Bachelor Courses

Wintersemester (EMF) Elektrische und Magnetische Felder
In this subject, the fundamentals of causes and effects in electrical engineering are taught. Among them, especially the field concept is defined and the calculation of fields of various electric and magnetic sources is treated.

Sommersemester (EN) Elektrische Netzwerke
In this course, you will learn the basic concepts of calculating electrical networks with direct and alternating current. In addition, the common network theorems and analysis methods of networks are covered.

Wintersemester (EIT-WS) EIT-Erstsemester-Workshop
This workshop provides a first look at how an electrical engineer works. It teaches basic concepts and tools of electrical engineering and how engineers design, analyze and optimize electronic systems.

Sommersemester (ELab1) Elektrotechnik Praktikum Teil 1
In this lab practical, you will learn about real current and voltage sources, practice measuring time-periodic signals, and measure parallel resonant circuits.

Wintersemester (ELab2) Elektrotechnik Praktikum Teil 2
In this lab practicum, you'll learn to systematically troubleshoot circuits, practice building and measuring filter networks, and measure coupled coils for wireless power transmission.

Winter- und Sommersemester (EWS) Electronic Workshop for Students
In this workshop you will learn how to realize your own electronic circuit on a circuit board and master the technique of soldering. You will learn how to design a circuit and which materials and tools are needed. After the workshop, you will be able to independently implement circuits on a circuit board.
Wintersemester (AK MedTech) Ausgewählte Kapitel der Medizintechnik
This lecture series provides a platform for current and research-related lectures in the field of medical technology. The lectures cover various topics, such as imaging techniques, implantable devices and biosensors. The speakers are experts from industry and research who offer insights into their work and latest findings. The lecture series offers a unique opportunity to learn about the latest developments and trends in medical technology.
Wintersemester (EinfMRT) Einführung in die MRT
This subject provides medical technology students with an introduction to magnetic resonance imaging. It covers basic concepts and applications of MRI in medical imaging. The course provides a solid foundation for future studies and applications in MRI.
Sommersemester (IMPS) Introduction to Multi-Physics Simulation
This subject provides an introduction to multi-physics simulation and shows how computer simulations can be used to model and analyze complex systems and processes.
Master Courses

Wintersemester (TET1) Theoretische Elektrotechnik 1
"Theoretische Elektrotechnik 1" covers the fundamentals of the electric field, including its generation by charges and charge distributions, measurement and calculation, and its effect on charges and currents.

Sommersemester (TET2) Theoretische Elektrotechnik 2
"Theoretische Elektrotechnik 2" covers the magnetic field, including its generation by moving charges and currents, measurement and calculation, and its interaction with electric fields. The course concludes with the derivation of the electromagnetic wave equations, which describe the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

Wintersemester (CEM1) Computational Electromagnetics 1
This course provides basic knowledge in the numerical simulation of electromagnetic fields, such as the finite difference method in time, the finite element method and the method of moments. You will also learn how to use simulation software.

Sommersemester (CEM2) Computational Electromagnetics 2
Numerical methods for solving electromagnetic problems are covered here, including the finite element method and the boundary element method. In a final project, you will develop your own algorithm for solving an electromagnetic problem.

Sommersemester (RepMax) Repetitorium der Maxwellschen Theorie
Maxwell's equations are the central element in the description of electromagnetism.
In this course, Maxwell's equations are studied in integral and differential form. The balancing act between mathematically precise formulation and intuitive physical conjecture is combined to form an overall picture. Various illustrative examples and sample problems on static, stationary and dynamic problems are dealt with in depth.
The course serves as preparation or complementary to the lectures "Theoretical Electrical Engineering".