick, Birte; Schönfelder, Kristina; Zacher, Christoph; Elsner, Carina; Rohn, Hana; Konik, Margarethe; Thümmler, Laura; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Jöckel, Karl-Heinz; Siffert, Winfried
    The GNB3 c.825C > T (rs5443) polymorphism and protection against fatal outcome of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
    In: Frontiers in Genetics Jg. 13 (2022) 960731
  • Dhouioui, Sabrine; Boujelbene, Nadia; Chelbi, Hanen; Zemni, Ines; Ben Safta, Ines; Ouzari, Hadda-Imene; Mezlini, Amel; Harrath, Abdel Halim; Rebmann, Vera; Zidi, Inès
    sHLA-G as a biomarker for colorectal cancer pathogenesis
    In: Journal of King Saud University - Science Jg. 34 (2022) Nr. 1, 101708
  • Reusing, Sarah B.; Manser, Angela R.; Groeneveld-Krentz, Stefanie; Rebmann, Vera; Horn, Peter A.; Meisel, Roland; Karawajew, Leonid; Borkhardt, Arndt; Uhrberg, Markus; Babor, Florian
    HLA-E expression constitutes a novel determinant for ALL disease monitoring following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 56 (2021) Nr. 7, S. 1723 - 1727
  • Konik, Margarethe; Lindemann, Monika; Zettler, Markus; Meller, Lara; Dolff, Sebastian; Rebmann, Vera; Horn, Peter; Dittmer, Ulf; Krawczyk, Adalbert; Schipper, Leonie; Trilling, Mirko; Anastasiou, Olympia Evdoxia; Schwarzkopf, Sina; Thümmler, Laura; Taube, Christian; Schöbel, Christoph; Brenner, Thorsten; Skoda, Eva-Maria; Wilde, Benjamin; Gäckler, Anja; Witzke, Oliver; Rohn, Hana
    Long-term sars-cov-2 specific immunity is affected by the severity of initial covid-19 and patient age
    In: Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) Jg. 10 (2021) Nr. 19, 4606
  • Kordelas, Lambros; Buttkereit, Ulrike; Heinemann, Falko M.; Horn, Peter; Giebel, Bernd; Beelen, Dietrich; Reinhardt, Christian; Rebmann, Vera
    Low Soluble Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 Levels After Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation Predict Moderate or Severe Chronic GvHD and Inferior Overall Survival
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 12 (2021) 694843
  • Kordelas, Lambros; Schwich, Esther; Lindemann, Monika; Heinemann, Falko M.; Buttkereit, Ulrike; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Rebmann, Vera
    Decreased Soluble Human Leukocyte Antigen E Levels in Patients After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Are Associated With Severe Acute and Extended Chronic Graft-versus-Host Disease and Inferior Overall Survival
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 10 (2020)
  • Ugurel, Selma; Schadendorf, Dirk; Horny, K.; Sucker, Antje; Schramm, Sabine; Utikal, Jochen; Pföhler, Claudia; Herbst, Rudolf A.; Schilling, B.; Blank, Christian U.; Becker, Jürgen; Paschen, Annette; Zimmer, Lisa; Livingstone, Elisabeth; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Elevated baseline serum PD-1 or PD-L1 predicts poor outcome of PD-1 inhibition therapy in metastatic melanoma
    In: Annals of Oncology Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 144 - 152
  • Ben Yahia, Hamza; Boujelbene, Nadia; Babay, Wafa; Ben Safta, Inès; Dhouioui, Sabrine; Zemni, Inès; Ali Ayadi, Mohamed; Charfi, Lamia; Ouzari, Hadda Imene; Rebmann, Vera; Rizzo, Roberta; Mrad, Karima; Driss, Maha; Zidi, Inès
    Expression analysis of immune-regulatory molecules HLA-G, HLA-E and IDO in endometrial cancer
    In: Human Immunology Jg. 81 (2020) Nr. 6, S. 305 - 313
  • Wagner, Bettina; Dührsen, Ulrich; Hüttmann, Andreas; Nückel, Holger; Michita, Rafael Tomoya; Rohn, Hana; Schramm, Sabine; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Genetic Variants of the NKG2C/HLA-E Receptor : Ligand Axis Are Determinants of Progression-Free Survival and Therapy Outcome in Aggressive B-Cell Lymphoma
    In: Cancers Jg. 12 (2020) Nr. 11, S. 3429
  • Rohn, Hana; Schwich, Esther; Tomoya Michita, Rafael; Schramm, Sabine; Dolff, Sebastian; Gäckler, Anja; Korth, Johannes; Heinemann, Falko M.; Wilde, Benjamin; Trilling, Mirko; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    HLA-G 3′ untranslated region gene variants are promising prognostic factors for BK polyomavirus replication and acute rejection after living-donor kidney transplant
    In: Human Immunology Jg. 81 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 141 - 146
  • Schwich, Esther; Hò, Gia-Gia T.; LeMaoult, Joel; Bade-Döding, Christina; Carosella, Edgardo D.; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Soluble HLA-G and HLA-G Bearing Extracellular Vesicles Affect ILT-2 Positive and ILT-2 Negative CD8 T Cells Complementary
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 11 (2020)
  • Ali, Solin; Toews, Karin; Schwiebert, Silke; Klaus, Anika; Winkler, Annika; Grunewald, Laura; Oevermann, Lena; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Tüns, Alicia; Jensen, Michael C.; Henssen, Anton G.; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes H.; Schwich, Esther; Rebmann, Vera; Schramm, Alexander; Künkele, Annette
    Tumor-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Impair CD171-Specific CD4⁺ CAR T Cell Efficacy
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 11 (2020) S. 531
  • Macías, Mónica; Rebmann, Vera; Mateos, Beatriz; Varo, Nerea; Perez-Gracia, Jose Luis; Alegre, Estibaliz; González, Álvaro
    Comparison of six commercial serum exosome isolation methods suitable for clinical laboratories : Effect in cytokine analysis
    In: Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2019) S. 20181297
  • Rohn, Hana; Michita, Rafael Tomoya; Schramm, Sabine; Dolff, Sebastian; Gäckler, Anja; Korth, Johannes; Heinemann, Falko M.; Wilde, Benjamin; Trilling, Mirko; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    HLA-E Polymorphism Determines Susceptibility to BK Virus Nephropathy after Living-Donor Kidney Transplant
    In: Cells Jg. 8 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 847
  • Schwich, Esther; Rebmann, Vera; Michita, Rafael Tomoya; Rohn, Hana; Voncken, Jan Willem; Horn, Peter A.; Kimmig, Rainer; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Buderath, Paul
    HLA-G 3′ untranslated region variants +3187G/G, +3196G/G and +3035T define diametrical clinical status and disease outcome in epithelial ovarian cancer
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 5407
  • Ugurel, Selma; Schadendorf, Dirk; Sucker, A.; Schramm, Sara; Utikal, J.; Pfohler, C.; Herbst, R.; Schilling, Bastian; Blank, C.; Becker, J. C.; Paschen, Annette; Zimmer, Lisa; Livingstone, Elisabeth; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    High PD-1 or PD-L1 Concentrations in the Serum of Melanoma Patients are predictive for reduced Therapeutic Success of PD-1 Inhibition
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 17 (2019) Nr. Suppl. 5, S. 7 - 7
  • Kordelas, Lambros; Schwich, Esther; Dittrich, Robin; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Börger, Verena; Giebel, Bernd; Rebmann, Vera
    Individual Immune-Modulatory Capabilities of MSC-Derived Extracellular Vesicle (EV) Preparations and Recipient-Dependent Responsiveness
    In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 20 (2019) S. 1642
  • Buderath, Paul; Schwich, Esther; Jensen, Christina; Horn, Peter; Kimmig, Rainer; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Rebmann, Vera
    Soluble Programmed Death Receptor Ligands sPD-L1 and sPD-L2 as Liquid Biopsy Markers for Prognosis and Platinum Response in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
    In: Frontiers in Oncology Jg. 9 (2019)
  • Schwich, Esther; Rebmann, Vera; Horn, Peter; Celik, Alexander A.; Bade-Döding, Christina; Kimmig, Rainer; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Buderath, Paul
    Vesicular-Bound HLA-G as a Predictive Marker for Disease Progression in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer
    In: Cancers Jg. 11 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 1106
  • Michita, Rafael Tomoya; Chies, José Artur Bogo; Schramm, Sabine; Horn, Peter; Heinemann, Falko M.; Wunsch, Andreas; Viebahn, Richard; Schenker, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    A Valine Mismatch at Position 129 of MICA Is an Independent Predictor of Cytomegalovirus Infection and Acute Kidney Rejection in Simultaneous Pancreas–Kidney Transplantation Recipients
    In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. 9,
  • Babay, Wafa; Ben Yahia, Hamza; Boujelbene, Nadia; Zidi, Nour; Laaribi, Ahmed Baligh; Kacem, Dhikra; Ben Ghorbel, Radhia; Boudabous, Abdellatif; Ouzari, Hadda-Imene; Rizzo, Roberta; Rebmann, Vera; Mrad, Karima; Zidi, Inès
    Clinicopathologic significance of HLA-G and HLA-E molecules in Tunisian patients with ovarian carcinoma
    In: Human Immunology Jg. 79 (2018) Nr. 6, S. 463 - 470
  • König, Lisa; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Bittner, Ann-Kathrin; Hoffmann, Oliver; Wagner, Bettina; Santos Manvailer, Luis Felipe; Kimmig, Rainer; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Elevated levels of extracellular vesicles are associated with therapy failure and disease progression in breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy
    In: OncoImmunology Jg. 7 (2018) Nr. 1, e1376153
  • Kordelas, Lambros; da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Wagner, Bettina; Ditschkowski, Markus; Liebregts, Tobias; Lindemann, Monika; Heinemann, Falko M.; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Rebmann, Vera
    Elevated soluble human leukocyte antigen G levels in patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation are associated with less severe acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 53 (2018) Nr. 9, S. 1149 - 1156
  • Lipps, Christoph; Klein, Franziska; Wahlicht, Tom; Seiffert, Virginia; Butueva, Milada; Zauers, Jeannette; Truschel, Theresa; Luckner, Martin; Köster, Mario; MacLeod, Roderick; Pezoldt, Jörn; Hühn, Jochen; Yuan, Qinggong; Müller, Peter Paul; Kempf, Henning; Zweigerdt, Robert; Dittrich-Breiholz, Oliver; Pufe, Thomas; Beckmann, Rainer; Drescher, Wolf; Riancho, Jose; Sañudo, Carolina; Korff, Thomas; Opalka, Bertram; Rebmann, Vera; Göthert, Joachim Rudolf; Alves, Paula M; Ott, Michael; Schucht, Roland; Hauser, Hansjörg; Wirth, Dagmar; May, Tobias
    Expansion of functional personalized cells with specific transgene combinations.
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 9 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 994
  • Ludwig, Anna-Kristin; De Miroschedji, Kyra; Döppner, Thorsten R.; Börger, Verena; Ruesing, Johannes; Rebmann, Vera; Durst, Stephan; Jansen, Sören; Bremer, Michel; Behrmann, Elmar; Singer, Bernhard B.; Jastrow, Holger; Kuhlmann, Jan Dominik; El Magraoui, Fouzi; Meyer, Helmut E.; Hermann, Dirk M.; Opalka, Bertram; Raunser, Stefan; Epple, Matthias; Horn, Peter; Giebel, Bernd
    Precipitation with polyethylene glycol followed by washing and pelleting by ultracentrifugation enriches extracellular vesicles from tissue culture supernatants in small and large scales
    In: Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (JEV) Jg. 7 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 1528109
  • Guberina, Hana; Da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Michita, Rafael Tomoya; Dolff, Sebastian; Bienholz, Anja; Heinemann, Falko M.; Wilde, Benjamin; Trilling, Mirko; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    Susceptibility of HLA-E*01:03 Allele Carriers to Develop Cytomegalovirus Replication After Living-Donor Kidney Transplantation
    In: The Journal of Infectious Diseases (JID) Jg. 217 (2018) Nr. 12, S. 1918 - 1922
  • Rohn, Hana; Tomoya Michita, Rafael; Schwich, Esther; Dolff, Sebastian; Gäckler, Anja; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Trilling, Mirko; Le-Trilling, Vu Thuy Khanh; Wilde, Benjamin; Korth, Johannes; Heinemann, Falko M.; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    The Donor Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Chain-Related Molecule A Allele rs2596538 G Predicts Cytomegalovirus Viremia in Kidney Transplant Recipients
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 9 (2018) S. 917
  • Schwich, E.; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Michita, R. T.; Guberina, H.; Horn, Peter; Kimmig, Rainer; Buderath, P.; Rebmann, Vera
    The association of soluble HLA-G levels and 3 untranslated region haplotypes of the HLA-G gene with the clinical profile of epithelial ovarian cancer patients regarding disease stage, circulating tumor cells and overall survival
    In: HLA: Immune Response Genetics (Human Leukocyte Antigens) Jg. 91 (2018) Nr. 5, S. 467 - 467
  • Schwich, Esther; Rebmann, Vera
    The inner and outer qualities of extracellular vesicles for translational purposes in breast cancer
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 9 (2018) S. 584
  • Guberina, Hana; Rebmann, Vera; Wagner, Bettina; da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Dziallas, Phillip; Dolff, Sebastian; Bienholz, Anja; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Bankfalvi, Agnes; Heinemann, Falko M.; Witzke, Oliver; Zoet, Yvonne M.; Claas, Frans H.J.; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Doxiadis, Ilias I.N.
    Association of high HLA-E expression during acute cellular rejection and numbers of HLA class I leader peptide mismatches with reduced renal allograft survival
    In: Immunobiology Jg. 222 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 536 - 543
  • Eberhardt, Wilfried; Rebmann, Vera; Rizvi, N.; Antonia, S. J.; Planchard, D.; Cappuzzo, F.; Mazieres, J.; Zalcman, G.; Lena, H.; Wolf, J.; Horn, L.; Stinchcombe, T.; Dy, G.; Blackwood-Chirchir, A.; Jin, C.; Geese, W. J.; Ramalingam, S. S.
    First signal-finding study of soluble HLA-G and -E (sHLA-G/E) as potential prognostic markers of clinical outcome in advanced, refractory squamous-cell NSCLC (SCC) treated with nivolumab (NIVO) : checkMate 063
    In: Oncology Research and Treatment Jg. 40 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 218 - 219
  • Guberina, H.; Silva, F. D.; Michita, R. T.; Dolff, Sebastian; Bienholz, A.; Heinemann, Falko M.; Wilde, Benjamin; Trilling, Mirko; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    HLA-E Allelic Genotype Impacts on Occurrence of CMV Infection After Living Renal Transplantation
    In: Transplant International Jg. 30 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 4 SI, S. 7 Abstract V024
  • da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Kraemer, Thomas; Dürig, Jan; Rebmann, Vera; Wagner, Bettina; Horn, Peter; Celik, Alexander A.; Nückel, Holger; Schramm, Sabine; Dührsen, Ulrich
    HLA-E allelic genotype correlates with HLA-E plasma levels and predicts early progression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    In: Cancer Jg. 123 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 814 - 823
  • Guberina, Hana; Michita, Rafael Tomoya; Dolff, Sebastian; Bienholz, Anja; Trilling, Mirko; Heinemann, Falko M.; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    Recipient HLA-G +3142 CC genotype and concentrations of soluble HLA-G impact on occurrence of CMV infection after living-donor kidney transplantation
    In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 2338
  • König, Lisa; Rebmann, Vera; Hoffmann, Oliver; Bittner, A. K.; Wagner, B.; Manvailer, L. F. S.; Schramm, S.; Bankfalvi, Agnes; Giebel, Bernd; Kimmig, Rainer; Horn, Peter A.; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine
    Breast cancer-derived extracellular vesicles : clinical and prognostic impact
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 76 (2016) Nr. 14 Suppl., S. 3152
  • Crivello, Pietro; Heinold, Andreas; Rebmann, Vera; Ottinger, Hellmut; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Fleischhauer, Katharina
    Functional distance between recipient and donor HLA-DPB1 determines nonpermissive mismatches in unrelated HCT
    In: Blood Jg. 128 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 120 - 129
  • Crivello, P.; Heinold, Andreas; Rebmann, Vera
    Functional distance between recipient and donor HLA-DPB1 determines nonpermissive mismatches in unrelated HCT : Erratum
    In: Blood Jg. 128 (2016) Nr. 23, S. 2744
  • Da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Rebmann, Vera; Horn, Peter; Da Graça Bicalho, Maria; Neumann, Jörge; Wagner, Bettina; Dos Santos Manvailer, Luis Felipe; Michelon, Tatiana Ferreira; Slowik, Renata
    High Amounts of Total and Extracellular Vesicle-Derived Soluble HLA-G are Associated with HLA-G 14-bp Deletion Variant in Women with Embryo Implantation Failure
    In: American Journal of Reproductive Immunology Jg. 75 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 661 - 671
  • da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Rebmann, Vera; Horn, Peter; Wagner, Bettina; Santos Manvailer, Luis Felipe; Neumann, Jorge; Ferreira Michelon, Tatiana
    High levels of circulating extracellular vesicles with altered expression and function during pregnancy
    In: Immunobiology Jg. 221 (2016) Nr. 7, S. 753 - 760
  • Nardi, F da Silva; König, L; Wagner, B; Giebel, Bernd; Santos Manvailer, L F; Rebmann, Vera
    Soluble monomers, dimers and HLA-G-expressing extracellular vesicles : the three dimensions of structural complexity to use HLA-G as a clinical biomarker
    In: HLA: Immune Response Genetics (Human Leukocyte Antigens) Jg. 88 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 77 - 86
  • Kordelas, Lambros; Steckel, Nina Kristin; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Rebmann, Vera
    The Activating NKG2C Receptor Is Significantly Reduced in NK Cells after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Severe Graft-versus-Host Disease
    In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 17 (2016) Nr. 11, S. 1797
  • Crivello, P.; Beelen, Dietrich; Heinold, Andreas; Riebschlager, S.; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Ottinger, Hellmut; Horn, Peter; Fleischhauer, Katharina
    The Functional Distance Between Mismatched HLA-DPB1 Increases Risks of Relapse and Mortality after Unrelated Donor Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for AML, ALL and MDS : A Refinement of the T Cell Epitope Group Algorithm for Permissive Mismatches
    In: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Jg. 22 (2016) Nr. 3, Supplement, S. 420 - S.421
  • Rebmann, Vera; König, Lisa; da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Wagner, Bettina; Santos Manvailer, Luis Felipe; Horn, Peter
    The Potential of HLA-G-Bearing Extracellular Vesicles as a Future Element in HLA-G Immune Biology
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 7 (2016) S. 173
  • König, Lisa; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Hoffmann, Oliver; Bittner, Ann-Kathrin; Wagner, Bettina; Manvailer, Luis Felipe Santos; Schramm, Sabine; Bankfalvi, Agnes; Giebel, Bernd; Kimmig, Rainer; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    The prognostic impact of soluble and vesicular HLA-G and its relationship to circulating tumor cells in neoadjuvant treated breast cancer patients
    In: Human Immunology Jg. 77 (2016) Nr. 9, S. 791 - 799
  • Wanger, Bettina; Nardi, FabiolaDaS; Schramm, Sabine; Kraemer, Thomas; Bade-Doeding, Christina; Dürig, Jan; Horn, Peter; Dührsen, Ulrich; Nückel, Holger; Rebmann, Vera
    Elevated levels of soluble HLA-E and the presence of HLA-E*01:03 predict disease of progression in CLL
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 86 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 85 - 86
  • Wagner, Bettina; Nardil, FabiolaDas; Schramm, Sabine; Kraemer, Thomas; Bade-Doeding, Christina; Dürig, Jan; Horn, Peter; Dührsen, Ulrich; Nückel, Holger; Rebmann, Vera
    Soluble HLA-E and HLA-E polymorphism predictors of early disease progression in CLL
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 85 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 327 - 328
  • Beelen, Dietrich; Crivello, P.; Heinold, Andreas; Riebschlager, S.; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Ottinger, Hellmut; Horn, Peter; Fleischhauer, Katharina
    The Functional Distance Between Mismatched HLA-DPB1 Increases Risks of Relapse and Mortality after Unrelated Donor Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation for AML, ALL and MDS : A Refinement of the T Cell Epitope Group Algorithm for Permissive Mismatches
    In: Blood Jg. 126 (2015) Nr. 23, S. 4288
  • Veit, Tiago Degani; Chies, José Artur Bogo; Switala, Magdalena; Wagner, Bettina; Horn, Peter; Busatto, Mauricio; Brenol, Claiton Viegas; Brenol, João Carlos Tavares; Xavier, Ricardo Machado; Rebmann, Vera
    The paradox of high availability and low recognition of soluble HLA-G by LILRB1 receptor in rheumatoid arthritis patients
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 4, S. e0123838
  • Koenig, Lisa; Kasimir-Bauer, Sabine; Hoffmann, Oliver; Bittner, Ann-Kathrin; Schramm, Sabine; Bankfalvi, Agnes; Kimmig, Rainer; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    The prognostic impact of soluble HLA-G and its relationship to circulating tumor cells in neoadjuvant treated breast cancer patients
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 86 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 81
  • LeMaoult, Joel; Caumartin, Julien; Daouya, Marina; Switala, Magdalena; Rebmann, Vera; Arnulf, Bertrand; Carosella, Edgardo D.
    Trogocytic intercellular membrane exchanges among hematological tumors
    In: Journal of Hematology and Oncology Jg. 8 (2015) 24
  • Rebmann, Vera; da Silva Nardi, Fabiola; Wagner, Bettina; Horn, Peter
    HLA-G as a Tolerogenic Molecule in Transplantation and Pregnancy
    In: Journal of Immunology Research (2014) S. 297073
  • Guberina, Hana; Rebmann, Vera; Dziallas, Phillip; Dolff, Sebastian; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Heinemann, FalkoM; Witzke, Oliver; Zoet, YvonneM; Claas, FransHJ; Horn, Peter A.; Kribben, Andreas; Doxiadis, IliasIN
    Increased HLA-E expression during acute cellular rejection in renal transplants is associated with greater loss of renal function
    In: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) Jg. 29 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. iii531
  • Kordelas, L; Rebmann, Vera; Ludwig, A-K; Radtke, Stefan; Ruesing, J; Döppner, Thorsten R.; Epple, Matthias; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Giebel, Bernd
    MSC-derived exosomes : a novel tool to treat therapy-refractory graft-versus-host disease
    In: Leukemia Jg. 28 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 970 - 973
  • Valencia, Karmele; Luis-Ravelo, Diego; Bovy, Nicolas; Antón, Iker; Martínez-Canarias, Susana; Zandueta, Carolina; Ormazábal, Cristina; Struman, Ingrid; Tabruyn, Sébastien; Rebmann, Vera; De Las Rivas, J; Guruceaga, Elisabet; Bandrés, Eva; Lecanda, Fernando
    miRNA cargo within exosome-like vesicle transfer influences metastatic bone colonization
    In: Molecular Oncology Jg. 8 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 689 - 703
  • Heinemann, Falko M.; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Rebmann, Vera; Beckebaum, Susanne; Cicinnati, Vito; Kabar, I.; Iacob, S.; Radtke, Arnold; Schmidt, H.J.; Lindemann, Monika; Wu, G.
    Donor specific Anti-MHC class II antibodies negatively impact allograft survival following liver transplantation
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 58 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S71 - S72
  • Guberina, H.; Rebmann, Vera; Dziallas, P.; Dolff, Sebastian; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Heinemann, Falko M.; Witzke, Oliver; Zoet, Y. M.; Claas, FHJ; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Doxiadis, IIN
    During Acute Cellular Rejection HLA-E is Expressed in Kidney Grafts
    In: Transplant International Jg. 26 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 31 Abstract P17
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Schulte, Johannes; Schulte, Stefanie; Stauder, Michael; Leuschner, Ivo; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Köhl, Ulrike; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika
    Expression of NTRK1/TrkA affects immunogenicity of neuroblastoma cells
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 133 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 908 - 919
  • Rebmann, Vera; Gauler, Thomas; Schott, B.; Schott, P.; Bauer, Sebastian; Opalka, Bertram; Stamatis, Georgios; Eberhardt, Wilfried; Schuler, Martin; Horn, Peter
    Free soluble HLA-G molecules but not exosome-derived soluble HLA-G molecules are of prognostic relevance in lung cancer patients
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 81 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 282 - 283
  • Wagner, B.; Gothert, J. R.; Dührsen, Ulrich; May, T.; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera; Opalka, Bertram
    Immuno-modulatory properties of primary-like immortalized stroma cell lines from leukemia patients
    In: Onkologie Jg. 36 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 7, S. 270 - 271
  • Alegre, Estibaliz; Rebmann, Vera; Lemaoult, Joel; Rodriguez, Carmen; Horn, Peter; Díaz-Lagares, Angel; Echeveste, José I.; González, Alvaro
    In vivo identification of an HLA-G complex as ubiquitinated protein circulating in exosomes
    In: European Journal of Immunology Jg. 43 (2013) Nr. 7, S. 1933 - 1939
  • Martelli-Palomino, Gustavo; Pancotto, Joao A.; Muniz, Yara C.; Mendes-Junior, Celso T.; Castelli, Erick C.; Massaro, Juliana D.; Krawice-Radanne, Irene; Poras, Isabelle; Rebmann, Vera; Carosella, Edgardo D.; Rouas-Freiss, Nathalie; Moreau, Philippe; Donadi, Eduardo A.
    Polymorphic Sites at the 3' Untranslated Region of the HLA-G Gene Are Associated with Differential hla-g Soluble Levels in the Brazilian and French Population
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 10, S. e71742
  • Lindemann, Monika; Schmidt, H.J.; Rebmann, Vera; Cicinnati, Vito; Heinemann, Falko M.; Beckebaum, Susanne; Iacob, S.; Radtke, Arnold; Kabar, I.
    Soluble ligands for activating natural killer receptor (NKG2D) as screening tool to predict severity of allograft fibrosis after liver transplantation
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 58 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S293
  • Kordelas, L.; Rebmann, Vera; Ludwig, A.; Radtke, S.; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Giebel, Bernd
    Successful treatment of therapy-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease with mesenchymal stem cell-derived exosomes
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 48 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S176 - S177
  • Wagner, B.; Rebmann, Vera; May, T.; Dührsen, Ulrich; Gothert, J. R.; Horn, Peter; Opalka, B.
    AML Bone Marrow Microenvironment Impairs Dendritic Cell Maturation and Antigen Presentation
    In: Blood Jg. 120 (2012) Nr. 21, -
  • Iacob, Speranta; Cicinnati, Vito; Dechene, Alexander; Lindemann, Monika; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Ferencik, Stanislav; Sotiropoulos, Georgios; Popescu, Irinel; Horn, Peter; Gerken, Guido; Paul, Andreas; Beckebaum, Susanne
    Genetic, immunological and clinical risk factors for biliary strictures following liver transplantation
    In: Liver International Jg. 32 (2012) Nr. 8, S. 1253 - 1261
  • LeMaoult, J.; Caumartin, J.; Arnulf, B.; Daouya, M.; Switala, M.; Rebmann, Vera; Carosella, E. D.
    Human liquid tumor cells are trogocytic and exchange membrane patches with cells of the same tumor in vivo
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 80 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 92
  • Opalka, Bertram; Wagner, Bettina; Rebmann, Vera; May, T.; Horn, Peter; Dührsen, Ulrich; Göthert, Joachim Rudolf
    Immunomodulatory activity in the supernatants of novel human bone marrow stroma cell lines from a normal donor and leukemia patients
    In: Onkologie Jg. 35 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 120 - 121
  • Kordelas, Lambros; Switala, Magdalena; Noppeney, Richard; Heinemann, Falko M.; Ottinger, Hellmut; Beelen, Dietrich; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    NK alloreactivity is reduced by GCSF but enhanced by plerixafor
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 47 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 236
  • Rebmann, Vera; Switala, M.; Heinemann, Falko M.; Ottinger, Hellmut; Noppeney, Richard; Beelen, Dietrich; Horn, Peter; Kordelas, L.
    NK alloreactivity is reduced by GCSF but enhanced by plerixafor
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 79 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 459 - 460
  • González, Álvaro; Rebmann, Vera; Lemaoult, Joel; Horn, Peter; Carosella, Edgardo D.; Alegre, Estibaliz
    The immunosuppressive molecule HLA-G and its clinical implications
    In: Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences Jg. 49 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 63 - 84
  • Weiss, E. H.; Solis, V.; Rebmann, Vera; Schiller, C.
    Tunneling nanotubes enable intercellular transfer of MHC class I molecules
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 80 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 79
  • Switala, M.; Nückel, Holger; Ochsenfarth, C.; Dürig, Jan; Dührsen, Ulrich; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Association of soluble MICA levels to the MICA-129 polymorphism and treatment free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 77 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 393 - 393
  • Verloes, An; Van De Velde, Hilde; LeMaoult, Joel; Mateizel, Ileana; Cauffman, Greet; Horn, Peter; Carosella, Edgardo D.; Devroey, Paul; De Waele, Marc; Rebmann, Vera; Vercammen, Martine
    HLA-G Expression in Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Preimplantation Embryos
    In: The Journal of Immunology (JI) Jg. 186 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 2663 - 2671
  • May, T.; Schucht, R.; Zauers, J.; Dürig, Jan; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera; Dührsen, Ulrich; Göthert, Joachim Rudolf; Opalka, Bertram;
    Novel human bone marrow stroma cell lines from a normal donor and leukemia and lymphoma patients
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Onkologie. Basel, 30.09.–04.10. 2011,
    In: Onkologie Jg. 34 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 260
  • Rizzo, Roberta; Vercammen, Martine; Van De Velde, Hilde; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    The importance of HLA-G expression in embryos, trophoblast cells, and embryonic stem cells
    In: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences - CMLS Jg. 68 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 341 - 352
  • Schütt, Philipp; Schütt, Birgit; Switala, Magdalena; Bauer, Sebastian; Stamatis, Georgios; Opalka, Bertram; Eberhardt, Wilfried; Schuler, Martin; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Prognostic relevance of soluble human leukocyte antigen-G and total human leukocyte antigen class I molecules in lung cancer patients
    In: Human Immunology Jg. 71 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 489 - 495
  • Rebmann, Vera; Switala, Magdalena; Eue, Ines; Grosse-Wilde, Hans
    Soluble HLA-G is an independent factor for the prediction of pregnancy outcome after ART : A German multi-centre study
    In: Human Reproduction Jg. 25 (2010) Nr. 7, S. 1691 - 1698
  • Nückel, Holger; Switala, Magdalena; Sellmann, Ludger; Horn, Peter; Dürig, Jan; Dührsen, Ulrich; Küppers, Ralf; Grosse-Wilde, Hans; Rebmann, Vera
    The prognostic significance of soluble NKG2D ligands in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    In: Leukemia Jg. 24 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 1152 - 1159
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Schulte, Johannes; Dreesmann, S.; Mahlow, E.; Stauder, M.; Lindemann, Monika; Rebmann, Vera; Grosse-Wilde, H.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika
    Expression of TrkA is a potential regulator of immunogenicity in neuroblastoma cells
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 218 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 192 - 192
  • Rebmann, Vera; Grosse-Wilde, Hans
    Regulator der humanen Immunantwort : HLA-G: Humane Leukozyten-Antigene
    In: Essener Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2006) Nr. 27 : Medizin – Immunologie, S. 90 - 99
  • Nückel, Holger; Rebmann, Vera; Dürig, Jan; Dührsen, Ulrich; Grosse-Wilde, Hans
    HLA-G expression is associated with an unfavorable outcome and immunodeficiency in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    In: Blood Jg. 105 (2005) Nr. 4, S. 1694 - 1698
  • Ottinger, Hellmut; Rebmann, Vera; Pfeiffer, K. A.; Beelen, Dietrich; Kremens, Bernhard; Runde, V.; Schaefer, U. W.; Grosse-Wilde, H.
    Positive serum cross-match as predictor for graft failure in HLA mismatched allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 29 (2002) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S167
  • Ottinger, Hellmut; Rebmann, Vera; Pfeiffer, K. A.; Beelen, Dietrich; Kremens, Bernhard; Runde, V.; Schaefer, U. W.; Grosse-Wilde, H.
    Positive serum crossmatch as predictor for graft failure in HLA-mismatched allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation
    In: Transplantation Jg. 73 (2002) Nr. 8, S. 1280 - 1285
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Kordelas, Lambros; Claas, Frans H. J.; Rebmann, Vera
    Editorial: “The Role of Immune Checkpoint Molecules in Solid and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation”
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 12 (2021) 822558
  • Abstracts

  • Kordelas, Lambros; Schwich, Esther; Lindemann, Monika; Heinemann, Falko M.; Buttkereit, Ulrike; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Rebmann, Vera;
    Decreased Soluble HLA-e Levels in Patients after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation are Associated with Severe Acute and Extended Chronic graft-versushost Disease and Inferior overall Survival
    46th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) ; 29 August - 1 September, 2020, Virtual Meeting,
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 55 (2020) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 326 - 327
  • Ugurel, Selma; Horn, S.; Griewank, Klaus; Sucker, A.; Herbst, R.; Terheyden, P.; Utikal, J.; Pföhler, C.; Ulrich, J.; Kreuter, A.; Pfeiffer, C.; Mohr, P.; Gutzmer, R.; Weyandt, G.; Meier, F.; Dippel, E.; Kaatz, M.; Weichenthal, M.; Schilling, Bastian; Becker, Jürgen; Zimmer, Lisa; Livingstone, Elisabeth; Rebmann, Vera; Schadendorf, Dirk
    Die Anzahl mutierter Melanom‐assoziierter Gene und die Expression von PD‐L1 sind unabhängige Prädiktoren der anti‐PD1 Immuntherapie ‐ eine prospektive Registerstudie der ADO (ADOREG/TRIM)
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 16 (2018) Nr. S6, S. 7 - 8
  • Guberina, H.; Nardi, F. D.; Michita, R. T.; Dolff, Sebastian; Gackler, A.; Heinemann, Falko M.; Wilde, Benjamin; Trilling, Mirko; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Rebmann, Vera
    Impact of HLA-E*01:03 allele carrier status and NKG2C allele deletion on the risk of CMV infection after renal transplantation
    In: HLA: Immune Response Genetics (Human Leukocyte Antigens) Jg. 91 (2018) Nr. 5, S. 345 - 345
  • Nadjm, S.; Exner, J. P.; Gauler, Thomas; Pöttgen, Christoph; Darwiche, Kaid; Cheufou, D.; Krebs, B.; Metzenmacher, M.; Oezkan, F.; Rebmann, Vera; Umutlu, Lale; Deuschl, C.; Li, Y.; Lahner, Harald; Christoph, Daniel; Hoiczyk, M.; Witzke, Oliver; Hoffmann, Andreas-Claudius; Aigner, Clemens; Theegarten, Dirk; Taube, Christian; Schuler, Martin; Stamatis, Georgios; Stuschke, Martin; Eberhardt, Wilfried;
    Long-term Survival(LTS) and Survivorship Program(SS-P) of Lung Cancer(LC) Patients(Pts). Investigations(Invest) on LT-toxicities(Tox) and late morbidities(Morb)
    33. Deutscher Krebskongress - Perspektiven verändern Krebs - Krebs verändert Perspektiven. Diagnose - Therapie - (Über-)Leben ; 21.-24. Februar 2018, Berlin,
    In: Oncology Research and Treatment Jg. 41 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 108
  • Crivello, P.; Heinold, Andreas; Riebschlager, S.; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Ottinger, Hellmut; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Fleischhauer, Katharina
    From HLA-DPV 1 genetic distance to functional distance in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
    In: HLA: Immune Response Genetics (Human Leukocyte Antigens) Jg. 87 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 210 - 211
  • Langehegermann, L.; Spyra, I.; Besa, V.; Kleibrink, B.; Weinreich, Gerhard; Teschler, Helmut; Hillen, Uwe; Schilling, Bastian; Franklin, Cindy; Meyer, S.; Alabas, E.; Kamler, Markus; Horn, Peter; Sommerwerck, Urte; Rebmann, Vera
    The influence of extracorporeal photopheresis on NF kappa signaling and cytokine expression in lung transplant patients
    In: Transplant International Jg. 29 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 42
  • Crivello, P.; Heinold, Andreas; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Ottinger, Hellmut; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Fleischhauer, Katharina;
    A new approach to non-permissive HLA-DPB 1 mismatches in unrelated HSCT based on the functional distance between petient and donor
    European Federation for Immunogenetics Conference, April 26th–29th, 2015, Geneva, Switzerland,
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 85 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 314 - 315
  • Rebmann, Vera; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Kordelas, Lambros;
    The Activating NKG2C Receptor Is Significantly Reduced in NK Cells after Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation in Patients with Severe Graft-versus-Host Disease
    European Federation for Immunogenetics Conference, April 26th–29th, 2015, Geneva, Switzerland,
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 85 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 313 - 313
  • Kordelas, Lambros; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Rebmann, Vera
    The activating NKG2C receptor is significantly reduced in NK cells after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with severe graft-versus-host disease
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 50 (2015) Nr. S1, S. 183
  • Crivello, P.; Heinold, Andreas; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Ottinger, Hellmut; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Fleischhauer, Katharina
    The combined impact of amino acid polymorphism at HLA-DPB1 on T cell alloreactivity defines a functional distance between patient and donor independently predictive of survival after 10/10 matched unrelated HSCT for AML and MDS
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 50 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S359 - S360
  • Crivello, P.; Beelen, Dietrich; Heinold, Andreas; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Ottinger, Hellmut; Horn, Peter; Fleischhauer, Katharina;
    The combined impact of amino acid polymorphism at HLA-DPB1 on T cell alloreactivity defines a functional distance between patient and donor independently predictive of survival after 10/10 matched unrelated HSCT for AML, ALL and MDS
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie, 9.-13. Oktober 2015, Basel, Schweiz,
    In: Oncology Research and Treatment Jg. 38 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 5, S. 34
  • Guberina, Hana; Rebmann, Vera; Dziallas, Phillip; Dolff, Sebastian; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Heinemann, Falko M.; Witzke, Oliver; Zoet, Yvonne M.; Claas, Frans H.J.; Horn, Peter; Kribben, Andreas; Doxiadis, Ilias I.N.;
    HLA-E expression and its impact on renal transplant outcome
    28th EFI European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference Stockholm, Sweden, June 25th–28th, 2014,
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 84 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 24
  • Rebmann, Vera; Manvailer, Luis Felipe Santos; Wagner, Bettina; Rieb, Anja; Collenburg, Monika; Horn, Peter; Pajtler, Kristian; Schramm, Alexander;
    Soluble NKG2DL are released by Tumor Cell Lines in a Mutually exclusive fashion as free Molecules or via extracellular vesicles
    28th EFI European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference Stockholm, Sweden, June 25th–28th, 2014,
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 84 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 17 - 18
  • Radtke, Stefan; Kordelas, L; Horn, PA; Felderhoff-Müser, Ursula; Rebmann, Vera; Giebel, Bernd; Beelen, Dietrich; Ludwig, AK
    Exosomes – From Bench to Bedside
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie / Symposium “Regenerative Therapie in der Neonatologie”; 3.–5. 9. 2012; Peking, China Jg. 224 (2012) Nr. 7, S. 477
  • Iacob, S.; Cicinnati, Vito R.; Wu, G.; Lindemann, Monika; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Horn, Peter A.; Sotiropoulos, Georgios C.; Schmidt, H. H.; Paul, Andreas; Gerken, Guido; Beckebaum, Susanne
    Increased levels of soluble ligands of the activating natural killer receptor (NKG2D) are independent risk factors for advanced fibrosis in liver transplant recipients
    In: Journal of Hepatology Jg. 56 (2012) Nr. Supplement 2, S. S308
  • Heinemann, Falko M.; Lindemann, Monika; Horn, Peter; Cicinnati, Vito; Beckebaum, Susanne; Wu, G.; Kabar, I.; Schmidt, H. H.; Iacob, S.; Rebmann, Vera
    Soluble Ligands for Activating Natural Killer Receptor (NKG2D) Are Biomarkers for Progression of Hepatic Fibrosis after Liver Transplantation
    In: Transplantation Jg. 94 (2012) Nr. 10S, S. 427
  • Beckebaum, Susanne; Iacob, S.; Dechene, Alexander; Lindemann, Monika; Heinemann, Falko M.; Rebmann, Vera; Ferencik, Stanislav; Sotiropoulos, Georgios; Popescu, I.; Horn, Peter; Gerken, Guido; Paul, Andreas; Cicinnati, Vito;
    Biliary strictures following liver transplantation : Role of chemokine receptor polymorphis, donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies and serum cytokine profile
    20th Annual Congress of the German Transplantation Society. Regensburg, Germany. October 6-8, 2011,
    In: Transplant International Jg. 24 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 20
  • Kapp, Johanna; Ochsenfarth, Crista; Switala, Magdalena; Frey, Ulrich; Sellmann, Ludger; Dürig, Jan; Horn, Peter; Dührsen, Ulrich; Rebmann, Vera; Nuckel, Holger
    Association of HLA-G Haplotype Risk Model with Treatment Free Survival In Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients
    In: Blood Jg. 116 (2010) Nr. 21, S. 1002 - 1003
  • Volbracht, A.; Novotny, Jürgen; Ochsenfarth, Crista; Switala, Magdalena; Frey, Ulrich; Horn, Peter; Dührsen, Ulrich; Rebmann, Vera; Nückel, Holger
    Association of HLA-G haplotype risk model with overall survival in acute myeloid leukemia patients
    In: Onkologie Jg. 33 (2010) Nr. Suppl., S. 216
  • Kapp, Johanna; Ochsenfarth, Crista; Switala, Magdalena; Frey, Ulrich; Sellmann, Ludger; Dürig, Jan; Horn, Peter; Dührsen, Ulrich; Rebmann, Vera; Nückel, Holger;
    Association of HLA-G haplotype risk model with treatment free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Onkologie, Berlin, Oktober 2010,
    In: Onkologie Jg. 33 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 45
  • Rebmann, Vera; Switala, Magdalena; Lindemann, Monika; Horn, Peter; Beelen, Dietrich; Kordelas, Lambros
    Effect of G-CSF mobilization on the release of soluble NKG2D ligands in stem cell donors
    In: Onkologie Jg. 33 (2010) Nr. Suppl.6, S. 263 - 264
  • Nückel, Holger; Switala, Magdalena; Ochsenfarth, Crista; Dürig, Jan; Horn, Peter; Dührsen, Ulrich; Rebmann, Vera;
    High soluble MICA levels are associated to MICA-129 val/val genotypes and poor treatment free survival in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Onkologie. Berlin, 1.–5. Oktober 2010,
    In: Onkologie Jg. 33 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 6, S. 41 - 42
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Nückel, Holger; Castelli, Erick C.; Moreau, Philippe; Ochsenfarth, Crista; Horn, Peter; Rebmann, Vera
    Simple Methods for the Detection of HLA-G Variants in Coding and Non-coding Regions
    In: Immunogenetics: Methods and Applications in Clinical Practice / Christiansen, Frank T.; Tait, Brian D. (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 123 - 142
  • Dissertation

  • Rebmann, Vera;
    Nachweis von löslichen HLA-G Molekülen und deren mögliche Relevanz für die Schwangerschaft
    Essen (2003) 83 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Babay, Wafa; Boujelbene, Nadia; Zemni, Ines; Dhouioui, Sabrine; Safta, Ines Ben; Rebmann, Vera; Zidi, Ines
    Secreted HLA-G profiling in epithelial ovarian carcinoma ascites
    In: International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Jg. 32 (2022) Nr. Suppl. 3,
  • Babay, Wafa; Boujelbene, Nadia; Zemni, Ines; Dhouioui, Sabrine; Ayadi, Mohamed Ali; Rebmann, Vera; Zidi, Ines;
    Soluble HLA-E and TNF-αlpha expression association in epithelial ovarian carcinoma ascites
    IGCS 2022 Annual Global Meeting ; September 29 through October 1, 2022, New York, NY, USA and virtual,
    In: International Journal of Gynecological Cancer Jg. 32 (2022) Nr. Supplement 3: IGCS 2022 Annual Meeting Abstracts, S. A179
  • Rohn, Hana; Lang, Cordula; Schramm, Sabine; Heinemann, Falko M.; Trilling, Mirko; Gäckler, Anja; Witzke, Oliver; Horn, Peter A.; Rebmann, Vera;
    The influence of HLA-G5 on expression of differentiation markers on splenic B cells
    Joint 35th European Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility Conference; May 17–20, 2022; Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
    In: HLA: Immune Response Genetics (Human Leukocyte Antigens) Jg. 99 (2022) Nr. 5, SI, S. 547 - 548
  • Kordelas, L.; Buttkereit, U.; Heinemann, Falko M.; Horn, Peter A.; Giebel, Bernd; Beelen, Dietrich W.; Reinhardt, H. Christian; Rebmann, Vera;
    Low soluble programmed cell death protein 1 levels post allogeneic stem cell transplantation predict extended chronic graft-versus-host disease and inferior overall survival
    Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Medizinische Onkologie ; 01.-04. Oktober 2021, Hybrid-Kongress,
    In: Oncology Research and Treatment Jg. 44 (2021) Nr. Supplement 2, S. 233
  • Rebmann, Vera; Möllenbeck, Petra; Bartsch, Diana; Heinemann, Falko M.; Wunsch, Andreas; Golda, Thomas; Viebahn, Richard; Horn, Peter;
    Soluble HLA-G as an indicator for graft rejection in kidney and kidney/pancreas transplantation superior to soluble CD30 levels
    19th Annual Congress of the German Transplantation Society, 7-9 October 2010, Hamburg, Germany,
    In: Transplant International Jg. 23 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 64