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Fakultät für Physik, Experimentalphysik

MD 450


  • Gleichstellungsbeauftragte, Physik

  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Wende

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Shkodich, Natalia; Smoliarova, Tatiana; Ali, H.; Eggert, Benedikt; Rao, Z.; Spasova, Marina; Tarasov, Ivan; Wende, Heiko; Ollefs, Katharina; Gault, B.; Farle, Michael
    Effect of high energy ball milling, heat treatment and spark plasma sintering on structure, composition, thermal stability and magnetism in CoCrFeNiGaₓ (x = 0.5; 1) high entropy alloys
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 284 (2025) 120569
  • Kämmerer, Lea; Kämmerer, Gérald; Gruber, Manuel; Grunwald, Jan; Lojewski, Tobias; Mercadier, Laurent; Le Guyader, Loïc; Carley, Robert; Carinan, Cammille; Gerasimova, Natalia; Hickin, David; Van Kuiken, Benjamin E.; Mercurio, Giuseppe; Teichmann, Martin; Kuppusamy, Senthil Kumar; Scherz, Andreas; Ruben, Mario; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Eschenlohr, Andrea; Ollefs, Katharina; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Tuczek, Felix; Kratzer, Peter; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Wende, Heiko
    Femtosecond Spin-State Switching Dynamics of Fe(II) Complexes Condensed in Thin Films
    In: ACS Nano Jg. 18 (2024) Nr. 51, S. 34596 - 34605
  • Smekhova, A.; Szyjka, Th; La Torre, E.; Ollefs, Katharina; Eggert, Benedikt; Cöster, B.; Wilhelm, F.; Bali, R.; Lindner, J.; Rogalev, A.; Többens, D.; Weschke, E.; Luo, C.; Chen, K.; Radu, F.; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Wende, Heiko
    Irradiation-induced enhancement of Fe and Al magnetic polarizations in Fe₆₀Al₄₀ films
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 26 (2024) Nr. 2, 023036
  • Beckmann, Benedikt; Pfeuffer, Lukas; Lill, Johanna; Eggert, Benedikt; Koch, David; Lavina, Barbara; Zhao, Jiyong; Toellner, Thomas; Alp, Esen E.; Ollefs, Katharina; Skokov, Konstantin P.; Wende, Heiko; Gutfleisch, Oliver
    Multicaloric Cryocooling Using Heavy Rare-Earth Free La(Fe,Si)₁₃-Based Compounds
    In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Jg. 16 (2024) Nr. 29, S. 38208 - 38220
  • Lojewski, Tobias; Golež, Denis; Ollefs, Katharina; Le Guyader, Loïc; Kämmerer, Lea; Rothenbach, Nico; Engel, Robin Y.; Miedema, Piter S.; Beye, Martin; Chiuzbăian, Gheorghe S.; Carley, Robert; Gort, Rafael; Van Kuiken, Benjamin E.; Mercurio, Giuseppe; Schlappa, Justina; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander; Scherz, Andreas; Döring, Florian; David, Christian; Wende, Heiko; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Eckstein, Martin; Werner, Philipp; Eschenlohr, Andrea
    Photoinduced charge transfer renormalization in NiO
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 110 (2024) Nr. 24, 245120
  • Aubert, Alex; Skokov, Konstantin; Rogalev, Andrei; Chirkova, Alisa; Beckmann, Benedikt; Maccari, Fernando; Dilmieva, Elvina; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Nassif, Vivian; Diop, Léopold V. B.; Bruder, Enrico; Löfstrand, Julia; Primetzhofer, Daniel; Sahlberg, Martin; Adabifiroozjaei, Esmaeil; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Gomez, Gabriel; Eggert, Benedikt; Ollefs, Katharina; Wende, Heiko; Gutfleisch, Oliver
    Residual Ferromagnetic Regions Affecting the First-Order Phase Transition in Off-Stoichiometric Fe-Rh
    In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Jg. 16 (2024) Nr. 45, S. 62358 - 62370
  • Skokov, K.P.; Karpenkov, A.Y.; Karpenkov, D.Y.; Radulov, I.A.; Günzing, Damian; Eggert, Benedikt; Rogalev, A.; Wilhelm, F.; Liu, J.; Shao, Y.; Ollefs, Katharina; Gruner, Markus; Wende, Heiko; Gutfleisch, O.
    A multi-stage, first-order phase transition in LaFe₁₁.₈Si₁.₂ : Interplay between the structural, magnetic, and electronic degrees of freedom
    In: Applied Physics Reviews Jg. 10 (2023) Nr. 3, 031408
  • Zhang, Yixuan; Xie, Ruiwen; Long, Teng; Günzing, Damian; Wende, Heiko; Ollefs, Katharina; Zhang, Hongbin
    Autonomous atomic Hamiltonian construction and active sampling of X-ray absorption spectroscopy by adversarial Bayesian optimization
    In: npj Computational Materials Jg. 9 (2023) Nr. 1, 46
  • Engel, Robin Y.; Alexander, Oliver; Atak, Kaan; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Buck, Jens; Carley, Robert; Cascella, Michele; Chardonnet, Valentin; Chiuzbaian, Gheorghe Sorin; David, Christian; Döring, Florian; Eschenlohr, Andrea; Gerasimova, Natalia; de Groot, Frank; Le Guyader, Loïc; Humphries, Oliver S.; Izquierdo, Manuel; Jal, Emmanuelle; Kubec, Adam; Laarmann, Tim; Lambert, Charles-Henri; Lüning, Jan; Marangos, Jonathan P.; Mercadier, Laurent; Mercurio, Giuseppe; Miedema, Piter S.; Ollefs, Katharina; Pfau, Bastian; Rösner, Benedikt; Rossnagel, Kai; Rothenbach, Nico; Scherz, Andreas; Schlappa, Justine; Scholz, Markus; Schunck, Jan O.; Setoodehnia, Kiana; Stamm, Christian; Techert, Simone; Vinko, Sam M.; Wende, Heiko; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander A.; Yin, Zhong; Beye, Martin
    Electron population dynamics in resonant non-linear x-ray absorption in nickel at a free-electron laser
    In: Structural Dynamics / American Crystallographic Association (ACA) (Hrsg.) Jg. 10 (2023) Nr. 5, 054501
  • Gkouzia, Georgia; Günzing, Damian; Xie, Ruiwen; Weßels, Teresa Maria; Kovács, András; N’Diaye, Alpha T.; Major, Márton; Palakkal, J. P.; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.; Wende, Heiko; Zhang, Hongbin; Ollefs, Katharina; Alff, Lambert
    Element-Specific Study of Magnetic Anisotropy and Hardening in SmCo5-x Cu x Thin Films
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 62 (2023) Nr. 40, S. 16354 - 16361
  • Zingsem, Benjamin; Feggeler, Thomas; Meckenstock, Ralf; Spoddig, Detlef; Schaffers, Taddäus; Pile, Santa; Ohldag, Hendrik; Farle, Michael; Wende, Heiko; Ney, Andreas; Ollefs, Katharina
    Evaluation protocol for revealing magnonic contrast in TR-STXM measurements
    In: AIP Advances Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 4, 045020
  • Eggert, Benedikt; Çakır, Aslı; Günzing, Damian; Josten, Nicolas; Scheibel, Franziska; Brand, Richard A.; Farle, Michael; Acet, Mehmet; Wende, Heiko; Ollefs, Katharina
    Formation of precipitates in off-stoichiometric Ni–Mn–Sn Heusler alloys probed through the induced Sn-moment
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 13 (2023) S. 18217 - 18222
  • Begum-Hudde, Vijaya; Lojewski, Tobias; Rothenbach, Nico; Eggert, Benedikt; Eschenlohr, Andrea; Ollefs, Katharina; Gruner, Markus; Pentcheva, Rossitza
    Nature of excitons in the Ti L and O K edges of x-ray absorption spectra in bulk SrTiO3 from a combined first principles and many-body theory approach
    In: Physical Review Research Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 1, 013199
  • Le Guyader, Loïc; Eschenlohr, Andrea; Beye, Martin; Schlotter, William; Döring, Florian; Carinan, Cammille; Hickin, David; Agarwal, Naman; Boeglin, Christine; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Buck, Jens; Carley, Robert; Castoldi, Andrea; D'Elia, Alessandro; Delitz, Jan Torben; Ehsan, Wajid; Engel, Robin; Erdinger, Florian; Fangohr, Hans; Fischer, Peter; Fiorini, Carlo; Föhlisch, Alexander; Gelisio, Luca; Gensch, Michael; Gerasimova, Natalia; Gort, Rafael; Hansen, Karsten; Hauf, Steffen; Izquierdo, Manuel; Jal, Emmanuelle; Kamil, Ebad; Karabekyan, Suren; Kluyver, Thomas; Laarmann, Tim; Lojewski, Tobias; Lomidze, David; Maffessanti, Stefano; Mamyrbayev, Talgat; Marcelli, Augusto; Mercadier, Laurent; Mercurio, Giuseppe; Miedema, Piter S.; Ollefs, Katharina; Rossnagel, Kai; Rösner, Benedikt; Rothenbach, Nico; Samartsev, Andrey; Schlappa, Justine; Setoodehnia, Kiana; Sorin Chiuzbaian, Gheorghe; Spieker, Lea; Stamm, Christian; Stellato, Francesco; Techert, Simone; Teichmann, Martin; Turcato, Monica; Van Kuiken, Benjamin; Wende, Heiko; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander; Zhu, Jun; Molodtsov, Serguei; David, Christian; Porro, Matteo; Scherz, Andreas; Delitz, Jan-Torben
    Photon-shot-noise-limited transient absorption soft X-ray spectroscopy at the European XFEL
    In: Journal of Synchrotron Radiation Jg. 30 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 284 - 300
  • Schäfer, N.; Günzing, Damian; Jiang, T.; Karabas, N.; Arzumanov, A.; Motta-Meira, D.; Ollefs, Katharina; Komissinskiy, P.; Major, M.; Arnold, M.; Pietralla, N.; Wende, Heiko; Molina-Luna, L.; Lützenkirchen-Hecht, D.; Alff, L.
    Role of kinetic energy on Nb3Sn thin films by low-temperature co-sputtering
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 134 (2023) Nr. 4, 043903
  • Feggeler, Thomas; Lill, Johanna; Günzing, Damian; Meckenstock, Ralf; Spoddig, Detlef; Efremova, Maria V; Wintz, Sebastian; Weigand, Markus; Zingsem, Benjamin; Farle, Michael; Wende, Heiko; Ollefs, Katharina; Ohldag, Hendrik; Efremova, Mariia
    Spatially-resolved dynamic sampling of different phasic magnetic resonances of nanoparticle ensembles in a magnetotactic bacterium Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 25 (2023) Nr. 4, 043010
  • Lojewski, Tobias; Elhanoty, Mohamed F.; Le Guyader, Loïc; Grånäs, Oscar; Agarwal, Naman; Boeglin, Christine; Carley, Robert; Castoldi, Andrea; David, Christian; Deiter, Carsten; Döring, Florian; Engel, Robin Y.; Erdinger, Florian; Fangohr, Hans; Fiorini, Carlo; Fischer, Peter; Gerasimova, Natalia; Gort, Rafael; deGroot, Frank; Hansen, Karsten; Hauf, Steffen; Hickin, David; Izquierdo, Manuel; Van Kuiken, Benjamin E.; Kvashnin, Yaroslav; Lambert, Charles-Henri; Lomidze, David; Maffessanti, Stefano; Mercadier, Laurent; Mercurio, Giuseppe; Miedema, Piter S.; Ollefs, Katharina; Pace, Matthias; Porro, Matteo; Rezvani, Javad; Rösner, Benedikt; Rothenbach, Nico; Samartsev, Andrey; Scherz, Andreas; Schlappa, Justina; Stamm, Christian; Teichmann, Martin; Thunström, Patrik; Turcato, Monica; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander; Zhu, Jun; Beye, Martin; Wende, Heiko; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Eriksson, Olle; Eschenlohr, Andrea
    The interplay of local electron correlations and ultrafast spin dynamics in fcc Ni
    In: Materials Research Letters Jg. 11 (2023) Nr. 8, S. 655 - 661
  • Sarkar, Abhishek; Eggert, Benedikt; Witte, Ralf; Lill, Johanna; Velasco, Leonardo; Wang, Qingsong; Sonar, Janhavika; Ollefs, Katharina; Bhattacharya, Subramshu S.; Brand, Richard A.; Wende, Heiko; de Groot, Frank M.F.; Clemens, Oliver; Hahn, Horst; Kruk, Robert
    Comprehensive investigation of crystallographic, spin-electronic and magnetic structure of (Co₀.₂Cr₀.₂Fe₀.₂Mn₀.₂Ni₀.₂)₃O₄ : Unraveling the suppression of configuration entropy in high entropy oxides
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 226 (2022) 117581
  • Siebert, Jan P.; Juelsholt, Mikkel; Günzing, Damian; Wende, Heiko; Ollefs, Katharina; Birkel, Christina S.
    Correction: Towards a mechanistic understanding of the sol–gel syntheses of ternary carbides
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers: An International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 9 (2022) Nr. 7, S. 1575 - 1575
  • Feggeler, Thomas; Meckenstock, Ralf; Spoddig, Detlef; Schöppner, Christian; Zingsem, Benjamin; Schaffers, Taddäus; Ohldag, Hendrik; Wende, Heiko; Farle, Michael; Ney, Andreas; Ollefs, Katharina
    Element-specific visualization of dynamic magnetic coupling in a Co/Py bilayer microstructure
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 1, 18724
  • Miroshkina, Olga; Eggert, Benedikt; Lill, Johanna; Beckmann, Benedikt; Koch, David; Hu, Michael Y.; Lojewski, Tobias; Rauls, Simon; Scheibel, Franziska; Taubel, Andreas; Šob, Mojmir; Ollefs, Katharina; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Wende, Heiko; Gruner, Markus; Friák, Martin
    Impact of magnetic and antisite disorder on the vibrational densities of states in Ni2MnSn Heusler alloys
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 106 (2022) Nr. 21, 214302
  • Aubert, Alex; Skokov, Konstantin; Gomez, Gabriel; Chirkova, Alisa; Radulov, Iliya; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei; Wende, Heiko; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Ollefs, Katharina
    Simultaneous multi-property probing during magneto-structural phase transitions : A element-specific and macroscopic hysteresis characterization at ID12 of the ESRF
    In: IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Jg. 71 (2022) 6002409
  • Herman, Alexander; Kraus, Stefan; Tsukamoto, Shigeru; Spieker, Lea; Caciuc, Vasile; Lojewski, Tobias; Günzing, Damian; Dreiser, Jan; Delley, Bernard; Ollefs, Katharina; Michely, Thomas; Atodiresei, Nicolae; Wende, Heiko
    Tailoring magnetic anisotropy by graphene-induced selective skyhook effect on 4f-metals
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 14 (2022) Nr. 20, S. 7682 - 7691
  • Siebert, Jan P.; Juelsholt, Mikkel; Günzing, Damian; Wende, Heiko; Ollefs, Katharina; Birkel, Christina S.
    Towards a mechanistic understanding of the sol–gel syntheses of ternary carbides
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers: An International Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Jg. 9 (2022) Nr. 7, S. 1565 - 1574
  • Kraus, Stefan; Herman, Alexander; Huttmann, Felix; Bianchi, Marco; Stan, Raluca-Maria; Holt, Ann Julie; Tsukamoto, Shigeru; Rothenbach, Nico; Ollefs, Katharina; Dreiser, Jan; Bischof, Ken; Wende, Heiko; Hofmann, Philip; Atodiresei, Nicolae; Michely, Thomas
    Uniaxially Aligned 1D Sandwich-Molecular Wires: Electronic Structure and Magnetism
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 126 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 3140 - 3150
  • van Efferen, Camiel; Berges, Jan; Hall, Joshua; van Loon, Erik; Kraus, Stefan; Schobert, Arne; Wekking, Tobias; Huttmann, Felix; Plaar, Eline; Rothenbach, Nico; Ollefs, Katharina; Arruda, Lucas Machado; Brookes, Nick; Schönhoff, Gunnar; Kummer, Kurt; Wende, Heiko; Wehling, Tim; Michely, Thomas
    A full gap above the Fermi level : the charge density wave of monolayer VS₂
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 12 (2021) Nr. 1, 6837
  • Rothenbach, Nico; Gruner, Markus; Ollefs, Katharina; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Salamon, Soma; Zhou, Ping; Li, Renkai; Mo, Mianzhen; Park, Suji; Shen, Xiaohong; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Yang, Jun; Wang, Xijie; Šipr, Ondrej; Ebert, Hubert; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Eschenlohr, Andrea; Wende, Heiko
    Effect of lattice excitations on transient near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 104 (2021) Nr. 14, 144302
  • Sharma, Shalini; Zintler, Alexander; Günzing, Damian; Lill, Johanna; Meira, Debora Motta; Eilhardt, Robert; Singh, Harish Kumar; Xie, Ruiwen; Gkouzia, Georgia; Major, Márton; Radulov, Iliya; Komissinskiy, Philipp; Zhang, Hongbin; Skokov, Konstantin; Wende, Heiko; Takahashi, Yukiko K.; Ollefs, Katharina; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Alff, Lambert
    Epitaxy Induced Highly Ordered Sm₂Co₁₇-SmCo₅Nanoscale Thin-Film Magnets
    In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 27, S. 32415 - 32423
  • Feggeler, Thomas; Meckenstock, Ralf; Spoddig, Detlef; Zingsem, Benjamin; Ohldag, Hendrik; Wende, Heiko; Farle, Michael; Winklhofer, Michael; Ollefs, Katharina
    Spatially resolved GHz magnetization dynamics of a magnetite nano-particle chain inside a magnetotactic bacterium
    In: Physical Review Research Jg. 3 (2021) Nr. 3, 033036
  • Terwey, Alexandra; Gruner, Markus; Keune, Werner; Landers, Joachim; Salamon, Soma; Eggert, Benedikt; Ollefs, Katharina; Brabänder, V.; Radulov, Iliya; Skokov, Konstantin; Faske, Tom; Hu, Michael Y.; Zhao, Jiyong; Alp, Esen E.; Giacobbe, Carlotta; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Wende, Heiko
    Influence of hydrogenation on the vibrational density of states of magnetocaloric LaFe11.4Si1.6H1.6
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 101 (2020) Nr. 6, 064415
  • Eggert, Benedikt; Gruner, Markus; Ollefs, Katharina; Schuster, Ellen; Rothenbach, Nico; Hu, Michael Y.; Zhao, Jiyong; Toellner, Thomas S.; Sturhahn, Wolfgang; Pentcheva, Rossitzza; Cuenya, Beatriz Roldan; Alp, Esen E.; Wende, Heiko; Keune, Werner
    Interface-related magnetic and vibrational properties in Fe/MgO heterostructures from nuclear resonant spectroscopy and first-principles calculations
    In: Physical Review Materials Jg. 4 (2020) Nr. 4, 044402
  • Witte, Ralf; Sarkar, Abhishek; Velasco, Leonardo; Kruk, Robert; Brand, Richard A.; Eggert, Benedikt; Ollefs, Katharina; Weschke, Eugen; Wende, Heiko; Hahn, Horst
    Magnetic properties of rare-earth and transition metal based perovskite type high entropy oxides
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 127 (2020) Nr. 18, S. 185109
  • Eggert, Benedikt; Schmeink, Alexander; Lill, Johanna; Liedke, Maciej Oskar; Kentsch, Ulrich; Butterling, Maik; Wagner, Andreas; Pascarelli, Sakura; Potzger, Kay; Lindner, Jürgen; Thomson, Thomas; Fassbender, Jürgen; Ollefs, Katharina; Keune, Werner; Bali, Rantej; Wende, Heiko
    Magnetic response of FeRh to static and dynamic disorder
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 24, S. 14386 - 14395
  • Pile, Santa; Feggeler, Thomas; Schaffers, Taddäus; Meckenstock, Ralf; Buchner, Martin; Spoddig, Detlef; Zingsem, Benjamin; Ney, Verena; Farle, Michael; Wende, Heiko; Ohldag, Hendrik; Ney, Andreas; Ollefs, Katharina
    Non-standing spin-waves in confined micrometer-sized ferromagnetic structures under uniform excitation
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 116 (2020) Nr. 7, S. 072401
  • Sarkar, Abhishek; Eggert, Benedikt; Velasco, Leonardo; Mu, Xiaoke; Lill, Johanna; Ollefs, Katharina; Bhattacharya, Subramshu S.; Wende, Heiko; Kruk, Robert; Brand, Richard A.; Hahn, Horst
    Role of intermediate 4f states in tuning the band structure of high entropy oxides
    In: APL Materials Jg. 8 (2020) Nr. 5, 051111
  • Geprägs, Stephan; Klewe, Christoph; Meyer, Sibylle; Graulich, Dominik; Schade, Felix; Schneider, Marc; Francoual, Sonia; Collins, Stephen P.; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei; Joly, Yves; Goennenwein, Sebastian T. B.; Opel, Matthias; Kuschel, Timo; Gross, Rudolf
    Static magnetic proximity effects and spin Hall magnetoresistance in Pt/ Y3Fe5 O12 and inverted Y3Fe5 O12/Pt bilayers
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 102 (2020) Nr. 21, S. 214438
  • Huttmann, Felix; Rothenbach, Nico; Kraus, Stefan; Ollefs, Katharina; Arruda, Lucas M.; Bernien, Matthias; Thonig, Danny; Delin, Anna; Fransson, Jonas; Kummer, Kurt; Brookes, Nicholas B.; Eriksson, Olle; Kuch, Wolfgang; Michely, Thomas; Wende, Heiko
    Europium Cyclooctatetraene Nanowire Carpets : A Low-Dimensional, Organometallic, and Ferromagnetic Insulator
    In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Jg. 10 (2019) S. 911 - 917
  • Schaffers, Taddäus; Feggeler, Thomas; Pile, Santa; Meckenstock, Ralf; Buchner, Martin; Spoddig, Detlef; Ney, Verena; Farle, Michael; Wende, Heiko; Wintz, Sebastian; Weigand, Markus; Ohldag, Hendrik; Ollefs, Katharina; Ney, Andreas
    Extracting the dynamic magnetic contrast in time-resolved X-ray transmission microscopy
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 940
  • Rothenbach, Nico; Gruner, Markus; Ollefs, Katharina; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Salamon, Soma; Zhou, Ping; Li, R.; Mo, Mianzhen; Park, S.; Shen, Xiaozhe; Weathersby, Stephen P.; Yang, Jie; Wang, Xijie; Pentcheva, Rossitza; Wende, Heiko; Bovensiepen, Uwe; Sokolowski-Tinten, Klaus; Eschenlohr, Andrea
    Microscopic nonequilibrium energy transfer dynamics in a photoexcited metal/insulator heterostructure
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 100 (2019) Nr. 17, 174301
  • Scheibel, Franziska; Gottschall, Tino; Taubel, Andreas; Fries, Maximilian; Skokov, Konstantin P.; Terwey, Alexandra; Keune, Werner; Ollefs, Katharina; Wende, Heiko; Farle, Michael; Acet, Mehmet; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Gruner, Markus
    Hysteresis Design of Magnetocaloric Materials—From Basic Mechanisms to Applications
    In: Energy Technology Jg. 6 (2018) Nr. 8, S. 1397 - 1428
  • La Torre, Enrico; Smekhova, Alevtina; Schmitz-Antoniak, Carolin; Ollefs, Katharina; Eggert, Benedikt; Cöster, Birte; Walecki, Dirk; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei; Lindner, Jürgen; Bali, Rantej; Banerjee, Rudra; Sanyal, Biplab; Wende, Heiko
    Local probe of irradiation-induced structural changes and orbital magnetism in Fe60Al40 thin films via an order-disorder phase transition
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 98 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 024101
  • Maurizio, Chiara; Michieli, Niccolò; Kalinic, Boris; Mattarello, Valentina; Bello, Valentina; Wilhelm, F.; Ollefs, Katharina; Mattei, Giovanni
    Local structure and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of Au in Au-Co nanoalloys
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 433 (2018) S. 596 - 601
  • Schleicher, B; Klar, David; Ollefs, Katharina; Diestel, A; Walecki, Dirk; Weschke, E; Schultz, L; Nielsch, K; Fähler, S; Wende, Heiko; Gruner, Markus
    Electronic structure and magnetism of epitaxial Ni–Mn–Ga(-Co) thin films with partial disorder : a view across the phase transition
    In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Jg. 50 (2017) Nr. 46, S. 465005
  • Wawro, A.; Kurant, Z.; Tekielak, M.; Nawrocki, P.; Milińska, E.; Pietruczik, A.; Wójcik, M.; Mazalski, P.; Kanak, J.; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.; Maziewski, A.
    Engineering the magnetic anisotropy of an ultrathin Co layer sandwiched between films of Mo or Au
    In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Jg. 50 (2017) Nr. 21, S. 215004
  • Henne, Bastian; Ney, Verena; Lumetzberger, Julia; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei; Ney, Andreas
    Local structure and magnetism of Co3+ in wurtzite Co : ZnO
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 95 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 054406
  • Schaffers, Taddäus; Meckenstock, Ralf; Spoddig, Detlef; Feggeler, Thomas; Ollefs, Katharina; Schöppner, Christian; Bonetti, Stefano; Ohldag, Hendrik; Farle, Michael; Ney, Andreas
    The combination of micro-resonators with spatially resolved ferromagnetic resonance
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 88 (2017) Nr. 9,
  • Pedersen, Kasper S.; Woodruff, Daniel N.; Singh, Saurabh Kumar; Tressaud, Alain; Durand, Etienne; Atanasov, Mihail; Perlepe, Panagiota; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Mathonière, Corine; Neese, Frank; Rogalev, Andrei; Bendix, Jesper; Clérac, Rodolphe
    [OsF6]x− : Molecular Models for Spin-Orbit Entangled Phenomena
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 23 (2017) Nr. 47, S. 11244 - 11248
  • Ney, V.; Rogalev, A.; Wilhelm, F.; Ollefs, Katharina; Henne, B.; Venkataraman, V.
    Co and Cu co-doped ZnO epitaxial films : a magnetically soft nano-composite
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 119 (2016) Nr. 16, S. 163901
  • Pedersen, K.; Bendix, J.; Tressaud, A.; Durand, E.; Weihe, H.; Salman, Z.; Morsing, T.; Woodruff, D.; Lan, Y.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Mathoniere, C.; Piligkos, S.; Klokishner, S.; Ostrovsky, S.; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.; Clerac, R.
    Iridates from the molecular side
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 7 (2016) S. 12195
  • Ganzhorn, K.; Barker, J.; Schlitz, R:; Piot, B.; Ollefs, Katharina; Guillou, F.; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.; Opel, M.; Althammer, M.; Geprags, S.; Huebl, H.; Gross, R.; Bauer, G.; Goennenwein, S.
    Spin Hall magnetoresistance in a canted ferrimagnet
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 94 (2016) Nr. 9, S. 094401
  • Caminale, M.; Ghosh, A.; Auffret, S.; Ebels, U.; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.; Bailey, W.
    Spin pumping damping and magnetic proximity effect in Pd and Pt spin-sink layers
    In: Physical Review B Jg. 94 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 014414
  • Juhin, Amélie; Sainctavit, Philippe; Ollefs, Katharina; Sikora, Marcin; Filipponi, Adriano; Glatzel, Pieter; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei
    X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measured at the Fe K-edge with a reduced intrinsic broadening : X-ray absorption spectroscopy versus resonant inelastic x-ray scattering measurements
    In: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Jg. 28 (2016) Nr. 50, 505202
  • Ollefs, Katharina; Schöppner, Christian; Titov, Ivan; Meckenstock, Ralf; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andreï; Liu, J.; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Farle, Michael; Wende, Heiko; Acet, Mehmet
    Magnetic ordering in magnetic shape memory alloy Ni-Mn-In-Co
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 92 (2015) Nr. 22, S. 224429
  • Bonetti, Stefano; Kukreja, Roopali; Chen, Zhao; Spoddig, Detlef; Ollefs, Katharina; Schöppner, Christian; Meckenstock, Ralf; Ney, Andreas; Pinto, Jude; Houanche, Richard; Frisch, Josef; Stöhr, Joachim; Dürr, Hermann A.; Ohldag, Hendrik
    Microwave soft x-ray microscopy for nanoscale magnetization dynamics in the 5–10 GHz frequency range
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 86 (2015) Nr. 9, art. no. 093703
  • Ollefs, Katharina; Ney, A.; Farle, Michael; Ney, V.; Schöppner, Christian; Hassel, Christoph; Römer, Florian M.; Spoddig, Detlef; Meckenstock, Ralf
    Toward broad-band x-ray detected ferromagnetic resonance in longitudinal geometry
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 117 (2015) Nr. 22, S. 223906
  • Ye, Shuangli; Klar, Limei; Ney, Andreas; Ney, Verena; Kammermeier, Tom; Ollefs, Katharina; Liu, Feng; Wang, Gaofeng
    Effects of the inhomogenous Co doping on the magnetoresistance of Zn1−xCoxO epitaxial films
    In: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Jg. 12 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 1054 - 1058
  • Ney, Verena; Ye, Shuangli; Kammermeier, Tom; Ollefs, Katharina; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andreï; Lebègue, Sébastien; Da Rosa, Andreia L.; Ney, Andreas
    Structural and magnetic analysis of epitaxial films of Gd-doped ZnO
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 85 (2012) Nr. 23, S. 235203
  • Kronast, Florian; Friedenberger, Nina; Ollefs, Katharina; Gliga, Sebastian; Tati-Bismaths, Logane; Thies, Ronja; Ney, Andreas; Weber, Ramona; Hassel, Christoph; Römer, Florian M.; Trunova, Anastasia; Wirtz, Christian; Hertel, Riccardo; Dürr, Hermann A.; Farle, Michael
    Element-Specific magnetic hysteresis of individual 18 nm Fe nanocubes
    In: Nano Letters Jg. 11 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 1710 - 1715
  • Ney, Andreas; Kovacs, Andras; Ney, Verena; Ye, Shuangli; Ollefs, Katharina; Kammermeier, Tom; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.
    Structural, chemical and magnetic properties of secondary phases in co-doped ZnO
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 13 (2011) S. 103001
  • Ney, Andreas; Opel, Matthias; Kaspar, Tiffany C.; Ney, Verena; Ye, Shuangli; Ollefs, Katharina; Kammermeier, Tom; Bauer, Sebastian; Nielsen, Karl-Wilhelm; Goennenwein, Sebastian T. B.
    Advanced spectroscopic synchrotron techniques to unravel the intrinsic properties of dilute magnetic oxides: the case of Co:ZnO
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Jg. 12 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 013020
  • Ney, Andreas; Kammermeier, Tom; Ollefs, Katharina; Ye, S.; Ney, Verena; Kaspar, Tiffany C.; Chambers, Scott A.; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei
    Anisotropic paramagnetism of Co-doped ZnO epitaxial films
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 81 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 054420
  • Ney, Verena; Ye, Shuangli; Ollefs, Katharina; Kammermeier, Tom; Rogalev, Andreï; Ney, Andreas
    Co-doped ZnO epitaxial films: From a brillouin-like paramagnet to a phase-separated superparamagnetic ensemble
    In: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Jg. 10 (2010) Nr. 9, S. 5958 - 5963
  • Ney, Andreas; Kammermeier, Tom; Ollefs, Katharina; Ney, Verena; Ye, S.; Dhar, Subhabrata; Ploog, Klaus H.; Röver, Martin; Malindretos, Jörg; Rizzi, A.; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei
    Gd-doped GaN studied with element specificity: Very small polarization of Ga, paramagnetism of Gd and the formation of magnetic clusters
    In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 322 (2010) Nr. 9-12, S. 1162 - 1166
  • Zhu, Diling; Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel; Wu, Benny; Scherz, Andreas; Acremann, Yves; Tyliszczak, Tolek; Fischer, Peter; Friedenberger, Nina; Ollefs, Katharina; Farle, Michael; Fienup, James R.; Stöhr, Joachim
    High-resolution X-ray lensless imaging by differential holographic encoding
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 105 (2010) S. 043901
  • Ye, S.; Ney, V.; Kammermeier, T.; Ollefs, Katharina; Zhou, S.; Schmidt, H.; Ney, A.
    Influence of the developing magnetic order on the transport properties of epitaxial Zn₁₋ₓCoₓO films
    In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 200 (2010) Nr. SECTION 5,
  • Ney, Andreas; Ney, Verena; Ollefs, Katharina; Kammermeier, Tom; Kaspar, Tiffany C.; Chambers, Scott A.; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei
    Magnetism of Co doped ZnO with Al codoping : Carrier-induced mechanisms versus extrinsic origins
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 82 (2010) Nr. 4, 041202(R)
  • Ye, S.; Ney, V.; Kammermeier, T.; Ollefs, Katharina; Ney, A.; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.
    Observation of the Onset of Magnetic Clustering in Superparamagnetic Zn1−x Co x O Films
    In: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism Jg. 23 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 91 - 94
  • Ney, Verena; Ye, S.; Kammermeier, Tom; Ollefs, Katharina; Ney, Andreas; Kaspar, Tiffany; Chambers, Scott; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Rogalev, Andrei
    Tuning the magnetic properties of Zn1-xCoxO films
    In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 322 (2010) Nr. 9-12, S. 1232 - 1234
  • Ye, S.; Ney, V.; Kammermeier, T.; Ollefs, Katharina; Zhou, S.; Schmidt, H.; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.; Ney, A.
    Absence of ferromagnetic-transport signatures in epitaxial paramagnetic and superparamagnetic Zn0.95Co0.05O films
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 80 (2009) Nr. 24, S. 245321
  • Ney, Andreas; Ollefs, Katharina; Ye, Shuangli; Kammermeier, Tom; Ney, Verena; Kaspar, T.C.; Chambers, S.A.; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.
    Absence of intrinsic ferromagnetic interactions of isolated and paired Co dopant atoms in Zn1-xCoxO with high structural perfection.
    In: Physical Review Letters Jg. 100 (2008) Nr. 15, S. 157201-1 - 157201-4
  • Ney, Andreas; Kammermeier, Tom; Ney, Verena; Ye, S.; Ollefs, Katharina; Manuel, E.; Dhar, S.; Ploog, K.H.; Arenholz, E.; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.
    Element specific magnetic properties of Gd-doped GaN : very small polarization of Ga and paramagnetism of Gd
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Jg. 77 (2008) Nr. 23, S. 233308 - 233308-4
  • Kammermeier, Tom; Ney, Verena; Ye, Shuangli; Ollefs, Katharina; Kaspar, T.C.; Chambers, S.A.; Wilhelm, F.; Rogalev, A.; Ney, Andreas
    Element specific measurements of the structural properties and magnetism of CoxZn1-xO
    In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 321 (2008) Nr. 7, S. 699 - 701
  • Ney, Andreas; Kammermeier, Tom; Ney, Verena; Ollefs, Katharina; Ye, Shuangli
    Limitations of measuring small magnetic signals of samples deposited on a diamagnetic substrate
    In: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Jg. 320 (2008) Nr. 23, S. 3341
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Aubert, Alex; Gomez, Gabriel; Skokov, Konstantin; Wilhelm, Fabrice; Wende, Heiko; Rogalev, Andrei; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Ollefs, Katharina
    New versatile instruments to measure element-specific and macroscopic hysteresis at ID12 of the ESRF
    In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers) / IEEE International Magnetic Conference; 15-19 May 2023; Sendai, Japan / The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Hrsg.) 2023
  • Dissertation

  • Ollefs, Katharina;
    Longitudinale röntgendetektierte ferromagnetische Resonanz
    Duisburg, Essen (2012) X, 118 S. : Ill., graph. Darst.