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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Sex Differences in Sleep Profiles and the Effect of Elexacaftor/Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor on Sleep Quality in Adult People with Cystic Fibrosis : A Prospective Observational StudyIn: Diagnostics Jg. 14 (2024) Nr. 24, 2859Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Thoracic pain in patients with chronic interstitial lung disease : an underestimated symptomIn: Frontiers in Medicine Jg. 10 (2023) 1147555Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Effect of Triple Combination CFTR Modulator Therapy on Sleep in Adult Patients with Cystic FibrosisIn: Respiration: International Journal of Thoracic Medicine Jg. 101 (2022) Nr. 8, S. 766 - 774Online Volltext:
Investigation of respiratory rate in patients with cystic fibrosis using a minimal-impact biomotion systemIn: BMC Pulmonary Medicine Jg. 22 (2022) Nr. 1, 59Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Obstructive sleep apnea and nocturnal hypoxemia in adult patients with cystic fibrosisIn: BMC Pulmonary Medicine Jg. 22 (2022) Nr. 1, 446Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Significantly favourable outcome for patients with non-small-cell lung cancer stage IIIA/IIIB and single-station persistent N2 (skip or additionally N1) disease after multimodality treatmentIn: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Jg. 61 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 269 - 276Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A novel minimal-contact biomotion method for long-term respiratory rate monitoringIn: Sleep and Breathing Jg. 25 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 145 - 149Online Volltext:
Potential Prognostic Value of Preoperative Leukocyte Count, Lactate Dehydrogenase and C-Reactive Protein in Thymic Epithelial TumorsIn: Pathology & Oncology Research Jg. 27 (2021) S. 629993Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Proof of principle study: diagnostic accuracy of a novel algorithm for the estimation of sleep stages and disease severity in patients with sleep-disordered breathing based on actigraphy and respiratory inductance plethysmographyIn: Sleep and Breathing Jg. 25 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 1945 - 1952Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Sleep assessment in cystic fibrosis patients using a minimal-impact biomotion systemIn: Sleep Medicine Jg. 83 (2021) S. 21 - 25Online Volltext:
Prognostic markers in resected large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma : A multicentre retrospective analysisIn: Journal of Thoracic Disease Jg. 12 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 466 - 476Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A Prospective, Randomized Trial for the Comparison of 19-G and 22-G Endobronchial Ultrasound-Guided Transbronchial Aspiration Needles; Introducing a Novel End Point of Sample Weight Corrected for Blood ContentIn: Clinical Lung Cancer Jg. 20 (2019) Nr. 3, S. e265 - e273Online Volltext:
Changes in serum KL-6 levels are associated with the development of chronic lung allograft dysfunction in lung transplant recipientsIn: Transplant Immunology Jg. 52 (2019) S. 40 - 44Online Volltext:
Higher Interleukin-7 serum concentrations in patients with cystic fibrosis correlate with impaired lung functionIn: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis Jg. 18 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 71 - 77Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Lymph Node Involvement and the Surgical Treatment of Thymic Epithelial and Neuroendocrine CarcinomaIn: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 107 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 1632 - 1638Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Perioperative course and quality of life in a prospective randomized multicenter phase III trial, comparing standard lobectomy versus anatomical segmentectomy in patients with non-small cell lung cancer up to 2 cm, stage IA (7th edition of TNM staging system)In: Lung Cancer Jg. 138 (2019) S. 19 - 26Online Volltext:
Classification of sleep and wake using a novel minimal-contact single-channel deviceIn: Somnologie Jg. 22 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 144 - 151Online Volltext:
Deficits in oral health behavior and oral health status in patients after lung transplantationIn: The Clinical Respiratory Journal Jg. 12 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 721 - 730Online Volltext:
Independent predictors for higher postoperative pain intensity during recovery after open thoracic surgery : A retrospective analysis in 621 patientsIn: Pain Medicine Jg. 19 (2018) Nr. 8, S. 1667 - 1673Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Oral health related quality of life depending on oral health and specific factors in patients after lung transplantationIn: The Clinical Respiratory Journal Jg. 12 (2018) Nr. 2, S. 731 - 737Online Volltext:
Validation of a non-contact screening device for the combination of sleep-disordered breathing and periodic limb movements in sleepIn: Sleep and Breathing Jg. 22 (2018) Nr. 1, S. 131 - 138Online Volltext:
An association of particulate air pollution and traffic exposure with mortality after lung transplantation in EuropeIn: European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Jg. 49 (2017) Nr. 1, S. UNSP 1600484Online Volltext:
Growth patterns of pulmonary metastases : Should we adjust resection techniques to primary histology and size?In: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Jg. 52 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 39 - 46Online Volltext:
Resection of the tracheobronchial bifurcation with complete preservation of lung parenchymaIn: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 104 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 1741 - 1747Online Volltext:
Robotic thoracic surgery results in shorter hospital stay and lower postoperative pain compared to open thoracotomy : a matched pairs analysisIn: Surgical Endoscopy Jg. 31 (2017) Nr. 10, S. 4126 - 4130Online Volltext:
Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the lung: A rare histological subtype of non-small cell lung cancer with a poor prognosis even at earlier tumour stagesIn: Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery Jg. 24 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 407 - 413Online Volltext:
The influence of type of anesthesia, perioperative pain, and preoperative health status on chronic pain six months after thoracotomy-A prospective cohort studyIn: Pain Medicine Jg. 18 (2017) Nr. 11, S. 2208 - 2213Online Volltext:
A Single-Institution Analysis of the Surgical Management of Pulmonary Large Cell Neuroendocrine CarcinomasIn: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 101 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 1909 - 1914Online Volltext:
Decreased Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response in Long-Term Lung Transplant Recipients is Associated with Exercise ImpairmentIn: Lung Jg. 194 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 563 - 569Online Volltext:
Do patients with intake of drugs labelled as sleep disturbing really sleep worse? A population based assessment from the Heinz Nixdorf Recall StudyIn: British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (BJCP) Jg. 82 (2016) Nr. 3, S. 869 - 877Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Elektrische Atemwegsstimulation zur Therapie der obstruktiven SchlafapnoeIn: Der Pneumologe Jg. 13 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 376 - 387Online Volltext:
Validierung von SleepMinder® zur Erfassung der Schlafqualität bei Patienten mit OSASIn: Somnologie Jg. 20 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 54 - 60Online Volltext:
(100) - KL-6 Changes in Serum Can Be Predictive of Chronic Lung Allograft Dysfunction in Lung Transplant RecipientsIn: The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Jg. 34 (2015) Nr. 4 Suppl., S. 46Online Volltext:
Association of short-term ozone and temperature with sleep disordered breathingIn: European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Jg. 46 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 1361 - 1369Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Controlled-Release Oxycodone as "Gold Standard" for Postoperative Pain Therapy in Patients Undergoing Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery or Thoracoscopy : A Retrospective Evaluation of 788 CasesIn: The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Jg. 63 (2015) Nr. 6, S. 510 - 513Online Volltext:
Validation of SleepMinder as non-contact device for sleep-disordered breathing and periodic limb movementIn: European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Jg. 46 (2015) Nr. Suppl. 59, S. PA3680Online Volltext:
Hypercapnic Ventilatory Response Is Decreased in Long-Term Bilateral Lung Transplant RecipientsIn: The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Jg. 33 (2014) Nr. 4 Suppl., S. 187Online Volltext:
Serum KL-6 Levels Are Associated With Long-Term Prognosis in Lung Transplant RecipientsIn: The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Jg. 33 (2014) Nr. 4 Suppl., S. S190 - S191Online Volltext:
Sleep-disordered breathing, sleep quality, and mild cognitive impairment in the general populationIn: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Jg. 41 (2014) Nr. 2, S. 479 - 497Online Volltext:
Validierung von SleepMinder® als Screeninggerät für die obstruktive Schlafapnoe : Validation of SleepMinder® as screening device for obstructive sleep apneaIn: Somnologie Jg. 18 (2014) Nr. 4, S. 238 - 242Online Volltext:
Association of obstructive sleep apnoea with subclinical coronary atherosclerosisIn: Atherosclerosis Jg. 231 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 191 - 197Online Volltext:
Decreased hypercapnic ventilatory response in long-term lung transplant recipientsIn: European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Jg. 42 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 57, S. 2353
Epidural analgesia is not superior to systemic postoperative analgesia with regard to preventing chronic or neuropathic pain after thoracotomyIn: Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 127Online Volltext:
Inflammatory markers, lipids and metabolic hormones in lung transplant recipients with obstructive sleep apneaIn: European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Jg. 42 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 57,
Lack of knowledge about symptoms and treatment options of urinary incontinence (UI) in men and women with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)In: Neurourology and Urodynamics Jg. 32 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 543 - 544Online Volltext:
Midterm changes in quality of life : A prospective evaluation after open pulmonary metastasectomyIn: The Annals of Thoracic Surgery Jg. 95 (2013) Nr. 3, S. 1006 - 1011Online Volltext:
Age- and gender-dependent adherence with continuous positive airway pressure therapyIn: Sleep Medicine Jg. 12 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 1034 - 1036Online Volltext:
Schlafapnoe und KardiologieIn: Atemwegs- und Lungenkrankheiten Jg. 37 (2011) Nr. 11, S. 468 - 479Online Volltext:
Diagnostic performance of single airflow channel recording (ApneaLink) in home diagnosis of sleep apneaIn: Sleep and Breathing Jg. 14 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 109 - 114Online Volltext:
Therapieadhärenz bei CPAP-PatientenIn: Somnologie Jg. 14 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 135 - 139Online Volltext:
Validierung und Weiterentwicklung einer kontaktlosen, kamerabasierten Sensorik zur Detektion von schlafbezogenen Atmungsstörungen
63. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e. V.,In: Pneumologie Jg. 77 (2023) Nr. S 01, S. 103Online Volltext: -
Prevalence and quantification of thoracic pain (TP) through quantitative sensory testing (QST) in patients with chronic interstitial lung disease (cILD)In: European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Jg. 58 (2021) Nr. Suppl. 65, PA2343Online Volltext:
Sleep duration and activity of exacerbated and non-exacerbated cystic fibrosis patients during their hospital stayIn: European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) Jg. 56 (2020) Nr. Suppl. 64,Online Volltext:
Influence of systemic antibiotic therapy on heart and respiratory rates during inpatient antibiotic treatment of adult cystic fibrosis patients using a new contactless measurement system (Vitalog®)In: Journal of Cystic Fibrosis Jg. 18 (2019) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. S124 - S125Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Schlafqualität von Mukoviszidose-Patienten während eines stationären Aufenthaltes (FV DGP 9)
60. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin e. V., 13.–16.03.2019, München,In: Pneumologie Jg. 73 (2019) Nr. S01,Online Volltext: -
The influence of extracorporeal photopheresis on NF kappa signaling and cytokine expression in lung transplant patientsIn: Transplant International Jg. 29 (2016) Nr. Suppl. 3, S. 42Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Advancing Sleep Diagnostics : Contactless Multi-Vital Signs Continuous Monitoring with a Multimodal Camera System in Clinical EnvironmentIn: 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications, MeMeA 2024: Proceedings / 19th IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications: MeMeA 2024, 26-28.06.2024, Eindhoven 2024 in pressOnline Volltext:
Cognitive Function After Lung TransplantationIn: Medical Research and Innovation / Pokorski, Mieczyslaw (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 91 - 101Online Volltext:
Influence of sleep-disordered breathing on quality of life and exercise capacity in lung transplant recipientsIn: Advances in Pulmonary Medicine: Research and Innovations / Pokorski, Mieczyslaw (Hrsg.) 2019, S. 25 - 33Online Volltext:
Feasibility Study Of Using 19g Needle For Ebus-Tbna : A Prospective-Randomized Comparison Of 19g And 22g Ebus-Needles
American Thoracic Society 2017 International Conference, May 19-24, 2017, Washington, DC, USA,In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (AJRCCM) Jg. 195 (2017) Nr. IC, A2875