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Schillinger, Jasmin; Hellerschmied, Doris
Zellen unter Stress : Entspannung mit Hilfe von Proteinen
In: Unikate : Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2021), Heft 56 : "Junge Wilde" - Die nächste Generation, S. 30 - 39

Hellerschmied D, Serebrenik YV, Shao L, Burslem GM, Crews CM.
Protein Folding State-dependent Sorting at the Golgi Apparatus.
Mol Biol Cell. 2019 Jun 5:mbcE19010069.

Serebrenik YV, Hellerschmied D, Toure M, López-Giráldez F, Brookner D, Crews CM.
Targeted protein unfolding uncovers a Golgi-specific transcriptional stress response.
Mol Biol Cell. 2018 Jun 1;29(11):1284-1298.

Hellerschmied D, Roessler M, Lehner A, Gazda L, Stejskal K, Imre R, Mechtler K, Dammermann A, Clausen T.
UFD-2 is an adaptor-assisted E3 ligase targeting unfolded proteins.
Nat Commun. 2018 Feb 2;9(1):484.

Lai AC, Toure M, Hellerschmied D, Salami J, Jaime-Figueroa S, Ko E, Hines J, Crews CM.
Modular PROTAC Design for the Degradation of Oncogenic BCR-ABL.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2016 Jan 11;55(2):807-10.

Schneider M, Hellerschmied D, Schubert T, Amlacher S, Vinayachandran V, Reja R, Pugh BF, Clausen T, Köhler A.
The Nuclear Pore-Associated TREX-2 Complex Employs Mediator to Regulate Gene Expression.
Cell. 2015 Aug 27;162(5):1016-28.

Hellerschmied D, Clausen T.
Myosin chaperones.
Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2014 Apr;25:9-15.  Review.

Gazda L, Pokrzywa W, Hellerschmied D, Löwe T, Forné I, Mueller-Planitz F, Hoppe T, Clausen T.
The myosin chaperone UNC-45 is organized in tandem modules to support myofilament formation in C. elegans.
Cell. 2013 Jan 17;152(1-2):183-95.