23.08.2016 - 23:36
Research Forum – Announcing Two Talks
Gracia Liu-Farrer and James Farrer are staying at the DFG Research Training Group 1613. Please join us for their talks on August 23, 2016 in SG 183.
Research Forum of the DFG Research Training Group 1613 "Risk and East Asia"
Tuesday, August 23 2016
SG 183, Geibelstrasse
10:00 – 12:00
"New Developments in Migration in East and Southeast Asia"
Professor Gracia Liu-Farrer
Sociology, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies
Waseda University, Tokyo
Professor Liu-Farrer is a leading scholar of migration studies, and is currently co-editing the Routledge Handbook of Asian Migrations (with Brenda Yeoh). Her research interests in addition to international migration include social stratification and inequality, globalization and international education. Her recent publications include: 2016: Migration as Class-based Consumption: The Emigration of the Rich in Contemporary China,” China Quarterly and 2011: Labor Migration from China to Japan: International Students, Transnational Migrants, Routledge Press.
Lunch Break – please join us at the Lindenwirtin
14:00 – 16:00
Methods Forum
"Doing Ethnography in East Asian Urban Settings"
Professor James Farrer
Sociology, Graduate Program in Global Studies
Sophia University, Tokyo
Professor Farrer is an ethnographer and leading scholar of urban life in Shanghai and Tokyo. His research interests include global cuisines, night life, migration and urban sexual cultures. Recent publications include: (with Andrew Field) 2015: Shanghai Nightscapes: A Nocturnal Biography of a Global City, Univ. of Chicago Press; (edited) 2015: Globalization and Asian Cuisines: Transnational Networks and Contact Zones, Palgrave Press.