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Fakultät Physik

Lotharstrasse 1
47048 Duisburg
MG 156


  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Experimentalphysik

  • Privatdozent/in, Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Bovensiepen

  • Stellv. Mitglied Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Fakultätsrat Physik

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Antonowicz, Jerzy; Olczak, Adam; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Zalden, Peter; Milov, Igor; Dzięgielewski, Przemysław; Bressler, Christian; Chapman, Henry N.; Chojnacki, Michał; Dłużewski, Piotr; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Angel; Fronc, Krzysztof; Gawełda, Wojciech; Georgarakis, Konstantinos; Greer, Alan L.; Jacyna, Iwanna; van de Kruijs, Robbert W.E.; Kamiński, Radosław; Khakhulin, Dmitry; Klinger, Dorota; Kosyl, Katarzyna M.; Kubicek, Katharina; Migdal, Kirill P.; Minikayev, Roman; Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos T.; Sikora, Marcin; Sun, Peihao; Yousef, Hazem; Zajkowska-Pietrzak, Wiktoria; Zhakhovsky, Vasily V.; Sobierajski, Ryszard
    Corrigendum to “Structural pathways for ultrafast melting of optically excited thin polycrystalline Palladium films”
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 282 (2025) Nr. 1, 120443
  • Lu, Wei; Nicoul, Matthieu; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    A modular table-top setup for ultrafast X-ray diffraction
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 95 (2024) 013002
  • Turenne, Diego; Vaskivskyi, Igor; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Wang, Xijie J.; Reid, Alexander H.; Shen, Xiaozhe; Lin, Ming-Fu; Park, Suji; Weathersby, Stephen; Kozina, Michael; Hoffmann, Matthias C.; Wang, Jian; Sebesta, Jakub; Takahashi, Yukiko K.; Grånäs, Oscar; Oppeneer, Peter M.; Dürr, Hermann A.
    Element-specific ultrafast lattice dynamics in FePt nanoparticles
    In: Structural Dynamics / American Crystallographic Association (ACA) (Hrsg.) Jg. 11 (2024) Nr. 6,
  • Kämmerer, Lea; Kämmerer, Gérald; Gruber, Manuel; Grunwald, Jan; Lojewski, Tobias; Mercadier, Laurent; Le Guyader, Loïc; Carley, Robert; Carinan, Cammille; Gerasimova, Natalia; Hickin, David; Van Kuiken, Benjamin E.; Mercurio, Giuseppe; Teichmann, Martin; Kuppusamy, Senthil Kumar; Scherz, Andreas; Ruben, Mario; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Eschenlohr, Andrea; Ollefs, Katharina; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Tuczek, Felix; Kratzer, Peter; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Wende, Heiko
    Femtosecond Spin-State Switching Dynamics of Fe(II) Complexes Condensed in Thin Films
    In: ACS Nano Jg. 18 (2024) Nr. 51, S. 34596 - 34605
  • Bonse, Jörn; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Probing Laser-Driven Structure Formation at Extreme Scales in Space and Time
    In: Laser & Photonics Reviews / Laser Physics Review Jg. 18 (2024) Nr. 5, 2300912
  • Antonowicz, Jerzy; Olczak, Adam; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Zalden, Peter; Milov, Igor; Dzięgielewski, Przemysław; Bressler, Christian; Chapman, Henry N.; Chojnacki, Michał; Dłużewski, Piotr; Rodriguez-Fernandez, Angel; Fronc, Krzysztof; Gawełda, Wojciech; Georgarakis, Konstantinos; Greer, Alan L.; Jacyna, Iwanna; van de Kruijs, Robbert W.E.; Kamiński, Radosław; Khakhulin, Dmitry; Klinger, Dorota; Kosyl, Katarzyna M.; Kubicek, Katharina; Migdal, Kirill P.; Minikayev, Roman; Panagiotopoulos, Nikolaos T.; Sikora, Marcin; Sun, Peihao; Yousef, Hazem; Zajkowska-Pietrzak, Wiktoria; Zhakhovsky, Vasily V.; Sobierajski, Ryszard
    Structural pathways for ultrafast melting of optically excited thin polycrystalline Palladium films
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 276 (2024) 120043
  • Burcklen, Catherine; Vennari, Cara; Mcguire, Christopher; Alameda, Jennifer; Robinson, Jeff; Aquila, Andrew; Seaberg, Matthew; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Albert, Thies J.; Hau-Riege, Stefan P.; Kozioziemski, Bernard
    Towards single-shot, time-resolved tomography using a crystal-based, multi-beam X-ray split-and-delay line
    In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Jg. 1058 (2024) 168830
  • Kalkhoff, Lukas; Golombek, Alexander; Schleberger, Marika; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Wucher, Andreas; Breuer, Lars
    Path to ion-based pump-probe experiments: Generation of 18 picosecond keV Ne+ ion pulses from a cooled supersonic gas beam
    In: Physical Review Research Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 3, 033106
  • Koç, Azize; Gonzalez-Vallejo, Isabel; Runge, Matthias; Ghalgaoui, Ahmed; Reimann, Klaus; Kremeyer, Laurenz; Thiemann, Fabian; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Woerner, Michael; Elsaesser, Thomas
    Quantum pathways of carrier and coherent phonon excitation in bismuth
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 107 (2023) Nr. 18, L180303
  • Sun, Peihao; Monaco, Giulio; Zalden, Peter; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Antonowicz, Jerzy; Sobierajski, Ryszard; Kajihara, Yukio; Baron, Alfred Q. R.; Fuoss, Paul; Chihpin Chuang, Andrew; Park, Jun-Sang; Almer, Jonathan; Hastings, J. B.
    Structural changes across thermodynamic maxima in supercooled liquid tellurium : A water-like scenario
    In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 119 (2022) Nr. 28, e2202044119
  • Antonowicz, Jerzy; Zalden, Peter; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Georgarakis, Konstantinos; Minikayev, Roman; Pietnoczka, Anna; Bertram, Florian; Chaika, Mykhailo; Chojnacki, M.; Dłużewski, Piotr; Fronc, Krzysztof; Greer, A. L.; Jastrzębski, Cezariusz; Klinger, Dorota; Lemke, Christoph; Magnussen, Olaf M.; Murphy, Bridget; Perumal, Karuthiappan; Ruett, Uta; Warias, K. J.; Sobierajski, Ryszard
    Devitrification of thin film Cu–Zr metallic glass via ultrashort pulsed laser annealing
    In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Jg. 887 (2021) 161437
  • Rothenbach, Nico; Gruner, Markus; Ollefs, Katharina; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Salamon, Soma; Zhou, Ping; Li, Renkai; Mo, Mianzhen; Park, Suji; Shen, Xiaohong; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Yang, Jun; Wang, Xijie; Šipr, Ondrej; Ebert, Hubert; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Eschenlohr, Andrea; Wende, Heiko
    Effect of lattice excitations on transient near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 104 (2021) Nr. 14, 144302
  • Zheng, Q.; Tian, Y.; Shen, Xiaozhe; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Li, R. K.; Chen, Z.; Mo, M. Z.; Wang, Z. L.; Liu, P.; Fujita, T.; Weathersby, S. P.; Yang, J.; Wang, X. J.; Chen, M. W.
    Fast attenuation of high-frequency acoustic waves in bicontinuous nanoporous gold
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 119 (2021) Nr. 6, 063101
  • Golombek, Alexander; Breuer, Lars; Danzig, Lisa; Kucharczyk, Pawel; Schleberger, Marika; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Wucher, Andreas
    Generation of ultrashort keV-Ar+ ion pulses via femtosecond laser photoionization
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 033023
  • Lu, Wei; Nicoul, Matthieu; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Brinks, Fabian; Afshari, Mohammadmahdi; Tarasevitch, Alexander; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Acoustic response of a laser-excited polycrystalline Au-film studied by ultrafast Debye–Scherrer diffraction at a table-top short-pulse x-ray source
    In: AIP Advances Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 035015
  • Afshari, M.; Krumey, Philipp; Menn, D.; Nicoul, M.; Brinks, Fabian; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Time-resolved diffraction with an optimized short pulse laser plasma X-ray source
    In: Structural Dynamics / American Crystallographic Association (ACA) (Hrsg.) Jg. 7 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 014301
  • Maldonado, Pablo; Chase, Tyler F.; Reid, Alexander H.; Shen, Xiaozhe; Li, Ren Kai; Carva, Karel; Payer, Thomas; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Wang, Xi J.; Oppeneer, Peter M.; Dürr, Hermann A.
    Tracking the ultrafast nonequilibrium energy flow between electronic and lattice degrees of freedom in crystalline nickel
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 101 (2020) Nr. 10, 100302
  • Breuers, Alexander; Herder, Matthias; Kucharczyk, Pawel; Schleberger, Marika; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Wucher, Andreas
    A concept to generate ultrashort ion pulses for pump-probe experiments in the keV energy range
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 21 (2019) Nr. 5, S. 053017
  • Zalden, Peter; Quirin, Florian; Schumacher, Mathias; Siegel, Jan; Wei, Shuai; Koc, Azize; Nicoul, Matthieu; Trigo, Mariano; Andreasson, Pererik; Enquist, Henrik; Shu, Michael J.; Pardini, Tommaso; Chollet, Matthieu; Zhu, Diling; Lemke, Henrik; Ronneberger, Ider; Larsson, Jörgen; Lindenberg, Aaron M.; Fischer, Henry E.; Hau-Riege, Stefan; Reis, David A.; Mazzarello, Riccardo; Wuttig, Matthias; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Femtosecond x-ray diffraction reveals a liquid–liquid phase transition in phase-change materials
    In: Science Jg. 364 (2019) Nr. 6445, S. 1062 - 1067
  • Rothenbach, Nico; Gruner, Markus; Ollefs, Katharina; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Salamon, Soma; Zhou, Ping; Li, R.; Mo, Mianzhen; Park, S.; Shen, Xiaozhe; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Yang, Jie; Wang, Xijie; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Wende, Heiko; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Eschenlohr, Andrea
    Microscopic nonequilibrium energy transfer dynamics in a photoexcited metal/insulator heterostructure
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 100 (2019) Nr. 17, 174301
  • Schumacher, Ludmilla; Jose, Jesil; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Davis, Timothy J.; Ligges, Manuel; Li, Renhong; Mo, Mianzhen; Park, Sung Gyu; Shen, Xiu; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Yang, Jie; Wang, Xiangxian; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Schlücker, Sebastian
    Precision Plasmonics with Monomers and Dimers of Spherical Gold Nanoparticles : Nonequilibrium Dynamics at the Time and Space Limits
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 123 (2019) Nr. 21, S. 13181 - 13191
  • Robinson, J.; Decker, T.; Guillet, S.; Pardini, T.; Koglin, J.; Hill, R.; Gleason, A. E.; Kozioziemski, B.; Boutet, S.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Aquila, A.; Hamilton, P.; Soufli, R.; Alameda, J.; Hayes, M.; Hau-Riege, S. P.
    Delayed Onset of Nonthermal Melting in Single-Crystal Silicon Pumped with Hard X Rays
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 120 (2018) S. 265701
  • Zheng, Qiang; Li, Renkai; Yang, Jie; Chen, Mingwei; Shen, Xiaozhe; Mo, Mianzhen; Wang, Xijie; Wang, Zhili; Chen, Zhijiang; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Weathersby, Stephen P.
    Dynamics of Electron-Phonon Coupling in Bicontinuous Nanoporous Gold
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 122 (2018) Nr. 28, S. 16368 - 16373
  • Mo, M Z; Chen, Z; Li, R K; Dunning, M; Witte, B B L; Baldwin, J K; Fletcher, L B; Kim, J B; Ng, A; Redmer, R; Reid, A H; Shekhar, P; Shen, X Z; Shen, M; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Tsui, Y Y; Wang, Y Q; Zheng, Q; Wang, X J; Glenzer, S H
    Heterogeneous to homogeneous melting transition visualized with ultrafast electron diffraction
    In: Science Jg. 360 (2018) Nr. 6396, S. 1451 - 1455
  • Chen, Frank; Zhu, Yi; Liu, Shi; Qi, Yubo; Hwang, Harold Y.; Brandt, Nathaniel C.; Lu, Jian; Quirin, Florian; Enquist, Henrik; Zalden, Peter; Hu, Te; Goodfellow, John; Sher, Meng Ju; Hoffmann, Matthias C.; Zhu, Diling; Lemke, Henrik Till; Glownia, James Michael; Chollet, Matthieu C.; Damodaran, Anoop R.; Park, Joonkyu; Cai, Zhonghou; Jung, Ilwoong; Highland, Matthew J.; Walko, Donald A.; Freeland, John William; Evans, Paul G.; Vailionis, Arturas; Larsson, Jörgen Michael; Nelson, Keith A.; Rappe, Andrew M.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Martin, Lane W.; Wen, Haidan; Lindenberg, Aaron M.
    Reply to "comment on 'Ultrafast terahertz-field-driven ionic response in ferroelectric BaTiO₃ ' "
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 97 (2018) Nr. 22, 226102
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Shen, Xiaozhe; Zheng, Q.; Chase, Tyler F.; Coffee, Ryan N.; Jerman, Martin; Li, Renkai; Ligges, Manuel; Makasyuk, Igor V.; Mo, M.; Reid, Alexander Hume; Rethfeld, Bärbel; Vecchione, Theodore; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Dürr, Hermann A.; Wang, Xijie
    Electron-lattice energy relaxation in laser-excited thin-film Au-insulator heterostructures studied by ultrafast MeV electron diffraction
    In: Structural Dynamics / American Crystallographic Association (ACA) (Hrsg.) Jg. 4 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 054501
  • Mo, Mianzhen; Shen, Xiaozhe; Chen, Zhao; Li, Renkai; Dunning, Michael P.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Zheng, Qiang; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Reid, Alexander; Coffee, Ryan N.; Makasyuk, Igor V.; Edstrom, Steven A.; McCormick, Douglas J.; Jobe, Keith R.; Hast, Carsten; Glenzer, Siegfried H.; Wang, Xijie J.
    Single-shot mega-electronvolt ultrafast electron diffraction for structure dynamic studies of warm dense matter
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 87 (2016) Nr. 11, S. 11D810
  • Chen, Frank; Zhu, Yuan; Liu, Shi; Qi, Yue; Hwang, Harold Y.; Brandt, Nathaniel; Lu, Jian; Quirin, Florian; Enquist, Henrik; Zalden, Peter; Hu, Te; Goodfellow, John; Sher, Meng Ju; Hoffmann, Matthias C.; Zhu, Dilling; Lemke, Henrik Till; Glownia, James Michael; Chollet, Matthieu C.; Damodaran, Anoop R.; Park, Joonkyu; Cai, Zhonghou; Jung, Ilwoong; Highland, Matthew J.; Walko, Donald A.; Freeland, John W.; Evans, Paul G.; Vailionis, Arturas; Larsson, Jakob. C.; Nelson, Keith A.; Rappe, Andrew M.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Martin, Lane W.; Wen, Haidan; Lindenberg, Aaron M.
    Ultrafast terahertz-field-driven ionic response in ferroelectric BaTiO₃
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 94 (2016) Nr. 18, 180104
  • Weathersby, Stephen P.; Brown, Garth; Centurion, Martin; Chase, Tyler F.; Coffee, Ryan; Corbett, Jeff; Eichner, J. P.; Frisch, Josef C.; Fry, Alan R.; Gühr, Markus; Hartmann, Nick; Hast, C.; Hettel, Robert; Jobe, Renee K.; Jongewaard, Erik N.; Lewandowski, James R.; Li, R. K.; Lindenberg, Aaron M.; Makasyuk, Igor; May, J. E.; McCormick, Doug; Nguyen, M. N.; Reid, Alexander H.; Shen, X.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Vecchione, Theodore; Vetter, Sharon L.; Wu, J.; Yang, Jie; Dürr, Hermann A.; Wang, X. J.
    Mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 86 (2015) Nr. 7, S. 073702-1 - 073702-7
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Li, Renkai; Reid, Alexander Hume; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Quirin, Florian; Chase, Tyler; Coffee, Ryan; Corbett, Jeff; Fry, Alan R.; Hartmann, Nick; Hast, Carsten; Hettel, Bob; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Janoschka, David; Lewandowski, James R.; Ligges, Manuel; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Shen, Xiaozhe; Vecchione, Theodore; Witt, Christian; Wu, J.; Durr, Hermann; Wang, X. J.
    Thickness-dependent electron-lattice equilibration in laser-excited thin Bismuth films
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 2015 (2015) Nr. 17, S. 113047
  • Szilagyi, Erzsi; Wittenberg, Joshua S.; Miller, Timothy A.; Lutker, Katie; Quirin, Florian; Lemke, Henrik; Zhu, Diling; Chollet, Matthieu; Robinson, Joseph; Wen, Haidan; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Lindenberg, Aaron M.
    Visualization of nanocrystal breathing modes at extreme strains
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 6 (2015) S. 6577
  • Wittenberg, Joshua S.; Miller, Timothy A.; Szilagyi, Erzsi; Lutker, Katie; Quirin, Florian; Lu, Wei; Lemke, Henrik; Zhu, Diling; Chollet, Matthieu; Robinson, Joseph; Wen, Haidan; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Alivisatos, A. Paul; Lindenberg, Aaron M.
    Real-time visualization of nanocrystal solid–solid transformation pathways
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 14 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 1995 - 1999
  • Pardini, Tom; Boutet, Sébastien; Bradley, Joseph; Döppner, Tilo; Fletcher, Luke B.; Gardner, Dennis F.; Hill, Randy M.; Hunter, Mark S.; Krzywinski, Jacek; Messerschmidt, Marc; Pak, Arthur; Quirin, Florian; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Williams, Garth J.; Hau-Riege, Stefan P.
    Silicon Mirrors for High-Intensity X-Ray Pump and Probe Experiments
    In: Physical Review Applied Jg. 1 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 044007
  • Sobierajski, R.; Jurek, M.; Chalupský, J.; Krzywinski, J.; Burian, T.; Dastjani Farahani, S.; Hájková, V.; Harmand, M.; Juha, L.; Klinger, D.; Loch, R.A.; Ozkan, C.; Pełka, J.B.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Sinn, H.; Toleikis, S.; Tiedtke, K.; Tschentscher, T.; Wabnitz, H.; Gaudin, J.
    Experimental set-up and procedures for the investigation of XUV free electron laser interactions with solids
    In: Journal of Instrumentation Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 2, S. P02010
  • Trigo, Mariano; Fuchs, Matthias; Chen, J.; Jiang, M. P.; Cammarata, Marco; Fahy, Stephen; Fritz, David M.; Gaffney, Kelly; Ghimire, Shambhu; Higginbotham, Andrew; Johnson, Steven L.; Kozina, Michael E.; Larsson, Jörgen; Lemke, Henrik; Lindenberg, Aaron M.; Ndabashimiye, Georges; Quirin, Florian; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Uher, Ctirad; Wang, Guoyu; Wark, Justin S.; Zhu, Diling; Reis, David A.
    Fourier-transform inelastic X-ray scattering from time- and momentum-dependent phonon-phonon correlations
    In: Nature Physics Jg. 9 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 790 - 794
  • Riedel, Robert; Al-Shemmary, Alaa; Gensch, Michael; Golz, Torsten; Harmand, Marion; Medvedev, Nikita; Prandolini, Mark J.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Toleikis, Sven; Wegner, U.; Ziaja, Beata; Stojanovic, Nikola; Tavella, Franz
    Single-shot pulse duration monitor for extreme ultraviolet and X-ray free-electron lasers
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 4 (2013) 1731
  • Quirin, Florian; Vattilana, Michael; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; El-Kamhawy, Abd-Elmoniem; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Hohlfeld, Julius; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Structural dynamics in FeRh during a laser-induced metamagnetic phase transition
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 85 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 020103
  • Daranciang, Dan; Highland, Matthew J.; Wen, Haidan; Young, Steve M.; Brandt, Nathaniel C.; Hwang, Harold Y.; Vattilana, Michael; Nicoul, Matthieu; Quirin, Florian; Goodfellow, John; Qi, Tingting; Grinberg, Ilya; Fritz, David M.; Cammarata, Marco; Zhu, Diling; Lemke, Henrik T.; Walko, Donald A.; Dufresne, Eric M.; Li, Yuelin; Larsson, Jörgen; Reis, David A.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Nelson, Keith A.; Rappe, Andrew M.; Fuoss, Paul H.; Stephenson, G. Brian; Lindenberg, Aaron M.
    Ultrafast photovoltaic response in ferroelectric nanolayers
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 108 (2012) Nr. 8, S. 087601
  • Hau-Riege, Stefan P.; Graf, Alexander; Döppner, Tilo; London, Richard A.; Krzywiński, Jacek; Fortmann, Carsten; Glenzer, Siegfried H.; Frank, Matthias; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Messerschmidt, Marc; Bostedt, Christoph; Schorb, Sebastian; Bradley, Joseph A.; Lutman, Alberto; Rolles, Daniel; Rudenko, Artem; Rudek, Benedikt
    Ultrafast transitions from solid to liquid and plasma states of graphite induced by x-ray free-electron laser pulses
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 108 (2012) Nr. 21, S. 217402
  • Nicoul, Matthieu; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Tarasevitch, Alexander; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Picosecond acoustic response of a laser-heated gold-film studied with time-resolved x-ray diffraction
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 98 (2011) Nr. 19,
  • Lu, Wei; Nicoul, Matthieu; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Tarsevitch, Alexander; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Extreme phonon softening in laser-excited Bismuth - towards an inverse Peierls-transition
    In: MRS Proceedings Jg. 1230E (2010) S. 3 - 5
  • Khorsand, A.R.; Sobierajski, R.; Louis, E.; Bruijn, S.; Van Hattum, E.D.; Vande Kruijs, R.W.E.; Jurek, M.; Klinger, D.; Pelka, J.B.; Juha, L.; Burian, T.; Chalupsky, J.; Cihelka, J.; Hajkova, V.; Vysin, L.; Jastrow, U.; Stojanovic, Nikola; Toleikis, S.; Wabnitz, H.; Tiedtke, K.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Krzywinski, J.; Riege Hau, S.; London, R.; Gleeson, A.; Gullikson, E.M.; Bijkerk, F.; van de Kruijs, R. W. E.; Hau-Riege, S.
    Single shot damage mechanism of Mo/Si multilayer optics under intense pulsed XUV-exposure
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 18 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 700 - 712
  • Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Nicoul, Matthieu; Blums, J.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Wietler, T.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich
    Diffraction of strongly convergent X-rays from picosecondacoustic transients
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing Jg. 87 (2007) Nr. 1, S. 7 - 11
  • Fritz, D.M.; Reis, D.A.; Adams, B.; Akre, R.A.; Arthur, J.; Blome, C.; Bucksbaum, P.H.; Cavalieri, A.L.; Engemann, S.; Fahy, S.; Falcone, R.W.; Fuoss, P.H.; Gaffney, K.J; George, M.J.; Hajdu, J.; Hertlein, M.P.; Hillyard, P.B.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Kammler, Martin; Kaspar, J.; Kienberger, R.; Krejcik, P.; Lee, S.H.; Lindenberg, A.M.; McFarland, B.; Meyer, D.; Montagne, T.; Murray, E.D.; Nelson, A.J.; Nicoul, Matthieu; Pahl, R.; Rudati, J.; Schlarb, H.; Siddons, D.P.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Tschentscher, Th.; von der Linde, Dietrich; Hastings, J.B.
    Ultrafast bond softening in Bismuth: Mapping a solid`s interatomic potential with X-rays
    In: Science Jg. 315 (2007) Nr. 5812, S. 633 - 636
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, C.; Blums, J.; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Nicoul, Matthieu; Cavalleri, Andrea; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Kammler, Martin; von der Linde, Dietrich
    Ultrafast X-Ray Diffraction
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena XIV Jg. 79 (2005) S. 170 - 174
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, C.; Dietrich, C.; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, Andrea; Squier, J.A.; Kammler, Martin
    Time-Resolved X-ray Diffraction Study of Ultrafast Structural Dynamics in Laser-Excited Solids
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena XIII Jg. 71 (2002) S. 36
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, C.; Dietrich, C.; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, Andrea; Squier, J.; Kammler, Martin
    Femtosecond X-ray measurement of ultrafast melting and large acoustic transients
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 87 (2001) Nr. 22, 225701 (4p)
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, Andrea; Siders, Craig W.; Brown, F.L.H.; Leitner, D.M.; Tóth, Csaba; Barty, Christopher P.P.; Squier, J.A.; Wilson, Kent R.; Kammler, Martin
    Transient lattice dynamics in fs-laser-excited semiconductors probed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction
    In: Journal de Physique . IV France Jg. 11 (2001) Nr. PR2, S. 473 - 477
  • Cavalleri, Andrea; Siders, Craig W.; Rose-Petruck, Christoph G.; Jimenez, Ralph; Tóth, Csaba; Squier, J.A.; Barty, Christopher P.P.; Wilson, Kent R.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich
    Ultrafast x-ray measurement of laser heating in semiconductors: Parameters determining the melting threshold"
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 63 (2001) Nr. 19, 193306 (4p)
  • Cavalleri, Andrea; Siders, Craig W.; Brown, F.L.H.; Leitner, D.M.; Tóth, Csaba; Squier, J.A.; Barty, Christopher P.P.; Wilson, Kent R.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Kammler, Martin
    Anharmonic lattice dynamics in Germanium measured with ultrafast x-ray diffraction
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 85 (2000) Nr. 3, S. 586 - 589
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Cavalleri, Andrea; Siders, Craig W.; Brown, F.L.H.; Leitner, D.M.; Tóth, Csaba; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Squier, J.A.; Barty, Christopher P.P.; Wilson, Kent R.
    Time-resolved X-ray diffraction study of ultrafast acoustic phonon dynamics in Ge/Si heterostructures
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena XII Jg. 66 (2000) S. 281 - 283
  • Siders, Craig W.; Cavalleri, Andrea; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Toth, Csabe; Guo, Ting; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Wilson, Kent R.; von der Linde, Dietrich; Barty, Christopher P.P.
    Detection of nonthermal melting by ultrafast X-ray diffraction
    In: Science Jg. 286 (1999) Nr. 5443, S. 1340 - 1342
  • Abstracts

  • Siders, C. W.; Cavalleri, A.; Tóth, C.; Wilson, K. R.; Squier, J. A.; Barty, C. P. J.; Kammler, Martin; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich
    Femtosecond X-ray diffraction of short-pulse irradiated semiconductors
    In: Technical Digest: Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, May 19-24, 2002 / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; CLEO 2002 ; May 19-24, 2002, Long Beach, California, USA / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) (2002) S. 297 - 298
  • Temnov, V. V.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Stojanovic, Nikola; Kudryashov, S.; von der Linde, Dietrich; Kogan, B.; Schlarb, A.; Weyers, Bastian; Möller, Rolf
    Modification of semiconductor surfaces irradiated by single intense fs-laser pulses
    In: Technical Digest: Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, May 19-24, 2002 / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; CLEO 2002 ; May 19-24, 2002, Long Beach, California, USA / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) (2002) S. 223
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, C.; Dietrich, C.; Blums, J.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, A.; Squier, J.; Kammler, Martin
    Structural dynamics in laser-excited solids investigated with femtosecond X-ray diffraction
    In: Technical Digest: Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, May 19-24, 2002 / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; CLEO 2002 ; May 19-24, 2002, Long Beach, California, USA / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) (2002) S. 300
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Temnov, V. V.; Zhou, R.; von der Linde, Dietrich; Ashitkov, S. I.; Agranat, M. B.; Kondratenko, P. S.; Anisimov, S. I.; Fortov, V.
    Ultrafast structural transformations in femtosecond laser-excited graphite
    In: Technical Digest: Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, May 19-24, 2002 / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; CLEO 2002 ; May 19-24, 2002, Long Beach, California, USA / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) (2002) S. 306
  • Temnov, V. V.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; von der Linde, Dietrich
    Ultrafast time-resolved interferometry at femtosecond laser excited surfaces
    In: Technical Digest: Summaries of Papers Presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, California, May 19-24, 2002 / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics ; CLEO 2002 ; May 19-24, 2002, Long Beach, California, USA / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) (2002) S. 32
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Bonse, Jörn; Barty, Anton; Chapman, Henry N.; Bajt, Saša; Bogan, Mike J.; Boutet, Sebastien; Cavalleri, Andrea; Düsterer, Stefan; Frank, Matthias; Hajdu, Janos; Hau-Riege, Stefan; Marchesini, Stefano; Stojanovic, Nikola; Treusch, Rolf
    In-Situ Observation of the Formation of Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures with Extreme Spatial and Temporal Resolution
    In: Ultrafast Laser Nanostructuring / Stoian, Razvan; Bonse, Jörn (Hrsg.) 2023, S. 257 - 276
  • Koc, Azize; Gonzalez-Vallejo, Isabel; Runge, Matthias; Ghalgaoui, Ahmed; Reimann, Klaus; Kremeyer, Laurenz; Thiemann, Fabian; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Woerner, Michael; Elsaesser, Thomas
    Ultrafast long-wavelength excitation of coherent optical phonons in bismuth
    In: Proceedings of CLEO Fundamental Science 2023, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023) / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023): 7–12 May 2023; San Jose, United States / The Optical Society (Hrsg.) 2023 FF1G.7
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Li, Renkai; Reid, Alex Hume M.; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Quirin, Florian; Chase, Tyler F.; Coffee, Ryan N.; Corbett, Jeff W.; Fry, Alan R.; Hartmann, Nick; Hast, Carsten; Hettel, Robert; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Janoschka, David; Jermann, M.; Lewandowski, James R.; Ligges, Manuel; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Mo, Mianzhen; Shen, Xiaozhe; Vecchione, Theodore; Witt, Christian; Wu, Juhao; Dürr, Hermann A.; Wang, Xijie
    Thickness dependent electron-lattice equilibration in thin Bi films studied by time-resolved MeV electron diffraction
    In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena / International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2016, Santa Fe, New Mexico United States, 17-22 July 2016 2016
  • Siders, C.W.; Cavalieri, A.; Tóth, Cs.; Wilson, K.R.; Barty, C.P.J.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Kammler, Martin
    Direct Observation of Ultrafast Non-thermal Melting by Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction
    In: Optical Sensors / Optical Society of America; Part of Advanced Photonics, 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain 2014, S. 334 - 336
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; von der Linde, Dietrich; Siders, C.W.; Cavalleri, A.; Toth, C.; Guo, T.; Wilson, K.R.; Barty, C.P.J.; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Lattice dynamics of femtosecond laser-excited semiconductors probed by ultrafast x-ray diffraction
    In: Specialty Optical Fibers: Part of Advanced Photonics / Specialty Optical Fibers, Part of Advanced Photonics ; 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) 2014 PD3
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, C.; Dietrich, Constanze; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, A.; Squier, J.; Uschmann, I.; Förster, E.; Kammler, Martin
    Observation of ultrafast structural transitions in solids using femtosecond x-ray pulses
    In: Specialty Optical Fibers: Part of Advanced photonics / Specialty Optical Fibers, Part of Advanced photonics ; 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) 2014 CPD18
  • Cavalleri, A.; Siders, C.W.; Guo, T.; Wilson, K.R.; Barty, C.P.J.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; von der Linde, Dietrich; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Propagation of picosecond acoustic pulses in semiconductor heterostructures probed by ultrafast X-ray diffraction
    In: Specialty Optical Fibers: Part of Advanced Photonics / Specialty Optical Fibers, Part of Advanced photonics ; 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) 2014 QPD8
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, C.; Dietrich, Constanze; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, A.; Squier, J.; Kammler, Martin
    Ultrafast structural dynamics in solids investigated with femtosecond x-ray pulses
    In: Specialty Optical Fibers: Part of Advanced photonics / Specialty Optical Fibers, Part of Advanced photonics ; 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain / Optical Society of America (Hrsg.) 2014 TuD2
  • Nicoul, Matthieu; Quirin, Florian; Lindenberg, A.M.; Barty, A.; Fritz, D.M.; Zhu, D.; Lemke, H.; Chollet, M.; Reis, D.A.; Chen, J.; Ghimire, S.; Trigo, M.; Fuchs, M.; Gaffney, K.J.; Larsson, J.; Becker, Tim; Meyer, Sven; Payer, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Jerman, Martin; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Ultrafast laser-induced melting and ablation studied by time-resolved diffuse X-ray scattering
    In: XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena / XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena Lausanne, Switzerland, July 8-13, 2012 / Chergui, M.; Taylor, A.; Cundiff, S. (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 04013
  • Quirin, F.; Vattilana, M.; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; El-Kamhawy, A.-E.; Nicoul, M.; Tarasevitch, Alexander; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Ultrafast lattice dynamics in fs laser-excited FeRh probed by time-resolved X-ray diffraction
    In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2011 / CLEO, 1 - 6 May 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 2011
  • Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Nicoul, Matthieu; Lu, Wei; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Coherent acoustic and optical phonons in laser-excited solids studied by ultrafast time-resolved X-ray diffraction
    In: International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation 2010 / International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 18 - 22 April 2010 / Phipps, Claude R. (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 558 - 566
  • Lu, Wei; Nicoul, Matthieu; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Extreme phonon softening in laser-excited Bismuth - Towards an inverse Peierls-transitiom
    In: Ultrafast processes in materials science / Ultrafast processes in materials science, November 30 - December 4, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2010, S. 18 - 22
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Barty, Anton; Boutet, Sebastien; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Chapman, Henry; Bogan, Mike; Marchesini, Stefano; Hau-Riege, Stefan; Stojanovic, Nikola; Bonse, Jörn; Rosandi, Yudi; Urbassek, Herbert M.; Tobey, Ra'anan; Ehrke, Henri; Cavalleri, Andrea; Düsterer, Stefan; Redlin, Harald; Frank, Matthias; Bajt, Sasa; Schulz, Joachim; Seibert, Marvin; Hajdu, Janos; Treusch, Rolf; Bostedt, Christoph; Hoener, M.; Möller, T.; Tobey, Ra’anan; Phipps, Claude
    Short-pulse laser induced transient structure formation and ablation studied with time-resolved coherent XUV-scattering
    In: International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation 2010 / Phipps, Claude R.; International Symposium on High Power Laser Ablation, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 18 - 22 April 2010 2010, S. 373 - 379
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Baity, Anton; Boutet, Sebastien; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Chapman, Henry; Bogan, Mike; Marchesini, Stefano; Hau-Riege, Stefan; Stojanovic, Nikola; Bonse, Jörn; Rosandi, Yudi; Urbassek, Herbert M.; Tobey, Ra'anan; Ehrke, Henri; Cavalleri, Andrea; Düsterer, Stefan; Redlin, Harald; Frank, Matthias; Bajt, Sasa; Schulz, Joachim; Seibert, Marvin; Hajdu, Janos; Treusch, Rolf; Bostedt, Christoph; Hoener, M.; Möller, T.
    Short-pulse laser induced transient structure formation and ablation studied with time-resolved coherent XUV-scattering
    In: Ultrafast processes in materials science / Ultrafast processes in materials science, November 30 - December 4, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2010, S. 99 - 104
  • Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Nicoul, Matthieu; Kähle, Stefan; Lu, Wei; Tarsevitch, Alexander; Zhou, Ping; Wietler, Tobias; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    The role of thermal and electronic pressure in the picosecond acoustic response of femtosecond laser-excited solids
    In: Ultrafast processes in materials science / Ultrafast processes in materials science, November 30 - December 4, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2010, S. 6
  • Lu, Wei; Nicoul, Matthieu; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Transient reversal of a peierls-transition : Extreme phonon softening in laser-excited bismuth
    In: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2010 / UP2010; 18 - 23 July 2010; Snowmass Village, United States 2010, S. ME41
  • Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Lu, Wei; Nicoul, Matthieu; Tarasevitch, Alexander; von der Linde, Dietrich; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Ultrafast lattice dynamics in FeRh during a laser-induced magnetic phase transition
    In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2010 / UP 2010; Snowmass Village, United States; 18 - 23 July 2010 2010 paper MA6
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Nicoul, Matthieu; Blums, J.; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Morak, A.; Wietler, T.
    Energy relaxation and anomalies in the thermo-acoustic response of femtosecond laser-excited Germanium,
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena XV: Springer series in chemical physics ; 88 / Weiner, A.M.; Miller, R. J. D. (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 597 - 599
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Shymanovich, Uladzimir; Nicoul, Matthieu; Blums, Juris; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Morak, Andreas; Wietler, Tobias F.
    Energy relaxation and anomalies in the thermo-acoustic response of femtosecond laser-excited germanium
    In: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena / UP 2006; Pacific Grove, United States; 31 July 2006 2006, S. MG5
  • Fritz, David M.; Adams, Bernhard W.; Blome, Christian; Bucksbaum, Phillip H.; Cavalieri, Adrian L.; Engemann, S.; Fahy, Stephen B.; Fuoss, Paul H.; Gaffney, Kelly J.; Hillyard, P.; Kaspar, Jen D.; Lindenberg, Aaron M.; Lee, Soo Heyong; McFarland, Brian K.; Meyer, Drew A.; Murray, Éamonn D.; Nicoul, Matthieu; Pahl, Reinhard; Rudati, Juana I.; Siddons, David P.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Wahlstrand, Jared K.; Hastings, Jerome B.; Reis, David A.
    Femtosecond lattice dynamics in photoexcited bismuth : Ultrafast optical and X-ray measurements
    In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference, QELS 2006; Long Beach, United States; 21 May 2006 2006
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Stojanovic, Nikola; von der Linde, Dietrich; Zastrau, Ulf; Perner, F.; Förster, Eckhart; Sobierajski, Ryszard; Nietubyc, Robert; Jurek, Marek; Krzywinski, Jacek; Juha, Libor; Cihelka, Jaroslav; Velyhan, Andreiy; Kuba, Jaroslav; Chalupský, Jaromír; Tschentscher, Thomas; Toleikis, Sven; Düster, S.; Redlin, Harald
    High intensity VUV-FEL interaction with solids : First experimental results
    In: International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2006 / UP 2006; Pacific Grove, United States; 31 July – 4 August 2006 2006, S. ThD4
  • Fritz, David M.; Adams, Bernhard W.; Blome, Christian; Bucksbaum, Phillip H.; Cavalieri, Adrian L.; Engemann, S.; Fahy, Stephen B.; Fuoss, Paul H.; Gaffney, Kelly J.; Hillyard, P.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Kammler, Martin; Kaspar, Jen D.; Lindenberg, Aaron M.; Lee, Soo Heyong; McFarland, Brian K.; Meyer, D.; Murray, Éamonn D.; Nicou, M.; Pahl, Reinhard; Rudati, Juana I.; Siddons, David P.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; von der Linde, Dietrich; Wahlstrand, Jared K.; Hastings, Jerome B.; Reis, David A.
    Ultrafast optical and X-ray measurements of femtosecond lattice dynamics in photoexcited bismuth
    In: 15th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena / UP 2006; Pacific Grove, United States; 31 July – 4 August 2006 2006, S. WD7
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, Christian; Blums, Juris; Dietrich, Constanze; Tarasevitch, Alexander; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, Andrea; Kammler, Martin; Uschmann, Ingo; Förster, Eckhard
    Femtosecond X-ray Diffraction Study of Large Amplitude Coherent Optical Phonons in Laser-Excited Bismuth
    In: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): Baltimore, United States; 1–6 June 2003 2003 CMZ6
  • Tarasevitch, Alexander; Dietrich, Constanze; Blome, C.; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; von der Linde, Dietrich
    3/2 Harmonic Generation by Femtosecond Laser Pulses on Solid Targets
    In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers / International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2002, Vancouver,12 May 2002 / Gakkai, Ōyō Butsuri (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 234 - 235
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Blome, C.; Dietrich, Constanze; Blums, J.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Cavalleri, A.; Squier, J.; Kammler, Martin
    Femtosecond time-resolved X-ray diffraction study of ultrafast structural dynamics in laser-excited solids
    In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers / International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2002, Vancouver,12 May 2002 / Gakkai, Ōyō Butsuri (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 19 - 20
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Temnov, V.V.; Zhou, Ping; von der Linde, Dietrich; Ashitkov, S.I.; Agranat, M.B.; Fortov, V.E.
    Ultrafast laser-induced structural changes in anisotropic solids
    In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers / International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2002, Vancouver,12 May 2002 / Gakkai, Ōyō Butsuri (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 232 - 233
  • Siders, Craig W.; Cavalleri, Andrea; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Guo, Ting; Toth, Csaba; Jimenez, Ralph; Rose-Petruck, Christoph; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich; Wilson, Kent R.; Barty, Christopher P.J.
    Ultrafast movies of atomic motion with femtosecond laser-based X-rays
    In: Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications III: 19 - 20 July 1999, Denver, Colorado / SPIE Conference on Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications ; 2; 1999; Denver, Colo. / Rocca, Jorge J. (Hrsg.) 1999, S. 302 - 311