28.01.2016 - 10:24
Guest lecture Gisela Philipsenburg
The IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies is pleased to announce that Dr. Gisela Philipsenburg, Head of Division of Innovation Policy Issues, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), is going to visit the IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies.
Research and Innovation Policy in an International Context - Impulses from Japan and South Korea
Dr. Gisela Philipsenburg, Head of Division of Innovation Policy Issues, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Date: January 28, 2016, Time: 11.00 - 12.30 Uhr
Venue: SG-Gebäude, Raum SG 183
Geibelstraße 41, 47057 Duisburg
Please register with ( by January 26.
When designing research and innovation policy an internationally comparative perspective plays an important role. The exchange with other countries provides an essential foundation for information gathering and allows to discuss common challenges and to learn from each other. The presentation will focus on impulses for German research and innovation policy which have been obtained during a nearly two-week trip to Japan and South Korea in September 2015 through interviews and workshops with representatives from science, business and politics.
Gisela Philipsenburg studied economics with a focus on East Asian Economic Studies /Japan in Duisburg, Germany and Soka, Japan. Subsequently she worked for one year for the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan before she returned to Duisburg-Essen University to write her dissertation on institutional change in the Japanese innovation system. In 2003 she joined the international department of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and subsequently moved to the strategy department in 2004 where she was engaged in the formulation of the High-Tech Strategy for Germany and the development and implementation of Germany’s Leading-Edge Cluster Competition. In 2008 she changed to the German Federal Chancellery’s Education and Research Division where she was, among others, in charge of the Innovation Dialogue between the Federal Government, business and science.. Since 2013 she is Head of Division of Innovation Policy Issues in the strategy department of BMBF. Main tasks are the German Federal Government’s High-Tech Strategy as well as research and innovation policy advice.