What is the FSR?

Mathematics Department Student CouncilThe Student Council
We, the Mathematics Department Student Council (FSR), are a group of students dedicated to addressing the concerns of mathematics students at the University of Duisburg-Essen. We support you in your studies by providing academic counceling, maintaining contact with mathematicians in industry and business, advocating on your behalf with professors, and having an overview of the committees within the university administration. On the other hand, we also enrich the cultural life around the campus: we organize parties, perform at the Ludi (a venue on campus), attend the German Mathematics Championships (DFM) together, and guide incoming freshmen through their new phase of life at the university.
You can get an idea of the services we offer on our homepage. Over the years, our offerings have continually expanded as we aim to provide you with more. Moreover, if you wish to contribute to these services, there are numerous opportunities to do so.

Helping HandsThe list of volunteers
At many events, there are various tasks and services that need to be taken care of. A prominent example is the beer service at parties. Since these services are assigned in shifts, a large number of helpers are needed, especially for parties. If you would like to assist us, you can sign up for the volunteer mailinglist without any obligation. Through this mailing list, we send out emails whenever an event with multiple tasks is approaching. To help out, you can add your name to the shift plan indicating the shifts you'd like to take on. If you prefer not to come to the WSC in person, you can simply send us an email. (fsr-mathe@lists.uni-due.de)

Der Student CouncilElected and Advisory Members
The Mathematics Department Student Council holds regular meetings (in German) during which we plan upcoming events and discuss current issues. If you're curious about how we organize everything, what tasks we still have, and how student self-governance works, you're welcome to attend any of our meetings. They are open to the university community and are announced well in advance, for example, on our homepage. Your visit is entirely non-committal, but of course, we always appreciate new helpers.
By the way: You can request meeting minutes at any time by email if you're a member of the university.
The Student Council consists of elected members, who are elected by you annually, and its advisory members, who may not have been elected but actively contribute to the Student Council's work. If you are interested in getting involved in the Student Council's activities, it's best to start as a helper and come to the meetings. This way, you'll get a first glimpse into the work of the Student Council. Initially, everything in the meetings might seem overwhelming, as many processes have become ingrained in the members, making it hard for newcomers to follow. Don't worry, this is the case for everyone who starts at the Student Council.
As you spend more time with us, you'll gain a deeper understanding of our work and may consider becoming an elected or advisory member.
University life consists of two parts: studies and the cultural life surrounding it. Life is too short to focus solely on academics. That's why we offer a wide range of events for you. But even if you encounter challenges in your studies, we stand by your side, and we would be thrilled to have your support in this endeavor.