Energy and Resource Engineering

Energy and Resource Engineering

1. Relevant Research Activity

The Chair of Mechatronics works within the scope of the FSP on contributions that deals with the scientific analysis of energy flows in motor vehicles as well as the saving of energy while maintaining and increasing the functionality of manipulator systems. These include:

  • Efficient vehicle drives under specific user requirements by the acquisition of motion data and the simulation-based analysis for the prediction of individual and fleet consumption as well as the assessment of the vehicle-specific influencing variables in traffic flow simulations [1] [2] [3].
  • Assistance systems to increase energy efficiency
  • Shelf operating devices based on cable robot technology [4] [5] et al. With regard to the calculation of energy-efficient trajectories and energy-saving control concepts​​



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2. Projects and Cooperations

  • Development of lightweight racking systems based on cable robot technology from NRW (LEAN) "supported by the leading market competition Mobility Logistics.NRW with 7 project partners from industry and the Chair of Mechatronics (Schramm) as well as Transport and Logistics (Noche)
  • PREMIUM (plug-in, range-extender and electric vehicles under real mobility conditions: infrastructure, environmental conditions and market acceptance): Promotion by the BMUB, involving university and industrial project partners
  • RuhrAutoE: Promotion by BMVI.
  • Prediction of unknown conditions

3. Equipment Facilities

  • Cable Robot test rigs (12m x 6m x 2m und 2m x 2m x 2m)
  • Several dynamically driven and static Driving Simulators; Computer clusters

4. Five Selected Publications or Patents

  • [1] S. JESCHKE, H. HIRSCH, M. KOPPERS, D. SCHRAMM, Investigations on the impact of different electric vehicle traction systems in urban traffic, Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) 2013, IEEE Beijing, China, 2014, pp. 1 - 6
  • [2] M. KOPPERS, S. TEWIELE, D. SCHRAMM, Identifikation der Energieverteilung von Fahrantrieb und Nebenaggregaten in realen Fahrprofilen im Flottenbetrieb, Automotive meets Electronics, Dortmund, 2016, pp. 111-116.
  • [3] M. SCHÜLLER, S. TEWIELE, T. BRUCKMANN, D. SCHRAMM, Evaluation of alternative drive systems based on driving patterns comparing Germany, China and Malaysia, 3rd International Conference on Recent Advances in Automotive Engineering & Mobility Research (ReCar), Malakka, Malaysia, 2015.
  • [4] L. FEHLBERG, C. REICHERT, T. BRUCKMANN, J. VON ZITZEWITZ, Ausnutzung energiespeichernder Elemente zur Effizienzsteigerung seilbasierter Regalbediengeräte, in: T. Bertram, B. Corves, K. Janschek (Eds.), Fachtagung Mechatronik 2013, Fachtagung Mechatronik ; VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik ; Gesellschaft Produkt- und Prozessgestaltung, Aachen, 2013, pp. 171-176.
  • [5] M. GOUTTEFARDE, J. LAMAURY, C. REICHERT, T. BRUCKMANN: A Versatile Tension Distribution Algorithm for n-DOF Parallel Robots Driven by n + 2 Cables. In: Robotics 31 (2015), S. 1444 - 1457.