
Stable Isotope Analysis
- Development, validation and application of compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSIA) using gaschromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to isotope ratio mass spectrometry.
- Development of high-temperature LC separations using purely aqueous eluents for LC the hyphenation.
- Current applications: methane oxidation, biomethylation of metals, product authenticity, pesticide degradation.
Liquid Chromatography and LC-MS
- Fundamentals of high-temperature LC and LCxLC (coop. T. Teutenberg).
- Rapid and sensitive determination of pesticide metabolites in aqueous samples using UPLC-MS (coop. F. Werres).

Microextraction Techniques and Gaschromatography
- Development, validation and application of microextraction techniques in sample preparation for volatile and semivolatile compounds.
- GCxGC-MS for the ultratrace determination of aromatic amines in complex mixtures.
- Determination of hydrophobic compounds in water samples rich in particular matter and in street dusts.

Phase-transfer Processes at Aqueous Interfaces
- Characterization and quantification of molecular- level mechanisms of sorption, using chemical probes and polyparamter linear free energy relationships
- Carbon Nanomaterials

Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS)
Ion mobility spectrometry, originally used to detect gaseous pollutants of organic contaminants e.g. chemical warfare agents, explosives and illegal drugs in air is a promising technique combined with a suitable sample introduction system also for analyzing aqueous samples. The interest in simple, inexpensive and fast techniques, which can be used for online monitoring, has grown also in terms of water analysis in recent years.

Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOP)
- Investigation of fundamental mechanisms in oxidative water treatment processes (e.g., ozonation, Fenton, chlorine dioxide, photo-oxidation UV, UV/H2O2 and UV/S2O82─)
- Studies on reaction pathways in pollutant degradation and by-product formation