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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Virtual Reality in Vocational Training : A Study Demonstrating the Potential of a VR-based Vehicle Painting Simulator for Skills Acquisition in Apprenticeship TrainingIn: Technology, Knowledge and Learning Jg. 29 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 697 - 712Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Media comparison studies dominate comparative research on augmented reality in educationIn: Computers & Education Jg. 195 (2023) 104711Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Education after the Pandemic : What We Have (Not) Learned about LearningIn: Education Sciences Jg. 12 (2022) Nr. 5, 315Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Generative learning strategies do not diminish primary students’ attitudes towards augmented realityIn: Education and Information Technologies Jg. 27 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 701 - 717Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Learning with a digital escape room game: before or after instruction?In: Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning (RPTEL) Jg. 17 (2022) Nr. 1, 10Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The impact of augmented reality on cognitive load and performance : A systematic reviewIn: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Jg. 38 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 285 - 303Online Volltext: (Open Access)
The more the better? : Comparing two SQD-based learning designs in a teacher training on augmented and virtual realityIn: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education Jg. 19 (2022) Nr. 1, 24Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Virtual Reality für Schüler:innen : Ein «Beipackzettel» für die Durchführung immersiver Lernszenarien im schulischen KontextIn: MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung (2022) Nr. 47: Immersives Lehren und Lernen mit Augmented und Virtual Reality – Teil 1, S. 26 - 52Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
A systematic map of research characteristics in studies on augmented reality and cognitive loadIn: Computers and Education Open (CAEO) Jg. 2 (2021) 100036Online Volltext: (Open Access)
An Augmented Reality Learning Environment for Informal Geoinformatics EducationIn: GI_Forum: Journal for Geographic Information Science Jg. 9 (2021) Nr. 2, S. 3 - 17Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Students as designers of augmented reality : Impact on learning and motivation in computer scienceIn: Multimodal Technologies and Interaction Jg. 5 (2021) Nr. 8, 41Online Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
A Framework for the Use of Immersive Virtual Reality in Learning EnvironmentsIn: International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Jg. 15 (2020) Nr. 24, S. 208 - 224Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Escape the Fake : Development and evaluation of an augmented reality escape room game for fighting fake newsIn: CHI PLAY '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play / CHI PLAY '21, Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, 18-21 October 2021, Austria, virtual event (2021) S. 320 - 325Online Volltext:
Levels of Immersive Teaching and Learning : Influences of Challenges in the Everyday ClassroomIn: Immersive Education: Designing for Learning / MacDowell, Paula; Lock, Jennifer 2023, S. 107 - 122Online Volltext:
Teachers’ use of augmented reality in the classroom : Reasons, practices, and needIn: International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices ; Proceedings / 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) ; 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) ; June 6 –10, Hiroshima, Japan, Online Event / Chinn, Clark; Tan, Edna; Chan, Carol; Kali, Yael (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 1133 - 1136
Technology-enhanced education of english in ubiquitous context : An overview of the past 60 yearsIn: Intercultural Communication and Ubiquitous Learning in Multimodal English Language Education / García-Sánchez, Soraya; Clouet, Richard (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 244 - 274Online Volltext:
Beyond the horizon : Integrating immersive learning environments in the everyday classroomIn: Proceedings of 2021 7th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) / International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) ; May 17 – June 10, 2021, online / Economou, Daphne; Peña-Rios, Anasol; Dengel, Andreas; Dodds, Heather; Mentzelopoulos, Markos; Klippel, Alexander; Erenli, Kai; Lee, Mark J. W.; Richter, Jonathon (Hrsg.) 2021, S. 380 - 384Online Volltext:
Applying instructional design principles on augmented reality cards for computer science educationIn: Addressing Global Challenges and Quality Education: Proceedings / 15th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2020, Heidelberg, Germany, September 14–18, 2020 / Alario-Hoyos, Carlos; Rodríguez-Triana, María Jesús; Scheffel, Maren; Arnedillo-Sánchez, Inmaculada; Dennerlein, Sebastian Maximilian (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 477 - 481Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Learning to use a digital workbench to develop competence-based tests in vocational education : Guided or explorative?In: 17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age / CELDA 2020; Virtual; Lisbon, Portugal; 18 - 20 November 2020 2020, S. 19 - 26
There Is Nothing to See. Or Is There? : Visualizing Language Through Augmented RealityIn: Recent Tools for Computer- and Mobile-Assisted Foreign Language Learning / Andujar, Alberto (Hrsg.) 2020, S. 170 - 193Online Volltext:
Work-in-Progress-The ARI²VE Model for Augmented Reality BooksIn: Proceedings of 6th International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network / iLRN 2020; Virtual, Online, United States; 21 - 25 June 2020 2020, S. 287 - 290Online Volltext:
Immersives Lehren und Lernen mit Augmented und Virtual Reality : Teil 2In: Medien Pädagogik Berlin Jg. 51 (2023) 459 SeitenOnline Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)
Immersives Lehren und Lernen mit Augmented und Virtual Reality : Teil 1In: MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Medienbildung ; Themenheft Berlin Jg. 47 (2022) 391 SeitenOnline Volltext: Online Volltext (Open Access)