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EMPI - Institut für Energie- und Material-Prozesse - RF

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  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Reaktive Fluide

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Dreier, Thomas; Fjodorow, Peter; Baik, Seung Jin; Endres, Torsten; Schulz, Christof
    Measurement of soot volume fraction by Cavity Ring-Down Extinction (CRDE) in elevated pressure premixed laminar ethylene/air flames
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 131 (2025) Nr. 1, 15
  • Swain, Will; Wang, Yejun; Parajuli, Pradeep; Hay, Matthew; Saylam, Ahmad; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Kulatilaka, Waruna
    Characterization of a high-pressure flame facility using high-speed chemiluminescence and OH LIF imaging
    In: Experiments in Fluids Jg. 64 (2023) Nr. 4, 71
  • Karaminejad, Sadrollah; Dupont, Sophie M.L.; Bieber, Malte; Reddemann, Manuel A.; Kneer, Reinhold; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Schulz, Christof
    Characterization of spray parameters and flame stability in two modified nozzle configurations of the SpraySyn burner
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 2673 - 2682
  • Kirchmann, J.; Kronenburg, A.; Prenting, Markus; Karaminejad, Sadrollah; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Patil, S.; Beyrau, F.
    Characterizing the SpraySyn burners with MMC-LES
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 15 (2023) 100182
  • Musikhin, S.; Fortugno, Paolo; Endres, Torsten; Dreier, Thomas; Daun, K.J.; Schulz, Christof
    Elemental carbon and hydrogen concentrations as the main factors in gas-phase graphene synthesis : Quantitative fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy study
    In: Carbon Jg. 202 (2023) S. 47 - 60
  • Prenting, Markus Michael; Baik, Seung-Jin; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Schulz, Christof
    Liquid-phase temperature in the SpraySyn flame measured by two-color laser-induced fluorescence thermometry and simulated by LES
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 2, S. 2621 - 2630
  • Karaminejad, Sadrollah; El Moussawi, Abbas; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Schulz, Christof
    Multi-line OH-LIF for gas-phase temperature and concentration imaging in the SpraySyn burner
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100222
  • Liu, Guannan; Wollny, Patrick; Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Wlokas, Irenäus; Daun, Kyle J.; Schulz, Christof
    Spatially resolved measurement of the distribution of solid and liquid Si nanoparticles in plasma synthesis through line-of-sight extinction spectroscopy
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 31 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 4978 - 5001
  • Lubnow, Marc; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Endres, Torsten
    Water-film thickness imaging based on time-multiplexed near-infrared absorption with up to 500 Hz repetition rate
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 62 (2023) Nr. 12, S. 3169 - 3175
  • Shi, Lin; Endres, Torsten; Jeffries, Jay B.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    A Compact Fiber-Coupled NIR/MIR Laser Absorption Instrument for the Simultaneous Measurement of Gas-Phase Temperature and CO, CO2, and H2O Concentration
    In: Sensors Jg. 22 (2022) Nr. 3, 1286
  • Liu, Guannan; Asif, Muhammad; Mohri, Khadijeh; Schulz, Christof; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Menser, Jan
    In situ measurement of gas-borne silicon nanoparticle volume fraction and temperature by spatially and spectrally line-resolved attenuation and emission imaging
    In: Powder Technology Jg. 396 (2022) S. 535 - 541
  • Sipkens, Timothy A.; Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Smallwood, Gregory J.; Daun, Kyle J.
    Laser-induced incandescence for non-soot nanoparticles : Recent trends and current challenges
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 128 (2022) Nr. 4, 72
  • Prenting, Markus Michael; Shilikhin, Maksim; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Endres, Torsten
    Characterization of tracers for two-color laser-induced fluorescence thermometry of liquid-phase temperature in ethanol, 2–ethylhexanoic-acid/ethanol mixtures, 1-butanol, and o-xylene
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 60 (2021) Nr. 15, S. C98 - C113
  • Rahinov, Igor; Sellmann, Johannes; Lalanne, Matthieu R.; Nanjaiah, Monika; Dreier, Thomas; Cheskis, Sergey; Wlokas, Irenäus
    Insights into the mechanism of combustion synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles gained by laser diagnostics, mass spectrometry, and numerical simulations : A mini-review
    In: Energy & Fuels Jg. 35 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 137 - 160
  • Beuting, Matthias; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Endres, Torsten
    Low-temperature and low-pressure effective fluorescence lifetimes and spectra of gaseous anisole and toluene
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 127 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 59
  • El Moussawi, Abbas; Endres, Torsten; Peukert, Sebastian; Zabeti, Siavash; Dreier, Thomas; Fikri, Mustapha; Schulz, Christof
    Multi-line SiO fluorescence imaging in the flame synthesis of silica nanoparticles from SiCl₄
    In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 224 (2021) S. 260 - 272
  • Mi, Xiaotong; Saylam, Ahmad; Endres, Torsten; Schulz, Christof; Dreier, Thomas
    Near-threshold soot formation in premixed flames at elevated pressure
    In: Carbon Jg. 181 (2021) S. 143 - 154
  • Asif, Muhammad; Menser, Jan; Endres, Torsten; Dreier, Thomas; Daun, Kyle; Schulz, Christof
    Phase-sensitive detection of gas-borne Si nanoparticles via line-of-sight UV/VIS attenuation
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 29 (2021) Nr. 14, S. 21795 - 21809
  • Lubnow, Marc; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Endres, Torsten
    Simultaneous measurement of liquid-film thickness and solute concentration of aqueous solutions of two urea derivatives using NIR absorption
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 60 (2021) Nr. 32, S. 10087 - 10093
  • Liu, Guannan; Asif, Muhammad; Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Mohri, Khadijeh; Schulz, Christof; Endres, Torsten
    Spatial distribution of gas-phase synthesized germanium nanoparticle volume-fraction and temperature using combined in situ line-of-sight emission and extinction spectroscopy
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 29 (2021) Nr. 6, S. 8387 - 8406
  • Musikhin, Stanislav; Fortugno, Paolo; Corbin, Joel C.; Smallwood, Greg J.; Dreier, Thomas; Daun, Kyle J.; Schulz, Christof
    Characterization of few-layer graphene aerosols by laser-induced incandescence
    In: Carbon Jg. 167 (2020) S. 870 - 880
  • Prenting, Markus Michael; Bin Dzulfida, Muhammad Imran; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Characterization of tracers for two-color laser-induced fluorescence liquid-phase temperature imaging in sprays
    In: Experiments in Fluids Jg. 61 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 77
  • Chrystie, Robin S. M.; Ebertz, Felix Luc; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Absolute SiO concentration imaging in low-pressure nanoparticle-synthesis flames via laser-induced fluorescence
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 125 (2019) Nr. 2, S. 29
  • Chrystie, Robin; Janbazi, Hossein; Dreier, Thomas; Wiggers, Hartmut; Wlokas, Irenäus; Schulz, Christof
    Comparative study of flame-based SiO₂ nanoparticle synthesis from TMS and HMDSO : SiO-LIF concentration measurement and detailed simulation
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 37 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 1221 - 1229
  • Mansmann, Raphael; Sipkens, Timothy A.; Menser, Jan; Daun, Kyle J.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Detector calibration and measurement issues in multi-color time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 125 (2019) Nr. 7, S. 126
  • Daun, Kyle J.; Menser, Jan; Asif, Muhammad; Musikhin, Stanislav; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Evalution of Drude parameters for liquid Germanium nanoparticles through aerosol-based line-of-sight attenuation measurements
    In: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Jg. 226 (2019) S. 146 - 156
  • Baranowski, Thomas; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Endres, Torsten
    Excitation wavelength dependence of the fluorescence lifetime of anisole
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 21 (2019) Nr. 27, S. 14562 - 14570
  • Schulz, Christof; Dreier, Thomas; Fikri, Mustapha; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Gas-phase synthesis of functional nanomaterials : Challenges to kinetics, diagnostics, and process development
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 37 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 83 - 108
  • Lubnow, Marc; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    NIR sensor for aqueous urea solution film thickness and concentration measurement using a broadband light source
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 58 (2019) Nr. 16, S. 4546 - 4552
  • Beuting, Matthias; Richter, Judith; Weigand, Bernhard; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Application of toluene LIF to transonic nozzle flows to identify zones of incomplete molecular mixing
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 26 (2018) Nr. 8, S. 10266 - 10273
  • Mansmann, Raphael; Terheiden, Tobias; Schmidt, Philip; Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Schulz, Christof
    LIISim : a modular signal processing toolbox for laser-induced incandescence measurements
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 124 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 69
  • Menser, Jan; Schneider, Florian; Dreier, Thomas; Kaiser, Sebastian
    Multi-pulse shadowgraphic RGB illumination and detection for flow tracking
    In: Experiments in Fluids Jg. 59 (2018) Nr. 6, S. 90
  • Benzler, Thorsten; Endres, Torsten; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Temperature, pressure, and oxygen quenching behavior of fluorescence spectra and lifetimes of gas-phase o-xylene and 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 124 (2018) Nr. 4, S. 70
  • Lubnow, Marc; Jeffries, Jay B.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Water film thickness imaging based on time-multiplexed near-infrared absorption
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 26 (2018) Nr. 16, S. 20902 - 20912
  • Feroughi, Omid; Deng, Lei; Kluge, Sebastian; Dreier, Thomas; Wiggers, Hartmut; Wlokas, Irenäus; Schulz, Christof
    Experimental and numerical study of a HMDSO-seeded premixed laminar low-pressure flame for SiO2 nanoparticle synthesis
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 36, 2017 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 1045 - 1053
  • Mohri, Khadijeh; Görs, Simon; Schöler, Jonathan; Rittler, Andreas; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    Instantaneous 3D imaging of highly turbulent flames using computed tomography of chemiluminescence
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 56 (2017) Nr. 26, S. 7385 - 7395
  • Menser, Jan; Daun, Kyle; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-induced atomic emission of silicon nanoparticles during laser-induced heating
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 56 (2017) Nr. 11, S. E50 - E57
  • Mansmann, Raphael; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Performance of photomultipliers in the context of laser-induced incandescence
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 56 (2017) Nr. 28, S. 7849 - 7860
  • Fuhrmann, Daniel; Benzler, Thorsten; Fernando, S.; Endres, Torsten; Dreier, Thomas; Kaiser, Sebastian; Schulz, Christof
    Self-quenching in toluene LIF
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 36, 2017 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 4505 - 4514
  • Mansmann, Raphael; Thomson, Kevin; Smallwood, Greg; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Sequential signal detection for high dynamic range time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 25 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 2413 - 2421
  • Chrystie, Robin; Feroughi, Omid M.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    SiO multi-line laser-induced fluorescence for quantitative temperature imaging in flame-synthesis of nanoparticles
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 123 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 104
  • Daun, Kyle; Menser, Jan; Mansmann, Raphael; Moghaddam, Sina Talabi; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Spectroscopic models for laser-heated silicon and copper nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Jg. 197 (2017) Nr. The Eight International Symposium on Radiative Transfer, S. 3 - 11
  • Benzler, Thorsten; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    UV absorption and fluorescence properties of gas-phase p-difluorobenzene
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 2017 (2017) Nr. 123, 39
  • Pan, Rongchao; Daun, Kyle, J.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Uncertainty quantification and design-of-experiment in absorption-based aqueous film parameter measurements using Bayesian inference
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 56 (2017) Nr. 11, S. E1 - E7
  • Pan, Rongchao; Brocksieper, Carsten; Jeffries, Jay B.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Diode-laser-based standoff absorption measurement of water film thickness in retro-reflection
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 122 (2016) 249
  • Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-based diagnostics in the gas-phase synthesis of inorganic nanoparticles
    In: Powder Technology Jg. 287 (2016) S. 226 - 238
  • Menser, Jan; Daun, Kyle; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-induced incandescence from laser-heated silicon nanoparticles
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 122 (2016) Nr. 11, 122:277
  • Pan, Rongchao; Jeffries, J.B.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Measurements of liquid film thickness, concentration, and temperature of aqueous urea solution by NIR absorption spectroscopy
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 122 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 1 - 10
  • Leschowski, Martin; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    A standard burner for high pressure laminar premixed flames : detailed soot diagnostics
    In: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie Jg. 229 (2015) Nr. 5, S. 781 - 805
  • Cenker, Emre; Kondo, Katsufumi; Bruneaux, Gilles; Dreier, Thomas; Aizawa, Tetsuya; Schulz, Christof
    Assessment of soot particle-size imaging with LII at Diesel engine conditions
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 119 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 765 - 776
  • Cenker, Emre; Bruneaux, Gilles; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Determination of small soot particles in the presence of large ones from time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 118 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 169 - 183
  • Feroughi, Omid M.; Kronemeyer, Helmut; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Effect of fluctuations on time-averaged multi-line NO-LIF thermometry measurements of the gas-phase temperature
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 120 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 429 - 440
  • Kluge, Sebastian; Deng, Lei; Feroughi, Omid; Schneider, Florian; Poliak, Marina; Fomin, Alexey; Tsionsky, Vladimir; Cheskis, Sergey; Wlokas, Irenäus; Rahinov, Igor; Dreier, Thomas; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wiggers, Hartmut; Schulz, Christof
    Initial reaction steps during flame synthesis of iron-oxide nanoparticles
    In: CrystEngComm Jg. 17 (2015) Nr. 36, S. 6930 - 6939
  • Feroughi, Omid M.; Hardt, Sebastian; Wlokas, Irenäus; Hülser, Tim; Wiggers, Hartmut; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-based in-situ measurement and simulation of gas-phase temperature and iron atom concentration in a pilot-plant nanoparticle synthesis reactor
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 35 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 2299 - 2306
  • Benzler, Thorsten; Faust, Stephan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Low-pressure effective fluorescence lifetimes and photophysical rate constants of one- and two-ring aromatics
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 121 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 549 - 558
  • Pan, Rongchao; Jeffries, Jay, B.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Measurements of liquid film thickness, concentration and temperature of aqueous urea solution by NIR absorption spectroscopy
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 120 (2015) Nr. 3, S. 397 - 406
  • Cenker, Emre; Bruneaux, Gilles; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Sensitivity analysis for soot particle size imaging with laser-induced incandescence at high pressure
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 119 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 745 - 763
  • Zabeti, Siavash; Drakon, Alexander; Faust, Stefan; Dreier, Thomas; Welz, Oliver; Fikri, Mustapha; Schulz, Christof
    Temporally- and spectrally-resolved UV absorption and laser-induced fluorescence measurements during the pyrolysis of toluene behind reflected shock waves
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 118 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 295 - 307
  • Yang, H.-N.; Yang, B.; Cai, X.-S.; Hecht, Christian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Three-dimensional (3-D) temperature measurement in a low pressure flame reactor using multiplexed tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS)
    In: Lasers in Engineering (LIE) Jg. 31 (2015) Nr. 5-6, S. 285 - 297
  • Yang, H.-N.; Yang, B.; Cai, X. S.; Hecht, Christian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Three-dimensional (3D) temperature measurement in a low-pressure flame reactor using multiplexed tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS)
    In: Lasers in Engineering (LIE) Jg. 31 (2015) Nr. 5/6, S. 285 - 297
  • Faust, Stephan; Goschütz, Martin; Kaiser, Sebastian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    A comparison of selected organic tracers for quantitative scalar imaging in the gas phase via laser-induced fluorescence
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 117 (2014) Nr. 1, S. 183 - 194
  • Leschowski, Martin; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    An automated thermophoretic soot sampling device for laboratory-scale high-pressure flames
    In: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 85 (2014) Nr. 4, 045103
  • Thering, Hendrik; Beckmann, Lars; Jördens, Christian; Röder, Markus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Formaldehyde LIF imaging with a multi-band transmission filter
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 39 (2014) Nr. 7, S. 1873 - 1876
  • Sipkens, Timothy A.; Mansmann, Raphael; Daun, Kyle J.; Petermann, Nils; Titantah, John T.; Karttunen, Mikko; Wiggers, Hartmut; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    In situ nanoparticle size measurements of gas-borne silicon nanoparticles by time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 116 (2014) Nr. 3, S. 623 - 636
  • Faust, Stephan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Photo-physical properties of anisole : temperature, pressure, and bath gas composition dependence of fluorescence spectra and lifetimes
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 112 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 203 - 213
  • Röder, Markus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Simultaneous measurement of localized heat-release with OH/CH2O–LIF imaging and spatially integrated OH* chemiluminescence in turbulent swirl flames
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 34 (2013) Nr. 2, S. 3549 - 3556
  • Faust, Stephan; Tea, Gabrielle; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Temperature, pressure, and bath gas composition dependence of fluorescence spectra and fluorescence lifetimes of toluene and naphthalene
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 110 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 81 - 93
  • Friesen, Eugen; Gessenhardt, Christopher; Kaiser, Sebastian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    In-cylinder temperature measurements via time-correlated single-photon counting of toluene laser-induced fluorescence through a fiber-based sensor
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 37 (2012) Nr. 24, S. 5244 - 5246
  • Röder, Markus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Simultaneous measurement of localized heat release with OH/CH2O-LIF imaging and spatially-integrated OH* chemiluminescence in turbulent swirl flames
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 107 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 611 - 617
  • Prabasena, Binta; Röder, Markus; Kathrotia, Trupti; Riedel, Uwe; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Strain rate and fuel composition dependence of chemiluminescent species profiles in counterflow diffusion flames : comparison with model results
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 107 (2012) Nr. 3, S. 561 - 569
  • Hecht, Christian; Abdali, Ali; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Gas-temperature imaging in a microwave-plasma nanoparticle-synthesis reactor using multi-line NO-LIF thermometry
    In: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie Jg. 225 (2011) Nr. 11-12, S. 1225 - 1235
  • Mohri, Khadijeh; Luong, My Yen; Vanhove, Guillaume; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Imaging of the oxygen distribution in an isothermal turbulent free jet using two-color toluene LIF imaging
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 103 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 707 - 715
  • Greszik, Daniel; Yang, Huinan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-based diagnostics for the measurement of liquid water film thickness
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 50 (2011) Nr. 4, S. A60 - A67
  • Greszik, Daniel; Yang, Huinan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Measurement of water film thickness by laser-induced fluorescence and Raman imaging
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 102 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 123 - 132
  • Faust, Stephan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Temperature and bath gas composition dependence of effective fluorescence lifetimes of toluene excited at 266 nm
    In: Chemical Physics Jg. 383 (2011) Nr. 1-3, S. 6 - 11
  • Yang, Huinan; Greszik, Daniel; Wlokas, Irenäus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Tunable diode laser absorption sensor for the simultaneous measurement of water film thickness, liquid- and vapor-phase temperature
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 104 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 21 - 27
  • Yang, Huinan; Greszik, Daniel; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Simultaneous measurement of liquid water film thickness and vapor temperature using near-infrared tunable diode laser spectroscopy
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 99 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 385 - 390
  • Fuyuto, Takayuki; Kronemayer, Helmut; Lewerich, Burkhard; Brübach, Jan; Fujikawa, Taketoshi; Akihama, Kazuhiro; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Temperature and species measurement in a quenching boundary layer on a flat-flame burner
    In: Experiments in Fluids Jg. 49 (2010) Nr. 4, S. 783 - 795
  • Hecht, Christian; Kronemayer, Helmut; Dreier, Thomas; Wiggers, Hartmut; Schulz, Christof
    Imaging measurements of atomic iron concentration with laser-induced fluorescence in a nanoparticle synthesis flame reactor
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 94 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 119 - 125
  • Ryser, Ricardo; Gerber, Thorsten; Dreier, Thomas
    Soot particle sizing during high-pressure Diesel spray combustion via time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
    In: Combustion and Flame Jg. 156 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 120 - 129
  • Düwel, Isabell; Koban, W.; Zimmermann, Frank P.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Spectroscopic characterization of the fluorobenzene/DEMA tracer system for laser-induced exciplex fluorescence for the quantitative study of evaporating fuel sprays
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 97 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 909 - 918
  • Hofmann, M.; Kock, Boris Ferdinand; Dreier, Thomas; Jander, H.; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-induced incandescence for soot particle sizing at elevated pressure.
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 90 (2008) Nr. 3-4, S. 629 - 639
  • Kronemayer, H.; Ifeacho, P.; Hecht, C.; Dreier, Thomas; Wiggers, Hartmut; Schulz, Christof
    Gas-temperature imaging in a low-pressure flame reactor for nano-particle synthesis with multi-line NO-LIF thermometry
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 88 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 373 - 377
  • Michelsen, Hope A.; Liu, Fengshan; Kock, Boris F.; Bladh, H.; Boiarciuc, Andrei; Charwath, Michael; Dreier, Thomas; Hadef, Redjem; Hofmann, Max; Reimann, Jörg; Will, S.; Bengtsson, Per Erik; Bockhorn, Henning; Foucher, Fabrice; Geigle, Klaus Peter; Rousselle, Christine Mounaïm; Schulz, Christof; Stirn, R.; Tribalet, Benjamin; Suntz, Rainer
    Modeling laser-induced incandescence of soot: a summary and comparison of LII models
    In: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 87 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 503 - 521
  • Dreier, Thomas; Bougie, Bas; Dam, Nico; Gerber, T.
    Modeling of time-resolved laser-induced incandescence transients for particle sizing in high-pressure spray combustion environments: a comparative study
    In: Applied Physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 83 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 403 - 411
  • Bougie, Bas; Tulej, Marek; Dreier, Thomas; Dam, Nico; Ter Meulen, J. J.; Geber, T.
    Optical diagnostics of diesel spray injections and combustion in a high-pressure high-temperature cell
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 80 (2005) Nr. 8, S. 1039 - 1045
  • Dreier, Thomas; Tobai, J.
    Rotational state resolved measurement of relaxation times and ground state recovery rates in small radicals in atmospheric pressure flames using picosecond pump-probe degenerate four-wave mixing
    In: Laser Physics Jg. 13 (2003) S. 286 - 293
  • Afzelius, Mikael; Bengtsson, P.-E.; Bood, Joakim; Bonamy, Jeanine; Chaussard, Frederic; Berger, H.; Dreier, Thomas
    Dual-broadband rotational CARS modelling of nitrogen at pressures up to 9 MPa. II. Rotational Raman line widths
    In: Applied Physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 75 (2002) S. 771 - 778
  • Tobai, J.; Dreier, Thomas
    Effective A-state fluorescence lifetime of formaldehyde in atmospheric pressure CH4/air flames
    In: Applied Physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 74 (2002) Nr. 1, S. 101 - 104
  • Tobai, J.; Dreier, Thomas; Daily, J.W.
    Rotational level dependence of ground state recovery rates for OH X 2P (v”=0) in atmospheric pressure flames using the picosecond saturating-pump degenerate four-wave mixing probe technique
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 116 (2002) Nr. 10, S. 4030 - 4038
  • Lavrinenko, Andrei V.; Gancheryonok, Igor I.; Dreier, Thomas
    Polarization spectroscopy with arbitrary polarized noncollinear pumping
    In: Journal of the Optical Society of America : JOSA: B, Optical physics Jg. 18 (2001) Nr. 2, S. 225 - 231
  • Shin, D. I.; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Spatially resolved absolute concentration and fluorescence-lifetime determination of H2CO in atmospheric-pressure CH4/air flames
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 72 (2001) S. 257 - 261
  • Kaminski, Clemens F.; Dreier, Thomas
    Investigation of two-photon-induced polarization spectroscopy of the a-X (1,0) transition in molecular nitrogen at elevated pressures
    In: Applied optics Jg. 39 (2000) Nr. 6, S. 1042 - 1048
  • Gutfleisch, M.; Shin, D.I.; Dreier, Thomas; Danehy, Paul M.
    Mid-infrared laser-induced grating experiments of C2H4 and NH3 from 0.1–2 MPa and 300–800 K
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 71 (2000) S. 673 - 680
  • Bood, Joakim; Bengtsson, Per‐Erik; Dreier, Thomas
    Rotational coherent anti‐Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) in nitrogen at high pressures (0.1–44 MPa) : experimental and modelling results
    In: Journal of Raman spectroscopy: JRS ; an international journal for original work in all aspects of Raman Spectroscopy, including higher order processes and also Brillouin- and Rayleigh scattering Jg. 31 (2000) Nr. 8/9, S. 703 - 710
  • Latzel, H.; Dreier, Thomas
    Sound velocity, heat conduction and virial coefficients of gaseous mixtures at high pressure from NIR laser-induced grating experiments
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 2 (2000) Nr. 17, S. 3819 - 3824
  • Shin, D. I.; Peiter, G.; Dreier, Thomas; Volpp, H. R.; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Spatially resolved measurements of CN, CH, NH, and H2CO concentration profiles in a domestic gas boile
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 28 (2000) Nr. 1, S. 319 - 325
  • Blokhin, Alexander P.; Gelin, Maxim F.; Dreier, Thomas
    Intermolecular collisions and rotational recurrences
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Jg. 1 (1999) S. 5583 - 5586
  • Tobai, Jens; Dreier, Thomas
    Measurement of relaxation times of NH in atmospheric pressure flames using picosecond pump-probe degenerate four-wave mixing
    In: Journal of Molecular Structure Jg. 480-481 (1999) S. 307 - 310
  • Rozouvan, Stanislav; Dreier, Thomas
    Polarization-dependent laser-induced grating measurements
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 24 (1999) Nr. 22, S. 1596 - 1598
  • Juchmann, W.; Latzel, Harald; Shin, D .I.; Peiter, G.; Dreier, Thomas; Volpp, H. R.; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Lindstedt, R. P.; Leung, K. M.;
    Absolute radical concentration measurements and modeling of low-pressure CH4/O2/NO flames
    27th International Symposium on Combustion ; 2-7 August 1998, Boulder, Colorado, USA,
    In: Symposium (International) on Combustion Jg. 27 (1998) Nr. 1, S. 469 - 476
  • Suvernev, Andrei A.; Tadday, R.; Dreier, Thomas
    Measurement and theoretical modeling of quantum beats in picosecond time-resolved degenerate four-wave mixing and polarization spectroscopy of OH in atmospheric pressure flames
    In: Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Jg. 58 (1998) Nr. 5, S. 4102
  • Chen, X.; Lavorel, Bruno; Dreier, Thomas; Genetier, N.; Misserey, H.; Michaut, Xavier
    Self-focusing in Terbium Gallium Garnet using Z-scan
    In: Optics communications: a journal devoted to the rapid publication of contributions in the field of optics and interaction of light with matter Jg. 153 (1998) Nr. 4-6, S. 301 - 304
  • Latzel, H.; Dreizler, Andreas; Dreier, Thomas; Heinze, J.; Dillmann, M.; Stricker, W.; Lloyd, G.M.; Ewart, P.
    Thermal grating and broadband degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy of OH in high-pressure flames
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 67 (1998) Nr. 5, S. 667 - 673
  • Schneider-Kühnle, Y.; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen M.
    Vibrational relaxation and energy transfer in the hydrogen system at temperatures between 110 and 300 K
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 294 (1998) Nr. 1-3, S. 191 - 196
  • Zumbach, Volker; Schäfer, Jörg; Tobai, Jens; Ridder, Michael; Dreier, Thomas; Schaich, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Ruf, Bernhard; Behrendt, Frank; Deutschmann, Olaf; Warnatz, Jürgen
    Experimental investigation and computational modeling of hot filament diamond chemical vapor deposition
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 107 (1997) Nr. 15, S. 5918 - 5928
  • Tadday, R.; Dreizler, Andreas; Suvernev, Andrei A.; Dreier, Thomas
    Measurement of orientational relaxation times of OH (A2ΣX2Π) transitions in atmospheric pressure flames using picosecond time-resolved nonlinear spectroscopy
    In: Journal of Molecular Structure Jg. 410-411 (1997) S. 85 - 88
  • New, Mary J.; Ewart, Paul; Dreizler, Andreas; Dreier, Thomas
    Multiplex polarization spectroscopy of OH for flame thermometry
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 65 (1997) Nr. 10, S. 633 - 637
  • Tadday, R.; Suvernev, Andrei A.; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen M.
    Quantum beat spectroscopy of OH radicals in atmospheric pressure flames
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 268 (1997) Nr. 1-2, S. 117 - 124
  • Latzel, H.; Dreier, Thomas; Giorgi, Mariano; Fantoni, Roberta
    Time‐resolved laser‐induced thermal grating experiments induced by short pulse CO2‐laser radiation
    In: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie: physical chemistry, chemical physics Jg. 101 (1997) Nr. 7, S. 1065 - 1070
  • Ridder, Michael; Suvernev, Andrei A.; Dreier, Thomas
    Collision effects in nitrogen and methane coherent anti‐Stokes Raman isotropic Q‐branch spectra at high densities
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 105 (1996) Nr. 9, S. 3376
  • Segatz, J.; Rannacher, Rolf; Wichmann, J.; Orlemann, Claus; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen M.
    Detailed numerical simulations in flow reactors : A new approach in measuring absolute rate constants
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 100 (1996) Nr. 22, S. 9323 - 9333
  • Dreizler, Andreas; Latzel, H.; Dreier, Thomas; Koch, A.; Wolfrum, Jürgen M.
    Thermal contributions in infrared laser induced grating experiments at high pressure
    In: Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft: physical chemistry, chemical physics Jg. 100 (1996) Nr. 10, S. 1678 - 1683
  • Wolff, J.J.; Gredel, Frank; Irngartinger, Hermann; Dreier, Thomas
    In: Acta crystallographica: Section C, Crystal structure communications Jg. C52 (1996) Nr. 12, S. 3225 - 3227
  • Dreizler, Andreas; Tadday, R.; Suvernev, Andrei A.; Himmelhaus, Michael; Dreier, Thomas; Foggi, Paolo
    Measurement of orientational relaxation times of OH in a flame using picosecond time-resolved polarization spectroscopy
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 240 (1995) Nr. 4, S. 315 - 323
  • Dreizler, Andreas; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Polarization spectroscopic measurement of the NH (A3P-X3S) transition in an ammonia-oxygen flame
    In: Journal of molecular structure Jg. 349 (1995) S. 285 - 288
  • Suvernev, Andrei A.; Dreizler, Andreas; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Polarization-spectroscopic measurement and spectral simulation of OH (A 2 Σ−X 2 Π) and NH (A 3 Π−X 3 Σ) transitions in atmospheric pressure flames
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 61 (1995) S. 421 - 427
  • Dreizler, Andreas; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Thermal grating effects in infrared degenerate four-wave mixing fro trace gas detection
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 233 (1995) Nr. 5-6, S. 525 - 532
  • Dreier, Thomas; Schiff, G.; Suvernev, Andrei A.
    Collisional effects in Q branch coherent anti‐Stokes Raman spectra of N2 and O2 at high pressure and high temperature
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 100 (1994) Nr. 9, S. 6275 - 6289
  • Dreier, Thomas; Ridder, Michael; Schiff, G.; Saur, A.; Suvernev, Andrei A.;
    Determination of temperature from N2 and O2 CARS spectra at very high pressure
    25th International Symposium on Combustion ; 31 July-5 August 1994, Irvine, California, USA,
    In: Symposium (International) on Combustion Jg. 25 (1994) Nr. 1, S. 1727 - 1734
  • Versluis, Michael; Queeney, Katherine L.; Springfield, James L.; Dreier, Thomas; Dreizler, Andreas
    Laser-induced fluorescence detection of oh in a flame near 268 nm
    In: Journal of molecular spectroscopy Jg. 166 (1994) Nr. 3, S. 486 - 488
  • Arnold, Jörg; Bouché, Th.; Dreier, Thomas; Wichmann, J.; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    CARS studies on the heterogeneous relaxation of vibrationally excited hydrogen and deuterium
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 203 (1993) Nr. 2-3, S. 283 - 288
  • Dreier, Thomas; Ridder, Michael; Schiff, G.; Suvernev, Andrei A.
    Collisional narrowing and spectral shift in CARS spectra of molecular nitrogen and oxygen at pressures up to 2500 bar and temperatures of 850 K
    In: Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft: physical chemistry, chemical physics Jg. 97 (1993) Nr. 12, S. 1726 - 1727
  • Germann, Geoffrey J.; McIlroy, Andrew; Dreier, Thomas; Farrow, Roger; Rakestraw, David J.
    Detection of polyatomic molecules using infrared degenerate four-wave mixing
    In: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie Jg. 97 (1993) Nr. 12, S. 1630 - 1633
  • Suvernev, Andrei A.; Dreier, Thomas
    Evaluation of CARS spectra : Doppler broadening in spectra of linear molecules
    In: Chemical Physics Letters Jg. 216 (1993) Nr. 1-2, S. 5 - 10
  • Dießel, E.; Dreier, Thomas; Lange, B.; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Behrendt, Frank; Warnatz, Jürgen
    CARS measurements and numerical simulation results for methane/air counterflow flames
    In: Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie: physical chemistry, chemical physics Jg. 96 (1992) Nr. 4, S. 579 - 585
  • Dreier, Thomas; Schiff, G.
    High temperature O2-CARS thermometry
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 55 (1992) S. 388 - 390
  • Brown, Michael S.; Rahn, Larry A.; Dreier, Thomas
    High-resolution degenerate four-wave mixing spectral profiles of OH
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 17 (1992) Nr. 1, S. 76 - 78
  • Farrow, Roger L.; Rakestraw, David J.; Dreier, Thomas
    Investigation of the dependence of degenerate four-wave mixing line intensities on transition dipole moment
    In: Journal of the Optical Society of America : JOSA: B, Optical physics Jg. 9 (1992) Nr. 10, S. 1770 - 1777
  • Dreier, Thomas; Dreizler, Andreas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    The application of a raman-shifted tunable KrF excimer laser for laser-induced fluorescence combustion diagnostics
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 55 (1992) S. 381 - 387
  • Rakestraw, David J.; Thorne, L.R.; Dreier, Thomas;
    Detection of NH radicals in flames using degenerate four-wave mixing
    23rd International Symposium on Combustion ; 22-27 July 1990, Orléans, France,
    In: Symposium (International) on Combustion Jg. 23 (1991) Nr. 1, S. 1901 - 1907
  • Lucht, Robert P.; Dunn-Rankin, Derek; Walter, Thomas; Dreier, Thomas; Bopp, Stefan C.;
    Heat Transfer in Engines : Comparison of Cars Thermal Boundary Layer Measurements and Heat Flux Measurements
    SAE International Congress and Exposition, 25 February-1 March 1991, Detroit, USA,
    In: SAE Technical Papers (1991) S. 910722
  • Sick, Volker; Arnold, A.; Dießel, E.; Dreier, Thomas; Ketterle, Wolfgang; Lange, B.; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Thiele, K. U.; Behrendt, Frank; Warnatz, Jürgen;
    Two-dimensional laser diagnostics and modeling of counterflow diffusion flames
    23rd International Symposium on Combustion ; 22-27 July 1990, Orléans, France,
    In: Symposium (International) on Combustion Jg. 23 (1991) Nr. 1, S. 495 - 501
  • Bouché, T.; Dreier, Thomas; Lange, B.; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Franck, E. U.; Schilling, W.
    Collisional narrowing and spectral shift in coherent anti-stokes Raman spectra of molecular nitrogen up to 2500 bar and 700 K
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 50 (1990) S. 527 - 533
  • Dreier, Thomas; Rakestraw, David J.
    Degenerate four wave mixing diagnostics on OH and NH radicals in flames
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics
    Berlin ; Heidelberg Jg. 50 (1990) S. 479 - 485
  • Dreier, Thomas; Rakestraw, David J.
    Measurement of OH rotational temperatures in a flame using degenerate four-wave mixing
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 15 (1990) Nr. 1, S. 72 - 74
  • Dießel, E.; Dreier, Thomas; Lange, B.; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Parameter studies in practical nitrogen CARS thermometry using standard and advanced fitting codes
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 50 (1990) S. 39 - 46
  • Rakestraw, David J.; Farrow, Roger L.; Dreier, Thomas
    Two-dimensional imaging of OH in flames by degenerate four wave mixing
    In: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 15 (1990) Nr. 12, S. 709 - 711
  • Arnold, J.; Dreier, Thomas; Chandler, D.
    Rotational and vibrational energy transfer of H2 (v=1,J=1) in collisions with H2, Ar, HD and D2
    In: Chemical Physics Jg. 133 (1989) S. 123
  • Rakestraw, David J.; Lucht, Robert P.; Dreier, Thomas
    Use of a charge coupled device camera for broadband coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering measurements
    In: Applied optics Jg. 28 (1989) Nr. 19, S. 4116 - 4120
  • Dreier, Thomas; Lange, B.; Zahn, M.; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Behrendt, Frank; Warnatz, Jürgen;
    Cars measurements and computations of the structure of laminar stagnation-point methane-air counterflow diffusion flames
    21st International Symposuim on Combustion ; 3-8 August 1986, Munich, West Germany,
    In: Symposium (International) on Combustion Jg. 21 (1988) Nr. 1, S. 1729 - 1736
  • Dreier, Thomas; Lange, B.; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Zahn, M.
    Determination of temperature and concentration of molecular nitrogen, oxygen and methane with coherent anti-stokes raman scattering
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 45 (1988) S. 183 - 190
  • Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Experimental study of the D + H2 (v = 1) reaction by CARS spectroscopy
    In: International journal of chemical kinetics Jg. 18 (1986) Nr. 9, S. 919 - 935
  • Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen;
    Determination of the vibrational energy distribution in N2 and H2O formed in the NH2+NO reaction by cars and IR spectroscopy
    20th International Symposium on Combustion ; 12-17 August 1984, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA,
    In: Symposium (International) on Combustion Jg. 20 (1985) Nr. 1, S. 695 - 702
  • Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    Detection of the free OH(X 2Π) radical by CARS spectroscopy
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Jg. 80 (1984) Nr. 2, S. 957 - 958
  • Dreier, Thomas; Wellhausen, U.; Wolfrum, Jürgen; Marowsky, Gerd
    CARS studies of vibrationally excited nitrogen at low pressures
    In: Applied physics: B, Lasers and optics Jg. 29 (1982) S. 31 - 36
  • Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen;
    Direct study of the reaction of vibrationally excited CO molecules with OH radicals
    18th International Symposium on Combustion ; 17-22 August 1980, Waterloo, Canada,
    In: Symposium (International) on Combustion Jg. 18 (1981) Nr. 1, S. 801 - 809
  • Aufsätze

  • Hoffmann, Axel; Schulz, Christof; Ruckwied, Jens; Malcherek, Dietmar; Dreier, Thomas; Schießl, Robert; Maas, Ulrich;
    Three-dimensional measurement of OH-concentration gradients in a turbulent flame by simultaneous laser induced fluorescence and Raman scattering
    1st European Combustion Meeting (ECM), 25 - 28 October 2003, Orléans, France,
    Orléans (2003)
  • Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Kiefer, Johannes; Seeger, Thomas; Dreier, Thomas; Chen, Weidong; Stauffer, Hans; Meier, Wolfgang
    Laser applications to chemical, security, and environmental analysis : Introduction to the feature issue
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 58 (2019) Nr. 10, S. LAC1 - LAC3
  • Seeger, Thomas; Dreier, Thomas; Chen, Weidong; Kearny, Sean; Kulatilaka, Waruna
    Editorial: Laser applications to chemical, security, and environmental analysis : Introduction to the feature issue
    In: Applied Optics Jg. 56 (2017) Nr. 11, S. LAC1 - LAC3
  • Abstracts

  • Tribalet, Benjamin; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Evaluation of particle sizes of iron-oxide nano-particles in a low-pressure flame-synthesis reactor by simultaneous application of TiRe-LII and PMS
    In: Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence / 5th International Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence (LII 2012), 8-11 May 2012, Le Touquet, France / Desgroux, Pascale (Hrsg.) (2012)
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Prenting, Markus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Characterization of tracers for two-color laser-induced fluorescence liquid-phase temperature imaging in sprays
    In: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis / LACSEA 2020 - Part of Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2020; Virtual, Online; 22 - 26 June 2020 2020
  • Chrystie, Robin; Ebertz, Felix; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Strategy for determining absolute concentration levels of SiO in low pressure gas phase synthesis flames for silica nanoparticles
    In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers / Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, LACSEA 2018; Orlando; United States; 25 -28 June 2018 Jg. Part F103-LACSEA 2018 2018
  • Lubnow, Marc; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Water film thickness imaging based on time-multiplexed near-infrared absorption
    In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers / Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, LACSEA 2018; Orlando; United States; 25 - 28 June 2018 Jg. Part F103-LACSEA 2018 2018
  • Shi, Lin; Görs, S.; Endres, Torsten; Akyildiz, Erdal; Dreier, Thomas; Jeffries, J.B.; Witzel, Benjamin; Klapdor, E.V.; Schulz, T.
    Laser-absorption CO detection at 4.56 µm in the exhaust plume of a full-scale gas turbine burner
    In: Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting / 8th European Combustion Meeting : April 18-21, 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2017
  • Richter, Judith; Beuting, Matthias; Steinhausen, Christoph; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Weigand, Bernhard
    Non-intrusive frequency measurements of bluff-body vortex shedding at high Reynolds numbers
    In: Proceeding of the 23rd International Society of Air-breathing Engines Conference / ISABE 2017; Manchester, UK; 3 - 8 September 2017 2017 21472
  • Pan, Rongchao; Brocksieper, C.; Jeffries, J.B.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    DLAS-based measurement of water film thickness in retro-reflection
    In: Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology / Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, 25-28 July 2016, Heidelberg, Germany 2016 JW1F.4
  • Menser, Jan; Daun, Kyle; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-induced atomic emission of silicon nanoparticles during synthesis in a microwave plasma reactor
    In: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis / Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, 25-28 July 2016, Heidelberg, Germany 2016 LTh2I.3
  • Richter, J.; Beuting, Matthias; Schulz, Christof; Dreier, Thomas; Weigand, B. (Hrsg.)
    Macroscopic Mixing Investigation in a Compressible Accelerated Nozzle Flow using Toluene Tracer LIF
    In: Proceedings of the 18th International Symposia on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics / 18th International Symposia on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, 4.-7.Juli 2016, Lisbon, Spain 2016
  • Menser, Jan; Kluge, Sebastian; Wiggers, Hartmut; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Approach to standardize a spray-flame nanoparticle synthesis burner
    In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting - 2015, March 30-April 2, 2015, Budapest, Hungary: ECM 2015 / 7th ECM: European Combustion Meeting, 30.03.-02.04.2015, Budapest 2015
  • Fuhrmann, Daniel; Benzler, Thorsten; Wellner, M.; Kaiser, Sebastian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Comparison and investigation of selected aromatic and ketone fluorescent tracers considering possible self-quenching effects
    In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting / 7th ECM: European Combustion Meeting, 30.03.-02.04.2015, Budapest 2015
  • Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Kaiser, Sebastian; Schulz, Christof
    Multi-pulse RGB illumination and detection for particle tracking velocimetry
    In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting - 2015, March 30-April 2, 2015, Budapest, Hungary: ECM 2015 / 7th ECM: European Combustion Meeting, 30.03.-02.04.2015, Budapest 2015
  • Sipkens, Timothy A.; Petermann, Nils; Daun, Kyle J.; Titantah, John; Karttunen, Mikko; Wiggers, Hartmut; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    In situ particle size measurements of gas-borne silicon nanoparticles by time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
    In: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference - 2013: Vol. 1 / ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference - 2013 : presented at ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, July 14 - 19, 2013, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA / Sherif, S. A. (Hrsg.) 2014, S. V001T03A001
  • Mansmann, Raphael; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-induced incandescence (LII) measurements on gas-borne silicon nanoparticles
    In: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis / LACSEA 2014; Seattle, United States; 13 - 17 July 2014 2014, S. LM1D.3
  • Yang, Huinan; Chen, J.; Cai, X.; Greszik, Daniel; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Liquid film thickness measurement by two-line TDLAS
    In: 8th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows / 8th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows : Guangzhou, P. R. China, 13-15 Dezember 2013 / Li, Yang; Zheng, Yingna (Hrsg.) 2014, S. 232
  • Pan, R.; Jeffries, Jay B.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Measurements of liquid film thickness and solute concentration of aqueous NaCl solution by absorption spectroscopy
    In: Optics InfoBase Conference Papers / Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, AIO 2014; Seattle, United States; 13 - 17 July 2014 2014, S. JTu4A.46
  • Feroughi, Omid M.; Langer, A.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Spatially-resolved measurements of gas-phase temperature and SiO concentration in a low-pressure nanoparticle synthesis reactor using laser-induced fluorescence
    In: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis / LACSEA 2014; Seattle, United States; 13 - 17 July 2014 2014, S. LM1D.2
  • Faust, Stephan; Goschütz, Martin; Kaiser, Sebastian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    A comparison of different organic tracers for LIF imaging in gases : Photophysical properties and their impact on use in quantitative scalar imaging
    In: Proceedings of the 6th EuropeaCombustion Meeting (ECM 2013) / 6th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2013); June 25-28, 2013, Lund, Sweden 2013
  • Röder, Markus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Chemiluminescence sensor for temporally resolved CH*/CO2* measurements coupled with planar heat-release-rate imaging
    In: Proceedings of the 6th EuropeaCombustion Meeting (ECM 2013) / 6th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2013); June 25-28, 2013, Lund, Sweden 2013
  • Cenker, E.; Bruneaux, G.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Defining a measurement strategy for 2D soot particle size imaging through detailed LII signal-decay analysis
    In: Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence / 5th International Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence (LII 2012), 8-11 May 2012, Le Touquet, France / Desgroux, Pascale (Hrsg.) 2012
  • Friesen, Eugen; Gessenhardt, Christopher; Kaiser, Sebastian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    In-cylinder temperature measurements via fiber-based toluene-LIF time-correlated single-photon counting
    In: Laser applications to chemical, security and environmental analysis: part of Lasers, sources, and related photonic devices / Laser applications to chemical, security and environmental analysis (LACSEA), 29.01.2011-01.02.2012, San Diego, California 2012, S. LT3B.6
  • Greszik, Daniel; Yang, Huinan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Thickness imaging of evaporating liquid water films by simultaneous Tracer-LIF, raman imaging and diode laser absorption spectroscopy
    In: Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis 2012 / LACSEA 2012; 29 January - 1 February 2012; San Diego, California 2012, S. LT3B.2
  • Hecht, Christian; Grimm, Helge; Dreier, Thomas; Wiggers, Hartmut; Schulz, Christof
    Characterization of the flame-synthesis of tungsten oxide nanoparticle with laser-induced fluorescence
    In: Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting / ECM 2011; 29th June - 1st July 2011; Cardiff, UK 2011
  • Prabasena, B.; Röder, Markus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Kathrotia, T.; Riedel, U.
    Chemiluminescence species and temperature profiles in cylindrical counter-flow diffusion flames : Comparison with model results
    In: Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting / ECM 2011; 29th June - 1st July 2011; Cardiff, UK 2011
  • Dreier, Thomas; Ebert, V.; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-based combustion diagnostics
    In: Encyclopedia of analytical chemistry / Meyers, Robert, A. (Hrsg.) 2011, S. 1 - 41
  • Röder, Markus; Prabasena, B.; Kathrotia, T.; Riedel, U.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Spatially and spectrally resolved chemiluminescence and temperature measurements in counterflow-diffusion flames
    In: Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting / ECM 2011; 29th June - 1st July 2011; Cardiff, UK 2011
  • Leschowski, Martin; Sehrt, Jan T.; Dreier, Thomas; Witt, Gerd; Schulz, Christof
    Using Laser Beam Melting technology to design burner matrices for homogeneously sooting premixed high-pressure flames for LII diagnostics
    In: Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting / ECM 2011; 29th June - 1st July 2011; Cardiff, UK 2011, S. 1 - 6
  • Hecht, Christian; Yang, Huinan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    In-situ laser diagnostics of temperature, intermediate species concentration and particle sizes in gas-phase nanoparticle synthesis
    In: Applications of lasers for sensing and free space communications / Applications of lasers for sensing and free space communications (LS&C), 3 February 2010, San Diego, California, United States 2010
  • Greszik, Daniel; Yang, Huinan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Measurements of liquid film thickness by tracer LIF, Raman scattering and diode laser absorption spectroscopy
    In: Applications of lasers for sensing and free space communications: Lasers, sources, and related photonic devices / Applications of lasers for sensing and free space communications (LS&C), 3 February 2010, San Diego, California, United States 2010
  • Leschowski, Martin; Sehrt, Jan T.; Dreier, Thomas; Witt, Gerd; Schulz, Christof
    Using laser beam melting technology to design burner matrices for homogeneous sooting high pressure flames for LII diagnostics
    In: Fourth International Workshop and Meeting on Laser-Induced Incandescence: Quantitative Interpretation, Modeling, Application 18-20.04.2010 / 4th International Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence: Quantitative Interpretation, Modeling Applications, 18.-20.04.2010, Varenna, Italy 2010
  • Yang, Huinan; Hecht, Christian; Dreier, Thomas; Wiggers, Hartmut; Schulz, Christof
    3-Dimensional temperature imaging in a low-pressure flame reactor for nano-particle synthesis using tomographic tunable diode laser absorption and multi-line nitric-oxide laser-induced fluorescence imaging
    In: 4th European Combustion Meeting: Proceedings; Vienna University of Technology : 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna, Austria. 2009 paper 810 - 182
  • Wagner, S.; Raith, P.; Klein, M.; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Ebert, V.
    Absolute OH Concentrations Profiles in Laminar Diffusion Flames Measured with direct TDLAS at 1.5 μm
    In: FLAIR 2009 - Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research, Garmisch-Patenkirchen 2009 2009
  • Khartabil, Ahmad; Leschowski, Martin; Hecht, Christian; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Spatially and spectrally resolved chemiluminescence and temperature measurements in counterflow-diffusion flames
    In: Book of Abstracts: 4th European Combustion Meeting / 4th European Combustion Meeting, 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna, Austria / Winter, Franz; Szentannai, Pal (Hrsg.) 2009 paper 810-308
  • Hoffmann, Axel; Zimmermann, F.; Schulz, Christof; Ruckwied, Jens; Malcherek, Dietmar; Dreier, Thomas; Schießl, Robert; Maas, Ulrich
    Three-dimensional measurement of OH-concentration gradients in a turbulent flame by simultaneous measurement of laser-induced fluorescence and Raman scattering
    In: Combustion and Atmospheric Pollution / International Symposium on Combustion and Atmospheric Pollution, 8 - 11 July 2003, St. Petersburg, Russia / Roy, G.D.; Frolov, S.M.; Starik, A.M. (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 119 - 122
  • Dreier, Thomas; Ewart, P.
    Coherent techniques for measurements with intermediate concentrations
    In: Applied combustion diagnostics / Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina; Jeffries, Jay B. (Hrsg.) 2002, S. 69 - 97
  • Lavrinenko, Andrei; Gancheryonok, Igor I.; Dreier, Thomas
    New peculiarities of spectroscopic measurements with noncollinear scheme and nonpolarized light
    In: Lightmetry: metrology, spectroscopy, and testing techniques using light; [L-Metry (LM) Conference], 5 - 8 June 2000, Pultusk, Poland / L-Metry (LM) Conference, 05.-08.06.2000, Pultusk, Polen / Pluta, Maksymilian (Hrsg.) 2001, S. 62 - 73
  • Wolfrum, Jürgen; Dreier, Thomas; Ebert, V.; Schulz, Christof
    Laser-based combustion diagnostics
    In: Encyclopedia of analytical chemistry / Meyers, Robert A. (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 2118 - 2148
  • Miguel, P.F.; Larass, N.; Perrin, M.; Lasagni, F.; Beghi, M.; Hasko, S.; Fairweather, M.; Hargrave, G.; Sherwood, G.; Levinsky, H.; Mokhov, A.V.; Vries, H.d.; Martin, J.P.; Rolon, J.C.; Brenez, L.; Scouflaire, Philippe; Shin, D.I.; Peiter, G.; Dreier, Thomas; Volpp, H.R.
    Detailed Measurements in an idealized and a practical natural gas household boiler
    In: Proceedings of the 1998 International Gas Research Conference : San Diego, California, USA, November 8 - 11, 1998 = Comptes-rendus du Congrès International de la Recherche Gazière: Vol. 4: Residential and commercial utilization Utilisations domestiques et commerciales / International Gas Research Conference, 08.-11.11.1998, San Diego, California, USA 1998, S. 461 - 472
  • New, Mary J.; Ewart, Paul; Dreizler, Andreas; Dreier, Thomas
    Multiplex polarization spectroscopy of OH for flame thermometry
    In: Laser applications to chemical and environmental analysis: summaries of the papers presented at the topical meeting, March 20 - 22, 1996, Orlando, Florida / Topical Meeting Laser Applications to Chemical and Environmental Analysis,, Orlando, Florida 1996
  • Ridder, Michael; Dreier, Thomas; Schiff, G.; Suvernev, Andrei A.
    Spontaneous raman and CARS spectroscopy of supercritical water combustion
    In: Physical chemistry of aqueous systems: meeting the needs of industry ; proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam / 12th International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam, 11.-16.09.1994, Orlando, Florida / White, Howard J. (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 617
  • Dreier, Thomas; Schiff, G.
    Collisional narrowing and spectral shift in CARS spectra of molecular oxygen and oxygen-noblegas mixtures at pressures up to 2000 bar and temperatures up to 700 K
    In: Coherent Raman spectroscopy: applications and new development : XI European CARS Workshop, March 23-25, 1992, Florence, Italy / XI European CARS Workshop, 23.-25.03.1992, Florence, Italy / Castellucci, Emilio M.; Righini, Roberto; Foggi, Paolo (Hrsg.) 1993
  • Bouché, Th.; Dreier, Thomas; Wolfrum, Jürgen
    The hydrogen exchange reaction H + D2 —> HD(v,J) + H : The energy distribution in deuterium hydroxide at a collision energy of 2.14 eV
    In: Coherent Raman spectroscopy: applications and new development : XI European CARS Workshop, March 23-25, 1992, Florence, Italy / XI European CARS Workshop, 23.-25.03.1992, Florence, Italy / Castellucci, Emilio M.; Righini, Roberto; Foggi, Paolo (Hrsg.) 1993
  • Dreier, Thomas; Rakestraw, David J.; Farrow, Roger L.
    Degenerate four-wave mixing in combustion diagnostics
    In: Coherent raman spectroscopy: Recent advances / International Symposium on Coherent Raman Spectroscopy, 18.-20.09.1990, Samarkand, USSR / Marowsky, Gerd; Smirnov, Valery V. (Hrsg.) 1992, S. 255 - 274
  • Dreier, Thomas; Schiff, G.
    Spectral Width and Shift of collapsed Q-branch of molecular oxygen and oxygen / argon mixtures at 295 K
    In: Thirteenth International Conference on Raman spectroscopy: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31 August - 4 September 1992, Würzburg, Germany / Thirteenth International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, 31.08.-04.09.1992, Würzburg / Kiefer, Wolfgang (Hrsg.) 1992
  • Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Leschowski, Martin; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof
    Combination of various particle measurement techniques for validation of TiRe-LII in laminar high pressure flames
    In: Proceedings 5th International Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence / 5th International Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence (LII 2012), 8-11 May 2012, Le Touquet, France / Desgroux, Pascale (Hrsg.) (2012)
  • Vorträge

  • Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Daun, Kyle;
    Transition from laser - induced incandescence (LII) to laser - induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) on elemental nanoparticles
    8th International Workshop on LII (Laser-Induced Incandescence), 10.-13. June 2018, Tutzing, Germany,
    Tutzing (2018)
  • Sipkens, Timothy A.; Daun, Kyle J.; Mansmann, Raphael; Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof;
    Simultaneous inference of temperature and intensity scaling factor in laser-induced incandescence
    Combustion Institute Canadian Section (CI/CS) 2017, Spring Technical Meeting 15.-18. Mai 2017, Montréal, Canada,
    Montréal (2017)
  • Daun, Kyle; Menser, Jan; Mansmann, Raphael; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof;
    Laser-induced Incandescence measurements of liquid silicon and copper nanoparticles : spectroscopic model
    Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Radiat. Transf., RAD,
    Cappadocia, Turkey (2016)
  • ; Mansmann, Raphael; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof (Hrsg.)
    Light emitting diodes as gain calibration source for photomultiplier tubes Conference
    7th International Workshop on Laser-Induced Incandescence, 19-22 Juni 2016, Lake Tahoe, United States,
    Lake Tahoe (2016)
  • Mansmann, Raphael; Thomson, K.; Smallwood, Greg; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof;
    Sequential signal detection for high dynamic range time-resolved laser-induced incandescence
    7th Int. Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence,
    Lake Tahoe, California (2016)
  • Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof;
    Streak cameras for laser- induced incandescence measurements
    7th Int. Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence,
    Lake Tahoe, California (2016)
  • Menser, Jan; Daun, Kyle; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof;
    Validation of the evaporation model for LII/LIBS characterization of silicon nanoparticles
    7th Int. Workshop on Laser-induced Incandescence,
    Lake Tahoe, California (2016)
  • Zabeti, Siavash; Faust, Stephan; Dreier, Thomas; Fikri, Mustapha; Schulz, Christof;
    High-temperature shock tube study of laser-induced fluorescence of toluene and its pyrolysis products
    Flame Structure 2014, 8th International Seminar on Flame Structure, September, 21st - 24th 2014, Berlin,
    Berlin (2014)
  • Feroughi, Omid; Kronemeyer, Helmut; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof;
    The effect of turbulence on time-averaged thermometry in a pilot-plant nanoparticle synthesis reactor
    Flame Structure 2014, 8th International Seminar on Flame Structure, September, 21st - 24th 2014, Berlin,
    Berlin (2014)
  • Weise, Claudia; Menser, Jan; Wlokas, Irenäus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wiggers, Hartmut;
    Towards a standardized nanoparticle synthesis spray flame
    MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 30. November - 5. Dezember 2014, Boston, Massachusetts,
    Boston (2014)
  • Bougie, B.; Tulej, M.; Dreier, Thomas; Dam, N. J.; Gerber, T.; Meulen, J. J. T.;
    Investigations of diesel spray injections under non-reactive and reactive conditions using a high pressure high temperature constant volume combustion cell
    1st European Combustion Meeting (ECM), 25.-28.10.2003, Orléans, France,
  • Forschungsdaten

  • Prenting, Markus; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Schulz, Christof
    Liquid-phase temperature in the SpraySyn flame measured by two-color laser-induced fluorescence thermometry
    (2022) 8.2 MB