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  • Direktor/in, Klinik für Pädiatrische Nephrologie

  • Geschäftsführende/r Direktor/in, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

  • Professorinnen/Professoren, Fachbereichsrat

  • Prodekan/in (Planung und Finanzen), Dekanat Medizin

  • , Fachbereichsrat

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Hoyer, Dieter P.; Ting, Saskia; Rogacka, Nina; Koitka, Sven; Hosch, René; Flaschel, Nils; Haubold, Johannes; Malamutmann, Eugen; Stüben, Björn-Ole; Treckmann, Jürgen; Nensa, Felix; Baldini, Giulia
    AI-based digital histopathology for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma : A step, not a jump
    In: Journal of Pathology Informatics Jg. 15 (2024) 100345
  • Ehrich, Jochen; Tasic, Velibor; Edvardsson, Vidar O.; Preka, Evgenia; Prikhodina, Larisa; Stefanidis, Constantinos J.; Topaloglu, Rezan; Shtiza, Diamant; Sarkissian, Ashot; Mueller-Sacherer, Thomas; Fataliyeva, Rena; Kazyra, Ina; Levtchenko, Elena; Pokrajac, Danka; Roussinov, Dimitar; Milošević, Danko; Elia, Avraam; Seeman, Tomas; Faerch, Mia; Vainumae, Inga; Kataja, Janne; Tsimaratos, Michel; Rtskhiladze, Irakli; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Reusz, George; Awan, Atif; Lotan, Danny; Peruzzi, Licia; Nigmatullina, Nazym; Beishebaeva, Nasira; Jeruma, Edite; Jankauskiene, Augustina; Niel, Olivier; Said-Conti, Valerie; Ciuntu, Angela; Pavićević, Snežana; Oosterveld, Michiel; Bjerre, Anna; Tkaczyk, Marcin; Teixeira, Ana; Lungu, Adrian C.; Tsygin, Alexey; Stojanović, Vesna; Podracka, Ludmila; Levart, Tanja Kersnik; Espino-Hernández, Mar; Brandström, Per; Sparta, Giuseppina; Alpay, Harika; Ivanov, Dmytro; Dudley, Jan; Khamzaev, Komiljon; Haffner, Dieter
    Achievements, priorities and strategies in pediatric nephrology in Europe : need for unifying approaches or acceptance of differences?
    In: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 12 (2024) 1458003
  • Tasic, Velibor; Edvardsson, Vidar O.; Preka, Evgenia; Prikhodina, Larisa; Stefanidis, Constantinos J.; Topaloglu, Rezan; Shtiza, Diamant; Sarkissian, Ashot; Mueller-Sacherer, Thomas; Fataliyeva, Rena; Kazyra, Ina; Levtchenko, Elena; Pokrajac, Danka; Roussinov, Dimitar; Milošević, Danko; Elia, Avraam; Seeman, Tomas; Faerch, Mia; Vainumae, Inga; Kataja, Janne; Tsimaratos, Michel; Rtskhiladze, Irakli; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Reusz, George; Awan, Atif; Lotan, Danny; Peruzzi, Licia; Nigmatullina, Nazim; Beishebaeva, Nasira; Jeruma, Edite; Jankauskiene, Augustina; Niel, Olivier; Said-Conti, Valerie; Ciuntu, Angela; Pavićević, Snežana; Oosterveld, Michiel; Bjerre, Anna; Tkaczyk, Marcin; Teixeira, Ana; Lungu, Adrian C.; Tsygin, Alexey; Stojanović, Vesna; Podracka, Ludmila; Kersnik Levart, Tanja; Espino-Hernández, Mar; Brandström, Per; Sparta, Giuseppina; Alpay, Harika; Ivanov, Dmytro; Dudley, Jan; Khamzaev, Komiljon; Haffner, Dieter; Ehrich, Jochen
    Diversity of kidney care referral pathways in national child health systems of 48 European countries
    In: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 12 (2024) 1327422
  • Schild, Raphael; Carvajal Abreu, Karla; Büscher, Anja; Kanzelmeyer, Nele; Lezius, Susanne; Krupka, Kai; Weitz, Marcus; Prytula, Agnieszka; Printza, Nikoleta; Berta, László; Saygili, Seha Kamil; Sellier-Leclerc, Anne-Laure; Spartà, Giuseppina; Marks, Stephen D.; Kemper, Markus J.; König, Sabine; Topaloglu, Rezan; Müller, Dominik; Klaus, Günter; Weber, Stefanie; Oh, Jun; Herden, Uta; Carraro, Andrea; Dello Strologo, Luca; Ariceta, Gema; Hoyer, Peter; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Pape, Lars
    Favorable Outcome after Single-kidney Transplantation from Small Donors in Children: A Match-controlled CERTAIN Registry Study
    In: Transplantation Jg. 108 (2024) Nr. 8, S. 1793 - 1801
  • Hoyer, Dieter P.; Neumann, Ulf
    Liver Transplantation meets Cancer
    In: Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie Jg. 62 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 35 - 36
  • Li, Jianning; Zhou, Zongwei; Yang, Jiancheng; Pepe, Antonio; Gsaxner, Christina; Luijten, Gijs; Qu, Chongyu; Zhang, Tiezheng; Chen, Xiaoxi; Li, Wenxuan; Wodzinski, Marek; Friedrich, Paul; Xie, Kangxian; Jin, Yuan; Ambigapathy, Narmada; Nasca, Enrico; Solak, Naida; Melito, Gian Marco; Vu, Viet Duc; Memon, Afaque R.; Schlachta, Christopher; De Ribaupierre, Sandrine; Patel, Rajnikant; Eagleson, Roy; Chen, Xiaojun; Mächler, Heinrich; Kirschke, Jan Stefan; De La Rosa, Ezequiel; Christ, Patrick Ferdinand; Li, Hongwei Bran; Ellis, David G.; Aizenberg, Michele R.; Gatidis, Sergios; Küstner, Thomas; Shusharina, Nadya; Heller, Nicholas; Andrearczyk, Vincent; Depeursinge, Adrien; Hatt, Mathieu; Sekuboyina, Anjany; Löffler, Maximilian T.; Liebl, Hans; Dorent, Reuben; Vercauteren, Tom; Shapey, Jonathan; Kujawa, Aaron; Cornelissen, Stefan; Langenhuizen, Patrick; Ben-Hamadou, Achraf; Rekik, Ahmed; Pujades, Sergi; Boyer, Edmond; Bolelli, Federico; Grana, Costantino; Lumetti, Luca; Salehi, Hamidreza; Ma, Jun; Zhang, Yao; Gharleghi, Ramtin; Beier, Susann; Sowmya, Arcot; Garza-Villarreal, Eduardo A.; Balducci, Thania; Angeles-Valdez, Diego; Souza, Roberto; Rittner, Leticia; Frayne, Richard; Ji, Yuanfeng; Ferrari, Vincenzo; Chatterjee, Soumick; Dubost, Florian; Schreiber, Stefanie; Mattern, Hendrik; Speck, Oliver; Haehn, Daniel; John, Christoph; Nürnberger, Andreas; Pedrosa, João; Ferreira, Carlos; Aresta, Guilherme; Cunha, António; Campilho, Aurélio; Suter, Yannick; Garcia, Jose; Lalande, Alain; Vandenbossche, Vicky; Van Oevelen, Aline; Duquesne, Kate; Mekhzoum, Hamza; Vandemeulebroucke, Jef; Audenaert, Emmanuel; Krebs, Claudia; Van Leeuwen, Timo; Vereecke, Evie; Heidemeyer, Hauke; Röhrig, Rainer; Hölzle, Frank; Badeli, Vahid; Krieger, Kathrin; Gunzer, Matthias; Chen, Jianxu; Van Meegdenburg, Timo; Dada, Amin; Balzer, Miriam; Fragemann, Jana; Jonske, Frederic; Rempe, Moritz; Malorodov, Stanislav; Bahnsen, Fin H.; Seibold, Constantin; Jaus, Alexander; Marinov, Zdravko; Jaeger, Paul F.; Stiefelhagen, Rainer; Santos, Ana Sofia; Lindo, Mariana; Ferreira, André; Alves, Victor; Kamp, Michael; Abourayya, Amr; Nensa, Felix; Hörst, Fabian; Brehmer, Alexander; Heine, Lukas; Hanusrichter, Yannik; Weßling, Martin; Dudda, Marcel; Podleska, Lars E.; Fink, Matthias A.; Keyl, Julius; Tserpes, Konstantinos; Kim, Moon-Sung; Elhabian, Shireen; Lamecker, Hans; Zukić, Dženan; Paniagua, Beatriz; Wachinger, Christian; Urschler, Martin; Duong, Luc; Wasserthal, Jakob; Hoyer, Peter F.; Basu, Oliver; Maal, Thomas; Witjes, Max J. H.; Schiele, Gregor; Chang, Ti-Chiun; Ahmadi, Seyed-Ahmad; Luo, Ping; Menze, Bjoern; Reyes, Mauricio; Deserno, Thomas M.; Davatzikos, Christos; Puladi, Behrus; Fua, Pascal; Yuille, Alan L.; Kleesiek, Jens; Egger, Jan
    MedShapeNet : a large-scale dataset of 3D medical shapes for computer vision
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik (2024) in press
  • Reschke, M.A.; Neumann, Dr. Uwe; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Präzisionsmedizinischer Ansatz für die Metastasenchirurgie viszeraler Tumoren
    In: Die Onkologie Jg. 30 (2024) Nr. 10, S. 932 - 937
  • Stüben, B.O.; Ahmadi, S.; Saner, Fuat; Li, J.; Neuhaus, Jan Peter; Treckmann, J.W.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    The significance of resection margins on R0 results in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
    In: Surgical Oncology Jg. 53 (2024) 102058
  • Schramm, Christoph; Sapuk, Ayaz; Hoyer, Dieter; Radünz, Sonia; Schmidt, Hartmut
    Tumorstadium und Gesamtüberleben von Patienten mit intrahepatischem Cholangiokarzinom und primär sklerosierender Cholangitis : Eine retrospektive Kohortenstudie
    In: Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie Jg. 62 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 37 - 42
  • Hoyer, Peter F.; Finkelberg, Ilja; Prusinskas, Benas; Cetiner, Metin
    Update Ultraschall in der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
    In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Jg. 172 (2024) Nr. 12, S. 1096 - 1110
  • Ohlsson, Sinja; Lainka, Elke; Hünseler, Christoph; Bergmann, Carsten; Cirak, Sebahattin; Baba, Hideo A.; Hoyer, Peter F.
    CD55 Deficiency With Budd-Chiari Syndrome Treated by Liver Transplantation and Eculizumab
    In: Pediatrics Jg. 152 (2023) Nr. 6,
  • Unnersjö-Jess, David; Butt, Linus; Höhne, Martin; Sergei, German; Fatehi, Arash; Witasp, Anna; Wernerson, Annika; Patrakka, Jaakko; Hoyer, Peter F.; Blom, Hans; Schermer, Bernhard; Bozek, Katarzyna; Benzing, Thomas
    Deep learning–based segmentation and quantification of podocyte foot process morphology suggests differential patterns of foot process effacement across kidney pathologies
    In: Kidney International Jg. 103 (2023) Nr. 6, S. 1120 - 1130
  • Ghanam, Jamal; Chetty, Venkatesh Kumar; Anchan, Srishti; Reetz, Laura; Yang, Qiqi; Rideau, Emeline; Liu, Xiaomin; Lieberwirth, Ingo; Wrobeln, Anna; Hoyer, Peter; Reinhardt, Dirk; Thakur, Basant Kumar
    Extracellular vesicles transfer chromatin-like structures that induce non-mutational dysfunction of p53 in bone marrow stem cells
    In: Cell Discovery Jg. 9 (2023) Nr. 1, 12
  • Wühl, Elke; Calpe, Javier; Drożdż, Dorota; Erdine, Serap; Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando; Hadjipanayis, Adamos; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Jankauskiene, Augustina; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Litwin, Mieczysław; Mancia, Giuseppe; Mazur, Artur; Pall, Denes; Seeman, Tomas; Sinha, Manish D.; Simonetti, Giacomo; Stabouli, Stella; Lurbe, Empar
    Joint statement for assessing and managing high blood pressure in children and adolescents : Chapter 2. How to manage high blood pressure in children and adolescents
    In: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 11 (2023) 1140617
  • Lurbe, Empar; Mancia, Giuseppe; Calpe, Javier; Drożdż, Dorota; Erdine, Serap; Fernandez-Aranda, Fernando; Hadjipanayis, Adamos; Hoyer, Peter F.; Jankauskiene, Augustina; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Litwin, Mieczysław; Mazur, Artur; Pall, Denes; Seeman, Tomas; Sinha, Manish D.; Simonetti, Giacomo; Stabouli, Stella; Wühl, Elke
    Joint statement for assessing and managing high blood pressure in children and adolescents : Chapter 1. How to correctly measure blood pressure in children and adolescents
    In: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 11 (2023) 1140357
  • Tamulevicius, Martynas; Oezcelik, Arzu; Koitka, Sven; Theysohn, Jens; Hoyer, Dieter P.; Farzaliyev, Fardad; Haubold, Johannes; Nensa, Felix; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Malamutmann, Eugen
    Preoperative Computed Tomography Volumetry and Graft Weight Estimation of Left Lateral Segment in Pediatric Living Donor Liver Transplant
    In: Experimental and Clinical Transplantation Jg. 21 (2023) Nr. 10, S. 831 - 836
  • Haeri, Haleh H.; Eisermann, Jana; Schimm, Heike; Büscher, Anja; Hoyer, Peter; Hinderberger, Dariush
    Profound Changes in Functional Structure and Dynamics of Serum Albumin in Children with Nephrotic Syndrome : An Exploratory Research Study
    In: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Jg. 66 (2023) Nr. 17, S. 12115 - 12129
  • Saner, Fuat; Frey, Alexandra; Stüben, Björn-Ole; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Willuweit, Katharina; Daniel, Martina; Rashidi-Alavieh, Jassin; Treckmann, Jürgen W.; Schmidt, Hartmut H.
    Transplantation for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis : Outcomes and Recurrence
    In: Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) Jg. 12 (2023) Nr. 10, 3405
  • HakanSaner, Fuat; Stueben, Bjoern-Ole; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Broering, Dieter Clemens; Bezinover, Dmitri
    Use or Misuse of Albumin in Critical Ill Patients
    In: Diseases Jg. 11 (2023) Nr. 2, 68
  • Dancs, Peter T.; Saner, Fuat; Benkö, Tamas; Molmenti, Ernesto P.; Büchter, Matthias; Paul, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Balancing Outcome vs. Urgency in Modern Liver Transplantation
    In: Frontiers in Surgery Jg. 9 (2022) 853727
  • Ghanam, Jamal; Chetty, Venkatesh Kumar; Barthel, Lennart; Reinhardt, Dirk; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Thakur, Basant Kumar
    DNA in extracellular vesicles : From evolution to its current application in health and disease
    In: Cell and Bioscience Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 37
  • Dancs, Peter Tibor; Hoyer, Dieter Paul; Paul, Andreas
    Einfache Leberzysten
    In: Zentralblatt für Chirurgie Jg. 147 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 129 - 131
  • Vester, Udo; Fombah, Augustin; Hölscher, Maite; Garba, Danlami; Tapgun, Mary; N‘Jai, Pamela Collier; Mendy, Philipp; Bass, Gibril; Muhammad, Abdul K.; Anderson, Suzanne T.; Sanneh, Abdoulie; Onyeama, Charles; Helmchen, Udo; Bojang, Khalifa; Hoyer, Peter F.; Corrah, Tumani; Danlami, Garba
    Etiology of Kidney Diseases With Proteinuria in the Gambia/West Africa
    In: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 10 (2022) 854719
  • Koitka, Sven; Gudlin, Phillip; Theysohn, Jens; Oezcelik, Arzu; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Dayangac, Murat; Hosch, René; Haubold, Johannes; Flaschel, Nils; Nensa, Felix; Malamutmann, Eugen
    Fully automated preoperative liver volumetry incorporating the anatomical location of the central hepatic vein
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 16479
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Benkö, Tamas; Gallinat, Anja; Lefering, Rolf; Kaths, Moritz; Kribben, Andreas; Korth, Johannes; Rauen, Ursula; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas
    HTK-N as a new preservation solution for human kidney preservation : Results of a pilot randomized controlled clinical phase II trial in living donor transplantation
    In: Clinical Transplantation Jg. 36 (2022) Nr. 3, e14543
  • Pieper, Kristina; Dechene, Alexander; Kathemann, S.; Pilic, D.; Hünseler, C.; Weber, L.T.; Bergheim, C.; Paul, Andreas; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Lainka, Elke
    Persistierende Transaminasenerhöhung und Hepatopathie nach schwerer Grunderkrankung im frühen Kindesalter : Sekundär sklerosierende Cholangitis kritisch kranker Patienten
    In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Jg. 170 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 146 - 152
  • Jeruschke, Stefanie; Alex, Dana; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie
    Protective effects of rituximab on puromycin-induced apoptosis, loss of adhesion and cytoskeletal alterations in human podocytes
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 12297
  • Koehler, Sybille; Odenthal, Johanna; Ludwig, Vivian; Unnersjö Jess, David; Höhne, Martin; Jüngst, Christian; Grawe, Ferdi; Helmstädter, Martin; Janku, Johanna L.; Bergmann, Carsten; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Hagmann, H. Henning; Walz, Gerd; Bloch, Wilhelm; Niessen, Carien; Schermer, Bernhard; Wodarz, Andreas; Denholm, Barry; Benzing, Thomas; Iden, Sandra; Brinkkoetter, Paul T.
    Scaffold polarity proteins Par3A and Par3B share redundant functions while Par3B acts independent of atypical protein kinase C/Par6 in podocytes to maintain the kidney filtration barrier
    In: Kidney International Jg. 101 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 733 - 751
  • Saner, Fuat H.; Hoyer, Dieter P.; Hartmann, Matthias; Nowak, Knut M.; Bezinover, Dmitri; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    The Edge of Unknown : Postoperative Critical Care in Liver Transplantation
    In: Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) Jg. 11 (2022) Nr. 14, 4036
  • Unnersjö-Jess, David; Ramdedovic, Amer; Höhne, Martin; Butt, Linus; Koehler, Felix C.; Müller, Roman-Ulrich; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Blom, Hans; Schermer, Bernhard; Benzing, Thomas
    Three-Dimensional Super-Resolved Imaging of Paraffin-Embedded Kidney Samples
    In: Kidney360 Jg. 3 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 446 - 454
  • Unnersjö-Jess, David; Butt, Linus; Höhne, Martin; Witasp, Anna; Kühne, Lucas; Hoyer, Peter F.; Patrakka, Jaakko; Brinkkötter, Paul T.; Wernerson, Annika; Schermer, Bernhard; Benzing, Thomas; Scott, Lena; Brismar, Hjalmar; Blom, Hans
    A fast and simple clearing and swelling protocol for 3D in-situ imaging of the kidney across scales
    In: Kidney International Jg. 99 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 1010 - 1020
  • Fu, Jian; Lehmann, Christian H. K.; Wang, Xinning; Wahlbuhl, Mandy; Allabauer, Ida; Wilde, Benjamin; Amon, Lukas; Dolff, Sebastian; Cesnjevar, Robert; Kribben, Andreas; Woelfle, Joachim; Rascher, Wolfgang; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Dudziak, Diana; Witzke, Oliver; Hörning, Andre
    CXCR4 blockade reduces the severity of murine heart allograft rejection by plasmacytoid dendritic cell-mediated immune regulation
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 1, 23815
  • Weber, Lutz T.; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Grenda, Ryszard; Bouts, Antonia; Topaloglu, Rezan; Gülhan, Bora; Printza, Nikoleta; Awan, Atif; Battelino, Nina; Ehren, Rasmus; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Novljan, Gregor; Marks, Stephen D.; Oh, Jun; Prytula, Agnieszka; Seeman, Tomas; Sweeney, Clodagh; Dello Strologo, Luca; Pape, Lars
    Clinical practice recommendations for recurrence of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis/steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 25 (2021) Nr. 3, e13955
  • Ehren, Rasmus; Benz, Marcus R.; Brinkkötter, Paul T.; Dötsch, Jörg; Eberl, Wolfgang R.; Gellermann, Jutta; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Jordans, Isabelle; Kamrath, Clemens; Kemper, Markus J.; Latta, Kay; Müller, Dominik; Oh, Jun; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Weber, Stefanie; Weber, Lutz T.
    Commentary on “Pediatric Idiopathic Steroid-sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome Diagnosis and Therapy : Short version of the updated German Best Practice Guideline (S2e)”
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 36 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 2961 - 2966
  • Rashidi-Alavijeh, Jassin; Kahraman, Alisan; Gerken, Guido; Theysohn, Jens; Willuweit, Katharina; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Lange, Christian; Büchter, Matthias
    Enzymatic liver function measured by LiMAx is superior to current standard methods in predicting transplant-free survival after TIPS implantation
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 1, 13834
  • Ehren, Rasmus; Benz, Marcus R.; Brinkkötter, Paul T.; Dötsch, Jörg; Eberl, Wolfgang R.; Gellermann, Jutta; Hoyer, Peter F.; Jordans, Isabelle; Kamrath, Clemens; Kemper, Markus J.; Latta, Kay; Müller, Dominik; Oh, Jun; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Weber, Stefanie; Weber, Lutz T.
    Pediatric idiopathic steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome: diagnosis and therapy : Short version of the updated German best practice guideline (S2e) — AWMF register no. 166-001, 6/2020
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 36 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 2971 - 2985
  • Govind, Darshana; Becker, Jan U.; Miecznikowski, Jeffrey; Rosenberg, Avi Z.; Dang, Julien; Tharaux, Pierre Louis; Yacoub, Rabi; Thaiss, Friedrich; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Manthey, David; Lutnick, Brendon; Worral, Amber M.; Mohammad, Imtiaz; Walavalkar, Vighnesh; Tomaszewski, John E.; Jen, Kuang-Yu; Sarder, Pinaki
    PodoSighter : A cloud-based tool for label-free podocyte detection in kidney whole-slide images
    In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) Jg. 32 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 2795 - 2813
  • Boeckhaus, Jan; Hoefele, Julia; Riedhammer, Korbinian M.; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Ehren, Rasmus; Pape, Lars; Latta, Kay; Fehrenbach, Henry; Lange-Sperandio, Baerbel; Kettwig, Matthias; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Staude, Hagen; Konrad, Martin; John, Ulrike; Gellermann, Jutta; Hoppe, Bernd; Galiano, Matthias; Gessner, Michaela; Pohl, Michael; Bergmann, Carsten; Friede, Tim; Gross, Oliver
    Precise variant interpretation, phenotype ascertainment, and genotype–phenotype correlation of children in the EARLY PRO-TECT Alport trial
    In: Clinical Genetics Jg. 99 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 143 - 156
  • Ohlsson, Sinja; Kathemann, Simone; Pilic, Denisa; Prusinskas, Benas; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Theurer, Sarah; Dechene, Alexander; Paul, Andreas; Heinold, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Lainka, Elke
    Protocol liver biopsies in stable long-term pediatric liver transplant recipients: risk or benefit?
    In: European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Jg. 33 (2021) Nr. Suppl 1, S. e223 - e232
  • Prusinskas, Benas; Ohlsson, Sinja; Kathemann, Simone; Pilic, Denisa; Kampmann, Kristina; Büscher, Rainer; Paul, Andreas; Pape, Lars; Hoyer, Peter F.; Lainka, Elke
    Role of Tacrolimus C/D Ratio in the First Year After Pediatric Liver Transplantation
    In: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 9 (2021) 659608
  • Droste, Marvin; Tertel, Tobias; Jeruschke, Stefanie; Dittrich, Robin; Kontopoulou, Evangelia; Walkenfort, Bernd; Börger, Verena; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Büscher (A.), Anja; Thakur, Basant K.; Giebel, Bernd
    Single extracellular vesicle analysis performed by imaging flow cytometry and nanoparticle tracking analysis evaluate the accuracy of urinary extracellular vesicle preparation techniques differently
    In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) Jg. 22 (2021) Nr. 22, 12436
  • Cetiner, Metin; Paul, Andreas; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Dittmann, Susanne; Büscher, Rainer; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Büscher, Anja
    Small donors for small recipients : excellent growth and long-term function of single kidney grafts
    In: Transplant International Jg. 34 (2021) Nr. 12, S. 2735 - 2745
  • Hoyer, Dieter Paul; Swoboda, Sandra; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Benkö, Tamas; Paul, Andreas; Brocke-Ahmadinejad, Nahal
    Transcriptomic profiles of human livers undergoing rewarming machine perfusion before transplantation : first insights
    In: Functional & Integrative Genomics Jg. 21 (2021) Nr. 3/4, S. 367 - 376
  • Butt, Linus; Unnersjö-Jess, David; Höhne, Martin; Edwards, Aurelie; Binz-Lotter, Julia; Reilly, Dervla; Hahnfeldt, Robert; Ziegler, Vera; Fremter, Katharina; Rinschen, Markus M.; Helmstädter, Martin; Ebert, Lena K.; Castrop, Hayo; Hackl, Matthias J.; Walz, Gerd; Brinkkoetter, Paul T.; Liebau, Max C.; Tory, Kálmán; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Beck, Bodo B.; Brismar, Hjalmar; Blom, Hans; Schermer, Bernhard; Benzing, Thomas
    A molecular mechanism explaining albuminuria in kidney disease
    In: Nature Metabolism Jg. 2 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 461 - 474
  • Gross, Oliver; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Weber, Lutz T.; Pape, Lars; Latta, Kay; Fehrenbach, Henry; Lange-Sperandio, Baerbel; Zappel, Hildegard; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Staude, Hagen; König, Sabine; John, Ulrike; Gellermann, Jutta; Hoppe, Bernd; Galiano, Matthias; Hoecker, Britta; Ehren, Rasmus; Lerch, Christian; Kashtan, Clifford E.; Harden, Markus; Boeckhaus, Jan; Friede, Tim
    A multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind phase 3 trial with open-arm comparison indicates safety and efficacy of nephroprotective therapy with ramipril in children with Alport's syndrome
    In: Kidney International Jg. 97 (2020) Nr. 6, S. 1275 - 1286
  • Schukfeh, Nagoud; Schulze, Maren; Holland, Anna Charlotte; Dingemann, Jens; Hoyer, Dieter P.; Paul, Andreas; Theysohn, Jens
    Computed tomography donor liver volumetry before liver transplantation in infants ≤10 kg : Does the estimated graft diameter affect the outcome?
    In: Innovative Surgical Sciences Jg. 3 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 253 - 259
  • Hoyer, Dieter Paul; Dittmann, Susanne; Büscher (A.), Anja; Benkö, Tamas; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Gallinat, Anja; Kribben, Andreas; Paul, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Kidney transplantation with allografts from infant donors : Small organs, big value
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 24 (2020) Nr. 7, S. e13794
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Benkö, Tamas; Manka, Paul; Von Horn, Charlotte; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas; Minor, Thomas
    Long-term Outcomes after Controlled Oxygenated Rewarming of Human Livers before Transplantation
    In: Transplantation Direct Jg. 6 (2020) Nr. 4, S. e542
  • Sugianto, Rizky I.; Schmidt, Bernhard M. W.; Memaran, Nima; Duzova, Ali; Topaloglu, Rezan; Seeman, Tomas; König, Sabine; Dello Strologo, Luca; Murer, Luisa; Özçakar, Zeynep Birsin; Bald, Martin; Shenoy, Mohan; Büscher (A.), Anja; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Pohl, Michael; Billing, Heiko; Oh, Jun; Staude, Hagen; Pohl, Martin; Genc, Gurkan; Klaus, Günter; Alparslan, Caner; Grenda, Ryszard; Rubik, Jacek; Krupka, Kai; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Wühl, Elke; Melk, Anette
    Sex and age as determinants for high blood pressure in pediatric renal transplant recipients : a longitudinal analysis of the CERTAIN Registry
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 35 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 415 - 426
  • Suhlrie, Adriana; Hennies, Imke; Gellermann, Jutta; Büscher (A.), Anja; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Waldegger, Siegfried; Wygoda, Simone; Beetz, Rolf; Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel; Klaus, Günter; Konrad, Martin; Holder, Martin; Staude, Hagen; Rascher, Wolfgang; Oh, Jun; Pape, Lars; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Haffner, Dieter
    Twelve-month outcome in juvenile proliferative lupus nephritis : results of the German registry study
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 35 (2020) Nr. 7, S. 1235 - 1246
  • Bruns, Nora; Finkelberg, Ilja; Al-Attrach, Ibrahim; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Büscher, Rainer
    Unusual Presentation of Polyautoimmunity and Renal Tubular Acidosis in an Adolescent With Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Central Pontine Myelinolysis
    In: Frontiers in Endocrinology Jg. 11 (2020) 548877
  • Benkö, Tamas; Belker, Jennifer; Gallinat, Anja; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas; Minor, Thomas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Analysis of data from the oxygen persufflation in liver transplantation (Opal) study to determine the role of factors affecting the hepatic microcirculation and early allograft dysfunction
    In: Annals of Transplantation Jg. 24 (2019) S. 481 - 488
  • Okorn, Christine; Goertz, Anne; Vester, Udo; Beck, Bodo B.; Bergmann, Carsten; Habbig, Sandra; König, Jens; Konrad, Martin; Müller, Dominik; Oh, Jun; Ortiz-Brüchle, Nadina; Patzer, Ludwig; Schild, Raphael; Seeman, Tomas; Staude, Hagen; Thumfart, Julia; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Walden, Ulrike; Weber, Lutz; Zaniew, Marcin; Zappel, Hildegard; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie
    HNF1B nephropathy has a slow-progressive phenotype in childhood—with the exception of very early onset cases : results of the German Multicenter HNF1B Childhood Registry
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 34 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 1065 - 1075
  • Kathemann, Simone; Lainka, Elke; Ludwig, Johannes M; Wetter, Axel; Paul, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Forsting, Michael; Schlosser, Thomas Wilfried
    Imaging of the intrahepatic portal vein in children with extrahepatic portal vein thrombosis — Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging and retrograde portography
    In: Journal of Pediatric Surgery Jg. 54 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 1686 - 1690
  • Benkö, Tamas; Halfmann, Patrizia; Gäckler, Anja; Radünz, Sonia; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Kaiser, Gernot Maximil; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Long-term outcome of third, fourth and fifth kidney transplantation : Technical aspects and immunological challenges
    In: Clinical Kidney Journal (CKJ) Jg. 12 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 895 - 900
  • Husen, Peri; Hornung, Julian; Benko, Tamas; Klein, Christian Georg; Willuweit, Katharina; Büchter, Matthias; Saner, Fuat; Paul, Andreas; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Hoyer, Dieter Paul
    Risk Factors for High Mortality on the Liver Transplant Waiting List in Times of Organ Shortage : A Single-Center Analysis
    In: Annals of Transplantation Jg. 24 (2019) S. 242 - 251
  • Heinemann, Falko M.; Jindra, Peter T.; Bockmeyer, Clemens L.; Zeuschner, Philip; Wittig, Juliane; Höflich, Heike; Eßer, Marc; Abbas, Mahmoud; Dieplinger, Georg; Stolle, Katharina; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Immenschuh, Stephan; Heinold, Andreas; Horn, Peter; Li, Wentian; Eisenberger, Ute; Becker, Jan U.
    Author Correction : Glomerulocapillary miRNA response to HLA-class I antibody in vitro and in vivo
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 6003
  • Ehren, Rasmus; Benz, Marcus R.; Doetsch, Jorg; Fichtner, Alexander; Gellermann, Jutta; Haffner, Dieter; Höcker, Britta; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Kästner, Bärbel; Kemper, Markus J.; Konrad, Martin; Luntz, Steffen; Querfeld, Uwe; Sander, Anja; Toenshoff, Burkhard; Weber, Lutz T.; Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Nephrologie (GPN)
    Initial treatment of steroid-sensitive idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children with mycophenolate mofetil versus prednisone : Protocol for a randomised, controlled, multicentre trial (INTENT study)
    In: BMJ Open Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 10, S. e024882
  • Büscher (A.), Anja; Celebi, Nora; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Klein, Hanns-Georg; Weber, Stefanie; Hoefele, Julia
    Mutations in INF2 may be associated with renal histology other than focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 33 (2018) Nr. 3, S. 433 - 437
  • Benkö, Tamas; Gottmann, M.; Radunz, S.; Bienholz, Anja; Saner, Fuat H.; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    One-year allograft and patient survival in renal transplant recipients receiving antiplatelet therapy at the time of transplantation
    In: International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine Jg. 9 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 10 - 19
  • Hennies, Imke; Gimpel, Charlotte; Gellermann, Jutta; Möller, Kristina; Mayer, Brigitte; Dittrich, Katalin; Büscher (A.), Anja; Hansen, Matthias; Aulbert, Wiebke; Wühl, Elke; Nissel, Richard; Schalk, Gessa; Weber, Lutz T.; Pohl, Michael; Wygoda, Simone; Beetz, Rolf; Klaus, Günter; Fehrenbach, Henry; König, Sabine; Staude, Hagen; Beringer, Ortraud; Bald, Martin; Walden, Ulrike; von Schnakenburg, Christian; Bertram, Gunhard; Wallot, Michael; Häffner, Karsten; Wiech, Thorsten; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Pohl, Martin
    Presentation of pediatric Henoch–Schönlein purpura nephritis changes with age and renal histology depends on biopsy timing
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 33 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 277 - 286
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Reply to the letter to the editor : Organ utilization from deceased (non-herat-beating) donors
    In: Chirurgia Jg. 113 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 272 - 273
  • Tschiedel, Eva Charlotte; Assert, Roland; Felderhoff-Müser, Ursula; Kathemann, Simone; Witzke, Oliver; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Dohna-Schwake, Christian
    Undue elevation of procalcitonin in pediatric paracetamol intoxication is not explained by liver cell injury alone
    In: Annals of Hepatology Jg. 17 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 631 - 637
  • Fu, J.; Wahlbuhl, M.; Wang, X.; Wilde, Benjamin; Jing, L.; Kribben, A.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Lehmann, CHK; Dudziak, D.; Witzke, Oliver; Hoerning, A.
    CXCR4-SDF1 alpha Blockade Reduces the Severity of Murine Heart Allograft Rejection
    In: European Journal of Immunology Jg. 47 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 16
  • Radunz, Sonia; Hoyer, Dieter P.; Kaiser, Gernot Maximil; Paul, Andreas; Schulze, Maren
    Career intentions of female surgeons in German liver transplant centers considering family and lifestyle priorities
    In: Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery Jg. 402 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 143 - 148
  • Prusinskas, B.; Kathemann, S.; Pilic, D.; Hegen, B.; Küster, P.; Keitel, V.; Häussinger, D.; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Lainka, Elke
    Cholestasis After Pediatric Liver Transplantation–Recurrence of a Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis Phenotype as a Rare Differential Diagnosis : A Case Report
    In: Transplantation Proceedings Jg. 49 (2017) Nr. 7, S. 1628 - 1633
  • Querfeld, U.; Dötsch, J.; Gellermann, J.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Kemper, M.; Latta, K.; Tönshoff, B.; Weber, L.T.; Rascher, W.
    Diagnostik und Therapie des idiopathischen nephrotischen Syndroms im Kindesalter : Zusammenfassung der S2e-Leitlinie AWMF-Registernummer 166-001, federführend: Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Nephrologie
    In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Jg. 165 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 997 - 1004
  • Stehling, Florian; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Große-Onnebrink, Jörg; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Mellies, Uwe
    Glomerular and Tubular Renal Function after Repeated Once-Daily Tobramycin Courses in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
    In: Pulmonary Medicine (2017) 2602653
  • Heinemann, Falko M.; Jindra, Peter T.; Bockmeyer, Clemens L.; Zeuschner, Philip; Wittig, Juliane; Höflich, Heike; Eßer, Marc; Abbas, Mahmoud; Dieplinger, Georg; Stolle, Katharina; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Immenschuh, Stephan; Heinold, Andreas; Horn, Peter A.; Li, Wentian; Eisenberger, Ute; Becker, Jan U.
    Glomerulocapillary miRNA response to HLA-class i antibody in vitro and in vivo
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 14554
  • Crawley, Francis P.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Mazur, Artur; Siderius, Liesbeth; Grosek, Stefan; Stiris, Tom; Neubauer, David
    Health, integrity, and doping in sports for children and young adults : A resolution of the European Academy of Paediatrics
    In: European Journal of Pediatrics Jg. 176 (2017) Nr. 6, S. 825 - 828
  • Stratigopoulou, Panagiota; Paul, Andreas; Hoyer, Dieter P.; Kykalos, Stylianos; Saner, Fuat; Sotiropoulos, Georgios
    High MELD score and extended operating time predict prolonged initial ICU stay after liver transplantation and influence the outcome
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 12 (2017) Nr. 3, S. e0174173
  • Jeruschke, S.; Dolff, Sebastian; Sun, M.; Xu, S.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Wilde, Benjamin
    Human Podocytes Express the negative Costimulator PDL-1 and Suppress T-CELL Proliferation
    In: Transplant International Jg. 30 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 4 SI, S. 25 Abstract PV 42
  • Schukfeh, Nagoud; Holland, Anna-Charlotte; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gallinat, Anja; Paul, Andreas; Schulze, Maren
    Liver transplantation in infants with biliary atresia : comparison of primary versus temporary abdominal closure
    In: Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery Jg. 402 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 135 - 141
  • Gallinat, Anja; Amrillaeva, Vera; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Kocabayoglu, Peri; Benko, Tamas; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; van Meel, Marieke; Samuel, Undine; Minor, Thomas; Paul, Andreas
    Reconditioning by end-ischemic hypothermic in-house machine perfusion : A promising strategy to improve outcome in expanded criteria donors kidney transplantation
    In: Clinical Transplantation Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 3, S. e12904
  • Benko, Tamas; Gallinat, Anja; Minor, Thomas; Saner, Fuat; Sotiropoulos, Georgios; Paul, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    The postoperative Model for End stage Liver Disease score as a predictor of short-term outcome after transplantation of extended criteria donor livers
    In: European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Jg. 29 (2017) Nr. 6, S. 716 - 722
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Kaiser, Gernot Maximil; Paul, Andreas; Machairas, Nikolaos; Molmenti, Ernesto P.; Sotiropoulos, Georgios
    Two and a half hours of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a deceased brain dead donor before liver transplantation - A good idea to accept?
    In: Chirurgia Jg. 112 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 46 - 49
  • Bockmeyer, Clemens L; Säuberlich, Karen; Wittig, Juliane; Eßer, Marc; Roeder, Sebastian S; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Agustian, Putri A; Zeuschner, Philip; Amann, Kerstin; Daniel, Christoph; Becker, Jan U
    Comparison of different normalization strategies for the analysis of glomerular microRNAs in IgA nephropathy
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 6 (2016) S. 31992
  • Weber, Stefanie; Büscher (A.), Anja; Hagmann, Henning; Liebau, Max C.; Heberle, Christian; Ludwig, Michael; Rath, Sabine; Alberer, Martin; Beissert, Antje; Zenker, Martin; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Konrad, Martin; Klein, Hanns-Georg; Hoefele, Julia
    Dealing with the incidental finding of secondary variants by the example of SRNS patients undergoing targeted next-generation sequencing
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 31 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 73 - 81
  • Kuehne, A.; Bouwknegt, M.; Havelaar, A.; Gilsdorf, A.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Stark, K.; Werber, D.; Amon, Oliver; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Hampel, Tobias; Fehrenbach, Henry; Habbig, Sandra; Pohl, Martin; Häffner, Karsten; Hoppe, Bernd; Klaus, Günter; Konrad, Martin; Latta, Kay; Leichter, Heinz; Loos, Sebastian; Montoya, Carmen; Müller, Dominik; Galiano, Matthias; Muschiol, Evelin; Pape, Lars; Staude, Hagen; Wühl, Elke; Henn, Michael; Pohl, Michael; Wygoda, Simone
    Estimating true incidence of O157 and non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli illness in Germany based on notification data of haemolytic uraemic syndrome
    In: Epidemiology and Infection Jg. 144 (2016) Nr. 15, S. 3305 - 3315
  • Weber, Stefanie; Strasser, Katja; Rath, Sabine; Kittke, Achim; Beicht, Sonja; Alberer, Martin; Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Benz, Marcus R; Ponsel, Sabine; Weber, Lutz T; Klein, Hanns-Georg; Hoefele, Julia
    Identification of 47 novel mutations in patients with Alport syndrome and thin basement membrane nephropathy
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 31 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 941 - 955
  • Büscher (A.), Anja; Beck, Bodo B.; Melk, Anette; Hoefele, Julia; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Bamborschke, Daniel; Baig, Sabrina; Lange-Sperandio, Bärbel; Jungraithmayr, Theresa; Weber, Lutz T.; Kemper, Markus J.; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Konrad, Martin; Weber, Stefanie
    Rapid response to cyclosporin a and favorable renal outcome in nongenetic versus genetic steroid–resistant nephrotic syndrome
    In: Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 245 - 253
  • Tebbe, Bastian; Wilde, Benjamin; Ye, Zeng; Wang, Junyu; Wang, Xinning; Jian, Fu; Dolff, Sebastian; Schedlowski, Manfred; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Kribben, Andreas; Witzke, Oliver; Hörning, Andre
    Renal Transplant Recipients Treated with Calcineurin-Inhibitors Lack Circulating Immature Transitional CD19+CD24hiCD38hi Regulatory B-Lymphocytes
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 4, S. e0153170
  • Riehle, Marc; Büscher (A.), Anja; Gohlke, Björn-Oliver; Kaßmann, Mario; Kolatsi-Joannou, Maria; Bräsen, Jan H; Nagel, Mato; Becker, Jan U; Winyard, Paul; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Preissner, Robert; Krautwurst, Dietmar; Gollasch, Maik; Weber, Stefanie; Harteneck, Christian
    TRPC6 G757D Loss-of-Function Mutation Associates with FSGS
    In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) Jg. 27 (2016) Nr. 9, S. 2771 - 2783
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Wie ist die globale Prävalenz von E.-coli-Antibiotikaresistenzen bei Harnwegsinfektionen von Kindern? : Systematischer Review und Metaanalyse
    In: Der Nephrologe Jg. 11 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 284 - 285
  • Büscher (R.), Rainer; Büscher (A.), Anja; Cetiner, Metin; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Combined liver and kidney transplantation and kidney after liver transplantation in children : Indication, postoperative outcome, and long-term results
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 19 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 858 - 865
  • Dechene, Alexander; Kodde, Cathrin; Kathemann, Simone; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Lainka, Elke; Paul, Andreas; Gerken, Guido; Feldstein, Ariel E.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Canbay, Aliekber
    Endoscopic treatment of pediatric post-transplant biliary complications is safe and effective
    In: Digestive Endoscopy Jg. 27 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 505 - 511
  • Kathemann, Simone; Bechmann, Lars Peter; Sowa, Jan-Peter; Manka, Paul; Dechene, Alexander; Gerner, Patrick; Lainka, Elke; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Feldstein, Ariel E; Canbay, Aliekber
    Etiology, outcome and prognostic factors of childhood acute liver failure in a German Single Center
    In: Annals of Hepatology Jg. 14 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 722 - 728
  • Jeruschke, Stefanie; Jeruschke, Kay; DiStasio, Andrew; Karaterzi, Sinem; Büscher (A.), Anja; Nalbant, Perihan; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weiss, Jürgen; Stottmann, Rolf W; Weber, Stefanie
    Everolimus Stabilizes Podocyte Microtubules via Enhancing TUBB2B and DCDC2 Expression
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 9, S. e0137043
  • Schukfeh, Nagoud; Lenz, Veronika; Metzelder, Martin L; Paul, Andreas; Mathe, Zoltan; Kathemann, Simone; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Dohna-Schwake, Christian; Gerner, Patrick
    First Case Studies of Successful ABO-Incompatible Living-Related Liver Transplantation in Infants in Germany
    In: European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Jg. 25 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 77 - 81
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    New lessons from randomized trials in steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome : clear evidence against long steroid therapy
    In: Kidney International Jg. 87 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 17 - 19
  • Hörning, Andre; Wilde, Benjamin; Wang, Junyu; Tebbe, Bastian; Jing, Lu; Wang, Xinning; Jian, Fu; Zhu, Jiqiao; Dolff, Sebastian; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver
    Pharmacodynamic Monitoring of Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibition by Phosphoflow Cytometric Determination of p70S6 Kinase Activity
    In: Transplantation Jg. 99 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 210 - 219
  • Schukfeh, Nagoud; Paul, Andreas; Gallinat, Anja; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Minor, Thomas; Sotiropoulos, Georgios; Metzelder, Martin L; Schulze, Maren
    Using pediatric liver grafts (≤6 yr) for adult recipients : A considerable option?
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 19 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 875 - 879
  • Hörning, Andre; Raub, Simon; Dechene, Alexander; Brosch, Michelle N.; Kathemann, Simone; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gerner, Patrick
    Diversity of disorders causing neonatal cholestasis : The experience of a tertiary pediatric center in Germany
    In: Frontiers in Pediatrics Jg. 2 (2014) 65
  • Jeruschke, Stefanie; Rekasi, Heike; Karaterzi, Sinem; Buescher, AnjaKarin; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Jeruschke, Kay; Weiss, Juergen; Saleem, MoinAhson; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Nalbant, Perihan; Weber, Stefanie
    Everolimus Prevents Podocyte Injury Via Stabilizing Tubb2b And Dcdc2 Expression
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 29 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 1674 - 1674
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gallinat, Anja; Swoboda, Sandra; Wohlschläger, Jeremias; Rauen, Ursula; Paul, Andreas; Minor, Thomas
    Influence of oxygen concentration during hypothermic machine perfusion on porcine kidneys from donation after circulatory death
    In: Transplantation Jg. 98 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 944 - 950
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Munteanu, Martin; Canbay, Aliekber; Hartmann, Matthias; Gallinat, Anja; Paul, Andreas; Saner, Fuat
    Liver transplantation for acute liver failure : are there thresholds not to be crossed?
    In: Transplant International Jg. 27 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 625 - 633
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Sotiropoulos, Georgios; Saner, Fuat; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas; Mathe, Zoltan
    MELD at POD 1 as a predictor of outcome in liver allografts with peak AST >5000 U/l
    In: Transplant International Jg. 27 (2014) Nr. 12, S. 1285 - 1293
  • Hörning, Andre; Raub, Simon; Neudorf, Ulrich; Müntjes, Carsten; Kathemann, Simone; Lainka, Elke; Stehling, Florian; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gerner, Patrick
    Pulse Oximetry Is Insufficient for Timely Diagnosis of Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in Children with Liver Cirrhosis
    In: The Journal of Pediatrics Jg. 164 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 546 - 552.e2
  • Gallinat, Anja; Paul, Andreas; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Molmenti, Ernesto P; Dittmann, Susanne; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver; Minor, Thomas; Sotiropoulos, Georgios
    Single-center experience with live kidney donors 60 years of age or older
    In: The American Surgeon / Southeastern Surgical Congress (SESC) (Hrsg.) Jg. 80 (2014) Nr. 12, S. 1230 - 1236
  • Schukfeh, Nagoud; Doerner, Judith M.; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn; Steinmann, Jörg; Metzelder, Martin L.; Kathemann, Simone; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Paul, Andreas; Gerner, Patrick
    Spectrum of pathogens in native liver, bile, and blood during pediatric liver transplantation
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 18 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 266 - 271
  • Pohl, M.; Dittrich, K.; Ehrich, J.H.H.; Hoppe, B.; Kemper, M.J.; Klaus, G.; Schmitt, C.P.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Behandlung der Purpura-Schönlein-Henoch-Nephritis bei Kindern und Jugendlichen : Therapieempfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Nephrologie (GPN)
    In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Jg. 161 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 543 - 553
  • Büscher (R.), Rainer; Büscher (A.), Anja; Weber, Stefanie; Mohr, Julia; Hegen, Bianca; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Clinical manifestations of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) : kidney-related and non-kidney-related phenotypes
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 29 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 1915 - 1925
  • Jeruschke, S.; Büscher (A.), Anja; Rekasi, H.; Karaterzi, S.; Saleem, M. A.; Oh, J.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Nalbant, Perihan; Weber, Stefanie
    Differential expression of cytoskeletal-associated genes in human podocytes by the mTOR inhibitor everolimus
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 28 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 1438 - 1438
  • Büscher (R.), Rainer; Weber, D.; Büscher (A.), Anja; Hölscher, M.; Pohlhuis, S.; Groes, Bernhard; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Evaluation of the peer teaching program at the University children´s hospital Essen - a single center experience
    In: GMS Zeitschrift für medizinische Ausbildung Jg. 30 (2013) Nr. 2, S. Doc25
  • Hoefele, J.; Büscher (A.), Anja; Hagmann, H.; Liebau, M. C.; Ludwig, M.; Beissert, A.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Konrad, M.; Klein, H. G.; Weber, Stefanie
    Evidence for modifier genes in children with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 28 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 1452 - 1452
  • Eisenhardt, Andreas; Rübben, Herbert; Rübben, Iris; Dakkak, D.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Büscher (R.), Rainer
    Kindliche Ureterabgangsstenose in einem Zuweisungszentrum : Spektrum und Therapie
    In: Der Urologe Jg. 52 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 1698 - 1704
  • Kranz, Birgitta; Wingen, Anne-Margret; Vester, Udo; König, Jens; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Long-term side effects of treatment with mTOR inhibitors in children after renal transplantation
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 28 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 1293 - 1298
  • Büscher, Anja Katrin; Konrad, Martin A.; Nagel, Mato; Witzke, Oliver; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie
    Mutationen in podozytären Genen sind eine seltene Ursache der primären, mit terminaler Niereninsuffizienz assoziierten fokal-segmentalen Glomerulosklerose beim Erwachsenen
    In: Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten Jg. 42 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 212 - 219
  • Gellermann, Jutta; Weber, Lutz; Pape, Lars; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Querfeld, Uwe
    Mycophenolate mofetil versus cyclosporin a in children with frequently relapsing nephrotic syndrome
    In: Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) Jg. 24 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 1689 - 1697
  • Hörning, Andre; Wang, J.; Wilde, Benjamin; Tebbe, B.; Jing, L.; Wang, X.; Jian, F.; Dolff, Sebastian; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver
    Pharmacodynamic monitoring of MTOR inhibition by phosphoflow cytrometic determination of P70S6 kinase activity
    In: Transplant International Jg. 26 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 22 Abstract V82
  • Jeruschke, Stefanie; Büscher, Anja Katrin; Oh, Jun; Saleem, Moin Ahson; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie; Nalbant, Perihan
    Protective effects of the mTOR inhibitor everolimus on cytoskeletal injury in human podocytes are mediated by RhoA signaling
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 2, S. e55980
  • Hörning, Andre; Raub, S.; Neudorf, Ulrich; Müntjes, Carsten; Kathemann, S.; Lainka, Elke; Stehling, Florian; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gerner, Patrick
    Pulse Oximetry Is Insufficient for Timely Diagnosis of Hepatopulmonary Syndrome in Children with Liver Cirrhosis
    In: Transplant International Jg. 26 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 52 - 52
  • Vester, Udo; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Engelke, G.; Weber, Stefanie; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Seminal vesicle cysts and ipsilateral malformation of the kidney (Zinner's syndrome)
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 28 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 1403 - 1404
  • Plotnicki, L.; Kohl, C.D.; Höcker, B.; Krupka, K.; Rahmel, A.; Pape, L.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Marks, S.D.; Webb, N.J.A.; Söylemezoglu, O.; Topaloglu, R.; Szabo, A.J.; Seeman, T.; Marlies Cornelissen, E.A.; Knops, N.; Grenda, R.; Tönshoff, B.
    The CERTAIN registry : A novel, web-based registry and research platform for pediatric renal transplantation in Europe
    In: Transplantation Proceedings Jg. 45 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 1414 - 1417
  • Strasser, Katja; Hoefele, Julia; Bergmann, Carsten; Büscher (A.), Anja; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie
    COL4A5-associated X-linked Alport syndrome in a female patient with early inner ear deafness due to a mutation in MYH9
    In: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) Jg. 27 (2012) Nr. 11, S. 4236 - 4240
  • Hörning, Andre; Köhler, Siegfried; Jun, Cao; Lu, J.; Fu, JJian; Tebbe, Bastian; Dolff, Sebastian; Feldkamp, Thorsten; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver
    Cyclosporin but not everolimus inhibits chemokine receptor expression on CD4
    In: Clinical and Experimental Immunology Jg. 168 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 251 - 259
  • Gross, Oliver; Licht, Christoph; Anders, Hans J.; Hoppe, Bernd; Beck, Bodo; Tönshoff, Burkhard; Höcker, Britta; Wygoda, Simone; Ehrich, Jochen H. H.; Pape, Lars; Konrad, Martin; Rascher, Wolfgang; Dötsch, Jörg; Müller-Wiefel, Dirk E.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Knebelmann, Bertrand; Pirson, Yves; Grunfeld, Jean-Pierre; Niaudet, Patrick; Cochat, Pierre; Heidet, Laurence; Lebbah, Said; Torra, Roser; Friede, Tim; Lange, Katharina; Müller, Gerhard A; Weber, Manfred
    Early angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition in Alport syndrome delays renal failure and improves life expectancy
    In: Kidney International Jg. 81 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 494 - 501
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie
    Erratum zu: Hereditäre Nierenerkrankungen
    In: Der Nephrologe Jg. 7 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 433 - 434
  • Büscher, Anja K.; Büscher, Rainer; Pridzun, Lutz; Langkamp, Markus; Wachendorfer, N.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Ranke, Michael Bernd; Hauffa, Berthold
    Functional and total IGFBP3 for the assessment of disorders of the GH/IGF1 axis in children with chronic kidney disease, GH deficiency, or short stature after SGA status at birth
    In: European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE) Jg. 166 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 923 - 931
  • Kathemann, Simone; Lainka, Elke; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gerner, Patrick
    Gilbert’s syndrome – a frequent cause of unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia in children after orthotopic liver transplantation
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 16 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 201 - 204
  • Weber, Stefanie; Thiele, H.; Mir, S.; Toliat, M. R.; Sozeri, B.; Reutter, H.; Draaken, M.; Ludwig, M.; Frommolt, P.; Stuart, H. M.; Schlingmann, K. P.; Newmann, W.; Beetz, R.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Konrad, M.; Schaefer, F.; Nurnberg, P.; Woolf, A. S.
    Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 (CHRM3) mutation causes congenital bladder disease and a prune-belly-like syndrome
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 27 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 1624
  • Harteneck, C.; Weber, Stefanie; Buscher, A.; Riehle, M.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Jeruschke, S.; Kolatsie, M.; Nagel, M.; Winyard, P.; Gollasch, M.
    Mutations in TRPC6 ion channels in patients suffering from familial focal segmental glomerolusclerosis
    In: Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology Jg. 385 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 34 - 34
  • Büscher, Anja K.; Konrad, Martin; Nagel, Mato; Witzke, Oliver; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie
    Mutations in podocyte genes are a rare cause of primary FSGS associated with ESRD in adult patients
    In: Clinical Nephrology Jg. 78 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 47 - 53
  • Büscher (A.), Anja; Cetiner, Metin; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Wingen, Anne-Margret; Hauffa, Berthold; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Obesity in patients with Bardet-Biedl syndrome : Influence of appetite-regulating hormones
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 27 (2012) Nr. 11, S. 2065 - 2071
  • Hörning, Andre; Köhler, Siegfried; Jun, Cao; Tebbe, Bastian; Fu, Jian; Menke, Julia; Wilde, Benjamin; Dolff, Sebastian; Feldkamp, Thorsten; Briscoe, David Michael; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver
    Peripherally Circulating CD4 +FOXP3 +CXCR3 + T Regulatory Cells Correlate with Renal Allograft Function
    In: Scandinavian Journal of Immunology Jg. 76 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 320 - 328
  • Hörning, Andre; Hegen, Bianca; Wingen, Anne-Margret; Cetiner, Metin; Lainka, Elke; Kathemann, Simone; Fiedler, Melanie; Timm, Jörg; Wenzel, Jürgen J.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gerner, Patrick
    Prevalence of hepatitis e virus infection in pediatric solid organ transplant recipients : a single-center experience
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 16 (2012) Nr. 7, S. 742 - 747
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Feickert professor had works published
    In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Jg. 160 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 190 - 191
  • Jeruschke, Stefanie; Büscher (A.), Anja; Saleem, Moin; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Oh, Jun; Nalbant, Perihan; Weber, Stefanie
    Protective effects of everolimus on puromycin-induced cytoskeletal alterations in human podocytes are mediated by RhoA-signalling
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 27 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 1638 - 1638
  • Gallinat, Anja; Paul, Andreas; Efferz, Patrik; Lüer, Bastian; Swoboda, Sandra; Hoyer, Dieter; Minor, Thomas
    Role of Oxygenation in Hypothermic Machine Perfusion of Kidneys From Heart Beating Donors
    In: Transplantation Jg. 94 (2012) Nr. 8, S. 809 - 813
  • Kohler, S.; Jun, C.; Jian, F.; Feldkamp, Thorsten; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver; Hörning, Andre
    Calcineurininhibitors Affect Expression of Chemokine Receptors on CD4+T Regulatory Cells
    In: American Journal of Transplantation Jg. 11 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 67
  • Büscher (R.), Rainer; Nagel, Dominik; Finkelberg, Ilja; Büscher (A.), Anja; Wingen, Anne-Margret; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Donor and recipient ACE I/D genotype are associated with loss of renal function in children following renal transplantation
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 15 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 214 - 220
  • Mehls, Otto; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Dosing of glucocorticosteroids in nephrotic syndrome
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 26 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 2095 - 2098
  • Schultz-Lampel, Daniela; Steuber, Christian; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Bachmann, Christian J.; Marschall-Kehrel, Daniela; Bachmann, Hannsjörg
    Einnässen beim Kind
    In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt international Jg. 108 (2011) Nr. 37, S. 613 - 620
  • Wortmann, S. B.; Mitchell, Anna; Ruzhensova, U.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Neudorf, Ulrich
    Fieber, Schüttelfrost und schwarze Finger
    In: Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Jg. 159 (2011) Nr. 7, S. 612 - 615
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Late withdrawal of calcineurin inhibitors and switch to mTOR inhibitors - Beneficial or too late?
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 15 (2011) Nr. 8, S. 767 - 769
  • Weber, Stefanie; Thiele, Holger; Mir, Sevgi; Toliat, Mohammad Reza; Sozeri, Betül; Reutter, Heiko; Draaken, Markus; Ludwig, Michael; Altmüller, Janine; Frommolt, Peter; Stuart, Helen M.; Ranjzad, Parisa; Hanley, Neil A.; Jennings, Rachel; Newman, William G.; Wilcox, Duncan T.; Thiel, Uwe; Schlingmann, Karl Peter; Beetz, Rolf; Hoyer, Peter F.; Konrad, Martin; Schaefer, Franz; Nürnberg, Peter; Woolf, Adrian S.; Toliat, Mohammad Reza; Stuart, Helen M.; Hanley, Neil A.; Newman, William G.; Wilcox, Duncan T.; Schlingmann, Karl Peter; Hoyer, Peter F.; Woolf, Adrian S.
    Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor m3 mutation causes urinary bladder disease and a prune-belly-like syndrome
    In: The American Journal of Human Genetics Jg. 89 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 668 - 674
  • Büscher (A.), Anja; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Niere und Hormone : Einfluss von Ghrelin und Obestatin auf die Appetitregulation bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit chronischer Niereninsuffizienz
    In: Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten Jg. 40 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 505 - 512
  • Ettenger, Robert; Schmouder, Robert; Kovarik, John M.; Bastien, Marie Claude; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety, and tolerability of single-dose fingolimod (FTY720) in adolescents with stable renal transplants
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 15 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 406 - 413
  • Dohna-Schwake, Christian; Fiedler, Melanie; Gierenz, N.; Gerner, Patrick; Ballauff, Antje; Breddemann, A.; Läer, S.; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Primary HHV 6 infection after liver transplantation with acute graft rejection and multi-organ failure: Successful treatment with a 2.5-fold dose of cidofovir and reduction of immunosuppression
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 15 (2011) Nr. 6, S. E126 - E129
  • Hörning, Andre; Kalkavan, Halime; Rehme, Christian R.; Menke, Julia; Worm, Karl; Garritsen, Henk S. P.; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Quantitative real-time ARMS-qPCR for mitochondrial DNA enables accurate detection of microchimerism in renal transplant recipients
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 15 (2011) Nr. 8, S. 809 - 818
  • Hörning, Andre; Koss, Kerith; Datta, Dipak; Boneschansker, Leonard; Jones, Caroline N; Wong, Ian Y; Irimia, Daniel; Calzadilla, Katiana; Benitez, Fanny; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Harmon, William E; Briscoe, David M
    Subsets of human CD4(+) regulatory T cells express the peripheral homing receptor CXCR3.
    In: European Journal of Immunology Jg. 41 (2011) Nr. 8, S. 2291 - 2302
  • Büscher (A.), Anja; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Hauffa, Berthold; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Alterations in appetite-regulating hormones influence protein-energy wasting in pediatric patients with chronic kidney disease
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 25 (2010) Nr. 11, S. 2295 - 2301
  • Arbeiter, Anja; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Wingen, Anne-Margret; Bonzel, Klaus Eugen; Dohna-Schwake, Christian; Hanssler, Ludwig; Neudorf, Ulrich; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Büscher (R.), Rainer
    Continuous venovenous haemodialysis (CVVHD) and continuous peritoneal dialysis (CPD) in the acute management of 21 children with inborn errors of metabolism
    In: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) Jg. 25 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 1257 - 1265
  • Strobel, Stefanie; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Mache, Christoph J; Sulyok, Endre; Liu, Wei-Shih; Richter, Heiko; Oppermann, Martin; Zipfel, Peter F; Józsi, Mihály
    Functional analyses indicate a pathogenic role of factor H autoantibodies in atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome
    In: Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (NDT) Jg. 25 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 136 - 144
  • Büscher (A.), Anja; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Hildebrandt, Friedhelm; Dworniczak, Bernd; Pennekamp, Petra; Kuwertz-Bröking, Eberhard; Wingen, Anne-Margret; John, Ulrike; Kemper, Markus; Monnens, Leo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Weber, Stefanie; Konrad, Martin
    Immunosuppression and renal outcome in congenital and pediatric steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
    In: Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Jg. 5 (2010) Nr. 11, S. 2075 - 2084
  • Dohna-Schwake, Christian; Schweiger, Brunhilde; Felderhoff-Müser, Ursula; Fiedler, Melanie; Kaiser, Gernot Maximil; Paul, Andreas; Gerner, Patrick; Lainka, Elke; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Severe H1N1 infection in a pediatric liver transplant recipient treated with intravenous zanamivir : efficiency and complications : Letters to the Editor
    In: Transplantation: the official journal of the Transplantation Society Jg. 90 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 223 - 224
  • Vester, Udo; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    The diagnostic value of ultrasound in cystic kidney diseases
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 25 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 231 - 240
  • Becker, Jan Ulrich; Opazo Saez, Anabelle; Zerres, Klaus; Witzke, Oliver; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Kribben, Andreas; Bergmann, Carsten; Nürnberger, Jens
    The mTOR pathway is activated in human autosomal-recessive polycystic kidney disease
    In: Kidney & Blood Pressure Research Jg. 33 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 129 - 138
  • Knorr, M. W.; Buscher, R.; Konorza, Thomas; Neudorf, Ulrich; Wingen, A. M.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Successful stent recanalisation of the Superior vena cava (SVC) in a patient undergoing hemodialysis treatment
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 24 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 893
  • Lordemann, Anja Große; Hjelle, Brian; Theegarten, Dirk; Grabellus, Florian; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Vester, Udo; Becker, Jan U.
    Young Man With Kidney Failure and Hemorrhagic Interstitial Nephritis
    In: American Journal of Kidney Diseases Jg. 54 (2009) Nr. 6, S. 1162 - 1166
  • Arbeiter, A.; Buscher, R.; Wingen, A.; Bonzel, K.; Vester, Udo; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Neudorf, Ulrich; Hanssler, Ludwig; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Continuous venovenous haemodialysis (CVVHD) in the acute management of neonatal hyperammonaemia : Experience in 14 neonates
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 22 (2007) Nr. 9, S. 1567
  • Becker, Jürgen; Hörning, Andre; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Immigrating progenitor cells contribute to human podocyte turnover
    In: Kidney International Jg. 72 (2007) Nr. 12, S. 1468 - 1473
  • Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Vester, Udo; Becker, J.; Woltering, T.; Wingen, A.-M.; Paul, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Unusual Manifestation of Posttransplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder in the Esophagus
    In: Transplantation Proceedings Jg. 38 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 693 - 696
  • Auth, Marcus Karl-Heinz; Kim, H. S.; Beste, M.; Bonzel, Klaus Eugen; Baumann, U.; Ballauff, Antje; Wallot, Michael; Borchers, T.; Vester, Udo; Grasemann, Corinna; Hauffa, Berthold; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Gerken, Guido; Voit, Thomas
    Removal of metabolites, cytokines and hepatic growth factors by extracorporeal liver support in children
    In: Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Jg. 40 (2005) Nr. 1, S. 54 - 59
  • Vester, Udo; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Nadalin, Silvio; Paul, Andreas; Becker, Jan; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Sirolimus rescue of renal failure in children after combined liver-kidney transplantation
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 20 (2005) Nr. 5, S. 686 - 689
  • Büscher, Rainer; Vester, Udo; Wingen, A.-M.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Pathomechanisms and the diagnosis of arterial hypertension in pediatric renal allograft recipients
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 19 (2004) Nr. 11, S. 1202 - 1211
  • Vester, Udo; Kranz, Annett Birgitta; Treichel, Ulrich; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Basiliximab in paediatric liver-transplant recipients [Kommentar)
    In: The Lancet Jg. 357 (2001) Nr. 9253, S. 388 - 389
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Urinary tract infection in the very young : can we avoid voiding cystography?
    In: Archives of Disease in Childhood Jg. 102 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 791 - 792
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Prevention of renal disease in henoch-schönlein purpura: Clear evidence against steroids
    In: Archives of Disease in Childhood Jg. 98 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 750 - 751
  • Abstracts

  • Büscher, Anja; Bernard, Daniel; Seeman, Tomas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Krupka, Kai; Toenshoff, Burkhard; Pape, Lars;
    Proteinuria in pediatric kidney transplantation - influencing factors and impact on GFR
    12th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association, March 25-28. 2028, Austin, USA,
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 27 (2023) Nr. 2, SI, 305.6
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Haeri, Haleh; Eisermann, Jana; Schimm, Heike; Büscher, Anja; Hinderberger, Dariush
    Profound conformational changes of serum albumin in children with nephrotic syndrome detected by light scattering and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 37 (2022) Nr. 11, S. 2829 - 2830
  • Büscher (A.), Anja; Büscher (R.), Rainer; Wingen, A.; Cetiner, Metin; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Treckmann, Jürgen-Walter; Paul, Andreas
    Combined liver and kidney transplantation and kidney after liver transplantation in children : Indication, postoperative outcome, and long-term results
    In: Pediatric Transplantation Jg. 19 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 1, Special Issue: IPTA 8th Congress on Pediatric Transplantation, S. 96
  • Tebbe, B.; Wilde, Benjamin; Wang, J.; Dolff, Sebastian; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver; Hörning, Andre;
    Renal transplant recipients lack circulating CD19+CD24HICD38HI interleukin-10-producing regulatory B-Lymphocytes
    23rd Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society, Mannheim, Germany, 16–18 October 2014,
    In: Transplant International Jg. 27 (2014) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 45
  • Gerner, Patrick; Lainka, Elke; Kathemann, S.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Hegen, B.
    Evaluation of the Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Elevated Igg Levels in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients
    In: Transplantation Jg. 94 (2012) Nr. 10S, S. 1201
  • Dohna-Schwake, Christian; Gerner, Patrick; Kathemann, S.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Paul, Andreas
    Intraabdominal Pressure Monitoring in Pediatric Liver Transplant Recipients : A Useful Tool for the Detection of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
    In: Transplantation Jg. 94 (2012) Nr. 10S, S. 665
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Dohna-Schwake, Christian; Tschiedel, Eva Charlotte; Mathe, Zoltan; Gerner, Patrick; Dörner, J.; Heintschel von Heinegg, Evelyn; Steinmann, Jörg; Metzelder, M.; Lainka, Elke; Paul, Andreas; Kathemann, S.
    Microbiological Isolates from Liver Tissue, Bile and Blood in Patients During Liver Transplantation
    In: Transplantation Jg. 94 (2012) Nr. 10S, S. 1202
  • Seeman, T.; Pape, L.; Cornelissen, E. A.M.; Höcker, B.; Rahmel, A.; Marks, S. D.; Webb, N.; Plotnicki, L.; Söylemezoglu, O.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Knops, N.; Szabo, Andras; Krupka, K.; Topaloglu, R.; Tönshoff, B.; Kohl, C.; Grenda, R.
    The CERTAIN Registry : A Novel, Web-Based Registry and Research Platform for Paediatric Renal Transplantation in Europe
    In: Transplantation Jg. 94 (2012) Nr. 10S, S. 1210
  • Tebbe, B.; Jing, L.; Dolff, Sebastian; Feldkamp, Thorsten; Kribben, Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver; Hörning, Andre;
    Renal Transplant recipients lack circulating CD19(+)CD24(HI)CD(38) HI Bregs
    Annual Congress of the German Transplantation Society, Regensburg, Germany, 6‐8 October,
    In: Transplant International Jg. 24 (2011) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 28
  • Hörning, Andre; Koss, K.; Datta, D.; Jun, C.; Koehler, S.; Feldkamp, Thorsten; Kribben, Andreas; Briscoe, D. M.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Witzke, Oliver;
    Subsets of CXCR3-Expressing human CD4+T Cells exert Immunoregulatory function
    19th Annual Congress of the German Transplantation Society, Hamburg, Germany, 7‐9 October 2010,
    In: Transplant International Jg. 23 (2010) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. 32 - 33
  • Okorn, C. O.; Gewert, A. G.; Schwiertz, R. S.; Della Marina, ADM; Schara, Ulrike; Dohna-Schwake, CDS; Vester, Udo; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Exercise-induced acute renal failure due to carnitine palmitoyltransferase II deficiency
    In: Pediatric Nephrology Jg. 24 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 918 - 919
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Mason, Philip D.; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich
    Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome
    In: Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology / Floege, Jürgen; Feehally, John; Johnson, Richard Joseph (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 218 - 227
  • Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Vester, Udo; Becker, Jan Ulrich
    Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome
    In: Comprehensive Pediatric Nephrology / Geary, Denis F. (Hrsg.) 2008, S. 257 - 267
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Maintz, E. M.; Kathemann, S.; Pilic, D.; Strobeck, T.; Bauer, J.; Stehling, F.; Tschiedel, Eva Charlotte; Dohna-Schwake, Christian; Paul, Andreas; Schulze, Maren; Baba, Hideo Andreas; Hoyer, Peter Friedrich; Lainka, Elke;
    One-year follow-up after liver transplantation in children with cystic fibrosis
    27th Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society, 7–10 November 2018, Berlin, Germany,
    In: Transplant International Jg. 31 (2018) Nr. Suppl. 5, S. 19