Advanced Oxidation Processes
Investigation of fundamental mechanisms in oxidative water treatment processes (e.g., ozonation, Fenton, chlorine dioxide, photo-oxidation UV, UV/H2O2 and UV/S2O82─)
Studies on reaction pathways in pollutant degradation and by-product formation
Development and critical assessment and of new oxidants and applications for pollutant degradation
Optimization of oxidative drinking- and wastewater treatment processes
Development of oxidation modules for analytical processes (e.g., stable isotope analysis)
Physical procedures as Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP) for water treatment
In order to develop a Plasma-based technology for the degradation of recalcitrant organic compounds in water the following topics are in the focus of our studies.
- Generation of electrical discharges in water
- Plasma diagnostics
- Degradation Efficiency
Electrical discharges in water are generated by applying pulsed high voltage and pulsed microwaves. Therefore, pulse generator and plasma reactor have to be developed (AiF-ZIM, AiF-IGF funding). Plasma diagnostics is performed by means of optical methods, optical discharge imaging and emission spectrometry (DFG funding). In order to prove the applicability of underwater electrical discharges for water treatment pharmaceutical substances and perfluorinated compounds have been selected for the investigation of removal rates and studies on possible generation of by-products (EU funding).
Furthermore, the combination of a boron-doped diamond electrode with a condensator module for preconcentration and subsequent degradation of the recalcitrant contaminants (PFOA; PFOS) is investigated (AiF-ZIM funding).