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  • Komm. Direktor/in, Klinik für Pädiatrische Hämatologie, Onkologie und Endokrinologie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Frankiewicz, Andrzej; Peczynski, Christophe; Giebel, Sebastian; Harrington, Alenca; Socié, Gerard; Niederwieser, Dietger; Scheid, Christoph; Bornhäuser, Martin; Kröger, Nicolaus; Elmaagacli, Ahmet Hayri; Afanasyev, Boris; Dreger, Peter; Rössig, Claudia; Blaise, Didier; Kratz, Christian; Yakoub-Agha, Ibrahim; Kremens, Bernhard; Niemeyer, Charlotte Marie; Wulf, Gerald; Blau, Igor; Penack, Olaf; Greinix, Hildegard; Basak, Grzegorz W.
    Association of Country-Specific Socioeconomic Factors With Survival of Patients Who Experience Severe Classic Acute Graft-vs.-Host Disease After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation : An Analysis From the Transplant Complications Working Party of the EBMT
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 11 (2020) S. 1537
  • Sauer, Martin G.; Lang, Peter J.; Albert, Michael H.; Bader, Peter; Creutzig, Ursula; Eyrich, Matthias; Greil, Johann; Gruhn, Bernd; Holter, Wolfgang; Klingebiel, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; von der Leyen, Heiko; Mauz-Körholz, Christine; Meisel, Roland; Mischke, Kirsten; Müller, Ingo; Niemeyer, Charlotte M.; Peters, Christina; Pohler, Christine; Reinhardt, Dirk; Burkhardt, Birgit; Schlegel, Paul G.; Schulz, Ansgar S.; Schrum, Johanna; Sedlacek, Petr; Strahm, Brigitte; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Handgretinger, Rupert; Zimmermann, Martin; Borkhardt, Arndt
    Correction: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia—results of the AML SCT-BFM 2007 trial
    In: Leukemia Jg. 34 (2020) S. 1486
  • Berthold, Frank; Faldum, Andreas; Ernst, Angela; Boos, Joachim; Dilloo, Dagmar; Eggert, Angelika; Fischer, Matthias; Frühwald, Michael C.; Henze, G.; Klingebiel, Thomas E.; Kratz, Christian P.; Kremens, Bernhard; Krug, Barbara; Leuschner, Ivo; Schmidt, Mary Lou; Schmidt, René; Schumacher-Kuckelkorn, Roswitha; von Schweinitz, Dietrich; Schilling, Freimut H.; Theissen, Jessica; Volland, Ruth; Hero, Barbara; Simon, Thorsten
    Extended induction chemotherapy does not improve the outcome for high-risk neuroblastoma patients : results of the randomized open-label GPOH trial NB2004-HR
    In: Annals of Oncology Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 422 - 429
  • Sauer, Martin G.; Lang, Peter J.; Albert, Michael H.; Bader, Peter; Creutzig, Ursula; Eyrich, Matthias; Greil, Johann; Gruhn, Bernd; Holter, Wolfgang; Klingebiel, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; von der Leyen, Heiko; Mauz-Körholz, Christine; Meisel, Roland; Mischke, Kirsten; Müller, Ingo; Niemeyer, Charlotte M.; Peters, Christina; Pohler, Christine; Reinhardt, Dirk; Burkhardt, Birgit; Schlegel, Paul G.; Schulz, Ansgar S.; Schrum, Johanna; Sedlacek, Petr; Strahm, Brigitte; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Handgretinger, Rupert; Zimmermann, Martin; Borkhardt, Arndt
    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for children with acute myeloid leukemia—results of the AML SCT-BFM 2007 trial
    In: Leukemia Jg. 34 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 613 - 624
  • Pichler, Herbert; Lawitschka, Anita; Glogova, Evgenia; Willasch, Andre M.; Luettichau, Irene von; Lehrnbecher, Thomas; Matthes-Martin, Susanne; Lang, Peter; Bader, Peter; Sykora, Karl W.; Schrum, Johanna; Kremens, Bernhard; Ehlert, Karoline; Albert, Michael H.; Kuhlen, Michaela; Meisel, Roland; Guengoer, Tayfun; Strahm, Brigitte; Gruhn, Bernd; Schulz, Ansgar; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Poetschger, Ulrike; Peters, Christina; Luettichau, Irene
    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from unrelated donors is associated with higher infection rates in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia : A prospective international multicenter trial on behalf of the BFM-SG and the EBMT-PDWP
    In: American Journal of Hematology Jg. 94 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 880 - 890
  • Essig, Stefan; Steiner, Claudia; Kühne, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; Langewitz, Wolf; Kiss, Alexander
    Communication Skills Training for Professionals Working with Adolescent Patients with Cancer Based on Participants' Needs : A Pilot
    In: Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Jg. 8 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 354 - 362
  • Berthold, Frank; Ernst, Angela; Hero, Barbara; Klingebiel, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; Schilling, Freimut H.; Simon, Thorsten
    Correction : Long-term outcomes of the GPOH NB97 trial for children with high-risk neuroblastoma comparing high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation and oral chemotherapy as consolidation
    In: British Journal of Cancer (BJC) Jg. 121 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 894 - 895
  • Babor, Florian; Peters, Christina; Manser, Angela R.; Glogova, Evgenia; Sauer, Martin; Pötschger, Ulrike; Ahlmann, Martina; Cario, Gunnar; Feuchtinger, Tobias; Gruhn, Bernd; Güngör, Tayfun; Horn, Peter; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, Peter; Mezger, Markus; Müller, Ingo; Mytilineos, Joannis; Oevermann, Lena; Pichler, Herbert; Scherenschlich, Nadine; Schuster, Friedhelm R.; Siepermann, Meinolf; Stachel, Daniel; Strahm, Brigitte; Wössmann, Wilhelm; Escherich, Gabriele; Zimmermann, Martin; Schrappe, Martin; Borkhardt, Arndt; Eckert, Cornelia; Bader, Peter; Uhrberg, Markus; Meisel, Roland
    Presence of centromeric but absence of telomeric group B KIR haplotypes in stem cell donors improve leukaemia control after HSCT for childhood ALL
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 54 (2019) Nr. 11, S. 1847 - 1858
  • Zernikow, Boris; Szybalski, Katharina; Hübner-Möhler, Bettina; Wager, Julia; Paulussen, Michael; Lassay, Lisa; Jorch, Norbert; Weber, Carola; Schneider, Dominik T.; Janßen, Gisela; Oommen, Prasad T.; Kuhlen, Michaela; Brune, Thomas; Wieland, Regina; Schündeln, Michael; Kremens, Bernhard; Längler, Alfred; Prokop, Aram; Kiener, Rita; Niehues, Tim; Rose, Martina; Baumann-Köhler, Margit; Pöppelmann, Monika; Thorer, Heike; Irnich, Martin; Sinha, Kumar; Wolfe, Joanne; Schmidt, Pia
    Specialized pediatric palliative care services for children dying from cancer : a repeated cohort study on the developments of symptom management and quality of care over a 10-year period
    In: Palliative Medicine Jg. 33 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 381 - 391
  • Suttorp, Meinolf; Schulze, Philipp; Glauche, Ingmar; Göhring, Gudrun; von Neuhoff, Nils; Metzler, Markus; Sedlacek, Petr; de Bont, Eveline S. J. M.; Balduzzi, Adriana; Lausen, Birgitte; Aleinikova, Olga; Sufliarska, Sabina; Henze, Günter; Strauss, Gabriele; Eggert, Angelika; Kremens, Bernhard; Groll, Andreas H.; Berthold, Frank; Klein, Christoph; Groß-Wieltsch, Ute; Sykora, Karl Walter; Borkhardt, Arndt; Kulozik, Andreas E.; Schrappe, Martin; Nowasz, Christina; Krumbholz, Manuela; Tauer, Josephine T.; Claviez, Alexander; Harbott, Jochen; Kreipe, Hans H.; Schlegelberger, Brigitte; Thiede, Christian
    Front-line imatinib treatment in children and adolescents with chronic myeloid leukemia : results from a phase III trial
    In: Leukemia Jg. 32 (2018) S. 1657 - 1669
  • Merker, Michael; Meister, Michael Torsten; Rettinger, Eva; Jarisch, Andrea; Soerensen, Jan; Willasch, Andre; Huenecke, Sabine; Cappel, Claudia; Bremm, Melanie; Salzmann-Manrique, Emilia; Krenn, Thomas; Rossig, Claudia; Kremens, Bernhard; Koscielniak, Ewa; Klingebiel, Thomas; Bader, Peter
    Haploidentical allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with high-risk soft tissue sarcomas : results of a single-center prospective trial
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 53 (2018) Nr. 7, S. 891 - 894
  • Berthold, Frank; Ernst, Angela; Hero, Barbara; Klingebiel, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; Schilling, Freimut H.; Simon, Thorsten
    Long-term outcomes of the GPOH NB97 trial for children with high-risk neuroblastoma comparing high-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell transplantation and oral chemotherapy as consolidation
    In: British Journal of Cancer (BJC) Jg. 119 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 282 - 290
  • Strahm, B.; Albert, M.; Bierings, M.; Bordon, V.; Burkhardt, B.; Catala, A.; DeMoerloose, B.; Dworzak, M.; Hasle, H.; Kremens, Bernhard; Kallay, K.; Lang, P.; Matthes-Martin, S.; Meisel, R.; Mueller, I.; Noellke, P.; Peters, A.; Schmugge, M.; Schulz, A.; Sedlacek, P.; Smith, O.; Stary, J.; Sykora, K. W.; Ussowicz, M.; van den Heuvel-Eibrink, M.; Locatelli, F.; Niemeyer, C. M.
    EWOG-MDS study SCT RC RIC 06 : Reduced intensity conditioning for children and adolescents with refractory cytopenia of childhood
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 52 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 103
  • Klemann, Christian; Esquivel, Myrian; Magerus-Chatinet, Aude; Lorenz, Myriam R.; Fuchs, Ilka; Neveux, Nathalie; Castelle, Martin; Rohr, Jan; da Cunha, Claudia Bettoni; Ebinger, Martin; Kobbe, Robin; Kremens, Bernhard; Kollert, Florian; Gambineri, Eleonora; Lehmberg, Kai; Seidel, Markus G.; Siepermann, Kathrin; Voelker, Thomas; Schuster, Volker; Goldacker, Sigune; Schwarz, Klaus; Speckmann, Carsten; Picard, Capucine; Fischer, Alain; Rieux-Laucat, Frederic; Ehl, Stephan; Rensing-Ehl, Anne; Neven, Benedicte
    Evolution of disease activity and biomarkers on and off rapamycin in 28 patients with autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome
    In: Haematologica / The Hematology Journal Jg. 102 (2017) Nr. 2, S. e52 - e56
  • Rasche, M.; von Neuhoff, Christine; Dworzak, M.; Bourquin, J-P; Bradtke, J.; Göhring, G.; Escherich, G.; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Graf, Norbert; Gruhn, B.; Haas, O.A.; Klingebiel, T.; Kremens, Bernhard; Lehrnbecher, T.; von Stackelberg, A.; Tchinda, J.; Zemanova, Z.; Thiede, C.; von Neuhoff, N.; Zimmermann, M.; Creutzig, U.; Reinhardt, Dirk
    Genotype-outcome correlations in pediatric AML : the impact of a monosomal karyotype in trial AML-BFM 2004
    In: Leukemia Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 12, S. 2807 - 2814
  • Rossig, C.; Pule, M.; Altvater, B.; Saiagh, S.; Wright, G.; Ghorashian, S.; Clifton-Hadley, L.; Champion, K.; Sattar, Z.; Popova, B.; Hackshaw, A.; Smith, P.; Roberts, T.; Biagi, E.; Dreno, B.; Rousseau, R.; Kailayangiri, S.; Ahlmann, M.; Hough, R.; Kremens, Bernhard; Sauer, M.G.; Veys, P.; Goulden, N.; Cummins, M.; Amrolia, P.J.
    Vaccination to improve the persistence of CD19CAR gene-modified T cells in relapsed pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    In: Leukemia Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 1087 - 1095
  • Möricke, Anja; Zimmermann, Martin; Valsecchi, Maria Grazia; Stanulla, Martin; Biondi, Andrea; Mann, Georg; Locatelli, Franco; Cazzaniga, Giovanni; Niggli, Felix; Aricò, Maurizio; Bartram, Claus R; Attarbaschi, Andishe; Silvestri, Daniela; Beier, Rita; Basso, Giuseppe; Ratei, Richard; Kulozik, Andreas E; Lo Nigro, Luca; Kremens, Bernhard; Greiner, Jeanette; Parasole, Rosanna; Harbott, Jochen; Caruso, Roberta; von Stackelberg, Arend; Barisone, Elena; Rössig, Claudia; Conter, Valentino; Schrappe, Martin
    Dexamethasone vs prednisone in induction treatment of pediatric ALL : results of the randomized trial AIEOP-BFM ALL 2000
    In: Blood Jg. 127 (2016) Nr. 17, S. 2101 - 2112
  • Preuner, Sandra; Peters, Christina; Pötschger, Ulrike; Daxberger, Helga; Fritsch, Gerhard; Geyeregger, Rene; Schrauder, André; Von Stackelberg, Arend; Schrappe, Martin; Bader, Peter; Ebell, Wolfram; Eckert, Cornelia; Lang, Peter; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Schrum, Johanna; Kremens, Bernhard; Ehlert, Karoline; Albert, Michael H.; Meisel, Roland; Lawitschka, Anita; Mann, Georg; Panzer-Grümayer, Renate; Güngör, Tayfun; Holter, Wolfgang; Strahm, Brigitte; Gruhn, Bernd; Schulz, Ansgar; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Lion, Thomas
    Risk assessment of relapse by lineage-specific monitoring of chimerism in children undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    In: Haematologica / The Hematology Journal Jg. 101 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 741 - 746
  • Teltschik, Heiko-Manuel; Heinzelmann, Frank; Gruhn, Bernd; Feuchtinger, Tobias; Schlegel, Patrick; Schumm, Michael; Kremens, Bernhard; Müller, Ingo; Ebinger, Martin; Schwarze, Carl Philipp; Ottinger, Hellmut; Zips, Daniel; Handgretinger, Rupert; Lang, Peter
    Treatment of graft failure with TNI-based reconditioning and haploidentical stem cells in paediatric patients
    In: British Journal of Haematology Jg. 175 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 115 - 122
  • Creutzig, U; Dworzak, M N; Zimmermann, M; Bourquin, J-P; Gruhn, B; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Graf, N; Klingebiel, T; Kremens, Bernhard; Lehrnbecher, T; von Neuhoff, Christine; Stackelberg, A V; Starý, J; Reinhardt, Dirk
    Additional treatment with 2-Chloro-2-Deoxyadenosine during consolidation in children with high-risk acute myeloid leukemia does not improve survival
    In: Leukemia Jg. 29 (2015) Nr. 11, S. 2260 - 2263
  • Feucht, Judith; Opherk, Kathrin; Lang, Peter; Kayser, Simone; Hartl, Lena; Bethge, Wolfgang; Matthes-Martin, Susanne; Bader, Peter; Albert, Michael H; Maecker-Kolhoff, Britta; Greil, Johann; Einsele, Hermann; Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt; Schuster, Friedhelm R; Kremens, Bernhard; Rossig, Claudia; Gruhn, Bernd; Handgretinger, Rupert; Feuchtinger, Tobias
    Adoptive T-cell therapy with hexon-specific Th1 cells as a treatment of refractory adenovirus infection after HSCT
    In: Blood Jg. 125 (2015) Nr. 12, S. 1986 - 1994
  • Chao, M M; Ebell, W; Bader, P; Beier, R; Burkhardt, B; Feuchtinger, T; Handgretinger, R; Hanenberg, H; Koehl, U; Kratz, C; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, P; Meisel, R; Mueller, I; Roessig, C; Sauer, M; Schlegel, P G; Schulz, A; Strahm, B; Thol, F; Sykora, K W
    Consensus of German Transplant Centers on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Fanconi Anemia
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 227 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 157 - 165
  • Creutzig, Ursula; Dworzak, M; Zimmermann, M; Bourquin, J-P; Gruhn, B; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Graf, Norbert; Klingebiel, T; Kremens, Bernhard; Lehrnbecher, T; von Neuhoff, Christine; von Stackelberg, A; Stray, J; Reinhardt, Dirk
    Randomised Introduction of 2-CDA as Intensification during Consolidation for Children with High-risk AML – Results from Study AML-BFM 2004
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 227 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 116 - 122
  • Peters, Christina; Schrappe, Martin; von Stackelberg, Arend; Schrauder, André; Bader, Peter; Ebell, Wolfram; Lang, Peter; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Schrum, Johanna; Kremens, Bernhard; Ehlert, Karoline; Albert, Michael H; Meisel, Roland; Matthes-Martin, Susanne; Gungor, Tayfun; Holter, Wolfgang; Strahm, Brigitte; Gruhn, Bernd; Schulz, Ansgar; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Poetschger, Ulrike; Zimmermann, Martin; Klingebiel, Thomas
    Stem-Cell Transplantation in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia : A Prospective International Multicenter Trial Comparing Sibling Donors With Matched Unrelated Donors—The ALL-SCT-BFM-2003 Trial
    In: Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) Jg. 33 (2015) Nr. 11, S. 1265 - 1274
  • Strauss, Anne; Furlan, Ingrid; Steinmann, Sandra; Buchholz, Bernd; Kremens, Bernhard; Rossig, Claudia; Corbacioglu, Selim; Rajagopal, Revathi; Lahr, Georgia; Yoshimi, Ayami; Strahm, Brigitte; Niemeyer, Charlotte M; Schulz, Ansgar
    Unmistakable Morphology? : Infantile Malignant Osteopetrosis Resembling Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia in Infants
    In: The Journal of Pediatrics Jg. 167 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 486 - 488
  • Ditschkowski, Markus; Klemke, Claus-Detlev; Terras, Sarah; Schlaak, Max; Knorr, Martin; Theurich, Sebastian; Hegenbart, Ute; Kremens, Bernhard; Beelen, Dietrich W.; Stücker, Markus; Kreuter, Alexander
    Allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with aggressive primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma – a case series of the ADF working group „cutaneous lymphomas”
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 12 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 39 - 46
  • Peters, Christina; Schrauder, Andre; Schrappe, Martin; von Stackelberg, Arend; Bader, Peter; Ebell, Wolfram; Lang, Peter; Kremens, Bernhard; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Mueller, Ingo; Ehlert, Karoline; Albert, Michael; Holter, Wolfgang; Strahm, Brigitte; Matthes-Martin, Susanne; Meisel, Roland; Gungor, Tayfun; Gruhn, Bernd; Schulz, Ansgar; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Zimmermann, Martin; Poetschger, Ulrike; Klingebiel, Thomas E.
    HLA Identical Siblings Are the Best Donors for Children with ALL
    In: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Jg. 20 (2014) Nr. 2 Suppl. 1, S. S179 - S180
  • Willasch, Andre M.; Kreyenberg, Hermann; Shayegi, Nona; Rettinger, Eva; Meyer, Vida; Zabel, Marion; Lang, Peter; Kremens, Bernhard; Meisel, Roland; Strahm, Brigitte; Rössig, Claudia; Gruhn, Bernd; Klingebiel, Thomas H.; Niemeyer, Charlotte M.; Bader, Peter I.
    Monitoring of hematopoietic chimerism after transplantation for pediatric myelodysplastic syndrome : real-time or conventional short tandem repeat PCR in peripheral blood or bone marrow?
    In: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Jg. 20 (2014) Nr. 12, S. 1918 - 1925
  • Schündeln, Michael; Walde, Gabriele; Basu, Oliver; Havers, Werner; Kremens, Bernhard
    Quantification of nucleated cells, CD34-positive cells and CFU-GM colonies in single bone marrow samples and bone marrow harvests derived from healthy children
    In: Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Jg. 31 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 340 - 348
  • Beier, Rita; Albert, Michael Heinrich; Bader, Peter I.; Borkhardt, Arndt; Creutzig, Ursula; Eyrich, Matthias; Ehlert, Karoline; Gruhn, Bernd; Greil, Johann; Handgretinger, Rupert; Holter, Wolfgang; Klingebiel, Thomas H.; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, Peter; Mauz-Körholz, Christine; Meisel, Roland; Müller, Ingo I.; Peters, Christina J.; Reinhardt, Dirk; Sedlacek, Petr; Schulz, Ansgar Stephan; Schuster, Friedhelm R.; Schrauder, André; Strahm, Brigitte; Sykora, Karl Walter; Wössmann, Wilhelm; Zimmermann, Martin; Sauer, Martin G.
    Allo-SCT using BU, CY and melphalan for children with AML in second CR
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 48 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 651 - 656
  • Beier, R; Albert, M H; Bader, P; Borkhardt, A; Creutzig, U; Eyrich, M; Ehlert, K; Gruhn, B; Greil, J; Handgretinger, R; Holter, W; Klingebiel, T; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, P; Mauz-Körholz, C; Meisel, R; Müller, I; Peters, C; Reinhardt, D; Sedlacek, P; Schulz, A; Schuster, F R; Schrauder, A; Strahm, B; Sykora, K W; Wössmann, W; Zimmermann, M; Sauer, M G
    Allo-SCT using BU, CY and melphalan for children with AML in second CR
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 48 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 651 - 656
  • Peters, Christina; Schrauder, Andre; von Stackelberg, Arend; Schrappe, Martin; Bader, Peter; Strahm, Brigitte; Ebell, Wolfram; Handgretinger, Rupert; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Schrum, Johanna; Kremens, Bernhard; Matthes-Leodolter, Susanne; Ehlert, Karoline; Albert, Michael; Meisel, Roland; Guengoer, Tayfun; Stachel, Klaus Daniel; Holter, Wolfgang; Gruhn, Bernd; Schulz, Ansgar; Poetschger, Ulrike; Zimmermann, Martin; Klingebiel, Thomas E.
    Allogeneic HSCT from Unrelated and Sibling Donors are Equal for Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    In: Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation Jg. 19 (2013) Nr. 2, Suppl., S. S228 - S229
  • Strahm, B.; Haid, C.; Bader, P.; Ebell, W.; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, P.; Noellke, P.; Schulz, A.; Schrum, J.; Sykora, K. W.; Woessmann, W.; Yoshimi, A.; Niemeyer, C.; Fuehrer, M.
    Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation from an HLA-identical sibling in children with severe aplastic anaemia : results of the study GPOH-SAA-94
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 48 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S295 - S296
  • Schrappe, M.; Möricke, A.; Reiter, A.; Henze, G.; Welte, K.; Gadner, H.; Ludwig, W.-D.; Ritter, J.; Harbott, J.; Mann, G.; Klingebiel, T.; Gruhn, B.; Niemeyer, C.; Kremens, Bernhard; Niggli, F.; Debatin, K.-M.; Ratei, R.; Stanulla, M.; Beier, R.; Cario, G.; Schrauder, A.; Zimmermann, M.
    Key treatment questions in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia : results in 5 consecutive trials performed by the ALL-BFM study group from 1981 to 2000
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 225 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 62 - S72
  • Künkele, Annette; Engelhard, Marianne; Hauffa, Berthold; Mellies, Uwe; Müntjes, Carsten; Hüer, Claudia; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Kremens, Bernhard
    Long-term follow-up of pediatric patients receiving total body irradiation before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and post-transplant survival of >2 years
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 60 (2013) Nr. 11, S. 1792 - 1797
  • Creutzig, Ursula; Zimmermann, Martin; Bourquin, Jean-Pierre; Dworzak, Michael N.; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Graf, Norbert; Klingebiel, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; Lehrnbecher, Thomas; Von Neuhoff, Christine; Ritter, Jörg; Sander, Annette; Schrauder, André; Von Stackelberg, Arend; Starý, Jan; Reinhardt, Dirk
    Randomized trial comparing liposomal daunorubicin with idarubicin as induction for pediatric acute myeloid leukemia: Results from study AML-BFM 2004
    In: Blood Jg. 122 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 37 - 43
  • Beier, R.; Albert, M H; Bader, P.; Borkhardt, A.; Creutzig, U.; Eyrich, M.; Gruhn, B.; Greil, J.; Handgretinger, R.; Holter, W.; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, P.; Mueller, I.; Mauz-Koerholz, C.; Meisel, R.; Peters, C.; Reinhardt, R.; Roessig, C.; Sedlacek, P.; Schulz, A.; Schuster, F.; Schrauder, A.; Strahm, B.; Sykoa, K W; Woessmann, W.; Zimmermann, M.; Sauer, M G
    Allogeneic stem cell transplantation using busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and melphalan for children with acute myeloid leukaemia in second complete remission : retrospective interphase analysis on behalf of the German AML-BFM study data from the paediatric B
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 47 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S37 - S38
  • Pagel, Julia; Beutel, Karin; Lehmberg, Kai; Koch, Florian; Maul-Pavicic, Andrea; Rohlfs, Anna-Katharina; Al-Jefri, Abdullah; Beier, Rita; Ousager, Lilian Bomme; Ehlert, Karoline; Gross-Wieltsch, Ute; Jorch, Norbert; Kremens, Bernhard; Pekrun, Arnulf; Sparber-Sauer, Monika; Mejstrikova, Ester; Wawer, Angela; Ehl, Stephan; Zur Stadt, Udo; Janka, Gritta
    Distinct mutations in STXBP2 are associated with variable clinical presentations in patients with familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis type 5 (FHL5)
    In: Blood Jg. 119 (2012) Nr. 25, S. 6016 - 6024
  • Creutzig, Ursula; Zimmermann, Martin; Bourquin, Jean Pierre; Dworzak, Michael Norbert; Kremens, Bernhard; Lehrnbecher, Thomas; von Neuhoff, Christine; Sander, Annette; von Stackelberg, Arend; Schmid, Irene; Starý, Jan; Steinbach, Daniel; Vormoor, Josef H.; Reinhardt, Dirk
    Favorable outcome in infants with AML after intensive first- and second-line treatment: An AML-BFM study group report
    In: Leukemia Jg. 26 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 654 - 661
  • Peters, C.; Schrauder, A.; Stackelberg, A.; Schrappe, M.; Bader, P.; Ebell, W.; Handgretinger, R.; Sykora, K.; Schrum, J.; Kremens, Bernhard; Ehlert, K.; Albert, M.; Meisel, R.; Guengoer, T.; Holter, W.; Strahm, B.; Gruhn, B.; Schulz, A.; Poetschger, U.; Zimmermann, M.; Klingebiel, T.
    Outcome of matched sibling donor SCT is equivalent to unrelated well matched donor HSCT. A report from the prospective international multicentre trial ALL-SCT-BFM 2003
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 47 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S2
  • Klusmann, Jan-Henning; Reinhardt, Dirk; Zimmermann, Martin; Kremens, Bernhard; Vormoor, Josef; Dworzak, Michael; Creutzig, Ursula; Klingebiel, Thomas
    The role of matched sibling donor allogeneic stem cell transplantation in pediatric high-risk acute myeloid leukemia: Results from the AML-BFM 98 study
    In: Haematologica, the hematology journal Jg. 97 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 21 - 29
  • Engelhard, Marianne; Kuenkele, A.; Hauffa, Berthold; Mellies, Uwe; Müntjes, Carsten; Hüer, Claudia; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Kremens, Bernhard; Stuschke, Martin
    Total body irradiation (TBI) in the conditioning regimens prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) : Long-term follow-up of 98 pediatric patients
    In: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie: Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Jg. 188 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 108
  • Willasch, A.; Shayegi, N.; Kreyenberg, H.; Rettinger, E.; Schneider, G.; Lang, P.; Kremens, Bernhard; Meisel, R.; Strahm, B.; Rossig, C.; Gruhn, B.; Klingebiel, T.; Niemeyer, C.; Bader, P.
    Impact of real-time sequence polymorphism (SP)-qPCR on post-transplant monitoring of haematopoietic chimerism in paediatric myelodysplastic syndrome
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 46 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S137
  • Rettinger, E.; Willasch, A.; Kreyenberg, H.; Borkhardt, A.; Holter, W.; Kremens, Bernhard; Strahm, B.; Woessmann, W.; Mauz-Koerholz, C.; Gruhn, B.; Burdach, S.; Albert, M.; Schlegel, P. G.; Klingebiel, T.; Bader, P.
    Intensified pre-emptive immunotherapy in childhood acute myeloid leukaemia patients showing evidence of mixed chimerism after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 46 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S16
  • Däbritz, J.; Attarbaschi, A.; Tintelnot, K.; Kollmar, N.; Kremens, Bernhard; von Loewenich, F. D.; Schrod, L.; Schuster, F.; Wintergerst, U.; Weig, M.; Lehrnbecher, T.; Groll, A. H.
    Mucormycosis in paediatric patients : demographics, risk factors and outcome of 12 contemporary cases
    In: Mycoses Jg. 54 (2011) Nr. 6, S. e785 - 788
  • Kreyenberg, Hermann; Jarisch, Andrea; Bayer, Christina; Schuster, Blanca; Willasch, Andre; Strahm, Brigitte; Kremens, Bernhard; Gruhn, Bernd; Schrauder, Andre; Burdach, Stefan; Führer, Monika; Rossig, Claudia; Kabisch, Hartmut; Schlegel, Paul-Gerhard; Stachel, Daniel; Beck, James F.; Mauz-Koerholz, Christine; Chung, Tje Lin; Holler, Ernst; Klingebiel, Thomas; Bader, Peter
    NOD2/CARD15 gene polymorphisms affect outcome in pediatric allogeneic stem cell transplantation
    In: Blood Jg. 118 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 1181 - 1184
  • Rettinger, E.; Willasch, A. M.; Kreyenberg, H.; Borkhardt, A.; Holter, W.; Kremens, Bernhard; Strahm, B.; Woessmann, W.; Mauz-Koerholz, C.; Gruhn, B.; Burdach, S.; Albert, M. H.; Schlegel, P. G.; Klingebiel, T.; Bader, P.
    Preemptive immunotherapy in childhood acute myeloid leukemia for patients showing evidence of mixed chimerism after allogeneic stem cell transplantation
    In: Blood Jg. 118 (2011) Nr. 20, S. 5681 - 5688
  • Woessmann, W.; Zimmermann, M.; Lenhard, M.; Burkhardt, B.; Rossig, C.; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, P.; Attarbaschi, A.; Mann, G.; Oschlies, I.; Klapper, W.; Reiter, A.
    Relapsed or refractory anaplastic large-cell lymphoma in children and adolescents after Berlin-Frankfurt-Muenster (BFM)-type first-line therapy : a BFM-group study
    In: Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) Jg. 29 (2011) Nr. 22, S. 3065 - 3071
  • Simon, T.; Berthold, F.; Borkhardt, A.; Kremens, Bernhard; De Carolis, B.; Hero, B.
    Treatment and outcomes of patients with relapsed, high-risk neuroblastoma : results of German trials
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 56 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 578 - 583
  • Creutzig, Ursula; Zimmermann, Martin; Dworzak, Michael; Urban, Christian; Henze, Günter; Kremens, Bernhard; Lakomek, Max; Bourquin, Jean-Pierre; Stary, Jan; Reinhardt, Dirk
    Favourable outcome of patients with childhood acute promyelocytic leukaemia after treatment with reduced cumulative anthracycline doses
    In: British Journal of Haematology Jg. 149 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 399 - 409
  • Möricke, A.; Zimmermann, M.; Reiter, A.; Henze, G.; Schrauder, A.; Gadner, H.; Ludwig, W. D.; Ritter, J.; Harbott, J.; Mann, G.; Klingebiel, T.; Zintl, F.; Niemeyer, C.; Kremens, Bernhard; Niggli, F.; Niethammer, D.; Welte, K.; Stanulla, M.; Odenwald, E.; Riehm, H.; Schrappe, M.
    Long-term results of five consecutive trials in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia performed by the ALL-BFM study group from 1981 to 2000
    In: Leukemia Jg. 24 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 265 - 284
  • Hillen, Uwe; Meyer, Sabine; Schadendorf, Dirk; Kremens, Bernhard
    Photopheresis in pediatric patients with low-body weight using the UVAR XTS system
    In: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft (JDDG) Jg. 8 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 32 - 37
  • Willasch, A.; Shayegi, N.; Kreyenberg, H.; Rettinger, E.; Handgretinger, R.; Kremens, Bernhard; Borkhardt, A.; Sykora, K. W.; Reinhardt, Dirk; Strahm, B.; Rossig, C.; Beck, J. F.; Klingebiel, T.; Bader, P.
    Real-time PCR-based post-transplant monitoring of haematopoietic chimerism : an option for earlier detection of impending relapse in paediatric AML
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 45 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S263
  • Strahm, B.; Bader, P.; Bergstraesser, E.; Kremens, Bernhard; De Moerloose, B.; Sauer, M.; Rossig, C.; Sedlacek, P.; Stary, J.; van den Heuvel-Eibrink, M.; Zecca, M.; Locatelli, F.; Niemeyer, C.
    Reduced-intensity conditioning for children with refractory cytopenia : results of the EWOG-MDS study
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 45 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S49
  • Suttorp, M.; Claviez, A.; Bader, P.; Peters, C.; Gadner, H.; Ebell, W.; Dilloo, D.; Kremens, Bernhard; Kabisch, H.; Führer, M.; Zintl, F.; Göbel, U.; Klingebiel, T.
    Allogeneic stem cell transplantation for pediatric and adolescent patients with CML : results from the prospective trial CML-paed I
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 6, S. 351 - 357
  • Kreyenberg, H.; Eckert, C.; Yarkin, Y.; Reising, M.; Willasch, A.; Handgretinger, R.; Kremens, Bernhard; von Stackelberg, A.; Henze, G.; Klingebiel, T.; Bader, P.
    Immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangements as PCR-based targets are stable markers for monitoring minimal residual disease in acute lymphoblastic leukemia after stem cell transplantation
    In: Leukemia Jg. 23 (2009) Nr. 7, S. 1355 - 1358
  • Kreyenberg, H.; Jarisch, A.; Niemeyer, C.; Strahm, B.; Kremens, Bernhard; Beck, J.; Schrauder, A.; Burdach, S.; Fuhrer, M.; Roessig, C.; Kabisch, H.; Holler, E.; Klingebiel, T.; Bader, P.
    NOD2/CARD15 mutations have no impact on the clinical outcome of paediatric patients after allo-SCT - A retrospective multicentre study
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 43 (2009) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S217
  • Willasch, A.; Reincke, B. S.; Kreyenberg, H.; Schneider, G.; Weber, G.; Rettinger, E.; Handgretinger, R.; Kremens, Bernhard; Dilloo, D.; Strahm, B.; Becker, Jürgen; Klingebiel, T.; Bader, P.
    Post-transplant monitoring of haematopoietic chimerism in childhood ALL : competitive STR-PCR versus real-time sequence polymorphism (SP)-PCR
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 43 (2009) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S81 - S82
  • Groll, A. H.; Tintelnot, K.; Wintergerst, U.; Jendreyko, N.; Schuster, F.; Kremens, Bernhard; Attarbaschi, A.; Schrod, L.; von Loewenich, F.; Lehrnbecher, T.
    Zygomycoses in paediatric patients : a report from the ECMM survey
    In: Mycoses Jg. 52 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 413 - 414
  • Lang, Peter; Mueller, Ingo; Greil, Johann; Bader, Peter; Schumm, Michael; Pfeiffer, Matthias; Hoelle, Walter; Klingebiel, Thomas; Heinzelmann, Frank; Belka, Claus; Schlegel, Paul G.; Kremens, Bernhard; Woessmann, Wilhelm; Handgretinger, Rupert
    Retransplantation with stem cells from mismatched related donors after graft rejection in pediatric patients
    In: Blood cells, molecules & diseases Jg. 40 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 33 - 39
  • Saribeyoglu, E.; Klingebiel, T.; Ebell, W.; Borkhardt, A.; Sykora, K.; Kremens, Bernhard; Friedrich, W.; Peters, C.; Henze, G.; von Stackelberg, A.
    Stem cell transplantation from matched family donors for children with recurrent acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in second or third complete remission. Long-term results reported by the ALL-REZ BFM Study Group and the PAED AG-KBT
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 41 (2008) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S298
  • Bausch, Birke; Borozdin, Wiktor; Mautner, Victor F.; Hoffmann, Michael M.; Boehm, Detlef; Robledo, Mercedes; Cascon, Alberto; Harenberg, Tomas; Schiavi, Francesca; Pawlu, Christian; Peczkowska, Mariola; Letizia, Claudio; Calvieri, Stefano; Arnaldi, Giorgio; Klingenberg-Noftz, Rolf D.; Reisch, Nicole; Fassina, Ambrogio; Brunaud, Laurent; Walter, Martin A.; Mannelli, Massimo; MacGregor, Graham; Palazzo, F. Fausto; Barontini, Marta; Walz, Martin; Kremens, Bernhard; Brabant, Georg; Pfäffle, Roland; Koschker, Ann-Cathrin; Lohoefner, Felix; Mohaupt, Markus; Gimm, Oliver; Jarzab, Barbara; McWhinney, Sarah R.; Opocher, Giuseppe; Januszewicz, Andrzej; Kohlhase, Juergen; Eng, Charis; Neumann, Hartmut P. H.; European-American Phaeochromocytoma Registry Study Group
    Germline NF1 mutational spectra and loss-of-heterozygosity analyses in patients with pheochromocytoma and neurofibromatosis type 1
    In: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) Jg. 92 (2007) Nr. 7, S. 2784 - 2792
  • Kremens, Bernhard
    Systemtherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
    In: Der Urologe Jg. 46 (2007) Nr. 10, S. 1404 - 1406
  • Chantada, Guillermo; Doz, Francois; Antoneli, Celia B. G.; Grundy, Richard; Clare Stannard, F. F.; Dunkel, Ira J.; Grabowski, Eric; Leal-Leal, Carlos; Rodríguez-Galindo, Carlos; Schvartzman, Enrique; Popovic, Maja Beck; Kremens, Bernhard; Meadows, Anna T.; Zucker, Jean-Michel
    A proposal for an international retinoblastoma staging system
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 47 (2006) Nr. 6, S. 801 - 805
  • Woessmann, W.; Peters, C.; Lenhard, M.; Burkhardt, B.; Sykora, K. W.; Dilloo, D.; Kremens, Bernhard; Lang, P.; Führer, M.; Kühne, T.; Parwaresch, R.; Ebell, W.; Reiter, A.
    Allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in relapsed or refractory anaplastic large cell lymphoma of children and adolescents--a Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster group report
    In: British Journal of Haematology Jg. 133 (2006) Nr. 2, S. 176 - 182
  • Schrauder, Andre; Reiter, Alfred; Gadner, Helmut; Niethammer, Dietrich; Klingebiel, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; Peters, Christina; Ebell, Wolfram; Zimmermann, Martin; Niggli, Felix; Ludwig, Wolf-Dieter; Riehm, Hansjoerg; Welte, Karl; Schrappe, Martin
    Superiority of allogeneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation compared with chemotherapy alone in high-risk childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia : results from ALL-BFM 90 and 95
    In: Journal of clinical oncology Jg. 24 (2006) Nr. 36, S. 5742 - 5749
  • Bader, P.; Niemeyer, C.; Willasch, A.; Kreyenberg, H.; Strahm, B.; Kremens, Bernhard; Gruhn, B.; Dilloo, D.; Vormoor, J.; Lang, P.; Niethammer, D.; Klingebiel, T.; Beck, J. F.
    Children with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and increasing mixed chimaerism after allogeneic stem cell transplantation have a poor outcome which can be improved by pre-emptive immunotherapy
    In: British Journal of Haematology Jg. 128 (2005) Nr. 5, S. 649 - 658
  • Yoshimi, A.; Niemeyer, C. M.; Bohmer, V.; Duffner, U.; Strahm, B.; Kreyenberg, H.; Dilloo, D.; Zintl, F.; Claviez, A.; Wössmann, W.; Kremens, Bernhard; Holter, W.; Niethammer, D.; Beck, J. F.; Kontny, U.; Nöllke, P.; Klingebiel, T.; Bader, P.
    Chimaerism analyses and subsequent immunological intervention after stem cell transplantation in patients with juvenile myelomonocytic leukaemia
    In: British Journal of Haematology Jg. 129 (2005) Nr. 4, S. 542 - 549
  • Yoshimi, A.; Bader, P.; Matthes-Martin, S.; Starý, J.; Sedlacek, P.; Duffner, U.; Klingebiel, T.; Dilloo, D.; Holter, W.; Zintl, F.; Kremens, Bernhard; Sykora, K. W.; Urban, C.; Hasle, H.; Korthof, E.; Révész, T.; Fischer, A.; Nöllke, P.; Locatelli, F.; Niemeyer, C. M.
    Donor leukocyte infusion after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia
    In: Leukemia Jg. 19 (2005) Nr. 6, S. 971 - 977
  • Claviez, A.; Kuhl, J.; Schulz, A.; Gruhn, B.; Greil, J.; Peters, C.; Kremens, Bernhard; Kabisch, H.; Schrauder, A.; Wagner, H.; Suttorp, M.; Klingebiel, T.
    Epstein-Barr virus induced lymphoproliferative disorders in children following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. A survey of the German/Austrian paediatric stem cell registry
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 35 (2005) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S39
  • Ratjen, F.; Rjabko, O.; Kremens, Bernhard
    High-dose corticosteroid therapy for bronchiolitis obliterans after bone marrow transplantation in children
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 36 (2005) Nr. 2, S. 135 - 138
  • Berthold, F.; Boos, J.; Burdach, S.; Erttmann, R.; Henze, G.; Hermann, J.; Klingebiel, T.; Kremens, Bernhard; Schilling, F. H.; Schrappe, M.; Simon, T.; Hero, B.
    Myeloablative megatherapy with autologous stem-cell rescue versus oral maintenance chemotherapy as consolidation treatment in patients with high-risk neuroblastoma : a randomised controlled trial
    In: The lancet Oncology Jg. 6 (2005) Nr. 9, S. 649 - 658
  • Suttorp, M.; Claviez, A.; Martiniak, Y.; Klingebiel, T.; Niethammer, D.; Gadner, H.; Peters, C.; Kabisch, H.; Kremens, Bernhard; Zintl, F.; Henze, G.; Goebel, U.
    Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in childhood - Results of the multicenter-trial CML-paed
    In: Blood Jg. 104 (2004) Nr. 11, S. 178A - 179A
  • Zakrzewski, J. L.; Ballauff, Antje; Wieland, Regina; Basu, Oliver; Kremens, Bernhard
    Differential diagnosis of cholestasis following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children : the contribution of serum bile acid levels in relation to other liver function tests
    In: Pediatric hematology and oncology Jg. 21 (2004) Nr. 8, S. 697 - 705
  • Bader, P.; Kreyenberg, H.; Hoelle, W.; Dückers, Gregor; Kremens, Bernhard; Dilloo, D.; Sykora, K. W.; Niemeyer, C.; Reinhardt, Dirk; Vormoor, J.; Gruhn, B.; Lang, P.; Greil, J.; Handgretinger, R.; Niethammer, D.; Klingebiel, T.; Beck, J. F.
    Increasing mixed chimerism defines a high-risk group of childhood acute myelogenous leukemia patients after allogeneic stem cell transplantation where pre-emptive immunotherapy may be effective
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 33 (2004) Nr. 8, S. 815 - 821
  • Bader, P.; Kreyenberg, H.; Hoelle, W.; Dückers, Gregor; Handgretinger, R.; Lang, P.; Kremens, Bernhard; Dilloo, D.; Sykora, K. W.; Schrappe, M.; Niemeyer, C.; Von Stackelberg, A.; Gruhn, B.; Henze, G.; Greil, J.; Niethammer, D.; Dietz, K.; Beck, J. F.; Klingebiel, T.
    Increasing mixed chimerism is an important prognostic factor for unfavorable outcome in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia after allogeneic stem-cell transplantation : possible role for pre-emptive immunotherapy?
    In: Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) Jg. 22 (2004) Nr. 9, S. 1696 - 1705
  • Claviez, A.; Lakomek, M.; Ritter, J.; Suttorp, M.; Kremens, Bernhard; Dickerhoff, R.; Harms, D.; Berthold, F.; Hero, B.
    Low occurrence of familial neuroblastomas and ganglioneuromas in five consecutive GPOH neuroblastoma treatment studies
    In: European journal of cancer Jg. 40 (2004) Nr. 18, S. 2760 - 2765
  • Strahm, B.; Greil, J.; Kremens, Bernhard; Peters, C.; Stary, J.; Vormoor, J.; Zintl, F.; Rogge, T.; Locatelli, F.; Niemeyer, C. M.
    A new conditioning regimen for patients with refractory anemia and congenital disorders
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 31 (2003) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S26
  • Moog, R.; Basu, Oliver; Kremens, Bernhard
    Collection of peripheral progenitor cells in paediatric patients with a new programme for the collection of mononuclear cells
    In: Journal of clinical apheresis Jg. 18 (2003) Nr. 3, S. 111 - 114
  • Moog, R.; Basu, Oliver; Kremens, Bernhard
    Harvesting of peripheral blood stem cells in children with use of the Amicus blood cell separator
    In: Transfusion Jg. 43 (2003) Nr. 9 Suppl., S. 39A
  • Kremens, Bernhard; Neubert, D.; Reinhard, H.; Beck, J. D.; Klingebiel, T.; Havers, Werner
    High-dose chemotherapy in children with retinoblastoma
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 31 (2003) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S35 - S36
  • Kremens, Bernhard; Gruhn, B.; Klingebiel, T.; Hasan, C.; Laws, H. J.; Koscielniak, E.; Hero, B.; Selle, B.; Niemeyer, C.; Finkenstein, F. G.; Schulz, A.; Wawer, A.; Zintl, F.; Graf, N.
    High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue in children with nephroblastoma (vol 31, pg 1185, 2003)
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 31 (2003) Nr. 12, S. 1185
  • Kremens, Bernhard; Wieland, Regina; Reinhard, H.; Neubert, D.; Beck, J. D.; Klingebiel, T.; Bornfeld, Norbert; Havers, Werner
    High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue in children with retinoblastoma
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 31 (2003) Nr. 4, S. 281 - 284
  • Ferencik, Stanislav; Ottinger, Hellmut; Beelen, Dietrich; Kremens, Bernhard; Grosse-Wilde, H.
    Impact of high-resolution HLA-A,B,C donor/recipient matching on clinical outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from unrelated donors
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 31 (2003) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S65 - S66
  • Berthold, F.; Hero, B.; Kremens, Bernhard; Handgretinger, R.; Henze, G.; Schilling, F. H.; Schrappe, M.; Simon, T.; Spix, C.
    Long-term results and risk profiles of patients in five consecutive trials (1979-1997) with stage 4 neuroblastoma over 1 year of age
    In: Cancer letters Jg. 197 (2003) Nr. 1-2, S. 11 - 17
  • Ruh, J.; Testa, G.; Von Deimling, F.; Schaper, J.; Kremens, Bernhard; Broelsch, C. E.
    Management of pneumatosis coli with free intraperitoneal gas mimicking abdominal hollow organ perforation in a 13-year-old patient following bone marrow transplantation
    In: Digestive Diseases and Sciences Jg. 48 (2003) Nr. 8, S. 1542 - 1544
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Pressel, T.; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Kremens, Bernhard; Eils, J.; Havers, Werner; Eggert, Angelika
    Microarray-analysis : a new approach to study the molecular mechanisms of thermo-chemotherapy
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 215 (2003) Nr. 6, S. 298 - 302
  • Bielack, S. S.; Rerin, J. S.; Dickerhoff, R.; Dilloo, D.; Kremens, Bernhard; von Stackelberg, A.; Vormoor, J.; Jürgens, H.
    Osteosarcoma after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. A report of four cases from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS)
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 31 (2003) Nr. 5, S. 353 - 359
  • Grigoleit, G. U.; Loeffler, J.; Beck, R.; Kremens, Bernhard; Begtsson, M.; Arvidson, J.; Frank, F.; Hebart, H.; Einsele, H.
    Vaccination with HCMV pp65-loaded dendritic cells following allo-stem cell transplantation
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 31 (2003) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S208
  • Geck, S.; Sauer, R.; Kremens, Bernhard; Basu, Oliver
    "Time out" during isolation for children in the BMT unit
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 29 (2002) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S267
  • Kremens, Bernhard; Basu, Oliver; Peceny, Rudolf; Grosse-Wilde, H.; Schaefer, U. W.; Havers, Werner
    Allogeneic CD34+ -selected peripheral stem cell transplantation from parental donors in children with non-malignant diseases
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 29 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 9 - 13
  • Schrauder, A.; Reiter, A.; Zimmermann, M.; Niethammer, D.; Gadner, H.; Kremens, Bernhard; Welte, K.; Schrappe, M.
    Comparison of outcome of high-risk (HR) childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia and HR-B-pc-ALL reflects superiority of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation to treatment with chemotherapy alone only in HR-T-ALL : Results from trials ALL-BFM 90 and
    In: Blood Jg. 100 (2002) Nr. 11, S. 758A
  • Claviez, A.; Kuehl, J.; Schrauder, A.; Schulz, A.; Gruhn, B.; Greil, J.; Kremens, Bernhard; Peters, C.; Finckenstein, F. G.; Fuhrer, M.; Kontny, U.; Graf, N.; Suttorp, M.; Klingebiel, T.
    Epstein-Barr virus induced lymphoproliferative disorders following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in pediatric patients
    In: Blood Jg. 100 (2002) Nr. 11, S. 629A - 630A
  • Revesz, T.; Lackner, A.; Basu, Oliver; Bierings, M.; Bruin, M.; Lassay, L.; Schaefer, U.; Havers, Werner; Kremens, Bernhard
    Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for congenital amegakaryocytic thrombopenia : an update
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 30 (2002) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S64
  • Kremens, Bernhard; Gruhn, B.; Hasan, C.; Klingebiel, T.; Laws, H.; Koscielniak, E.; Berthold, F.; Graf, N.
    High-dose chemotherapy in children with nephroblastoma
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 29 (2002) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S44
  • Kremens, Bernhard; Gruhn, B.; Klingebiel, T.; Hasan, C.; Laws, H. J.; Koscielniak, E.; Hero, B.; Selle, B.; Niemeyer, C.; Finckenstein, F. G.; Schulz, A.; Wawer, A.; Zintl, F.; Graf, N.
    High-dose chemotherapy with autologous stem cell rescue in children with nephroblastoma
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 30 (2002) Nr. 12, S. 893 - 898
  • Ferencik, Stanislav; Ottinger, Hellmut; Beelen, Dietrich; Kremens, Bernhard; Schaefer, U. W.; Grosse-Wilde, H.
    Impact of high resolution HLA-A,B,C matching on outcome of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from unrelated donors
    In: Tissue Antigens Jg. 59 (2002) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 19
  • Kremens, Bernhard; Hero, B.; Esser, Joachim; Weinel, P.; Filger-Brillinger, J.; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Graf, N.; Grüttner, H. P.; Niemeyer, C.; Schulz, A.; Wickmann, L.; Berthold, F.
    Ocular symptoms in children treated with human-mouse chimeric anti-GD2 mAb ch14.18 for neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy Jg. 51 (2002) Nr. 2, S. 107 - 110
  • Ottinger, Hellmut; Rebmann, Vera; Pfeiffer, K. A.; Beelen, Dietrich; Kremens, Bernhard; Runde, V.; Schaefer, U. W.; Grosse-Wilde, H.
    Positive serum cross-match as predictor for graft failure in HLA mismatched allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 29 (2002) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S167
  • Ottinger, Hellmut; Rebmann, Vera; Pfeiffer, K. A.; Beelen, Dietrich; Kremens, Bernhard; Runde, V.; Schaefer, U. W.; Grosse-Wilde, H.
    Positive serum crossmatch as predictor for graft failure in HLA-mismatched allogeneic blood stem cell transplantation
    In: Transplantation Jg. 73 (2002) Nr. 8, S. 1280 - 1285
  • Abstracts

  • Bortnick, Rachel; Wlodarski, Marcin; de Haas, Valerie; De Moerloose, Barbara; Dworzak, Michael; Hasle, Henrik; Masetti, Riccardo; Stary, Jan; Turkiewicz, Dominik; Ussowicz, Marek; Albert, Michael H.; Bader, Peter; Bordon, Victoria; Claviez, Alexander; Kremens, Bernhard; Kühl, Jörn Sven; Lankester, Arjan C.; Müller, Ingo; Pichler, Herbert; Sedlacek, Petr; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Zecca, Marco; Göhring, Gudrun; Locatelli, Franco; Noellke, Peter; Niemeyer, Charlotte M.; Strahm, Brigitte;
    Outcome of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Children and Adolescents with GATA2-Related Myelodysplastic Syndrome
    61st ASH (American Society of Hematology) Annual Meeting & Exposition; Dec 07 - 10 2019; Orlando, USA,
    In: Blood Jg. 134 (2019) Nr. Suppl. 1: 61st ASH Annual Meeting, 2033
  • Kalwak, Krzysztof; Bader, Peter; Styczynski, Jan; Gruhn, Bernd; Patrick, Katharine; Sedlacek, Petr; Stachel, Daniel; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Corbacioglu, Selim; Drabko, Katarzyna; Fagioli, Franca; Greil, Johann; Locatelli, Franco; Müller, Ingo; Kremens, Bernhard; Schlegel, Paul G.; Gozdzik, Jolanta; Burkhardt, Birgit; Mielcarek-Siedziuk, Monika; Vora, Ajay;
    Prospective Clinical Phase II Results on Treosulfan-Based Conditioning Treatment of 70 Paediatric Patients with Haematological Malignancies
    60th ASH Annual Meeting; December 1-4, 2018; San Diego, USA,
    In: Blood Jg. 132 (2018) Nr. Supplement 1: 60th ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts, S. 3354 - 3354
  • Kalwak, Krzysztof; Mielcarek, Monika; Patrick, Katharine; Styczynski, Jan; Bader, Peter; Corbacioglu, Selim; Burkhardt, Birgit; Sykora, Karl-Walter; Drabko, Katarzyna; Gozdzik, Jolanta; Fagioli, Franca; Greil, Johann; Gruhn, Bernd; Kremens, Bernhard; Locatelli, Franco; Mueller, Ingo; Schlegel, Paul-Gerhardt; Sedlacek, Petr; Stachel, Klaus Daniel; Vora, Ajay;
    Results of a clinical phase II trial of treosulfan/fludarabine-based conditioning therapy prior to allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in paediatric patients with haematological malignancies
    The 44th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation; Mar 18 - 21, 2018; Lisboa, Portugal,
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 53 (2018) Nr. Supplement, S. 717 - 718
  • Berthold, F.; Simon, T.; Kremens, Bernhard; Klingebiel, T.; Schmidt, R.; Hero, B.;
    Outcome of Patients with first recurrence from high risk metastatic Neuroblastoma
    45th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), 25th - 28th September, 2013, Hong Kong, China,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 60 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. S2
  • Knenkele, A.; Engelhard, Marianne; Hauffa, Berthold; Mellies, Uwe; Schulte, Johannes; Eggert, Angelika; Huer, C.; Kremens, Bernhard;
    Long-term follow-up of pediatric patients receiving total body irradiation before bone marrow transplantation
    43rd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) 2011 ; 28th–30th October, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 57 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 827
  • Schulte, Johannes; Kemberg, Petra; Mikasch, Ruth; Schneider, Manfred; Kremens, Bernhard; Eggert, Angelika;
    Development of Guidelines for Parents with Children Neuwly Diagnosed with Cancer : Nutrition, Personal and Oral Hygiene
    41st Annual conference of International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 5–9, 2009,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 53 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 757
  • Simon, Thorsten; Berthold, Frank; Klingebiel, Thomas; Kremens, Bernhard; De Carolis, Boris; Hero, Barbara;
    Do Relapsed High Risk Neuroblastoma Patients have a Second Chance?
    41st Annual conference of International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 5–9, 2009,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 53 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 736 - 736