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Fakultät für Chemie

Universitätsstr. 7
45141 Essen
S07 S01 C29


  • Universitätsprofessor/in, Technische Chemie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Kazamer, Norbert; Tack, Meike; Spree, Mathias; Underberg, Martin; Rost, Ulrich; Reichenberger, Sven; Cieluch, Maximilian; Salih, Haujin; Wirkert, Florian; Böhm, Leonard; Roth, Jeffrey; Nallathambi, Varatharaja; Gault, Baptiste; Baer, Christoph; Orend, Kerstin; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hülser, Tim; Brodmann, Michael
    Ultrasonically Deposited Boron-Doped Silicon Decorated with Laser-Generated Iridium Nanoparticles as Manufacturing Approach for OER Electrodes in PEM Water Electrolysis
    In: Advanced Materials Interfaces (2025) in press
  • Gamrad-Streubel, Lisa; Kundu, Sangita; Streich, Carmen; Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Schielke, Andreas; Rehbock, Christoph; Cordes-Blauert, Merle; Franzka, Steffen; Klein, Sabine; Kues, Wilfried A.; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Adsorption and Distribution of Triplex-Hybridizing Bioconjugated Gold Nanoclusters Inside Spermatozoa- A Study Using Confocal Microscopy and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
    In: ChemBioChem Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 23, e202400451
  • Heine, Nils; Doll-Nikutta, Katharina; Stein, Frederic; Jakobi, Jurij; Ingendoh-Tsakmakidis, Alexandra; Rehbock, Christoph; Winkel, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stiesch, Meike
    Anti-biofilm properties of laser-synthesized, ultrapure silver-gold-alloy nanoparticles against Staphylococcus aureus
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 14 (2024) Nr. 1, 3405
  • Doll-Nikutta, Katharina; Heine, Nils; Kheirmand-Parizi, Marjan; Stein, Frederic; Ulrich, Jennifer; Rehbock, Christoph; Winkel, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stiesch, Meike
    Bacteria-Epithelial Cell Interaction Influences Cytotoxicity and Antibacterial Effect of Silver-Gold Alloy Nanoparticles on a Species-Specific Level
    In: ChemNanoMat Jg. 10 (2024) Nr. 2, e202300400
  • Gabriel, Philipp; Nallathambi, Varatharaja; Liu, Jianing; Staab, Franziska; Oyedeji, Timileyin David; Yang, Yangyiwei; Hantke, Nick; Adabifiroozjaei, Esmaeil; Recalde-Benitez, Oscar; Molina-Luna, Leopoldo; Rao, Ziyuan; Gault, Baptiste; Sehrt, Jan T.; Scheibel, Franziska; Skokov, Konstantin; Xu, Bai-Xiang; Durst, Karsten; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ziefuß, Anna
    Boosting Coercivity of 3D Printed Hard Magnets through Nano-Modification of the Powder Feedstock
    In: Advanced Science Jg. 11 (2024) Nr. 46, 2407972
  • Angelov, Svilen D.; Rehbock, Christoph; Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Heissler, Hans E.; Alam, Mesbah; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.
    Coating of Neural Electrodes with Platinum Nanoparticles Reduces and Stabilizes Impedance In Vitro and In Vivo in a Rat Model
    In: Coatings Jg. 14 (2024) Nr. 3, 352
  • Tack, Meike; Usama, Muhammad; Kazamer, Norbert; Exner, Kai; Brodmann, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    Continuous and Scalable Laser Synthesis of Atom Clusters with Tunable Surface Oxidation for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting
    In: ACS Applied Energy Materials Jg. 7 (2024) Nr. 9, S. 4057 - 4067
  • Leupold, Simon; Willeke, Michael; Leong, Cheechau; Stratmann, Nadine; Sommereyns, Alexander; Ziefuß, Anna Rosa; Kopp, Sebastian-Paul; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schmidt, Michael;
    13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2024], 15-19 September 2024, Fürth, Germany (Hrsg.)
    Correlation of optical energy onto nano-additivated CuS/PA12 and LaB₆/PA12 powder with depth of fusion in PBF-LB/P
    In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 124 (2024) S. 61 - 64
  • Matten, Manuel; Lange, Thomas; Rohe, Markus; Mei, Bastian; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Defect-Selective Energy Barrier Crossing during Adsorption of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles on Zinc Sulfide Crystals under Overall Electrostatic Repulsion
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 128 (2024) Nr. 43, S. 18622 - 18633
  • Lau, Kinran; Zerebecki, Swen; Pielsticker, Lukas; Hetaba, Walid; Dhaka, Kapil; Exner, Kai S.; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Fluoride Substitution : Quantifying Surface Hydroxyls of Metal Oxides with Fluoride Ions
    In: Advanced Materials Interfaces Jg. 11 (2024) Nr. 26, 2400237
  • Gharib, Mustafa; Yates, A.J.; Sanders, Stephen; Gebauer, Johannes; Graf, Sebastian; Ziefuß, Anna; Nonappa; Kassier, Günther; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Weller, Horst; Alabastri, Alessandro; Nordlander, Peter; Parak, Wolfgang J.; Chakraborty, Indranath
    Golden Plasmophores with Tunable Photoluminescence and Outstanding Thermal and Photothermal Stability
    In: Advanced Optical Materials Jg. 12 (2024) Nr. 14, 2302833
  • Riahi, Farbod; Doñate-Buendia, Carlos; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    How Nanoparticle Size and Bubble Merging Is Governed by Short-Range Spatially Controlled Double-Beam Laser Ablation in Liquids
    In: Particle and Particle Systems Characterization Jg. 41 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 2300145
  • Ziefuß, Anna; Gabriel, Philipp; Streubel, René; Nachev, Milen; Sures, Bernd; Eibl, Florian; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In-situ composition analysis during laser powder bed fusion of Nd-Fe-based feedstock using machine-integrated optical emission spectroscopy
    In: Materials & Design Jg. 244 (2024) 113211
  • Gabriel, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ziefuß, Anna
    Kleine Partikel mit großer Wirkung : …wie Laser-generierte Nanopartikel den 3D-Druck von Permanentmagneten revolutionieren könnten
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2024) Nr. 60: Magnete als Klimaretter : Materialien für eine emissionsfreie Zukunft, S. 38 - 47
  • Fromme, Theo; Reichenberger, Sven; Tibbetts, Katharine M; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser synthesis of nanoparticles in organic solvents : products, reactions, and perspectives
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 15 (2024) S. 638 - 663
  • Sommereyns, Alexander; Leupold, Simon; Rudlof, Frederic; Willeke, Michael; Ghosh, Anindya; Ohannessian, Ben; Merwin, Daniella; Elahi, Reza; Barcikowski, Stephan; Vogel, Nicolas; Schmidt, Michael
    Light matters : Quantifiable optical interaction between near-infrared laser radiation and nano-additivated polymers in all states of matter present in laser powder bed fusion
    In: Additive Manufacturing Jg. 86 (2024) 104211
  • Stratmann, Nadine; Willeke, Michael; Leupold, Simon; Schmidt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ziefuß, Anna Rosa;
    Near-infrared surface sensitizing of PA12 to enable diode laser-based Powder Bed Fusion
    13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2024], 15-19 September 2024, Fürth, Germany,
    In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 124 (2024) S. 69 - 73
  • Alinejad, Shima; Quinson, Jonathan; Li, Yao; Kong, Ying; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Broekmann, Peter; Arenz, Matthias
    Optimizing the use of a gas diffusion electrode setup for CO₂ electrolysis imitating a zero-gap MEA design
    In: Journal of Catalysis Jg. 429 (2024) 115209
  • Karnes, John J.; Pascall, Andrew J.; Rehbock, Christoph; Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Worsley, Marcus A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Lee, Elaine; Giera, Brian
    Particle-based simulations of electrophoretic deposition with adaptive physics models
    In: Computer Physics Communications Jg. 297 (2024) 109062
  • Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Johny, Jacob; Jakobi, Jurij; Stuckert, Robert; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Platinum-Iridium Alloy Nanoparticle Coatings Produced by Electrophoretic Deposition Reduce Impedance in 3D Neural Electrodes
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 17, e202300623
  • Zwiehoff, Sandra; Hensel, Astrid; Rishmawi, Ramin; Shakibaei, Parisa; Behrends, Carina; Hommel, Katrin; Bäumer, Christian; Knauer, Shirley Karin; Timmermann, Beate; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Synergetic Enhancing Effects between Platinum Nanosensitizers and Clinically Approved Stabilizing Ligands in Proton Therapy, Causing High-Yield Double-Strand Breaks of Plasmid DNA at Relevant Dose
    In: Advanced NanoBiomed Research Jg. 4 (2024) Nr. 11, 2400023
  • Lau, Kinran; Giera, Brian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    The multivariate interaction between Au and TiO₂ colloids : The role of surface potential, concentration, and defects
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 16 (2024) Nr. 5, S. 2552 - 2564
  • Siebeneicher, Simon; Reichenberger, Sven; Hengst, Christoph; Dornhaus, Franz; Wittek, Bernd; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Activity and Durability Patterns of 45 Binary Noble Metal Alloy Nanoparticle Variants for Commercial Diesel Exhaust Aftertreatment
    In: ChemCatChem Jg. 15 (2023) Nr. 19, e202300563
  • Riahi, Farbod; Bubmann, Alexander; Doñate-Buendia, Carlos; Adami, Stefan; Adams, Nicolaus A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Bußmann, Alexander
    Characterizing bubble interaction effects in synchronous-double-pulse laser ablation for enhanced nanoparticle synthesis
    In: Photonics Research Jg. 11 (2023) Nr. 12, S. 2054 - 2071
  • Lau, Kinran; Niemann, Felix; Abdiaziz, Kaltum; Heidelmann, Markus; Yang, Yuke; Tong, Yujin; Fechtelkord, Michael; Schmidt, Torsten C.; Schnegg, Alexander; Kramer Campen, Richard; Peng, Baoxiang; Muhler, Martin; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Differentiating between Acidic and Basic Surface Hydroxyls on Metal Oxides by Fluoride Substitution : A Case Study on Blue TiO₂ from Laser Defect Engineering
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Jg. 62 (2023) Nr. 12, e202213968
  • Doñate-Buendia, Carlos; Spellauge, Maximilian; Streubel, Rene; Riahi, Farbod; Barcikowski, Stephan; Huber, Heinz; Gökce, Bilal
    Double-pulse laser ablation in liquids: nanoparticle bimodality reduction by sub-nanosecond interpulse delay optimization
    In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Jg. 56 (2023) Nr. 10, 104001
  • Friedenauer, Tina; Buck, Kim; Eberwein, Maike; Bünte, Anna-Lena; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Efficient Synthesis of Submicrometer-Sized Active Pharmaceuticals by Laser Fragmentation in a Liquid-Jet Passage Reactor with Minimum Degradation
    In: Particle and Particle Systems Characterization Jg. 40 (2023) Nr. 12, 2300034
  • Khamlich, S.; Jakobi, Jurij; Khamliche, T.; Ismail, F.; Nemraoui, O.; Rehbock, Christoph; Fester, V.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Enhanced heat transfer of laser-fabricated copper nanofluid at ultra-low concentration driven by the nanoparticle surface area
    In: Journal of Molecular Liquids Jg. 383 (2023) 122104
  • Fromme, Theo; Tintrop, Lucie K.; Reichenberger, Sven; Schmidt, Torsten Claus; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Impact of Chemical and Physical Properties of Organic Solvents on the Gas and Hydrogen Formation during Laser Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 24 (2023) Nr. 11, e202300089
  • Liu, Jianing; Yang, Ying; Staab, Franziska; Doñate-Buendia, Carlos; Streubel, René; Gökce, Bilal; Maccari, Fernando; Gabriel, Philipp; Zingsem, Benjamin; Spoddig, Detlef; Durst, Karsten; Farle, Michael; Gutfleisch, Oliver; Barcikowski, Stephan; Skokov, Konstantin; Ziefuß, Anna R.
    Influence of Colloidal Additivation with Surfactant-Free Laser-Generated Metal Nanoparticles on the Microstructure of Suction-Cast Nd–Fe–B Alloy
    In: Advanced Engineering Materials Jg. 25 (2023) Nr. 22, 2301054
  • Bußmann, Alexander; Riahi, Farbod; Gökce, Bilal; Adami, Stefan; Barcikowski, Stephan; Adams, Nikolaus A.
    Investigation of cavitation bubble dynamics near a solid wall by high-resolution numerical simulation
    In: Physics of Fluids Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 1, 016115
  • Sutthavas, Pichaporn; Schumacher, Matthias; Nikody, Martyna; Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Jakobi, Jurij; Balmayor, Elizabeth R.; Habibovic, Pamela; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; van Rijt, Sabine
    Laser-based ion doping is a suitable alternative to dope biologically active ions into colloidal bioglass nanoparticles
    In: Materials Advances Jg. 4 (2023) Nr. 16, S. 3482 - 3490
  • Spellauge, Maximilian; Tack, Meike; Streubel, René; Miertz, Matthias; Exner, Kai; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Huber, Heinz Paul; Ziefuß, Anna
    Photomechanical Laser Fragmentation of IrO₂ Microparticles for the Synthesis of Active and Redox-Sensitive Colloidal Nanoclusters
    In: Small Jg. 19 (2023) Nr. 10, 2206485
  • Johny, Jacob; van Halteren, Charlotte; Cakir, Fatih-Can; Zwiehoff, Sandra; Behrends, Carina; Bäumer, Christian; Timmermann, Beate; Rauschenbach, Laurèl; Tippelt, Stephan; Scheffler, Björn; Schramm, Alexander; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Surface Chemistry and Specific Surface Area Rule the Efficiency of Gold Nanoparticle Sensitizers in Proton Therapy
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 29 (2023) Nr. 50, e202301260
  • Streich, Carmen; Stein, Frederic; Jakobi, Jurij; Ingendoh-Tsakmakidis, Alexandra; Heine, Nils; Rehbock, Christoph; Winkel, Andreas; Grade, Sebastian; Kühnel, Mark; Migunov, Vadim; Kovács, András; Knura, Thomas; Stiesch, Meike; Sures, Bernd; Barcikowski, Stephan
    The Origin of the Intracellular Silver in Bacteria : A Comprehensive Study using Targeting Gold–Silver Alloy Nanoparticles
    In: Advanced Healthcare Materials Jg. 12 (2023) Nr. 30, 2302084
  • Busch, Mathias; Bredeck, Gerrit; Waag, Friedrich; Rahimi, Khosrow; Ramachandran, Haribaskar; Bessel, Tobias; Barcikowski, Stephan; Herrmann, Andreas; Rossi, Andrea; Schins, Roel P F
    Assessing the NLRP3 Inflammasome Activating Potential of a Large Panel of Micro- and Nanoplastics in THP-1 Cells
    In: Biomolecules Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 8, 1095
  • Li, Yaya; Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Bider, Faina; Bradshaw, Nathan; Rehbock, Christoph; Boccaccini, Aldo R.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Co-doping of iron and copper ions in nanosized bioactive glass by reactive laser fragmentation in liquids
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Jg. 110 (2022) Nr. 9, S. 1537 - 1550
  • Spellauge, Maximilian; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Huber, Heinz P.
    Comparison of ultrashort pulse ablation of gold in air and water by time-resolved experiments
    In: Light: Science & Applications (LSA) Jg. 11 (2022) Nr. 1, 68
  • Stein, Frederic; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Martinez-Hincapie, Ricardo; Reichenberger, Sven; Rehbock, Christoph; Colic, Viktor; Guay, Daniel; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Disproportional surface segregation in ligand-free gold–silver alloy solid solution nanoparticles, and its implication for catalysis and biomedicine
    In: Faraday Discussions Jg. 242 (2022) S. 301 - 325
  • Alinejad, Shima; Quinson, Jonathan; Wiberg, Gustav K. H.; Schlegel, Nicolas; Zhang, Damin; Li, Yao; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Arenz, Matthias
    Electrochemical Reduction of CO₂ on Au Electrocatalysts in a Zero-Gap, Half-Cell Gas Diffusion Electrode Setup : A Systematic Performance Evaluation and Comparison to an H-cell Setup
    In: ChemElectroChem Jg. 9 (2022) Nr. 12, e202200341
  • Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Giera, Brian; Karnes, John J.; Stratmann, Nadine; Schaufler, Viktor; Li, Yao; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Electrophoretic Deposition of Platinum Nanoparticles using Ethanol-Water Mixtures Significantly Reduces Neural Electrode Impedance
    In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES) Jg. 169 (2022) Nr. 2, 022504
  • Zerebecki, Swen; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Yang, Yuke; Tong, Yujin; Budiyanto, Eko; Waffel, Daniel; Dreyer, Maik; Saddeler, Sascha; Kox, Tim; Kenmoe, Stephane; Spohr, Eckhard; Schulz, Stephan; Behrens, Malte; Muhler, Martin; Tüysüz, Harun; Campen, Richard Kramer; Wende, Heiko; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Engineering of Cation Occupancy of CoFe₂O₄ Oxidation Catalysts by Nanosecond, Single-Pulse Laser Excitation in Water
    In: ChemCatChem Jg. 14 (2022) Nr. 10, e202101785
  • Zwiehoff, Sandra; Johny, Jacob; Behrends, Carina; Landmann, Alina; Mentzel, Florian; Bäumer, Christian; Kröninger, Kevin; Rehbock, Christoph; Timmermann, Beate; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Enhancement of Proton Therapy Efficiency by Noble Metal Nanoparticles Is Driven by the Number and Chemical Activity of Surface Atoms
    In: Small Jg. 18 (2022) Nr. 9, 2106383
  • Zerebecki, Swen; Schott, Kai; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Budiyanto, Eko; Tuysuz, Harun; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    Gradually Fe-Doped Co3O4 Nanoparticles in 2-Propanol and Water Oxidation Catalysis with Single Laser Pulse Resolution
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 126 (2022) Nr. 36, S. 15144 - 15155
  • Zerebecki, Swen; Schott, Kai; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Budiyanto, Eko; Tüysüz, Harun; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    Gradually Fe-Doped Co₃O₄Nanoparticles in 2-Propanol and Water Oxidation Catalysis with Single Laser Pulse Resolution
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 126 (2022) Nr. 36, S. 15144 - 15155
  • Waag, Friedrich; Fares, Wessam I. M. A.; Li, Yao; Andronescu, Corina; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Identification of the main mixing process in the synthesis of alloy nanoparticles by laser ablation of compacted micropowder mixtures
    In: Journal of Materials Science Jg. 57 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 3041 - 3056
  • Johny, Jacob; van Halteren, Charlotte; Zwiehoff, Sandra; Behrends, Carina; Bäumer, Christian; Timmermann, Beate; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Impact of Sterilization on the Colloidal Stability of Ligand-Free Gold Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
    In: Langmuir Jg. 38 (2022) Nr. 43, S. 13030 - 13047
  • Ziefuß, Anna; Willeke, Michael; Miertz, Matthias; Heinemann, Alexander; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Influence of Pt alloying on the fluorescence of fully inorganic, colloidal gold nanoclusters
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 10, e202200033
  • Johny, Jacob; Li, Yao; Kamp, Marius; Prymak, Oleg; Liang, Shun-Xing; Krekeler, Tobias; Ritter, Martin; Kienle, Lorenz; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    Laser-generated high entropy metallic glass nanoparticles as bifunctional electrocatalysts
    In: Nano Research Jg. 15 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 4807 - 4819
  • Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Stratmann, Nadine; Schaufler, Viktor; Angelov, Svilen D.; Nordhorn, Ilona D.; Heissler, Hans E.; Martínez-Hincapié, Ricardo; Čolić, Viktor; Rehbock, Christoph; Schwabe, Kerstin; Karst, Uwe; Krauss, Joachim K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Mechanical Stability of Nano-Coatings on Clinically Applicable Electrodes, Generated by Electrophoretic Deposition
    In: Advanced Healthcare Materials Jg. 11 (2022) Nr. 23, 2102637
  • Kusoglu, Ihsan Murat; Vieth, Pascal; Heiland, Steffen; Huber, Florian; Lüddecke, Arne; Ziefuß, Anna; Kwade, Arno; Schmidt, Michael; Schaper, Mirko; Barcikowski, Stephan; Grundmeier, Guido
    Microstructure and corrosion properties of PBF-LB produced carbide nanoparticles additivated AlSi10Mg parts
    In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 111 (2022) Nr. 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022], S. 10 - 13
  • Johny, Jacob; Prymak, Oleg; Kamp, Marius; Calvo, Florent; Kim, Se-Ho; Tymoczko, Anna; El-Zoka, Ayman; Rehbock, Christoph; Schürmann, Ulrich; Gault, Baptiste; Kienle, Lorenz; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Multidimensional thermally-induced transformation of nest-structured complex Au-Fe nanoalloys towards equilibrium
    In: Nano Research Jg. 15 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 581 - 592
  • Du, Jia; Quinson, Jonathan; Zhang, Damin; Wang, Baiyu; Wiberg, Gustav K. H.; Pittkowski, Rebecca K.; Schröder, Johanna; Simonsen, Søren B.; Kirkensgaard, Jacob J. K.; Li, Yao; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Jensen, Kirsten M. Ø.; Arenz, Matthias
    Nanocomposite Concept for Electrochemical In Situ Preparation of Pt–Au Alloy Nanoparticles for Formic Acid Oxidation
    In: JACS Au Jg. 2 (2022) Nr. 7, S. 1757 - 1768
  • Wang, Ruiqi; Xi, Lixia; Ding, Kai; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gu, Dongdong
    Powder preparation during ball milling and laser additive manufacturing of aluminum matrix nanocomposites : Powder properties, processability and mechanical property
    In: Advanced Powder Technology Jg. 33 (2022) Nr. 8, 103687
  • Doñate-Buendia, Carlos; Ingendoh-Tsakmakidis, Alexandra; Hupfeld, Tim; Winkel, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Production of bactericidal powder suitable for laser powder bed fusion by silver nanoadditivation of polyamide
    In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 111 (2022) Nr. 12th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2022], S. 47 - 50
  • Behrends, C.; Bäcker, C.M.; Schilling, I.; Zwiehoff, S.; Weingarten, J.; Kröninger, K.; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wulff, J.; Bäumer, Christian; Timmermann, Beate
    The radiosensitizing effect of platinum nanoparticles in proton irradiations is not caused by an enhanced proton energy deposition at the macroscopic scale
    In: Physics in Medicine and Biology Jg. 67 (2022) Nr. 15, 155023
  • Dittrich, Sarah; Spellauge, Maximilian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Huber, Heinz P.; Gökce, Bilal
    Time resolved studies reveal the origin of the unparalleled high efficiency of one nanosecond laser ablation in liquids
    In: Opto-Electronic Advances Jg. 5 (2022) Nr. 6, 210053
  • Ziefuß, Anna; Hupfeld, Tim; Meckelmann, Sven; Meyer, Martin; Schmitz, Oliver J.; Kaziur-Cegla, Wiebke; Tintrop, Lucie K.; Schmidt, Torsten Claus; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ultrafast cold-brewing of coffee by picosecond-pulsed laser extraction
    In: npj Science of Food Jg. 6 (2022) Nr. 1, 19
  • Lange, Thomas; Reichenberger, Sven; Ristig, Simon; Rohe, Markus; Strunk, Jennifer; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schlögl, Robert
    Zinc sulfide for photocatalysis : White angel or black sheep?
    In: Progress in Materials Science Jg. 124 (2022) 100865
  • Liang, Shun-Xing; Salamon, Soma; Zerebecki, Swen; Zhang, Lai-Chang; Jia, Zhe; Wende, Heiko; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    A laser-based synthesis route for magnetic metallic glass nanoparticles
    In: Scripta Materialia (2021)
  • Lange, Thomas; Reichenberger, Sven; Rohe, Markus; Bartsch, Mathias; Kampermann, Laura; Klein, Julian; Strunk, Jennifer; Bacher, Gerd; Schlögl, Robert; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Alumina-Protected, Durable and Photostable Zinc Sulfide Particles from Scalable Atomic Layer Deposition
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 31 (2021) Nr. 14, 2009323
  • Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Rehbock, Christoph; Giera, Brian; Karnes, John J.; Forien, Jean-Baptiste; Angelov, Svilen D.; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Comparing Direct and Pulsed-Direct Current Electrophoretic Deposition on Neural Electrodes : Deposition Mechanism and Functional Influence
    In: Langmuir Jg. 37 (2021) Nr. 32, S. 9724 - 9734
  • Löffler, Tobias; Waag, Friedrich; Gökce, Bilal; Ludwig, Alfred; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schuhmann, Wolfgang
    Comparing the Activity of Complex Solid Solution Electrocatalysts Using Inflection Points of Voltammetric Activity Curves as Activity Descriptors
    In: ACS Catalysis Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 1014 - 1023
  • Liang, Shun-Xing; Zhang, Lai-Chang; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Zhang, Lai Chang
    Design and perspective of amorphous metal nanoparticles from laser synthesis and processing
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 19, S. 11121 - 11154
  • Kalus, Mark; Lanyumba, Riskyanti; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Discrimination of ablation, shielding, and interface layer effects on the steady-state formation of persistent bubbles under liquid flow conditions during laser synthesis of colloids
    In: Journal of Flow Chemistry Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 773 - 792
  • Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Tüysüz, Harun
    Ein Spagat über die Materiallücke : Engineering von Nanostrukturen und Materialdefekten für die Katalyse
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2021) Nr. 57: Katalyse : Alles andere als oberflächlich, S. 45 - 56
  • Johny, Jacob; Kamp, Marius; Prymak, Oleg; Tymoczko, Anna; Wiedwald, Ulf; Rehbock, Christoph; Schürmann, Ulrich; Popescu, Radian; Gerthsen, Dagmar; Kienle, Lorenz; Shaji, Sadasivan; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Formation of Co–Au Core–Shell Nanoparticles with Thin Gold Shells and Soft Magnetic ε-Cobalt Cores Ruled by Thermodynamics and Kinetics
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 125 (2021) Nr. 17, S. 9534 - 9549
  • Nadarajah, Ruksan; Tasdemir, Leyla; Thiel, Christian; Salamon, Soma; Semisalova, Anna; Wende, Heiko; Farle, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Erni, Daniel; Gökce, Bilal
    Formation of Fe-Ni nanoparticle strands in macroscopic polymer composites : Experiment and simulation
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 8, 2095
  • Kalus, Mark; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    How the Physicochemical Properties of the Bulk Material Affect the Ablation Crater Profile, Mass Balance, and Bubble Dynamics During Single-Pulse, Nanosecond Laser Ablation in Water
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 27 (2021) Nr. 19, S. 5978 - 5991
  • Zeng, Yuan; Havenridge, Shana; Gharib, Mustafa; Baksi, Ananya; Weerawardene, K. L. Dimuthu M.; Ziefuß, Anna; Strelow, Christian; Rehbock, Christoph; Mews, Alf; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kappes, Manfred M.; Parak, Wolfgang J.; Aikens, Christine M.; Chakraborty, Indranath
    Impact of Ligands on Structural and Optical Properties of Ag₂₉ Nanoclusters
    In: Journal of the American Chemical Society: JACS Jg. 143 (2021) Nr. 25, S. 9405 - 9414
  • Budiyanto, Eko; Zerebecki, Swen; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Kox, Tim; Kenmoe, Stephane; Spohr, Eckhard; Debeer, Serena; Rüdiger, Olaf; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Tüysüz, Harun
    Impact of single-pulse, low-intensity laser post-processing on structure and activity of mesostructured cobalt oxide for the oxygen evolution reaction
    In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 44, S. 51962 - 51973
  • Stein, Frederic; Schielke, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rehbock, Christoph
    Influence of Gold/Silver Ratio in Ablative Nanoparticles on Their Interaction with Aptamers and Functionality of the Obtained Conjugates
    In: Bioconjugate Chemistry Jg. 32 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 2439 - 2446
  • Sommereyns, Alexander; Hupfeld, Tim; Gann, Stan; Wang, Tao; Wu, Cunchen; Zhuravlev, Evgeny; Lüddecke, Arne; Baumann, Stéphanie; Rudloff, Johannes; Lang, Marieluise; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schmidt, Michael
    Influence of sub-monolayer quantities of carbon nanoparticles on the melting and crystallization behavior of polyamide 12 powders for additive manufacturing
    In: Materials & Design Jg. 201 (2021) S. 109487
  • Kusoglu, Ihsan Murat; Doñate‐Buendía, Carlos; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Laser powder bed fusion of polymers : Quantitative research direction indices
    In: Materials Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 5, S. 1169
  • Shih, Cheng-Yu; Chen, Chaobo; Rehbock, Christoph; Tymoczko, Anna; Wiedwald, Ulf; Kamp, Marius; Schuermann, Ulrich; Kienle, Lorenz; Barcikowski, Stephan; Zhigilei, Leonid V.
    Limited Elemental Mixing in Nanoparticles Generated by Ultrashort Pulse Laser Ablation of AgCu Bilayer Thin Films in a Liquid Environment : Atomistic Modeling and Experiments
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 125 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 2132 - 2155
  • Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Kürnsteiner, Philipp; Stern, Felix; Wilms, Markus Benjamin; Streubel, René; Kuşoǧlu, Ihsan Murat; Tenkamp, Jochen; Bruder, Enrico; Pirch, Norbert; Barcikowski, Stephan; Durst, Karsten; Schleifenbaum, J.H.; Walther, Frank; Gault, Baptiste; Gökce, Bilal
    Microstructure formation and mechanical properties of ODS steels built by laser additive manufacturing of nanoparticle coated iron-chromium powders
    In: Acta Materialia Jg. 206 (2021) S. 116566
  • Kusoglu, Ihsan Murat; Huber, Florian; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Ziefuß, Anna; Gökce, Bilal; Sehrt, Jan T.; Kwade, Arno; Schmidt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanoparticle additivation effects on laser powder bed fusion of metals and polymers : A theoretical concept for an inter-laboratory study design all along the process chain, including research data management
    In: Materials Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 17, 4892
  • Ziefuß, Anna; Steenbock, Torben; Benner, Dominik; Plech, Anton; Göttlicher, Jörg; Teubner, Melissa; Grimm-Lebsanft, Benjamin; Rehbock, Christoph; Comby-Zerbino, Clothilde; Antoine, Rodolphe; Amans, David; Chakraborty, Indranath; Bester, Gabriel; Nachev, Milen; Sures, Bernd; Rübhausen, Michael; Parak, Wolfgang J.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Photoluminescence of Fully Inorganic Colloidal Gold Nanocluster and Their Manipulation Using Surface Charge Effects
    In: Advanced Materials Jg. 33 (2021) Nr. 31, 2101549
  • Dittrich, Sarah; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Plasma and nanoparticle shielding during pulsed laser ablation in liquids cause ablation efficiency decrease
    In: Opto-Electronic Advances Jg. 4 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 200072
  • Labusch, Marc; Puthenkalam, Sissy; Cleve, Ernst; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    Pore penetration of porous catalyst supports by in-situ-adsorbed, agglomeration-quenched nanoparticles from pulsed laser ablation in supercritical CO₂
    In: The Journal of Supercritical Fluids Jg. 169 (2021) S. 105100
  • Sommereyns, Alexander; Gann, Stan; Schmidt, Jochen; Chehreh, Abootorab Baqerzadeh; Lüddecke, Arne; Walther, Frank; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schmidt, Michael
    Quality over quantity : How different dispersion qualities of minute amounts of nano-additives affect material properties in powder bed fusion of polyamide 12
    In: Materials Jg. 14 (2021) Nr. 18, 5322
  • Al-Zubeidi, Alexander; Stein, Frederic; Flatebo, Charlotte; Rehbock, Christoph; Hosseini Jebeli, Seyyed Ali; Landes, Christy F.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Link, Stephan
    Single-Particle Hyperspectral Imaging Reveals Kinetics of Silver Ion Leaching from Alloy Nanoparticles
    In: ACS Nano (2021) S. 8363 - 8375
  • Zhu, Lin; Zeng, Yuan; Teubner, Melissa; Grimm-Lebsanft, Benjamin; Ziefuß, Anna; Rehbock, Christoph; Rübhausen, Michael A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Parak, Wolfgang J.; Chakraborty, Indranath
    Surface Engineering of Gold Nanoclusters Protected with 11-Mercaptoundecanoic Acid for Photoluminescence Sensing
    In: ACS Applied Nano Materials Jg. 4 (2021) Nr. 3, S. 3197 - 3203
  • Waag, Friedrich; Streubel, René; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Synthesis of gold, platinum, and gold-platinum alloy nanoparticle colloids with high-power megahertz-repetition-rate lasers : The importance of the beam guidance method
    In: Applied Nanoscience Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 1303 - 1312
  • Richter, Alena; Li, Yaya; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Haverich, Axel; Wilhelmi, Mathias; Böer, Ulrike
    Triple Modification of Alginate Hydrogels by Fibrin Blending, Iron Nanoparticle Embedding, and Serum Protein‐Coating Synergistically Promotes Strong Endothelialization
    In: Advanced Materials Interfaces Jg. 8 (2021) Nr. 10, 2002015
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Sommereyns, Alexander; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Schmidt, Jochen; Wende, Heiko; Schmidt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    3D printing of magnetic parts by laser powder bed fusion of iron oxide nanoparticle functionalized polyamide powders
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices Jg. 8 (2020) Nr. 35, S. 12204 - 12217
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Sommereyns, Alexander; Riahi, Farbod; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Gann, Stan; Schmidt, Michael; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Analysis of the nanoparticle dispersion and its effect on the crystalline microstructure in carbon-additivated PA12 feedstock material for laser powder bed fusion
    In: Materials Jg. 13 (2020) Nr. 15,
  • Kamp, Marius; Tymoczko, Anna; Popescu, Radian; Schürmann, Ulrich; Nadarajah, Ruksan; Gökce, Bilal; Rehbock, Christoph; Gerthsen, Dagmar; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kienle, Lorenz
    Composition and structure of magnetic high-temperature-phase, stable Fe–Au core–shell nanoparticles with zero-valent bcc Fe core
    In: Nanoscale Advances Jg. 2 (2020) Nr. 9, S. 3912 - 3920
  • Zerebecki, Swen; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Continuous-Flow Flat Jet Setup for Uniform Pulsed Laser Postprocessing of Colloids
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A: Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols Jg. 124 (2020) Nr. 52, S. 11125 - 11132
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Laurens, Gaétan; Merabia, Samy; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Amans, David
    Dynamics of laser-induced cavitation bubbles at a solid-liquid interface in high viscosity and high capillary number regimes
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 127 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 044306
  • Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Seiser, Felix; Wiederrecht, Jan-Philipp; Reichenberger, Sven; Vinnay, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Marzun, Galina
    Effective size separation of laser-generated, surfactant-free nanoparticles by continuous centrifugation
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 9, S. 095603
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Sommereyns, Alexander; Schuffenhauer, Thomas; Zhuravlev, Evgeny; Krebs, Moritz; Gann, Stan; Keßler, Olaf; Schmidt, Michael; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    How colloidal surface additivation of polyamide 12 powders with well-dispersed silver nanoparticles influences the crystallization already at low 0.01 vol%
    In: Additive Manufacturing Jg. 36 (2020) S. 101419
  • Reich, Stefan; Göttlicher, Jörg; Ziefuß, Anna; Streubel, René; Letzel, Alexander; Menzel, Andreas; Mathon, Olivier; Pascarelli, Sakura; Baumbach, Tilo; Zuber, Marcus; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Plech, Anton
    In situ speciation and spatial mapping of Zn products during pulsed laser ablation in liquids (PLAL) by combined synchrotron methods
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 12 (2020) Nr. 26, S. 14011 - 14020
  • Dittrich, Sabine; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Wittek, B.; Hengst, Christoph; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    Increasing the size-selectivity in laser-based g/h liquid flow synthesis of pt and ptpd nanoparticles for co and no oxidation in industrial automotive exhaust gas treatment benchmarking
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 8, S. 1582
  • Brändle, Katharina; Bergmann, Timna C.; Raic, Annamarija; Li, Yaya; Million, Nina; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Lee-Thedieck, Cornelia
    Iron Nanoparticle Composite Hydrogels for Studying Effects of Iron Ion Release on Red Blood Cell in Vitro Production
    In: ACS Applied Bio Materials Jg. 3 (2020) Nr. 8, S. 4766 - 4778
  • Yu, Mingquan; Waag, Friedrich; Chan, Candace K.; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Barcikowski, Stephan; Tüysüz, Harun
    Laser Fragmentation-Induced Defect-Rich Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Oxygen Evolution Reaction
    In: ChemSusChem Jg. 13 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 520 - 528
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Stein, Frederic; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Wiedwald, Ulf
    Manipulation of the size and phase composition of yttrium iron garnet nanoparticles by pulsed laser post-processing in liquid
    In: Molecules: A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry Jg. 25 (2020) Nr. 8, S. 25081869
  • Li, Yaya; Rehbock, Christoph; Nachev, Milen; Stamm, Jacqueline; Sures, Bernd; Blaeser, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Matrix-specific mechanism of Fe ion release from laser-generated 3D-printable nanoparticle-polymer composites and their protein adsorption properties
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 31 (2020) Nr. 40, S. 405703
  • Ziefuß, Anna; Haxhiaj, Ina; Müller, Stefan; Gharib, Mustafa; Gridina, Olga; Rehbock, Christoph; Chakraborty, Indranath; Peng, Baoxiang; Muhler, Martin; Parak, Wolfgang J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reichenberger, Sven
    Origin of Laser-Induced Colloidal Gold Surface Oxidation and Charge Density, and Its Role in Oxidation Catalysis
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 124 (2020) Nr. 38, S. 20981 - 20990
  • Nadarajah, Ruksan; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Picosecond laser-induced surface structures on alloys in liquids and their influence on nanoparticle productivity during laser ablation
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 28 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 2909 - 2924
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Wegner, Andreas; Blanke, Meik; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Sharov, Vladyslav; Nieskens, Simon; Piechotta, Markus; Giese, Michael R. A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Plasmonic Seasoning: Giving Color to Desktop Laser 3D Printed Polymers by Highly Dispersed Nanoparticles
    In: Advanced Optical Materials Jg. 8 (2020) Nr. 15, 2000473
  • Kusoglu, Ihsan Murat; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Research trends in laser powder bed fusion of Al alloys within the last decade
    In: Additive Manufacturing Jg. 36 (2020) S. 101489
  • Amendola, Vincenzo; Amans, David; Ishikawa, Yoshie; Koshizaki, Naoto; Scirè, Salvatore; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Room-Temperature Laser Synthesis in Liquid of Oxide, Metal-Oxide Core-Shells, and Doped Oxide Nanoparticles
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Jg. 26 (2020) Nr. 42, S. 9206 - 9242
  • Schade, Oliver R.; Stein, Frederic; Reichenberger, Sven; Gaur, Abhijeet; Saraҫi, Erisa; Barcikowski, Stephan; Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
    Selective Aerobic Oxidation of 5-(Hydroxymethyl)furfural over Heterogeneous Silver-Gold Nanoparticle Catalysts
    In: Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis Jg. 362 (2020) Nr. 24, S. 5681 - 5696
  • Zhu, Lin; Gharib, Mustafa; Becker, Charline; Zeng, Yuan; Ziefuß, Anna; Chen, Lizhen; Alkilany, Alaaldin M.; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Parak, Wolfgang J.; Chakraborty, Indranath
    Synthesis of fluorescent silver nanoclusters : Introducing bottom-up and top-down approaches to nanochemistry in a single laboratory class
    In: Journal of Chemical Education (JCE) Jg. 97 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 239 - 243
  • Haydous, Fatima; Waag, Friedrich; Si, Wenping; Li, Fei; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Lippert, Thomas
    The effect of downstream laser fragmentation on the specific surface area and photoelectrochemical performance of barium tantalum oxynitride
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 510 (2020) S. 145429
  • Waag, Friedrich; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ablation target cooling by maximizing the nanoparticle productivity in laser synthesis of colloids
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 466 (2019) S. 647 - 656
  • Labusch, Marc; Cunha, Adauto P.A.; Wirtz, Sebastian F.; Reichenberger, Sven; Cleve, Ernst; Söffker, Dirk; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Acoustic emission control avoids fluence shifts caused by target runaway during laser synthesis of colloids
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 479 (2019) S. 887 - 895
  • Dittrich, Sarah; Streubel, René; McDonnell, Cormac; Huber, Heinz P.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Comparison of the productivity and ablation efficiency of different laser classes for laser ablation of gold in water and air
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 125 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 432
  • Kalus, Mark; Lanyumba, Riskyanti; Lorenzo-Parodi, Nerea; Jochmann, Maik; Kerpen, Klaus; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schmidt, Torsten Claus; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Correction : Determining the role of redox-active materials during laser-induced water decomposition
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 21 (2019) Nr. 43, S. 24239
  • Kalus, Mark; Lanyumba, Riskyanti; Lorenzo-Parodi, Nerea; Jochmann, Maik; Kerpen, Klaus; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schmidt, Torsten Claus; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Lorenzo Parodi, Nerea
    Determining the role of redox-active materials during laser-induced water decomposition
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 21 (2019) Nr. 34, S. 18636 - 18651
  • Kalus, Mark; Reimer, Viktor; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Discrimination of effects leading to gas formation during pulsed laser ablation in liquids
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 465 (2019) S. 1096 - 1102
  • Bertin, Erwan; Münzer, Adrian; Reichenberger, Sven; Streubel, René; Vinnay, Thomas; Wiggers, Hartmut; Schulz, Christof; Barcikowski, Stephan; Marzun, Galina
    Durability study of platinum nanoparticles supported on gas-phase synthesized graphene in oxygen reduction reaction conditions
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 467-468 (2019) S. 1181 - 1186
  • Reich, Stefan; Letzel, Alexander; Menzel, Andreas; Kretzschmar, Norman; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Plech, Anton
    Early appearance of crystalline nanoparticles in pulsed laser ablation in liquids dynamics.
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 11 (2019) Nr. 14, S. 6962 - 6969
  • Jindal, Amandeep; Tashiro, Kentaro; Kotani, Hiroaki; Takei, Toshiaki; Reichenberger, Sven; Marzun, Galina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kojima, Takahiko; Yamamoto, Yohei
    Excellent Oxygen Reduction Reaction Performance in Self-Assembled Amyloid-β/Platinum Nanoparticle Hybrids with Effective Platinum-Nitrogen Bond Formation
    In: ACS Applied Energy Materials Jg. 2 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 6536 - 6541
  • Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Streubel, René; Radev, Ivan; Peinecke, Volker; Barcikowski, Stephan; Marzun, Galina; Reichenberger, Sven
    First PEM fuel cell based on ligand-free, laser-generated platinum nanoparticles
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 467-468 (2019) S. 486 - 492
  • Letzel, Alexander; Santoro, Marco; Frohleiks, Julia; Ziefuß, Anna; Reich, Stefan; Plech, Anton; Fazio, Enza; Neri, Fortunato; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    How the re-irradiation of a single ablation spot affects cavitation bubble dynamics and nanoparticles properties in laser ablation in liquids
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 473 (2019) S. 828 - 837
  • Ogel, E.; Casapu, M.; Doronkin, D.E.; Popescu, R.; Störmer, H.; Mechler, Christoph; Marzun, Galina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Türk, M.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.
    Impact of Preparation Method and Hydrothermal Aging on Particle Size Distribution of Pt/γ-Al₂O₃ and Its Performance in CO and NO Oxidation
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 123 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 5433 - 5446
  • Reich, Stefan; Letzel, Alexander; Gökce, Bilal; Menzel, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Plech, Anton
    Incubation Effect of Pre-Irradiation on Bubble Formation and Ablation in Laser Ablation in Liquids
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 1036 - 1043
  • Waag, Friedrich; Li, Yao; Ziefuß, Anna; Bertin, Erwan; Kamp, Marius; Duppel, Viola; Marzun, Galina; Kienle, Lorenz; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Kinetically-controlled laser-synthesis of colloidal high-entropy alloy nanoparticles
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 32, S. 18547 - 18558
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Plech, Anton; Suslick, Kenneth S.; Vogel, Alfred
    Materials synthesis in a bubble
    In: MRS Bulletin Jg. 44 (2019) Nr. 5, S. 382 - 391
  • Tymoczko, Anna; Kamp, Marius; Rehbock, Christoph; Kienle, Lorenz; Cattaruzza, Elti; Barcikowski, Stephan; Amendola, Vincenzo
    One-step synthesis of Fe-Au core-shell magnetic-plasmonic nanoparticles driven by interface energy minimization
    In: Nanoscale Horizons Jg. 4 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 1326 - 1332
  • Reichenberger, Sven; Marzun, Galina; Muhler, Martin; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Perspective of Surfactant-free Colloidal Nanoparticles in Heterogeneous Catalysis
    In: ChemCatChem (2019)
  • Haxhiaj, Ina; Tigges, Sebastian; Firla, Damian; Zhang, Xiaorui; Hagemann, Ulrich; Kondo, Takahiro; Nakamura, Junji; Marzun, Galina; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Platinum nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide prepared in situ by a continuous one-step laser process
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 469 (2019) S. 811 - 820
  • Kanitz, A; Kalus, Mark; Gurevich, E L; Ostendorf, A; Barcikowski, Stephan; Amans, D; Kalus, Mark
    Review on experimental and theoretical investigations of the early stage, femtoseconds to microseconds processes during laser ablation in liquid-phase for the synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles
    In: Plasma Sources Science and Technology Jg. 28 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 103001
  • Zaza, Cecilia; Violi, Ianina L.; Gargiulo, Julián; Chiarelli, Germán; Schumacher, Ludmilla; Jakobi, Jurij; Olmos-Trigo, Jorge; Cortes, Emiliano; König, Matthias; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schlücker, Sebastian; Saénz, Juan José; Maier, Stefan A.; Stefani, Fernando D.
    Size-selective optical printing of silicon nanoparticles through their dipolar magnetic resonance
    In: ACS Photonics Jg. 6 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 815 - 822
  • Ziefuß, Anna; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rehbock, Christoph
    Synergism between Specific Halide Anions and pH Effects during Nanosecond Laser Fragmentation of Ligand-Free Gold Nanoparticles
    In: Langmuir Jg. 35 (2019) Nr. 20, S. 6630 - 6639
  • Kamp, Marius; Tymoczko, Anna; Schürmann, Ulrich; Jakobi, Jurij; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kienle, Lorenz
    Templated Dealloying: Designing Ultrastructures by Memory Effect
    In: Crystal Growth & Design Jg. 19 (2019) Nr. 9, S. 4957 - 4963
  • Letzel, Alexander; Reich, Stefan; Dos Santos Rolo, Tomy; Kanitz, Alexander; Hoppius, Jan; Rack, Alexander; Olbinado, Margie P.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Gökce, Bilal; Plech, Anton; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Time and Mechanism of Nanoparticle Functionalization by Macromolecular Ligands during Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids
    In: Langmuir Jg. 35 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 3038 - 3047
  • Coger, Vincent; Million, Nina; Rehbock, Christoph; Sures, Bernd; Nachev, Milen; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wistuba, Nina; Strauß, Sarah; Vogt, Peter M.
    Tissue Concentrations of Zinc, Iron, Copper, and Magnesium During the Phases of Full Thickness Wound Healing in a Rodent Model
    In: Biological Trace Element Research Jg. 191 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 167 - 176
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gondecki, Leonard; Debus, Jörg; Moldenhauer, Henning; Tenberge, Peter; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Tribological properties of laser-generated hard ceramic particles in a gear drive contact
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 467-468 (2019) S. 811 - 818
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Laumer, Tobias; Stichel, Thomas; Schuffenhauer, T.; Heberle, Johannes; Schmidt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    A new approach to coat PA12 powders with laser-generated nanoparticles for selective laser sintering
    In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 74 (2018) S. 244 - 248
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Corrigendum to “Quantification of mass-specific laser energy input converted into particle properties during picosecond pulsed laser fragmentation of zinc oxide and boron carbide in liquids”
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 433 (2018) S. 1197
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Epple, Matthias; Jakobi, Jurij; Prymak, Oleg; Rehbock, Christoph
    Crystallographic characterization of laser-generated, polymer-stabilized 4 nm silver-gold alloyed nanoparticles
    In: Materials Chemistry and Physics Jg. 207 (2018) S. 442 - 450
  • Streubel, René; Wilms, Markus B.; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Weisheit, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich; Gökce, Bilal
    Depositing laser-generated nanoparticles on powders for additive manufacturing of oxide dispersed strengthened alloy parts via laser metal deposition
    In: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 57 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 040310
  • Wirtz, Sebastian F.; Cunha, Adauto P. A.; Labusch, Marc; Marzun, Galina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Söffker, Dirk
    Development of a low-cost FPGA-based measurement system for real-time processing of acoustic emission data : Proof of concept using control of pulsed laser ablation in liquids
    In: Sensors Jg. 18 (2018) Nr. 6, S. 1775
  • Tymoczko, Anna; Kamp, Marius; Prymak, Oleg; Rehbock, Christoph; Jakobi, Jurij; Schürmann, Ulrich; Kienle, Lorenz; Barcikowski, Stephan
    How the crystal structure and phase segregation of Au-Fe alloy nanoparticles are ruled by the molar fraction and size
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 10 (2018) Nr. 35, S. 16434 - 16437
  • Ziefuß, Anna; Reichenberger, Sven; Rehbock, Christoph; Chakraborty, Indranath; Gharib, Mustafa; Parak, Wolfgang J.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser Fragmentation of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles with High-Intensity Nanosecond Pulses is Driven by a Single-Step Fragmentation Mechanism with a Defined Educt Particle-Size Threshold
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 122 (2018) Nr. 38, S. 22125 - 22136
  • Wilms, Markus B.; Streubel, René; Frömel, Felix; Weisheit, Andreas; Tenkamp, Jochen; Walther, Frank; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich; Gökce, Bilal
    Laser additive manufacturing of oxide dispersion strengthened steels using laser-generated nanoparticle-metal composite powders
    In: Procedia CIRP Jg. 74 (2018) S. 196 - 200
  • Lau, Marcus; Reichenberger, Sven; Haxhiaj, Ina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Müller, Astrid M.
    Mechanism of Laser-Induced Bulk and Surface Defect Generation in ZnO and TiO ₂ Nanoparticles : Effect on Photoelectrochemical Performance
    In: ACS Applied Energy Materials Jg. 1 (2018) Nr. 10, S. 5366 - 5385
  • Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Neue Nanokomposite für die additive Fertigung
    ProcessNet-Jahrestagung und 33. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2018 ; 10. bis 13. September 2018, Aachen, Germany,
    In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik (CIT) Jg. 90 (2018) Nr. 9, Special Issue: ProcessNet‐Jahrestagung und 33. DECHEMA‐Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen 2018, S. 1193 - 1193
  • Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Frömel, Felix; Wilms, Markus B.; Streubel, René; Tenkamp, Jochen; Hupfeld, Tim; Nachev, Milen; Gökce, Emine; Weisheit, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Walther, Frank; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich; Gökce, Bilal
    Oxide dispersion-strengthened alloys generated by laser metal deposition of laser-generated nanoparticle-metal powder composites
    In: Materials & Design Jg. 154 (2018) S. 360 - 369
  • Letzel, Alexander; Gökce, Bilal; Menzel, Andreas; Plech, Anton; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Primary particle diameter differentiation and bimodality identification by five analytical methods using gold nanoparticle size distributions synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquids
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 435 (2018) S. 743 - 751
  • Dinkel, Rebecca; Jakobi, Jurij; Ziefuß, Anna; Barcikowski, Stephan; Braunschweig, Björn; Peukert, Wolfgang
    Role of Citrate and NaBr at the Surface of Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles during Functionalization
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 122 (2018) Nr. 48, S. 27383 - 27391
  • Zhang, Dongshi; Choi, Wonsuk; Jakobi, Jurij; Kalus, Mark; Barcikowski, Stephan; Cho, Sung-Hak; Sugioka, Koji
    Spontaneous shape alteration and size separation of surfactant-free silver particles synthesized by laser ablation in acetone during long-period storage
    In: Nanomaterials Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 7, S. 529
  • Kamp, Marius; Tymoczko, Anna; Schürmann, Ulrich; Jakobi, Jurij; Rehbock, Christoph; Rätzke, Klaus; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kienle, Lorenz
    Temperature-Dependent Ultrastructure Transformation of Au–Fe Nanoparticles Investigated by in Situ Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
    In: Crystal Growth & Design Jg. 18 (2018) Nr. 9, S. 5434 - 5440
  • Shih, Cheng-Yu; Streubel, René; Heberle, Johannes; Letzel, Alexander; Shugaev, Maxim V.; Wu, Chengping; Schmidt, Michael; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Zhigilei, Leonid V.
    Two mechanisms of nanoparticle generation in picosecond laser ablation in liquids : The origin of the bimodal size distribution
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 10 (2018) Nr. 15, S. 6900 - 6910
  • Reich, Stefan; Göttlicher, Jörg; Letzel, Alexander; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; dos Santos Rolo, Tomy; Baumbach, Tilo; Plech, Anton
    X-ray spectroscopic and stroboscopic analysis of pulsed-laser ablation of Zn and its oxidation
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 124 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 71
  • Waag, Friedrich; Gökce, Bilal; Kalapu, Chakrapani; Bendt, Georg; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Schulz, Stephan; Wende, Heiko; Hartmann, Nils; Behrens, Malte; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Adjusting the catalytic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles by pulsed laser fragmentation in water with defined energy dose
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 13161
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Colloidal Stability of Metal Nanoparticles in Engine Oil under Thermal and Mechanical Load
    In: Chemical Engineering and Technology: CET Jg. 40 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1569 - 1576
  • Kalus, Mark; Rehbock, Christoph; Bärsch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Colloids created by light : Laser-generated nanoparticles for applications in biology and medicine
    7th NRW Nano-Conference 2016, 7th and 8th December 2016, Münster, Germany,
    In: Materials Today: Proceedings Jg. 4 (2017) Nr. Suppl. 2, S. S93 - S100
  • Lau, Marcus; Waag, Friedrich; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Direct Integration of Laser-Generated Nanoparticles into Transparent Nail Polish: The Plasmonic "Goldfinger"
    In: Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (I&EC research) Jg. 56 (2017) Nr. 12, S. 3291 - 3296
  • Santoro, M.; Letzel, Alexander; Gökce, Bilal; Fazio, E.; Neri, F.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Dynamical investigation of cavitation bubble following pulsed laser induced damage on Ag target
    In: Activity Report Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica (2017) S. 48
  • Reich, Stefan; Schönfeld, Patrick; Letzel, Alexander; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Olbinado, Margie; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Plech, Anton
    Fluence Threshold Behaviour on Ablation and Bubble Formation in Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1084 - 1090
  • Mühlhausen, Elisabeth; Kalus, Mark-Robert; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Funktionale, skalierbare Nanokomposite durch Laserlicht : Hochreine Kunststoffe
    In: Konstruktion Jg. 69 (2017) Nr. 3, S. IW14 - IW16
  • Zhang, Dongshi; Lau, Marcus; Lu, Suwei; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Germanium Sub-Microspheres Synthesized by Picosecond Pulsed Laser Melting in Liquids : Educt Size Effects
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 7 (2017) S. 40355
  • Lau, Marcus; Straube, Thomas; Aggarwal, A. Vikas; Hagemann, Ulrich; De Oliveira Viestel, Bernardo; Hartmann, Nils; Textor, Torsten; Lutz, Harald; Gutmann, Jochen Stefan; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Gradual modification of ITO particle's crystal structure and optical properties by pulsed UV laser irradiation in a free liquid jet
    In: Dalton Transactions Jg. 46 (2017) Nr. 18, S. 6039 - 6048
  • Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Santagata, Antonio; Dell'Aglio, Marcella; de Giacomo, Alessandro; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Gökce, Bilal
    High productive and continuous nanoparticle fabrication by laser ablation of a wire-target in a liquid jet
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 403 (2017) S. 487 - 499
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Epple, Matthias; Barcikowski, Stephan
    How Size Determines the Value of Gold : Economic Aspects of Wet Chemical and Laser-Based Metal Colloid Synthesis
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1012 - 1019
  • Kalus, Mark; Bärsch, Niko; Streubel, René; Gökce, Emine; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    How persistent microbubbles shield nanoparticle productivity in laser synthesis of colloids - Quantification of their volume, dwell dynamics, and gas composition
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 19 (2017) Nr. 10, S. 7112 - 7123
  • Jaeggi, Beat; Remund, Stefan; Streubel, René; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Neuenschwander, Beat
    Laser Micromachining of Metals with Ultra-Short Pulses : Factors Limiting the Scale-Up Process
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 12 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 267 - 273
  • Zhang, Dongshi; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser Synthesis and Processing of Colloids : Fundamentals and Applications
    In: Chemical Reviews Jg. 117 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 3990 - 4103
  • Marzun, Galina; Levish, Alexander; Mackert, Viktor; Kallio, Tanja; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp
    Laser synthesis, structure and chemical properties of colloidal nickel-molybdenum nanoparticles for the substitution of noble metals in heterogeneous catalysis
    In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences Jg. 489 (2017) S. 57 - 67
  • Wang, Haohao; Lau, Marcus; Sannomiya, Takumi; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Odawara, Osamu; Wada, Hiroyuki
    Laser-induced growth of YVO : Eu3+ nanoparticles from sequential flowing aqueous suspension
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 7 (2017) Nr. 15, S. 9002 - 9008
  • Koenen, Sven; Rehbock, Christoph; Heissler, Hans E.; Angelov, Svilen D.; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Optimizing in Vitro Impedance and Physico-Chemical Properties of Neural Electrodes by Electrophoretic Deposition of Pt Nanoparticles
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1108 - 1117
  • Mizutaru, Tsukasa; Marzun, Galina; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hong, Dachao; Kotani, Hiroaki; Kojima, Takahiko; Kondo, Takahiro; Nakamura, Junji; Yamamoto, Yohei
    Peptide Cross-linkers : Immobilization of Platinum Nanoparticles Highly Dispersed on Graphene Oxide Nanosheets with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activities
    In: ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces Jg. 9 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 9996 - 10002
  • Maurer, Elisabeth; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Process Chain for the Fabrication of Nanoparticle Polymer Composites by Laser Ablation Synthesis
    In: Chemical Engineering and Technology: CET Jg. 40 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1535 - 1543
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Reich, Stefan; Schönfeld, Patrick; Wagener, Philipp; Letzel, Alexander; Ibrahimkutty, Shyjumon; Menzel, Andreas; dos Santos Rolo, Tomy; Plech, Anton
    Pulsed laser ablation in liquids: Impact of the bubble dynamics on particle formation
    In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences Jg. 489 (2017) S. 106 - 113
  • Dell'Aglio, Marcella; De Giacomo, Alessandro; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Santagata, Antonio
    Pulsed laser ablation of wire-shaped target in a thin water jet : Effects of plasma features and bubble dynamics on the PLAL process
    In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Jg. 50 (2017) Nr. 18, S. 185204
  • Marzun, Galina; Bönnemann, Helmut; Lehmann, Christian; Spliethoff, Bernd; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Role of Dissolved and Molecular Oxygen on Cu and PtCu Alloy Particle Structure during Laser Ablation Synthesis in Liquids
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1175 - 1184
  • Letzel, Alexander; Gökce, Bilal; Wagener, P.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Menzel, A.; Plech, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Size Quenching during Laser Synthesis of Colloids Happens Already in the Vapor Phase of the Cavitation Bubble
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 121 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 5356 - 5365
  • Sprengel, Andreas; Lill, Pascal; Stegemann, Pierre; Bravo-Rodriguez, Kenny; Schöneweiß, Elisa-Charlott; Merdanovic, Melisa; Gudnason, Daniel; Aznauryan, Mikayel; Gamrad, Lisa; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sánchez-García, Elsa; Birkedal, Victoria; Gatsogiannis, Christos; Ehrmann, Michael; Sacca, Barbara
    Tailored protein encapsulation into a DNA host using geometrically organized supramolecular interactions
    In: Nature Communications Jg. 8 (2017) S. 14472
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Mancini, R.; Werner, D.; Tiedemann, D.; Taylor, U.; Ziefuß, Anna; Rehbock, Christoph; Klein, S.; Kues, W.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, D.
    Triplex-hybridizing bioconjugated gold nanoparticles for specific Y-chromosome sequence targeting of bull spermatozoa
    In: The Analyst / Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) (Hrsg.) Jg. 142 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 2020 - 2028
  • Gemini, Laura; Schmitz, Tim; Kling, Rainer; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Upconversion Nanoparticles Synthesized by Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid : Effect of the Stabilizing Environment
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 1210 - 1216
  • Million, Nina; Coger, Vincent; Wilke, Philipp; Rehbock, Christoph; Vogt, Peter M.; Pich, Andrij; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Water-based, surfactant-free cytocompatible nanoparticle-microgel-composite biomaterials-rational design by laser synthesis, processing into fiber pads and impact on cell proliferation
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 3-4, S. 20170004
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Barrierless growth of precursor-free, ultrafast laser-fragmented noble metal nanoparticles by colloidal atom clusters : a kinetic in situ study
    In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences Jg. 463 (2016) S. 299 - 307
  • Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Continuous multigram nanoparticle synthesis by high-power, high-repetition-rate ultrafast laser ablation in liquids
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 41 (2016) Nr. 7, S. 1486 - 1489
  • Zhang, Dongshi; Gökce, Bilal; Sommer, Steffen; Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Debris-free rear-side picosecond laser ablation of thin germanium wafers in water with ethanol
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 367 (2016) S. 222 - 230
  • Zhang, Xiaorui; Ooki, Wataru; Kosaka, Yoshinori R.; Okonogi, Akinori; Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kondo, Takahiro; Nakamura, Junji
    Effect of pH on the spontaneous synthesis of palladium nanoparticles on reduced graphene oxide
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 389 (2016) S. 911 - 915
  • Letzel, Alexander; Maurer, Elisabeth; Meixner, Melanie; Poprawe, Reinhart; Stollenwerk, Jochen; Hessner, Sebastian; Lehmann, Kathrin; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Effect of various dispersing agents on the stability of silver microparticle dispersion and the formulation of uniform silver film by laser melting
    In: Journal of Laser Applications Jg. 28 (2016) Nr. 4,
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Westendorf, Astrid; Buer, Jan; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hansen, Wiebke
    Efficient nucleic acid delivery to murine regulatory T cells by gold nanoparticle conjugates
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 6 (2016) 28709
  • Angelov, Svilen D.; Koenen, Sven; Jakobi, Jurij; Heissler, Hans E.; Alam, Mesbah; Schwabe, Kerstin; Barcikowski, Stephan; Krauss, Joachim K.
    Electrophoretic deposition of ligand‑free platinum nanoparticles on neural electrodes affects their impedance in vitro and in vivo with no negative effect on reactive gliosis
    In: Journal of Nanobiotechnology Jg. 14 (2016) S. 3 11 S.
  • Simao, T.; Chevrier, D.; Jakobi, Jurij; Korinek, A.; Goupil, G.; Lau, Marcus; Garbarino, S.; Zhang, P.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Fortin, M.; Guay, D.
    Gold-Manganese Oxide Core-Shell Nanoparticles Produced by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Water
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces (2016) S. 22635 - 22645
  • Fischer, Mathias; Hormes, Josef; Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Hagemann, Ulrich; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In Situ Investigations of Laser-Generated Ligand-Free Platinum Nanoparticles by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy : How Does the Immediate Environment Influence the Particle Surface?
    In: Langmuir Jg. 32 (2016) Nr. 35, S. 8793 - 8802
  • Schmitz, Christian; Gökce, Bilal; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan; Strehmel, Bernd
    Integration of Gold Nanoparticles into NIR-Radiation Curable Powder Resin
    In: ChemistrySelect Jg. 1 (2016) Nr. 17, S. 5574 - 5578
  • Blaeser, A.; Million, Nina; Campos, D.; Gamrad, Lisa; Kopf, M.; Rehbock, Christoph; Nachev, Milen; Sures, Bernd; Barcikowski, Stephan; Fischer, H.
    Laser-based in situ embedding of metal nanoparticles into bioextruded alginate hydrogel tubes enhances human endothelial cell adhesion
    In: Nano Research Jg. 9 (2016) Nr. 11, S. 3407 - 3427
  • Simao, T.; Chevallier, P.; Lageux, J.; Cote, M.; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Fortin, M.; Guay, D.
    Laser-synthesized ligand-free Au nanoparticles for contrast agent applications in computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine Jg. 2016 (2016) Nr. 39, S. 6413 - 6427
  • Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Behrens, P.; Fritsching, U.; Kelbassa, I.; Poprawe, R.; Esen, C.; Ostendorf, A.; Voit, B.
    Materials for Photonics
    In: Laser + Photonic (2016)
  • Krawinkel, Judith; Richter, Undine; Torres-Mapa, Maria Leilani; Westermann, Martin; Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Heisterkamp, Alexander
    Optical and electron microscopy study of laser‑based intracellular molecule delivery using peptide‑conjugated photodispersible gold nanoparticle agglomerates
    In: Journal of Nanobiotechnology Jg. 14 (2016) S. 2 14 S.
  • Jonusauskas, Linas; Lau, Marcus; Gruber, Peter; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Malinauskas, Mangirdas; Ovsianikov, Aleksandr
    Plasmon assisted 3D microstructuring of gold nanoparticle-doped polymers
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 27 (2016) Nr. 15, S. 1 - 8
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kienle, Lorenz; Wiedwald, Ulf; Thede, Claas; Jakobi, Jurij; Bartsch, Mathias; Rehbock, Christoph
    Solvent-surface interactions control the phase structure in laser-generated iron-gold core-shell nanoparticles
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 6 (2016) S. 23352
  • Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Gökce, Bilal; Tanabe, Rie; Wagner, Phillipp; Plech, Anton; Ito, Yoshiro; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Target geometry and rigidity determines laser-induced cavitation bubble transport and nanoparticle productivity : A high-speed videography study
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 18 (2016) Nr. 24, S. 16585 - 16593
  • Alele, Nkem; Streubel, René; Gamrad, Lisa; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ulbricht, Mathias
    Ultrafiltration membrane-based purification of bioconjugated gold nanoparticle dispersions
    In: Separation and Purification Technology Jg. 157 (2016) S. 120 - 130
  • Ibrahimkutty, Shyjumon; Wagener, Philipp; Rolo, Tomy Dos Santos; Karpov, Dmitry; Menzel, Andreas; Baumbach, Tilo; Barcikowski, Stephan; Plech, Anton
    A hierarchical view on material formation during pulsed-laser synthesis of nanoparticles in liquid
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 5 (2015) S. 16313
  • Beck, Gesa; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chakravadhanula, Venkata S. K.; Comesaña-Hermo, Miguel; Deng, Mao; Farle, Michael; Hilgendorff, Michael; Jakobi, Jurij; Janek, Jürgen; Kienle, Lorenz; Mogwitz, Boris; Schubert, Thomas; Stiemke, Frank
    An approach for transparent and electrically conducting coatings : a transparent plastic varnish with nanoparticulate magnetic additives
    In: Thin Solid Films Jg. 595 (2015) Nr. Part A, S. 96 - 107
  • Wilke, Philipp; Coger, Vincent; Nachev, Milen; Schachschal, Sausann; Million, Nina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sures, Bernd; Reimers, Kerstin; Vogt, Peter M.; Pich, Andrij
    Biocompatible microgel-modified electrospun fibers for zinc ion release
    In: Polymer Jg. 61 (2015) S. 163 - 173
  • Barchanski, Annette; Taylor, Ulrike; Sajti, Csaba L.; Gamrad, Lisa; Kues, Wilfried A.; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Bioconjugated gold nanoparticles penetrate into spermatozoa depending on plasma membrane status
    In: Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology Jg. 11 (2015) Nr. 9, S. 1597 - 1607
  • Koenen, Sven; Streubel, René; Jakobi, Jurij; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Continuous electrophoretic deposition and electrophoretic mobility of ligand-free, metal nanoparticles in liquid flow
    In: Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES) Jg. 162 (2015) Nr. 4, S. D174 - D179
  • Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan; De Graaf, Simon; Garrels, Wiebke; Grossfeld, Rudolf; Klein, Sabine; Knabe, Wolfgang; Knorr, Christoph; Kues, Wilfried; Meyer, Heinrich; Michl, J.; Moench-Tegeder, G.; Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, Ulrike; Washausen, Stefan
    Correction: Sex selection of sperm in farm animals : status report and developmental prospects
    In: Reproduction Jg. 149 (2015) Nr. 3, S. X1
  • Mizutaru, Tsukasa; Sakuraba, Taro; Nakayama, Toru; Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Murakami, Katsuhisa; Fujita, Junichi; Ishii, Noriyuki; Yamamoto, Yohei
    Cysteine-containing oligopeptide β-sheets as redispersants for agglomerated metal nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability Jg. 3 (2015) Nr. 34, S. 17612 - 17619
  • Lau, Marcus; Ziefuß, Anna; Komoßa, Tim; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Inclusion of supported gold nanoparticles into their semiconductor support
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 17 (2015) Nr. 43, S. 29311 - 29318
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Tiedemann, Daniela; Rehbock, Christoph; Kues, Wilfried A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Influence of gold, silver and gold–silver alloy nanoparticles on germ cell function and embryo development
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 6 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 651 - 664
  • Streich, Carmen; Koenen, Sven; Lelle, Marco; Peneva, Kalina; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Influence of ligands in metal nanoparticle electrophoresis for the fabrication of biofunctional coatings
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 348 (2015) S. 92 - 99
  • Zhang, Dongshi; Gökce, Bilal; Notthoff, Christian; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Layered seed-growth of AgGe football-like microspheres via precursor-free picosecond laser synthesis in water
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 5 (2015) S. 13661
  • Gu, Sasa; Kaiser, Julian; Marzun, Galina; Ott, Andreas; Lu, Yan; Ballauff, Matthias; Zaccone, Alessio; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp
    Ligand-free gold nanoparticles as a reference material for kinetic modelling of catalytic reduction of 4-Nitrophenol
    In: Catalysis Letters Jg. 145 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 1105 - 1112
  • Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Behrens, P.; Fritsching, U.; Kelbassa, I.; Poprawe, R.; Esen, C.; Ostendorf, A.; Voit, B.
    Prozessadaptierte Materialien für die Photonik
    In: Photonik: Fachzeitschrift für die optischen Technologien (2015) Nr. 1, S. 24 - 28
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Quantification of mass-specific laser energy input converted into particle properties during picosecond pulsed laser fragmentation of zinc oxide and boron carbide in liquids
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 348 (2015) S. 22 - 29
  • Gökce, Bilal; van’t Zand, Danielle D.; Menéndez-Manjón, Ana; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ripening kinetics of laser-generated plasmonic nanoparticles in different solvents
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 626 (2015) S. 96 - 101
  • Rath, D.; Tiedemann, D.; Gamrad, Lisa; Johnson, L.A.; Klein, S.; Kues, W.; Mancicni, R.; Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, U.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Sex-sorted boar sperm : an update on related production methods
    In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals Jg. 50 (2015) Nr. Suppl. S2, S. 56 - 60
  • Marzun, Galina; Nakamura, Junji; Zhang, Xiaorui; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp
    Size control and supporting of palladium nanoparticles made by laser ablation in saline solution as a facile route to heterogeneous catalysts
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 348 (2015) S. 75 - 84
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Baranowski, Thomas; Durmus, Yigit; Wiedwald, Ulf; Gökce, Bilal
    Solid solution magnetic FeNi nanostrand–polymer composites by connecting-coarsening assembly
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices Jg. 3 (2015) Nr. 41, S. 10699 - 10704
  • Asahi, Tsuyoshi; Marfuné, Fumitake; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Strategies to harvest the unique properties of laser-generated nanomaterials in biomedical and energy applications
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 348 (2015) S. 1 - 3
  • Dong, Weiwen; Reichenberger, Sven; Chu, Sheng; Weide, Philipp; Ruland, Holger; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Muhler, Martin
    The effect of the Au loading on the liquid-phase aerobic oxidation of ethanol over Au/TiO2 catalysts prepared by pulsed laser ablation
    In: Journal of Catalysis Jg. 330 (2015) S. 497 - 506
  • Marzun, Galina; Streich, Carmen; Jendrzej, Sandra; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp
    Adsorption of Colloidal Platinum Nanoparticles to Supports : Charge Transfer and Effects of Electrostatic and Steric Interactions
    In: Langmuir Jg. 30 (2014) Nr. 40, S. 11928 - 11936
  • Grade, Sebastian; Eberhard, Jörg; Jakobi, Jurij; Winkel, Andreas; Stiesch, Meike; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Alloying colloidal silver nanoparticles with gold disproportionally controls antibacterial and toxic effects
    In: Gold Bulletin Jg. 47 (2014) Nr. 1-2, S. 83 - 93
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Zwartscholten, Janina; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Biocompatible gold submicrometer spheres with variable surface texture fabricated by pulsed laser melting in liquid
    In: Chemistry Letters Jg. 43 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 1502 - 1504
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Krawinkel, J.; Tumursukh, B.; Heisterkamp, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Charge balancing of model gold-nanoparticle-peptide conjugates controlled by the peptide’s net charge and the ligand to nanoparticle ratio
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 118 (2014) Nr. 19, S. 10302 - 10313
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Jakobi, Jurij; Gamrad, Lisa; van der Meer, Selina; Tiedemann, Daniela; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Current state of laser synthesis of metal and alloy nanoparticles as ligand-free reference materials for nano-toxicological assays
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 1523 - 1541
  • Hess, Christian; Schwenke, Andreas; Wagener, Philipp; Franzka, Steffen; Sajti, Csaba Laszlo; Pflaum, Michael; Wiegmann, Bettina; Haverich, Axel; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Dose-dependent surface endothelialization and biocompatibility of polyurethane noble metal nanocomposites
    In: Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A Jg. 102 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 1909 - 1920
  • Boenigk, Jens; Beisser, Daniela; Zimmermann, Sonja; Bock, Christina; Jakobi, Jurij; Grabner, Daniel; Großmann, Lars; Rahmann, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sures, Bernd
    Effects of silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles on a planktonic community : general trends after short-term exposure
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 4, S. e95340
  • Merk, Vivian; Rehbock, Christoph; Becker, Felix; Hagemann, Ulrich; Nienhaus, Hermann; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In situ non-DLVO stabilization of surfactant-free, plasmonic gold nanoparticles : effect of Hofmeister's anions
    In: Langmuir Jg. 30 (2014) Nr. 15, S. 4213 - 4222
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Garrels, Wiebke; Barchanski, Annette; Peterson, Svea; Sajti, Laszlo; Lucas-Hahn, Andrea; Gamrad, Lisa; Baulain, Ulrich; Klein, Sabine; Kues, Wilfried A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Injection of ligand-free gold and silver nanoparticles into murine embryos does not impact pre-implantation development
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 677 - 688
  • Pfeiffer, Christian; Rehbock, Christoph; Hühn, Dominik; Carrillo-Carrion, Carolina; de Aberasturi, Dorleta J.; Merk, Vivian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Parak, Wolfgang J.
    Interaction of colloidal nanoparticles with their local environment : the (ionic) nanoenvironment around nanoparticles is different from bulk and determines the physico-chemical properties of the nanoparticles
    In: Interface: Journal of the Royal Society Jg. 11 (2014) Nr. 96, S. 20130931
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Marzun, Galina
    Laser-basierte Synthese und (elektro-)chemische Eigenschaften von Nickel-Molybdän-Nanopartikeln
    In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik (CIT) Jg. 86 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 1546
  • Lau, Marcus; Haxhiaj, Ina; Wagener, Philipp; Intartaglia, Romuald; Brandi, Fernando; Nakamura, Junji; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ligand-free gold atom clusters adsorbed on graphene nano sheets generated by oxidative laser fragmentation in water
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 610-611 (2014) S. 256 - 260
  • Neumeister, Anne; Jakobi, Jurij; Rehbock, Christoph; Moysig, Janine; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Monophasic ligand-free alloy nanoparticle synthesis determinants during pulsed laser ablation of bulk alloy and consolidated microparticles in water
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 16 (2014) Nr. 43, S. 23671 - 23678
  • Nachev-Wilke, Philipp; Lopez, Astrid Catalina Molano; Million, Nina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Pich, Andrij
    Nanogels for Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Encapsulation and Their Utilization for Wound Therapy
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 59 (2014) Nr. S1, S. S17
  • Lau, Marcus; Niemann, Ralf G.; Bartsch, Mathias; O'Neill, William; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Near-field-enhanced, off-resonant laser sintering of semiconductor particles for additive manufacturing of dispersed Au–ZnO-micro/ nano hybrid structures
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 114 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 1023 - 1030
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Rehbock, Christoph; Streich, Carmen; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Rational design of gold nanoparticle toxicology assays: A question of exposure scenario, dose and experimental setup
    In: Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 13, S. 1971 - 1989
  • Tiedemann, Daniela; Taylor, Ulrike; Rehbock, Christoph; Jakobi, Jurij; Klein, Sabine; Kues, Wilfried A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Reprotoxicity of gold, silver, and gold-silver alloy nanoparticles on mammalian gametes
    In: The Analyst / Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) (Hrsg.) Jg. 139 (2014) S. 931 - 942
  • Strauss, Sarah; Neumeister, Anne; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kracht, Dietmar; Kuhbier, Jörn W.; Radtke, Christine; Reimers, Kerstin; Vogt, Peter M.
    Adhesion, vitality and osteogenic differentiation capacity of adipose derived stem cells seeded on nitinol nanoparticle coatings
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 1, S. e53309
  • Sowa-Söhle, Eveline N.; Schwenke, Andreas; Wagener, Philipp; Weiss, Andre; Wiegel, Heinz; Sajti, Csaba Laszlo; Haverich, Alex; Barcikowski, Stephan; Loos, Anneke
    Antimicrobial efficacy, cytotoxicity, and ion release of mixed metal (Ag, Cu, Zn, Mg) nanoparticle polymer composite implant material
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 3-4, S. 217 - 227
  • Giacomo, A. de; Dell'Aglio, Marcella; Santagata, Antonio; Gaudiuso, Rosalba; Pascale, Olga de; Wagener, Philipp; Messina, Gabriele C.; Compagnini, Guiseppe; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Cavitation dynamics of laser ablation of bulk and wire-shaped metals in water during nanoparticles production
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 15 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 3083 - 3092
  • Wagener, Philipp; Ibrahimkutty, Shyjumon; Menzel, Andreas; Plech, Anton; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Dynamics of silver nanoparticle formation and agglomeration inside the cavitation bubble after pulsed laser ablation in liquid
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 15 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 3068 - 3074
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Barchanski, Annette; Petersen, Svea; Kues, Wilfried August; Baulain, Ulrich; Gamrad, Lisa; Sajti, Laszlo; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Gold nanoparticles interfere with sperm functionality by membrane adsorption without penetration
    In: Nanotoxicology Jg. 88 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 118 - 127
  • Schwenke, Andreas; Wagener, Philipp; Weiß, André; Klimenta, Klaus; Wiegel, Heinz; Sajti, Laszlo; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laserbasierte Generierung matrixbinderfreier Nanopartikel-Polymerkomposite für bioaktive Medizinprodukte
    In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik (CIT) Jg. 85 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 740 - 746
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Schwenke, Andreas; Steinke, Timo; Meyer, Matthias; Giese, Ulrich; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ligand-free gold-silver nanoparticle alloy polymer composites generated by picosecond laser ablation in liquid monomer
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 110 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 343 - 350
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Bärsch, Niko
    Ligandenfreie Laser-generierte Nanopartikel fuer Biomedizin und Katalyse
    In: Biophotonik: Optische Technologien in den Life Sciences Jg. 6 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 34 - 37
  • Makridis, Sofoklis S.; Gkanas, Evangelos I.; Panagakos, Grigorios; Kikkinides, Eustathios S.; Stubos, Athanasios K.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Polymer-stable magnesium nanocomposites prepared by laser ablation for efficient hydrogen storage
    In: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Jg. 38 (2013) Nr. 26, S. 11530 - 11535
  • Messina, Gabriele C.; Wagener, Philipp; Streubel, René; De Giacomo, Alessandro; Santagata, Antonio; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Pulsed laser ablation of a continuously-fed wire in liquid flow for high-yield production of silver nanoparticles
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 15 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 3093 - 3098
  • Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan; De Graaf, Simon; Garrels, Wiebke; Grossfeld, Rudolf; Klein, Sabine; Knabe, Wolfgang; Knorr, Christoph; Kues, Wilfried; Meyer, Heinrich; Michl, J.; Moench-Tegeder, G.; Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, Ulrike; Washausen, Stefan
    Sex selection of sperm in farm animals : status report and developmental prospects
    In: Reproduction Jg. 145 (2013) Nr. 1, S. R15 - R30
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Gamrad, Lisa; Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Size control of laser-fabricated surfactant-free gold nanoparticles with highly diluted electrolytes and their subsequent bioconjugation
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 15 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 3057 - 3067
  • Wiggers, Hartmut; Haep, Stefan; Gutmann, Jochen Stefan; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Hartmann, Nils; Ulbricht, Mathias
    VerNETZungen : Integrierte Nanopartikel-Synthese und -Verarbeitung im NanoEnergieTechnikZentrum
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2013) Nr. 43: NanoEnergie – Materialentwicklung für eine nachhaltige Energieversorgung, S. 26 - 41
  • Intartaglia, Romuald; Barchanski, Annette; Bagga, Komal; Genovese, Alessandro; Das, Gobind; Wagener, Philipp; Di Fabrizio, Enzo; Diaspro, Alberto; Brandi, Fernando; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Bioconjugated silicon quantum dots from one-step green synthesis
    In: Nanoscale Jg. 4 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 1271 - 1274
  • Hahn, Anne; Fuhlrott, Jutta; Loos, Anneke; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Cytotoxicity and ion release of alloy nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 686
  • Marx, Christian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hustedt, Michael; Haferkamp, Heinz; Rath, Thomas
    Design and application of a weed damage model for laser-based weed control
    In: Biosystems Engineering Jg. 113 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 148 - 157
  • Bohl, A.; Rohm, H. W.; Ceschi, P.; Paasche, G.; Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Lenarz, T.; Stoever, T.; Pau, H.-W.; Schmitz, K.-P.; Sternberg, K.
    Development of a specially tailored local drug delivery system for the prevention of fibrosis after insertion of cochlear implants into the inner ear
    In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Jg. 23 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 2151 - 2162
  • Springer, André; Kallage, Peter; Hustedt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wesling, Volker; Haferkamp, Heinz
    Development of new processes for welding of thermal Al–Cu solar absorbers using diode lasers
    In: Journal of Laser Applications Jg. 24 (2012) Nr. 5, 052002
  • Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    How citrate ligands affect nanoparticle adsorption to microparticle supports
    In: Langmuir Jg. 28 (2012) Nr. 14, S. 6132 - 6140
  • Taylor, U.; Barchanski, A.; Kues, W.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, D.
    Impact of metal nanoparticles on germ cell viability and functionality
    In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals Jg. 47 (2012) Nr. Suppl. s4, S. 359 - 368
  • Barchanski, Annette; Hashimoto, Naomi; Petersen, Svea; Sajti, Csaba L.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Impact of spacer and strand length on oligonucleotide conjugation to the surface of ligand-free laser-generated gold nanoparticles
    In: Bioconjugate Chemistry Jg. 23 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 908 - 915
  • Strauß, Sarah; Dudziak, Sonja; Hagemann, Ronny; Barcikowski, Stephan; Fliess, Malte; Israelowitz, Meir; Kracht, Dietmar; Kuhbier, Jörn W.; Radtke, Christine; Reimers, Kerstin; Vogt, Peter M.
    Induction of osteogenic differentiation of adipose derived stem cells by microstructured nitinol actuator-mediated mechanical stress
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 7 (2012) Nr. 12, S. e51264
  • Neumeister, Anne; Bartke, Daniel; Bärsch, Niko; Weingärtner, Tobias; Guétaz, Laure; Montani, Alexandre; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Interface of nanoparticle-coated electropolished stents
    In: Langmuir Jg. 28 (2012) Nr. 33, S. 12060 - 12066
  • van't Zand, Danielle; Nachev, Philipp; Rosenfeld, Rupert; Wagener, Philipp; Pich, Andrij; Klee, Doris; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanocomposite fibre fabrication via in situ monomer grafting and covalent bonding on laser-generated nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 7 (2012) Nr. 1, S. 21 - 27
  • Ibrahimkutty, Shyjumon; Wagener, Philipp; Menzel, Andreas; Plech, Anton; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanoparticle formation in a cavitation bubble after pulsed laser ablation in liquid studied with high time resolution small angle x-ray scattering
    In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 101 (2012) Nr. 10, S. 103104
  • Wagener, Philipp; Lau, Marcus; Breitung-Faes, Sandra; Kwade, Arno; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Physical fabrication of colloidal ZnO nanoparticles combining wet-grinding and laser fragmentation
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 108 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 793 - 799
  • Grade, Sebastian; Eberhard, Jörg; Neumeister, Anne; Wagener, Philipp; Winkel, Andreas; Stiesch, Meike; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Serum albumin reduces the antibacterial and cytotoxic effects of hydrogel-embedded colloidal silver nanoparticles
    In: RSC Advances Jg. 2 (2012) Nr. 18, S. 7190 - 7196
  • Nachev, Philipp; van't Zand, Danielle; Coger, Vincent; Wagener, Philipp; Reimers, Kerstin; Vogt, Peter M.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Pich, Andrij
    Synthesis of hybrid microgels by coupling of laser ablation and polymerization in aqueous medium
    In: Journal of Laser Applications Jg. 24 (2012) Nr. 4, S. 042012
  • Grade, Sebastian; Eberhard, Jörg; Wagener, Philipp; Winkel, Andreas; Sajti, Csaba L.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stiesch, Meike
    Therapeutic window of ligand-free silver nanoparticles in agar-embedded and colloidal state : in vitro bactericidal effects and cytotoxicity
    In: Advanced Engineering Materials Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. 5, S. B231 - B239
  • Marx, Christian; Pastrana Pérez, Julio César; Hustedt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Haferkamp, Heinz; Rath, Thomas
    Untersuchungen zur Absorption und Applikation von Laserstrahlung zur Unkrautbekämpfung
    In: Landtechnik Jg. 67 (2012) Nr. 2, S. 95 - 101
  • Olender, Gavin; Pfeifer, Ronny; Mueller, Christian W.; Goesling, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hurschler, Christof
    A preliminary study of bending stiffness alteration in shape changing nitinol plates for fracture fixation
    In: Annals of Biomedical Engineering Jg. 39 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 1546 - 1554
  • Durán, María C.; Willenbrock, Saskia; Barchanski, Annette; Mueller, Jessika-M. V.; Maiolini, Arianna; Soller, Jan T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Nolte, Ingo; Feige, Karsten; Murua Escobar, Hugo
    Comparison of nanoparticle-mediated transfection methods for DNA expression plasmids : efficiency and cytotoxicity
    In: Journal of Nanobiotechnology Jg. 9 (2011) S. 47
  • Stelzig, Simon; Menneking, Chistin; Hoffmann, Michael; Eisele, K.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Klapper, Markus; Müllen, Klaus
    Compatibilization of laser generated antibacterial Ag- and Cu-nanoparticles for perfluorinated implant materials
    In: European Polymer Journal Jg. 47 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 662 - 667
  • Sajti, Csaba László; Barchanski, Annette; Wagener, Philipp; Klein, Sabine; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Delay time and concentration effects during bioconjugation of nanosecond laser-generated nanoparticles in a liquid flow
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 115 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 5094 - 5101
  • Barchanski, Annette; Sajti, Csaba Laszlo; Sehring, Camilla; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Design of Bi-functional bioconjugated gold nanoparticles by pulsed laser ablation with minimized degradation
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 6 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 124 - 130
  • Paasche, G.; Ceschi, P.; Loebler, M.; Roesl, C.; Gomes, P.; Hahn, A.; Rohm, H.; Sternberg, K.; Lenarz, T.; Schmitz, K. P.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stoever, T.
    Effects of metal ions on fibroblasts and spiral ganglion cells
    In: Journal of Neuroscience Research Jg. 89 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 611 - 617
  • Hahn, Anne; Günther, Sebastian; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Electrochemistry-controlled metal ion release from silicone elastomer nanocomposites through combination of different metal nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry Jg. 21 (2011) Nr. 28, S. 10287 - 10289
  • Walter, Jürgen; Hustedt, Michael; Hennigs, Christian; Stein, Johannes; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Emission data and costs for environmental measures during laser joining of metals
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 6 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 138 - 144
  • Walter, J.; Hustedt, M.; Hennigs, C.; Stein, J.; Wesling, V.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Emissionsbewertung zur umweltbezogenen Kostenermittlung beim Laserstrahlfuegen metallischer Werkstoffe
    In: Schweissen und Schneiden Jg. 63 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 160 - 168
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Baersch, Niko
    Fabrication of nanoparticles and nanomaterials using laser ablation in liquids
    In: Photonik international Jg. 6 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 20 - 23
  • Barchanski, Annette; Taylor, Ulrike; Klein, Sabine; Petersen, Svea; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Golden perspective : application of laser-generated gold nanoparticle conjugates in reproductive biology
    In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals Jg. 46 (2011) Nr. S3, S. 42 - 52
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Baersch, N.
    Herstellung von Nanopartikeln und -materialien durch Laserablation in Fluessigkeiten
    In: Photonik: Fachzeitschrift für die optischen Technologien Jg. 43 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 50 - 53
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Hydrodynamic size distribution of gold nanoparticles controlled by repetition rate during pulsed laser ablation in water
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 257 (2011) Nr. 9, S. 4285 - 4290
  • Wagener, Philipp; Brandes, Gudrun; Schwenke, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Impact of in situ polymer coating on particle dispersion into solid laser-generated nanocomposites
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 13 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 5120 - 5126
  • Schwenke, A.; Wagener, Philipp; Nolte, S.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Influence of processing time on nanoparticle generation during picosecond-pulsed fundamental and second harmonic laser ablation of metals in tetrahydrofuran
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 104 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 77 - 82
  • Hahn, Anne; Brandes, Gudrun; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Metal ion release kinetics from nanoparticle silicone composites
    In: Journal of Controlled Release Jg. 154 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 164 - 170
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Moldenhauer, Kirsten; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nano-energy research trends : bibliometrical analysis of nanotechnology research in the energy sector
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 13 (2011) Nr. 9, S. 3911 - 3922
  • Wagener, Philipp; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Organic nanoparticles generated by combination of laser fragmentation and ultrasonication in liquid
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 6 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 59 - 63
  • Petersen, S.; Barchanski, A.; Taylor, U.; Klein, S.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Penetratin-Conjugated gold nanoparticles : design of cell-penetrating nanomarkers by femtosecond laser ablation
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 115 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 5152 - 5159
  • Wagener, Philipp; Faramarzi, Shamsolzaman; Schwenke, Andreas; Rosenfeld, Rupert; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Photoluminescent zinc oxide polymer nanocomposites fabricated using picosecond laser ablation in an organic solvent
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 257 (2011) Nr. 16, S. 7231 - 7237
  • Walter, J.; Hustedt, M.; Wesling, V.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Standardized emission quantification and control of costs for environmental measures
    In: Physics Procedia Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. PART 1, S. 31 - 39
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Chakravadhanula, Venkata Sai Kiran; Kienle, L.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Stoichiometry of alloy nanoparticles from laser ablation of PtIr in acetone and their electrophoretic deposition on PtIr electrodes
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 22 (2011) Nr. 14, S. 145601
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Transfer-Matrix method for efficient ablation by pulsed laser ablation and nanoparticle generation in liquids
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 115 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 5108 - 5114
  • Claussen, S.; Dudziak, S.; Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schwenk, A.; Ernst, C.
    Vorsprung in der Druck- und Stanztechnik durch neuartige Nanotechnologie
    In: wt Werkstattstechnik online Jg. 101 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 280 - 285
  • Sajti, Csaba László; Sattari, Ramin; Chichkov, Boris; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ablation efficiency of alpha-Al2O3 in liquid phase and ambient air by nanosecond laser irradiation
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 100 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 203 - 206
  • Schwenke, Andreas; Haferkamp, Heinz; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Antibakterieller Schutz von Medizinprodukten durch Einbettung von Silbernanopartikeln
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. s1 ; Abt. K: Mikro- und Nanosysteme, S. 65 - 68
  • Hahn, Anne; Bartke, Daniel; Schwenke, Andreas; Loebler, Marian; Burghard, Alice; Paasche, Gerrit; Sternberg, Katrin; Rohm, Henning W.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Bioaktive Nanokomposite - Von der Herstellung zur Anwendung
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. s1, S. 42 - 44
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, Anne; Guggenheim, Merlin; Reimers, Kerstin; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Biocompatibility of nanoactuators : stem cell growth on laser-generated nickel-titanium shape memory alloy nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 12 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 1733 - 1742
  • Nolte, Ingo; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ruecker, M.; Dudziak, Sonja; Hohenhoff, Gerrit; Wefsteadt, Patrick; Murua Escobar, Hugo; Gellrich, Nils-Claudius
    Biodegradable Magnesiumimplantate
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. s1, S. 112 - 114
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Garrels, Wiebke; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan; Klein, S.; Kues, W.; Lucas-Hahn, Andrea; Niemann, Heiner; Rath, D.
    Development of murine embryos after injection of uncoated gold and silver nanoparticles : [abstract]
    In: Reproduction, fertility and development: the official journal of the Fertility Society of Australia and of the Australian Society for Reproduction Biology / Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society ; IETS ; Córdoba, Argentina, 9–12 January 2010 Jg. 22 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 240 - 241
  • Volk, Herbert; Fuentes, David; Fuerbach, Alexander; Miese, Christopher; Koehler, Wolfgang; Baersch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan
    First on-line analysis of petroleum from single inclusion using ultrafast laser ablation
    In: Organic Geochemistry Jg. 41 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 74 - 77
  • Dudziak, S.; Gieseke, M.; Haferkamp, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kracht, D.
    Functionality of laser-sintered shape memory micro-actuators
    In: Physics Procedia Jg. 5, Part B (2010) S. 607 - 615
  • Sajti, Csaba László; Sattari, Ramin; Chichkov, Boris N.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Gram scale synthesis of pure cramic nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 114 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 2421 - 2427
  • Sajti, Csaba László; Petersen, Svea; Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In-situ bioconjugation in stationary media and in liquid flow by femtosecond laser ablation
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 101 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 259 - 264
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Barcikowski, Stephan; Shafeev, G. A.; Mazhukin, V. I.; Chichkov, B. N.
    Influence of beam intensity profile on the aerodynamic particle size distributions generated by femtosecond laser ablation
    In: Laser and Particle Beams Jg. 28 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 45 - 52
  • Menéndez-Manjón, Ana; Chichkov, Boris N.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Influence of water temperature on the hydrodynamic diameter of gold nanoparticles from laser ablation
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 114 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 2499 - 2504
  • Haferkamp, Heinz; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, Andreas
    Kleine Teilchen mit grosser Wirkung - Nanomaterialien ermoeglichen den antibakteriellen Schutz von Medizinprodukten
    In: Unimagazin Hannover (2010) Nr. 01/02, S. 44 - 47
  • Walter, Johanna G.; Petersen, Svea; Stahl, Frank; Scheper, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser ablation-based one-step generation and bio-functionalization of gold nanoparticles conjugated with aptamers
    In: Journal of Nanobiotechnology Jg. 8 (2010) S. 21
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser fragmentation of organic microparticles into colloidal nanoparticles in a free liquid jet
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 101 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 435 - 439
  • Schnoor, Arne; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laserfragmentierung von anorganischen und organischen Mikropartikel-Suspensionen zu Nanopartikel-Kolloiden
    In: Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik (CIT) Jg. 82 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 317 - 326
  • Haferkamp, Heinz; Gieseke, Matthias; Dudziak, Sonja; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Lasermaterialbearbeitung fuer mikro- und nanostrukturierte Implantate
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. s1, S. 48 - 51
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Petersen, Svea; Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Magnetic alloy nanoparticles from laser ablation in cyclopentanone and their embedding into a photoresist
    In: Langmuir Jg. 26 (2010) Nr. 10, S. 6892 - 6897
  • Baersch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanopartikel - Ein Bett im Kunststoff
    In: Produktionstechnik Hannover informiert (phi ) Jg. 12 (2010) Nr. 1, S. 12 - 13
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Klein, Sabine; Petersen, Svea; Kues, Wilfried; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Nonendosomal cellular uptake of ligand-free, positively charged gold nanoparticles
    In: Cytometry Part A Jg. 77A (2010) Nr. 5, S. 439 - 446
  • Pfeifer, Ronny; Herzog, Dirk; Hustedt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Pulsed Nd:YAG laser cutting of NiTi shape memory alloys : Influence of process parameters
    In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology Jg. 210 (2010) Nr. 14, S. 1918 - 1925
  • Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, Andreas; Chichkov, Boris; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Pulsed laser ablation of zinc in tetrahydrofuran : Bypassing the cavitation bubble
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 114 (2010) Nr. 17, S. 7618 - 7625
  • Klein, S.; Petersen, S.; Taylor, U.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Quantitative visualisation of colloidal and intracellular gold nanoparticles by confocal microscopy
    In: Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) Jg. 15 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 036015
  • Klein, Sabine; Petersen, Svea; Taylor, Ulrike; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Quantitative visualization of colloidal and intracellular gold nanoparticles by confocal microscopy
    In: Journal of Biomedical Optics (JBO) Jg. 15 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 036015
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Rapid design of gold nanomarkers by laser ablation in bioactive media
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. s1, Abt. K: Mikro- und Nanosysteme, S. 32 - 35
  • Noelke, C.; Claussen, S.; Dudziak, S.; Haferkamp, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Reduced wear and adhesion forces by laser dispersing of ceramics
    In: Physics Procedia Jg. 5, Part A (2010) S. 431 - 437
  • Demming, Stefanie; Hahn, Anne; Edlich, Astrid; Franco-Lara, Ezequiel; Krull, Rainer; Barcikowski, Stephan; Buettgenbach, Stephanus
    Softlithographic, partial integration of surface-active nanoparticles in a PDMS matrix for microfluidic biodevices
    In: Physica Status Solidi (A) - Applications and Materials Science Jg. 207 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 898 - 903
  • Hahn, A.; Stoever, T.; Paasche, G.; Loebler, M.; Sternberg, K.; Rohm, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Therapeutic window for bioactive nanocomposites fabricated by laser ablation in polymer-doped organic liquids
    In: Advanced Engineering Materials Jg. 12 (2010) Nr. 5, S. B156 - B162
  • Petersen, Svea; Soller, Jan T.; Wagner, Siegfried; Richter, Andreas; Bullerdiek, Jörn; Nolte, Ingo; Barcikowski, Stephan; Escobar, Hugo M.
    Co-transfection of plasmid DNA and laser-generated gold nanoparticles does not disturb the bioactivity of GFP-HMGB1 fusion protein
    In: Journal of Nanobiotechnology Jg. 7 (2009) S. 6
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Conjugation efficiency of laser-based bioconjugation of gold nanoparticles with nucleic acids
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 113 (2009) Nr. 46, S. 19830 - 19835
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Devesa, Francisco; Moldenhauer, Kirsten
    Impact and structure of literature on nanoparticle generation by laser ablation in liquids
    In: Journal of Nanoparticle Research Jg. 11 (2009) Nr. 8, S. 1883 - 1893
  • Bärsch, Niko; Gatti, Antonietta; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Improving laser ablation of zirconia by liquid films : multiple influences of liquids on surface machining and nanoparticle generation
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 4 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 66 - 70
  • Petersen, Svea; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In situ bioconjugation—Novel laser based approach to pure nanoparticle-conjugates
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 225 (2009) Nr. 10, S. 5435 - 5438
  • Petersen, Svea; Jakobi, Jurij; Hoertinger, Angelika; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In-Situ conjugation : Tailored nanoparticle-conjugates by laser ablation in liquids
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 4 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 71 - 74
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In-situ bioconjugation : Single step approach to tailored nanoparticle-bioconjugates by ultrashort pulsed laser ablation
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Jg. 19 (2009) Nr. 8, S. 1167 - 1172
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Klein aber fein - Lasertechnik im Nanobereich
    In: VDI-Z integrierte Produktion Jg. 151 (2009) Nr. 6, S. 3
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Jakobi, Jurij; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Mobility of nanoparticles generated by femtosecond laser ablation in liquids and its application to surface patterning
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 4 (2009) Nr. 2, S. 95 - 99
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Walter, Jürgen; Hahn, Anne; Koch, Jürgen; Haloui, Hatim; Herrmann, Thomas; Gatti, Antonietta
    Picosecond and femtosecond laser machining may cause health risks related to nanoparticle emission
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 4 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 159 - 164
  • Hahn, Anne; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Production of bioactive nanomaterial using laser generated nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 4 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 51 - 54
  • Baersch, Niko; Jakobi, Jurij; Weiler, Sascha; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Pure colloidal metal and ceramic nanoparticles from high-power picosecond laser ablation in water and acetone
    In: Nanotechnology Jg. 20 (2009) Nr. 44, art. no. 445603
  • Menneking, C.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Rapid Nanomaterial Manufacturing - Funktionstragende Nanopartikel in Materialien und auf Oberflaechen
    In: Galvanotechnik: Älteste Fachzeitschrift für die Praxis der Oberflächenbehandlung Jg. 100 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 56 - 62
  • Baersch, Niko; Bußmeier, Uwe; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Verbesserung des Haftverbundes fuer Vollkeramikkronen aus Y-TZP durch Femtosekundenlaser-Mikrostrukturierung
    In: Quintessenz Zahntechnik Jg. 35 (2009) Nr. 10, S. 1322 - 1332
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef; Klein, S.
    Verification of gold nanoparticle uptake by bovine immortalised cells using laser scanning confocal microscopy : abstract L13
    In: Cytometry Part A Jg. 75A (2009) Nr. 8, S. 714
  • Hahn, A.; Stoever, T.; Paasche, G.; Gomez, P.; Loebler, M.; Sternberg, K.; Rohm, H.; Schmitz, K. P.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Bioactive nanocomposites from laser ablation in liquids adapted to cell specific concentration levels : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM) Jahrestagung 2008 20.-22. November in Hamburg Tagungspräsident Prof. Dr.
    In: Biomaterialien: interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Funktions-Werkstoffe im Hart- und Weichgewebe Jg. 9 (2008) Nr. 3/4, S. 124
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Baersch, Niko
    Der direkte Weg : Silber, Titan, Keramik ; Laser erzeugt Nanopartikel aus fast beliebigen Materialien
    In: Laser community (2008) Nr. 3, S. 24 - 25
  • Hahn, Anne; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, Boris N.
    Influences on nanoparticle production during pulsed laser ablation
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 3 (2008) Nr. 2, S. 73 - 77
  • Sattari, Ramin; Dieling, Christian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, Boris
    Laser-based fragmentation of microparticles for nanoparticle generation
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 3 (2008) Nr. 2, S. 100 - 105
  • Petersen, S.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Massgeschneiderte Nanomaterialien dank Lasertechnik
    In: Nanotechnologie Aktuell (2008) Nr. 1, S. 16 - 18
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hustedt, Michael; Chichkov, Boris
    Nanocomposite manufacturing using ultrashort-pulsed laser ablation in solvents and monomers
    In: Polimery Jg. 53 (2008) Nr. 9, S. 657 - 662
  • Hahn, Anne; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Produzione laser di nanomateriale bioattivo
    In: Applicazioni Laser (2008) Nr. 9/10, S. 36 - 38
  • Herzog, D.; Sattari, R.; Kettler, V.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Standzeit - Verschleissfreier Laser-Overlayabtrag bei Fussbodenlaminaten
    In: Surface-Magazin Jg. 4 (2008) S. 58 - 61
  • Baersch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan; Baier, Klaus
    Ultrafast-Laser-Processed zirconia and its adhesion to dental cement
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 3 (2008) Nr. 2, S. 78 - 83
  • Petersen, Svea; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Coating of metal nanoparticles using in-situ functionalization during femtosecond laser ablation in solution : a novel method aiming at ultra-pure drug and gene delivery
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM) Jahrestagung; 2007 22. - 24. November in Hannover Ausgerichtet,
    In: Biomaterialien: interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Funktions-Werkstoffe im Hart- und Weichgewebe Jg. 8 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 155
  • Bärsch, Niko; Werelius, Kristian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Liebana, Fernando; Stute, Uwe; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Femtosecond laser microstructuring of hot-isostatically pressed zirconia ceramic
    In: Journal of Laser Applications Jg. 19 (2007) Nr. 2, S. 107 - 115
  • Stöver, T.; Reich, U.; Hahn, A.; Przygodzka, D.; Paasche, G.; Lenarz, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Functionalization of cochlear implant electrode materials by nanoparticle-silicone composites
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 8 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 151
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Chichkov, Boris; Brikas, Marijus; Raciukaitis, Gediminas
    Generation of nanoparticle colloids by picosecond and femtosecond laser ablations in liquid flow
    In: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 91 (2007) Nr. 8, S. 083113-1 - 083113-3
  • Sartinska, Lina L.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wardenga, N.; Rud, B. M.; Timofeeva, I. I.
    Laser induced modification of surface structures
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 253 (2007) Nr. 9, S. 4295 - 4299
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.; Bärsch, Niko
    Laserbasierte Herstellung hochreiner Nanokomposite als Wirkstoff freisetzende Materialien fuer die Chirurgie
    In: Biomaterialien: interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Funktions-Werkstoffe im Hart- und Weichgewebe Jg. 8 (2007) Nr. S1, S. 12 - 13
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanococktails aus der Laser-Bar
    In: GIT: Labor-Fachzeitschrift Jg. 51 (2007) Nr. 11, S. 910 - 911
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, Anne; Chichkov, Boris N.
    Nanoparticles as potential risk during femtosecond laser ablation
    In: Journal of Laser Applications Jg. 19 (2007) Nr. 2, S. 65 - 73
  • Brikas, Marijus; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, Boris; Raciukaitis, Gediminas
    Production of nanoparticles with high repetition rate picosecond laser
    In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Jg. 2 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 230 - 233
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, Anne; Kabashin, Andrei V.; Chichkov, Boris N.
    Properties of nanoparticles generated during femtosecond laser machining in air and water
    In: Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing Jg. 87 (2007) Nr. 1, S. 47 - 55
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.;
    Strategien und Möglichkeiten der Nanobiomaterial-Produktion
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien (DGBM) ; 22. - 24. November 2007, Hannover,
    In: Biomaterialien: interdisziplinäre Zeitschrift für Funktions-Werkstoffe im Hart- und Weichgewebe Jg. 8 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 254 - 255
  • Hahn, Anne; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ostendorf, Andreas
    The nanoparticle risk during pulsed laser ablation
    In: The Laser User (2007) Nr. 47, S. 32 - 33
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Koch, Gerald; Odermatt, Jürgen
    Characterisation and modification of the heat affected zone during laser material processing of wood and wood composites : Charakterisierung und Beeinflussung der Wärmeeinflusszone bei der Laserbearbeitung von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen
    In: Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff Jg. 64 (2006) Nr. 2, S. 94 - 103
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Haferkamp, H.
    Laser-Materialbearbeitung von Werkstoffen aus Holz - Teil 1: Grundlagen und Beispiele des Lasertrennens
    In: Holz (2006) Nr. 1, S. 20 - 24
  • Baersch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser a femtosecondi per applicazioni dentali
    In: Applicazioni Laser (2005) Nr. 3, S. 11 - 12
  • Ostrowski, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Marczak, J.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Strzelec, M.; Walter, J.
    Pollutants emitted during laser cleaning of art works
    In: Romanian Journal of Optoelectronics / 7th Symposium of Optoelectronics ; 28.-29. Oktober 2004, Bucharest, Romania Jg. 13 (2005) Nr. 4, S. 11 - 19
  • Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Burmester, T.; Puester, T.; Hertwig, A.; Kautek, W.; Krueger, J.; Martin, S.; Spielmann, C.; Lenner, M.; Brose, M.
    Sicherer Umgang mit Ultrakurzpuls-Lasern, Teil 1: Primäre Gefährdungen
    In: Laser-Magazin (2005) Nr. 2, S. 6 - 11
  • Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Burmester, T.; Puester, T.; Hertwig, A.; Kautek, W.; Krueger, J.; Martin, S.; Spielmann, C.; Lenner, M.; Brose, M.
    Sicherer Umgang mit Ultrakurzpuls-Lasern. Teil 2: Sekundäre Gefährdungen
    In: Laser-Magazin (2005) Nr. 4, S. 13 - 18
  • Haferkamp, Heinz; Busse, Alexander von; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ostendorf, Andreas; Bunte, Jens
    Laser transmission welding of polymer and wood composites : Material and joint mechanism related studies
    In: Journal of Laser Applications Jg. 16 (2004) Nr. 4, S. 198 - 205
  • Haferkamp, H.; Busse, A. von; Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.
    Laser welding of polymer and wood composites
    In: The Industrial Laser User (2004) Nr. 34, S. 20 - 22
  • Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Puester, T.; Burmester, T.; Brose, M.; Ludwig, T.
    Non-beam hazards of fs-laser processing
    In: The Industrial Laser User (2004) Nr. 34, S. 34 - 35
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, Jens
    Sicher ist sicher
    In: Produktionstechnik Hannover informiert (phi ) Jg. 4 (2003) Nr. 2, S. 16 - 17
  • Haferkamp, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sattari, R.; Bunte, J.; Hesse, D.; Mueller, D.
    Geruchsminderung Aerosol enthaltender Abluft : Erfolgreicher Einsatz der Biofiltration für das Laserschneiden von Holzwerkstoffen
    In: WLB: Umwelttechnik für Industrie und Kommune Jg. 46 (2002) Nr. 7/8, S. 54 - 58
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Goede, M.; Haferkamp, H.
    Incorporating environmental aspects in quality control of laser material processing
    In: LaserOpto Jg. 33 (2001) Nr. 4, S. 68 - 71
  • Maatz, Gero; Heisterkamp, Alexander; Lubatschowski, Holger; Barcikowski, Stephan; Fallnich, Carsten; Welling, Herbert; Ertmer, Wolfgang
    Chemical and physical side effects at application of ultrashort laser pulses for intrastromal refractive surgery
    In: Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics Jg. 2 (2000) Nr. 1, S. 59 - 64
  • Haferkamp, H.; Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Safety first ... Sicherheits- und Optimierungsaspekte lasergestuetzer Bearbeitung von Furnier und Birkensperrholz
    In: Furnier-Magazin (2000) S. 18 - 23
  • Haferkamp, H.; Goede, M.; Puester, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Busse, A. von
    Lärmbelastung bei der Laserstrahlmaterialbearbeitung
    In: Laser-Magazin (1999) Nr. 3, S. 37 - 41
  • Haferkamp, H.; Goede, M.; Puester, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Burmester, T.
    The fume hazard in laser cutting and how to deal with it
    In: The Industrial Laser User (1999) Nr. 14, S. 30 - 33
  • Haferkamp, H.; Goede, M.; Alvensleben, F. von; Barcikowski, Stephan; Vitzthum, E.
    Ablüfte aus der Laserbearbeitung von Kunststoffen richtig filtrieren
    In: Laser-Magazin (1998) Nr. 6, S. 6 - 11
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Goede, M.; Von Alvensleben, F.; Daniel, S.
    Biologische Abluftreinigung bei der Bearbeitung von Kunststoffen mit CO2-Lasern
    In: WLB: Umwelttechnik für Industrie und Kommune Jg. 42 (1998) Nr. 3, S. 48 - 52
  • Haferkamp, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Goede, M.; Von Alvensleben, F.; Hesse, D.
    Effektive Geruchsbeseitigung und Luftreinhaltung durch biologische Abluftreinigung : Kosten und Nutzen für Schichtholz- Stanzformhersteller
    In: Fachverband deutscher Stanzformenhersteller (1998) Nr. 4, S. 18 - 21
  • Aufsätze

  • Marzun, Galina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp
    Colloidal nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis : Pulsed laser ablation of metals prepares ligand-free nanoparticles for colloidal deposition on a variety of surfaces
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Ziefuß, Anna; Barcikowski, Stephan; Zhigilei, L. V
    Advances in pulsed laser synthesis of nanoparticles in liquids
    In: Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy Jg. 65 (2022) Nr. 7, 274201
  • Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Gu, Dongdong; Schmidt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Korsunsky, Alexander M.; Gökce, Bilal
    On the selection and design of powder materials for laser additive manufacturing
    In: Materials & Design Jg. 204 (2021) 109653
  • Gökce, Bilal; Filipescu, Mihaela; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Recent progress in laser materials processing and synthesis
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 513 (2020) S. 145762
  • Amans, David; Cai, Weiping; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Status and demand of research to bring laser generation of nanoparticles in liquids to maturity
    In: Applied Surface Science Jg. 488 (2019) S. 445 - 454
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Amendola, Vincenzo
    A quarter-century of nanoparticle generation by lasers in liquids : Where are we now, and what's next?
    In: Journal of Colloid and Interface Sciences Jg. 489 (2017) S. 1 - 2
  • Gökce, Bilal; Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Opportunities and Challenges for Laser Synthesis of Colloids
    In: ChemPhysChem Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 9, S. 983 - 985
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Compagnini, Giuseppe
    Advanced nanoparticle generation and excitation by lasers in liquids
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 15 (2013) Nr. 9, S. 3022 - 3026
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Jockenhoevel, Stefan; Sternberg, Katrin; Stiesch, Meike
    Editorial – BioNanoMaterials drive innovation in clinical research
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 1-2, S. 1 - 2
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Mafune, Fomitaka
    Trends and current topics in the field of laser ablation and nanoparticle generation in liquids
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Jg. 115 (2011) Nr. 12, S. 4985
  • Abstracts

  • Rehbock, Christoph; Li, Yaya; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Iron Nanoparticle-loaded Hydrogels as Functional Composite Materials for 3D Biofabrication
    6th Termis World Congress ; 15-19 November 2021, Maastricht, The Netherlands,
    In: Tissue Engineering / Part A Jg. 28 (2022) Nr. Supplement 1, S. S283 - S284
  • Behrends, C.; Baecker, C.; Schilling, I.; Zwiehoff, S.; Weingarten, Jörg; Kroeninger, K.; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wulff, J.; Bäumer, Christian; Timmermann, Beate
    Is the Radiosensitizing Effect of Platinum Nanoparticles in Proton Irradiation Due to An Enhanced Proton Energy Deposition?
    In: Medical Physics Jg. 49 (2022) Nr. 6, S. E237 - E238
  • Zwiehoff, S.; Hensel, Astrid; Behrends, C.; Rehbock, Christoph; Bäumer, Christian; Knauer, Shirley; Timmermann, Beate; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Therapy-Related Investigations On the DNA Degrading Effect of Noble Metal Nanoparticles in Proton Therapy Using Liquid and Gel-Based Phantoms
    In: Medical Physics Jg. 49 (2022) Nr. 6, S. E598 - E599
  • Klein, Sabine; Gamrad, Lisa; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Distribution of gold nanoparticles and clusters on bovine sperm after in vitro co-incubation
    In: Focus on Microscopy: FOM 2015 / Focus on Microscopy ; FOM ; International Conference on 3D Image Processing in Microscopy ; International Conference on Confocal Microscopy ; March 29 - April 1, 2015, Göttingen (2015)
  • Angelov, Svilen; Koenen, Sven; Jakobi, Jurij; Heissler, Hans E.; Alam, Mesbah; Schwabe, Kerstin; Barcikowski, Stephan; Krauss, Joachim
    Electrophoretic deposition of ligand-free nanoparticles affects electrode impedance
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 60 (2015) Nr. s1, S. S8
  • Haxhiaj, Ina; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Oxidative laser fragmentation for ultra-small pure gold clusters with subsequent support to graphene nanosheets
    In: LAMP 2015: Program and Technical Digest / The 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LAMP 2015 ; The 16th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM2015 ; The 7th International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; HPL2015 ; May 26 - 29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan / Lau, Marcus; Nakamura, Junji; Wagener, Philipp (Hrsg.) (2015)
  • Streich, Carmen; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Plasmonic gold nanoparticles as platform for biomolecules counteracting protein misfolding diseases
    In: CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015 / CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015 ; Essen, Germany, 11.03.2015 (2015)
  • Angelov, S.; Koenen, Sven; Heissler, Hans E.; Jakobi, Jurij; Schwabe, K.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Krauss, J.K.
    Influence of different nano-structured surface topographies on electrode impedance
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 59 (2014) Nr. s1, S. 35
  • Grade, Sebastian; Eberhard, Jörg; Jakobi, Jurij; Rehbock, Christoph; Winkel, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stiesch, Meike
    Biocidal effects of laser-generated gold-silver nanoalloys
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. Supplement, S. 113
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Gamrad, Lisa; Tiedemann, Daniela; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ligand-free metal and alloy nanoparticles and their application in reproduction biology
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. Supplement, S. 112
  • Sieg, B.; Tiedemann, Daniela; Kramer, J.; Taylor, Ulrike; Rehbock, Christoph; Klein, S.; Kues, Wilfried; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Porcine sperm cell viability is not impaired by exposure to gold and silver nanoparticles
    In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals Jg. 48 (2013) Nr. s1, S. 87
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Rath, Detlef; Kues, Wilfried; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gamrad, Lisa; Werner, D.; Mancini, R.
    Specific nano-targeting of Y-chromosome bearing spermatozoa
    In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals Jg. 48 (2013) Nr. s1, S. 88
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Suface characterization, ion release and bio-response of Nitinol nanocoatings
    In: BioNanoMaterials Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. Supplement, S. 116
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hess, C.; Schwenke, A.; Sajti, L.; Haverich, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Endothelialization and Biocompatibility of Polymer-Based Nano-Composites
    In: The International Journal of Artificial Organs (IJAO) Jg. 35 (2012) Nr. 8,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Gamrad, Lisa; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Nano-Particle Reference Materials for Cytotoxicity Assays without Sideeffects
    XXXIX Annual ESAO Congress, 26–29 September 2012, Rostock, Germany,
    In: The International Journal of Artificial Organs (IJAO) Jg. 35 (2012) Nr. 8,
  • Wagener, Philipp; Hahn, Anne; Schwenke, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Bioactive ion release of multimaterial nanoparticle polymer composites
    In: Book of Abstracts: 5th international workshop on polymer/metal nanocomposites / International Workshop on Polymer/Metal Nanocomposites ; September, 20- 22, 2011, Bari (2011) S. 58
  • Pfeifer, Ronny; Herzog, Dirk; Barcikowski, Stephan; Mueller, Christian; Goesling, Thomas; Olender, Gavin; Hurschler, Christof
    Entwicklung von steifigkeitsvariablen Formgedaechtnisimplantaten
    In: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. s1, S. 116 - 119
  • Hashimoto, N.; Barchanski, A.; Petersen, S.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Impact of spacer length on laser-generated gold nanomarker design
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29.06.-01.07.2010, Engelberg, Schweiz (2010) S. 68
  • Barchanski, A.; Taylor, U.; Petersen, S.; Mittag, A.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser-generated ligand-free or bioconjugated gold nanoparticles and their impact on sperm vitality parameters : Poster presentation : Toxicology of nanomaterials, TOX-05
    In: Nanotechnology for the Healthcare Challenges of the 21st Century: Abstracts / 7th NanoMed, 02.-03.12.2010, Berlin (2010) S. 97 - 98
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Hahn, A.; Schwenke, A.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ultra-short pulsed laser generation of alloy nanoparticles in liquid environment
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29 June 2010 - 1 July 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland (2010) S. 78
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanoparticle bioconjugates by laser ablation : a novel method aiming at pure drug and gene delivery
    In: Abstracts / 6th NanoMed: March 4 - 6, 2009 / International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology ; NanoMed ; March 4 - 6, 2009, Berlin (2009)
  • Volk, H.; Fuentes, D.; Miese, C.; Fuerbach, A.; Koehler, W.; Baersch, N.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Selective analysis of petroleum from single fluid inclusions using femtosecond laser pulses
    Annual VM Goldschmidt Conference ; 21. Juni 2009, Davos, Schweiz,
    In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Jg. 73 (2009) Nr. 13, Supplement, S. A1391
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Jakobi, Jurij; Baersch, N.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, B.
    Electrophoretic deposition of metallic nanoparticles generated by femtosecond laser ablation in liquid media
    In: Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields: CODEF II / 2nd International Conference Colloidal Dispersions in External Fields ; CODEF II ; 31.03. - 02.04.2008, Bonn-Bad Godesberg (2008) S. 91
  • Stoever, T.; Braun, M.; Gomes, P.; Lenarz, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Paasche, G.
    Funktionalisierte Cochlea Implantat Elektrodenmaterialien : Antiproliferative und trophische Effekte metallischer Ionen
    In: 11. Jahrestagung „Hören in der Kindheit“: Kiel, 5.–8. März 2008 ; Programm und Abstractband / Hören in der Kindheit ; 11. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Audiologie (DGA) ; 05. – 08. März 2008, Kiel (2008) S. 88
  • Baersch, Niko; Gatti, A.; Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Improving laser ablation of zirconia by liquid films : multiple influences of liquids on surface machining and nanoparticle generation
    In: LPM 2008: 9th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; [June 16 - 20, 2008, Québec City, Québec, Canada ; program & abstracts] / LPM ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; June 16 - 20, 2008, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) (2008)
  • Petersen, Svea; Jakobi, Jurij; Hoertinger, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In-Situ Conjugation : Tailored Nanoparticle-Conjugates by Laser Ablation in Liquids
    In: LPM 2008: [program & abstracts] / 9th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2008 ; June 16 - 20, 2008, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) (2008)
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Metallic nanoparticles generated by ultra-short pulsed laser ablation in liquid media
    In: Particles 2008 / Particle Synthesis, Characterization, and Particle-Based Advanced Materials ; Particles 2008 ; 10-13 May 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA (2008) S. 42
  • Fuerbach, A.; Miese, C.; Volk, H.; Fuentes, D.; Koehler, W.; Baersch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Micro-selective femtosecond laser on-line extraction of quartz-hosted petroleum inclusions
    In: LPM 2008: [program & abstracts] / 9th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2008 ; June 16 - 20, 2008, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) (2008)
  • Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Baersch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Mobility of nanoparticles generated by femtosecond laser ablation in liquids and its application to surface patterning
    In: LPM 2008: [program & abstracts] / 9th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2008 ; June 16 - 20, 2008, Québec City, Québec, Canada / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) (2008)
  • Szentivanyi, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Jakobi, Jurij; Glasmacher, B.;
    Modification of collagen/peo nanofiber scaffolds using metallic nanoparticles
    XXXV Annual ESAO Congress, 3-6 September 2008, Geneva - Switzerland,
    In: The International Journal of Artificial Organs (IJAO) Jg. 31 (2008) Nr. 7, S. 590 - 591
  • Volk, H.; Fuentes, D.; Fuerbach, A.; Miese, C.; Koehler, W.; Baersch, N.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    On-line analysis of single fluid petroleum inclusions using ultrafast laser ablation
    In: Oil, soil, water, and wine: conference program and abstracts / 15th Australian Organic Geochemistry Conference ; 8-12th September, 2008, Adelaide, South Australia / McKirdy, David M. (Hrsg.) (2008) S. 97 - 98
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Walter, J.; Hahn, A.; Koch, J.; Haloui, H.; Herrmann, T.; Gatti, A.
    Picosecond and femtosecond laser machining may cause health risks related to nanoparticle emission
    In: LPM 2008: [program & abstracts] / 9th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2008 ; June 16 - 20, 2008, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) (2008)
  • Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Production of bioactive nanomaterial using laser generated nanoparticles
    In: LPM 2008: [program & abstracts] / 9th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2008 ; June 16 - 20, 2008, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) (2008)
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Baersch, Niko; Weiler, S.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Productivity of nanoparticle generation during high-power picosecond laser ablation in liquids
    In: LPM 2008: [program & abstracts] / 9th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2008 ; June 16 - 20, 2008, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) (2008) S. 45
  • Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, B. N.
    Influences on nanoparticle production during pulsed laser ablation
    In: LPM 2007: program and abstracts / 8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2007 ; April 24 - 28, 2007, University of Vienna, Austria / Kautek, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) (2007) S. 96
  • Baersch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stute, U.; Werelius, K.; Baier, Klaus
    Ultrafast-Laser-Processed zirconia and its adhesion to dental cement
    In: LPM 2007: program and abstracts / 8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2007 ; April 24 - 28, 2007, University of Vienna, Austria (2007) S. 109
  • Haferkamp, H.; Burmester, T.; Meier, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Femtosecond laser cleaning of metallic cultural heritage and antique artworks
    In: COLA 2003 / 7. International Conference on Laser Ablation ; COLA 2003 ; 05.10.2003 - 10.10.2003, Hersonissos, Griechenland (2003) S. C037
  • Haferkamp, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Goede, M.
    Bioremediation of micron and submicron particular emissions exhausted from laser material processing of polymers
    In: Biotechnology 2000: The World Congress on Biotechnology ; Poster Abstracts of Sections IV, V, VI: I: Health care, agriculture and food, environmental biotechnology / 11th International Biotechnology Symposium and Exhibition, 03.-08.09.2000, Berlin (2000) S. 354
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Grünewald, Moritz; Popp, Kevin; Chehreh, Abootorab; Gann, Stan; Kusoglu, Ihsan Murat; Barcikowski, Stephan; Nowicki, Alexander; Schuffenhauer, Thomas; Bastian, Martin; Rudloff, Johannes
    Energy Conversion Aspects in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Nanoparticle Supported PA12 Powder Feedstock
    In: Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS 2023) / 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS 2023); St. Gallen, Switzerland; 22 - 26 May 2023 / American Institute of Physics (AIP) (Hrsg.) 2024 180001
  • Kazamer, Norbert; Reichenberger, Sven; Spree, Mathias; Rost, Ulrich; Tack, Meike; Bopardikar, Tejas; Wirkert, Florian; Salih, Haujin; Böhm, Leonard; Cieluch, Maximilian; Roth, Jeffrey; Zoz, Tom; Hülser, Tim; Barcikowski, Stephan; Brodmann, Michael
    Preparation and analysis of membrane electrode assemblies for PEM water electrolysers based on laser-generated iridiumoxide nanoparticles as electrocatalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
    In: WHEC 2022: 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference ; Bridging Continents by H2 ; Istanbul, Turkey, 26-30 June 2022 ; Proceedings / 23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference, WHEC 2022 ; 26-30 June 2022, Istanbul, Turkey / Dincer, Ibrahim; Colpan, Can Ozgur; Ezan, Mehmet Akif (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 204 - 206
  • Bessel, Tobias; Barcikowski, Stephan; Waag, Friedrich
    Fully-automatic benchtop machine for the production of nanoparticle suspensions
    In: Conference proceedings: NANOCON 2021 / 13th International Conference on Nanomaterials "Research & Application", 20 - 22 October 2021, Brno, Czech Republic 2021, S. 405 - 410
  • Gökce, Bilal; Rehbock, Christoph; Ramesh, Vaijayanthi; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Hupfeld, Tim; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser Synthesis of Colloids : Applications
    In: Handbook of Laser Micro- and Nano-Engineering / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 1455 - 1479
  • Doñate-Buendia, Carlos; Streubel, René; Kürnsteiner, Philipp; Wilms, Markus Benjamin; Stern, Felix; Tenkamp, Jochen; Bruder, Enrico; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gault, Baptiste; Durst, Karsten; Schleifenbaum, Johannes Henrich; Walther, Frank; Gökce, Bilal
    Effect of nanoparticle additivation on the microstructure and microhardness of oxide dispersion strengthened steels produced by laser powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition
    In: 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies / LANE 2020; Virtual, Online; 7 - 10 September 2020 / Schmidt, M.; Vollertsen, F.; Govekar, E. (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 41 - 45
  • Sommereyns, Alexander; Hupfeld, Tim; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schmidt, Michael P.
    Evaluation of essential powder properties through complementary particle size analysis methods for laser powder bed fusion of polymers
    In: 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies / LANE 2020; Virtual, Online; 7 - 10 September 2020 / Schmidt, M.; Vollertsen, F.; Govekar, E. (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 116 - 121
  • Hupfeld, Tim; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Krause, Matthias; Sommereyns, Alexander; Wegner, Andreas; Sinnemann, Thorsten; Schmidt, Michael; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Scaling up colloidal surface additivation of polymer powders for laser powder bed fusion
    In: 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies / LANE 2020; Virtual, Online; 7 - 10 September 2020 / Schmidt, M.; Vollertsen, F.; Govekar, E. (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 110 - 115
  • Zaza, Cecilia; Violi, Ianina L.; Gargiulo, Julián; Chiarelli, Germán; Schumacher, Ludmilla; Jakobi, Jurij; Olmos-Trigo, Jorge; Cortes, Emiliano; König, Matthias; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schlücker, Sebastian; Saénz, Juan José; Maier, Stefan A.; Stefani, Fernando D.
    Size-selective optical printing of silicon nanoparticles through their dipolar magnetic resonance
    In: Complex Light and Optical Forces XIV / Complex Light and Optical Forces, 4-5 February 2020, San Francisco, California, United States / Andrews, David L.; Galvez, Enrique J.; Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Halina (Hrsg.) 2020 1129708
  • Kusoglu, Ihsan Murat; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Use of (nano-)additives in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Al powder feedstocks : Research directions within the last decade
    In: 11th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies / LANE 2020; Virtual, Online; 7 - 10 September 2020 / Schmidt, M.; Vollertsen, F.; Govekar, E. (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 11 - 16
  • Zaza, Cecilia; Violi, Ianina L.; Gargiulo, Julián; Chiarelli, Germán; Schumacher, Ludmilla; Jakobi, Jurij; Olmos, Jorge; Cortés, Emiliano; König, Matthias; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schlücker, Sebastian; Saenz, Juan José; Maier, Stefan A.; Stefani, Fernando D.
    Size-selective optical printing of silicon nanoparticles through their dipolar magnetic resonance
    In: Proceedings Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science APS/DLS / FIO 2019 - Frontiers in Optics, 15 - 19 September 2019, Washington, United States 2019 S. FM5C.3
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Structuring of electrode surfaces with ligand-free nanoparticles via electrophoretic deposition : fundamentals and in vivo applications
    In: Electrophoretic Deposition VI: Fundamentals and Applications ; Gyeongju, South Korea 1 - 6 October 2017 / Electrophoretic Deposition VI ; Gyeongju, South Korea 1 - 6 October 2017 / Boccaccini, Aldo R.; Dickerson, James; Van der Biest, Omer; Uchikoshi, Tetsuo (Hrsg.) 2018
  • Marzun, Galina; Haxhiaj, Ina; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Functionality of ligand-free alloy nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis made by scaleable laser synthesis
    In: LPM2017: the 18th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; 5th-8th June 2017, Toyama / LPM ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; 5th-8th June 2017, Toyama 2017
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ligand-free metal nanoparticle colloids : benefits in standardized toxicity assays and functional bioconjugates
    In: ICONAN 2017: International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology ; book of abstracts / ICONAN 2017 ; International Conference on Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology ; Barcelona, Spain, 25-27 September 2017 2017, S. 70 - 71
  • Kalus, Mark-Robert; Bärsch, Niko; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ligand-free nanoparticles made by scalable laser synthesis for catalysis applications
    In: TNT 2017: Trends in nanotechnology ; Dresden, 05 - 09 June, 2017 ; abstracts and posters book / TNT ; Trends in Nanotechnology ; Dresden, 05 - 09 June, 2017 2017, S. 96
  • Gökce, Bilal; Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Pilot-scale synthesis of catalysis-relevant nanoparticles by high-power ultrafast laser ablation in liquids
    In: Laser-Based Micro- and Nanoprocessing XI: 31 January-2 February 2017, San Francisco, California, United States / Laser-Based Micro- and Nanoprocessing ; Conference Laser-Based Micro- and Nanoprocessing ; LBMP ; SPIE LASE ; Laser Source Technologies and Industrial Lasers and Applications Conference ; SPIE Photonics West ; 31 January-2 February 2017, San Francisco, California, United States / Klotzbach, Udo; Washio, Kunihiko; Kling, Rainer (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 100921A
  • Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Process-stable, highly pure nanomaterials by pilot-scale, continuous high-power laser production
    In: Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials XIV: 30 January-1 February 2017, San Francisco, California, United States / Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials ; SPIE LASE ; Laser Source Technologies and Industrial Lasers and Applications Conference ; SPIE Photonics West ; 30 January-1 February 2017, San Francisco, California, United States / Geohegan, David B.; Dubowski, Jan J.; Kabashin, Andrei V. (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 100930F
  • Tymoczko, Anna; Rehbock, Christoph; Kamp, M.; Jakobi, Jurij; Schürmann, U.; Kienle, L.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    The formation mechanism and internal phase structure of AU-FE alloy nanoparticlesgenerated via pulsed laser ablation in liquids
    In: XXVI International Materials Research Congress 2017 / International Materials Research Congress ; August 20-25, 2017, Cancun, Mexico 2017
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal
    Application of Platinum Nanoparticles for Nuclear Medicine Diagnostics : Isolation of Highly Concentrated Iodide-123
    In: PARTEC 2016: International Congress on Particle Technology ; April 19-21, 2016, Nürnberg, Germany ; book of abstracts / PARTEC ; International Congress on Particle Technology ; April 19-21, 2016, Nürnberg 2016
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Heinemann, Alexander; Zwartscholten, Janina; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Biocompatible gold submicrometer spheres with controlled surface textures fabricated by Pulsed Laser Melting in Liquids
    In: 2016 technical summaries: Conference 9737: Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials XIII / Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials ; LASE ; SPIE Photonics West ; 15–17 February 2016, San Francisco, California, United States 2016, S. 155
  • Ledoux, G.; Lam, J.; Chemin, A.; Martinet, C.; Cornet, A.; Lebbou, K.; Dujardin, C.; Chaput, F.; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan; Amans, D.
    Effect of the ligand-metal bindings on the luminescence of nano-Ruby
    In: 4th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids: 09-12 May 2016, Atlantic Hotel, Essen, Germany ; program / ANGEL ; Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; 09-12 May 2016, Essen / Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 26 - 27
  • Plech, A.; Ibrahimkutty, S.; dos Santos Rolo, T.; Baumbach, T.; Menzel, A.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Hierarchical mapping of the pulsed-laser ablation dynamics in liquid
    In: 4th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids: 09-12 May 2016, Atlantic Hotel, Essen, Germany ; program / ANGEL ; Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; 09-12 May 2016, Essen / Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 17 - 18
  • Lau, Marcus; Ziefuß, Anna; Komoßa, Tim; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Identification of intermediates during laser melting of supported nanoparticles
    In: 4th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids: 09-12 May 2016, Atlantic Hotel, Essen, Germany ; program / Angel ; Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; 09-12 May 2016, Essen / Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 35
  • Koenen, S.; Rehbock, Christoph; Streich, Carmen; Jakobi, Jurij; Angelov, S.; Heissler, H. E.; Schwabe, K.; Krauss, J. K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Improving the in vitro and in vivo properties of neural electrodes by coating with platinum nanoparticles
    In: Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials 2016: abstracts / Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien ; Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials ; Aachen, 29.09.-01.10.2016 / Barcikowski, Stephan; Jockenhövel, Stefan; Sternberg, Katrin; Stiesch, Meike (Hrsg.) 2016, S. S12
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Koenen, S.; Jakobi, Jurij; Angelov, S.; Heissler, H.; Schwabe, K.; Krauss, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In vivo applications of neural electrodes structured with laser-generated platinum nanoparticles
    In: 4th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids: 09-12 May 2016, Atlantic Hotel, Essen, Germany ; program / ANGEL ; Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; 09-12 May 2016, Essen / Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 31 - 32
  • Sehrt, Jan T.; Kleszcynski, Stefan; Notthoff, Christian; Lau, Marcus; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser powder bed fusion of nano-WC-modified and nano-TiO2-modified metal powders
    In: 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies - iCAT 2016: Proceedings / 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies - iCAT 2016, Nürnberg, Germany, 29.-30. November 2016 / Drstvenšek, Igor (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 26 - 38
  • Sehrt, Jan T.; Kleszczynski, Stefan; Notthoff, Christian; Lau, Marcus; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser powder bed fusion of nano-wc-modified and and nano-TI02-modified metal powders
    In: 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies: iCAT 2016 ; proceedings ; Nürnberg, Germany, 29.-30. November 2016 ; DAAAM Specialized Conference / International Conference on Additive Technologies ; iCAT ; Nürnberg, Germany, 29.-30. November 2016 / Drstvenšek, Igor; Drummer, Dietmar; Schmidt, Michael (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 26 - 38
  • Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Levish, Alexander; Mackert, Viktor; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nickel-molybdenum nanoparticles for the substitution of platinum in electrocatalysis
    In: 4th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids: 09-12 May 2016, Atlantic Hotel, Essen, Germany / ANGEL ; Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; 09-12 May 2016, Essen / Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 25
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Radiolabelling of gold nanoparticles in engine oils for engine tests
    In: PARTEC 2016: International Congress on Particle Technology ; April 19-21, 2016, Nürnberg, Germany ; book of abstracts / PARTEC ; International Congress on Particle Technology ; April 19-21, 2016, Nürnberg 2016
  • Lau, Marcus; Straube, T.; Textor, Torsten; Gutmann, Jochen Stefan; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Scaling parameters and possibilities of particle manipulation during pulsed laser irradiation in a free liquid jet
    In: LPM 2016: program and technical digest / LPM ; International Congress on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; May 23-27, 2016, Xi'an, China 2016
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Hansen, Wiebke
    Stabilizer-free gold nanoparticle bioconjugates as efficient transfection agents in regulatory T cells
    In: Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials 2016: abstracts / Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien ; Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials ; Aachen, 29.09.-01.10.2016; Stiesch, Meike / Barcikowski, Stephan; Jockenhövel, Stefan; Sternberg, Katrin (Hrsg.) 2016, S. S20
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, Ulrike; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Standardized toxicological assays for utilization of colloidal nanoparticles in biomedical applications
    In: 2016 technical summaries: Conference 9722: Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications XI / Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications ; SPIE Photonics West ; BIOS ; 13-15 February 2016, San Francisco 2016, S. 542
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan
    What causes the instability of ligand-free, laser-generated noble metal colloids? : A kinetic study
    In: 4th Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids (ANGEL): 09 - 12 May 2016 ; Atlantic Hotel, Essen, Germany ; program / Amendola, Vincenzo; Barcikowski, Stephan (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 23
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Amplified laser fragmentation of microparticles in a free liquid jet
    In: LAMP 2015: the 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM 2015, the 16th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL 2015, the 7th International Symposium on High Power Processing ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan ; program and technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; May 26 - 29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Lau, Marcus; Haxhiaj, Ina; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Change of particle properties by laser irradiation for catalytic applications
    In: CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015: [abstracts] / CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015 ; Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 11. März 2015 2015
  • Heinemann, Alexander; Koenen, Sven; Schwabe, Kerstin; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    How Electrophoretic Deposition with Ligand-Free Platinum Nanoparticles Affects Contact Angle
    In: Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications V / 5th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications, October 5-10, 2014, Hernstein, Austria / Boccaccini, A.R. (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 218 - 223
  • Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    How to fabricate a high quality heterogeneous catalyst by laser ablation?
    In: LAMP 2015: the 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM 2015, the 16th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL 2015, the 7th International Symposium on High Power Processing ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan ; program & technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Influence of laser-fragmented, colloidal noble metal atom clusters on nanoparticle growth : A kinetic study
    In: LAMP 2015: the 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM 2015, the 16th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL 2015, the 7th International Symposium on High Power Processing ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan ; program and technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; May 26 - 29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Koenen, Sven; Streich, Carmen; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Influence of ligands on the mobility of nanoparticles in an electric field
    In: Solvation Science: Bunsentagung 2015 ; 114th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry ; featuring an industrial symposium with accompanying exibition and Karriereforum ; 14-16 May 2015, Bochum, Germany ; book of abstracts / Bunsentagung ; General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry ; 14-16 May 2015, Bochum, Germany 2015
  • Streich, Carmen; Akkari, Laura; Decker, C.; Nagel-Steger, L.; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Inhibition of Amyloid Beta Aggregation by Functionalized Metal Nanoparticles
    In: Mechanisms, Clinical Strategies, and Promising Treatments of Neurodegenerative Diseases: 12th International Conference AD/PD™, Nice, March 2015 ; abstracts / AD/PD ; International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases ; Nice, France, March 18-22, 2015 / Fisher, Abraham; Nitsch, Roger M.; Windisch, Manfred (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 372
  • Li, Duxin; Bui, Ti Hau; Stephan, Susanne; Barcikowski, Stephan; Schmitz, Oliver J.
    LDI-MS with gold nanoparticles
    In: CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015: [abstracts] / CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015 ; Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 11. März 2015 2015
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser-generated alloy nanoparticles for biological and biomedical applications
    In: CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015: [abstracts] / CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015 ; Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 11. März 2015 2015
  • Coger, V.; Million, Nina; Wilke, P.; Pich, A.; Vogt, P.M.; Reimers, K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser-generated bioactive hydrogels as ion-release systems for burn wound therapy
    In: Optically Induced Nanostructures: Biomedical and Technical Applications / König, Karsten; Ostendorf, Andreas (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 199 - 216
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Krawinkel, J.; Tumursukh, B.; Heisterkamp, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanoparticle-peptide conjugates are used as model system for in vitro bioapplications considering precise and quantitative charge balancing
    In: CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015: [abstracts] / CENIDE Nanobiophotonics Symposium 2015 ; Essen, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 11. März 2015 2015
  • Lau, Marcus; Niemann, Ralf; Bartsch, Mathias; O'Neill, William; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanoparticles during additive manufacturing
    In: Lasers in manufacturing 2015: proceedings / International Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing ; LiM 2015 ; [part of the] World of Photonics Congress ; June 22 - 25, 2015, München / Graf, Thomas (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Gökce, Bilal; Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Optically active nanocomposite prototyping by laser ablation in liquids
    In: EOS Conference on Light Engineering 2015 (EOSLE 2015): World of Photonics Congress 2015 ; Munich, Germany, 22-25 June 2015 / EOS Conference on Light Engineering ; EOSLE ; World of Photonics Congress (WPC) ; International Congress on Photonics in Europe ; LASER World of PHOTONICS ; Munich, Germany, 22-25 June 2015 2015, S. 15 - 16
  • Gökce, Bilal; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Optically transparent and electrically conductive composites made with laser-generated chained nanoparticles
    In: LAMP 2015: the 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM 2015, the 16th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL 2015, the 7th International Symposium on High Power Processing ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan ; program & technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Lau, Marcus; Gökce, Bilal; Marzun, Galina; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Rapid nanointegration with laser-generated nanoparticles
    In: Lasers in manufacturing 2015: proceedings / International Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing ; LiM 2015 ; [part of the] World of Photonics Congress ; June 22 - 25, 2015, München / Graf, Thomas (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Rapid nanoparticle polymer composites prototyping by laser ablation in liquids
    In: LAMP 2015: the 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM 2015, the 16th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL 2015, the 7th International Symposium on High Power Processing ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan ; program and technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; May 26-29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2015
  • Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Dong, W.; Ruland, H.; Muhler, H.
    Supporting of ligand-free gold nanoparticles on titania and its catalytic activity in liquid-phase oxidation of ethanol
    In: Solvation science: Bunsentagung 2015 ; 114th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry ; featuring an industrial symposium with accompanying exibition and Karriereforum ; 14-16 May 2015, Bochum, Germany ; book of abstracts / Bunsentagung ; General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry ; 14-16 May 2015, Bochum, Germany 2015
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Ziefuß, Anna; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Taylor, Ulrike; Mancini, Roberto; Rath, Detlef
    Design of bivalent gold nanoparticle-oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates for duplex and triplex hybridization
    In: 2014 Photonics West: 1-6 February ; technical summaries ; BiOS / SPIE Photonics West ; Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications IX ; 1-6 February 2014, San Francisco, California, USA 2014, S. 483
  • Koenen, Sven; Jakobi, Jurij; Angelov, Svilen; Heissler, Hans; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Electrophoretic deposition of ligand-free nanoparticles as application for the nanostructuring of electrodes for the treatment of parkinson’s disease
    In: Electrophoretic Deposition V: Fundamentals and Applications / International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications ; EPD Conference ; October 5-10, 2014, Hernstein, Austria 2014
  • Willenbrock, Saskia; Duran, Maria Carolina; Barchanski, Annette; Barcikowski, Stephan; Feige, Karsten; Nolte, Ingo; Murua Escobar, Hugo
    Evaluation of pulsed laser ablation in liquids generated gold nanoparticles as novel transfection tools : efficiency and cytotoxicity
    In: Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: biomedical, scientific, and industrial applications XIV ; 2 - 5 February 2014, San Francisco, California, United States / SPIE Photonics West ; Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics ; Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications ; 2–5 February 2014, San Francisco, California, USA / Heisterkamp, Alexander; Herman, Peter R.; Meunier, Michel; Nolte, Stefan (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 89720D
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Koenen, Sven; Streich, Carmen
    Influence of ligands on the electrophoretic deposition of nanoparticles on surfaces
    In: Electrophoretic Deposition V: Fundamentals and Applications ; [abstracts] / International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition ; Engineering Conference lnternational (ECI) ; Hernstein, Austria ; October 5-10, 2014 2014
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Koenen, Sven; Streich, Carmen
    Influence of ligands on themobility of nanoparticles during the electrophoretic deposition
    In: 5th International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition: Fundamentals and Applications / International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition ; October 5-10, 2014, Hernstein. Austria 2014
  • Krawinkel, Judith; Richter, U.; Torres-Mapa, M. L.; Tumursukh, B.; Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Murua Escobar, Hugo; Ngezahayo, Anaclet; Barcikowski, Stephan; Heisterkamp, Alexander
    Laser based intracellular drug delivery with endocytozed peptide-conjugated gold nanoparticles
    In: 2014 Photonics West: 1-6 February ; technical summaries ; BiOS / SPIE Photonics West ; Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXV ; 1-6 February 2014, San Francisco, California, USA 2014, S. 263 - 264
  • Million, Nina; Nachev-Wilke, Philipp; Coger, Vincent; Pich, Andrij; Reimers, Kerstin; Vogt, Peter M.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser generated bioactive nanoparticles in aqueous polymer-capsules for burn wound therapy
    In: NanoBio Europe: 10th International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology ; program and abstracts / International Congress and Exhibition on Nanobiotechnology ; Nanobio Europe ; Münster, Germany, June 2-4, 2014 2014, S. 36
  • Lau, Marcus; Niemann, Ralf Gregor; Bartsch, Mathias; O’Neil, William; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Near-Field-Enhanced, Off-Resonant Laser Sintering for Additive Manufacturing of Semiconductor Particles and the Fabrication of dispersed Au-ZnO-micro/nano hybrid structures
    In: 2014 photonics Europe: technical summaries / Photonics West 2014 ; Laser Sources and Applications II ; Brussels, Belgium, 14-17 April 2014 2014, S. 272 - 273
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Gamrad, Lisa; Jakobi, Jurij; Tiedemann, Daniela; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Stabilization and size control of ligand-free gold and alloy nanoparticles in the presence of highly-diluted electrolytes
    In: 2014 Photonics West: 1-6 February ; technical summaries ; BiOS / SPIE Photonics West ; Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications IX ; 1-6 February 2014, San Francisco, California, USA 2014, S. 482
  • Koenen, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan
    3D-Nanostructuring of Implant Surfaces by Electrophoretic Deposition of Ligand-Free Metal Nanoparticles
    In: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien 2013, 26. - 28. September 2013, Erlangen / Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien 2013 ; 26.–28. September 2013, Erlangen / Boccaccini, Aldo R. (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 71
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Gamrad, Lisa; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Additive-free gold nanoparticles as toxicity reference materials in reproduction biology
    In: 2013 BiOS, SPIE Photonics West: technical summaries / Conference 8595: Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications VIII ; Part of SPIE Photonics West ; 2–4 February 2013 2013, S. 454
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Rehbock, Christoph; Werner, Daniel; Gamrad, Lisa; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef
    Bioconjugated gold nanomarkers for imaging in cytology and reproduction biology
    In: 2013 BiOS: technical summaries / SPIE Photonics West ; Optical Methods in Developmental Biology ; 2 February 2013, San Francisco, California, USA 2013, S. 442
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Rehbock, Christoph; Gamrad, Lisa; Taylor, Ulrike; Werner, Daniel; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef
    Conjugated gold nanoparticles as selective imaging tools in cell biology
    In: 2013 LASE: technical summaries / SPIE Photonics West ; Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XIII ; 3 -6 February 2013, San Francisco, California, USA 2013, S. 156
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Conjugated gold nanoparticles as selective imaging tools in cell biology
    In: Cytometry across disciplines: 23rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry ; 09. - 11. October 2013 ; [program and abstracts] / Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry ; 09. - 11. October 2013, Dresden 2013 [S. 73]
  • Streubel, René; Messina, Gabriele; Wagener, Philipp; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Efficient nanoparticle production using wire ablation
    In: 2013 LASE: technical summaries / SPIE Photonics West ; Synthesis and Photonics of Nanoscale Materials X ; 3-5 February 2013, San Francisco, California, USA 2013, S. 140
  • Million, Nina; Nachev, Philipp; Pich, Andrij; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Embedding of ZnO Nanoparticles in Hybrid Microgels by Laser Ablation in Aqueous Monomer Solution
    In: 2013 LASE: technical summaries / SPIE Photonics West ; LASE ; Laser-based Micro- and Nanopackaging and Assembly VII ; 6 - 7 February 2013, San Francisco, California, USA 2013, S. 137
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Growth and stability of laser-fabricated gold nanoparticles in the presence of low salinity electrolytes
    In: LAMP2013: program and technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; July 23–26, 2013, Niigata, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 22
  • Streubel, René; Messina, Gabriele C.; Wagener, Philipp; De Giacomo, Alessandro; Santagata, Antonio; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Barcikowski, Stephan
    High-yield production of nanoparticles by using wire ablation
    In: LAMP2013: program and technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; July 23–26, 2013, Niigata, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 22
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser generation of small monodisperse gold nanoparticles in saline solution independent from ligands
    In: LAMP2013: program and technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; 23-26 July 2013, Niigata, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 31
  • Wagener, Philipp; Ibrahimkutty, Shyjumon; Menzel, Andreas; Plech, Anton; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanoparticle formation after pulsed laser ablation in liquid studied with high time resolution small angle x-ray scattering
    In: LAMP2013: program and technical digest / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; July 23–26, 2013, Niigata, Japan / Sugioka, Koji (Hrsg.) 2013, S. 22
  • Tiedemann, Daniela; Taylor, Ulrike; Rehbock, Christoph; Klein, S.; Stuenkel, M.; Kues, Wilfried; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Toxic effects of gold and silver nanoparticles on the maturation process of porcine oocytes
    In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR) / Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction ; ESDAR ; Bologna, Italy 12 – 14 September 2013 2013, S. 71
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Garrels, W.; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan; Klein, S.; Kues, Wilfried; Lucas-Hahn, A.; Niemann, H.; Rath, Detlef
    Unimpaired development of murine embryos after injection of silver nanoparticles
    In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society / Annual Conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society ; IETS ; Hannover, Germany, 19–22 January 2013 2013, S. 222 - 223
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Lauff, Sigrid
    "Ich kann nur Bullen gebrauchen!" : Modernes Spermsexing erspart Nutztieren viel Leid [Rundfunkbeitrag]
    In: Leonardo - Wissenschaft und mehr [Rundfunksendung vom 06.11.2012, 16:05 bis 17:00 Uhr] 2012
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    "Sexing" bei Rindern - Bullensperma bevorzugt
    In: "Nano" : Sendung vom 18.01.2012 bei 3Sat 2012
  • Plech, A.; Ibrahimkutty, Shyjumon; Wagener, Philipp; Menzel, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    A structural view on particle formation inside the cavitation bubble
    In: ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; final programme / ANGEL ; Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; 22 - 24 May 2012, Taormina (Sicily), Italy 2012, S. 21
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef
    Durchflussreaktor zur Synthese von Nanopartikel-Biokonjugaten für die Reproduktionsbiologie
    In: ProcessNet-Jahrestagung 2012 und 30. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen / ProcessNet-Jahrestagung ; DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen ; Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 10.-13.09.2012 2012, S. 1187
  • Wagener, Philipp; Hess, C.; Schwenke, A.; Sajti, L.; Haverich, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Endothelialization and Biocompatibility of Polymer-Bease Nano-Composites
    In: XXXIX. ESAO Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) : Sept 26th – 29th, 2012 2012
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Stiesch, Meike; Dietmaier, Krischan
    Gefährliches Silber - Partikel in der Kleidung schädigen menschliche Zellen [Rundfunkbeitrag]
    In: Quarks & Co [Rundfunksenung vom 18.12.2012] 2012
  • Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, Andreas; Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser-based synthesis of functional polymer nanocomposites : invited talk
    In: ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids / ANGEL , Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; 22 - 24 May 2012, Taormina (Sicily), Italy 2012, S. 16
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, U.; Kues, W.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Ligand-free and protein-coated gold nanoparticle and their applications in reproduction biology
    In: Nanomaterials for Biomedical Technologies: Nanobiomed 2012 2012
  • Messina, Gabriele C.; Wagener, Philipp; Streubel, René; Compagnini, Giuseppe; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Pulsed laser ablation of a continuously-fed wire in liquid flow for high-yield production of silver nanoparticles
    In: ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; final programme / ANGEL ; Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; 22 - 24 May 2012, Hotel Lido Caparena, Taormina (Sicily), Italy 2012, S. 19
  • Bärsch, N.; Bartke, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Pulsed laser generation of clean colloidal metal nanoparticles
    In: Nanotechnology 2012: Vol. 1: Advanced materials, CNTs, particles, films and composites / Laudon, Matthew 2012, S. 461 - 463
  • Marx, Christian; Pastrana-Perez, Julio; Hustedt, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan; Haferkamp, Heinz; Rath, Thomas
    Selektive Unkrautbekaempfung mittels Lasertechnik
    In: 25. Deutsche Arbeitsbesprechung über Fragen der Unkrautbiologie und -bekämpfung: Tagungsband / Deutsche Arbeitsbesprechung über Fragen der Unkrautbiologie und -bekämpfung ; German Conference on Weed Biology and Weed Control ; 13.-15.03.2012, Braunschweig / Nordmeyer, Henning; Ulber, Lena (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 215 - 222
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Wagener, Philipp; Gamrad, Lisa; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Size control and protein conjugation of ligand-free, laser-fabricated gold nanoparticles by delayed conjugation in liquid flow
    In: ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; final programme / ANGEL ; Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; 22 - 24 May 2012, Taormina (Sicily), Italy 2012, S. 23
  • De Giacomo, A.; Santagata, A.; Dell’Aglio, M.; Gaudiuso, R.; De Bonis, A.; Messina, G. C.; Compagnini, G.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Study on the role of laser cavitation bubble for the production of NPs by laser ablation of metals in water
    In: ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; final programme / ANGEL ; Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; 22 - 24 May 2012, Hotel Lido Caparena, Taormina (Sicily), Italy 2012, S. 21
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Surfactant-free alloy ferrofluids by laser ablation of solid magnets in organic liquids and subsequent matrix embedding
    In: 12th German Ferrofluid Workshop: Benediktbeuern, September 26th - 28th 2012 ; book of abstracts / German Ferrofluid Workshop ; Benediktbeuern, 26.-28.09.2012 2012, S. 14 - 15
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Barchanski, A.; Garrels, W.; Klein, S.; Kues, W.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, D.
    Toxicity of gold nanoparticles on somatic and reproductive cells
    In: Nano-Biotechnology for biomedical and diagnostic research / 47th Oholo conference ; Eilat, Israel in December 2010 / Zahavy, Eran; Ordentlich, Arie; Yitzhaki, Shmuel; Shafferman, Avigdor (Hrsg.) 2012, S. 125 - 133
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Winzige Welten - Tiny Worlds
    In: Nanotechnology - tiny worlds 2012
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Barchanski, Annette; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef
    Exposure to gold nanoparticles affects sperm functionality and early embryogenesis
    In: 21st Annual Conference of the German Society of Cytometry: [abstracts] / Annual Conference of the German Society of Cytometry ; Bonn, 12-14 October 2011 2011 [S. 28]
  • Barchanski, Annette; Taylor, Ulrike; Sajti, Csaba L.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, D.
    Internalization of gold nanoparticles in spermatozoa can be promoted by distinct bio-functionalization
    In: 21st Annual Conference of the German Society of Cytometry: [abstracts] / Annual Conference of the German Society of Cytometry ; Bonn, 12-14 October 2011 2011 [S. 27]
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Streubel, René; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser fabrication of gold nanoparticle-bioconjugates using delayed conjugation in liquid flow
    In: Particles 2011: Stimuli Responsive Particles and Particle Assemblies : 9 - 12 July 2011 Berlin, Germany 2011
  • Lau, M.; Wagener, Philipp; Breitung-Faes, S.; Kwade, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser-assisted synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles
    In: European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS): 4th - 9th September 2011 in Berlin, Germany 2011
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Barchanski, A.; Sajti, C. L.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Synthesis of laser-generated gold nanomarkers by delayed bioconjugation
    In: ECIS - European Colloid and Interface Society 2011
  • Barchanski, Annette; Sajti, Csaba L.; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Design of bioconjugated gold nanoparticles by femtosecond-laser ablation
    In: LPM 2010: 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; June 7-10, 2010 in Stuttgart, Germany ; congress program ; technical digest / LPM ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; June 7-10, 2010, Stuttgart, Germany 2010, S. 178
  • Barchanski, A.; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Design of individual gold nanomarker-bioconjugates by laser ablation without chemical precursors or ligand exchange
    In: Particles 2010 / Medical/Biochemical Diagnostic, Pharmaceutical, and Drug Delivery Applications of Particle Technology ; Particles 2010 ; 22-25 May 2010, Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida 2010
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Schwenke, Andreas; Wagener, Philipp
    Embedding laser-generated nanoparticles into bioactive polymers for medical devices : [ICALEO 2010 Paper N304]
    In: Congress proceedings / International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; ICALEO ; Laser Materials Processing Conference ; Laser Microprocessing Conference ; Nanomanufacturing Conference ; September 26 - 30, 2010, Anaheim, CA, USA / Liu, Xinbing (Hrsg.) 2010
  • Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Enhancing Ablation Efficiency in Liquids : Bypassing the Cavitation Bubble
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29 June 2010 - 1 July 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland 2010, S. 22 - 23
  • Menendez-Manjon, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Formation of nanoparticles in the laser-induced cavitation bubble
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29 June 2010 - 1 July 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland 2010, S. 19 - 20
  • Sajti, C. L.; Barchanski, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Gold Nanobioconjugates by Fast Ex-Situ Functionalization Using Nanosecond Laser Ablation in Liquid Flow
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29 June 2010 - 1 July 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland 2010, S. 5
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Gold nanoparticle bioconjugates by laser ablation - a novel method aiming at pure nanomarkers for biomedical applications
    In: BIOS SPIE Photonics West: technical abstract summaries ; conference 7576 ; Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications II / SPIE Photonics West ; Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, and Molecular Probes for Biomedical Applications II ; BIOS ; 25 - 27 January 2010, San Francisco, USA 2010, S. 365
  • Sattari, R.; Sajti, C. L.; Naveira, X. F.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser ablation of corundum in liquid phase for an efficient generation of stabilized dispersed nanoparticle colloids
    In: Abstracts and proceedings / WCPT6-2010, World Congress on Particle Technology / World Congress on Particle Technology ; WCPT ; Nuremberg, Germany, 26 - 29.4.2010 2010
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Lasers in manufacturing for life science and medicine : Laser solutions short courses, short course #3
    In: Congress proceedings: ICALEO : September 26 - 30, 2010, Anaheim, CA, USA / Laser Materials Processing Conference ; Laser Microprocessing Conference ; Nanomanufacturing Conference ; ICALEO 2010 ; September 26 - 30, 2010, Anaheim, CA, USA 2010
  • Marx, Christian; Rath, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Methodik zur Untersuchung von Laserlichtwirkung auf der Basis von Bildanalysen auf juvenile Pflanzen zur Unkrautregulierung
    In: 16. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft: 04. Mai 2010, Braunschweig / Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft ; Braunschweig, 4. Mai 2010; Zude, Manuela; Kraft, Martin 2010, S. 21 - 31
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Menendez-Manjon, Ana; Hahn, Anne; Bärsch, Niko; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanobeschichtung von Oberflächen mittels elektrophoretischer Abscheidung von lasergenerierten Nanopartikeln
    In: Tagungsband: 6. Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage & 2. Thüringer Kolloquium „Dünne Schichten in der Optik" 2010 ; Plenarvorträge, Kurzvorträge, Posterzusammenfassungen / Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage ; ThGOT ; Thüringer Kolloquium Dünne Schichten in der Optik ; Gera, 07.-09. September 2010 / Grünler, Bernd (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 44 - 48
  • Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanocomposites for Bioactive Medical Devices : Fabrication and Testing
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29 June 2010 - 1 July 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland 2010, S. 32
  • Schwenke, Andreas; Wagener, Philipp; Wiegel, H.; Weiss, A.; Klimenta, K.; Loos, A.; Fuhlrott, J.; Sowa-Soehle, E.; Brandes, G.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Production of metal nanoparticle polymer nanocomposites by laser ablation in liquid for fabrication of medical devices
    In: Abstracts and proceedings / WCPT6-2010, World Congress on Particle Technology / World Congress on Particle Technology ; WCPT ; Nuremberg, Germany, 26 - 29.4.2010 2010
  • Klein, Sabine; Petersen, Svea; Taylor, Ulrike; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Quantification of colloidal and intracellular gold nanomarkers down to the single particle level using confocal microscopy
    In: Biomedical applications of light scattering IV / SPIE Photonics West ; 23-25 January 2010, San Francisco, California, United States / Wax, Adam P.; Backman, Vadim (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 75730L
  • Sattari, R.; Oerneker, A.; Sajti, C. Laszlo; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Scale-up of corundum nanoparticle productivity during laser ablation in liquid
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29 June 2010 - 1 July 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland 2010, S. 34
  • Pfeifer, P.; Mueller, C.; Olender, G.; Hurschler, C.; Herzog, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Haferkamp, H.; Goesling, T.
    Teilprojekt D 10 : Implantate mit variabler Steifigkeit
    In: Sonderforschungsbereich 599: Zukunftsfähige bioresorbierbare und permanente Implantate aus metallischen und keramischen Werkstoffen 2010
  • Taylor, Ulrike; Petersen, Svea; Barchanski, A.; Garrels, W.; Klein, S.; Kues, Wilfried; Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef
    Toxicity of gold nanoparticles produced by laser ablation in liquids on somatic cells, spermatozoa and embryos
    In: EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids: (ANGEL 2010) / EOS Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids ; ANGEL ; 29 June 2010 - 1 July 2010, Engelberg, Switzerland 2010, S. 6 - 7
  • Stahlhut, C.; Kallage, P.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Haferkamp, H.; Brand, H.; Dueltgen, P.
    Verbesserung der Fertigungsqualitaet von Kreissaegeblaettern durch diodenlasergestuetzte Bestueckung mit Hartmetallschneiden
    In: Hart- und Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionsschweißen: LÖT 2010 ; Vorträge und Posterbeiträge des 9. internationalen Kolloquiums in Aachen vom 15. bis 17. Juni 2010 / Internationales Kolloquium Hart- und Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionsschweißen ; International Colloquium Brazing, High Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Bonding ; LÖT, 15.-17. 06.2010, Aachen 2010, S. 219 - 225
  • Kallage, P.; Haar, C. von der; Barcikowski, Stephan; Kracht, D.; Haferkamp, H.
    Verifikation verschiedener Lotlegierungen für das Laserstrahllöten von umformfähigen Mischverbindungen aus Stahl und Aluminium
    In: Hart- und Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionsschweißen: LÖT 2010 ; Vorträge und Posterbeiträge des 9. internationalen Kolloquiums in Aachen vom 15. bis 17. Juni 2010 / 9. internationales Kolloquium Hart- und Hochtemperaturlöten und Diffusionsschweißen ; LÖT 2010 ; Aachen, 15. bis 17. Juni 2010 2010, S. 178 - 183
  • Rohm, H. W.; Sternberg, K.; Stoever, T.; Paasche, G.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.; Schmitz, K.-P.
    A polymer based local drug delivery system on plasma activated silicon implant surfaces
    In: World congress on medical physics and biomedical engineering: 7 - 12 September, 2009, Munich, Germany ; Micro- and nanosystems in medicine, active implants, biosensors / WC 2009 ; World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering ; International Congress of the IUPESM ; September 7 - 12, 2009, Munich, Germany / Dössel, Olaf; Schlegel, Wolfgang C. (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 223 - 225
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Petersen, Svea
    Bioconjugation of Nanoparticles during Femtosecond Laser Ablation in Bioactive Media
    In: Congress proceedings: ICALEO, 28th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; November 2 - 5, 2009 - Orlando, FL ; Laser Materials Processing Conference, Laser Microprocessing Conference, Nanomanufacturing Conference, poster presentation, gallery / International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; Laser Materials Processing Conference (LMP) ; Laser Microprocessing Conference (LMF) ; Nanomanufacturing Conference (Nano) ; ICALEO ; November 2 - 5, 2009 - Orlando, Fla. 2009, S. 173
  • Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Guggenheim, M.; Strauss, S.; Calcagno, B.; Reimers, K.
    Cell growth on nickel-titanium nanoparticles
    In: 3rd International Symposium on Interface Biology of Implants: May 13-15, 2009, Rostock-Warnemünde 2009, S. 67
  • Paasche, G.; Roesl, C.; Ceschi, P.; Gomes, P.; Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sternberg, K.; Lenarz, T.; Stoever, T.
    Combinations of metal ions and their effect on fibroblasts and neuronal cells
    In: 32nd MidWinter Meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 2009
  • Rohm, H. W.; Sternberg, K.; Roock, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.; Stoever, T.; Paasche, G.; Schmitz, K.-P.
    Development of a local drug delivery system for cochlear implants based on biodegradable polymers linked to modified silicone surfaces
    In: 3rd International Symposium on Interface Biology of Implants: May 13-15, 2009, Rostock-Warnemünde 2009, S. 106
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Menendez-Manjon, A.; Schwabe, K.; Krauss, J. K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Elektrophoretische Beschichtung von Langzeitstimulationselektroden mit lasergenerierten PtIr-Nanopartikeln
    In: 5. Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage und 7. Biomaterial-Kolloquium: 15. - 17. September 2009 in Friedrichroda : Tagungsband 2009, S. 332
  • Brikas, M.; Raciukaitis, G.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, B.
    Generation of nanoparticle colloids by picosecond laser ablation
    In: International Baltic Sea Region Conference "Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies": FM & NT - 2009 : 31 March – 3 April 2009, Riga, Latvia 2009
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Walter, J.; Hahn, A.
    Health risks and costs related to nanoparticle emission released during laser machining
    In: LAMP2009: The 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM2009, the 10th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL2009, the 5th International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 ; [congress program & technical digest] / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 2009
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.; Walter, J.
    Health risks of nanoparticulate emissions during femtosecond and picosecond pulsed laser machining
    In: Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing VII: 26 - 29 January 2009, San Jose, California, United States / Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing VII ; [part of] Photonics West ; 26 - 29 January 2009, San Jose, California, United States / Meunier, Michel; Holmes, Andrew S.; Niino, Hiroyuki; Gu, Bo (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 720109
  • Hahn, A.; Stöver, T.; Paasche, G.; Ceschi, P.; Löbler, M.; Sternberg, K.; Rohm, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Herstellung bioaktiver Nanomaterialien mit Lasertechnik
    In: Oberflächentechnik für die Praxis: Plenarvorträge, Kurzvorträge, Posterzusammenfassungen / Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage ; Thüringer Biomaterial-Kolloquium ; ThGOT ; 15. - 17. September 2009, Friedrichroda / Grünler, Bernd (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 278 - 282
  • Menneking, C.; Hahn, A.; Steinke, T.; Meyer, M.; Schuster, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In-situ functionalised laser generated nanoparticles embedded into elastomeric and thermoplastic polymers
    In: LAMP2009: The 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM2009, the 10th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL2009, the 5th International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 ; [congress program & technical digest] / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 2009
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser fragmentation of organic compounds to nanoparticles in a free liquid jet
    In: 10th Annual Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA): November 22, 2009 - November 27, 2009, Singapore 2009, S. 374
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser generated nanoparticles and nanomaterials for biomedical applications
    In: Book of abstracts: ACHEMA 2009, 29th International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology : Frankfurt am Main, 11 - 15 May 2009 / ACHEMA ; International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering ; 11 - 15 May 2009, Frankfurt/Main 2009
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laser generated pure nanoparticulate reference material
    In: Exposure to ultrafine particles in welding fumes: international seminar ; hosted by IIW Commission VIII - Health, Safety and Environment ; in cooperation with the Berufsgenossenschaft Metall Nord Süd / International Seminar „Exposure to ultrafine particles in welding fumes“ ; Hannover, February 12, 2009 2009 S. [73 - 92]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Jakobi, Jurij; Hahn, A.; Walter, J.; Petersen, Svea
    Laser generated pure nanoparticulate reference material for risk assessment studies
    In: Abstracts / 6th NanoMed: March 4 - 6, 2009 / International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology ; NanoMed ; March 4 - 6, 2009, Berlin 2009
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nanoparticle bioconjugates by laser ablation : a novel method aiming at pure drug and gene delivery
    In: Nanofair 2009: 7th International Nanotechnology Symposium ; new ideas for industry ; May 26 - 27, 2009, Dresden, Germany / Nanofair ; International Nanotechnology Symposium ; May 26 – 27, 2009, Dresden, Germany 2009
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Optimizing parameters for the in-situ bioconjugation of laser generated gold nanoparticles
    In: LAMP2009: The 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM2009, the 10th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL2009, the 5th International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 ; [congress program & technical digest] / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 2009
  • Sattari, R.; Naveira, X. F.; Sajti, C. L.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Production and electrostatic stabilization of corundum nanoparticles during laser ablation in acidic liquids
    In: Congress proceedings: ICALEO : November 2 - 5, 2009 - Orlando, FL; poster presentation, gallery ; 28th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics; Laser Materials Processing Conference; Laser Microprocessing Conference; Nanomanufacturing Conference / International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; Laser Materials Processing Conference (LMP) ; Laser Microprocessing Conference (LMF) ; Nanomanufacturing Conference (Nano) ; ICALEO ; November 2 - 5, 2009 - Orlando, Fla. 2009, S. 1338 - 1343
  • Menendez-Manjon, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, B.N.
    Ultrashort pulse laser propagation in liquids and its application to nanoparticle formation
    In: LAMP2009: The 5th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LPM2009, the 10th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; HPL2009, the 5th International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 ; [congress program & technical digest] / International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; LAMP ; LPM ; HPL ; Kobe, June 29 - July 2, 2009 2009
  • Marczak, J.; Strzelec, M.; Ostrowski, R.; Rycyk, A.; Sarzynski, A.; Skrzeczanowski, W.; Koss, A.; Szambelan, R.; Salimbeni, R.; Siano, S.; Kolar, J.; Strlic, M.; Marton, Z.; Santa, I.; Kisapati, I.; Gugolya, Z.; Kantor, Z.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Engel, P.; Pires, M.; Guedes, J.; Hipolito, A.; Santos, S.; Dement'ev, A. S.; Svedas, V.; Murauskas, E.; Slavinskis, N.; Jasiunas, K.; Trtica, M.
    Advanced laser renovation of old paintings, paper, parchment and metal objects
    In: Lasers in the conservation of artworks: LACONA 7 / International Conference LACONA VII, Madrid, Spain, 17-21 September 2007 / Castillejo, Marta (Hrsg.) 2008, S. 263 - 270
  • Sajti, C. L.; Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Controlled production of nanoparticulate ceramic materials by laser based synthesis in aqueous environment
    In: Production research for micro- and NanoTechnology / MiNaT, Stuttgart October 7th - 9th, 2008 2008, S. 68 - 75
  • Paasche, G.; Gomes, P.; Roesl, C.; Berkingall, N.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.; Sternberg, K.; Lenarz, T.; Stoever, T.
    Effects of metal ions on fibroblasts and spiral ganglion cells
    In: 45th Inner Ear Biology Workshop: 20th - 24th September 2008, Ferrara, Italy 2008, S. 92
  • Stoever, T.; Braun, M.; Gomes, P.; Hahn, A.; Lenarz, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Paasche, G.
    Incorporation of metallic nanoparticles in cochlear implant electrode materials
    In: 10th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies / International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies ; April 10-12 2008, San Diego, CA 2008, S. 47
  • Gomes, P.; Braun, M.; Paasche, G.; Hahn, A.; Lenarz, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stoever, T.
    Metallic Nanoparticles and Cochlear Implant Electrode Materials
    In: 79. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie: 30.04. - 04.05.2008, Bonn : Abstracts 2008, S. 26
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Sattari, R.; Sajti, C. L.; Schwenke, A.; Nassenstein, K.
    Nanoparticle production technology for coating industry via laser ablation of ceramics in liquid media
    In: Production research for micro- and nanotechnology / MiNaT Conference of Federal Ministry of Education and Research ; October 7th - 9th, 2008, Stuttgart 2008
  • Hahn, A.; Menneking, C.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Novel functionalised laser generated nanoparticles for innovative polymers
    In: 8th Fall Rubber Colloquium: November, 26 - 29, 2008, Hannover, Germany 2008
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Rapid Nanomaterial Manufacturing - Funktionstragende Nanopartikel in Materialien und auf Oberflaechen
    In: Oberflächentechnik für die Praxis: Plenarvorträge, Kurzvorträge, Posterzusammenfassungen / Thüringer Grenz- und Oberflächentage ; ThGOT ; Thüringer Kolloquium Dünne Schichten in der Optik ; 16. - 18. September 2008 in Jena / Tiller, Hans-Jürgen (Hrsg.) 2008, S. 19 - 27
  • Sattari, R.; Sajti, C. L.; Kahn, S.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Scale-up of nanoparticle production during laser ablation of ceramics in liquid media
    In: ICALEO 2008: Congress proceedings / 27th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; ICALEO 2008 ; Laser Materials Processing Conference; Laser Microprocessing Conference; Nanomanufacturing Conference : October 20 - 23, 2008, Temecula, CA, USA / Lu, Yongfeng (Hrsg.) 2008, S. 49 - 54
  • Petersen, S.; Jakobi, Jurij; Soller, J.; Escobar, H. Murua; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Size and functionality control of laser generated nanoparticle-(bio)conjugates : Posterausstellung
    In: Bio meets nano: Chemical Nanotechnology Talks IX : November 3 – 4, 2008, Frankfurt am Main 2008
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Jakobi, Jurij; Petersen, Svea; Hahn, A.; Baersch, Niko; Chichkov, B. N.
    Adding functionality to metal nanoparticles during femtosecond laser ablation in liquids
    In: ICALEO 2007 / 26th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; ICALEO 2007 ; October 29 - November 1, 2007, Orlando, FL, USA / Lu, Yongfeng (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 108 - 113
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Bärsch, Niko; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Generation of nanoparticles during laser ablation : risk assessment of non-beam hazards during laser cleaning
    In: Lasers in the conservation of artworks: LACONA VI Proceedings / LACONA ; 6 (Vienna) : 2005.09.21-25 / Nimmrichter, Johann (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 631 - 640
  • Ostrowski, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Marczak, J.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Strzelec, M.; Walter, J.
    Health risks caused by particulate emission during laser cleaning
    In: Lasers in the conservation of artworks: LACONA VI Proceedings / LACONA ; 6 (Vienna) : 2005.09.21-25 / Nimmrichter, Johann (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 623 - 630
  • Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laserstrahlabtragen von Laminatoberflaechen zur Reduzierung der Produktionskosten
    In: Holz- und Laminatfußböden: Qualitätseigenschaften und Technologien / 6. Fussboden-Kolloquium : 8. - 9. November 2007 in Dresden 2007, S. 1 - 10
  • Ostrowski, Roman; Marczak, Jan; Strzelec, Marek; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Nano and microparticles emission during laser cleaning of stone
    In: Laser technology VIII: applications of lasers : 25 - 29 September 2006 / Symposium: Laser Technology ; 8 (Szczecin-Swinoujście) : 2006.09.25-29 / Wolinski, WL; Jankiewicz, Z; Romaniuk, RS (Hrsg.) 2007
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.; Baersch, N.
    Nanocomposite manufacturing for medical engineering using ultrashort-pulsed laser ablation in liquids
    In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference: Vol. 2 / 7th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) ; May 20th - May 24th 2007, Bremen, Germany / Thornett, E. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 473 - 476
  • Hahn, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Nanoparticles - Potential risk during pulsed laser ablation
    In: ILSC 2007: Conference proceedings & program / International Laser Safety Conference ; ILSC 2007 ; March 19 - 22, 2007, San Francisco, CA, USA / Rockwell, Benjamin (Hrsg.) 2007 Paper #1401
  • Hahn, Anne; Barcikowski, Stephan; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Non-beam hazards during laser machining
    In: ILSC 2007: Conference proceedings & program / International Laser Safety Conference ; ILSC 2007 ; March 19 - 22, 2007, San Francisco, CA, USA / Rockwell, Benjamin (Hrsg.) 2007
  • Baersch, Niko; Baier, K.; Werelius, K.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Processing system for all-ceramic dental crowns using femtosecond laser machining
    In: Lasers in Manufacturing 2007: Proceedings / Fourth International WLT-Conference Lasers in Manufacturing, LIM 2007 : June 18th - 22nd, 2007, Munich, Germany / Vollertsen, Frank (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 629 - 633
  • Brikas, Marijus; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, Boris; Raciukaitis, Gediminas
    Production of nanoparticles with high repetition rate picosecond laser
    In: LPM 2007: program and abstracts / 8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2007 ; April 24 - 28, 2007, University of Vienna, Austria / Kautek, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 159
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, Anne
    Rapid nanocomposite manufacturing
    In: Nanoparticles for European Industry II: Measurement, Characterisation and Standardisation : Manufacturing Scale-Up and Processing : Regulation, Risks and Toxicology / Nanoparticles for European Industry ; 24. - 25. October 2007, London 2007
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hahn, A.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Rapid nanocomposite manufacturing : a new way of realizing multifunctional applications
    In: Nanotechnology in Industrial Applications: proceedings of the forum organized by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, with the support of the European Commission / EuroNanoForum 2007 ; European and International Forum on Nanotechnology ; Düsseldorf on 19 - 21 June 2007 2007, S. 51 - 53
  • Baersch, N.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Werelius, K.; Baier, K.
    Ultrafast laser micromachining of zirconia ceramic on an industrial processing station
    In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology: Vol. II / 7th International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology ; EUSPEN ; May 20th – May 24th 2007 Bremen, Germany / Thornett, E. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 213 - 216
  • Kretschmer, B.; Brandt, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Harris, J.; Herzog, D.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Comparison of linear and spinning laser beam technologies for welding of thermoplastics to timber
    In: PICALO 2006: 2nd Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics : April 3 - 5, 2006, Melbourne, Australia : sessions featuring: Laser materials processing, micro, nano and ultrafast fabrication / PICALO 2006, 2nd Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics / Brandt, Milan (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 60 - 64
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Baersch, N.; Hustedt, M.; Sattari, R.
    Continuous production of nanoparticIes using ultrafast lasers : Processing and production of nanomaterials
    In: ACHEMA 2006 / 28th International Exhibition-Congress on Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology ; ACHEMA 2006 ; Frankfurt am Main, 15 - 29 May 2006 2006
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Walter, J.; Burmester, T.; Bunte, J.; Gervais, A.; Meier, M.; Ulrich, J.
    Femtosecond laser cleaning of metallic antique artworks - advantages, limits and economic aspects
    In: Laser cleaning II / 4th International Workshop on Laser Cleaning/New Trends in Laser Cleaning III, (IWLC4/NeToLAC III) ; Sydney, 14-17 December 2004 / Kane, D. M. (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 209 - 218
  • Hustedt, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Busse, A. von; Haferkamp, H.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Improving polymer surfaces using laser dispersion of ceramic micro- and nanoparticles
    In: PICALO 2006 / PICALO 2006, 2nd Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics / Brandt, Milan (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 235 - 240
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Laser cutting and joining of wooden materials : How both processes are determined by the heat affected zone
    In: PICALO 2006: 2nd Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics : April 3 - 5, 2006, Melbourne, Australia : sessions featuring: Laser materials processing, micro, nano and ultrafast fabrication / PICALO 2006, 2nd Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics / Brandt, Milan (Hrsg.) 2006, S. 287 - 292
  • Engel, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Mit Licht zum schwarzen Gold : Laseranalytik erleichtert die Suche nach Oel
    In: Radiosendung: Deutschlandfunk Forschung aktuell vom 09.01.2006 2006
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    New routes to nanocomposite manufacturing
    In: Nanoparticles for European industry: manufacture, scale-up, stabilization, characterization and toxicology / Conference on Nanoparticles for European Industry: Manufacture, Scale-up, Stabilization, Characterization and Toxicology ; 02 - 03 May, 2006, London, UK 2006
  • Walter, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Haferkamp, H.
    Anwendung der Lasertechnik fuer Messungen von Strömungen und Transportprozessen in der Natur und im GWK
    In: Seegang, Küstenschutz und Offshorebauwerke: Tagungsband / 5. FZK-Kolloquium ; 8. Marz, 2005, Hannover 2005, S. 141 - 148
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Bauer, T.; Baersch, N.; Chichkov, B.N.
    Bio-manufacturing : Laserbasierte Erzeugung bioaktiver Traegerstrukturen
    In: Surfaces and interfaces - engineering at the nanoscale: eine gemeinsame Veranstaltung des GVC-DECHEMA- Arbeitsausschusses "Grenzflächenbestimmte Systeme und Prozesse", des DECHEMA-Arbeitsausschusses "Chemische Nanotechnologie" und der DECHEMA-Fachsektion Nanotechnologie / Surfaces and interfaces - engineering at the nanoscale ; 07.03. - 09.03.2005, Frankfurt am Main 2005, S. 50 - 51
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Bärsch, Niko; Hustedt, M.; Sattari, R.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Continuous production and online-characterization of nanoparticles from ultrafast laser ablation and laser cracking
    In: ICALEO 2005: congress proceedings / 24th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; ICALEO 2005 ; October 31 - November 3, Miami, Florida, USA / Ostendorf, Andreas (Hrsg.) 2005, S. 375 - 384
  • George, S. C.; Barcikowski, Stephan; McIntyre, C.; Fuentes, D.; Sattari, R.; Sestak, S.
    Enhancement of the capability of the laser micropyrolysis GC-MS technique
    In: 22nd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (22nd IMOG): Seville, Spain, 12-16 September 2005 2005
  • Burmester, T.; Meier, M.; Haferkamp, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Femtosecond Laser Cleaning of Metallic Cultural Heritage and Antique Artworks
    In: Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks: LACONA V Proceedings / International Conference Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks ; LACONA V ; Osnabrück, Germany, Sept. 15 - 18, 2003 / Dickmann, Klaus; Fotakis, Costas; Asmus, John F. (Hrsg.) 2005, S. 61 - 69
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, B. N.
    Femtosecond laser generation of nanoparticles in gases and liquid media
    In: Russian-German Laser Symposium / Russian-German Laser Symposium ; Nizhny Novgorod - Moscow, 1 - 7 Oct, 2005 2005, S. 18 - 19
  • Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Puester, T.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Haferkamp, H.
    Intelligent, low-cost system for fume control during laser material processing
    In: Conference proceedings: International Laser Safety Conference / International Laser Safety Conference ; ILSC 2005 ; March 7 - 10, 2005, Marina del Rey, California, USA / Sliney, David (Hrsg.) 2005, S. 269 - 278
  • Bärsch, Niko; Werelius, K.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Liebana, F.; Stute, U.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Microshaping of densely sintered zirconia ceramic using femtosecond lasers
    In: ICALEO 2005: congress proceedings / 24th International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; ICALEO 2005 ; October 31 - November 3, Miami, Florida, USA / Ostendorf, Andreas (Hrsg.) 2005, S. 81 - 87
  • Baersch, N.; Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Chichkov, B.
    Nanoparticle risk assessment on the basis of laser-generated samples
    In: Nanotechnology and the health of the EU citizen in 2020 / EuroNanoForum 2005 ; Edinburgh (UK), 5 - 9 September 2005 2005, S. 104
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Baersch, Niko; Hustedt, Michael; Sattari, Ramin
    New methods for continuous production of customized nanoparticles using laser radiation
    In: NanoEurope 2005: [Internationale Messe und Konferenz für Innovationen und Markteintritte mit Nano- und Mikrotechnologien] / NanoEurope - Internationale Messe und Konferenz für Innovationen und Markteintritte mit Nano- und Mikrotechnologien ; (St. Gallen) : 2005.09.13-15 2005
  • Hustedt, M.; Busse, A. von; Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.; Haferkamp, H.
    Refinement of polymer surfaces by laser dispersion of ceramic micro- and nanoparticles
    In: Lasers in manufacturing 2005: proceedings of the Third International WLT Conference Lasers in Manufacturing, LIM 2005, Munich, Germany, June 13th - 16th, 2005 / International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing ; LIM 2005 ; 3 (München) : 2005.06.13-16 / Beyer, Eckhard (Hrsg.) 2005, S. 489 - 494
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, Jens; Ostendorf, Andreas; Aehnlich, Jörg; Herrmann, Rainer
    Contribution to the age determination of fingerprint constituents using laser fluorescence spectroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy
    In: Optical materials in defence systems technology: 25, 27 October 2004, London, United Kingdom / Vere, Anthony W. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 23 - 30
  • Haferkamp, H.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sattari, R.; Lang, J.
    Entwicklung einer kostenguenstigen Online-Messtechnik zur Ueberwachung von komplexen Kohlenwasserstoffemissionen mittels Halbleitersensoren
    In: 11. Innovationstag der AiF: 31. August 2004 2004
  • Haferkamp, H.; Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Walter, J.
    Erprobung eines 3D-PIV-Strömungsmesssystems für hochturbulente Strömungszustände unter Tide-, Strömungs- und Welleneinfluss
    In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik: 12. Fachtagung : 7. - 9. September 2004, Karlsruhe / Fachtagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA ; 12 (Karlsruhe) : 2004.09.07-09 / Ruck, B. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 35-1 - 35-11
  • Herzog, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.; Lichtenberger, K.
    Fuegen von Natur- und Holzfaserverbundstoffen mit Polymeren : Ultraschallschweissen und Laserstrahlschweissen im Vergleich
    In: 11. Internationale Chemnitzer Tagung Stoffliche Verwertung nachwachsender Rohstoffe / Internationale Chemnitzer Tagung Stoffliche Verwertung Nachwachsender Rohstoffe ; 11 (Chemnitz) : 2004.10.14-15 2004, S. 121 - 129
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Laser cutting of wood and wood composites - evaluation of cut quality and comparison to conventional wood cutting techniques
    In: Peer reviewed conference proceedings / PICALO 2004: sessions featuring Laser Materials Processing Conference, micro, nano and ultrafast fabrication / 1st Pacific International Conference on Applications of Lasers and Optics ; PICALO 2004 ; April 19-21, 2004, Melbourne, Australia 2004
  • Herzog, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Fargas, M.; Hustedt, M.; Sattari, R.; Bunte, J.
    Laser welding of wood and natural fibre composites with thermoplastics
    In: 5th Global Wood and Natural Fibre Composites Symposium / Global Wood and Natural Fibre Composites Symposium ; 5 (Kassel) : 2004.04.27-28 / Specht, K. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. B16-1 - B16-8
  • Ostrowski, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Marczak, J.; Strezelec, M.; Walter, J.; Ostendorf, Andreas
    Nanoparticles during laser cleaning of decoration samples of Sigismund´s Chapel
    In: Laser cleaning II / 4th International Workshop on Laser Cleaning/New Trends in Laser Cleaning III, (IWLC4/NeToLAC III) ; Sydney, 14-17 December 2004 / Kane, D. M. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 197 - 208
  • Haferkamp, H.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.
    Protection of the environment and saving costs using electronic nose during laser material processing of polymers and wood composites
    In: Congress proceedings / ICALEO 2004 / 23rd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics ; ICALEO 2004 ; October 4 - 7, 2004, San Francisco / Patel, Rajesh (Hrsg.) 2004
  • Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Puester, T.; Burmester, T.; Brose, M.; Ludwig, T.
    Secondary hazards : Particle and x-ray emission
    In: Femtosecond technology for technical and medical applications / Dausinger, F. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 309 - 321
  • Brose, M.; Ludwig, T.; Kautek, W.; Puester, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Burmester, T.; Bunte, J.; Fiedler, A.; Heberer, E.; Stingl, A.; Fuerbach, A.; Spielmann, C.
    Sicherheit in der Femtosecond-Lasertechnologie (Safest)
    In: Nichtionisierende Strahlung - Sicherheit und Gesundheit: Band 2 / 36. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes für Strahlenschutz gemeinsam mit Schweizer Unfallversicherungsanstalt ... ; Köln, 31. August - 2. September 2004 / Reidenbach, Hans-Dieter; Dollinger, Klaus; Hofmann, Joachim (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 711 - 726
  • Haferkamp, Heinz; Bunte, Jens; Barcikowski, Stephan; Walter, Jürgen
    Entwicklung eines stationären 3D-PIV-Strömungsmesssystems für hochturbulente Strömungszustände unter Tide-, Strömungs- und Welleneinfluss
    In: Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik / Fachtagung "Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik" ; 11 (Braunschweig) : 2003.09.09-11 / Dopheide, D. (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 42.1 - 42.10
  • Ostendorf, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Puester, T.; Bunte, J.
    Intelligente Abluftreinigung und schnelle Emissionscharakterisierung bei der Laserbearbeitung von Polymeren und Holzwerkstoffen
    In: Optische Technologien in der Kunststofftechnik - Optische Technologien für die Mikrofertigung / Tagung Optische Technologien in der Kunststofftechnik ; Tagung Optische Technologien für die Mikrofertigung ; 11. und 12. November 2003, München 2003, S. 113 - 130
  • Haferkamp, H.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Bunte, J.; Sattari, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Herzog, D.
    Laser transmission welding of thermoplastic polymers and wood composites
    In: 9th NOLAMP Conference / 9th Conference on Laser Materials Processing in the Nordic Countries ; 9th NOLAMP Conference ; 4 - 6 August 2003, [Trondheim] / Halmøy, Einar (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 291 - 301
  • Haferkamp, H.; Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sattari, R.; Herzog, D.
    Lasergestütztes Fügen von Holzwerkstoffen mit Polymeren
    In: 4. Internationales Symposium "Werkstoffe aus Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen" / Internationales Symposium Werkstoffe aus Nachwachsenden Rohstoffen ; International Symposium "Materials from Renewable Resources" ; ; Erfurt, Germany, 11. - 12. September 2003 2003, S. 116
  • Engel, Michael; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laserlicht als "Klebemittel" : Fügen von Holzwerkstoffen mit Polymeren möglich
    In: Radiosendung: Deutschlandfunk Forschung aktuell vom 06.02.2003 2003
  • Ostendorf, Andreas; Goede, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Putting fundamentals on multiphase material balance of laser based cutting of polymers and natural fibre composites to practical use
    In: First International Symposium on High-Power Laser Macroprocessing / First International Symposium on High-Power Laser Macroprocessing ; 27 - 31 May 2002, Osaka, Japan / Miyamoto, Isamu (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 459 - 462
  • Haferkamp, H.; Busse, A. von; Barcikowski, Stephan; Bunte, J.
    Welding of polymer and wood composites using laser radiation
    In: Congress Proceedings / 22nd International Congress on Applications of Laser and Electro-Optics ; ICALEO 2003 ; October 13 - 16, 2003, Jacksonville, Florida, USA / Chen, Xiangli (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 108 - 117
  • Haferkamp, H.; Ostendorf, Andreas; Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Online-laser micropyrolysis-GC/MS as an instrument for the evaluation of industrial laser material processing of polymers and wood composites
    In: Pyrolysis 2002: papers presented at the 15th International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis / International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis ; Pyrolysis 2012 ; Leoben, Austria, 17 - 20 September 2002 2002
  • Haferkamp, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Sattari, R.
    Waste gas treatment of laser-generated odorus emissions and compatibility of the applied biotrickling filter to the permanent in-flow of organic and metal particles
    In: 2002 USC-TRG Conference on Biofiltration (an air pollution control technology): Proceedings / 5th USC-TRG Conference on Biofiltration ; October 31 and November 1, 2002 Newport Beach, California, USA / Devinny, Joseph S. (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 285 - 286
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Goede, M.; Haferkamp, H.
    Incorporating environmental aspects in quality control of laser material processing
    In: Lasers in Manufacturing 2001: Proceedings / First International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing ; Munich, June 2001 2001, S. 716 - 726
  • Haferkamp, H.; Goede, M.; Puester, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Burmester, T.
    Air Contaminants Generated during Laser Processing of Polymers and Safety Measures (Controllo Sicuro Dei Contaminanti Generati Nelle Lavorazioni Laser Di Polimeri)
    In: Proceedings of Expo Laser / Expo Laser, Vicenza, 2000 2000
  • Haferkamp, H.; Goede, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Walter, J.
    Environmental biotechnology for waste gas treatment of particular and volatile emissions from laser material processing of natural polymers
    In: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Biochemical Engineering / 4th International Congress on Biochemical Engineering ; 17 and 18 February 2000 Stuttgart, Germany 2000, S. 343 - 347
  • Haferkamp, H.; Goede, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Feld, A.
    Laser material processing in electronics : Control of its environmental impacts
    In: Joint International Congress and Exhibition "Electronics Goes Green 2000+": a challenge for the next millennium : proceedings ; Vol. 1, Technical lectures / Joint International Congress and Exhibition Electronics Goes Green 2000+ ; September 11 - 13, 2000, Berlin, Germany / Reichl, Herbert; Griese, Hansjörg (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 613 - 617
  • Haferkamp, H.; Goede, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Waste Gas Treatment of Particulate and Volatile Emissions from Laser Material Processing of Polymers, Comparison of Multifunctional Filtration Concepts
    In: 2000 USC-TRG Conference on Biofiltration (an air pollution control technology): October 19 and 20, 2000, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA : proceedings / Reynolds, F. Edward (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 115 - 122
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Amendola, Vincenzo; Lau, Marcus; Marzun, Galina; Rehbock, Christoph; Reichenberger, Sven; Zhang, Dongshi; Gökce, Bilal
    Handbook of Laser Synthesis & Processing of Colloids
    Duisburg, Essen (2019) 202 Seiten
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Jockenhövel, Stefan; Sternberg, Katrin; Stiesch, Meike; (Hrsg.)
    Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials 2016 : abstracts
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien ; Annual Conference of the German Society for Biomaterials ; Aachen, 29.09.-01.10.2016,
    In: BioNanoMaterials Berlin Jg. 17, S1 (2016) 182 Seiten
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Amendola, Vincenzo; Marzun, Galina; Rehbock, Christoph; Reichenberger, Sven; Zhang, Dongshi; Gökce, Bilal
    Handbook of Laser Synthesis of Colloids
    Duisburg, Essen (2016) 154 Seiten
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp
    Alleskoenner Nanoteilchen : Atombombe im Reagenzglas
    Bonn [u.a.] (2012)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Collection of Scientific Animations and Process Videos
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Petersen, Svea
    Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Herstellung metallhaltiger organischer Verbindungen [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Lau, Marcus
    Verfahren zur Herstellung reiner, insbesondere kohlenstofffreier Nanopartikel [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, Andreas
    Verfahren zur Herstellung von mikro-nanokombinierten Wirksystemen [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Menneking, Christin; Klapper, Markus; Müllen, Klaus; Hoffmann, Michael; Stelzig, Simon
    Copolymer-modified nanoparticles, especially for use in medical articles [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Menneking, Christin; Klapper, Markus; Müllen, Klaus; Hoffmann, Michael; Stelzig, Simon
    Copolymermodifizierte Nanopartikel, insbesondere zur Verwendung bei medizintechnischen Gegenstaenden [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Petersen, Svea
    Method and device for producing organic compunds containing metal [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Lenarz, Thomas; Stöver, Timo
    Biologically effective device and method for production thereof [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Schüssler, Andreas
    Implant and Method for its Manufacture [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Schüssler, Andreas
    Implant and method for the production thereof : Implantat und Verfahren zu dessen Herstellung [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    NanoCocktails-Using Lasers to Create Nanomaterials
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Petersen, Svea
    Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Detektionskonjugtes [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Petersen, Svea; Taylor, Ulrike; Rath, Detlef; Kues, Wilfried
    Verfahren zur Zellidentifikation und Zellsortierung [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Ostendorf, Andreas; Overmeyer, Ludger
    Als Werkzeug oder Stellglied fuer den Mikro- und Nanobereich einsetzbare Vorrichtung und Verfahren zu deren Herstellung [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Lenarz, Thomas; Stöver, Timo
    Biologisch wirksame Vorrichtung und Verfahren zu ihrer Herstellung [Patentschrift]
  • Barcikowski, Stephan
    Laserstrahltrennen von Werkstoffen aus Holz
    In: Fortschritt-Berichte VDI : Reihe 5, Grund- und Werkstoffe, Kunststoffe Düsseldorf Jg. 695 (2004) XIV, 136 S.
  • Lexikoneinträge

  • Zhang, Dongshi; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Rapid Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites Prototyping by Laser Ablation in Liquids
    In: Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials / Kobayashi, Shiro; Müller, Klaus (Hrsg.) 2015, S. 1 - 12
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Busch, M.; Bredeck, G.; Waag, Friedrich; Rahimi, K.; Ramachandran, H.; Bessel, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Herrmann, A.; Rossi, A.; Schins, R.
    THP-1 cells as a suitable screening tool for NLRP3 inflammasome activation applied to micro- and nanoplastics
    In: Toxicology Letters Jg. 368 (2022) Nr. Supplement: Abstracts of the 16th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT 2022): Uniting In Toxicology ; 18-21 September 2022; Maastricht, The Netherlands, S. S185
  • Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Lange, Thomas; Cibura, Niklas; Marzun, Galina; Strunk, Jennifer; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Composition control of pure MnO nanoparticles for photocatalytic water oxidation by pulsed laser fragmentation of MnO micro powder
    50. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker ; 15. - 17. März 2017, Weimar,
  • Dell' Aglio, Marcella; Santagata, Antonio; De Giacomo, Aslessandro; Gaudiuso, Rosalba; De Pascale, Olga; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp;
    Laser induced plasma and bubble dynamic studies during nanoparticles production by Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid (PLAL) of a wire-shaped target
    E-MRS 2015 Spring Meeting ; European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting ; Poster Session CC: Laser materials processing - fundamentals & applications ; May 11-15, 2015, Lille, France,
  • Marzun, Galina; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-based synthesis of a heterogeneous nickel catalyst : effect of electronic interaction on colloidal nanoparticle deposition ; [Poster No. 85]
    EFCD 2015 ; Electrolysis and Fuel Cell Discussions Conference ; Conference on Electrolysis and Fuel Cell Discussions ; Electrolysis and Fuel Cell Discussions ; La Grande Motte, France, 13-16 September 2015,
  • El-Akaad, S.; Gökce, Bilal; Khalil, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-generated polymer nanocomposites
    IWaTec Winter School 2015 ; El Gouna, Aegypten, 22. Februar - 01. Maerz 2015,
  • Million, Nina; Nachev-Wilke, Philipp; Pich, Andrij; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    One step fabrication of surfactant-free nanoparticle-loaded hydrogels in aqueous media
    Hauptversammlung of the German Colloid Society ; Conference of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists ; IACIS ; 24.-29.05.2015, Mainz,
  • Marzun, Galina; Streich, Carmen; Jendrzej, Sandra; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp;
    Preparation of heterogeneous catalysts by colloidal nanoparticle adsorption : impact of electrostatic and steric interaction
    Gordon Research Conference „Nanomaterials for Applications in Energy Technology” ; Ventura, CA, USA ;,
  • Koenen, Sven; Streich, Carmen; Jakobi, Jurij; Angelov, Svilen; Heissler, Hans E.; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Charge and ligand effects on Au and Pt nanoparticle electrodeposition for medical application
    EOS Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2014 ; 19.-22.05.2014, Matsuyama, Japan,
  • Wagener, Philipp; Marzun, Galina; Lu, Y.; Ballauff, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-based synthesis and application of catalytic active nanoparticles
    EOS Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2014 ; Matsuyama, Japan ; 19-21 May 2014,
  • Haxhiaj, Ina; Lau, Marcus; Nakamura, Junji; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Ligand-free gold atom clusters adsorbed on graphene nano sheets generated by oxidative laser fragmentation in water
    6. NRW Nano-Konferenz, NMWP, 1. bis 2. Dezember 2014, Dortmund,
  • Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp;
    Non-costeffective parameters of laser-assisted nanoparticle synthesis for scale-up
    EOS Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2014 ; Matsuyama, Japan ; 19-21 May 2014,
  • Haxhiaj, Ina; Lau, Marcus; Intartaglia, R.; Brandi, F.; Nakamura, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Oxidative laser fragmentation for ligand-free non-plasmonic gold atom clusters and their deposition on graphene nanosheets
    EOS Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2014 ; Matsuyama, Japan ; 19-21 May 2014,
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Krawinkel, J.; Tumursukh, B.; Heisterkamp, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Precise and quantitative charge balancing for the preparation of nanoparticle-peptide conjugates with lasergenerated gold nanoparticles as model system for in vitro bioapplications
    EOS Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2014 ; Matsuyama, Japan ; 19-21 May 2014,
  • Streubel, René; Stötzel, Julia; Petermann, Nils; Schierning, Gabi; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Synthesis of crystalline tungsten carbide nanoparticles by reactive laser ablation of tungsten in carbonizing liquid
    LPM 20014: The 15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, 17.-20.06.2014, Vilnius, Lithuania,
  • Koenen, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    3D-Electrode Surface Nanostructuring with Ligand-Free Metal Nanoparticles by Electrophoretic Deposition in Liquid Flow
    539. WE-Heraeus-Seminar ; Micro- and Nanostructured Interfaces for Biological and Medical Research ; 01.07-03.07.2013, Bad Honneff,
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Krawinkel, J.; Tumursukh, B.; Heisterkamp, Alexander; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Design of gold nanoparticle-peptide conjugates with optimized ligand loads and stabilities for in vitro bioapplications
    First Euro BioMAT: European Symposium and Exhibition on Biomaterials and Related Areas, 22.-23.04.2013, Weimar,
  • Koenen, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Electrophoretic deposition of ligand-free metal nanoparticles on electrode surfaces in liquid flow
    First Euro BioMAT: European Symposium and Exhibition on Biomaterials and Related Areas, 22.-23.04.2013, Weimar,
  • Million, Nina; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Fabrication of nanoparticle-loaded hybrid microgels as bioactive ion release system for dermal application
    First Euro BioMAT: European Symposium and Exhibition on Biomaterials and Related Areas, 22.-23.04.2013, Weimar,
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser Fragmentation for Nanoparticle Generation and Size Manipulation
    3rd German-Japan Nanoworkshop ; TICMS ; Tsukuba International Conference on Materials Science ; 03.09.2013 ; Tsukuba, Japan,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Gamrad, Lisa; Taylor, U.; Kues, W.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Additive-free gold nanoparticles as toxicity reference materials synthesized under non-equilibrium conditions
    19th Ostwald-Kolloquium: Dynamics on the Mesoscopic Scale: Structuring under Non-Equilibrium Conditions,, 20.-21.09.2012, Berlin,
  • Streubel, René; Baersch, N.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Advanced liquid flow reactor designs for laser ablation in liquid
    ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids; 22 - 24 May 2012, Taormina (Sicily), Italy,
    Taormina, Italy (2012)
  • Million, Nina; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    In-situ conjugation of nanoparticles using ultrashort-pulsed laser ablation in aqueous monomer solutions for electrospinning on burn wounds
    Fachtagung Nano-Additive: aktuelle und zukünftige Anwendungen, 19.-20.11.2012, Berlin,
  • Jakobi, Jurij; Schwabe, K.; Krauss, J. K.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser generation of stoichiometric PtIr alloy nanoparticles for electrophoretic coating of neural electrodes
    ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids; 22 - 24 May 2012, Taormina (Sicily), Italy,
    Taormina, Italy (2012)
  • Lau, Marcus; Wagener, Philipp; Breitung-Faes, Sandra; Kwade, Arno; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Mechanically-induced lattice defects in ZnO microparticles boost laser fragmentation efficiency
    ANGEL 2012: 2nd Conference on Laser Ablation and Nanoparticle Generation in Liquids; 22.-24.05.2012; Taormiona, Italien,
    Taormiona, Italy (2012)
  • Grade, Sebastian; Eberhard, Jörg; Hahn, Anne; Jakobi, Jurij; Wagener, Philipp; Winkel, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Stiesch, Meike;
    Serumalbumin verringert die biologische Wirkung von laser-generierten Silbernanopartikeln
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien ; 1.-3.11.2012, Hamburg,
    Hamburg (2012)
  • Beck, G.; Mogwitz, B.; Janek, J.; Hilgendorff, M.; Comesana-Hermo, M.; Spasova, Marina; Farle, Michael; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan; Huelser, T.; Chakravadhanula, K.; Schuermann, U.;
    Transparente und leitfähige Beschichtungen durch nanoskalige magnetische Additive
    Fachtagung Nano-Additive: aktuelle und zukünftige Anwendungen, 19.-20.11.2012, Berlin,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-fabrication of goldnanoparticle-bioconjugates using delayed conjugation in liquid flow
    Particles 2011 Stimuli-Responsive Particles and Particle Assemblies, 09.-12.07.2011, Berlin,
  • Olender, Gavin D.; Pfeifer, Ronny; Müller, Christian; Gösling, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan; Hurschler, Christof;
    Stiffness measurement of elastic, nitinol plates for fracture fixation : Correlation to finite element simulations before and after shape transformation ; [abstract for poster no. 1545]
    57th ORS Annual Meeting: 13-16 January 2011, Long Beach, USA,
    Long Beach, USA (2011)
  • Schwenke, A.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wiegel, H.; Weiss, A.;
    Nanofunktionalisierte Polymer-Komposite für bioaktive medizinische Implantate
    1. BMBF-Symposium "Medi-WING-Medizintechnik im Förderprogramm WING", 30.06.-01.07.2010, Nürnberg,
  • Schwenke, Andreas; Wagener, Philipp; Wiegel, H.; Weiss, A.; Klimenta, K.; Loos, A.; Fuhlrott, Jutta; Sowa-Soehle, Eveline; Kuehn, C.; Brandes, Gudrun; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Nanofunktionalisierte Polymer-Komposite für bioaktive medizinische Implantate (NanoKomed)
    Werkstoff- und Nanotechnologien: "Rohstoff" fuer Innovationen, 2009 : 01.-03. 04.2009, Ulm,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Hustedt, M.; Chichkov, B.;
    Design of nanoparticles and nanocomposites by femtosecond laser generation and direct dispersion
    E-MRS IUMRS ICEM 2006 spring meeting, Symposium G, Functional Materials for Micro and Nanosystems, 29.05.-02.06.2006, Nizza, Frannkreich,
  • Bauer, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Baersch, N.; Chichkov, B.;
    Bio-manufacturing : Laser-based manufacturing of bioactive scaffolds
    Nanomat, 6. Szene, 07.-08.04.2005, Karlsruhe,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Koch, J.; Bärsch, Niko; Ostendorf, Andreas;
    Risk assessment of nano-particulate aerosols and redeposit during femtosecond laser ablation
    Nano 2004: 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, 20.-24.06.2004, Wiesbaden,
  • Vorträge

  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Biological application of laser-generated nanoparticle in nanocomposites, surface coatings and nanobioconjugates
    Nanocon 2017 ; International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application ; Brno, 18 -20 October 2017,
  • Marzun, Galina; Haxhiaj, I.; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Reichenberger, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functionality of ligand-free alloy nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis made by scalable laser synthesis
    EUROPACAT 2017 ; 13th European Congress on Catalysis ; Florence, Italy, 27-31 August,
    Florenz (2017)
  • Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Haxhiaj, Ina; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Reichenberger, Sven; Becker, Ralf; Bärsch, Niko; Bönnemann, Helmut; Du, Keming; Kiemel, Rainer; Schlögl, Robert; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functionality of ligand-free alloy nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis made by scaleable laser synthesis
    NAM25 ; North American Catalysis Society Meeting 2017 ; Mile High Catalysis ; June 4-9, 2017, Denver, Colorado,
  • Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Haxhiaj, Ina; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Reichenberger, Sven; Becker, Ralf; Bärsch, Claus-E.; Bönnemann, Helmut; Du, Keming; Kiemel, Rainer; Schlögl, Robert; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functionality of ligand-free alloy nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis made by scaleable laser synthesis
    50. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker ; Weimar, 15.-17. März 2017,
  • Streich, Carmen; Rehbock, Christoph; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    How Nanoparticle-Peptide Hybrid Materials Inhibit Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Protein Aggregation
    DGBM 2017 ; Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien ; Würzburg, 09.11.-11.11.2017,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    How composition and cellular uptake of silver and gold-silver alloy nanoparticles may affect their antimicrobial mode of action
    BioFabrication for NIFE ; Niedersächsisches Zentrum für Biomedizintechnik, lmplantatforschung und Entwicklung ; Hannover, 01. September 2017,
    Hannover (2017)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Marzun, Galina; Haxhia, I.; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Reichenberger, Sven;
    Scalable laser ablation synthesis of nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis
    COLA 2017 ; International Conference of Laser Ablation ; Marseille, 3-8 September 2017,
    Marseille (2017)
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Streich, Carmen; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Attenuating the neurotoxic aggregation of the Alzheimer’s peptide aβ with functionalized gold nanoparticles : Colloidal Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications XI ; SPIE Photonics West ; SPIE BIOS ; 13-15 February 2016, San Francisco, California, United States
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Biological application of laser-generated nanoparticle conjugates in femtogram precision and kilogram scale
    E-MRS 2016 Spring Meeting ; Symposium C, Laser-material interactions for tailoring future applications ; Lille, May 2-6, 2016,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Marzun, Galina; Rehbock, Christoph; Gökce, Bilal;
    Catalysis and biomedical applications of naked nanoparticle building blocks made by high-power lasers in liquid
    E-MRS Spring Meeting Symposium DD ; Light interaction with nanomaterials ; 2-6 May 2016, Lille,
    Lille (2016)
  • Streich, Carmen; Barcikowski, Stephan; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Korth, C.; Mueller-Schiffmann, A.;
    Counteracting neurotoxic protein aggregation with β-sheet breaking gold nanoparticles
    BioNanoMed 2016 ; 7th International Congress Nanotechnology in Medicine & Biology ; 6 - 8 April 2016, Krems, Austria,
  • Streich, Carmen; Barcikowski, Stephan; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Mueller-Schiffmann, A.; Korth, C.;
    Detoxifying Protein Aggregates Involved in Alzheimer's Disease with Multivalent Gold Nanoparticles
    TU Dortmund ; 13. Oktober 2016, Dortmund,
    Dortmund (2016)
  • Streich, Carmen; Barcikowski, Stephan; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Korth, C.; Mueller-Schiffmann, A.;
    Funktionalisierung lasergenerierter Metallnanopartikel gegen pathologische Proteinaggreation
    Lehrstuhl fuer Molekulare Zellbiologie, Institut fuer Biochemie und Pathobiochemie, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum ; Bochum, 02. Maerz 2016,
    Bochum (2016)
  • Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    High power ultrafast laser ablation in liquids : fundamentals and applications
    HPLA 2016 ; International High Power Laser Ablation & Directed Energy Symposium ; 04.-07. April 2016, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Large scale fabrication of nanomaterials for energy research
    The Materials Chain from discovery to production ; Bochum, 30. Mai - 01. Juni 2016,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles : from fundamentals to upscaling
    Zero Dimensional Nanostructures ; 2nd Erwin Schrödinger Symposium 2016 ; Vienna, May 23-25, 2016,
  • Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Multigram nanoparticle synthesis by high-power, high-repetition-rate ultrafast laser ablation in liquids
    Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro– & Nanotechnologies ; FLAMN 16 ; June 27 – July 1, 2016, St. Petersburg,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Nanomaterials synthesis and processing by laser : fundamentals and perspectives
    International Conference on Photonic Technologies ; LANE ; September 19-22, 2016, Fürth,
  • Streich, Carmen; Barcikowski, Stephan; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Korth, C.; Mueller-Schiffmann, A.;
    Nanopartikeldesign gegen Alzheimer : Goldnanopartikel als Wirkstoffträger gegen neurotoxische Proteinfehlfaltung
    Neujahrskolloquium der Fakultät für Chemie und des Ortsverbandes Essen-Duisburg der GDCh ; 13. Januar 2016, Essen,
    Essen (2016)
  • Kleinrahm, A.; Oberdorfer, F.; Schweickert, H.; Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    On the production of radioactive labeled nanoparticles using a cyclotron for oil consumption measurements
    CYC2016 ; 21st International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications ; Cyclotrons'16 ; 11–16 September, 2016, Zürich,
    Zürich (2016)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Marzun, Galina;
    Process-stable, highly pure nanomaterials for energy research made by scalable, continuous laser production
    7th NRW Nano-Conference ; Münster, 07.-08. Dezember 2016,
  • Gökce, Bilal; Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Strategies for the scale-up of laser ablation synthesis of colloids
    Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2016 ; 9-12 May 2016, Essen,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Biomedical and energy applications of bare nanoparticle building blocks made by lasers in liquids
    Padua, Univ., Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, 5.11.2015,
    Padua (2015)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Biomedical and energy applications of bare nanoparticle building blocks made by lasers in liquids
    CeNS Seminar, München, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Fakultät für Physik, 26.06.2015,
    München (2015)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Biomedical applications of bare nanoparticle building blocks made by lasers in liquids
    Symposium, Institut für Organische Chemie Universität Ulm ; 13. März 2015,
    Ulm (2015)
  • Reichenberger, Sven; Dong, W.; Chu, S.; Weide, P.; Ruland, H.; Muhler, M.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp;
    Catalytic activity of ligand-free gold nanoparticles in the selective oxidation of ethanol
    NanoSMAT 2015 ; 10th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials ; Manchenster, UK, 13-16 September 2015,
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Ziefuss, A.; Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan; Taylor, U.; Mancini, R.; Rath, D.;
    Design of bivalent gold nanoparticle-oligonucleotide-peptide conjugates for efficient sperm sorting
    CENIDE NanoBio Workshop 2015 ; Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 12. März 2015,
    Essen (2015)
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Rehbock, Christoph; Krawinkel, J.; Tumursukh, B.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Heisterkamp, A.;
    Design of nanoparticle-peptide conjugates as a model system for in vitro bioapplications
    Crossing Biological Barriers ; Advances in Nanocarrier Design for Targeted Drug Delivery ; CBB 2015 ; Dresden, 9.-11.11.2015,
    Dresden (2015)
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Enhancement of Iodine-123-Radioactivity by Laser-Generated Pt Nanoparticles for Thyroid Scintigraphy
    CENIDE NanoBio Workshop 2015 ; Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 12. März 2015,
    Essen (2015)
  • Streich, Carmen; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functionalized gold nanoparticles counteract misfolding of the Alzheimer peptide Aβ
    CENIDE NanoBio Workshop 2015 ; Essen, Germany, March 12, 2015,
  • Streich, Carmen; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functionalized gold nanoparticles inhibit oligomerization of the Alzheimer peptide Aβ
    EuroNanoForum 2015 ; Workshop "Nanotechnologies and biomaterials for healthcare" ; 10-12 June 2015, Riga, Latvia,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal;
    Fundamentals and applications of laser-generated nanomaterial
    50th Zakopane School of Physics ; Breaking frontiers ; International Symposium ; 18-23 May 2015, Zakopane, Poland,
  • Streich, Carmen; Brungs, D.; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Gold nanoparticle functionalization against misfolding of the Alzheimer peptide Aβ
    15th Conference of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists ; IACIS 2015 ; 47th Conference of the German Colloid Society ; Mainz, Germany, 24-29.05.2015,,
  • Haxhiaj, Ina; Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Reichenberger, Sven; Marzun, Galina; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Integration und Applikation von ligandenfreien und kontrolliert ligandenfunktionalisierten Nanopartikeln in der Katalyse
    2. Ruhr-Symposium ; Funktionale Materialien für die Katalyse ; Duisburg, 28.10.2015,
    Duisburg (2015)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Ionenfreisetzende, nanopartikelbeladene Implantate
    49th DGBMT Annual Conference ; BMT 2015 ; 16-18 September 2015, Lübeck,
    Lübeck (2015)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Marzun, Galina;
    Laserbasierte Synthese von heterogenen Katalysatoren
    2. Ruhr-Symposium ; Duisburg, 28. Oktober 2015,
  • Simao, Teresa Fragoso Rocheta; Chevallier, Pascale; Barcikowski, Stephan; Fortin, Marc-Andre; Guay, Daniel;
    Ligand-Free Au Nanoparticles Functionalized with Mn Chelates for Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    2015 MRS Spring Meeting ; Symposium KK - Nanomaterials in Translational Medicine ; April 6-10, 2015, San Francisco, California, USA,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Jakobi, Jurij; Gamrad, Lisa; van der Meer, Selina; Tiedemann, D.; Taylor, U.; Kues, W.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Ligand-free alloy nanoparticles for applications in nano-toxicological assays
    Nanotechnology congress & Expo ; 11.-13.08.2015, Frankfurt, Germany,
  • Lau, Marcus; Niemann, R. G.; Bartsch, Mathias; O’Neill, W. O.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Modifizierte generative Fertigung mit nanopartikelgedopten Traegermaterialien : Einfluss von Goldnanopartikel auf das Lasersintern von Zinkoxid
    NMWP JungakademikerInnen-Symposium "Materialien für die Photonik" ; Essen, Germany, 30.09.2015,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Neuroelektroden-Grenzflaechen-Engineering mit Nanopartikeln
    49th DGBMT Annual Conference ; BMT 2015 ; 16-18 September 2015, Lübeck,
    Lübeck (2015)
  • Kohsakowski, Sebastian; Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Preparation of heterogeneous catalysts for photocatalytic water splitting by colloidal nanoparticle adsorption : impact of electrostatic interaction
    NanoSMAT 2015 ; 10th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials ; Manchenster, UK, 13-16 September 2015,
  • Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Rapid Nano-Integration
    Photonics BW ; AG Lasermaterialbearbeitung ; Stuttgart, 05. Maerz 2015,
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Rapid doping of conventional polymers with laser-generated nanoparticles for optics, magnetics, energy and biomedical application
    Hannover Messe 2015 ; tech transfer – Gateway2Innovation,
    Hannover (2015)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Rational design of nanoparticle toxicology assays : a question of exposure scenario, dose and experimental setup
    Workshop on Nanosafety and Nanotoxicology ; NanoSaTox ; Hannover, 27.10.2015,
    Hannover (2015)
  • Haxhiaj, Ina; Marzun, Galina; Nakamura, J.; Zhang, X.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Size controlled and stable ligand-free palladium nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis
    NanoSMAT 2015 ; 10th International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials ; Manchester, UK, 13-16 September 2015,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Specific ion and pH effects in the nanoenvironment of ligand-free metal nanoparticles
    15th Conference of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists ; IACIS 2015 ; 47th Conference of the German Colloid Society ; Mainz, Germany, 24-29.05.2015,
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Gökce, Bilal; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Synthesis of metal atom clusters by pulsed laser fragmentation in liquid and investigation of their ripening dynamics
    The 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing ; LAMP 2015 ; The 16th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM2015 ; The 7th International Symposium on High Power Laser Processing ; HPL2015 ; May 26 - 29, 2015, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Japan,
  • Streich, Carmen; Akkari, Laura; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    The effect of functionalized gold nanoparticles on pathologically aggregating proteins
    NANOBIOAPP 2015 ; Latest Advances on Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications ; 21-23 September 2015, Barcelona, Spain,
  • Koenen, Sven; Jakobi, Jurij; Angelov, Svilen; Heissler, Hans E.; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    3D-Nanostructuring of implant surfaces with ligand-free metal nanoparticles by electrophoretic deposition
    Nanofair 2014 ; 01.-03.07.2014, Dresden,
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Oberhofer, F.; Kleinrahm, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Accumulation and Purification of Iodine-123 Radiolabel by Laser-generated Chemisorbant Nanomaterials
    10th International Workshop on Health and Safety research with radiotracers and radiolabelled nanoparticles ; Ispra, Italy, 13-14 November 2014,
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Accumulation and Purification of lodine-123 Radiolabel by Highly Pure Nanoparticles for Nuclear Medicine Applications
    22. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Radiochemie / Radiopharmazie (DGN) ; AGRR 2014 ; 11-13 September 2014, Mainz,
  • Jendrzej, Sandra; Streubel, René; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Accumulation of iodine-123 radiolabel by highly pure, laser-generated chemisorbant nanoparticles for medical application
    15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2014 ; 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Alloy nanoparticles : Synthesis, properties and toxicology
    SPP1313 ; Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles ; Fulda, 3.-5.3.2014,
    Fulda (2014)
  • Lau, Marcus; Niemann, Ralf; Bartsch, Mathias; O'Neill, W.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Amplified additive manufacturing by gold nanoparticles during laser sintering of semiconductors
    15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2014 ; 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania,
  • Million, Nina; Nachev-Wilke, P.; Coger, V.; Pich, A.; Reimers, K.; Vogt, P. M.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Aqueous polymer-capsules around laser generated nanoparticles for burn wound treatment
    15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2014 ; 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Jakobi, Jurij; Gamrad, Lisa; van der Meer, Selina; Tiedemann, Daniela; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Current state on laser synthesis of metal and alloy nanoparticles, qualified as ligand-free reference materials for nano-toxicological assays
    15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2014 ; 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania,
    Vilnius (2014)
  • Koenen, Sven; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan; Angelov, Svilen; Heissler, Hans E.; Schwabe, Kerstin; Krauss, Joachim K.;
    Electrophoretic deposition of ligand-free nanoparticles for the generation of nanostructures on 3D-medical implants
    International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering ; MSE 2014 ; 23.-25. September, Darmstadt,
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functional nanomaterials for catalysis and biomedicine
    Hannover Messe 2014 ; TechTransfer-Stand, Messe Halle 2 ; Hannover, 07.-11. April 2014,
  • Streich, Carmen; Krause, L.; Schrader, Thomas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functionalized gold nanoparticles as analytical tools for protein conformational disorders
    6. NRW Nano-Konferenz ; NMWP ; 1.-2.12 2014, Dortmund,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Implant debris model material : alloy nanoparticles and their toxicity
    BMT 2014 ; 48th DGBMT Annual Conference, 8-10 October 2014, Hannover,
  • Million, Nina; Nachev, P.; Coger, V.; Pich, A.; Reimers, K.; Vogt, P. M.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    In-situ conjugation of nanoparticles using ultrahort pulsed laser ablation in monomer solutions for electrospinning on burn wounds : final report
    SPP 1327 ; Optisch erzeugte Sub-100-nm-Strukturen für biomedizinische und technische Applikationen ; Jahrestreffen ; Saarbruecken, 01. Dezember 2014,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Integration lasergenerierter Nanomaterialien in Medizinprodukten und Katalysatoren
    Laserzentrum Göttingen ; 20.01.2014,
    Göttingen (2014)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Integration lasergenerierter Nanomaterialien in Medizinprodukten und Katalysatoren
    IPC-/GDCh-Kolloquium ; RWTH Aachen, 16.01.2014,
    Aachen (2014)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Integration of magnetic, plasmonic, and catalytic colloidal nanoparticle building blocks into biomedical and catalysis supports
    CinSat-Herbstkolloquium 2014 ; Center for Interdisciplinary Nanostructure Science and Technology ; Kassel, 15.10.2014,
    Kassel (2014)
  • Gamrad, Lisa; Mancini, R.; Taylor, U.; Kues, W.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Interference and binding of gold nanoparticle conjugates with Y-Chromosome bearing Spermatozoa
    SPP1313 ; Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles ; Fulda, 3.-5.3.2014,
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser fragmentation and mass-specific energy balancing in a free liquid jet for fragmentation threshold determination
    EOS Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2014 ; Matsuyama, Japan ; 19-21 May 2014,
  • Marzun, Galina; Streich, Carmen; Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp;
    Laser-generated platinum nanoparticles for photocatalytic water splitting
    15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2014 ; 17.-20. Juni 2014, Vilnius, Litauen,
  • Wagener, Phlipp; Reichenberger, Sven; Cleve, Ernst; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Lasergenerierte Nanopartikel in der Katalyse
    Werkstoffdialog Rheinland ; Innovative Werkstoffe in Wissenschaft und Praxis ; Krefeld, 06. November 2014,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Ligand-free nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquids for biomedical and energy application
    2nd International Workshop on Metallic Nano-Objects ; MNO 2014 ; 13th to 14th November 2014 in Lille, France,
    Lille (2014)
  • Wagener, Philipp; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Menzel, A.; Plech, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Nanoparticle formation and agglomeration inside the cavitation bubble after pulsed laser ablation in liquid
    15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2014 ; 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania,
    Vilnius (2014)
  • Sures, Bernd; Beisser, Daniela; Zimmermann, Sonja; Bock, Christina; Jakobi, Jurij; Grabner, Daniel; Großmann, Lars; Rahmann, Sven; Barcikowski, Stephan; Boenigk, Jens;
    Nanosilber versus Silberionen : Reaktionen einer Planktongemeinschaft auf Metatranscriptomebene
    14. Edelmetallforum 2014 ; Analytik, Toxikologie & Umwelt ; 07.- 08.04.2014, Ulm,
  • Lau, Marcus; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Optical fabrication of defect-rich zinc oxide nanoparticles by laser fragmentation
    Nanofair 2014 ; Dresden, 01.-03.07.2014,
  • Million, Nina; Barcikowski, Stephan; Nachev-Wilke, Philipp; Pich, Andrij; Coger, Vincent; Reimers, Kerstin; Vogt, Peter M.;
    Pulsed laser ablation in aqueous polymer precursor solutions for embedding bioactive nanoparticles in situ into microgel fibers for the care of burn wounds
    EOS Conference on Advanced Nanoparticle Generation and Excitation by Lasers in Liquids ; ANGEL 2014 ; Matsuyama, Japan ; 19-21 May 2014,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Lau, Marcus;
    Rapid nanoparticle polymer composites prototyping by laser ablation in liquids
    6. NRW Nano-Konferenz ; NMWP ; 1. bis 2. Dezember 2014, Dortmund,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Reprotox : effects of alloy nanoparticles on reproduction
    The European Summit for Clinical Nanomedicine and Targeted Medicine ; CLINAM 7/ 2014 ; 7th Conference and Exhibition, June 23‐25, 2014, Basel,
    Basel (2014)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Antimicrobial Metal ion-release from Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings
    BMT 2013 ; 3-Ländertagung D-A-CH ; 19.-21. September 2013, Graz,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Gamrad, Lisa; Taylor, U.; Kues, W.; Rath, D.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Application of additive-free gold nanoparticles for toxocity assays in reproduction biology
    Euro BioMat 2013 ; European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas ; 23.-24.04.2013, Weimar 2013,
  • Strauss, Sarah; Dudziak, S.; Hagemann, R.; Barcikowski, Stephan; Reimers, K.; Vogt, P. M.;
    Bone induction by adipose-derived stem cells on customized Nitinol-osteoimplants
    ISPRES 2013 ; Lissabon, Portugal, 02.-06.11. 2013,
  • Wagener, Philipp; Ibrahimkutty, S.; Menzel, A.; Plech, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Dynamics of Nanoparticle Formation after Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid Studied by Spatiotemporal-resolved SAXS
    12th International Conference on Laser Ablation ; COLA 2013 ; October 6th- 11th, 2013 Ischia (Italy),
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Wagener, Philipp; Schwenke, Andreas; Hess, C.; Sajti, Csaba L.; Haverich, A.;
    Endothelialization and biocompatibility of polymer-based nanocomposites
    Euro BioMat 2013; European Symposium on Biomaterials and Related Areas ; 23.-24.04.2013, Weimar,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Merk, Vivian; Gamrad, Lisa; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Highly diluted electrolytes allow ion-specific stabilization of curved ligand-free gold-water interfaces
    Biennial Meeting of the Colloid Society ; Morphological Transformations and Responses in Colloidal Systems ; Paderborn, 23.-25. September 2013,
  • Million, Nina; Nachev, P.; Coger, V.; Pich, A.; Reimers, K.; Vogt, P. M.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    In-situ conjugation of nanoparticles using ultrahort pulsed laser ablation in monomer solutions for electrospinning on burn wounds
    SPP 1327 ; Optisch erzeugte Sub-100-nm-Strukturen für biomedizinische und technische Applikationen ; Jahrestreffen ; Bochum, 02.12.2013,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laserbasierte Herstellung von funktionalen Nanomaterialien für Medizin und Energietechnik
    FH Münster, Institut für Optische Technologien (IOT) ; 13.11.2013, Steinfurt,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Clean nanoparticles for biomedicine and catalysis
    Young Scientist Workshop ; Institut für Mikrotechnik, Universität Mainz ; 24.10.2012,
    Mainz (2012)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Funktionsprüfung : Wirkung und Toxizität von Silberionen-freisetzenden Nanopartikeln und Kompositen
    Funktion, Integration, Infektion, Produktion ; Kolloquium Sonderforschungsbereich 599 ; 8.-9.11.2012, International Neuroscience Institute, Hannover,
    Hannover (2012)
  • Million, Nina; Nachev, P.; Coger, V.; Pich, A.; Reimers, K.; Vogt, P. M.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    In-situ conjugation of nanoparticles using ultrahort pulsed laser ablation in monomer solutions for electrospinning on burn wounds
    SPP 1327 ; Optisch erzeugte Sub-100-nm-Strukturen für biomedizinische und technische Applikationen ; Jahrestreffen ; Berlin, 03.12.2012,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Gamrad, Lisa; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser fabrication of Au bioconjugates by delayed conjugation in liquid flow
    13th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2012 ; June 12-15, 2012, Washington, DC,
  • Schwenke, Andreas; Klimenta, K.; Sajti, L.; Weiss, A.; Wagener, Philipp; Wiegel, H.; Chichkov, B. N.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-based Generation of Polymeric Nanocomposites for Fabrication of Bioactive Medical Devices
    2. BMBF-Symposium "Medi-WING - Medizintechnik im Foerderprogramm WING" ; 04.07. – 05.07.2012, Nürnberg,
  • Wagener, Philipp; Hahn, A.; Schwenke, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-based synthesis of multimaterial polymer nanocomposites for medical devices
    13th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2012 ; June 12-15, 2012, Washington, DC,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-generated functional nanomaterials for biomedical application
    Materialwissenschaftliches Seminar, Christian-Albrechts-Universität ; 17.01.2012,
    Kiel (2012)
  • Schwenke, Andreas; Klimenta, K.; Wagener, Philipp; Weiss, A.; Wiegel, H.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Nanofunktionalisierte Polymer-Komposite für bioaktive medizinische Implantate
    2. BMBF-Symposium "Medi-WING - Medizintechnik im Förderprogramm WING", 04.-05.07.2012, Nürnberg,
  • Rehbock, Christoph; Gamrad, Lisa; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Protein conjugation of ligand-free gold nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid flow
    5th Nanoscience with Nanocrystals International Conference ; NaNaX 5 ; 7th -11th May, Fuengirola, Spain,
  • Wagener, Philipp; Hahn, A.; Schwenke, A.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Release of bioactive ions from multimaterial polymer nanocomposites
    Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomaterialien ; 1.-3.11.2012, Hamburg,
    Hamburg (2012)
  • Wagener, C.; Hahn, A.; Schwenke, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Time-dependent Release of Bioactive Ions from Multimaterial Polymer Nanocomposites
    Nanomaterials for Biomedical Technologies 2012,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Bioaktive Nanomaterialien – Funktionsintegration durch Laserablation
    9. NanoVision ; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Campus Nord, Institut für Nanotechnologie (INT) ; 21. – 22. November 2011,
  • Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Controlling particle dispersion by in situ polymer coating of laser-generated nanocomposites
    European Materials Research Society ; Spring Meeting 2011,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Functional composites and conjugates : Laser-generated nanoparticles
    Seminar “Welcome to Nano Tech Germany” at seeds&needs B at nano tech ; Tokyo Big Sight on February 16th 2011,
  • Barchanski, Annette; Taylor, U.; Klein, S.; Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Gold nanoparticles are a new tool to visualize cell function processes in gametes and embryos
    15th annual Conference of the European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR) ; Antalya, Turkey, 15–17 September 2011,
    Antalya (2011)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Herstellung von Nanopartikeln und -materialien durch Laserablation in Flüssigkeiten für biomedizinische und technische Anwendungen
    Vortragsreihe "Materialforum" ; Heraeus Holding GmbH ; Hanau, 12. Dezember 2011,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Rath, Detlef; Kues, Wilfried;
    Influence of metal and alloy NPs on germ cell function and embryo development (REPROTOX) : [Projekt]
    International Conference on Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles ; SPP1313 ; Essen, 11.-15. September 2011,
  • Hahn, Anne; Bartke, Daniel; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser fabrication of nanocomposites in presence of matrix-coupling agents
    The 12th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication ; LPM 2011 ; June 7-10, 2011, Takamatsu, Japan,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-Generated functional nanoparticles and materials
    Nanomaterials for Energy Applications ; Deutsch-Japanischer Workshop ; Tsukuba, Japan, 25. Oktober 2011,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-generated functional nanomaterials : [Plenarvortrag]
    DPG-Fruehjahrstagung der Fachverbaende Plasmaphysik und Kurzzeitphysik ; Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 28. - 31. März 2011,
    Kiel (2011)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Rehbock, Christoph; Taylor, Ulrike; Kues, Wilfried; Rath, Detlef;
    Ligand-free metal and alloy nanoparticles for toxicological studies
    International Conference on Biological Responses to Nanoscale Particles ; SPP1313 ; Essen, Germany September 11-15, 2011,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Wirkung von Nanopartikeln in Medizinprodukten
    Arbeitskreis Verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit Nanomaterialien, NMN e.V. ; 14.03.2011, Laser Zentrum Hannover e. V.,
    Hannover (2011)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Bioaktive Nanomaterialien - Funktionsintegration durch Laserablation
    8. NanoVision ; Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Campus Nord, Institut für Nanotechnologie (INT) ; 08.12.2010 - 09.12.2010,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-generated nanobiomaterials
    HZI-Kolloquium ; Helmholtz Zentrum fuer Infektionsforschung ; Braunschweig, 22. April 2010,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser-generated nanobiomaterials : fundamentals and applications of laser ablation in liquids
    NanoMat ; KIT, Karlsruhe, 25. Oktober 2010,
    Karlsruhe (2010)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laserschweissen : Impulsgeber fuer die mobilen Industrien
    4. MATERIALICA Surface Kongress ; 20.10.2010, München,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan; Sajti, Csaba L.; Barchanski, Annette;
    Novel nanoparticle bioconjugation concept for highly controlled synthesis of multifunctional gold conjugates by nanosecond laser ablation in liquid flow
    NanoMed 2010 ; 7th International Conference on Biomedical Applications of Nanotechnology ; December 2 - 3, 2010, Berlin,
  • Wagener, Philipp; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Organic nanoparticles by combination of laser fragmentation and ultrasonication in liquid
    LPM 2010 ; 11th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication, LPM 2010 : June 7-10, 2010, Stuttgart, Germany,
  • Schwenke, A.; Wagener, Philipp; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Bioactive Nanocomposites for Medical Devices
    Nanotech Europe 2009 ; 28 - 30 September 2009, Berlin,
  • Petersen, Svea; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Bioconjugation of nanoparticles during femtosecond laser ablation in bioactive media
    10th annual Conference on Laser Ablation ; COLA 2009 ; November 22-27, 2009, Singapore,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Fabrication of ultra pure nanomarkers and nanocrystals with laser pulses
    Solvay GmbH,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser generated nanoparticles for biomedical applications
    Tech Forum, 3M Corporate Research Materials Laboratory ; St. Paul, MN, USA, 22. Januar 2009,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser generated nanoparticles for biomedical applications
    Seminar: Center for Nanostructure Applications ; Minneapolis, NM, USA, 23. Januar 2009,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Lasergenerierte Nanobiomaterialien
    Anorganisch-Chemisches Kolloquium, AK Prof. M. Epple ; Universität Duisburg-Essen, 31. August 2009,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Lasergenerierte hochreine Nanopartikel und Nanomaterialien : Design von Referenzmaterialien und Nanohybriden
    Bundesanstalt fuer Materialforschung u. -pruefung (BAM) ; 30. November 2009, Berlin,
    Berlin (2009)
  • Sattari, R.; Naveira, X. F.; Sajti, C. L.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Production and Electrostatic Stabilization of Corundum Nanoparticles during Laser Ablation in Acidic Liquids : ICALEO 2009 ; paper N203
    ICALEO ; International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics ; Laser Materials Processing Conference (LMP) ; Laser Microprocessing Conference (LMF) ; Nanomanufacturing Conference (Nano) ; Orlando, Fla., November 2 - 5, 2009,
  • Petersen, Svea; Jakobi, Jurij; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    In-situ bioconjugation of nanoparticles : Novel laser based approach to pure nanoparticle-conjugates
    Annual meeting of European Materials Research Society ; 26.-30. Mai 2008, Straßburg,
  • Ostendorf, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser generated nanoparticles for biomedical applications
    Symposium Materials for Biomedical Engineering ; 3. September 2008, Nürnberg,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laser generated pure nanoparticulate reference material
    Benefits and Risks of Inhaled Engineered Nanoparticles ; 11th International Inhalation Symposium ; June 11-14, 2008 ; Hannover,
    Hannover (2008)
  • Ostendorf, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Lasergenerierte Nanobiomaterialien in der Medizintechnik
    Medizin Innovativ 2008 ; Zukunftsweisende Technologien und effiziente Strukturen ; Kongress und Ausstellung ; 9. – 10. Juli 2008, Messe Nürnberg,
    Nürnberg (2008)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Lasergenerierte Nanopartikel und Nanobiomaterialien
    Kolloquium des Leibniz-Instituts fuer Polymerforschung ; Dresden, 18.09.2008,
    Dresden (2008)
  • Ostendorf, Andreas; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    3. Exzellenzakademie Medizintechnik ; Adaptive Implantate in der Medizin ; 26.-31. Mai 2008, Hannover,
    Hannover (2008)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Rapid Nanomaterial Prototyping : Lasergenerierte Nanopartikel und Nanomaterialien
    Graduiertenkolleg Biointerface ; ITMC Aachen, 11. Januar 2007,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Intelligent control of fumes during laser processing of non-metallic materials
    Expo Laser 2005 ; Piacenza, Italien, 18. Novmber 2005,
    Piacenza (2005)
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Fast characterisation and intelligent fume control for laser material processing of polymers and wood composites
    Expo Laser 2003 ; Ancona, Italien, Maerz 2003,
    Ancona (2003)
  • Haferkamp, H.; Bunte, J.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Laserbearbeitung von Naturfaserverbund- und Holzwerkstoffen : Natur versus Glas oder Aramid
    Nachhaltige Mobilitaet - Naturfaserwerkstoffe fuer die Verkehrstechnik ; 13. November 2003, Hannover,
  • Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Age determination of fingerprints
    International Fingerprint Research Group (Veranstalter: Bundeskriminalamt). Wiesbaden, 15. August 2001,
    Wiesbaden (2001)
  • Haferkamp, Heinz; Goede, Martin; Puester, T.; Barcikowski, Stephan;
    Controllo sicuro dei fumi generati nel taglio laser di metalli
    Convegno - Mostra - Interamente Dedicato al Taglio con Laser di Materiali Metallici ; 08. - 11. September 1999, Vicenza, Italy,
    (1999) 8 S.