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Currently, we are fully invested in expanding the research group collapses  – consisting of researchers, Ph.D. and master students – with the aim to develop highly competitive research and to attract international visibility and funding.

If you are interested in working with us in any capacity, please contact the head of the research group.


Head of the research groupIrene-Angelica Chounta

Junior professor - Informatics methods in the modeling and analysis of learning processes
Business address: Lotharstr. 65 (LF), 47057 Duisburg
Telephone: +49 203 379 1450
Fax: +49 203 379 3557
Charge Office:  LF 130
Personal website:

Group members

PhD students

  • Cleo Maximiliane Schulten (M.Sc), Office: LF 116
  • Lisa Michael (M.Sc), Office: LF 116

Student Assistants

  • Nadiya Davydova
  • Yasin Esiri

External Affiliates

  • Paraskevi Topali, PhD. Candidate, University of Valladolid, Spain

  • Eric Roldan Roa, PhD. Student, University of Tartu, Estonia

  • Mahesha Harshani DeSilva, PhD. Student, Tallinn University, Estonia

  • Tiiu Leibur, PhD. Student, University of Tartu, Estonia