Es wurde 1 Person gefunden.
Universitätsstr. 5
45141 Essen
45141 Essen
S05 T03 B29
Donnerstag, 15.00 -16.00 Uhr
Universitätsprofessor/in, Aquatische Ökologie
Beratendes Mitglied, Senat
Gruppe der Professorinnen und Professoren, Fakultätsrat Biologie
Vorsitzender, Kommission für Forschung, wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs und Wissenstransfer
Direktor, One Health Ruhr - Scientific Board
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
2024 WS
- Allgemeinen Methoden der Aquatischen Biologie
- Vorlesung Ökosystem
- Aquatische Ökosysteme
- Aquatische Ökotoxikologie / Aquatic Ecotoxicology
- Einführung in die Zoologie und Humanbiologie für medizinische Biologen
- Allgemeine Methoden (Bachelor Bio)
- Allgemeine Methoden Praktikum (Bachelor Bio); Priorität für G1 oder G2
- Uptake and metabolism
- Waterborne Diseases Master AquaBio
- WP Aquatische Ökotoxikologie
- Anleitung zum selbständigen wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten
Vergangene Veranstaltungen (max. 10)
2024 SS
- Aktuelle Probleme der Parasitologie und Ökologie
- Aquatische Ökosystemuntersuchung
- Einführung in die Zoologischen Bestimmungsübungen
- Anleitung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology for TWM
- Ecotoxicology
- Applied methods in ecotoxicology
- Einführung in die Parasitologie
- E3 - Bio - Einführung in die Zoologie und Humanbiologie - Cr. 3-3
- ZJA71021 Zoologie
Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Dietary Shifts Among the Developmental Stages of the Ectoparasite, Argulus japonicus (Crustacea; Branchiura), Mirror Ontogeny as Shown Through Differences in Stable Isotope Ratios of Carbon (δ¹³C) and Nitrogen (δ¹⁵N)In: Ecology and Evolution Jg. 15 (2025) Nr. 1, e70652Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Locomotor activity and physiological responses of parasite-infected Gammarus fossarum exposed to the herbicide metazachlorIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 366 (2025) 125413Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Assessing the response of an urban stream ecosystem to salinization under different flow regimesIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 926 (2024) 171849Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Compound-specific isotope analysis of amino acids for aquatic systems – Problems, challenges, solutions : A reviewIn: Trends in Analytical Chemistry (TrAC) Jg. 181 (2024) 118038Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Element contamination of the Orange-Vaal River basin, South Africa : a One Health approachIn: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) Jg. 31 (2024) Nr. 20, S. 29886 - 29901Online Volltext: (Open Access)
In-situ composition analysis during laser powder bed fusion of Nd-Fe-based feedstock using machine-integrated optical emission spectroscopyIn: Materials & Design Jg. 244 (2024) 113211Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Influence of salinity on the thermal tolerance of aquatic organismsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 953 (2024) 176120Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Invisible invaders : range expansion of feral Neocaridina davidi offers new opportunities for generalist intracellular parasitesIn: Biological Invasions Jg. 26 (2024) Nr. 8, S. 2499 - 2523Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Metacollinia emscheri n. sp., a novel sanguicolous apostome ciliate of freshwater amphipods (Gammarus spp.)In: Journal of Invertebrate Pathology Jg. 207 (2024) 108224Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Response of native and invasive grazers to global warming : marine heatwaves vs. gradual trendsIn: Marine Ecology Progress Series: MEPS Jg. 748 (2024) S. 69 - 82Online Volltext:
Suitability of invasive gobies as paratenic hosts for acanthocephalans of the genus Pomphorhynchus sp.In: Parasitology (2024) in pressOnline Volltext: (Open Access)
A new technique to study nutrient flow in host-parasite systems by carbon stable isotope analysis of amino acids and glucoseIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 1, 1054Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Assessment of acute and chronic ecotoxicological effects of aqueous eluates of stone wool insulation materialsIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 1, 24Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of total mercury through the aquatic food webs of an African sub-tropical wetland systemIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 889 (2023) 164210Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Comparing Microsporidia-targeting primers for environmental DNA sequencingIn: Parasite: Journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie Jg. 30 (2023) 52Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Environmental parasitology : Stressor effects on aquatic parasitesIn: Trends in Parasitology Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 6, S. 461 - 474Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Exploring the efficacy of metabarcoding and non-target screening for detecting treated wastewaterIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 903 (2023) 167457Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Hooking the scientific community on thorny-headed worms : Interesting and exciting facts, knowledge gaps and perspectives for research directions on AcanthocephalaIn: Parasite: Journal de la Société Française de Parasitologie Jg. 30 (2023) 23Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Parasite effects on host's trophic and isotopic nichesIn: Trends in Parasitology Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 9, S. 749 - 759Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Parasites and Pollutants : Effects of Multiple Stressors on Aquatic OrganismsIn: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 42 (2023) Nr. 9, S. 1946 - 1959Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Parasitism enhances gastropod feeding on invasive and native algae while altering essential energy reserves for organismal homeostasis upon warmingIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 863 (2023) 160727Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Pollutant load and ecotoxicological effects of sediment from stormwater retention basins to receiving surface water on Lumbriculus variegatusIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 859, Part 2 (2023) 160185Online Volltext:
Possible seasonal and diurnal modulation of Gammarus pulex (Crustacea, Amphipoda) drift by microsporidian parasitesIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 1, 9474Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and releaseIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 872 (2023) 162196Online Volltext:
The Origin of the Intracellular Silver in Bacteria : A Comprehensive Study using Targeting Gold–Silver Alloy NanoparticlesIn: Advanced Healthcare Materials Jg. 12 (2023) Nr. 30, 2302084Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The trematode Podocotyle atomon modulates biochemical responses of Gammarus locusta to thermal stress but not its feeding rate or survivalIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 858 (2023) Nr. Part 3, 159946Online Volltext:
The use of fish parasitic isopods as element accumulation indicators in marine pollution monitoringIn: Marine Pollution Bulletin Jg. 194 (2023) 115385Online Volltext:
Warming and parasitism impair the performance of Baltic native and invasive macroalgae and their associated faunaIn: Limnology and Oceanography Jg. 68 (2023) Nr. 8, S. 1852 - 1864Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Acute ecotoxicological effects on daphnids and green algae caused by the ozonation of ibuprofenIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 847 (2022) 157611Online Volltext:
Biologisch-toxikologische Echtzeituberwachung in der Wasserwirtschaft 4.0In: GWF: Wasser, Abwasser Jg. 163 (2022) Nr. 12, S. 82 - 86
Bridging the gap : Aquatic parasites in the One Health conceptIn: Trends in Parasitology Jg. 38 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 109 - 111Online Volltext:
Delineation of the exposure-response causality chain of chronic copper toxicity to the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, with a TK-TD model based on concepts of biotic ligand model and subcellular metal partitioning modelIn: Chemosphere Jg. 286 (2022) Nr. Part 3, 131930Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Effects of multiple stressors in fish : How parasites and contaminants interactIn: Parasitology Jg. 149 (2022) Nr. 14: Special Issue: Fish Parasitology, S. 1822 - 1828Online Volltext: (Open Access)
First report of microsporidians in the non-native shrimp Neocaridina davidi from a temperate European streamIn: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms Jg. 150 (2022) S. 125 - 130Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Generalist parasites persist in degraded environments : A lesson learned from microsporidian diversity in amphipodsIn: Parasitology Jg. 149 (2022) Nr. 7, S. 973 - 982Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Gold Nanorods Induce Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Autocrine Inflammatory Activation in Human NeutrophilsIn: ACS Nano Jg. 16 (2022) Nr. 7, S. 11011 - 11026Online Volltext:
Heat sensitivity of first host and cercariae may restrict parasite transmission in a warming seaIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 1174
High element concentrations are not always equivalent to a stressful environment : differential responses of parasite taxa to natural and anthropogenic stressorsIn: Marine Pollution Bulletin Jg. 184 (2022) 114110Online Volltext:
Human health risks associated with consumption of fish contaminated with trace elements from intensive mining activities in a peri-urban regionIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 825 (2022) 154011Online Volltext:
Hybridization between Anguillicola crassus and A. novaezelandiae, and viability of the F1 generationIn: Journal of Helminthology Jg. 96 (2022) e22Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Insights into amino acid fractionation and incorporation by compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of three-spined sticklebacksIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 11690Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Metal accumulation in ecto- and endoparasites from the anadromous fish, the Pontic shad (Alosa immaculata)In: Parasitology Jg. 149 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 496 - 502Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Metazoan parasite diversity of the endemic South African intertidal klipfish, Clinus superciliosus : Factors influencing parasite community compositionIn: Parasitology International Jg. 90 (2022) 102611Online Volltext:
Microbial community shifts induced by plastic and zinc as substitutes of tire abrasionIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 18684Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Microsporidian diversity in the aquatic isopod Asellus aquaticusIn: Parasitology Jg. 149 (2022) Nr. 13, S. 1729 - 1736Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Parasite infection influences the biomarker response and locomotor activity of Gammarus fossarum exposed to conventionally-treated wastewaterIn: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Jg. 236 (2022) 113474Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Pesticide effects on macroinvertebrates and leaf litter decomposition in areas with traditional agricultureIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 828 (2022) 154549Online Volltext:
Photolytic degradation of novel polymeric and monomeric brominated flame retardants: Investigation of endocrine disruption, physiological and ecotoxicological effectsIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 314 (2022) 120317Online Volltext:
Remediation of zinc-contaminated groundwater by iron oxide in situ adsorption barriers : From lab to the fieldIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 807 (2022) Nr. 3, 151066Online Volltext: (Open Access)
What contributes to the metal-specific partitioning in the chub-acanthocephalan system?In: Aquatic Toxicology Jg. 247 (2022) 106178Online Volltext:
A diversity and functional approach to evaluate the macroinvertebrate responses to multiple stressors in a small subtropical austral riverIn: Ecological Indicators Jg. 131 (2021) 108206Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Development of a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model simulating chronic copper toxicity to the Zebra mussel based on subcellular fractionationIn: Aquatic Toxicology Jg. 241 (2021) 106015Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Ecotoxicological effects of traffic-related metal sediment pollution in Lumbriculus variegatus and Gammarus sp.In: Environmental Pollution Jg. 268 (2021) Nr. Part B, S. 115884Online Volltext:
Effects of conventionally-treated and ozonated wastewater on mortality, physiology, body length, and behavior of embryonic and larval zebrafish (Danio rerio)In: Environmental Pollution Jg. 286 (2021) 117241Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Eye fluke infection changes diet composition in juvenile European perch (Perca fluviatilis)In: Scientific Reports Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 1, 3440Online Volltext: (Open Access)
High-performance thin-layer chromatography in combination with a yeast-based multi-effect bioassay to determine endocrine effects in environmental samplesIn: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Jg. 413 (2021) Nr. 5, S. 1321 - 1335Online Volltext:
Laboratory and field studies on the use of artificial mussels as a monitoring tool of platinum exposure in the freshwater environmentIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 33 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 16Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Matrix composition during ozonation of N-containing substances may influence the acute toxicity towards Daphnia magnaIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 765 (2021) S. 142727Online Volltext:
Metal and metalloid concentrations in the southern African endemic inter- and infratidal super klipfish, Clinus superciliosus, from the west and south coasts of South AfricaIn: Marine Pollution Bulletin Jg. 172 (2021) 112852Online Volltext:
Metal contamination and toxicity of soils and river sediments from the world's largest platinum mining areaIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 286 (2021) 117284Online Volltext:
Micropollutant-loaded powdered activated carbon released from waste water treatment plants : a risk for sediment-dwelling organisms?In: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 33 (2021) Nr. 1, 89Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Modelling chronic toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics of copper in mussels considering ionoregulatory homeostasis and oxidative stressIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 287 (2021) 117645Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Modelling copper toxicokinetics in the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, under chronic exposures at various pH and sodium concentrationsIn: Chemosphere Jg. 267 (2021) S. 129278Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Molecular and morphological characterisation of Diplostomum phoxini (Faust, 1918) with a revised classification and an updated nomenclature of the species-level lineages of Diplostomum (Digenea: Diplostomidae) sequenced worldwideIn: Parasitology Jg. 148 (2021) Nr. 13, S. 1648 - 1664Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Mutual adaptations between hosts and parasites determine stress levels in eelsIn: International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife Jg. 14 (2021) S. 179 - 184Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Photoluminescence of Fully Inorganic Colloidal Gold Nanocluster and Their Manipulation Using Surface Charge EffectsIn: Advanced Materials Jg. 33 (2021) Nr. 31, 2101549Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Rare inventory of trematode diversity in a protected natural reserveIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 1, 22066Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Trace element assessment in Neoechinorhynchus agilis (Rudolphi, 1918) (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) and its fish hosts, Mugil cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Chelon ramada (Risso, 1827) from Ichkeul Lagoon, TunisiaIn: Journal of Helminthology Jg. 95 (2021) 21000572Online Volltext:
Transfer and effects of PET microfibers in Chironomus ripariusIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 757 (2021) S. 143735Online Volltext:
Ecotoxicological effects of micropollutant-loaded powdered activated carbon emitted from wastewater treatment plants on Daphnia magnaIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 746 (2020) S. 141104Online Volltext:
Hidden parasite diversity in a European freshwater systemIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 10 (2020) 2694Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
High parasite diversity in a neglected host : larval trematodes of Bithynia tentaculata in Central EuropeIn: Journal of Helminthology Jg. 94 (2020) S. e120Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystemsIn: Nature Ecology & Evolution Jg. 4 (2020) Nr. 8, S. 1060 - 1068Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Is micropollutant-loaded powdered activated carbon from a wastewater treatment plant toxic to the bivalve Corbicula sp.?In: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 32 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 151Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Matrix-specific mechanism of Fe ion release from laser-generated 3D-printable nanoparticle-polymer composites and their protein adsorption propertiesIn: Nanotechnology Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 40, S. 405703Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Mechanistic simulation of bioconcentration kinetics of waterborne Cd, Ag, Pd, and Pt in the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorphaIn: Chemosphere Jg. 242 (2020) 124967Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Metal accumulation in riverine macroinvertebrates from a platinum mining regionIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 703 (2020) 134738Online Volltext:
Morphological comparison of genetically differentiated Polymorphus cf. minutus typesIn: Parasitology Research Jg. 119 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 153 - 163Online Volltext:
Stable isotope analysis spills the beans about spatial variance in trophic structure in a fish host – parasite system from the Vaal River System, South AfricaIn: International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife Jg. 12 (2020) S. 134 - 141Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The application of artificial mussels in conjunction with transplanted bivalves to assess elemental exposure in a platinum mining areaIn: Water Jg. 12 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 32Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The ecological importance of amphipod-parasite associations for aquatic ecosystemsIn: Water Jg. 12 (2020) Nr. 9, S. 2429Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The role of fish helminth parasites in monitoring metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems : A case study in the world’s most productive platinum mining regionIn: Parasitology Research Jg. 119 (2020) Nr. 9, S. 2783 - 2798Online Volltext:
Using stable ι³C and ι⁵N isotopes to assess foodweb structures in an African subtropical temporary poolIn: African Zoology Jg. 55 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 79 - 92Online Volltext:
You are how you eat : Differences in trophic position of two parasite species infecting a single host according to stable isotopesIn: Parasitology Research Jg. 119 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 1393 - 1400Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Accumulation pattern and possible adverse effects of organic pollutants in sediments downstream of combined sewer overflowsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 675 (2019) S. 295 - 304Online Volltext:
Amphipod parasites may bias results of ecotoxicological researchIn: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms Jg. 136 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 123 - 134Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Assessing prior knowledge types as predictors of academic achievement in the introductory phase of biology and physics study programmes using logistic regressionIn: International Journal of STEM Education Jg. 6 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 33Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Bioaccumulation and metal-associated biomarker responses in a freshwater mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, following short-term platinum exposureIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 246 (2019) S. 69 - 78Online Volltext:
Degradation of brominated polymeric flame retardants and effects of generated decomposition productsIn: Chemosphere Jg. 227 (2019) S. 329 - 333Online Volltext:
Degradation of the Polymeric Brominated Flame Retardant "polymeric FR" by Heat and UV ExposureIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 53 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 1453 - 1462Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Ecotoxicological characterization of possible degradation products of the polymeric flame retardant “Polymeric FR” using algae and Daphnia OECD testsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 656 (2019) S. 101 - 107Online Volltext:
Erratum: Response to Comment on "Degradation of the Polymeric Brominated Flame Retardant "Polymeric FR" by Heat and UV Exposure"In: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 53 (2019) Nr. 18, S. 11058Online Volltext: (Open Access)
First record of Labeo capensis (Smith, 1841) in the Crocodile River (West) system : another successful non-native freshwater fish introduction in South AfricaIn: African Journal of Aquatic Science Jg. 44 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 177 - 181Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
How Ponto-Caspian invaders affect local parasite communities of native fishIn: Parasitology Research Jg. 118 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 2543 - 2555Online Volltext:
Interaction-specific changes in the transcriptome of polynucleobacter asymbioticuscaused by varying protistan communitiesIn: Frontiers in Microbiology Jg. 10 (2019) Nr. JULY, S. 1498Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Medium-term dynamics of element concentrations in a sparid fish and its isopod parasite after the Prestige oil-spill: Shifting baselines?In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 686 (2019) S. 648 - 656Online Volltext:
Multiple stressors and the role of hydrology on benthic invertebrates in mountainous streamsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 663 (2019) S. 841 - 851Online Volltext:
Predicted sediment toxicity downstream of combined sewer overflows corresponds with effects measured in two sediment contact bioassaysIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 248 (2019) S. 782 - 791Online Volltext:
Silver stress differentially affects growth of phototrophic and heterotrophic chrysomonad flagellate populationsIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 244 (2019) S. 314 - 322Online Volltext:
The monogenean Paradiplozoon ichthyoxanthon behaves like a micropredator on two of its hosts, as indicated by stable isotopesIn: Journal of Helminthology Jg. 93 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 71 - 75Online Volltext:
Tissue Concentrations of Zinc, Iron, Copper, and Magnesium During the Phases of Full Thickness Wound Healing in a Rodent ModelIn: Biological Trace Element Research Jg. 191 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 167 - 176Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Cephalosporin antibiotics in the aquatic environment : A critical review of occurrence, fate, ecotoxicity and removal technologiesIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 241 (2018) S. 1153 - 1166Online Volltext:
Cryptic species and their utilization of indigenous and non-indigenous intermediate hosts in the acanthocephalan Polymorphus minutus sensu lato (Polymorphidae)In: Parasitology Jg. 145 (2018) Nr. 11, S. 1421 - 1429Online Volltext:
Development of a PBPK Model for Silver Accumulation in Chub Infected with Acanthocephalan ParasitesIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 52 (2018) Nr. 21, S. 12514 - 12525Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Ecotoxicity of the two veterinarian antibiotics ceftiofur and cefapirin before and after photo-transformationIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 619-620 (2018) S. 866 - 873Online Volltext:
Ecotoxicological effects prior to and after the ozonation of tamoxifenIn: Journal of Hazardous Materials Jg. 358 (2018) S. 286 - 293Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Ecotoxicological potential of the biocides terbutryn, octhilinone and methylisothiazolinone : Underestimated risk from biocidal pathways?In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 625 (2018) S. 900 - 908Online Volltext:
EditorialIn: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2018) Nr. 51: Herausforderung Wasserforschung - lokal, regional, global, S. 6 - 7Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Energy crop production in an urban area : a comparison of habitat types and land use forms targeting economic benefits and impact on species diversityIn: Urban Ecosystems Jg. 21 (2018) S. 615 - 623Online Volltext:
Environmental concentrations and toxicology of 2,4,6-tribromophenol (TBP)In: Environmental Pollution Jg. 233 (2018) S. 706 - 713Online Volltext:
First evidence for a possible invasional meltdown among invasive fish parasites.In: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 15085Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Lessons learned from studies with the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorpha exposed to platinum, palladium and rhodiumIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 615 (2018) S. 1396 - 1405Online Volltext:
Metal accumulation in sediments and amphipods downstream of combined sewer overflowsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 616-617 (2018) S. 1199 - 1207Online Volltext:
Mikroschadstoffe aus Abwasser entfernen : Wie messe ich den Erfolg?In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2018) Nr. 51: Herausforderung Wasserforschung - lokal, regional, global, S. 86 - 93Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Pomphorhynchus laevis : An invasive species in the river Rhine?In: Biological Invasions Jg. 20 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 207 - 217Online Volltext:
Regional vernetzt : Das Zentrum für Wasser- und UmweltforschungIn: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2018) Nr. 51: Herausforderung Wasserforschung - lokal, regional, global, S. 8 - 17Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Riverine regime shifts through reservoir dams reveal options for ecological managementIn: Ecological Applications Jg. 28 (2018) Nr. 7, S. 1897 - 1908Online Volltext:
Small but diverse: larval trematode communities in the small freshwater planorbids Gyraulus albus and Segmentina nitida (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from the Ruhr River, GermanyIn: Parasitology Research Jg. 117 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 241 - 255Online Volltext:
Assessment of sublethal endpoints after chronic exposure of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to palladium, platinum and rhodiumIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 230 (2017) S. 31 - 39Online Volltext:
Comprehensive transcriptome analysis provides new insights into nutritional strategies and phylogenetic relationships of chrysophytesIn: PeerJ Jg. 5 (2017) e2832Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Nanoparticulate versus ionic silver : Behavior in the tank water, bioaccumulation, elimination and subcellular distribution in exposure studies with the freshwater mussel Dreissena polymorphaIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 222 (2017) S. 251 - 260Online Volltext:
Parasite responses to pollution : what we know and where we go in ‘Environmental Parasitology’In: Parasites and Vectors Jg. 10 (2017) S. 65Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Parasites as drivers of key processes in aquatic ecosystems : Facts and future directionsIn: Experimental Parasitology Jg. 180 (2017) S. 141 - 147Online Volltext:
Toxicity of platinum, palladium and rhodium to Daphnia magna in single and binary metal exposure experimentsIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 224 (2017) S. 368 - 376Online Volltext:
Understanding trophic interactions in host-parasite associations using stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogenIn: Parasites and Vectors Jg. 10 (2017) Nr. 1,Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
A direct solid sampling analysis method for the detection of silver nanoparticles in biological matricesIn: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Jg. 408 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 295 - 305Online Volltext:
Biodiversity of trematodes in their intermediate mollusc and fish hosts in the freshwater ecosystems of EuropeIn: Systematic Parasitology Jg. 93 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 283 - 293Online Volltext:
Degradation of polymeric brominated flame retardants : development of an analytical approach using PolyFR and UV irradiationIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 50 (2016) Nr. 23, S. 12912 - 12920Online Volltext:
Development and Validation of a Biodynamic Model for Mechanistically Predicting Metal Accumulation in Fish-Parasite SystemsIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 8, S. e0161091Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Environmental parasitology : Parasites as accumulation bioindicators in the marine environmentIn: Journal of Sea Research Jg. 113 (2016) S. 45 - 50Online Volltext:
Estimating the risk of swimmer's itch in surface waters - A case study from Lake Baldeney, River RuhrIn: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health Jg. 219 (2016) Nr. 7, S. 693 - 699Online Volltext:
How does the metallothionein induction in bivalves meet the criteria for biomarkers of metal exposure?In: Environmental Pollution Jg. 212 (2016) S. 257 - 268Online Volltext:
Laser-based in situ embedding of metal nanoparticles into bioextruded alginate hydrogel tubes enhances human endothelial cell adhesionIn: Nano Research Jg. 9 (2016) Nr. 11, S. 3407 - 3427Online Volltext:
Seasonal profile of metal accumulation in the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis : A valuable tool to study infection dynamics and implications for metal monitoringIn: Parasites and Vectors Jg. 9 (2016) S. 300Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Start at zero : succession of benthic invertebrate assemblages in restored former sewage channelsIn: Aquatic Sciences Jg. 78 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 683 - 694Online Volltext:
The Early Worm Catches the Bird? : Productivity and Patterns of Trichobilharzia szidati Cercarial Emission from Lymnaea stagnalisIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 149678Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The Hsp70 response of Anguillicola species to host-specific stressorsIn: Parasitology Research Jg. 115 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 2149 - 2154Online Volltext:
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Sedimenttoxizität als Wiederbesiedlungshemmnis in ökologisch umgestalteten Bächen?In: Stadt, Land, Fluss: Ökotoxikologie im urbanen Raum / 18. Jahrestagung SETAC GLB, Essen 23.-26.09.2013 / SETAC Europe (German-Language Branch) e.V. (Hrsg.) (2013) S. 112
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Ökotoxikologische Untersuchungen : KuLaRuhr TP 7.2
Emscher Landschaftspark - Impulse für die Stadtlandschaft, KuLaRuhr Werkstatt,Gelsenkirchen (2013) -
Co-Evolutionary aspects of reciprocal host-parasite adaption of Anguillicoloid swim bladder nematodes and their co-evolved and recently acquired eel hosts
24. DGP-Meeting, Düsseldorf, Germany, 17. – 20. March 2010,Düsseldorf (2010) -
Impact of a cold water input on parasite communities of brown trout, Salmo trutta, in the river Ruhr
24. Jahrestagung der DGP, 16.-20.März 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany,(2010) -
Klimawandel und aquatische Biodiversität
2. BfN Forschungskonferenz “Biologische Vielfalt und Klimawandel”, 02.-03.März 2010, Bonn,(2010) -
Does fish parasite diversity reflect the ecological quality of host’s habitat?
23. DGP-Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 5.-7. March 2008,(2008) -
Comparison of bioindicating properties of the two invasive bivalves Dreissena polymorpha and Corbicula sp
Neobiota – From Ecology to Conservation, Vienna, Austria, 27.-29. September 2006,(2006) -
Nanosilber versus Silberionen : Reaktionen einer Planktongemeinschaft auf Metatranscriptomebene
14. Edelmetallforum 2014 ; Analytik, Toxikologie & Umwelt ; 07.- 08.04.2014, Ulm,(2014) -
Ökotoxikologische Untersuchungen an ökologisch umgestalteten Bächen : Ergebnisse des TP 7.2
KuLaRuhr Abschlusstagung,Essen (2014) -
Die Bedeutung von Parasiten in der Ökologie
Die kleine Form, 15. Mai 2013, Essen,In: Die kleine Form 2013 (2013) -
Ökologische und ökotoxikologische Beurteilung von Gewässernutzungen in der Metropole Ruhr
1. KuLaRuhr Fachworkshop,Essen (2012) -
Auswirkungen der Wassertemperatur auf Parasitozönosen der Bachforelle(Salmo trutta f. fario Linnaeus 1758) unterschiedlicher Standorte
27. Ichthyoparasitoligisches Symposium, 06.Mai 2011, Illmitz, Austria,(2011) -
Diversität in Fließgewässern, nichts für Parasiten ? : Parasitozönosen anthropogen veränderter Gewässer
NeFo-Workshop "Infektionskrankheiten und Biodiversität in anthropogen veränderten Gewässern", 25.Oktober 2011, Berlin, Germany,(2011) -
Experimentelle Studien zur Entwicklung von Anguillicoloides novaezelandiae
27. Ichthyoparasitologisches Symposium, Illmitz, Austria, 06. May 2011,(2011) -
Co-evolutionary aspects of Anguillicoloides species
24. DGP-Meeting, Düsseldorf, Germany, 17. – 20. March 2010,(2010) -
Koevolutionäre Aspekte des Wirt-Parasit-Verhältnisses zwischen Aalwirten und invasiven Schwimmblasenparasiten der Gattung Anguillicoloides
26. Ichthyoparasitologisches Symposium, Boiensdorf, Germany, 25. June 2010,Boiensdorf (2010) -
Shifting water temperature and its impact on aquatic organisms
24.Jahrestagung der DGP, 16.-20. März 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany,(2010) -
Anguillicoloides novaezelandiae unter der Lupe
25. Ichthyoparasitologisches Symposium, Boiensdorf, Germany, 19. June 2009,(2009) -
Auswirkungen der Wassertemperatur auf aquatische Organismen
25. Jahrestagung der DGL, 28. September - 2.Oktober 2009, Oldenburg, Germany,(2009) -
Auswirkungen der Wassertemperatur auf aquatische Organismen
25.Ichthyoparasitoligisches Symposium, 19.Juni 2009, Boiensdorf, Germany,(2009) -
Spiegelt die Parasitengemeinschaft bei Fischen die ökologische Qualität des Gewässers wider?
DGL-Meeting, Oldenburg, Germany, 28.09.- 02.10.2009,(2009) -
Comparative study on the host-parasite-interactions of eel and swim bladder parasites of the genus Anguillicola
3rd Short Course for Young Parasitologists, Hamburg, Germany 1.-4. March 2008,(2008) -
Parasite communities of roach (Rutilus rutilus) from different aquatic habitats
7th International Symposium on Fish Parasites, Viterbo, Italy 24.-28. September 2007,(2007) -
Vergleich der Parasitozönose von Rotaugen (Rutilus rutilus) an unterschiedlichen Standorten
23. Ichthyoparasitologisches Symposium, Boiensdorf, Germany 02. June 2007,(2007)