Schreiber, U. (2022). Storage of biochemical information as the start of life: A hypothetical model for the development of the first cell. doi:10.20944/preprints202201.0364.v1
Großmann, Y.; Schreiber, U.; Mayer, C.; Schmitz, O. Origin of Life: Aliphatic aldehydes in the Earth’s crust–remains of prebiotic chemistry? Preprint researchsquare 2021. doi:10.21203/
Bornemann, T. L., Adam, P. S., Turzynski, V., Schreiber, U., Figueroa-Gonzalez, P. A., Rahlff, J., ... & Probst, A. J. (2022). Genetic diversity in terrestrial subsurface ecosystems impacted by geological degassing. Nature communications, 13(1), 1-12.
Schreiber, Ulrich; Mayer, Christian: The First Cell : The Mystery Surrounding the Beginning of Life Heidelberg: Springer, 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-45380-0, 978-3-030-45381-7. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45381-7
Till L.V. Bornemann, Panagiotis S. Adam, Victoria Turzynski, Ulrich Schreiber, Perla Abigail Figueroa-Gonzalez, Janina Rahlff, Daniel Köster, Torsten C Schmidt, Ralf Schunk, Bernhard Krauthausen, and Alexander J. Probst (2020) Geological degassing enhances microbial metabolism in the continental subsurface. - doi:
Ulrich Schreiber: Das Geheimnis um die erste Zelle - Dem Ursprung des Lebens auf der Spur: Springer, 2019. ISBN 978-3-662-59183-3; eBook ISBN 978-3-662-59183-3; DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-59183-3
Schreiber, Ulrich; Schmitz, Oliver; Mayer, Christian: Der Ursprung des Lebens : „Die“ Herausforderung der Wissenschaft In: Unikate / Universität Duisburg-Essen : Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2018), Heft 51: Herausforderung Wasserforschung - lokal, regional, global, S. 116 - 125. DOI: 10.17185/duepublico/70365 . Volltext in DuEPublico : Dokument duepublico_mods_00070365 URN: urn:nbn:de:hbz:464-20190809-160946-6.
Mayer, C.; Schreiber, U.; Dávila, M.J.; Schmitz, O.J.; Bronja, A.; Meyer, M.; Klein, J.; Meckelmann, S.W. Molecular Evolution in a Peptide-vesicle System. Life 2018, 8, 16 (doi:10.3390/life8020016).
U. Schreiber, C. Mayer, O.J. Schmitz, P. Rosendahl, A. Bronja, M. Greule, F. Keppler, I. Mulder, T. Sattler, H.F. Schöler (2017): Organic compounds in fluid inclusions of Archean quartz – analogues of prebiotic chemistry on early Earth, PLOS ONE;
C. Mayer, U. Schreiber, M.J. Dávila, (2017) Selection of Prebiotic Molecules in Amphiphilic Environments”, Life 7, 3 (2017) doi:10.3390/life7010
- Tirone, M., Rokitta, K., Schreiber, U. (2016): Thermochronological evolution of an intra-plate magmatic event inferred from an integrated modeling approach: A case study in the Westerwald, Germany. - Lithos 260, Pages 178–190
- Mayer, C., Schreiber, U., Davila, M.J.: Periodic vesicle formation in tectonic fault zones – an ideal environment for molecular evolution, Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. June 2015, Volume 45, Issue 1-2, pp 139-148.
Niemann, A.; Perau, E.; Schreiber, U; Koch, M.: Chancen und Risiken untertägiger Pumpspeicherwerke in Steinkohlebergwerken im Ruhrrevier. Ausgewählte Beiträge aus der Fachzeitschrift Wasserwirtschaft, Wasserkraftprojekte Band II, Springer Vieweg, 2015, S. 330 - 335.
Niemann, A.; Perau, E.; Schreiber, U.; Zillmann, A.: Neue Energue aus alten Schächten, Newsletter ALUMNI Ingenieurwissenschaften, 2014, S.8-9.
Perau, E; Schreiber, U.; Luick, H.: geologische und geotechnische Aspekte beim bau von Untertage-Pumpspeicherwerken in Anlagen des Steinkohlebergbaus; Universität Duisburg-Essen, Report Geotechnik; Hrsg. E. Perau, Heft 40, S.105-118.
Perau, E.; Schreiber, U.; Niemann, A.; Wagner, H.-J.; Koch, M. K.; Mark. P.: Forschungsaktivitäten zu Untertage-Pumpspeicherwerken in Anlagen des Berg- und Tagebaus; Universität Duisburg-Essen, Report Geotechnik, Hrsg. E. Perau, Heft 40, S. 7-16.
Gabriele Berberich and Ulrich Schreiber: GeoBioScience: Red Wood Ants as Bioindicators for Active Tectonic Fault Systems in the West Eifel (Germany). Animals 2013, 3(2), 475-498; doi:10.3390/ani3020475
Gabriele Berberich, Martin Berberich, Arne Grumpe, Christian Wöhler and Ulrich Schreiber. Early Results of Three-Year Monitoring of Red Wood Ants’ Behavioral Changes and Their Possible Correlation with Earthquake Events. Animals 2013, 3(1), 63-84; doi:10.3390/ani3010063
- Schreiber, U.; Locker-Grütjen, O. and Mayer, Chr. (2012): Hypothesis: Origin of Life in Deep-Reaching Tectonic Faults. Prebiotic Chemistry. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 42(1) 47 – 54 (2012).
- Schreiber, U.; Brennholt, N. & Simon, J. (2009): Gas permeable deep reaching fracture zones encourage site selection of ants. Ecological Indicators 9: 508-517.
- JENTZSCH, G.; PUNONGBAYAN, R.S.; SCHREIBER, U.; SEEBER, G.; VOLKSEN, C. & WEISE, A. (2001): Mayon volcano, Philippines: change of monitoring strategy after microgravity and GPS measurements from 1992 to 1996. - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 109 (1-3): 219-234, Special Issue SI
- WIEGAND, J.; LUO, X.; FEIGE, S.; XIE, Q.; SCHREIBER, U.; WIEDITZ, K. & WITTMANN, C. (2000): Radon and Thoron in Cave Dwellings (Yan'an, China).- Health Physics 78/4: 438-444.
- SCHREIBER, U.: Geologische Karte 1:25.000 Blatt Westerburg (5413) und Erläuterungen (Im Druck).
- SCHREIBER,U.; ANDERS, D. & J. KOPPEN (1999): Mixing and chemical interdiffusion of trachytic and latic magma in a subvolcanic complex of the Tertiary Westerwald (Germany). LITHOS 46: 695-714.
- SCHREIBER, U. & ROTSCH, S. (1998): Cenozoic block rotation according to a conjugate shear system in Central Europe - Indications from paleomagnetic measurements. Tectonophysics vol. 299 / 1-3 pages 111-142.
- EL-KELANI, R.; JENTZSCH, G. & SCHREIBER, U. (1998): Gravity anomalies and subsurface geology in the Westerwald volcanic area, Germany. Geol. Rundschau 87: 381-393.
- SCHREIBER, U. (1996): Tertiärer Vulkanismus des Westerwaldes. In: Thein, J. & Schäfer, A. (Hrsg.): TERRA NOSTRA, Exkursionsführer 148. Hauptversammlung der DGG: 187-212.
- GERHOLD, K.-M.; TEZKAN, B.; HÖRDT, A. & SCHREIBER, U. (1994): Zweidimensionale Geoelektrikmodellierung eines vulkanischen Trichters. In: Bahr, K. & Junge, H. (Hrsg.): 15. Koll. Elektromagnetische Tiefensondierung, 223-231, Höchst.
- Mayer, C.; Schreiber, U.; Dávila, M.J.; Schmitz, O.J.; Bronja, A.; Meyer, M.; Klein, J.; Meckelmann, S.W. Molecular Evolution in a Peptide-vesicle System. Life 2018, 8, 16 (doi:10.3390/life8020016).
- Mayer, C.; Schreiber, U.; Davila, M.: Selection of Prebiotic Molecules in Amphiphilic Environments. Preprints 2016, 2016120089 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201612.0089.v1).
- Schreiber U., Mayer C., Dyker G., Kirnbauer T., Sattler T., Schöler H., and Tubbesing C.: Origin of Life in deep reaching gas-permeable tectonic faults - evidence for pre-biotic organic molecules in hydrothermal quartz veins from the Archaean Yilgarn province. Origins of Life - At the crossroads between Biochemistry and Astrophysics. Max Planck Society, July 10-12, 2013, Dresden.
- U. Schreiber & G. Berberich: New Findings on Gas Migration and Active Tectonics in the East Eifel Volcanic Field. Basalt 2013 - Cenozoic Magmatism of Central Europe. Görlitz 24.-28.04.2013.
- G. Berberich, M. Berberich, A. Grumpe, Chr. Wöhler, U. Schreiber: First Results of 3 Year Monitoring of Red Wood Ants’ Behavioural Changes and Their Possible Correlation with Earthquake Events. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, EGU2013-24, 2013. (
- U. Schreiber & G. Berberich: Why does the Size of the Laacher See Magma Chamber and its Caldera Size not go together? – New Findings with regard to Active Tectonics in the East Eifel Volcanic Field. Vol. 15, EGU2013-5908, 2013. (; Poster)
- Chr. Mayer, U. Schreiber, G. Dyker, T. Kirnbauer, I. Mulder, T.Sattler, H. Schöler, and Chr. Tubbesing Pre-biotic organic molecules in hydrothermal quartz veins from the Archaean Yilgarn province, Australia. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, EGU2013-7712, 2013. (
- Berberich G., Klimetzek D., Berberich M., Schreiber U. (2012): A red wood ant supercolony as a bioindicator for neotectonic fault structures at the peninsula Bodanrueck (southwest Germany). Entomology 2012, ESA's 60th Annual Meeting, November 11-14, 2012, Knoxville, TN. Paper 65819. (
- Klimetzek D., Berberich G., Berberich M., Schreiber U. (2012): Wood ants prefer neotectonic faults: 50 years of a Formica rufa – supercolony in southwest Germany. Entomology 2012, ESA's 60th Annual Meeting, November 11-14, 2012, Knoxville, TN. Paper 65821. (
- Schreiber U. and Meyer C. (2012): Deep Reaching Gas-permeable Tectonic Faults of the Early Earth as Habitats for the Origin of Life. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-3495, 2012. EGU General Assembly 2012
- Berberich G., Klimetzek D., Schreiber U., and Berberich M. (2012): Geogenic Gases and Red Wood Ant Clusters as Indicators for Neotectonic Activity at the Peninsula Bodanrück (South West Germany). Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-3488, 2012. EGU General Assembly 2012
- Luick, H., Niemann, A., Perau, E., Schreiber, U.: Pumped Storage Power Plants in Coal Mines of the Ruhr Region. SDGG 80, S. 423, GeoHannover 2012
- Luick, H., Niemann, A., Perau, E., Schreiber, U. (2012): Coalmines as Underground Storage Plants (UPP) - A Contribution to a Sustainable Energy Supply? Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 14, EGU2012-4205, 2012. EGU General Assembly 2012
- Berberich G. & Schreiber U. (2011): Bio-Geosciences: Red Wood Ant Mounds are Biological Indicators for Neotectonic Earthquake-bearing Fault Systems. Paper No. 33-3. Fragile Earth: Geological Processes from Global to Local Sclaes and Associated Hazards. International Conference, Munich, 4-7 September 2011.
- Schreiber U. & Berberich G. (2011): Red Wood Ant Mounds as Biological Indicators for Earthquake-bearing Fault Systems. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-1790, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011
- Berberich G., Berberich M., Schreiber U. (2011): First Results of 1 Year Monitoring of Red Wood Ant Behaviour as Short-term (> 1h) Indicators for Earthquake Prediction. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 13, EGU2011-1785, 2011, EGU General Assembly 2011
- Luick, H., Niemann, A., Perau, E., Wagner, H.-J., Schreiber, U. (2011): New Potentials for Storing Green Energy using Pumped-Storage Power Plants. Fragile Earth 2011, GV/GSA International Conference, München
- Luick, H. Reuther, J., Schreiber, U. (2010): Advective and diffuse degassing structures in a mofette field in the Wittlicher Senke (Southern Eifel, Germany). GV International Conference, Darmstadt
- Berberich, G. & Schreiber, U. (2009): Detection of Gas permeable Strike-Slip Faults by means of Bioindicators (Hill-building Forest Ants) and Gas Analyses in the Volcanic West- and Hocheifel (Germany). GV Annual Meeting 2009, Göttingen, Earth Control on Planetary Life and Environment, p. 16.
- Berberich, G. & Schreiber, U. (2009): Detection of Gas permeable Strike-Slip Faults by means of Bioindicators (Hill-building Forest Ants) and Gas Analyses in the Volcanic West- and Hocheifel (Germany). Poster presentation. GV Annual Meeting 2009, Göttingen, Earth Control on Planetary Life and Environment.
- Schreiber, U.; Buck, V.; Epple, M.; Flemming, H.C.; Mayer, C.; Locker-Gruetjen, O.: Origin of Life - tectonically controlled by Strike-Slip Faults of the Early Crust? - GV International Conference 2009, 99th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung, Göttingen.
- Reuther, J.; Janßen, P.; Luick, H.; Schreiber, U.: Comparison between different Gas bearing Structures; Indicators, Methods and first Results - GV International Conference 2009, 99th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung, Göttingen.
- Berberich, G.; Schreiber, U. (2009): Detection of Gas permeable Strike-Slip Faults by means of Bioindicators (Hill-building Forest Ants) and Gas Analyses in the Volcanic West- and Hocheifel (Germany) - GV International Conference 2009, 99th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung, Göttingen.
- SIMON, J.; BRENNHOLT, N. & SCHREIBER, U. (2006): Hill-building forest ants (Formicinae) indicate strike fault zones, a geosphere-biosphere interaction? - GV International Conference 2006, 96th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung, Potsdam.
- BRENNHOLT, N.; SCHREIBER, U. & SIMON, J. (2005): Neogene tectonics in the Rhenish Massif in special consideration of earthquake-relevant fault zones and their indication by hill-building forest ants (Formicinae). - GeoErlangen 2005. System Earth - Biosphere Coupling. September 24-29, 2005. Program and Abstracts; Hannover.
- MERTENS, J.; KLINGER, C.; SCHREIBER, U. & WIEGAND, J. (2001): Geogene Arsen- und Schwermetallanreicherungen im Essener Grünsand des mittleren Ruhrgebietes. 153. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft 2001.
- FEY, M.; SAUER, C.; FEIGE, G.B.; SCHREIBER, U. & BITSCHENE, P.R. (1998): Die Eruption des Volcán Hudson (Patagonische Anden, Chile) vom August 1991 - Stratigraphie und pflanzliche Wiederbesiedlung der Tephren im Sommer (Januar-März) 1998. 16. Geowissenschaftliches Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, 1998, Bayreuth; Terra Nostra (98/5):37.
- SCHREIBER, U. & ROTSCH, S. (1997): Cenozoic block rotation in the northern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge: evidence from paleomagnetic measurements. 9th Conf. Europ. Union Geosc., Strasbourg.
- KOPPEN, J. & SCHREIBER, U. (1997): Schmelz/Schmelz-Diffusion contra Kristallfraktionierung. Ein alternatives Modell zur Genese kontinentaler Alkalivulkanite. 149. Hauptversammlung der DGG.
- KOPPEN, J. & SCHREIBER, U. (1997): Melt Extraction by Mixing and Element Diffusion in alkaline basaltic Magmas. 9th Conf. Europ. Union Geosc., Strasbourg, Terra Nova, 9: 683.
- SCHREIBER, U. (1996):Globuide in hybriden Magmen: Genese der Alkali-Vulkanite durch Schmelz/Schmelz - Diffusion? 86. Jahrestagung der Geol. Vereinigung, Amsterdam.
- SCHREIBER, U.; ANDERS, D. & KOPPEN, J. (1996): Melt/Melt-Diffuison in globule-bearing alkaline Magmas: Origin of the alkaline Series. 6th Goldschmidt Conf., Heidelberg, J. of Conf., Abstr., 1(1): 551.
- SCHREIBER, U. (1996): Extraktion alkalireicher Magmen durch Schmelz/Schmelz-Intrusion, Globuidbildung und Diffusion - Die Grundlage des bimodalen Vulkanismus? In: Thein, J. & Schäfer, A. (Hrsg.): Geologische Stoffkreisläufe und ihre Veränderungen durch den Menschen. 148. Hauptversammlung der DGG, 1:75-76.
- SCHREIBER, U. (1996): Die Bildung der Niederrheinischen Bucht, Neuwieder Becken und Grabenzonen der Hessischen Senke als Reaktion auf eine dextrale Drehung des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges im Känozoikum. 148. Hauptversammlung der DGG, Bonn.
- KUEMPEL, H.-J.; CASTEN, U.; RAMA RAO, SCHREIBER, U. (1994): Integrierte Anwendung geophysikalischer Meßverfahren zur Abgrenzung eines Phonoliths. 54. Jahrestagung der DGG, Münster.
- SCHREIBER, U. (1992): Tectonic framework and volcanism within the Tertiary of Central Europe. 82. Jahrestagung der Geol. Vereinigung, Stuttgart.