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Bildungswissenschaften - Institut für Psychologie

Universitätsstr. 2
45141 Essen
S06 S03 B87
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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Kraiss, Jannis; Glaesmer, Heide; Forkmann, Thomas; Spangenberg, Lena; Hallensleben, Nina; Schreiber (geb. Rath), Dajana; Höller, Inken
    Beyond one-size-fits-all suicide prediction : Studying idiographic associations of risk factors for suicide in a psychiatric sample using ecological momentary assessment
    In: Journal of Psychiatric Research Jg. 178 (2024) S. 130 - 138
  • Forkmann, Thomas; Eimen, Jannik Julian; Plein, Lena; Höller, Inken; Böhler, L.; Schönfelder, Antje; Hallensleben, Nina; Schreiber, Dajana; Paashaus, Laura; Juckel, Georg; Teismann, Tobias; Glaesmer, Heide; Spangenberg, Lena
    Psychometric examination and factorial validity of a German short form of the Beck Hopelessness Scale in three different samples
    In: Journal of Affective Disorders Reports (JAD Reports) Jg. 17 (2024) 100822
  • Ramos-Vera, Cristian; Calle, Dennis; Quispe-Callo, Gleni; Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas; Ordoñez-Carrasco, Jorge; Čopková, Radka; Lichner, Vladimir; Lobos-Rivera, Marlon; Calizaya-Milla, Yaquelin E.; Saintila, Jacksaint
    Sex differences in entrapment in a multinational sample : A network analysis perspective
    In: Frontiers in Psychiatry Jg. 15 (2024) 1321207
  • Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas; Glaesmer, Heide; Teismann, Tobias; Spangenberg, Lena; Schreiber, Dajana; Hallensleben, Nina; Kraiss, Jannis
    Torn between living or dying : analyses of influencing factors on suicide ambivalence and its longitudinally impact on suicidal ideation and behavior in a high-risk sample
    In: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior Jg. 54 (2024) Nr. 5, Special Issue: Suicidal Ambivalence and the Process Leading to a Suicide Decision, S. 869 - 877
  • Dienst, Franziska; Forkmann, Thomas; Schreiber, Dajana; Höller, Inken
    Attachment and need to belong as moderators of the relationship between thwarted belongingness and suicidal ideation
    In: BMC Psychology Jg. 11 (2023) Nr. 1, 50
  • Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas; Hündlings, Andrea; Specka, Michael; Scherbaum, Norbert
    Hilfsbedarf und soziale Unterstützung bei psychisch erkrankten Elternteilen mit minderjährigen Kindern
    In: Psychiatrische Praxis Jg. 50 (2023) Nr. 01, S. 20 - 28
  • Forkmann, Thomas; Höller, Inken
    Instability matters
    In: The Lancet Psychiatry Jg. 10 (2023) Nr. 5, S. 307 - 308
  • Tegethoff, Jan-Luca; Forkmann, Thomas; Höller, Inken
    Positive Selbsteinschätzung als Resilienzfaktor und motivationaler Moderator im integrativen motivational-volitionalen Modell suizidalen Verhaltens
    In: Verhaltenstherapie: Praxis, Forschung, Perspektiven Jg. 33 (2023) Nr. 4, S. 126 - 135
  • Höller, Inken; Spangenberg, Lena
    Study protocol for a feasibility study of microinterventions in smartphone-based assessments to reduce depressive rumination
    In: BMJ Open Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 12, e076084
  • Conrad, Katharina; Forkmann, Thomas; Schreiber, Dajana; Teismann, Tobias; Glaesmer, Heide; Spangenberg, Lena; Schönfelder, Antje; Hallensleben, Nina; Paashaus, Laura; Juckel, Georg; Höller, Inken
    Understanding suicidal ideation : A network analysis of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 18 (2023) Nr. 11, e0293026
  • Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas
    Ambivalent heroism? : Psychological burden and suicidal ideation among nurses during the Covid-19 pandemic
    In: Nursing Open Jg. 9 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 785 - 800
  • Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas
    Brief Self-Report Measure of Agitation : A Psychometric Investigation in a German Sample
    In: Journal of Personality Assessment Jg. 104 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 110 - 121
  • Höller, Inken; Rath, Dajana; Teismann, Tobias; Glaesmer, Heide; Lucht, Luise; Paashaus, Laura; Schönfelder, Antje; Juckel, Georg; Forkmann, Thomas
    Defeat, entrapment, and suicidal ideation : Twelve-month trajectories
    In: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior Jg. 52 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 69 - 82
  • Forkmann, Thomas; Schwitzky, Sarah; Plein, Lena; Rath, Dajana; Teismann, Tobias; Höller, Inken
    Die deutsche Version der Interpersonal Hopelessness Scale (IHS)
    In: Verhaltenstherapie: Praxis, Forschung, Perspektiven Jg. 32 (2022) Nr. 1-2, S. 45 - 54
  • Höller, Inken; Teismann, Tobias; Forkmann, Thomas
    Perseverative Thinking about Suicide Questionnaire (PTSQ) : Validation of a new measure to assess suicide-specific rumination
    In: Comprehensive Psychiatry Jg. 112 (2022) 152287
  • Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas; Natrop, Lisa; Hündlings, Andrea; Specka, Michael; Scherbaum, Norbert
    Psychische Auffälligkeiten bei Kindern aus Sicht des psychisch erkrankten Elternteils
    In: Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie (PPmP) Jg. 72 (2022) Nr. 08, S. 362 - 373
  • Brüdern, Juliane; Hallensleben, Nina; Höller, Inken; Spangenberg, Lena; Forkmann, Thomas; Rath, Dajana; Strauß, Maria; Kersting, Anette; Glaesmer, Heide
    Sleep disturbances predict active suicidal ideation the next day : An ecological momentary assessment study
    In: BMC Psychiatry Jg. 22 (2022) Nr. 1, 65
  • Roland, Lea; Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas; Glaesmer, Heide; Paashaus, Laura; Schönfelder, Antje; Teismann, Tobias; Juckel, Georg; Rath, Dajana
    Suicidal behaviour in the social environment : Does exposure moderate the relationship between an individual's own suicidal ideation and behaviour?
    In: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Jg. 29 (2022) Nr. 4, S. 1309 - 1320
  • Höller, Inken; Schreiber, Dajana; Bos, Fionneke; Forkmann, Thomas; Teismann, Tobias; Margraf, Jürgen
    The Mereology of Depression : Networks of Depressive Symptoms during the Course of Psychotherapy
    In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health = IJERPH Jg. 19 (2022) Nr. 12, 7131
  • Höller, Inken; Kremers, Amelie; Schreiber( geb. Rath), Dajana; Forkmann, Thomas
    Trapped in my inner prison : Cross-sectional examination of internal and external entrapment, hopelessness and suicidal ideation
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 17 (2022) Nr. 7, e0270985
  • Höller, Inken; Stenzel, Jana-Sophie; Rath, Dajana; Forkmann, Thomas
    Listen to Your Heart – Ecological Momentary Assessment of Interoceptive Accuracy, Awareness and Sensibility : A Pilot Study
    In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health = IJERPH Jg. 18 (2021) Nr. 9, 4893
  • Rath, Dajana; Teismann, Tobias; Höller, Inken; Glaesmer, Heide; Paashaus, Laura; Schönfelder, Antje; Juckel, Georg; Forkmann, Thomas
    Predicting suicidal ideation in a longitudinal high-risk sample : Multilevel analyses and 12-month trajectories
    In: Journal of Clinical Psychology Jg. 77 (2021) Nr. 10, S. 2353 - 2369
  • Stenzel, Jana-Sophie; Höller, Inken; Rath, Dajana; Hallensleben, Nina; Spangenberg, Lena; Glaesmer, Heide; Forkmann, Thomas
    Do feelings of defeat and entrapment change over time? : An investigation of the integrated motivational—volitional model of suicidal behaviour using ecological momentary assessments
    In: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health = IJERPH Jg. 17 (2020) Nr. 13, S. 4685
  • Höller, Inken; Teismann, Tobias; Cwik, Jan Christopher; Glaesmer, Heide; Spangenberg, Lena; Hallensleben, Nina; Paashaus, Laura; Rath, Dajana; Schönfelder, Antje; Juckel, Georg; Forkmann, Thomas
    Short defeat and entrapment scale : A psychometric investigation in three German samples
    In: Comprehensive Psychiatry Jg. 98 (2020) S. 152160
  • Lucht, L.; Höller, Inken; Forkmann, Thomas; Teismann, Tobias; Schönfelder, Antje; Rath, Dajana; Paashaus, Laura; Stengler, K.; Juckel, Georg; Glaesmer, Heide
    Validation of the motivational phase of the integrated motivational–volitional model of suicidal behavior in a German high-risk sample
    In: Journal of Affective Disorders Jg. 274 (2020) S. 871 - 879