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Research Center One Health Ruhr - Ecotoxicology
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45141 Essen
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Professor/in, One Health Ruhr - Ecotoxicology
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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
A conceptual framework for landscape-based environmental risk assessment (ERA) of pesticidesIn: Environment International Jg. 191 (2024) 108999Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A synthesis of anthropogenic stress effects on emergence-mediated aquatic-terrestrial linkages and riparian food websIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 908 (2024) 168186Online Volltext:
Ecological but Not Biological Traits of European Riverine Invertebrates Respond Consistently to Anthropogenic ImpactsIn: Global Ecology and Biogeography Jg. 33 (2024) Nr. 12, e13931Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Effects of flow reduction and artificial light at night (ALAN) on litter decomposition and invertebrate communities in streams : A flume experimentIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 912 (2024) 168836Online Volltext:
Europe-wide spatial trends in copper and imidacloprid sensitivity of macroinvertebrate assemblagesIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 36 (2024) Nr. 1, 124Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Influence of salinity on the thermal tolerance of aquatic organismsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 953 (2024) 176120Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Inland navigation and land use interact to impact European freshwater biodiversityIn: Nature Ecology & Evolution Jg. 8 (2024) Nr. 6, S. 1098 - 1108Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Land use alters cross-ecosystem transfer of high value fatty acids by aquatic insectsIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 36 (2024) Nr. 1, 10Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Multi-decadal improvements in the ecological quality of European rivers are not consistently reflected in biodiversity metricsIn: Nature Ecology & Evolution Jg. 8 (2024) Nr. 3, S. 430 - 441Online Volltext:
Putting the Asymmetric Response Concept to the test : Modeling multiple stressor exposure and release in a stream food webIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 948 (2024) 174722Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Sensitivity of spiders from different ecosystems to lambda-cyhalothrin : effects of phylogeny and climateIn: Pest Management Science Jg. 80 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 857 - 865Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Similarity of stream insect trait profiles across biogeographic regionsIn: Diversity and Distributions Jg. 30 (2024) Nr. 4, e13812Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The relationships between biotic uniqueness and abiotic uniqueness are context dependent across drainage basins worldwideIn: Landscape Ecology Jg. 39 (2024) Nr. 4, 86Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The spatiotemporal profile and adaptation determine the joint effects and interactions of multiple stressorsIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 36 (2024) Nr. 1, 118Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Time series of freshwater macroinvertebrate abundances and site characteristics of European streams and riversIn: Scientific Data Jg. 11 (2024) Nr. 1, 601Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Top-down and bottom-up coupling effects of subsidies on recipient ecosystemsIn: Theoretical Ecology Jg. 17 (2024) Nr. 3, S. 155 - 165Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Typical earthworm assemblages of European ecosystem typesIn: European Journal of Soil Science Jg. 75 (2024) Nr. 5, e13584Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Which temperature matters? : Effects of origin, rearing and test conditions on the chemical sensitivity of Pardosa amentataIn: Journal of Applied Entomology Jg. 148 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 171 - 179Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A screening study of the spatial distribution and cumulative toxicity of agricultural pesticides in the European Union’s watersIn: Frontiers in Environmental Science Jg. 11 (2023) 1101316Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Agricultural land use weakens the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioningIn: Oikos (2023) Nr. 10, e09936Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Basin-scale variables drive macroinvertebrate biomass in low-order streams across different mountain ecoregionsIn: Journal of Biogeography Jg. 50 (2023) Nr. 12, S. 2030 - 2041Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Cascading impacts of changes in subsidy quality on recipient ecosystem functioningIn: Ecology Jg. 104 (2023) Nr. 5, e4023Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Chemical Mixtures and Multiple Stressors : Same but Different?In: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 42 (2023) Nr. 9, S. 1915 - 1936Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and PollutionIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 57 (2023) Nr. 48, S. 19066 - 19077Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Corrigendum to “Temporal scales of pesticide exposure and risks in German small streams” [Sci. Total Environ. (2023) 871/162105]In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 877 (2023) 162761Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Corrigendum to: Land use changes biomass and temporal patterns of insect cross-ecosystem flows (Glob Chang Biol., (2023), 29, 1, (81-96), 10.1111/gcb.16462)In: Global Change Biology Jg. 29 (2023) Nr. 19, S. 5737 - 5740Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Density declines, richness increases, and composition shifts in stream macroinvertebratesIn: Science Advances Jg. 9 (2023) Nr. 18, eadf4896Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Effects of fungicides on aquatic fungi and bacteria : a comparison of morphological and molecular approaches from a microcosm experimentIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 1, 62Online Volltext: (Open Access)
European river typologies fail to capture diatom, fish, and macrophyte community compositionIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 896 (2023) 165081Online Volltext:
Land use changes biomass and temporal patterns of insect cross-ecosystem flowsIn: Global Change Biology Jg. 29 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 81 - 96Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Long-term trends in crayfish invasions across European riversIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 867 (2023) 161537Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Metal Exposure and Sex Shape the Fatty Acid Profile of Midges and Reduce the Aquatic Subsidy to Terrestrial Food WebsIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 57 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 951 - 962Online Volltext:
Multiple stressor effects of insecticide exposure and increased fine sediment deposition on the gene expression profiles of two freshwater invertebrate speciesIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 1, 81Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Population structure and insecticide response of Gammarus spp. in agricultural and upstream forested sites of small streamsIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 35 (2023) Nr. 1, 41Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Standard Versus Natural : Assessing the Impact of Environmental Variables on Organic Matter Decomposition in Streams Using Three SubstratesIn: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 42 (2023) Nr. 9: Special Series: Ecological Theory and Concepts in Ecotoxicology, S. 2007 - 2018Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Subsidy Quality Affects Common Riparian Web-Building Spiders : Consequences of Aquatic Contamination and Food ResourceIn: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 42 (2023) Nr. 6, S. 1346 - 1358Online Volltext: (Open Access)
SystemLink : Moving beyond Aquatic-Terrestrial Interactions to Incorporate Food Web StudiesIn: Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin Jg. 32 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 77 - 81Online Volltext:
Temporal scales of pesticide exposure and risks in German small streamsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 871 (2023) 162105Online Volltext:
The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and releaseIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 872 (2023) 162196Online Volltext:
The faunal Ponto-Caspianization of central and western European waterwaysIn: Biological Invasions Jg. 25 (2023) Nr. 8, S. 2613 - 2629Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The influence of season, hunting mode, and habitat specialization on riparian spiders as key predators in the aquatic-terrestrial linkageIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 1, 22950Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a haltIn: Nature Jg. 620 (2023) S. 582 - 588Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Three perspectives on the prediction of chemical effects in ecosystemsIn: Global Change Biology Jg. 29 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 21 - 40Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Tracking a killer shrimp : Dikerogammarus villosus invasion dynamics across EuropeIn: Diversity and Distributions Jg. 29 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 157 - 172Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Transcriptomic sequencing data illuminate insecticide-induced physiological stress mechanisms in aquatic non-target invertebratesIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 335 (2023) 122306Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Trophic transfer of polyunsaturated fatty acids across the aquatic–terrestrial interface : An experimental tritrophic food chain approachIn: Ecology and Evolution Jg. 13 (2023) Nr. 3, e9927Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Variation in the Chemical Sensitivity of Earthworms from Field Populations to Imidacloprid and CopperIn: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 42 (2023) Nr. 4, S. 939 - 947Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Water quality, biological quality, and human well-being : Water salinity and scarcity in the Draa River basin, MoroccoIn: Ecological Indicators Jg. 148 (2023) 110050Online Volltext: (Open Access)
A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity researchIn: Ecology Letters Jg. 25 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 255 - 263Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Evaluating the biological validity of European river typology systems with least disturbed benthic macroinvertebrate communitiesIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 842 (2022) 156689Online Volltext:
Interactive effects of multiple stressors vary with consumer interactions, stressor dynamics and magnitudeIn: Ecology Letters Jg. 25 (2022) Nr. 6, S. 1483 - 1496Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Invasion impacts and dynamics of a European‐wide introduced speciesIn: Global Change Biology Jg. 28 (2022) Nr. 15, S. 4620 - 4632Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Local stressors mask the effects of warming in freshwater ecosystemsIn: Ecology Letters Jg. 25 (2022) Nr. 11, S. 2540 - 2551Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Pesticide effects on macroinvertebrates and leaf litter decomposition in areas with traditional agricultureIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 828 (2022) 154549Online Volltext:
Potential propagation of agricultural pesticide exposure and effects to upstream sections in a biosphere reserveIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 836 (2022) 155688Online Volltext:
Spatiotemporal dynamics drive synergism of land use and climatic extreme events in insect meta-populationsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 814 (2022) 152602Online Volltext:
Spray drift-based pesticide residues on untreated edible crops grown near agricultural areasIn: Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety Jg. 17 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 21 - 31Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Tackling inconsistencies among freshwater invertebrate trait databases : harmonising across continents and aggregating taxonomic resolutionIn: Freshwater Biology Jg. 67 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 275 - 291Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Three reasons why the Water Framework Directive (WFD) fails to identify pesticide risksIn: Water Research Jg. 208 (2022) 117848Online Volltext:
Environmental Change Threatens Freshwater Insect Communities in Northwest Africa : A Meta-AnalysisIn: Frontiers in Environmental Science Jg. 9 (2021) 671715Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Indicators for assessing the robustness of metapopulations against habitat lossIn: Ecological Indicators Jg. 121 (2021) 106809Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Invertebrate turnover along gradients of anthropogenic salinisation in rivers of two German regionsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 753 (2021) 141986Online Volltext:
Mechanistic Effect Modeling of Earthworms in the Context of Pesticide Risk Assessment : Synthesis of the FORESEE WorkshopIn: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Jg. 17 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 352 - 363Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Mini-review of process-based food web models and their application in aquatic-terrestrial meta-ecosystemsIn: Ecological Modelling Jg. 458 (2021) 109710Online Volltext:
Paradise lost? : Pesticide pollution in a European region with considerable amount of traditional agricultureIn: Water Research Jg. 188 (2021) 116528Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Pesticides are the dominant stressors for vulnerable insects in lowland streamsIn: Water Research Jg. 201 (2021) 117262Online Volltext:
Revisiting global trends in freshwater insect biodiversityIn: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews (WIREs). Water Jg. 8 (2021) Nr. 2, e1506Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Risk from pesticide mixtures : The gap between risk assessment and realityIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 796 (2021) 149017Online Volltext:
Small streams–large concentrations? : Pesticide monitoring in small agricultural streams in Germany during dry weather and rainfallIn: Water Research Jg. 203 (2021) 117535Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Social-ecological interactions in the Draa River Basin, southern Morocco : Towards nature conservation and human well-being using the IPBES frameworkIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 769 (2021) 144492Online Volltext:
An integrated database of stream macroinvertebrate traits for Australia : concept and applicationIn: Ecological Indicators Jg. 114 (2020) 106280Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Assessing the Mixture Effects in in Vitro Bioassays of Chemicals Occurring in Small Agricultural Streams during Rain EventsIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 54 (2020) Nr. 13, S. 8280 - 8290Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the Himalayan Riverine Network of Azad Jammu and KashmirIn: Chemosphere Jg. 240 (2020) 124762Online Volltext:
How does habitat connectivity influence the colonization success of a hemimetabolous aquatic insect? : A modeling approachIn: Ecological Modelling Jg. 416 (2020) 108909Online Volltext:
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystemsIn: Nature Ecology & Evolution Jg. 4 (2020) Nr. 8, S. 1060 - 1068Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Limitations of trait-based approaches for stressor assessment : The case of freshwater invertebrates and climate driversIn: Global Change Biology Jg. 26 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 364 - 379Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Maximising the clustering coefficient of networks and the effects on habitat network robustnessIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 15 (2020) Nr. 10, e0240940Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Preparing GIS data for analysis of stream monitoring data : The R package openSTARSIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 15 (2020) Nr. 9, e0239237Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Relationship between agricultural pesticides and the diet of riparian spiders in the fieldIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 32 (2020) Nr. 1, 1Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Sampling rates for passive samplers exposed to a field-relevant peak of 42 organic pesticidesIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 740 (2020) 140376Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Should ecologists prefer model- over distance-based multivariate methods?In: Ecology and Evolution Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 5, S. 2417 - 2435Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Standartox : Standardisierte Toxizitäts-DatenIn: Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (2020) S. 8 - 11
Standartox : Standardizing toxicity dataIn: Data: Open Access ʻData in Scienceʼ Journal Jg. 5 (2020) Nr. 2, 46Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Towards a unified study of multiple stressors: Divisions and common goals across research disciplinesIn: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences Jg. 287 (2020) Nr. 1926, 20200421Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Webchem : An R package to retrieve chemical information from the webIn: Journal of Statistical Software Jg. 93 (2020) 13Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Assessment of organochlorine pesticides in the Himalayan riverine ecosystems from Pakistan using passive sampling techniquesIn: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) Jg. 26 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 6023 - 6037Online Volltext:
Do agricultural pesticides in streams influence riparian spiders?In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 660 (2019) S. 126 - 135Online Volltext:
Effects of a Systemic Pesticide Along an Aquatic Tri-Trophic Food ChainIn: Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Jg. 103 (2019) Nr. 4, S. 507 - 514Online Volltext:
Fungicides : An Overlooked Pesticide Class?In: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 53 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 3347 - 3365Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Future pesticide risk assessment : narrowing the gap between intention and realityIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 31 (2019) Nr. 1, 21Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Optimisation Model of Dispersal Simulations on a Dendritic Habitat NetworkIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 9 (2019) Nr. 1, 8202Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Predicting current and future background ion concentrations in German surface water under climate changeIn: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Jg. 374 (2019) Nr. 1764, 20180004Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Qualifying the effects of single and multiple stressors on the food web structure of Dutch drainage ditches using a literature review and conceptual modelsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 684 (2019) S. 727 - 740Online Volltext:
Responses of freshwater macroinvertebrates to pesticides : insights from field studiesIn: Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health Jg. 11 (2019) S. 1 - 7Online Volltext:
Salinity impacts on river ecosystem processes : A critical mini-reviewIn: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Jg. 374 (2019) Nr. 1764, 20180010Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Salt in freshwaters : Causes, effects and prospects ; Introduction to the theme issueIn: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences Jg. 374 (2019) Nr. 1764, 20180002Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Towards a general framework for the assessment of interactive effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems : Results from the Making Aquatic Ecosystems Great Again (MAEGA) workshopIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 684 (2019) S. 722 - 726Online Volltext:
Advancing understanding and prediction in multiple stressor research through a mechanistic basis for null modelsIn: Global Change Biology Jg. 24 (2018) Nr. 5, S. 1817 - 1826Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Management of European Water Bodies : Approaching a Good Status?In: EuropeNow (2018) Nr. 23,Online Volltext (Open Access)
Similar recovery time of microbial functions from fungicide stress across biogeographical regionsIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 8 (2018) Nr. 1, 17021Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Towards stressor-specific macroinvertebrate indices : Which traits and taxonomic groups are associated with vulnerable and tolerant taxa?In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 619-620 (2018) S. 144 - 154Online Volltext:
Assessing recovery of stream insects from pesticides using a two-patch metapopulation modelIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 609 (2017) S. 788 - 798Online Volltext:
Comparison of dilution factors for German wastewater treatment plant effluents in receiving streams to the fixed dilution factor from chemical risk assessmentIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 598 (2017) S. 805 - 813Online Volltext:
Contrasting effects of aquatic subsidies on a terrestrial trophic cascadeIn: Biology Letters Jg. 13 (2017) Nr. 5, 20170129Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Contribution of waste water treatment plants to pesticide toxicity in agriculture catchmentsIn: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Jg. 145 (2017) S. 135 - 141Online Volltext:
Does the loss of climate sensitive detritivore species alter leaf decomposition?In: Aquatic Sciences Jg. 79 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 869 - 879Online Volltext:
Fractionation of copper and uranium in organic and conventional vineyard soils and adjacent stream sediments studied by sequential extractionIn: Journal of Soils and Sediments Jg. 17 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 1092 - 1100Online Volltext:
Large Scale Risks from Agricultural Pesticides in Small StreamsIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 51 (2017) Nr. 13, S. 7378 - 7385Online Volltext:
Regional-scale lateral carbon transport and CO₂ evasion in temperate stream catchmentsIn: Biogeosciences (BG) Jg. 14 (2017) Nr. 21, S. 5003 - 5014Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Resilience in ecotoxicology : Toward a multiple equilibrium conceptIn: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 36 (2017) Nr. 10, S. 2574 - 2580Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Specifics and challenges of assessing exposure and effects of pesticides in small water bodiesIn: Hydrobiologia Jg. 793 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 213 - 224Online Volltext:
Taxonomic and functional diversity of stream invertebrates along an environmental stress gradientIn: Ecological Indicators Jg. 81 (2017) S. 235 - 242Online Volltext:
Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework Directive : Recommendations for more efficient assessment and management of chemical contamination in European surface water resourcesIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 576 (2017) S. 720 - 737Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Using ecological production functions to link ecological processes to ecosystem servicesIn: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Jg. 13 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 52 - 61Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Water quality variables and pollution sources shaping stream macroinvertebrate communitiesIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 587-588 (2017) S. 1 - 10Online Volltext:
Contribution of organic toxicants to multiple stress in river ecosystemsIn: Freshwater Biology Jg. 61 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 2116 - 2128Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Does nutrient enrichment compensate fungicide effects on litter decomposition and decomposer communities in streams?In: Aquatic Toxicology Jg. 174 (2016) S. 169 - 178Online Volltext:
Effect of Small Impoundments on Leaf Litter Decomposition in StreamsIn: River Research and Applications Jg. 32 (2016) Nr. 5, S. 907 - 913Online Volltext:
Effects of salinity on leaf breakdown : Dryland salinity versus salinity from a coalmineIn: Aquatic Toxicology Jg. 177 (2016) S. 425 - 432Online Volltext:
Evolutionary patterns and physicochemical properties explain macroinvertebrate sensitivity to heavy metalsIn: Ecological Applications Jg. 26 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 1249 - 1259Online Volltext:
Looking beneath the surface : using hydrogeology and traits to explain flow variability effects on stream macroinvertebratesIn: Ecohydrology Jg. 9 (2016) Nr. 8, S. 1480 - 1495Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Modelling survival: Exposure pattern, species sensitivity and uncertaintyIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 6 (2016) 29178Online Volltext: (Open Access)
No association between the use of Bti for mosquito control and the dynamics of non-target aquatic invertebrates in French coastal and continental wetlandsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 553 (2016) S. 486 - 494Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Pesticide mixtures in streams of several European countries and the USAIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 573 (2016) S. 680 - 689Online Volltext:
Predicting the synergy of multiple stress effectsIn: Scientific Reports Jg. 6 (2016) 32965Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Saving freshwater from salts : Ion-specific standards are needed to protect biodiversityIn: Science Jg. 351 (2016) Nr. 6276, S. 914 - 916Online Volltext:
Statistical hypothesis testing : To transform or not to transform?In: Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Jg. 12 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 398 - 400Online Volltext:
An automated, objective and open source tool for stream threshold selection and upstream riparian corridor delineationIn: Environmental Modelling and Software Jg. 63 (2015) S. 240 - 250Online Volltext:
Analysing chemical-induced changes in macroinvertebrate communities in aquatic mesocosm experiments : a comparison of methodsIn: Ecotoxicology Jg. 24 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 760 - 769Online Volltext:
Aquatic prey subsidies to riparian spiders in a stream with different land use typesIn: Limnologica: Ecology and Management of Inland Waters Jg. 51 (2015) S. 1 - 7Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Ecotoxicology is not normal : A comparison of statistical approaches for analysis of count and proportion data in ecotoxicologyIn: Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) Jg. 22 (2015) Nr. 18, S. 13990 - 13999Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Effects of fungicides on decomposer communities and litter decomposition in vineyard streamsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 533 (2015) S. 40 - 48Online Volltext:
Effects of hedgerows and riparian margins on aerial web-building spiders in cereal fieldsIn: Journal of Arachnology Jg. 43 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 400 - 405Online Volltext:
Large scale relationship between aquatic insect traits and climateIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 6, 130025Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Mapping human health risks from exposure to trace metal contamination of drinking water sources in PakistanIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 538 (2015) S. 306 - 316Online Volltext:
Meta-analysis on the responses of traits of different taxonomic groups to global and local stressorsIn: Acta Oecologica Jg. 69 (2015) S. 65 - 70Online Volltext:
Modeling global distribution of agricultural insecticides in surface watersIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 198 (2015) S. 54 - 60Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Organic matter breakdown in streams in a region of contrasting anthropogenic land useIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 527-528 (2015) S. 179 - 184Online Volltext:
Pesticide runoff from energy crops : A threat to aquatic invertebrates?In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 537 (2015) S. 187 - 196Online Volltext:
Review on environmental alterations propagating from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystemsIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 538 (2015) S. 246 - 261Online Volltext:
Sublethal effects of imidacloprid on interactions in a tritrophic system of non-target speciesIn: Chemosphere Jg. 132 (2015) S. 152 - 158Online Volltext:
Calibration and field application of passive sampling for episodic exposure to polar organic pesticides in streamsIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 194 (2014) S. 196 - 202Online Volltext:
Do predictions from Species Sensitivity Distributions match with field data?In: Environmental Pollution Jg. 189 (2014) S. 126 - 133Online Volltext:
Effects of anthropogenic salinization on biological traits and community composition of stream macroinvertebratesIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 468-469 (2014) S. 943 - 949Online Volltext:
Effects of repeated salt pulses on ecosystem structure and functions in a stream mesocosmIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 476-477 (2014) S. 634 - 642Online Volltext:
Environmental stressors can enhance the development of community tolerance to a toxicantIn: Ecotoxicology Jg. 23 (2014) Nr. 9, S. 1690 - 1700Online Volltext:
In Response: Why we need landscape ecotoxicology and how it could be advanced : An academic perspectiveIn: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 33 (2014) Nr. 6, S. 1193 - 1194Online Volltext:
Methane-derived carbon in the benthic food web in stream impoundmentsIn: PLoS ONE Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 10, e111392Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Organic chemicals jeopardize the health of freshwater ecosystems on the continental scaleIn: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 111 (2014) Nr. 26, S. 9549 - 9554Online Volltext: (Open Access)
An expert-based landscape permeability model for assessing the impact of agricultural management on amphibian migrationIn: Basic and Applied Ecology Jg. 14 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 442 - 451Online Volltext:
How to characterize chemical exposure to predict ecologic effects on aquatic communities?In: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 47 (2013) Nr. 14, S. 7996 - 8004Online Volltext:
Pesticides reduce regional biodiversity of stream invertebratesIn: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 110 (2013) Nr. 27, S. 11039 - 11043Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Review on the effects of toxicants on freshwater ecosystem functionsIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 180 (2013) S. 324 - 329Online Volltext:
Salinisation of rivers : An urgent ecological issueIn: Environmental Pollution Jg. 173 (2013) S. 157 - 167Online Volltext:
Two stressors and a community : Effects of hydrological disturbance and a toxicant on freshwater zooplanktonIn: Aquatic Toxicology Jg. 127 (2013) S. 9 - 20Online Volltext:
16th SETAC GLB (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry German Language Branch) Annual meeting held under the main theme "ecoTOXICOlogy and Environmental CHEMISTRY: Crossing borders" from 18th to 20th September 2011 at LandauIn: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 24 (2012) Nr. 1, 39Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in environmental risk assessment : Introduction to the special issueIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 415 (2012) S. 1 - 2Online Volltext:
Effects of pesticide toxicity, salinity and other environmental variables on selected ecosystem functions in streams and the relevance for ecosystem servicesIn: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 415 (2012) S. 69 - 78Online Volltext:
Is there an interaction of the effects of salinity and pesticides on the community structure of macroinvertebrates?In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 437 (2012) S. 121 - 126Online Volltext:
Physiological sensitivity of freshwater macroinvertebrates to heavy metalsIn: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: ET&C Online Jg. 31 (2012) Nr. 8, S. 1754 - 1764Online Volltext:
Regulatory FOCUS Surface Water Models Fail to Predict Insecticide Concentrations in the FieldIn: Environmental Science & Technology Jg. 46 (2012) Nr. 15, S. 8397 - 8404Online Volltext:
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