Nazila Gol Mohammadi

Dr.-Ing. Nazila Gol Mohammadi


Research Interests

  • Privacy
  • Trustworthiness
  • Pattern-based software development


until 12/19 Research Fellow at the Department Software Engineering


  • RestAssured


  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Wirtz, Roman; Heisel, Maritta
    Systematic Asset Identification and Modeling During Requirements Engineering
    In: Risks and Security of Internet and Systems: Proceedings / 14th International Conference, CRiSIS 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 29–31, 2019 / Kallel, Slim; Cuppens, Frédéric; Cuppens-Boulahia, Nora; Kacem, Ahmed Hadj (Eds.) 2020, pp. 50 - 66
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Goeke, Ludger; Heisel, Maritta; Surridge, Mike
    Systematic risk assessment of cloud computing systems using a combined model-based approach
    In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems / ICEIS 2020; Virtual, Online; 5 - 7 May 2020 / Filipe, J.; Smialek, M.; Brodsky, A.; Hammoudi, S. (Eds.) Vol. 2 2020, pp. 53 - 66
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Leicht, Jens; Goeke, Ludger; Heisel, Maritta
    Assisted generation of privacy policies using textual patterns
    In: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering / ENASE 2020; Virtual, Online; 5 - 6 May 2020 2020, pp. 347 - 358
  • 2019

  • Ulfat-Bunyadi, Nelufar; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Heisel, Maritta
    Supporting the systematic goal refinement in KAOS using the six-variable model
    In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies / ICSOFT 2018, Porto, Portugal, July 26-28, 2018 / Maciaszek, Leszek (Eds.) 2019, pp. 102 - 111
  • Ulfat-Bunyadi, Nelufar; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Wirtz, Roman; Heisel, Maritta
    Systematic Refinement of Softgoals Using a Combination of KAOS Goal Models and Problem Diagrams
    In: Software Technologies: Revised Selected Papers / 13th International Conference, ICSOFT 2018, Porto, Portugal, July 26-28, 2018 / van Sinderen, Marten; Maciaszek, Leszek A. (Eds.) 2019, pp. 150 - 172
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Pampus, Julia; Heisel, Maritta
    Pattern-based incorporation of privacy preferences into privacy policies : Negotiating the conflicting needs of service providers and end-users
    In: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs / EuroPLop '19; Irsee, Germany; 3. Juli – 7. Juli 2019 2019, pp. a5
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Leicht, Jens; Ulfat-Bunyadi, Nelufar; Heisel, Maritta
    Privacy Policy Specification Framework for Addressing End-Users’ Privacy Requirements
    In: Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: Proceedings / 16th International Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business (TrustBus); August 26–29, 2019; Linz, Austria / Gritzalis, Stefanos (Eds.) 2019, pp. 46 - 62
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Borchert, Angela; Pampus, Julia; Heisel, Maritta
    A generic conceptual data model of social media services
    In: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs / EuroPLop '19; Irsee, Germany; 3. Juli – 7. Juli 2019 2019, pp. a22
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila;
    Trustworthy cyber-physical systems : a systematic framework towards design and evaluation of trust and trustworthiness
    In: Research Wiesbaden (2019) XXIII, 320 Seiten
  • 2018

  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Ulfat-Bunyadi, Nelufar; Heisel, Maritta
    Problem-based Derivation of Trustworthiness Requirements from Users' Trust Concerns
    In: 2018 16th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST) / Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, August 28-30, 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom / McLaughlin, Kieran (Eds.) 2018
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Ulfat-Bunyadi, Nelufar; Heisel, Maritta
    Trustworthiness Cases – Toward Preparation for the Trustworthiness Certification
    In: Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: Proceedings / 15th International Conference, TrustBus 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 5–6, 2018 / Furnell, Steven; Mouratidis, Haralambos; Pernul, Günther (Eds.) 2018, pp. 244 - 259
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Mann, Zoltán Ádám; Metzger, Andreas; Heisel, Maritta; Greig, James
    Towards an end-to-end architecture for run-time data protection in the cloud
    In: Proceedings - 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2018 / 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, SEAA 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, 29 August 2018 through 31 August 2018 2018, pp. 514 - 518
  • Goeke, Ludger; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Heisel, Maritta
    Context analysis of cloud computing systems using a pattern-based approach
    In: Future Internet Vol. 10 (2018) Nr. 8, pp. 72
  • 2017

  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Heisel, Maritta
    A framework for systematic refinement of trustworthiness requirements
    In: Information Vol. 8 (2017) Nr. 2, pp. 46
  • 2016

  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Heisel, Maritta
    A framework for systematic analysis and modeling of trustworthiness requirements using i* and BPMN
    In: Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business / 13th International Conference, TrustBus 2016, Porto, Portugal, September 7-8, 2016 / Katsikas, Sokratis (Eds.) 2016, pp. 3 - 18
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Heisel, Maritta
    Patterns for identification of trust concerns and specification of trustworthiness requirements
    In: Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs / EuroPlop '16, Kaufbeuren, Germany, July 06 - 10, 2016 2016, pp. 31
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Heisel, Maritta
    Enhancing business process models with trustworthiness requirements
    In: Trust Management X: Proceedings / 10th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM 2016, Darmstadt, Germany, July 18-22, 2016 / Habib, Sheikh Mahbub; Vassileva, Julita; Mauw, Sjouke; Mühlhäuser, Max (Eds.) 2016, pp. 33 - 51
  • 2015

  • Di Cerbo, Francesco; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Paulus, Sachar
    Evidence-Based Trustworthiness of Internet-Based Services Through Controlled Software Development
    In: Cyber Security and Privacy: Revised Selected Papers / 4th Cyber Security and Privacy Innovation Forum, CSP Innovation Forum 2015 Brussels, Belgium, April 28–29, 2015 / Felici, Massimo (Eds.) 2015, pp. 91 - 102
  • Alebrahim, Azadeh; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Heisel, Maritta
    Challenges in Rendering and Maintaining Trustworthiness for Long-Living Software Systems
    In: Software Engineering Workshops 2015: Gemeinsamer Tagungsband der Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2015 / Workshops der Tagung Software Engineering 2015 (SE-WS 2015), 17.-18. März 2015, Dresden, Deutschland 2015, pp. 103 - 105
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Bandyszak, Torsten; Weyer, Thorsten; Kalogiros, Costas; Kanakakis, Michalis
    A framework for evaluating the end-to-end trustworthiness
    In: 2015 IEEE TrustCom/BigDataSE/ISPA, Volume 1 / 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-15) Helsinki, Finland, 20-22 August, 2015 / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Eds.) 2015, pp. 638 - 645
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Bandyszak, Torsten; Goldsteen, Abigail; Kalogiros, Costas; Weyer, Thorsten; Moffie, Micha
    Combining Risk Management and Computational Approaches for Trustworthiness Evaluation of Socio-Technical Systems
    In: CAiSE 2015 Forum at the 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering / CAiSE 2015 Forum at the 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 10 June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden / Grabis, Janis; Sandkuhl, Kurt (Eds.) 2015, pp. 237 - 244
  • Bandyszak, Torsten; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Bishr, Mohamed; Goldsteen, Abigail; Moffie, Micha; Hartenstein, Sandro
    Cyber-physical systems design for runtime trustworthiness maintenance supported by tools
    In: REFSQ Workshops, Research Method Track, and Poster Track / REFSQ-JP 2015 Workshops, Research Method Track, and Poster Track at the 21st International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015), 23. March 2015, Essen, Germany / Matulevičius, Raimundas; Weyer, Thorsten (Eds.) 2015, pp. 148 - 155
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Bandyszak, Torsten; Paulus, Sachar; Meland, Per Hakon; Weyer, Thorsten; Pohl, Klaus
    Extending Software Development Methodologies to Support Trustworthiness by Design
    In: CAiSE 2015 Forum at the 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering / CAiSE 2015 Forum at the 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 10 June 2015, Stockholm, Sweden / Grabis, Janis; Sandkuhl, Kurt (Eds.) 2015, pp. 33 - 40
  • Goldsteen, Abigail; Moffie, Micha; Bandyszak, Torsten; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Chen, Xiaoyu; Meichanetzoglou, Symeon
    A Tool for Monitoring and Maintaining System Trustworthiness at Runtime
    In: REFSQ Workshops, Research Method Track, and Poster Track / REFSQ-JP 2015 Workshops, Research Method Track, and Poster Track at the 21st International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2015), 23. March 2015, Essen, Germany / Weyer, Thorsten (Eds.) 2015, pp. 142 - 147
  • 2014

  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Paulus, Sachar; Bishr, Mohamed; Metzger, Andreas; Könnecke, Holger; Hartenstein, Sandro; Weyer, Thorsten; Pohl, Klaus
    Trustworthiness Attributes and Metrics for Engineering Trusted Internet-Based Software Systems
    In: Cloud Computing and Services Science: Revised Selected Papers / Third International Conference, CLOSER 2013, Aachen, Germany, May 8-10, 2013 / Helfert, Markus; Desprez, Frederic; Leymann, Frank; Ferguson, Donald (Eds.) 2014, pp. 19 - 35
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Bandyszak, Torsten; Moffie, Micha; Chen, Xiaoju; Weyer, Thorsten; Kalogiros, Costas; Nasser, Bassem; Surridge, Mike
    Maintaining Trustworthiness of Socio-Technical Systems at Run-Time
    In: Trust, Privacy, and Security in Digital Business / 11th International Conference, TrustBus 2014, Munich, Germany, September 2-3, 2014 / Eckert, Claudia; Katsikas, Sokratis K.; Pernul, Günther (Eds.) 2014, pp. 1 - 12
  • 2013

  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Alebrahim, Azadeh; Weyer, Thorsten; Pohl, Klaus; Heisel, Maritta
    A Framework for Combining Problem Frames and Goal Models to Support Context Analysis during Requirements Engineering
    In: Availability, Reliability, and Security in Information Systems and HCI: Proceedings / IFIP WG 8.4, 8.9, TC 5 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-ARES 2013, Regensburg, Germany, September 2-6, 2013 / Cuzzocrea, Alfredo; Kittl, Christian; Simos, Dimitris (Eds.) 2013, pp. 272 - 288
  • Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Paulus, Sachar; Bishr, Mohamed; Metzger, Andreas; Koennecke, Holger; Hartenstein, Sandro; Pohl, Klaus
    An analysis of Software Quality Attributes and their contribution to trustworthiness
    In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science / Desprez, Frédéric; 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science : Aachen, Germany, 8 - 10, May 2013 2013, pp. 542 - 552
  • Paulus, Sachar; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Weyer, Thorsten
    Trustworthy Software Development
    In: Communications and Multimedia Security: Proceedings / 14th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference, CMS 2013, Magdeburg, Germany, September 25-26, 2013 / Decker, Bart; Dittmann, Jana; Kraetzer, Christian; Vielhauer, Claus (Eds.) 2013, pp. 233 - 247
  • Di Cerbo, Francesco; Bisson, Pascal; Hartman, Alan; Keller, Sebastien; Meland, Per Håkon; Moffie, Micha; Gol Mohammadi, Nazila; Paulus, Sachar; Short, Stuart
    Towards Trustworthiness Assurance in the Cloud
    In: Cyber Security and Privacy / Felici, Massimo; Trust in the Digital World and Cyber Security and Privacy EU Forum, CSP EU Forum 2013; Brussels; Belgium; 18 April 2013 through 19 April 2013 2013, pp. 3 - 15

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