Group Seminar

Talks in winter semester 2024/25

Every Monday at 12:15 o'clock, MG 367  

Date Speaker Talk Title / Info
07.10.2024 every group member 2-3 min presentation of what everyone is doing
21.10.2024 Simon Köhnes The Ericson regime beyond the Gaussian approximation
28.10.2024 Ahmed Aldabag Time Reversal Invariance Breaking In Chaotic Scattering
04.11.2024 Nils Gluth POSTPONED 
11.11.2024 - no seminar -  - no seminar -
18.11.2024 Anton J. Heckens A New Traders' Game ? (part 1)
25.11.2024 Anton J. Heckens A New Traders' Game ? (part 2)
02.12.2024 Benjamin Köhler Reverse Stress-Testing of Interbank Networks
16.12.2024 -no seminar - - no seminar -
13.01.2025 Luke Haas Winding Number Distributions
20.01.2025 Roger Knecktys Stochastic Processes in Physics and Finance

Contact: Annemarie Tappert 

Talks in summer semester 2024

Every Wednesday at 14:15 o'clock, MG 367     registration as a speaker

Date Speaker Talk Title / Info
17.04.2024 every group member 2-3 min presentations of what everybody is doing.                        
24.04.2024 Simon Köhnes Integral transforms and stochastic scattering theory
08.05.2024 Katharina Prinz Statistical Analysis of Correlation Structures in Offshore Wind Farms
 (at 14:15)
Adam Mielke
(Danish Technical University)
Predictive Maintenance of Wind Turbines: Damage Growth Identification and Localization
 (at 13:00)
Benjamin Köhler
(Dresden University of Technology)
The non-Markovian Random Walks of Ridepooling
22.05.2024 Luca Henrichs The mechanism and impact of ultra extreme fast events on the stock market
Nikolai Kruse Statistische Analyse korrelierter Daten von Autobahnnetzen
29.05.2024 Jana C. Schumann Vielteilchensysteme und Quantenchaos
Ahmed Aldabag Chaotic scattering and random matrices
05.06.2024 Luke Haas -TBA-
19.06.2024 ​Nils Gluth -TBA-
26.06.2024 Anton J. Heckens POSTPONED to 03.07.2024
03.07.2024 Anton J. Heckens Multivariate Return Distributions in Financial Markets
10.07.2024 Roger Knecktys Path Integrals in Financial Mathematics
17.07.2024 -TBA-  

Contact: Annemarie Tappert


Rehearsal talks in MG 367

Date and time Speaker Talk Title / Info
13.05.2024, 16:00 Henrik Bette Non-stationarity in correlation structures of wind turbine data
16.05.2024, 16:00 Leon Rump Korrelationsstrukturen in Daten von Windenergieanlagen
23.05.2024, 15:00 Pascal Toschka Statistische Topologie - Zufallsmatrizen und Windungszahlverteilungen

Contact: Annemarie Tappert


Talks in winter semester 2023/24

Every Tuesday at 14:15 o'clock, MG 367     registration as a speaker

Date Speaker Talk Title / Info
17.10.2023 every group member 2-3 min presentations of what everybody is doing.                        
24.10.2023 Anton J. Heckens Multivariate Return Distributions in Financial Markets
31.10.2023 Lars Uebbing The Hasselmann Model and it’s Importance for Modern Climate Research
07.11.2023 Thomas Guhr Random Matrix Model for Non–Stationarity in Complex Systems
14.11.2023 Katharina Prinz Statistical analysis of correlation structures in wind farms
21.11.2023 Nico Hahn Statistical Topology - The Winding Number in One-Dimensional Chiral Systems
28.11.2023 Jan David Weber Statistical equilibrium and probabilistic firm entry and exit dynamics
05.12.2023 Thageeth Thanabalasingam Time-frequency analysis with medical data
09.01.2024 Nils Gluth Distribution of scattering matrix elements for the GSE - results
16.01.2024 Simon Köhnes Stochastic scattering theory and supersymmetry
Luke Haas Topological Invariants and Winding Number Statistics
23.01.2024 Roger Knecktys Real Options
30.01.2024 Shanshan Wang Collective response of velocity to traffic congestion on a large-scale motorway network

Contact: Dr. Shanshan Wang


Talks in summer semester 2023

Every Thursday at 15:00 o'clock, MG 367     registration as a speaker

Date Speaker Talk Title / Info
13.04.2023 every group member 2-3 min presentations of what everybody is doing.                        
20.04.2023 Simon Köhnes Modellierung stochastischer Prozesse und stochastische Integration 
27.04.2023 Oskar Buyken Mutual dependencies in traffic data: A copula analysis
04.05.2023 Anton J. Heckens On the Non-Stationarity of Non-Markovian Features of Stock Markets
11.05.2023 René Pilarczyk Quasi-stationäre Zustände in Finanzmarktdaten (cancelled)
25.05.2023 Shanshan Wang Scaling behavior in motorway networks
01.06.2023 Henrik M. Bette Dynamics of wind turbine operational states
15.06.2023 Onur Cöcü Random Matrices and Statistical Topology
22.06.2023 Florian Kubiak Finding Hidden Attractors in Nonlinear Dynamics
29.06.2023 Roger Knecktys Risk Theory
06.07.2023 Nils Gluth Distribution of scattering amplitudes in the Gaussian symplectic ensemble
13.07.2023 Nico Hahn Topological Superconductivity and Majorana Fermions

Contact: Dr. Shanshan Wang


Talks in winter semester 2022/23

Every Thursday at 10:00 o'clock, MG 367  

Date Speaker Talk Title / Info
20.10.2022 every group member 2-3 min presentations of what everybody is doing.                        
27.10.2022 Henrik Bette Anomaly detection with eigenvector projections
03.11.2022 Nils Gluth Unitary orthosymplectic groups and distributions of scattering matrix elements
17.11.2022 Niclas Krieger Correlations in dual-unitary kicked many-body systems: a graphical evaluation
24.11.2022 Anton Josef Heckens Medical data from the point of view of physicists: first step
01.12.2022 Shanshan Wang Phase transition in time-lagged correlations of traffic congestion
08.12.2022 Felix Meier  Quantum field theory in curved spacetime and the Hawking effect - a review
15.12.2022 Leo Poggi AI based differentiation between normal and abnormal EEG signal
22.12.2022 Tobias Braun Recurrence analysis, extreme events and complex networks
12.01.2023 Roger Knecktys Pricing of exotic options 
19.01.2023 Efstratios Manolakis Introduction to complex networks
26.01.2023 Thomas Guhr Harmonic Analysis, Spherical Functions
02.02.2023 Nico Hahn Statistical Topology: The Winding Number in Chiral Symmetric Systems
16.02.2023 Vladimir Al. Osipov Hartree approach for molecular polaritons

Contact: Dr. Shanshan Wang


Talks in summer semester 2022

Every Tuesday at 12:00 o'clock, MG 367  

Date Speaker Talk Title / Info
12.04.2022 every group member 2-3 min presentations of what everybody is doing
19.04.2022 Leonardo Poggi AI based differentiation between normal and abnormal EEG signals
26.04.2022 Fire and evacuation helper Fire protection and evacuation course
03.05.2022 Henrik M. Bette Sensitivity of principle components to change in the presence of non-stationarity
17.05.2022 Niclas Krieger Correlations in dual-unitary kicked many-body systems
24.05.2022 Efstratios Manolakis Spatial structure of wind farms: correlation analysis of the generated electrical power
31.05.2022 Tobias Wand (WWU Münster) Explainable AI and antiCpy for financial data
14.06.2022 Shanshan Wang Microscopic understanding of velocity response to heavy congestion among motorway sections
21.06.2022 Felix Meier Distinguishing between global and local rates of growth for OTOCs
28.06.2022 Nico Hahn Random matrix theory: The supersymmetry without supersymmetry method
05.07.2022 ​Nils Gluth Random matrix theory in scattering theory
12.07.2022 Roger Knecktys Risk Theory and Pricing of New Business Models

Contact: Dr. Shanshan Wang