Dr. Stephanie Rehwald (UB)
Coordination RDS
Campus Essen, R09 T00 K45
0201 / 183 - 2133
Campus Duisburg, LK 134
0203 / 379 - 2085
- Management of INF projects
- Third-party funding applications
- RDM networks / NFDI
Dr. Michael Werger (ZIM)
Coordination technical support RDS
Campus Essen, SH 206
0201 / 183 - 7427
- Technical aspects of research data applications and storage
- Central technical support requests
In urgent cases with technical questions:
Consulting and training
Sonja Hendriks (UB)
Campus Duisburg, LK 132
0203 / 379 - 2027
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Data management plan
- DuEPublico
- Copyright law
Anna Köhler (UB)
Scientific Employee
Campus Duisburg, LK 133
0203 / 379 - 2011
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Humanities
- Communication and public relations
Lisa Korte (UB)
Scientific Employee
Campus Duisburg, LK 133
0203 / 379 - 2085
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Sensitive data
- Humanities
- Coordination RDM-Curriculum of UA Ruhr
Dr. Sophia Leimer (UB)
Scientific Employee
(on parental leave)
Campus Duisburg, LK 133
0203 / 379 - 2072
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Coscine / Dataverse / RADAR
- Repositories
- Metadata
- Statistics Software R
Dr. Jessica Stegemann (UB)
Scientific Librarian
Campus Essen, R13 V01 H06
0201 / 183 - 7637
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Humanities
- Open Science Framework
- RDM in studies and teaching
- Communication and public relations
Sarah Ann Stock (UB)
Data Librarian
Campus Duisburg, LK 140
0203 / 379 - 1493
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Coscine
- Elektronic lab books
- RDM in studies and teaching
- Coordination RDM-Curriculum of UA Ruhr
Dr. Henning Timm (UB)
Scientific Employee
Campus Duisburg, LK 133
0203 / 379 - 1502
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Elektronic lab books
- Git & GitLab
- Software development
Data Stewards
Marlen Externbrink (UB)
Data Steward
Campus Essen, R13 V01 G21
- Scientific employee
- terahertz.NRW
- Consulting and training with a focus on
- Coscine
- Elektronic lab books
Marcel Marson, M. Sc. (RUB)
Data Steward
Campus Essen, R13 V01 G21
- Scientific employee INF project
- terahertz.NRW
Dr. Alexander Minges (UB)
Data Steward
Center of Medical Biotechnology
Campus Essen, T03 R01 D61
0201 / 183-3878
- Scientific employee INF project
- SFB / TRR 1430
Former employees
Dr. Soni Lama (UB)
Data Steward
- Scientific employee INF project
- SFB / TRR 1430
ORCID: 0000-0002-6110-1644
Maryam Alashloo (UB)
Data Steward
- Scientific employee INF project
ORCID: 0000-0002-7140-9896
Dr. Yaser Alashloo (UB)
Data Steward
- Scientific employee INF project
ORCID: 0000-0001-6858-8961