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Fakultät für Physik

47057 Duisburg
MF 266


  • Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Prüfungsausschuss Bachelor-/Master-Programm Energy Science

  • ---, Experimentalphysik

  • Stellv. Vorsitz, Promotionsausschuss Physik

  • ---, Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Horn-von Hoegen

  • Gruppe der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer, Fakultätsrat Physik

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David; Giessen, Harald; Schützhold, Ralf; Davis, Timothy J.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Momentum space separation of quantum path interferences between photons and surface plasmon polaritons in nonlinear photoemission microscopy
    In: Nanophotonics Jg. 13 (2024) Nr. 9, S. 1593 - 1602
  • Dreher, Pascal; Neuhaus, Alexander; Janoschka, David; Rödl, Alexandra; Meiler, Tim Colin; Frank, Bettina; Davis, Timothy J.; Giessen, Harald; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Spatiotemporal topology of plasmonic spin meron pairs revealed by polarimetric photo-emission microscopy
    In: Advanced Photonics Jg. 6 (2024) Nr. 6, 66007
  • Neuhaus, Alexander; Dreher, Pascal; Schütz, Florian; Marchetto, Helder; Franz, Torsten; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in a low energy electron microscope
    In: Structural Dynamics / American Crystallographic Association (ACA) (Hrsg.) Jg. 10 (2023) Nr. 6, 064304
  • Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David; Frank, Bettina; Giessen, Harald; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank-J.
    Focused surface plasmon polaritons coherently couple to electronic states in above-threshold electron emission
    In: Communications Physics Jg. 6 (2023) Nr. 1, 15
  • Kriegel, Marko A.; Omambac, Karim; Franzka, Steffen; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Incommensurability and negative thermal expansion of single layer hexagonal boron nitride
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 624 (2023) 157156
  • Omambac, Karim; Kriegel, Marko A.; Petrović, Marin; Finke, Birk; Brand, Christian; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Interplay of Kinetic Limitations and Disintegration : Selective Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride and Borophene Monolayers on Metal Substrates
    In: ACS Nano Jg. 17 (2023) Nr. 18, S. 17946 - 17955
  • Davis, Timothy J.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Giessen, Harald
    Topology of Surface Plasmon Polaritons with Integer and Fractional Orbital Angular Momentum
    In: ACS Photonics Jg. 10 (2023) Nr. 10, S. 3772 - 3780
  • Bauer, Thomas; Davis, Timothy J.; Frank, Bettina; Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David; Meiler, Tim C.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kuipers, L.; Giessen, Harald
    Ultrafast Time Dynamics of Plasmonic Fractional Orbital Angular Momentum
    In: ACS Photonics Jg. 10 (2023) Nr. 12, S. 4252 - 4258
  • Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David; Neuhaus, Alexander; Frank, Bettina; Giessen, Harald; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Quantitative determination of the electric field strength in a plasmon focus from ponderomotive energy shifts
    In: Nanophotonics Jg. 11 (2022) Nr. 16, S. 3687 - 3694
  • Thiemann, Fabian; Sciaini, G.; Kassen, A.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Ultrafast transport-mediated homogenization of photoexcited electrons governs the softening of the A1g phonon in bismuth
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 106 (2022) Nr. 1, 014315
  • Petrović, Marin; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Thiel, Patricia A.; Tringides, Michael C.
    Broad background in electron diffraction of 2D materials as a signature of their superior quality
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 32 (2021) Nr. 50, S. 505706
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Boschetto, Davide; Malard, Leandro M.; Heinz, Tony; Sciaini, Germán; Thiemann, F.; Payer, Thomas; Kremeyer, Laurenz; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Hot carrier transport limits the displacive excitation of coherent phonons in bismuth
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 119 (2021) Nr. 9, 091601
  • Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Rödl, Alexandra; Franz, Torsten; Schaff, Oliver; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Implementation and operation of a fiber-coupled CMOS detector in a low energy electron Microscope
    In: Ultramicroscopy Jg. 221 (2021) 113180
  • Omambac, Karim; Kriegel, Marko; Brand, Christian; Finke, B.; Kremeyer, Laurenz; Hattab, H.; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Momeni Pakdehi, Davood; Pierz, Klaus; Schumacher, H.W.; Petrović, Marin; van Houselt, Arie; Poelsema, B.; Tringides, M.C.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Non-conventional bell-shaped diffuse scattering in low-energy electron diffraction from high-quality epitaxial 2D-materials
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 118 (2021) Nr. 24, 241902
  • Jin, Zhongwei; Janoschka, David; Deng, Junhong; Ge, Lin; Dreher, Pascal; Frank, Bettina; Hu, Guangwei; Ni, Jincheng; Yang, Yuanjie; Li, Jing; Yu, Changyuan; Lei, Dangyuan; Li, Guixin; Xiao, Shumin; Mei, Shengtao; Giessen, Harald; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Qiu, Cheng-Wei
    Phyllotaxis-inspired nanosieves with multiplexed orbital angular momentum
    In: eLight Jg. 1 (2021) Nr. 1, 5
  • Omambac, Karim; Petrović, Marin; Bampoulis, Pantelis; Brand, Christian; Kriegel, Marko A.; Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David; Hagemann, Ulrich; Hartmann, Nils; Valerius, Philipp; Michely, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Segregation-Enhanced Epitaxy of Borophene on Ir(111) by Thermal Decomposition of Borazine
    In: ACS Nano Jg. 15 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 7421 - 7429
  • Davis, Timothy J.; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Frank, Bettina; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Giessen, Harald
    Ultrafast vector imaging of plasmonic skyrmion dynamics with deep subwavelength resolution
    In: Science Jg. 368 (2020) Nr. 6489, S. eaba6415
  • Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Davis, Tim; Frank, Bettina; Gießen, Harald; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Vector microscopy : Nonlinear photoemission microscopy reveals plasmonic fields
    In: Imaging & Microscopy Jg. 4 (2020) S. 34 - 36
  • Hafke, Bernd; Witte, Tobias; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Condensation of ground state from a supercooled phase in the Si(111)-(4 × 1) → (8 × 2)-indium atomic wire system
    In: Structural Dynamics / American Crystallographic Association (ACA) (Hrsg.) Jg. 6 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 045101
  • Petrović, Marin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Equilibrium shape of single-layer hexagonal boron nitride islands on iridium
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 19553
  • Schumacher, Ludmilla; Jose, Jesil; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Davis, Timothy J.; Ligges, Manuel; Li, Renhong; Mo, Mianzhen; Park, Sung Gyu; Shen, Xiu; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Yang, Jie; Wang, Xiangxian; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Schlücker, Sebastian
    Precision Plasmonics with Monomers and Dimers of Spherical Gold Nanoparticles : Nonequilibrium Dynamics at the Time and Space Limits
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 123 (2019) Nr. 21, S. 13181 - 13191
  • Podbiel, Daniel; Kahl, Philip; Frank, Bettina; Davis, Timothy J.; Giessen, Harald; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Spatiotemporal Analysis of an Efficient Fresnel Grating Coupler for Focusing Surface Plasmon Polaritons
    In: ACS Photonics Jg. 6 (2019) Nr. 3, S. 600 - 604
  • Omambac, Karim; Hattab, Hichem; Brand, Christian; Jnawali, Giriraj; N'Diaye, Alpha T.; Coraux, Johann; van Gastel, Raoul; Poelsema, Bene; Michely, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Temperature-Controlled Rotational Epitaxy of Graphene
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 19 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 4594 - 4600
  • Kahl, Philip; Podbiel, Daniel; Schneider, Christian; Makris, Andreas; Sindermann, Simon; Witt, Christian; Kilbane, Deirdre; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Aeschlimann, Martin; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Direct observation of Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation and Interference by Time-Resolved Imaging in Normal-Incidence Two Photon Photoemission Microscopy
    In: Plasmonics Jg. 13 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 239 - 246
  • Petrović, Marin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Lateral heterostructures of hexagonal boron nitride and graphene : BCN alloy formation and microstructuring mechanism
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 455 (2018) S. 1086 - 1094
  • Podbiel, Daniel; Kahl, Philip; Makris, Andreas; Frank, Bettina; Sindermann, Simon; Davis, Timothy J.; Giessen, Harald; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Imaging the Nonlinear Plasmoemission Dynamics of Electrons from Strong Plasmonic Fields
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 17 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 6569 - 6574
  • Petrović, Marin; Hagemann, Ulrich; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Microanalysis of single-layer hexagonal boron nitride islands on Ir(111)
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 420 (2017) S. 504 - 510
  • Spektor, Grisha; Kilbane, Deirdre; Mahro, Anna-Katharina; Frank, Bettina; Ristok, Simon; Gal, L.; Kahl, Philip; Podbiel, Daniel; Mathias, Stefan; Giessen, Harald; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Orenstein, Meir; Aeschlimann, Martin
    Revealing the subfemtosecond dynamics of orbital angular momentum in nanoplasmonic vortices
    In: Science Jg. 355 (2017) Nr. 6330, S. 1187 - 1191
  • Frank, Bettina; Kahl, Philip; Podbiel, Daniel; Spektor, Grisha; Orenstein, Meir; Fu, Liwei; Weiss, Thomas; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Davis, Timothy J; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Giessen, Harald
    Short-range surface plasmonics : localized electron emission dynamics from a 60-nm spot on an atomically flat single-crystalline gold surface
    In: Science Advances Jg. 3 (2017) Nr. 7, S. e1700721
  • Davis, Timothy J.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Frank, Bettina; Kahl, Philip; Giessen, Harald; Podbiel, Daniel
    Subfemtosecond and nanometer plasmon dynamics with photoelectron microscopy : theory and efficient simulations
    In: ACS Photonics Jg. 4 (2017) Nr. 10, S. 2461 - 2469
  • Podbiel, Daniel; Kahl, Philip; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Analysis of the contrast in normal-incidence surface plasmon photoemission microscopy in a pump–probe experiment with adjustable polarization
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 2016 (2016) Nr. 122, S. 90
  • Kirschbaum, Pierre; Brendel, Lothar; Roos, Kelly R.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Decay of isolated hills and saddles on Si(001)
    In: Materials Research Express (MRX) Jg. 3 (2016) Nr. 8, 085011
  • Schneider, Claus M.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kuch, Wolfgang
    Foreword for the special issue on the ninth international workshop on low energy electron microscopy and photoemission electron microscopy
    In: Ultramicroscopy Jg. 159 (2015) Nr. Part 3, December, S. v - vi
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Li, Renkai; Reid, Alexander Hume; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Quirin, Florian; Chase, Tyler; Coffee, Ryan; Corbett, Jeff; Fry, Alan R.; Hartmann, Nick; Hast, Carsten; Hettel, Bob; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Janoschka, David; Lewandowski, James R.; Ligges, Manuel; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Shen, Xiaozhe; Vecchione, Theodore; Witt, Christian; Wu, J.; Durr, Hermann; Wang, X. J.
    Thickness-dependent electron-lattice equilibration in laser-excited thin Bismuth films
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 2015 (2015) Nr. 17, S. 113047
  • Latz, Andreas; Sindermann, Simon; Brendel, Lothar; Dumpich, Günter; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Wolf, Dietrich
    Anisotropy of electromigration-induced void and island drift
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 26 (2014) Nr. 5, 055005
  • Schumacher, Stefan; Huttmann, Felix; Petrovic, Marin; Witt, Christian; Förster, Daniel F.; Chi, Vo-Van; Coraux, Johann; Martinez-Galera, Antonio J.; Sessi, Violetta; Vergara, Ignacio; Rückamp, Reinhard; Grüninger, Markus; Schleheck, Nicolas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Ohresser, Philippe; Kralj, Marko; Wehling, Tim O.; Michely, Thomas
    Europium underneath graphene on Ir(111) : Intercalation mechanism, magnetism, and band structure
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 90 (2014) Nr. 23, S. 235437
  • Sindermann, Simon; Latz, Andreas; Spoddig, Detlef; Schöppner, Christian; Wolf, Dietrich; Dumpich, Günter; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Lattice degradation by moving voids during reversible electromigration
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 116 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 034502
  • Kahl, Philip; Wall, Simone; Witt, Christian; Schneider, Christian; Bayer, Daniela; Fischer, Alexander; Melchior, Pascal; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Aeschlimann, Martin; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Normal-Incidence Photoemission Electron Microscopy (NI-PEEM) for Imaging Surface Plasmon Polaritons
    In: Plasmonics Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 1401 - 1407
  • Klein, Claudius; Heidmann, Inga; Nabbefeld, Tobias; Speckmann, Moritz; Schmidt, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Falta, Jens; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Al-induced faceting of Si(113)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 618 (2013) S. 109 - 114
  • Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma; Kirschbaum, Pierre; Sindermann, Simon; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Interaction of light and surface plasmon polaritons in Ag islands studied by nonlinear photoemission microscopy
    In: Ultramicroscopy Jg. 130 (2013) S. 49 - 53
  • Sindermann, Simon; Latz, Andreas; Dumpich, Günter; Wolf, Dietrich; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Lattice dependent motion of voids during electromigration
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 113 (2013) Nr. 13, S. 134505-1 - 134505-7
  • Payer, T.; Klein, Carsten; Acet, Mehmet; Ney, V.; Kammler, Martin; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    High-quality epitaxial Bi(111) films on Si(111) by isochronal annealing
    In: Thin Solid Films Jg. 520 (2012) Nr. 23, S. 6905 - 6908
  • Kirschbaum, Pierre; Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Impact of C ₆₀ Adsorption on Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Self-Assembled Ag(111) Islands on Si(111)
    In: Plasmonics Jg. 7 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 229 - 233
  • Hattab, Hichem; N'Diaye, Alpha T.; Wall, Dirk; Klein, Claudius; Jnawali, Giriraj; Coraux, Johann; Busse, Carsten; van Gastel, Raoul; Poelsema, Bene; Michely, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Interplay of wrinkles, strain, and lattice parameter in graphene on iridium
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 12 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 678 - 682
  • Latz, Andreas; Sindermann, Simon; Brendel, Lothar; Dumpich, Günter; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Wolf, Dietrich
    Simulation of electromigration effects on voids in monocrystalline Ag films
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 85 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 035449
  • Wall, Simone; Thien, Dagmar; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    The interplay of topography and energy dissipation in pentacene thin films
    In: Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena Jg. 185 (2012) Nr. 10, S. 436 - 440
  • Zhou, Ping; Streubühr, Carla; Ligges, Manuel; Brazda, Thorsten; Payer, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich
    Transient anisotropy in the electron diffraction of femtosecond laser-excited bismuth
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 14 (2012) S. 103031
  • Moutanabbir, Oussama; Senz, Stephan; Scholz, Roland; Alexe, Marin; Kim, Yunseok; Pippel, Eckhard; Wang, Yewu; Wiethoff, Christian; Nabbefeld, Tobias; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Atomically smooth p-doped silicon nanowires catalyzed by aluminum at low temperature
    In: ACS Nano Jg. 5 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 1313 - 1320
  • Sindermann, Simon; Witt, Christian; Spoddig, Detlef; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Dumpich, Günter; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Epitaxial Ag wires with a single grain boundary for electromigration
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 82 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 123907
  • Hattab, Hichem; N'Diaye, Alpha T.; Wall, Dirk; Jnawali, Giriraj; Coraux, Johann; Busse, Carsten; van Gastel, Raoul; Poelsema, Bene; Michely, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Growth temperature dependent graphene alignment on Ir(111)
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 98 (2011) Nr. 14, S. 141903
  • Klein, Claudius; Nabbefeld, Tobias; Hattab, Hichem; Meyer, D.; Jnawali, Giriraj; Kammler, Martin; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Golla-Franz, A.; Müller, B.H.; Schmidt, T.H.; Henzler, M.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Lost in reciprocal space? : Determination of scattering condition in spot profile analysis low energy electron diffraction
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 82 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 35111
  • Wall, Dirk; Tikhonov, S.; Sindermann, Simon; Spoddig, Detlef; Hassel, Christoph; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Shape, orientation, and crystalline composition of silver islands on Si(111)
    In: IBM Journal of Research and Development Jg. 55 (2011) Nr. 4, 9:1-9:6
  • Sindermann, Simon; Wall, Dirk; Roos, K.R.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Anisotropy of Ag Diffusion on Vicinal Si Surfaces
    In: e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology Jg. 8 (2010) S. 372 - 376
  • Wall, Dirk; Lohmar, I.; Roos, Kelly Ryan; Krug, J.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Imaging diffusion fields on a surface with multiple reconstructions: Ag/Si(111)
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 12 (2010) Nr. 10, S. 103019
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma
    Nonlinear photoemission microscopy with surface plasmon polaritons
    In: Microscopy and Microanalysis Jg. 16 (2010) Nr. S2, S. 502 - 503
  • Nabbefeld, Tobias; Wiethoff, Christian; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Silver Induced Faceting of Si(112)
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 97 (2010) Nr. 4, 41905 (3p)
  • Kaspers, Mark; Bernhart, Alexander; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Dumpich, Günter; Möller, Rolf
    Electromigration and potentiometry measurements of single-crystalline Ag nanowires under UHV conditions
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 21 (2009) Nr. 26, 265601
  • Sciaini, Germán; Harb, Maher; Kruglik, Sergei G.; Payer, Thomas; Hebeisen, Christoph T.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Yamaguchi, Mariko; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Ernstorfer, Ralph; Miller, R. J. Dwayne
    Electronic acceleration of atomic motions and disordering in bismuth
    In: Nature Jg. 458 (2009) S. 56 - 59
  • Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Exciton sensitive microscopy of anthracene monolayers on Si(111)
    In: Organic Electronics Jg. 10 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 446 - 452
  • Coraux, Johann; N'Diaye, Alpha T; Engler, Martin; Busse, Carsten; Wall, Dirk; Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; van Gastel, Raoul; Poelsema, Bene; Michely, Thomas
    Growth of graphene on Ir(111)
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 11 (2009) S. 23006
  • N'Diaye, Alpha T.; van Gastel, Raoul; Martínez-Galera, Antonio J; Coraux, Johann; Hattab, Hichem; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Wall, Dirk; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Gomez-Rodriguez, José M; Poelsema, Bene; Busse, Carsten; Michely, Thomas
    In situ observation of stress relaxation in epitaxial graphene
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 11 (2009) S. 113056
  • van Gastel, Raoul; N'Diaye, Alpha T.; Wall, Dirk; Coraux, Johann; Busse, Carsten; Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Michely, Thomas; Poelsema, Bene
    Selecting a single orientation for millimeter sized graphene sheets
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 95 (2009) Nr. 12, S. 121901
  • Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma; Göhre, J.; Zhou, Ping; von der Linde, Dietrich; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Space charge effects in photoemission electron microscopy using amplifed femtosecond laser pulses
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 21 (2009) Nr. 31, 314003
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Wall, Dirk; Sindermann, Simon; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Stable tungsten disilicide contacts for surface and thin film resistivity measurements
    In: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology (JVST) B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics Jg. 27 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 180
  • Wall, Dirk; Sindermann, Simon; Roos, K.R.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    The influence of anisotropic diffusion on Ag nanowire formation
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 21 (2009) Nr. 31, 314023
  • Kury, Peter; Roos, Kelly R.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Absence of surface stress change during pentacene thin film growth on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface : a buried reconstruction interface
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 10 (2008) S. 23037
  • Wiethoff, Christian; Ross, Frances M.; Copel, Matthew; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Au stabilization and coverage of sawtooth facets on Si nanowires grown by vapor-liquid-solid epitaxy
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 8 (2008) Nr. 9, S. 3065 - 3068
  • Kury, Peter; Roos, Kelly Ryan; Thien, Dagmar; Möllenbeck, Simone; Wall, Dirk; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Disorder-mediated ordering by self-interfactant effect in organic thin film growth of pentacene on silicon
    In: Organic Electronics Jg. 9 (2008) Nr. 4, S. 461 - 465
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Roos, Kimberly L.; Wiethoff, Christian; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Roos, Kelly R.
    Growth of Ag nanowires on Au-pre-facetted 4° vicinal Si(0 0 1)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 602 (2008) Nr. 10, S. 1852 - 1857
  • Wall, Dirk; Roos, Kelly Ryan; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    LEEM/PEEM Study of Anisotropic Diffusion Fields in the Ag/Si(001) System
    In: MRS (Materials Research Society) Online Proceedings Library Archive Jg. 1088 (2008)
  • Roos, Kelly Ryan; Roos, Kimberly L.; Lohmar, I.; Wall, Dirk; Krug, J.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Real-Time View of Mesoscopic Surface Diffusion
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 100 (2008) 16103 (4p)
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    The application of low energy electron microscopy and photoemission electron microscopy to organic thin films
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 20 (2008) Nr. 18, 184007
  • Payer, Thomas; Rajkovic, Ivan; Ligges, Manuel; von der Linde, Dietrich; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Ultrathin epitaxially grown bismuth (111) membranes
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 93 (2008) Nr. 9, S. 93102
  • Janzen, A.; Krenzer, Boris; Heinz, Oliver; Zhou, Ping; Thien, Dagmar; Hanisch-Blicharski, Anja; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; von der Linde, Dietrich; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    A pulsed electron gun for ultrafast electron diffraction at surfaces
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 78 (2007) Nr. 1, S. 13906
  • Thien, Dagmar; Kury, Peter; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; van Heys, J.; Lindenblatt, M.; Pehlke, E.
    Domain Sensitive Contrast in Photoelectron Emission Microscopy
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 99 (2007) Nr. 19, S. 196102
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Chelaru, L.I.; Möllenbeck, Simone; Thien, Dagmar; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael;
    Femtosecond photoemission microscopy
    5th International Conference on LEEM/PEEM (LEEM/PEEM 5) ; 15-19 October 2006, Himeji, Japan,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 601 (2007) Nr. 20, S. 4700 - 4705
  • Chelaru, Liviu I.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank;
    In situ monitoring of surface plasmons in single-crystalline Ag Nanowires
    24th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-24) ; 4-8 September 2006, Paris, France,
    In: Surface Science Jg. 601 (2007) Nr. 18, S. 4541 - 4545
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Hattab, Hichem; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Krenzer, Boris; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Lattice-matching periodic array of misfit dislocations: Heteroepitaxy of Bi(111) on Si(001),
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 76 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 35337
  • Jnawali, Giriraj; Hattab, Hichem; Bobisch, Christian; Bernhart, A.; Zubkov, E.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Möller, Rolf; Krenzer, Boris; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Nanopattern Formation by Periodic Array of Interfacial Misfit Dislocations in Bi(111)/Si(001) Heteroepitaxy
    In: MRS (Materials Research Society) Online Proceedings Library Archive Jg. 1059 (2007)
  • Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Photoemission electron microscopy study of anthracene growth on Si(111)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 601 (2007) Nr. 7, S. 1701 - 1704
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Analysis of mesoscopic patterns formed by the Au-induced faceting of vicinal Si(001)
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 18 (2006) Nr. 13, S. 1 - 15
  • Stahlmecke, Burkhard; Chelaru, L.I.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Dumpich, Günter
    Electromigration in Gold and Single Crystalline Silver Nanowires.
    In: American Institut of Physics conference proceedings Jg. 817 (2006) Nr. 1, S. 65 - 70
  • Stahlmecke, Burkhard; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Chelaru, L.I.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Roos, Kelly R.; Dumpich, Günter
    Electromigration in single-crystalline self-organized silver nanowires.
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 88 (2006) Nr. 5, 53122 (3p)
  • Chelaru, L.I.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Thien, Dagmar; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Fringe Fields in Nonlinear Photoemission Microscopy
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 73 (2006) Nr. 11, 115416 (5p)
  • Chelaru, Liviu I.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Three-dimensional size determination of particles with photoelectron emission microscopy
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 89 (2006) Nr. 24, S. 241908
  • Kury, Peter; Hild, R.; Thien, Dagmar; Günter, H.-L.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Compact and transferable threefold evaporator for molecular beam epitaxy in ultrahigh vacuum
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 76 (2005) Nr. 8, 83906 (5p)
  • Roos, Kelly Ryan; Roos, Kimberley L.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    High Temperature self-assembly of Ag nanowires on vicinal Si(001)
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 17 (2005) Nr. 16, S. 1407
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Pietsch, H.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Reciprocal Space Mapping by spot profile analyzing low energy electron diffraction
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 76 (2005) Nr. 8, S. 85102
  • Thien, Dagmar; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kury, Peter; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Characterizing Single Crystal Surfaces using High Resolution Electron Diffraction,
    In: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Jg. 379 (2004) Nr. 4, S. 588 - 593
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Belton, A.C.
    Flexible microprocessor-based evaporation controller
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 75 (2004) Nr. 12, 5288 (5p)
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Hild, R.; Zahl, P.; Schmidt, Th.; Ressel, B.; Heun, S.; Bauer, E.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Erratum to: Local Au coverage as driving force for Au induced faceting of vicinal Si(001):a LEEM and XPEEM study
    In: Surface Science Jg. 496 (2002) Nr. 1-2, S. 151
  • Hild, R.; Seifert, C.; Kammler, Martin; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Zachuk, R.; Olshanetsky, B. Z.
    Kinetics of Au induced faceting of vicinal Si(111)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 512 (2002) Nr. 1-2, S. 117 - 127
  • Tegenkamp, C.; Wollschläger, J.; Pfnür, H.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Step and kink correlations on vicinal Ge(100) surfaces investigated by electron diffraction
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 65 (2002) Nr. 23, S. 235316
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Hild, R.; Zahl, P.; Schmidt, Th.; Ressel, B.; Heun, S.; Bauer, E.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Local Au coverage as driving force for Au induced faceting of vicinal Si(001) : a LEEM and XPEEM study
    In: Surface Science Jg. 480 (2001) Nr. 3, S. 103 - 108
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Schmidt, Th.; Heun, S.; Hild, R.; Zahl, P.; Ressel, B.; Bauer, E.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Spatial Variation of Au Coverage as the Driving Force for Nanoscopic Pattern Formation
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 86 (2001) Nr. 22, S. 5088 - 5091
  • Hild, R.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Zahl, P.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Au induced regular ordered striped domain wall structure of a (5x3) reconstruction on Si(001) studied by STM and SPA-LEED
    In: Surface Science Jg. 454-456 (2000) S. 851 - 855
  • Minoda, H.; Shimakura, T.; Yagi, K.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Formation of hill and valley structures on Si(001) vicinal surfaces studied by spot-profile-analyzing LEED
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 61 (2000) Nr. 8, S. 5672 - 5678
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Goldbach, H.; Guenter, H.L.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Dorna, V.; Koehler, U.; Henzler, M.
    Hydrogen induced domain-wall structure on Si(113)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 458 (2000) Nr. 1-3, S. 147 - 154
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Hild, R.; Zahl, P.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Schmidt, Th.; Heun, S.; Ressel, B.; Bauer, E.
    Au induced giant faceting of vicinal Si(001)
    In: Elettra Highlights Jg. 98-99 (1999) S. 42 - 44
  • Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Hild, R.; Zahl, P.; Schmidt, Th.; Bauer, E.
    Au induced giant faceting of vicinal Si(001)
    In: Surface Science Jg. 433-435 (1999) S. 475 - 480
  • Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kammler, Martin; Schaeffer, C.; Reinking, Dirk; Hofmann, Karl R.
    Bi surfactant mediated epitaxy of Ge on Si(111)
    In: Thin Solid Films Jg. 343-344 (1999) S. 579 - 582
  • Minoda, H.; Yagi, K.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Meier, A.; Kähler, D.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Gold-induced faceting on a Si(001) vicinal surface: SPA-LEED and REM study
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 59 (1999) Nr. 3, S. 2363 - 2375
  • Minoda, H.; Shimakura, T.; Yagi, K.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Gold-induced faceting on a Si(hhm) surface (m/h=1.4-1.5) studied by SPA-LEED
    In: Surface Science Jg. 432 (1999) Nr. 1-2, S. 69 - 80
  • Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kähler, Dirk; Schmidt, Th.; Bauer, Ernst
    Adsorption induced giant faceting of vicinal Si(001)
    In: Thin Solid Films Jg. 336 (1998) Nr. 1-2, S. 16 - 21
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Schmidt, Th.; Bauer, E.; Kähler, D.; Minoda, H.; Yagi, K.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Giant faceting of vicinal Si(001) induced by Au adsorption
    In: Surface Review and Letters Jg. 5 (1998) S. 1167 - 1178
  • Falta, J.; Mielmann, O.; Schmidt, T.; Hille, A.; Sanchez-Hanke, C.; Sonntag, P.; Materlik, G.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kammler, Martin; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Copel, M.
    High concentration Bi delta-doping layers on Si(001)
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 123/124 (1998) S. 538 - 541
  • Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Minoda, H.; Yagi, H.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kähler, D.
    Macroscopic one-dimensional facetting of Si(100) upon Au adsorption
    In: Surface Science Jg. 402-404 (1998) S. 464 - 469
  • Abstracts

  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Wall, Dirk; Roos, K. R.; Lohmar, I.; Krug, J.; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Dynamics of Reconstructed Zones Formed Around Islands on Si During Desorption : Diffusion Made Visible
    In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices / ALC 2011; 22 – 27 May 2011; Seoul, Korea (2011) S. 372
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Giessen, Harald; Davis, Tim; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Frank, Bettina; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal
    Topological plasmonics : Ultrafast vector movies of plasmonic skyrmions on the nanoscale
    In: CLEO: Science and Innovations / CLEO: 2021 : 9-14 May 2021, San Jose, California, United States 2021 FTu1M.1
  • Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Davis, Timothy J.; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Emission Pathways for Electrons in Surface Plasmon Enhanced Photoemission
    In: 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019) / 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019); Lisbon, Portugal; 23 - 26 July 2019 / Zouhdi, Said; Topa, Antonio (Hrsg.) 2019, S. 1172 - 1173
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Podbiel, Daniel; Kahl, Philip; Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David
    Plasmoemission : Nonlinear Electron Emission from Surface Plasmon Polaritons
    In: 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019) / 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019); Lisbon, Portugal; 23 - 26 July 2019 / Zouhdi, Said; Topa, Antonio (Hrsg.) 2019, S. 1170 - 1171
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal
    A space-time analysis of electron emission from a focusing structure for surface plasmon polaritons using photoemission microscopy
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII / SPIE OPTO, 27 January - 1 February 2018, San Francisco, California, United States / Betz, Markus; Elezzabi, Abdulhakem Y. (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 105300C
  • Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Observing the sub-femtosecond dynamics of plasmonic Bragg reflectors by time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena and Nanophotonics XXII / SPIE OPTO, 27 January - 1 February 2018, San Francisco, California, United States / Betz, Markus; Elezzabi, Abdulhakem Y. (Hrsg.) 2018, S. 105301A
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Podbiel, Daniel; Raß, Nicolai; Makris, Andreas; Kahl, Philip
    Spatio-temporal imaging of surface plasmon polaritons in two photon photoemission microscopy
    In: Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications / Plasmonics: Design, Materials, Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications XIV, Sunday - Thursday 28 August - 1 September 2016, San Diego, California, United States / Kawata, Satoshi (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 992110
  • Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Li, Renkai; Reid, Alex Hume M.; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Quirin, Florian; Chase, Tyler F.; Coffee, Ryan N.; Corbett, Jeff W.; Fry, Alan R.; Hartmann, Nick; Hast, Carsten; Hettel, Robert; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Janoschka, David; Jermann, M.; Lewandowski, James R.; Ligges, Manuel; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Mo, Mianzhen; Shen, Xiaozhe; Vecchione, Theodore; Witt, Christian; Wu, Juhao; Dürr, Hermann A.; Wang, Xijie
    Thickness dependent electron-lattice equilibration in thin Bi films studied by time-resolved MeV electron diffraction
    In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena / International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2016, Santa Fe, New Mexico United States, 17-22 July 2016 2016
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kahl, Philip; Makris, Andreas; Sindermann, Simon; Podbiel, Daniel; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Signatures of plasmoemission in two photon photoemission electron microscopy
    In: Ultrafast phenomena and nanophotonics XIX / Betz, Markus (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Frank, Bettina; Ruff, Adrian; Sigle, Wilfried; Fu, Liwei; Kahl, Philip A.; Ludwigs, Sabine; van Aken, Peter A.; Osten, Wolfgang; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Braun, Paul V.; Mulvaney, Paul T.; Weiss, Thomas; Giessen, Harald W.
    Electrochemical route to large-area mono-crystalline gold platelets for high-quality plasmonic applications
    In: Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides: part of Advanced photonics ; 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain / Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides ; Specialty Optical Fibers ; Optical Sensors ; Nonlinear Photonics ; Advanced Photonics ; 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain 2014 JTu3A.60
  • Nicoul, Matthieu; Quirin, Florian; Lindenberg, A.M.; Barty, A.; Fritz, D.M.; Zhu, D.; Lemke, H.; Chollet, M.; Reis, D.A.; Chen, J.; Ghimire, S.; Trigo, M.; Fuchs, M.; Gaffney, K.J.; Larsson, J.; Becker, Tim; Meyer, Sven; Payer, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Jerman, Martin; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus
    Ultrafast laser-induced melting and ablation studied by time-resolved diffuse X-ray scattering
    In: XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena / XVIIIth International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena Lausanne, Switzerland, July 8-13, 2012 / Chergui, M.; Taylor, A.; Cundiff, S. (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 04013
  • Ernstorfer, Ralph; Harb, Maher; Hebeisen, Christoph T.; Sciaini, Germán; Dartigalongue, Thibault; Rajkovic, Ivan; Ligges, Manuel; von der Linde, Dietrich; Payer, Thomas; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Kruglik, Sergei G.; Miller, Ryan J. Dwayne
    Atomic View of the Photoinduced Collapse of Gold and Bismuth
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena XVI: Proceedings / 16th International Conference, Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy, June 9-13, 2008 / Corkum, Paul; Silvestri, Sandro; Nelson, Keith A.; Riedle, Eberhard; Schoenlein, Robert W. (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 113 - 115
  • Rajkovic, Ivan; Ligges, Manuel; Zhou, Ping; Payer, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; von der Linde, Dietrich
    Electron-phonon energy transfer in Bi observed by time resolved electron diffraction
    In: Ultrafast Phenomena XVI: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference, Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy, June 9--13, 2008 2009, S. 110 - 112
  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Mohamadie Buckanie, Niemma
    Nonlinear Photoemission Microscopy: A tool for the Plasmonic Sandbox
    In: ALC´09 : 7th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices ’09 2009, S. 96 - 99
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David (Hrsg.)
    Nonlinear Electron Emission from a Surface Plasmon Polariton Focus
    ALC´19: 12th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices; 19 - 25 October 2019; Kyoto, Japan,
  • Hafke, Bernd; Witte, Tobias; Brand, Christian; Janoschka, David; Dreher, Pascal; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael (Hrsg.)
    Structural Dynamics in the Si(111)-In atomic wire systems studied by femtosecond-RHEED : excitation, metastable states and relaxation
    ALC´19: 12th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices; 19 - 25 October 2019; Kyoto, Japan,