Enrolment (Einschreibung)

The letter of admission details the place and deadline of enrollment and gives you an overview on the documents to bring.

International students enrol at the International Office:

In Duisburg:
International Office, Campus Duisburg
Building SG (Geibelstr. 41)
47057 Duisburg
Tel: +49 (0)203-379 3704/ 2304
Fax: +49 (0)203-379 3705


In Essen:
International Office, Campus Essen
V15, ground floor (Universitätsstr. 15)
45141 Essen
Tel: +49 (0)201-183 4128
Fax: +49 (0)201-183 2257


For updates on office hours check:

German students apply via the "Studierendensekretariat".

Additional information

All students have to pay a fee called “semester contribution” (Sozial- und Studierendenschaftsbeitrag) each semester (at present 319.11 €). This contribution is not a tuition fee, but is used to support student bodies and the charge for the semester ticket (public transport in Duisburg and Essen, and area around).

The first payment is only required after your enrollment. On the occasion of enrollment you are informed on payment details. Payments for subsequent semesters can be processed online (see information on re-enrolment).

About two days after enrolment you can pick up your student ID at the International Office. Please come during office hours.

The student ID serves as library card and pay card at university restaurants. You can also use the student ID for public transports.

With the student ID you have also access to various self-service terminals to administer your studies (e.g. certificate of enrollment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung/ Studienbescheinigung)).

Use following link: https://campus.uni-due.de/cm
