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  • Universitätsprofessor/in, Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Ehlert, Karoline; Schulte, Johannes; Kühl, Jörn-Sven; Lang, Peter; Eggert, Angelika; Voigt, Sebastian
    Efficacy of Brincidofovir in Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant Recipients With Adenovirus Infections
    In: Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Jg. 10 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 987 - 993
  • Reschke, Madlen; Biewald, Eva; Bronstein, Leo; Brecht, Ines B.; Dittner-Moormann, Sabine; Driever, Frank; Ebinger, Martin; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Grabow, Desiree; Geismar, Dirk; Göricke, Sophia Luise; Guberina, Maja; Le Guin, Claudia; Kiefer, Tobias; Kratz, Christian P.; Metz, Klaus; Müller, Bert; Ryl, Tatsiana; Schlamann, Marc; Schlüter, Sabrina; Schönberger, Stefan; Schulte, Johannes H.; Sirin, Selma; Süsskind, Daniela; Timmermann, Beate; Ting, Saskia; Wackernagel, Werner; Wieland, Regina; Zenker, Martin; Zeschnigk, Michael; Reinhardt, Dirk; Eggert, Angelika; Ritter-Sovinz, Petra; Lohmann, Dietmar; Bornfeld, Norbert; Bechrakis, Nikolaos; Ketteler, Petra
    Eye tumors in childhood as first sign of tumor predisposition syndromes : Insights from an observational study conducted in Germany and Austria
    In: Cancers Jg. 13 (2021) Nr. 8, S. 1876
  • Bortnick, Rachel; Wlodarski, Marcin; de Haas, Valerie; De Moerloose, Barbara; Dworzak, Michael; Hasle, Henrik; Masetti, Riccardo; Starý, Jan; Turkiewicz, Dominik; Ussowicz, Marek; Kozyra, Emilia; Albert, Michael; Bader, Peter; Bordon, Victoria; Cario, Gunnar; Beier, Rita; Schulte, Johannes; Bresters, Dorine; Müller, Ingo; Pichler, Herbert; Sedlacek, Petr; Sauer, Martin G.; Zecca, Marco; Göhring, Gudrun; Yoshimi, Ayami; Noellke, Peter; Erlacher, Miriam; Locatelli, Franco; Niemeyer, Charlotte M.; Strahm, Brigitte
    Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in children and adolescents with GATA2-related myelodysplastic syndrome
    In: Bone Marrow Transplantation Jg. 56 (2021) Nr. 11, S. 2732 - 2741
  • Tjaden, Britta; Baum, Katharina; Marquardt, Viktoria; Simon, Mareike; Trajkovic-Arsic, Marija; Kouril, Theresa; Siebers, Bettina; Lisec, Jan; Siveke, Jens; Schulte, Johannes H.; Benary, Uwe; Remke, Marc; Wolf, Jana; Schramm, Alexander
    N-Myc-induced metabolic rewiring creates novel therapeutic vulnerabilities in neuroblastoma
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 7157
  • Mus, Liselot M.; Lambertz, Irina; Claeys, Shana; Kumps, Candy; Van Loocke, Wouter; Van Neste, Christophe; Umapathy, Ganesh; Vaapil, Marica; Bartenhagen, Christoph; Laureys, Genevieve; De Wever, Olivier; Bexell, Daniel; Fischer, Matthias; Hallberg, Bengt; Schulte, Johannes; De Wilde, Bram; Durinck, Kaat; Denecker, Geertrui; De Preter, Katleen; Speleman, Frank
    The ETS transcription factor ETV5 is a target of activated ALK in neuroblastoma contributing to increased tumour aggressiveness
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 10 (2020) Nr. 1, S. 218
  • Ali, Solin; Toews, Karin; Schwiebert, Silke; Klaus, Anika; Winkler, Annika; Grunewald, Laura; Oevermann, Lena; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Tüns, Alicia; Jensen, Michael C.; Henssen, Anton G.; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes H.; Schwich, Esther; Rebmann, Vera; Schramm, Alexander; Künkele, Annette
    Tumor-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Impair CD171-Specific CD4⁺ CAR T Cell Efficacy
    In: Frontiers in Immunology Jg. 11 (2020) S. 531
  • Claeys, Shana; Denecker, Geertrui; Durinck, Kaat; Decaesteker, Bieke; Mus, Liselot M.; Loontiens, Siebe; Vanhauwaert, Suzanne; Althoff, Kristina; Wigerup, Caroline; Bexell, Daniel; Dolman, Emmy; Henrich, Kai-Oliver; Wehrmann, Lea; Westerhout, Ellen M.; Demoulin, Jean-Baptiste; Kumps, Candy; Maerken, Tom van; Laureys, Genevieve; Neste, Christophe van; De Wilde, Bram; Wever, Olivier de; Westermann, Frank; Versteeg, Rogier; Molenaar, Jan J.; Påhlman, Sven; Schulte, Johannes H.; Preter, Katleen de; Speleman, Frank
    ALK positively regulates MYCN activity through repression of HBP1 expression
    In: Oncogene Jg. 38 (2019) Nr. 15, S. 2690 - 2705
  • Kohler, Hannah; Latteyer, Soeren; Hönes, Georg Sebastian; Theurer, Sarah; Liao, Xiao-Hui; Christoph, Sandra; Zwanziger, Denise; Schulte, Johannes; Kero, Jukka; Undeutsch, Hendrik; Refetoff, Samuel; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Führer, Dagmar; Möller, Lars
    Increased Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Activity Induces a Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma in Mice
    In: Thyroid Jg. 29 (2019) Nr. 10, S. 1438 - 1446
  • Han, Youjia; Lindner, Sven; Bei, Yi; Garcia, Heathcliff Dorado; Timme, Natalie; Althoff, Kristina; Odersky, Andrea; Schramm, Alexander; Lissat, Andrej; Künkele, Annette; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Henssen, Anton G.
    Synergistic activity of BET inhibitor MK-8628 and PLK inhibitor Volasertib in preclinical models of medulloblastoma
    In: Cancer Letters Jg. 455 (2019) S. 24 - 33
  • Klenke, Stefanie; Akdeli, Neval; Stelmach, Patrick; Heukamp, Lukas; Schulte, Johannes H.; Bachmann, Hagen S.
    The small molecule Bcl-2/Mcl-1 inhibitor TW-37 shows single-agent cytotoxicity in neuroblastoma cell lines
    In: BMC Cancer Jg. 19 (2019) S. 243
  • Ackermann, Sandra; Cartolano, Maria; Hero, Barbara; Welte, Anne; Kahlert, Yvonne; Roderwieser, Andrea; Bartenhagen, Christoph; Walter, Esther; Gecht, Judith; Kerschke, Laura; Volland, Ruth; Menon, Roopika; Heuckmann, Johannes M.; Gartlgruber, Moritz; Hartlieb, Sabine; Henrich, Kai-Oliver; Okonechnikov, Konstantin; Altmüller, Janine; Nürnberg, Peter; Lefever, Steve; De Wilde, Bram; Sand, Frederik; Ikram, Fakhera; Rosswog, Carolina; Fischer, Janina; Theissen, Jessica; Hertwig, Falk; Singhi, Aatur D.; Simon, Thorsten; Vogel, Wenzel; Perner, Sven; Krug, Barbara; Schmidt, Matthias; Rahmann, Sven; Achter, Viktor; Lang, Ulrich; Vokuhl, Christian; Ortmann, Monika; Büttner, Reinhard; Eggert, Angelika; Speleman, Frank; O’Sullivan, Roderick J.; Thomas, Roman K.; Berthold, Frank; Vandesompele, Jo; Schramm, Alexander; Westermann, Frank; Schulte, Johannes; Peifer, Martin; Fischer, Matthias
    A mechanistic classification of clinical phenotypes in neuroblastoma
    In: Science Jg. 362 (2018) Nr. 6419, S. 1165 - 1170
  • Gröbner, Susanne N; Worst, Barbara C; Weischenfeldt, Joachim; Buchhalter, Ivo; Kleinheinz, Kortine; Rudneva, Vasilisa A; Johann, Pascal D; Balasubramanian, Gnana Prakash; Segura-Wang, Maia; Brabetz, Sebastian; Bender, Sebastian; Hutter, Barbara; Sturm, Dominik; Pfaff, Elke; Hübschmann, Daniel; Zipprich, Gideon; Heinold, Michael; Eils, Jürgen; Lawerenz, Christian; Erkek, Serap; Lambo, Sander; Waszak, Sebastian; Blattmann, Claudia; Borkhardt, Arndt; Kuhlen, Michaela; Eggert, Angelika; Fulda, Simone; Gessler, Manfred; Wegert, Jenny; Kappler, Roland; Baumhoer, Daniel; Burdach, Stefan; Kirschner-Schwabe, Renate; Kontny, Udo; Kulozik, Andreas E; Lohmann, Dietmar; Hettmer, Simone; Eckert, Cornelia; Bielack, Stefan; Nathrath, Michaela; Niemeyer, Charlotte; Richter, Günther H; Schulte, Johannes; Siebert, Reiner; Westermann, Frank; Molenaar, Jan J; Vassal, Gilles; Witt, Hendrik; Burkhardt, Birgit; Kratz, Christian P; Witt, Olaf; van Tilburg, Cornelis M; Kramm, Christof M; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Dirksen, Uta; Rutkowski, Stefan; Frühwald, Michael; von Hoff, Katja; Wolf, Stephan; Klingebiel, Thomas; Koscielniak, Ewa; Landgraf, Pablo; Koster, Jan; Resnick, Adam C; Zhang, Jinghui; Liu, Yanling; Zhou, Xin; Waanders, Angela J; Zwijnenburg, Danny A; Raman, Pichai; Brors, Benedikt; Weber, Ursula D; Northcott, Paul A; Pajtler, Kristian; Kool, Marcel; Piro, Rosario M; Korbel, Jan O; Schlesner, Matthias; Eils, Roland; Jones, David T W; Lichter, Peter; Chavez, Lukas; Zapatka, Marc; Pfister, Stefan M; ICGC PedBrain-Seq Project; ICGC MMML-Seq Project
    Author Correction : The landscape of genomic alterations across childhood cancers
    In: Nature Jg. 559 (2018) Nr. 7714, S. E10
  • Zeka, Fjoralba; Decock, Anneleen; Van Goethem, Alan; Vanderheyden, Katrien; Demuynck, Fleur; Lammens, Tim; Helsmoortel, Hetty H.; Vermeulen, Joëlle; Noguera, Rosa; Berbegall, Ana P.; Combaret, Valérie; Schleiermacher, Gudrun; Laureys, Geneviève; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Rahmann, Sven; Bienertová-Vašků, Julie; Mazánek, Pavel; Jeison, Marta; Ash, Shifra; Hogarty, Michael D.; Moreno-Smith, Mirthala; Barbieri, Eveline; Shohet, Jason; Berthold, Frank; Van Maerken, Tom; Speleman, Frank; Fischer, Matthias; De Preter, Katleen; Mestdagh, Pieter; Vandesompele, Jo
    Circulating microRNA biomarkers for metastatic disease in neuroblastoma patients
    In: JCI Insight Jg. 3 (2018) Nr. 23, e97021
  • Gröbner, Susanne N.; Worst, Barbara C.; Weischenfeldt, Joachim; Buchhalter, Ivo; Kleinheinz, Kortine; Rudneva, Vasilisa A.; Johann, Pascal D.; Balasubramanian, Gnana Prakash; Segura-Wang, Maia; Brabetz, Sebastian; Bender, Sebastian; Hutter, Barbara; Sturm, Dominik; Pfaff, Elke; Hübschmann, Daniel; Zipprich, Gideon; Heinold, Michael; Eils, Jürgen; Lawerenz, Christian; Erkek, Serap; Lambo, Sander; Waszak, Sebastian; Blattmann, Claudia; Borkhardt, Arndt; Kuhlen, Michaela; Eggert, Angelika; Fulda, Simone; Gessler, Manfred; Wegert, Jenny; Kappler, Roland; Baumhoer, Daniel; Burdach, Stefan; Kirschner-Schwabe, Renate; Kontny, Udo; Kulozik, Andreas E.; Lohmann, Dietmar; Hettmer, Simone; Eckert, Cornelia; Bielack, Stefan; Nathrath, Michaela; Niemeyer, Charlotte; Richter, Günther H.; Schulte, Johannes; Siebert, Reiner; Westermann, Frank; Molenaar, Jan J.; Vassal, Gilles; Witt, Hendrik; Zapatka, Marc; Burkhardt, Birgit; Kratz, Christian P.; Witt, Olaf; Tilburg, Cornelis M. Van; Kramm, Christof M.; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Dirksen, Uta; Rutkowski, Stefan; Frühwald, Michael; Hoff, Katja Von; Wolf, Stephan; Klingebiel, Thomas; Koscielniak, Ewa; Landgraf, Pablo; Koster, Jan; Resnick, Adam C.; Zhang, Jinghui; Liu, Yanling; Zhou, Xin; Waanders, Angela J.; Zwijnenburg, Danny A.; Raman, Pichai; Brors, Benedikt; Weber, Ursula D.; Northcott, Paul A.; Pajtler, Kristian; Kool, Marcel; Piro, Rosario M.; Korbel, Jan O.; Schlesner, Matthias; Eils, Roland; Jones, David T. W.; Lichter, Peter; Chavez, Lukas; Pfister, Stefan M.
    The landscape of genomic alterations across childhood cancers
    In: Nature Jg. 555 (2018) Nr. 7696, S. 321 - 327
  • De Wilde, Bram; Beckers, Anneleen; Lindner, Sven; Kristina, Althoff; De Preter, Katleen; Depuydt, Pauline; Mestdagh, Pieter; Sante, Tom; Lefever, Steve; Hertwig, Falk; Peng, Zhiyu; Shi, Le-Ming; Lee, Sangkyun; Vandermarliere, Elien; Martens, Lennart; Menten, Björn; Schramm, Alexander; Fischer, Matthias; Schulte, Johannes; Vandesompele, Jo; Speleman, Frank
    The mutational landscape of MYCN, Lin28b and ALKF1174L driven murine neuroblastoma mimics human disease
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 9 (2018) Nr. 9, S. 8334 - 8349
  • Simon, Thorsten; Hero, Barbara; Schulte, Johannes; Deubzer, Hedwig; Hundsdoerfer, Patrick; Von Schweinitz, Dietrich; Fuchs, Jörg; Schmidt, Matthias; Prasad, Vikas; Krug, Barbara; Timmermann, Beate; Leuschner, Ivo; Fischer, Matthias; Langer, Thorsten; Astrahantseff, Kathy; Berthold, Frank; Lode, Holger; Eggert, Angelika
    2017 GPOH Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Neuroblastic Tumors
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 229 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 147 - 167
  • Moreno, Lucas; Caron, Hubert; Geoerger, Birgit; Eggert, Angelika; Schleiermacher, Gudrun; Brock, Penelope; Valteau-Couanet, Dominique; Chesler, Louis; Schulte, Johannes H.; De Preter, Katleen; Molenaar, Jan; Schramm, Alexander; Eilers, Martin; Van Maerken, Tom; Johnsen, John Inge; Garrett, Michelle; George, Sally L.; Tweddle, Deborah A.; Kogner, Per; Berthold, Frank; Koster, Jan; Barone, Giuseppe; Tucker, Elizabeth R.; Marshall, Lynley; Herold, Ralf; Sterba, Jaroslav; Norga, Koen; Vassal, Gilles; Pearson, Andrew D.J.
    Accelerating drug development for neuroblastoma - New Drug Development Strategy : an Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer, European Network for Cancer Research in Children and Adolescents and International Society of Paediatric Oncology Europe Neuroblastoma project
    In: Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery Jg. 12 (2017) Nr. 8, S. 801 - 811
  • Layer, Julian P.; Kronmüller, Marie T.; Quast, Thomas; Boorn-Konijnenberg, Debby van den; Effern, Maike; Hinze, Daniel; Althoff, Kristina; Schramm, Alexander; Westermann, Frank; Peifer, Martin; Hartmann, Gunther; Tüting, Thomas; Kolanus, Waldemar; Fischer, Matthias; Schulte, Johannes; Hölzel, Michael
    Amplification of N-Myc is associated with a T-cell-poor microenvironment in metastatic neuroblastoma restraining interferon pathway activity and chemokine expression
    In: OncoImmunology Jg. 6 (2017) Nr. 6, e1320626
  • Wefers, Annika K.; Lindner, Sven; Schulte, Johannes; Schüller, Ulrich
    Overexpression of Lin28b in neural stem cells is insufficient for brain tumor formation, but induces pathological lobulation of the developing cerebellum
    In: The Cerebellum Jg. 16 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 122 - 131
  • Schwermer, Melanie; Dreesmann, Sabine; Eggert, Angelika; Althoff, Kristina; Steenpass, Laura; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Temming, Petra
    Pharmaceutically inhibiting polo-like kinase 1 exerts a broad anti-tumour activity in retinoblastoma cell lines
    In: Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology Jg. 45 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 288 - 296
  • Gottlieb, Aline; Althoff, Kristina; Grunewald, Laura; Thor, Theresa; Odersky, Andrea; Schulte, Marc; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Heukamp, Lukas; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Künkele, Annette
    RITA displays anti-tumor activity in medulloblastomas independent of TP53 status
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 8 (2017) Nr. 17, S. 27882 - 27891
  • Henssen, Anton G; Odersky, Andrea; Szymansky, Annabell; Seiler, Marleen; Althoff, Kristina; Beckers, Anneleen; Speleman, Frank; Schäfers, Simon; De Preter, Katleen; Astrahanseff, Kathy; Struck, Joachim; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Bergmann, Andreas; Schulte, Johannes
    Targeting tachykinin receptors in neuroblastoma
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 8 (2017) Nr. 1, S. 430 - 443
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Sadowski, Natalie; Ackermann, Sandra; Althoff, Kristina; Schönbeck, Kerstin; Batzke, Katharina; Schäfers, Simon; Odersky, Andrea; Heukamp, Lukas; Astrahantseff, Kathy; Künkele, Annette; Deubzer, Hedwig E; Schramm, Alexander; Sprüssel, Annika; Thor, Theresa; Lindner, Sven; Eggert, Angelika; Fischer, Matthias; Schulte, Johannes
    The GSK461364 PLK1 inhibitor exhibits strong antitumoral activity in preclinical neuroblastoma models
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 8 (2017) Nr. 4, S. 6730 - 6741
  • Fielitz, Kathrin; Althoff, Kristina; De Preter, Katleen; Nonnekens, Julie; Ohli, Jasmin; Elges, Sandra; Hartmann, Wolfgang; Klöppel, Günter; Knösel, Thomas; Schulte, Marc; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Beisser, Daniela; Reis, Henning; Eyking, Annette; Cario, Elke; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Schüller, Ulrich
    Characterization of pancreatic glucagon-producing tumors and pituitary gland tumors in transgenic mice overexpressing MYCN in hGFAP-positive cells
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 7 (2016) Nr. 46, S. 74415 - 74426
  • Pentek, Falk; Schulte, Johannes; Schweiger, Bernd; Metzelder, Martin; Schündeln, Michael
    Development of Port-Site Metastases Following Thoracoscopic Resection of a Neuroblastoma
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 63 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 149 - 151
  • Büchel, Gabriele; Schulte, Johannes; Harrison, Luke; Batzke, Katharina; Schüller, Ulrich; Hansen, Wiebke; Schramm, Alexander
    Immune response modulation by Galectin-1 in a transgenic model of neuroblastoma
    In: OncoImmunology Jg. 5 (2016) Nr. 5, e1131378
  • Helsmoortel, Hetty H.; De Moerloose, Barbara; Pieters, Tim; Ghazavi, Farzaneh; Bresolin, Silvia; Cavé, Hélène; de Vries, Andrica; de Haas, Valerie; Flotho, Christian; Labarque, Veerle; Niemeyer, Charlotte; De Paepe, Pascale; Van Roy, Nadine; Stary, Jan; van den Heuvel-Eibrink, Marry M.; Benoit, Yves; Schulte, Johannes; Goossens, Steven; Berx, Geert; Haigh, Jody J.; Speleman, Frank; Van Vlierberghe, Pieter; Lammens, Tim
    LIN28B is over-expressed in specific subtypes of pediatric leukemia and regulates lncRNA H19
    In: Haematologica / The Hematology Journal Jg. 101 (2016) Nr. 6, S. e240 - e244
  • Kopp-Schneider, Annette; Allgayer, Heike; Cheung, Belamy B.; Popanda, Odilia; Volland, Ruth; Lodrini, Marco; Ercu, Maria; Abba, Mohammed; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Patil, Nitin; Zoeller, Margot; Künkele, Annette; Hero, Barbara; Erb, Ulrike; de Preter, Katleen; Fischer, Matthias; Opitz, Desirée; Schulte, Johannes; Versteeg, Rogier; Kulozik, Andreas E.; Beckers, Anneleen; Koster, Jan; Schwab, Manfred; Althoff, Kristina; Schweizer, Leonille; Marshall, Glenn M.; Fabian, Johannes; Witt, Olaf; Eggert, Angelika; von Deimling, Andreas; Decock, Anneleen; Speleman, Frank; Thole, Theresa; Pfeil, Sebastian; Wünschel, Jasmin; Simon, Thorsten; Hu, Jamie; Mechtersheimer, Gunhild; Carter, Daniel; Astrahantseff, Kathy
    MYCN and HDAC5 transcriptionally repress CD9 to trigger invasion and metastasis in neuroblastoma
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 7 (2016) S. 66344 - 66359
  • Decock, Anneleen; Schleiermacher, Gudrun; Schulte, Johannes; Van Roy, Nadine; Laureys, Geneviève; De Wilde, Bram; Verniers, Kimberly; Cannoodt, Robrecht; Ongenaert, Maté; Speleman, Frank
    Methyl-CpG-binding domain sequencing reveals a prognostic methylation signature in neuroblastoma
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 7 (2016) Nr. 2, S. 1960 - 1972
  • Worst, Barbara C; van Tilburg, Cornelis M; Balasubramanian, Gnana Prakash; Fiesel, Petra; Witt, Ruth; Freitag, Angelika; Boudalil, Miream; Previti, Christopher; Wolf, Stephan; Schmidt, Sabine; Chotewutmontri, Sasithorn; Bewerunge-Hudler, Melanie; Schick, Matthias; Schlesner, Matthias; Hutter, Barbara; Taylor, Lenka; Borst, Tobias; Sutter, Christian; Bartram, Claus R; Milde, Till; Pfaff, Elke; Kulozik, Andreas E; von Stackelberg, Arend; Meisel, Roland; Borkhardt, Arndt; Reinhardt, Dirk; Klusmann, Jan-Henning; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Tippelt, Stephan; Dirksen, Uta; Jürgens, Heribert; Kramm, Christof M; von Bueren, Andre O; Westermann, Frank; Fischer, Matthias; Burkhardt, Birgit; Wößmann, Wilhelm; Nathrath, Michaela; Bielack, Stefan S; Frühwald, Michael C; Fulda, Simone; Klingebiel, Thomas; Koscielniak, Ewa; Schwab, Matthias; Tremmel, Roman; Driever, Pablo Hernáiz; Schulte, Johannes; Brors, Benedikt; von Deimling, Andreas; Lichter, Peter; Eggert, Angelika; Capper, David; Pfister, Stefan M; Jones, David T W; Witt, Olaf
    Next-generation personalised medicine for high-risk paediatric cancer patients - The INFORM pilot study
    In: European Journal of Cancer (EJC) Jg. 65 (2016) S. 91 - 101
  • Henssen, Anton; Althoff, Kristina; Odersky, Andrea; Beckers, Anneleen; Koche, Richard; Speleman, Frank; Schäfers, Simon; Bell, Emma; Nortmeyer, Maike; Westermann, Frank; De Preter, Katleen; Florin, Alexandra; Heukamp, Lukas; Spruessel, Annika; Astrahanseff, Kathy; Lindner, Sven; Sadowski, Natalie; Schramm, Alexander; Astorgues-Xerri, Lucile; Riveiro, Maria E.; Eggert, Angelika; Cvitkovic, Esteban; Schulte, Johannes
    Targeting MYCN-driven transcription by BET-bromodomain inhibition
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 22 (2016) Nr. 10, S. 2470 - 2781
  • Riehl, Lara M; Schulte, Johannes; Mulaw, Medhanie A; Dahlhaus, Meike; Fischer, Matthias; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Debatin, Klaus-Michael; Beltinger, Christian
    The mitochondrial genetic landscape in neuroblastoma from tumor initiation to relapse
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 7 (2016) Nr. 6, S. 6620 - 6625
  • Althoff, Kristina; Schulte, Johannes H.; Schramm, Alexander
    Towards diagnostic application of non-coding RNAs in neuroblastoma
    In: Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics Jg. 16 (2016) Nr. 12, S. 1307 - 1313
  • Althoff, K; Beckers, A; Bell, E; Nortmeyer, M; Thor, T; Sprüssel, A; Lindner, S; De Preter, K; Florin, A; Heukamp, L C; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Astrahantseff, K; Kumps, C; Speleman, F; Eggert, A; Westermann, F; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    A Cre-conditional MYCN-driven neuroblastoma mouse model as an improved tool for preclinical studies
    In: Oncogene Jg. 34 (2015) Nr. 26, S. 3357 - 3368
  • Lindner, Sven; Bachmann, Hagen Sjard; Odersky, Andrea; Schaefers, Simon; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Hero, Barbara; Fischer, Matthias; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    Absence of telomerase reverse transcriptase promoter mutations in neuroblastoma
    In: Biomedical Reports Jg. 3 (2015) Nr. 4, S. 443 - 446
  • Bell, Jessica L.; Turlapati, Raseswari; Liu, Tao; Schulte, Johannes; Hüttelmaier, Stefan
    IGF2BP1 Harbors Prognostic Significance by Gene Gain and Diverse Expression in Neuroblastoma
    In: Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO) Jg. 33 (2015) Nr. 11, S. 1285 - 1293
  • Bleeker, Gitta; van Eck-Smit, Berthe L; Zwinderman, Koos H; Versteeg, Rogier; van Noesel, Max M; Kam, Boen L; Kaspers, Gertjan J; van Schie, Annelies; Kreissman, Susan G; Yanik, Gregory; Hero, Barbara; Schmidt, Matthias; Laureys, Geneviève; Lambert, Bieke; Øra, Ingrid; Schulte, Johannes; Caron, Huib N; Tytgat, Godelieve A
    MIBG scans in patients with stage 4 neuroblastoma reveal two metastatic patterns, one is associated with MYCN amplification and in MYCN-amplified tumours correlates with a better prognosis
    In: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Jg. 42 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 222 - 230
  • Althoff, Kristina; Schulte, Johannes
    MYCN and MicroRNAs
    In: Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Jg. 20 (2015) S. 35 - 46
  • Beckers, Anneleen; Peer, Gert van; Carter, Daniel R.; Gartlgruber, Moritz; Herrmann, Carl; Agarwal, Saurabh; Helsmoortel, Hetty H.; Althoff, Kristina; Monlenaar, Jan J.; Cheung, Belamy B.; Schulte, Johannes; Benoit, Yves; Shohet, Jason M.; Westermann, Frank; Marshall, Glenn M.; Vandesompele, Jo; Preter, Katleen de; Speleman, Frank
    MYCN-driven regulatory mechanisms controlling LIN28B in neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer Letters Jg. 366 (2015) Nr. 1, S. 123 - 132
  • Beckers, Anneleen; van Peer, Gert; Carter, Daniel R.; Mets, Evelien; Althoff, Kristina; Cheung, Belamy B.; Schulte, Johannes; Mestdagh, Pieter; Vandesompele, Jo; Marshall, Glenn M.; de Preter, Katleen; Speleman, Frank P.
    MYCN-targeting miRNAs are predominantly downregulated during MYCN-driven neuroblastoma tumor formation
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 6 (2015) Nr. 7, S. 5204 - 5216
  • Thor, Theresa; Künkele, Annette; Pajtler, Kristian; Wefers, Annika K; Stephan, Harald; Mestdagh, Pieter; Heukamp, Lukas; Hartmann, Wolfgang; Vandesompele, Jo; Sadowski, Natalie; Becker, Lore; Garrett, Lillian; Hölter, Sabine M; Horsch, Marion; Calzada-Wack, Julia; Klein-Rodewald, Tanja; Racz, Ildiko; Zimmer, Andreas; Beckers, Johannes; Neff, Frauke; Klopstock, Thomas; De Antonellis, Pasqualino; Zollo, Massimo; Wurst, Wolfgang; Fuchs, Helmut; Gailus-Durner, Valérie; Schüller, Ulrich; de Angelis, Martin Hrab?; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    MiR-34a deficiency accelerates medulloblastoma formation in vivo
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 136 (2015) Nr. 10, S. 2293 - 2303
  • Schramm, Alexander; Köster, Johannes; Assenov, Yassen; Althoff, Kristina; Peifer, Martin; Mahlow, Ellen; Odersky, Andrea; Beisser, Daniela; Ernst, Corinna; Henssen, Anton G; Stephan, Harald; Schröder, Christopher; Heukamp, Lukas; Engesser, Anne; Kahlert, Yvonne; Theissen, Jessica; Hero, Barbara; Roels, Frederik; Altmüller, Janine; Nürnberg, Peter; Astrahantseff, Kathy; Gloeckner, Christian; De Preter, Katleen; Plass, Christoph; Lee, Sangkyun; Lode, Holger N; Henrich, Kai-Oliver; Gartlgruber, Moritz; Speleman, Frank; Schmezer, Peter; Westermann, Frank; Rahmann, Sven; Fischer, Matthias; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Mutational dynamics between primary and relapse neuroblastomas
    In: Nature Genetics Jg. 47 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 872 - 877
  • Künkele, Annette; Wilm, Josephine; Holdt, Markus; Lohmann, Dietmar; Bornfeld, Norbert; Eggert, Angelika; Temming, Petra; Schulte, Johannes
    Neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment of high-risk retinoblastoma : a report from the German Retinoblastoma Referral Centre
    In: British Journal of Ophthalmology (BJO) Jg. 99 (2015) Nr. 7, S. 949 - 953
  • Schulte, Johannes; Eggert, Angelika
    In: Critical Reviews in Oncogenesis Jg. 20 (2015) Nr. 3-4, S. 245 - 270
  • Eleveld, Thomas F.; Oldridge, Derek A.; Bernard, Virginie; Koster, Jan; Daage, Leo Colmet; Diskin, Sharon J.; Schild, Linda; Bentahar, Nadia Bessoltane; Bellini, Angela; Chicard, Mathieu; Lapouble, Eve; Combaret, Valérie; Legoix-Né, Patricia; Michon, Jean; Pugh, Trevor J.; Hart, Lori S.; Rader, Julie Ann; Attiyeh, Edward F.; Wei, Jun S.; Zhang, Shile; Naranjo, Arlene; Gastier-Foster, Julie M.; Hogarty, Michael D.; Asgharzadeh, Shahab; Smith, Malcolm A.; Guidry Auvil, Jaime M.; Watkins, Thomas B. K.; Zwijnenburg, Danny A.; Ebus, Marli E.; Sluis, Peter van; Hakkert, Anne; Wezel, Esther van; Schoot, C. Ellen van der; Westerhout, Ellen M.; Schulte, Johannes; Tytgat, Godelieve A.; Dolman, M. Emmy M.; Janoueix-Lerosey, Isabelle; Gerhard, Daniela S.; Caron, Huib N.; Delattre, Oliver; Khan, Javed; Versteeg, Rogier; Schleiermacher, Gudrun; Molenaar, Jan J.; Maris, John M.
    Relapsed neuroblastomas show frequent RAS-MAPK pathway mutations
    In: Nature Genetics Jg. 47 (2015) Nr. 8, S. 864 - 871
  • Schwermer, Melanie; Lee, Sangkyun; Köster, Johannes; van Maerken, Tom; Stephan, Harald; Eggert, Angelika; Morik, Katharina; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander
    Sensitivity to cdk1-inhibition is modulated by p53 status in preclinical models of embryonal tumors
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 6 (2015) Nr. 17, S. 15425 - 15435
  • Spruessel, Annika; Schäfers, Simon; De Preter, Katleen; Sadowski, Natalie; Eggert, Angelika; Florin, Alexandra; Schramm, Alexander; Astorgues-Xerri, Lucile; Beckers, Anneleen; Odersky, Andrea; Heukamp, Lukas; Althoff, Kristina; Riveiro, Eugenia; Astrahanseff, Kathy; Koche, Richard; Cvitkovic, Esteban; Speleman, Frank; Henssen, Anton; Schulte, Johannes
    Targeting super-enhancer induced gene expression with the novel BRD4 inhibitor OTX015 in preclinical models of MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 75 (2015) Nr. 15 Suppl., S. 4731
  • Kraemer, Andrea; Hertwig, Falk; Thomas, Roman K.; Buettner, Reinhard; Westermann, Frank; Perner, Sven; Fischer, Matthias; Schramm, Alexander; Menon, Roopika; Schulte, Johannes; Peifer, Martin; Roels, Frederik
    Telomerase activation by genomic rearrangements in high-risk neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 75 (2015) Nr. 15 Suppl., S. LB - 210
  • Peifer, Martin; Hertwig, Falk; Roels, Frederik; Dreidax, Daniel; Gartlgruber, Moritz; Menon, Roopika; Krämer, Andrea; Roncaioli, Justin L; Sand, Frederik; Heuckmann, Johannes M; Ikram, Fakhera; Schmidt, Rene; Ackermann, Sandra; Engesser, Anne; Kahlert, Yvonne; Vogel, Wenzel; Altmüller, Janine; Nürnberg, Peter; Thierry-Mieg, Jean; Thierry-Mieg, Danielle; Mariappan, Aruljothi; Heynck, Stefanie; Mariotti, Erika; Henrich, Kai-Oliver; Gloeckner, Christian; Bosco, Graziella; Leuschner, Ivo; Schweiger, Michal R; Savelyeva, Larissa; Watkins, Simon C; Shao, Chunxuan; Bell, Emma; Höfer, Thomas; Achter, Viktor; Lang, Ulrich; Theissen, Jessica; Volland, Ruth; Saadati, Maral; Eggert, Angelika; de Wilde, Bram; Berthold, Frank; Peng, Zhiyu; Zhao, Chen; Shi, Leming; Ortmann, Monika; Büttner, Reinhard; Perner, Sven; Hero, Barbara; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Herrmann, Carl; O'Sullivan, Roderick J; Westermann, Frank; Thomas, Roman K; Fischer, Matthias
    Telomerase activation by genomic rearrangements in high-risk neuroblastoma
    In: Nature Jg. 526 (2015) Nr. 7575, S. 700 - 704
  • Emdal, Kristina B.; Pedersen, Anna-Kathrine; Bekker-Jensen, Dorte B.; Tsafou, Kalliopi P.; Horn, Heiko; Lindner, Sven; Schulte, Johannes; Eggert, Angelika; Jensen, Lars J.; Francavilla, Chiara; Olsen, Jesper V.; Pedersen, A.-K.
    Temporal proteomics of NGF-TrkA signaling identifies an inhibitory role for the E3 ligase Cbl-b in neuroblastoma cell differentiation
    In: Science Signaling Jg. 8 (2015) Nr. 374,
  • Lambertz, Irina; Kumps, Candy; Claeys, Shana; Lindner, Sven; Beckers, Anneleen; Janssens, Els; Carter, Daniel R.; Cazes, Alex; Cheung, Belamy B.; De Mariano, Marilena; De Bondt, An; De Brouwer, Sara; Delattre, Olivier; Gibbons, Jay; Janoueix-Lerosey, Isabelle; Laureys, Geneviève; Liang, Chris; Marchall, Glenn M.; Porcu, Michaël; T́akita, Junko; Trujillo, David Camacho; Van Den Wyngaert, Ilse; Van Roy, Nadine; Van Goethem, Alan; Van Maerken, Tom; Zabrocki, Piotr; Cools, Jan; Schulte, Johannes; Vialard, Jorge; Speleman, Frank; De Preter, Katleen
    Upregulation of MAPK negative feedback regulators and RET in mutant ALK neuroblastoma : Implications for targeted treatment
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 21 (2015) Nr. 14, S. 3327 - 3339
  • Althoff, Kristina; Lindner, Sven; Odersky, Andrea; Mestdagh, Pieter; Beckers, Anneleen; Karczewski, Sarah; Molenaar, Jan J; Bohrer, Anna; Knauer, Shirley; Speleman, Frank; Epple, Matthias; Kozlova, Diana; Yoon, Sena; Baek, Kwanghee; Vandesompele, Jo; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    miR-542-3p exerts tumor suppressive functions in neuroblastoma by downregulating Survivin
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 136 (2015) Nr. 6, S. 1308 - 1320
  • Lindner, Sven; Henssen, Anton; Astrahantseff, Kathy; Schulte, Johannes
    ALK pERKs up MYCN in neuroblastoma
    In: Science Signaling Jg. 7 (2014) Nr. 349, S. pe27
  • Schramm, Alexander; Althoff, Kristina; Speleman, Frank; Eggert, Angelika; Bell, Emma; Cvitkovic, Esteban; Henssen, Anton; Riveiro, Eugenia; Beckers, Anneleen; Westermann, Frank; Odersky, Andrea; Schulte, Johannes; Schäfers, Simon
    BET protein inhibitor OTX015 has selective anti-tumoral activity in preclinical models of MYCN- amplified neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 74 (2014) Nr. 19 Suppl., S. 3967
  • Rihani, Ali; De Wilde, Bram; Zeka, Fjoralba; Laureys, Geneviève G. M.; Francotte, Nadine; Tonini, Gian Paolo; Coco, Simona; Versteeg, Rogier; Noguera, Rosa; Schulte, Johannes; Eggert, Angelika; Stallings, Raymond L.; Speleman, F.a; Vandesompele, J.a; Van Maerken, Tom
    CASP8 SNP D302H (rs1045485) is associated with worse survival in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma patients
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 12, S. e114696
  • Antonellis, Pasqualino de; Carotenuto, Marianeve; Vandenbussche, Jonathan; Vita, Gennaro de; Ferrucci, Veronica; Medaglia, Chiara; Boffa, Iolanda; Galiero, Alessandra; Di~Somma, Sarah; Magliulo, Daniela; Aiese, Nadia; Alonzi, Alessandro; Spano, Daniela; Liguori, Lucia; Chiarolla, Cristina; Verrico, Antonio; Schulte, Johannes; Mestdagh, Pieter; Vandesompele, Jo; Gevaert, Kris; Zollo, Massimo
    Early Targets of miR-34a in Neuroblastoma
    In: Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (MCP) Jg. 13 (2014) Nr. 8, S. 2114 - 2131
  • Rihani, Ali; Van Maerken, Tom; De Wilde, Bram; Zeka, Fjoralba; Laureys, Geneviève; Norga, Koen; Tonini, Gian Paolo; Coco, Simona; Versteeg, Rogier; Noguera, Rosa; Schulte, Johannes; Eggert, Angelika; Stallings, Raymond L.; Speleman, Frank; Vandesompele, Jo
    Lack of association between MDM2 promoter SNP309 and clinical outcome in patients with neuroblastoma
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 61 (2014) Nr. 10, S. 1867 - 1870
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Mahlow, Ellen; Odersky, Andrea; Lindner, Sven; Stephan, Harald; Bendix, Ivo; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    Neuroblastoma in dialog with its stroma : NTRK1 is a regulator of cellular cross-talk with Schwann cells
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 5 (2014) Nr. 22, S. 11180 - 11192
  • Lee, Sangkyun; Rahnenführer, Jörg; Lang, Michel; De Preter, Katleen; Mestdagh, Pieter; Koster, Jan; Versteeg, Rogier; Stallings, Raymond L; Varesio, Luigi; Asgharzadeh, Shahab; Schulte, Johannes; Fielitz, Kathrin; Schwermer, Melanie; Morik, Katharina; Schramm, Alexander
    Robust selection of cancer survival signatures from high-throughput genomic data using two-fold subsampling
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 9 (2014) Nr. 10, S. e108818
  • Dreidax, Daniel; Bannert, Steffen; Henrich, Kai-Oliver; Schröder, Christina; Bender, Sebastian; Oakes, Christopher C.; Lindner, Sven; Schulte, Johannes; Duffy, David; Schwarzl, Thomas; Saadati, Maral; Ehemann, Volker; Benner, Axel; Pfister, Stefanie; Fischer, Matthias; Westermann, Frank
    p19-INK4d inhibits neuroblastoma cell growth, induces differentiation and is hypermethylated and downregulated in MYCN-amplified neuroblastomas
    In: Human Molecular Genetics Jg. 23 (2014) Nr. 25, S. 6826 - 6837
  • Henssen, Anton; Thor, Theresa; Odersky, Andrea; Heukamp, Lukas; El-Hindy, Nicolai; Beckers, Anneleen; Speleman, Frank; Althoff, Kristina; Schäfers, Simon; Schramm, Alexander; Sure, Ulrich; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    BET bromodomain protein inhibition is a therapeutic option for medulloblastoma
    In: OncoTarget Jg. 4 (2013) Nr. 11, S. 2080 - 2095
  • Künkele, Annette; Jurklies, Christine; Wieland, Regina; Lohmann, Dietmar; Bornfeld, Norbert; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Chemoreduction improves eye retention in patients with retinoblastoma : a report from the German Retinoblastoma Reference Centre
    In: British Journal of Ophthalmology (BJO) Jg. 97 (2013) Nr. 10, S. 1277 - 1283
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Rebmann, Vera; Lindemann, Monika; Schulte, Johannes; Schulte, Stefanie; Stauder, Michael; Leuschner, Ivo; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Köhl, Ulrike; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika
    Expression of NTRK1/TrkA affects immunogenicity of neuroblastoma cells
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 133 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 908 - 919
  • Kumps, Candy; Fieuw, Annelies; Mestdagh, Pieter; Menten, Björn; Lefever, Steve; Pattyn, Filip; De Brouwer, Sara; Sante, Tom; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Van Roy, Nadine; Van Maerken, Tom; Noguera, Rosa; Combaret, Valérie; Devalck, Christine; Westermann, Frank; Laureys, Geneviève; Eggert, Angelika; Vandesompele, Jo; De Preter, Katleen; Speleman, Frank
    Focal DNA copy number changes in neuroblastoma target MYCN regulated genes
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 8 (2013) Nr. 1, S. e52321
  • Oehme, Ina; Linke, Jan-Peter; Böck, Barbara C.; Milde, Till; Lodrini, Marco; Hartenstein, Bettina; Wiegand, Inga; Eckert, Christian; Roth, Wilfried; Kool, Marcel; Kaden, Sylvia; Gröne, Hermann-Josef; Schulte, Johannes; Lindner, Sven; Hamacher-Brady, Anne; Brady, Nathan R.; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Witt, Olaf
    Histone deacetylase 10 promotes autophagy-mediated cell survival
    In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) Jg. 110 (2013) Nr. 28,
  • Rahmann, Sven; Martin, Marcel; Schulte, Johannes; Köster, Johannes; Marschall, Tobias; Schramm, Alexander
    Identifying transcriptional miRNA biomarkers by integrating high-throughput sequencing and real-time PCR data
    In: Methods: A Companion to Methods in Enzymology Jg. 59 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 154 - 163
  • Weber, Stefanie; Sprüssel, A.; Schulte, Johannes; Gollner, S.; Handschke, K.; Müller-Tidow, C.; Eggert, Angelika; Dührsen, Ulrich; Göthert, Joachim Rudolf
    Knock-down of lysine specific demethylase-1 drives hematopoietic stem cells into a CD41+myeloid biased phenotype
    In: Onkologie Jg. 36 (2013) Nr. Suppl. 7, S. 228 - 228
  • Schulte, Johannes; Molenaar, J.; Lindner, S.; Schramm, Alexander; Mestdagh, P.; Speleman, F.; Versteeg, R.; Eggert, Angelika
    LIN28B drives neuroblastoma oncogenesis through let7-MYCN signaling
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 73 (2013) Nr. 8 Suppl. 1, S. 4596
  • Künkele, Annette; Engelhard, Marianne; Hauffa, Berthold; Mellies, Uwe; Müntjes, Carsten; Hüer, Claudia; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Kremens, Bernhard
    Long-term follow-up of pediatric patients receiving total body irradiation before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and post-transplant survival of >2 years
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 60 (2013) Nr. 11, S. 1792 - 1797
  • Schulte, Johannes; Lindner, Sven; Bohrer, Anna Margarethe; Maurer, J.; De Preter, Katleen D.; Lefever, Steve; Heukamp, Lukas Carl; Schulte, Stefanie; Molenaar, Jan J.; Versteeg, Rogier; Thor, Theresa; Künkele, Annette; Vandesompele, Jo O.; Speleman, Frank P.; Schorle, Hubert; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander
    MYCN and ALKF1174L are sufficient to drive neuroblastoma development from neural crest progenitor cells
    In: Oncogene Jg. 32 (2013) Nr. 8, S. 1059 - 1065
  • Lodrini, Marco; Oehme, Ina; Schroeder, Christina; Milde, Till; Schier, Marie C.; Kopp-Schneider, Annette; Schulte, Johannes; Fischer, Matthias; De Preter, Katleen; Pattyn, Filip; Castoldi, Mirco; Muckenthaler, Martina U.; Kulozik, Andreas E.; Westermann, Frank; Witt, Olaf; Deubzer, Hedwig E.
    MYCN and HDAC2 cooperate to repress miR-183 signaling in neuroblastoma
    In: Nucleic Acids Research Jg. 41 (2013) Nr. 12, S. 6018 - 6033
  • Althoff, Kristina; Beckers, Anneleen; Odersky, Andrea; Mestdagh, Pieter; Köster, Johannes; Bray, Isabella M; Bryan, Kenneth; Vandesompele, Jo; Speleman, Frank; Stallings, Raymond L; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Sprüssel, Annika; Schulte, Johannes H.
    MiR-137 functions as a tumor suppressor in neuroblastoma by downregulating KDM1A
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 133 (2013) Nr. 5, S. 1064 - 1073
  • Das, S.; Bryan, K.; Buckley, P. G.; Piskareva, O.; Bray, I. M.; Foley, N.; Ryan, J.; Lynch, J.; Creevey, L.; Fay, J.; Prenter, S.; Koster, J.; van Sluis, P.; Versteeg, R.; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Mestdagh, P.; Vandesompele, J.; Speleman, F.; Stallings, R. L.
    Modulation of neuroblastoma disease pathogenesis by an extensive network of epigenetically regulated microRNAs
    In: Oncogene Jg. 32 (2013) Nr. 24, S. 2927 - 2936
  • Carotenuto, Marianeve; Pedone, Emilia; Diana, Donatella; De Antonellis, Pasqualino; Džeroski, Sašo; Marino, Natascia; Navas, Luigi; Di Dato, Valeria; Scoppettuolo, Maria Nunzia; Cimmino, Flora; Correale, Stefania; Pirone, Luciano; Monti, Simona Maria; Bruder, Elisabeth; Ženko, Bernard; Slavkov, Ivica; Pastorino, Fabio; Ponzoni, Mirco; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Westermann, Frank; Arrigoni, Gianluigi; Accordi, Benedetta; Basso, Giuseppe; Saviano, Michele; Fattorusso, Roberto; Zollo, Massimo
    Neuroblastoma tumorigenesis is regulated through the Nm23-H1/h-Prune C-terminal interaction
    In: Scientific Reports Jg. 3 (2013) S. 1351
  • Schramm, Alexander; Köster, Johannes; Marschall, Tobias; Martin, Marcel; Schwermer, Melanie; Fielitz, Kathrin; Büchel, Gabriele; Barann, Matthias; Esser, Daniela; Rosenstiel, Philip; Rahmann, Sven; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Next-generation RNA sequencing reveals differential expression of MYCN target genes and suggests the mTOR pathway as a promising therapy target in MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 132 (2013) Nr. 3, S. E106 - E115
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schulte, S; Heukamp, L C; Astrahantseff, K; Stephan, H; Fischer, M; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika
    Targeted Therapy for Neuroblastoma : ALK Inhibitors
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 225 (2013) Nr. 6, S. 303 - 308
  • Künkele, Annette; Grosse-Lordemann, Anja; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Bachmann, Hagen Sjard
    The BCL2-938 C > A promoter polymorphism is associated with risk group classification in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
    In: BMC Cancer Jg. 13 (2013) S. 452
  • Pajtler, Kristian W.; Weingarten, Christina; Thor, Theresa; Künkele, Annette; Heukamp, Lukas C.; Büttner, Reinhard; Suzuki, Takayoshi; Miyata, Naoki; Grotzer, Michael; Rieb, Anja; Sprüssel, Annika; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    The KDM1A histone demethylase is a promising new target for the epigenetic therapy of medulloblastoma
    In: Acta Neuropathologica Communications Jg. 1 (2013) Nr. 1, S. 19
  • Schlitter, Anne-Marie; Dorneburg, Carmen; Barth, Thomas F. E.; Wahl, Joachim; Schulte, Johannes; Brüderlein, Silke; Debatin, Klaus-Michael; Beltinger, Christian
    CD57(high) neuroblastoma cells have aggressive attributes ex situ and an undifferentiated phenotype in patients
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 7 (2012) Nr. 8, S. e42025
  • De Brouwer, Sara; Mestdagh, Pieter; Lambertz, Irina; Pattyn, Filip; De Paepe, Anne; Westermann, Frank; Schroeder, Christina; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; De Preter, Katleen; Vandesompele, Jo; Speleman, Frank
    Dickkopf-3 is regulated by the MYCN-induced miR-17-92 cluster in neuroblastoma
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 130 (2012) Nr. 11, S. 2591 - 2598
  • Fleischhack, Gudrun; Sure, Ulrich; Timmermann, Beate; Schulte, Johannes
    Die Vision der personalisierten Medizin : Neue Wege in der Diagnostik und Behandlung von Tumoren des zentralen Nervensystems im Kindes- und Jugendalter
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2012) Nr. 42: Translationale Krebsforschung: Auf dem Weg zu neuen Therapien, S. 124 - 135
  • Schramm, Alexander; Schowe, Benjamin; Fielitz, Kathrin; Heilmann, Mareike N.; Martin, Marcel; Marschall, Tobias; Köster, Johannes; Vandesompele, Jo; Vermeulen, Joëlle; de Preter, Katleen D.; Koster, Jan; Versteeg, Rogier; Noguera, Rosa; Speleman, Frank P.; Rahmann, Sven; Eggert, Angelika; Morik, Katharina J.; Schulte, Johannes
    Exon-level expression analyses identify MYCN and NTRK1 as major determinants of alternative exon usage and robustly predict primary neuroblastoma outcome
    In: British Journal of Cancer (BJC) Jg. 107 (2012) Nr. 8, S. 1409 - 1417
  • Decock, Anneleen; Ongenaert, Maté; Hoebeeck, Jasmien; Preter, Katleen de; Peer, Gert van; Criekinge, Wim van; Ladenstein, Ruth; Schulte, Johannes; Noguera, Rosa; Stallings, Raymond L.; Damme, An van; Laureys, Geneviève; Vermeulen, Joëlle; Maerken, Tom van; Speleman, Frank; Vandesompele, Jo
    Genome-wide promoter methylation analysis in neuroblastoma identifies prognostic methylation biomarkers
    In: Genome Biology: biology for the post-genomic era Jg. 13 (2012) Nr. 10, R 95
  • Fieuw, Annelies; Kumps, Candy; Schramm, Alexander; Pattyn, Filip; Menten, Björn; Antonacci, Francesca; Sudmant, Peter; Schulte, Johannes; Van Roy, Nadine; Vergult, Sarah; Buckley, Patrick G.; De Paepe, Anne M.; Noguera, Rosa; Versteeg, Rogier; Stallings, Raymond; Eggert, Angelika; Vandesompele, Jo; De Preter, Katleen D.; Speleman, Frank
    Identification of a novel recurrent 1q42.2-1qter deletion in high risk MYCN single copy 11q deleted neuroblastomas
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 130 (2012) Nr. 11, S. 2599 - 2606
  • Lindner, S.; Molenaar, J.; Thor, T.; Spruessel, A.; Caron, H N; Versteeg, R.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    LIN28B drives neuroblastoma oncogenesis through let7-MYCN signaling
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 224 (2012) S. 222
  • Molenaar, Jan J.; Domingo-Fernández, Raquel; Ebus, Marli E.; Lindner, Sven; Koster, Jan; Drabek, Ksenija; Mestdagh, Pieter; Van Sluis, Peter; Valentijn, Linda J.; Van Nes, Johan; Broekmans, Marloes; Haneveld, Franciska; Volckmann, Richard; Bray, Isabella; Heukamp, Lukas; Sprüssel, Annika; Thor, Theresa; Kieckbusch, Kristina; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Fischer, Matthias; Vandesompele, Jo; Schramm, Alexander; Van Noesel, Max M.; Varesio, Luigi; Speleman, Frank; Eggert, Angelika; Stallings, Raymond L.; Caron, Huib N.; Versteeg, Rogier; Schulte, Johannes
    LIN28B induces neuroblastoma and enhances MYCN levels via let-7 suppression
    In: Nature Genetics Jg. 44 (2012) Nr. 11, S. 1199 - 1206
  • Sprüssel, Annika; Schulte, Johannes; Weber, Stefanie; Necke, M.; Händschke, K.; Thor, Theresa; Pajtler, Kristian; Schramm, Alexander; König, Katharina; Diehl, Linda; Mestdagh, Pieter; Vandesompele, Jo; Speleman, Frank P.; Jastrow, Holger; Heukamp, Lukas Carl; Schüle, Roland; Dührsen, Ulrich; Buettner, Reinhard H.; Eggert, Angelika; Göthert, Joachim Rudolf
    Lysine-specific demethylase 1 restricts hematopoietic progenitor proliferation and is essential for terminal differentiation
    In: Leukemia Jg. 26 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 2039 - 2051
  • Schulte, Johannes; Göthert, Joachim Rudolf
    Maßgeschneiderte Nager : Genetisch veränderte Mäuse helfen bei der Entwicklung zielgerichteter Therapien
    In: Unikate: Berichte aus Forschung und Lehre (2012) Nr. 42: Translationale Krebsforschung: Auf dem Weg zu neuen Therapien, S. 42 - 50
  • Santo, Evan E.; Ebus, Marli E.G.; Koster, Jan; Schulte, Johannes; Lakeman, Arjan; van Sluis, Peter G.; Vermeulen, Joëlle; Gisselsson, David; Øra, Ingrid; Lindner, Sven; Buckley, Patrick G.; Stallings, Raymond L.; Vandesompele, Jo; Eggert, Angelika; Caron, Huib N.; Versteeg, Rogier; Molenaar, Jan J.
    Oncogenic activation of FOXR1 by 11q23 intrachromosomal deletion-fusions in neuroblastoma
    In: Oncogene Jg. 31 (2012) Nr. 12, S. 1571 - 1581
  • Künkele, Annette; De Preter, Katleen; Heukamp, Lukas; Thor, Theresa; Pajtler, Kristian; Hartmann, Wolfgang; Mittelbronn, Michel; Grotzer, Michael A.; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Speleman, Frank; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Pharmacological activation of the p53 pathway by nutlin-3 exerts anti-tumoral effects in medulloblastomas
    In: Neuro-Oncology Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. 7, S. 859 - 869
  • Gottlieb, A.; Kuenkele, A.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    RITA-p53 activation in medulloblastoma as a new approach for treatment?
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 224 (2012) S. 221
  • Nittner, David; Lambertz, Irina; Clermont, Frederic; Mestdagh, Pieter; Köhler, Corinna; Nielsen, Soren Jensby; Jochemsen, Aart; Speleman, Frank; Vandesompele, Jo; Dyer, Michael A.; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Marine, Jean-Christophe
    Synthetic lethality between Rb, p53 and Dicer or miR-17-92 in retinal progenitors suppresses retinoblastoma formation
    In: Nature Cell Biology Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. 9, S. 958 - 965
  • Heukamp, Lukas C.; Thor, Theresa; Schramm, Alexander; De Preter, Katleen; Kumps, Candy; De Wilde, Bram; Odersky, Andrea; Peifer, Martin; Lindner, Sven; Spruessel, Annika; Pattyn, Filip; Mestdagh, Pieter; Menten, Bjoern; Kuhfittig-Kulle, Steffi; Künkele, Annette; König, Katharina; Meder, Lydia; Chatterjee, Sampurna; Ullrich, Roland T.; Schulte, Stefanie; Vandesompele, Jo; Speleman, Frank; Büttner, Reinhard; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Targeted expression of mutated ALK induces neuroblastoma in transgenic mice
    In: Science Translational Medicine Jg. 4 (2012) Nr. 141, S. 141ra91
  • Fielitz, K.; Schowe, B.; Schulte, Johannes; Vandesompele, J.; Mestdagh, P.; Eggert, Angelika; Morik, K.; Schramm, Alexander
    The JARID 1C histone demethylase is upregulated in aggressive neuroblastomas independent of MYCN amplification
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 224 (2012) S. 221 - 222
  • Engelhard, Marianne; Kuenkele, A.; Hauffa, Berthold; Mellies, Uwe; Müntjes, Carsten; Hüer, Claudia; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Kremens, Bernhard; Stuschke, Martin
    Total body irradiation (TBI) in the conditioning regimens prior to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) : Long-term follow-up of 98 pediatric patients
    In: Strahlentherapie und Onkologie Jg. 188 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 108
  • Henrich, Kai-Oliver; Bauer, Tobias; Schulte, Johannes; Ehemann, Volker; Deubzer, Hedwig; Gogolin, Sina; Muth, Daniel; Fischer, Matthias; Benner, Axel; König, Rainer; Schwab, Manfred; Westermann, Frank; Henrich, K.-O.
    CAMTA1, a 1p36 Tumor Suppressor Candidate, Inhibits Growth and Activates Differentiation Programs in Neuroblastoma Cells
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 71 (2011) Nr. 8, S. 3142 - 3151
  • Schulte, Johannes; Bachmann, Hagen Sjard; Brockmeyer, Bent; DePreter, Katleen; Oberthuer, Andre; Ackermann, Sandra; Kahlert, Yvonne; Pajtler, Kristian; Theissen, Jessica; Westermann, Frank; Vandesompele, J. o.; Speleman, Frank; Berthold, Frank; Eggert, Angelika; Brors, Benedikt; Hero, Barbara; Schramm, Alexander; Fischer, Matthias
    High ALK Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Expression Supersedes ALK Mutation as a Determining Factor of an Unfavorable Phenotype in Primary Neuroblastoma
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 17 (2011) Nr. 15, S. 5082 - 5092
  • de Antonellis, P.; Medaglia, C.; Cusanelli, E.; Andolfo, I.; Liguori, L.; De Vita, G.; Carotenuto, M.; Bello, A.; Formiggini, F.; Galeone, A.; De Rosa, G.; Virgilio, A.; Scognamiglio, I.; Sciro, M.; Basso, G.; Schulte, Johannes; Cinalli, G.; Iolascon, A.; Zollo, M.
    MiR-34a targeting of Notch ligand delta-like 1 impairs CD15+/CD133+ tumor-propagating cells and supports neural differentiation in medulloblastoma
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 6 (2011) Nr. 9, S. e24584
  • Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Astrahantseff, K.; Pajtler, Kristian; Kunkele, A.; Schramm, Alexander
    Molecular Targets in Embryonal Tumors
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 223 (2011) Nr. 1, S. 48
  • Lindner, S.; Schulte, Johannes; Bohrer, A.; Maurer, J.; DePreter, K.; Lefever, S.; Heukamp, L.; Molenaar, J.; Versteeg, R.; Thor, T.; Vandesompele, J.; Speleman, F.; Schorle, H.; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, A.
    Neuroblastoma develops from neural crest stem cells
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 223 (2011) Nr. 3, S. 198 - 198
  • Kunkele, A.; de Preter, K.; Vandesompele, J.; Thor, T.; Pajtler, Kristian; Hartmann, W.; Heukamp, L.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Pharmacological activation of the p53 pathway by nutlin-3 inhibits medulloblastoma cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo
    In: European Journal of Pediatrics Jg. 170 (2011) Nr. 2, S. 267 - 268
  • Ackermann, Sandra; Goeser, Felix; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Ehemann, Felix; Hero, Barbara; Eggert, Angelika; Berthold, Frank; Fischer, Matthias
    Polo-like kinase 1 is a therapeutic target in high-risk neuroblastoma
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 17 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 731 - 741
  • Bachmann, Hagen Sjard; Heukamp, Lucas C.; Schmitz, Klaus Jürgen; Hilburn, Caroline F.; Kahl, Philip; Buettner, Reinhard; Nückel, Holger; Eisenhardt, Andreas; Rübben, Herbert; Schmid, Kurt Werner; Siffert, Winfried; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    Regulatory BCL2 promoter polymorphism (-938C>A) is associated with adverse outcome in patients with prostate carcinoma
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 129 (2011) Nr. 10, S. 2390 - 2399
  • De Preter, K.; Mestdagh, P.; Vermeulen, J.; Zeka, F.; Naranjo, A.; Bray, I.; Castel, V.; Chen, C.; Drozynska, E.; Eggert, Angelika; Hogarty, M. D.; Izycka-Swieszewska, E.; London, W. B.; Noguera, R.; Piqueras, M.; Bryan, K.; Schowe, B.; van Sluis, P.; Molenaar, J. J.; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Stallings, R. L.; Versteeg, R.; Laureys, G.; Van Roy, N.; Speleman, F.; Vandesompele, J.
    miRNA expression profiling enables risk stratification in archived and fresh neuroblastoma tumor samples
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 17 (2011) Nr. 24, S. 7684 - 7692
  • Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    A small kiss of death for cancer
    In: Nature Medicine Jg. 16 (2010) Nr. 10, S. 1079 - 1081
  • De Preter, Katleen; Vermeulen, Joelle; Brors, Benedikt; Delattre, Olivier; Eggert, Angelika; Fischer, Matthias; Janoueix-Lerosey, Isabelle; Lavarino, Cinzia; Maris, John M.; Mora, Jaume; Nakagawara, Akira; Oberthuer, Andre; Ohira, Miki; Schleiermacher, Gudrun; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Wang, Qun; Westermann, Frank; Speleman, Frank; Vandesompele, Jo
    Accurate outcome prediction in neuroblastoma across independent data sets using a multigene signature
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 16 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 1532 - 1541
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schowe, Benjamin; Mestdagh, Pieter; Kaderali, Lars; Kalaghatgi, Prabhav; Schlierf, Stefanie; Vermeulen, Joelle; Brockmeyer, Bent; Pajtler, Kristian; Thor, Theresa; de Preter, Katleen; Speleman, Frank; Morik, Katharina; Eggert, Angelika; Vandesompele, Jo; Schramm, Alexander
    Accurate prediction of neuroblastoma outcome based on miRNA expression profiles
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 127 (2010) Nr. 10, S. 2374 - 2385
  • Mestdagh, P.; Fredlund, E.; Pattyn, F.; Rihani, A.; Van Maerken, T.; Vermeulen, J.; Kumps, C.; Menten, B.; De Preter, K.; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Noguera, R.; Schleiermacher, G.; Janoueix-Lerosey, I.; Laureys, G.; Powel, R.; Nittner, D.; Marine, J. C.; Ringnér, M.; Speleman, F.; Vandesompele, J.
    An integrative genomics screen uncovers ncRNA T-UCR functions in neuroblastoma tumours
    In: Oncogene Jg. 29 (2010) Nr. 24, S. 3583 - 3592
  • Buckley, Patrick G.; Alcock, Leah; Bryan, Kenneth; Bray, Isabella; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Mestdagh, Pieter; De Preter, Katleen; Vandesompele, Jo; Speleman, Frank; Stallings, Raymond L.
    Chromosomal and microRNA expression patterns reveal biologically distinct subgroups of 11q- neuroblastoma
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 16 (2010) Nr. 11, S. 2971 - 2978
  • Schulte, Johannes; Marschall, Tobias; Martin, Marcel; Rosenstiel, Philipp; Mestdagh, Pieter; Schlierf, Stefanie; Thor, Theresa; Vandesompele, Jo; Eggert, Angelika; Schreiber, Stefan; Rahmann, Sven; Schramm, Alexander
    Deep sequencing reveals differential expression of microRNAs in favorable versus unfavorable neuroblastoma
    In: Nucleic Acids Research Jg. 38 (2010) Nr. 17, S. 5919 - 5928
  • Weingarten, C.; Thor, T.; Baumann, M.; Heukamp, L. C.; Buttner, R.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes; Pajtler, K.
    KDM 1A/LSD1 has a functional role in migration of medulloblastoma cells and their neuronal precursors
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 222 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 221
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Thor, T.; Baumann, M.; Heukamp, L.; Lim, S.; Kirfel, J.; Schramm, Alexander; Kuhfittig-Kulle, S.; Metzger, E.; Buttner, R.; Schuele, R.; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    LSD1 is a novel therapeutic target in neuroblastoma (NB) and medulloblastoma (MB)
    In: European Journal of Pediatrics Jg. 169 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 381
  • Mestdagh, P.; Fredlund, E.; Pattyn, F.; Schulte, Johannes; Muth, D.; Vermeulen, J.; Kumps, C.; Schlierf, S.; De Preter, K.; Van Roy, N.; Noguera, R.; Laureys, G.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Westermann, F.; Speleman, F.; Vandesompele, J.
    MYCN/c-MYC-induced microRNAs repress coding gene networks associated with poor outcome in MYCN/c-MYC-activated tumors
    In: Oncogene Jg. 29 (2010) Nr. 9, S. 1394 - 1404
  • De Brouwer, Sara; De Preter, Katleen; Kumps, Candy; Zabrocki, Piotr; Porcu, Michael; Westerhout, Ellen M.; Lakeman, Arjan; Vandesompele, Jo; Hoebeeck, Jasmien; Van Maerken, Tom; De Paepe, Anne; Laureys, Genevieve; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Van Den Broecke, Caroline; Vermeulen, Joelle; Van Roy, Nadine; Beiske, Klaus; Renard, Marleen; Noguera, Rosa; Delattre, Olivier; Janoueix-Lerosey, Isabelle; Kogner, Per; Martinsson, Tommy; Nakagawara, Akira; Ohira, Miki; Caron, Huib; Eggert, Angelika; Cools, Jan; Versteeg, Rogier; Speleman, Frank
    Meta-analysis of neuroblastomas reveals a skewed ALK mutation spectrum in tumors with MYCN amplification
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 16 (2010) Nr. 17, S. 4353 - 4362
  • Goeser, F.; Ackermann, S.; Schulte, Johannes; Ehemann, V.; Eggert, Angelika; Hero, B.; Berthold, F.; Fischer, M.
    Plk1 is a novel target for high-risk neuroblastoma therapy
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 222 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 222 - A21
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Bohrer, Anna; Maurer, Jochen; Schorle, Hubert; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Production of chick embryo extract for the cultivation of murine neural crest stem cells
    In: JoVE Jg. 2010 (2010) Nr. 45,
  • Degen, S.; Kuhfittig-Kulle, Steffi; Schulte, Johannes; Westermann, F.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Astrahantseff, K.
    The DNA-binding protein YB-1 is a direct MYCN target and influences repair and resistance in neuroblastoma cell lines
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 222 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 219
  • Mestdagh, Pieter; Boström, Anna-Karin; Impens, Francis; Fredlund, Erik; Van Peer, Gert; De Antonellis, Pasqualino; von Stedingk, Kristoffer; Ghesquière, Bart; Schulte, Stefanie; Dews, Michael; Thomas-Tikhonenko, Andrei; Schulte, Johannes; Zollo, Massimo; Schramm, Alexander; Gevaert, Kris; Axelson, Håkan; Speleman, Frank; Vandesompele, Jo
    The miR-17-92 MicroRNA Cluster Regulates Multiple Components of the TGF-β Pathway in Neuroblastoma
    In: Molecular Cell Jg. 40 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 762 - 773
  • Brockmeyer, B.; Schulte, Johannes; Oberthuer, A.; Mestdagh, P.; Pajtler, Kristian; Theissen, J.; Bachmann, Hagen Sjard; Hero, B.; Vandesompele, J.; Berthold, F.; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Fischer, M.
    ALK Mutation Analysis in Patients of the German Neuroblastoma Study
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 195
  • Cimmino, F.; Schulte, Johannes; Zollo, M.; Koster, J.; Versteeg, R.; Iolascon, A.; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander
    Galectin-1 is a major effector of TrkB-mediated neuroblastoma aggressiveness
    In: Oncogene Jg. 28 (2009) Nr. 19, S. 2015 - 2023
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Thor, T.; Oles, L.; Baumann, M.; Heukamp, L. C.; Buttner, R.; Kirjel, J.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    LSD 1 is a Potential Therapeutic Target in Medulloblastoma
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 203 - 204
  • Schulte, Johannes H.; Schramm, Alexander; Thor, T.; Lim, S.; Pajtler, Kristian; Kuhfittig-Kulle, Steffi; Metzger, E.; Schuele, R.; Buettner, R.; Kirfel, J.; Eggert, Angelika
    Lysine-Specific demethylase 1 is strongly expressed in poorly differentiated neuroblastoma : Implications for therapy
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. A61
  • Schulte, Johannes H.; Lim, Soyoung; Schramm, Alexander; Friedrichs, Nicolaus; Koster, Jan; Versteeg, Rogier; Ora, Ingrid; Pajtler, Kristian; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Kuhfittig-Kulle, Steffi; Metzger, Eric; Schüle, Roland; Eggert, Angelika; Buettner, Reinhard; Kirfel, Jutta
    Lysine-specific demethylase 1 is strongly expressed in poorly differentiated neuroblastoma : implications for therapy
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 69 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 2065 - 2071
  • Thor, T.; Heukamp, L.; Hahn, H.; Kappler, R.; Buettner, R.; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    MicroRNAs 221 and 222 in the Pathogenesis of Solid Childhood Tumors
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 210
  • Schulte, Johannes; Horn, Sebastian; Schlierf, Stefanie; Schramm, Alexander; Heukamp, Lukas C.; Christiansen, Holger; Buettner, Reinhard; Berwanger, Bernd; Eggert, Angelika
    MicroRNAs in the pathogenesis of neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer Letters Jg. 274 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 10 - 15
  • Bohrer, A. M.; Mahlow, E.; Maurer, J.; Schorle, H.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    N-myc induces transformation of neural crest stem cells in vitro and in vivo
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 195
  • Kuenkele, A.; Baumann, M.; Odersky, Andrea; Deubzer, H.; Witt, O.; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    Pharmacologic activation of the p53 pathway using Nutlin-3 inhibits medulloblastoma cell proliferation in vitro
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 201
  • Schlierf, S.; Mestdagh, P.; Thor, T.; DePreter, K.; Baumann, M.; Eggert, Angelika; Vandesompele, J.; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes
    Prognostic role and functional analyses of miRNA expression in neuroblastoma
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 206
  • Terjung, S.; Schulte, Johannes; Schlierf, S.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Meyer, H. E.; Stuhler, K.
    Proteomics of neuroblastoma master regulators
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 209
  • Schramm, Alexander; Mierswa, Ingo; Kaderali, Lars; Morik, Katharina; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Reanalysis of neuroblastoma expression profiling data using improved methodology and extended follow-up increases validity of outcome prediction
    In: Cancer Letters Jg. 282 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 55 - 62
  • Otto, Tobias; Horn, Sebastian; Brockmann, Markus; Eilers, Ursula; Schüttrumpf, Lars; Popov, Nikita; Kenney, Anna Marie; Schulte, Johannes; Beijersbergen, Roderick; Christiansen, Holger; Berwanger, Bernd; Eilers, Martin
    Stabilization of N-Myc is a critical function of Aurora A in human neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer Cell Jg. 15 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 67 - 78
  • Schulte, Johannes; Pentek, Falk; Hartmann, Wolfgang; Schramm, Alexander; Friedrichs, Nicolaus; Øra, Ingrid; Koster, Jan; Versteeg, Rogier; Kirfel, Jutta; Buettner, Reinhard; Eggert, Angelika
    The low-affinity neurotrophin receptor, p75, is upregulated in ganglioneuroblastoma/ganglioneuroma and reduces tumorigenicity of neuroblastoma cells in vivo
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 124 (2009) Nr. 10, S. 2488 - 2494
  • Biewald, E.; Mestdagh, P.; Stephan, H.; de Preter, K.; Thor, T.; Baumann, M.; Lohmann, Dietmar; Eggert, Angelika; Spelemann, F.; Schramm, Alexander; Vandesompele, J.; Schulte, Johannes
    The miR-17-92 gene cluster is amplified and overexpressed in retinoblastoma
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 221 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 195
  • Schulte, Johannes; Kuhfittig-Kulle, Steffi; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Schramm, Alexander; Biard, Denis S. F.; Pfeiffer, Petra; Eggert, Angelika
    Expression of the TrkA or TrkB receptor tyrosine kinase alters the double-strand break (DSB) repair capacity of SY5Y neuroblastoma cells
    In: DNA Repair Jg. 7 (2008) Nr. 10, S. 1757 - 1764
  • Pentek, F.; Schramm, Alexander; Astrahantseff, K.; Hartmann, W.; Buttmer, R.; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes
    Expression of the p75 neurotrophin receptor reduces tumorigenity of neuroblastoma cells in vivo and in vitro
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 220 (2008) Nr. 3, S. 206
  • Friedrichs, N.; Küchler, J.; Endl, E.; Koch, A.; Czerwitzki, J.; Wurst, P.; Metzger, D.; Schulte, Johannes; Holst, M. I.; Heukamp, L. C.; Larsson, O.; Tanaka, S.; Kawai, A.; Wardelmann, E.; Buettner, R.; Pietsch, T.; Hartmann, W.
    Insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor acts as a growth regulator in synovial sarcoma
    In: The Journal of Pathology Jg. 216 (2008) Nr. 4, S. 428 - 439
  • Schulte, Johannes; Horn, Sebastian; Otto, Tobias; Samans, Birgit; Heukamp, Lukas C; Eilers, Ursula-Christa; Krause, Michael; Astrahantseff, Kathy; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Buettner, Reinhard; Schramm, Alexander; Christiansen, Holger; Eilers, Martin; Eggert, Angelika; Berwanger, Bernd
    MYCN regulates oncogenic MicroRNAs in neuroblastoma
    In: International Journal of Cancer Jg. 122 (2008) Nr. 3, S. 699 - 704
  • Schulte, Johannes; Lim, S.; Schramm, Alexander; Ora, I.; Kuhfittig-Kulle, Steffi; Metzger, E.; Schule, R.; Buttner, R.; Eggert, Angelika; Kirfel, J.
    The LSD 1 histone demethylase is highly expressed in poorly differentiated neuroblastoma and is a novel therpeutic target
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 220 (2008) Nr. 3, S. 208
  • Schulte, Johannes; Kirfel, Jutta; Lim, Soyoung; Schramm, Alexander; Friedrichs, Nicolaus; Deubzer, Hedwig E.; Witt, Olaf; Eggert, Angelika; Büttner, Reinhard
    Transcription factor AP2alpha (TFAP2a) regulates differentiation and proliferation of neuroblastoma cells
    In: Cancer Letters Jg. 271 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 56 - 63
  • Schulte, Johannes; Horn, Sebastian; Samans, Birgit; Heukamp, Lukas; Eilers, Ursula-Christa; Otto, Tobias; Krause, Michael; Astrahantseff, Kathy; Buttner, Reinhard; Schramm, Alexander; Christiansen, Holger; Eilers, Martin; Berwanger, Bernd; Eggert, Angelika
    N-MYC regulates oncogenic micrornas in neuroblastoma
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 49 (2007) Nr. 4, S. 429 - 429
  • Schulte, Johannes; Horn, S.; Samans, B.; Heukamp, L.; Eilers, U.; Otto, T.; Krause, M.; Astrahantseff, K.; Buettner, R.; Schramm, Alexander; Christiansen, H.; Eilers, M.; Eggert, Angelika; Berwanger, B.
    N-Myc regulates oncogenic micrortnas in neuroblastoma
    In: European Journal of Pediatrics Jg. 166 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 278
  • Schramm, Alexander; Vandesompele, Jo; Schulte, Johannes; Dreesmann, Sabine; Kaderali, Lars; Brors, Benedikt; Eils, Roland; Speleman, Frank; Eggert, Angelika
    Translating expression profiling into a clinically feasible test to predict neuroblastoma outcome
    In: Clinical Cancer Research Jg. 13 (2007) Nr. 5, S. 1459 - 1465
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Schulte, Johannes; Dreesmann, S.; Mahlow, E.; Stauder, M.; Lindemann, Monika; Rebmann, Vera; Grosse-Wilde, H.; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika
    Expression of TrkA is a potential regulator of immunogenicity in neuroblastoma cells
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 218 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 192 - 192
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Samans, B.; Krause, M.; Horn, S.; Fagin, A.; Astrahantseff, K.; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Witt, O.; Westermann, F.; Christiansen, H.; Eilers, M.; Berwanger, B.; Eggert, Angelika
    MicroRNA expression analysis in neuroblastoma using pligonuclectide arrays
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 218 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 194
  • Pressel, T.; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Eggert, Angelika
    Microarray analysis defines IPL/TSSC3 as a potential target mediating the synergistic effects of combined thermo-chemotherapy in neuroblastoma cells
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 218 (2006) Nr. 3, S. 192 - 193
  • Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Astrahantseff, K.; Apostolov, O.; Limpt, V.; Sieverts, H.; Kuhfittig-Kulle, Steffi; Pfeiffer, Petra; Versteeg, R.; Eggert, Angelika
    Biological effects of TrkA and TrkB receptor signaling in neuroblastoma
    In: Cancer letters Jg. 228 (2005) Nr. 1-2, S. 143 - 153
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Klenk, M.; Wessels, H.; Hauffa, Berthold; Eils, J.; Eils, R.; Brodeur, G. M.; Schweigerer, L.; Havers, Werner; Eggert, Angelika
    Microarray analysis reveals differential gene expression patterns and regulation of single target genes contributing to the opposing phenotype of TrkA- and TrkB-expressing neuroblastomas
    In: Oncogene Jg. 24 (2005) Nr. 1, S. 165 - 177
  • Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Havers, Werner; Sieverts, H.; Berwanger, B.; Christiansen, H.; Warnat, P.; Brors, B.; Eils, J.; Eils, R.; Eggert, Angelika
    Prediction of clinical outcome and biological characterization of neuroblastoma by expression profiling
    In: Oncogene Jg. 24 (2005) Nr. 53, S. 7902 - 7912
  • Hecht, M.; Schulte, Johannes; Eggert, Angelika; Wilting, J.; Schweigerer, L.
    The neurotrophin receptor TrkB cooperates with c-Met in enhancing neuroblastoma invasiveness
    In: Carcinogenesis Jg. 26 (2005) Nr. 12, S. 2105 - 2115
  • Lang, D.; Patti, R.; Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Shalaby, T.; Phillips, P. C.; Eggert, Angelika; Grotzer, M. A.
    NT-3 mediated signaling pathways in DAOY medulloblastoma cells
    In: Neuro-Oncology Jg. 6 (2004) Nr. 4, S. 409 - 409
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schramm, Alexander; Pressel, T.; Klein-Hitpaß, Ludger; Kremens, Bernhard; Eils, J.; Havers, Werner; Eggert, Angelika
    Microarray-analysis : a new approach to study the molecular mechanisms of thermo-chemotherapy
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie Jg. 215 (2003) Nr. 6, S. 298 - 302
  • Abstracts

  • Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Koester, J.; Assenov, Y.; Kristina, A.; Engesser, A.; Kahlert, Y.; Theissen, J.; Hero, B.; Roels, F.; Peifer, M.; Astrahantseff, K.; Depreter, K.; Lode, H.; Speleman, F.; Schmezer, P.; Westermann, F.; Rahmann, Sven; Fischer, Markus; Schulte, Johannes;
    Integrated Genomic Analysis Identifies Specific Alterations and Activation of Yap in Relapsed Neuroblastoma
    47th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), October 8–11, 2015, Cape Town, South Africa,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 62 (2015) Nr. S4, S. S145 - S145
  • Hilhorst, Riet; Hovestad, Liesbeth; de Wijn, Rik; Pijnenburg, Dirk; Ruijtenbeek, Rob; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes H.
    ALK F1174L kinase activity as driver of cell proliferation in neuroblastoma cell line models and neuroblastoma tumors
    In: Cancer Research Jg. 72 (2012) Nr. 8, Suppl., S. 1683
  • Pajtler, Kristian; Weingarten, Christina; Thor, Theresa; Kuenkele, Annette; Fleischhack, Gudrun; Heukamp, Lukas C; Buettner, Reinhard; Kirfel, Jutta; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes;
    Lysin-Specific Histone Dementhylase 1(LSD1) is a promising new Epigenetic Theapy target Crucially involved in the migration of Medulloblastoma Cells
    15th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, June 24-27 2012 Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
    In: Neuro-Oncology Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. i92
  • Thor, Theresa; Mestdagh, Pieter; Vandesomple, J. o.; Fuchs, Helmut; Durner, Valerie G; de Angelis, Martin Hr; Heukamp, Lukas; Kuenkele, Annette; Pajtler, Kristian; Eggert, Angelika; Schramm, Alexander; Schulte, Johannes;
    miR-34a is dispensable for normal development but its loss Accelerates medulloblastoma formation
    15th International Symposium on Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, June 24-27 2012 Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
    In: Neuro-Oncology Jg. 14 (2012) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 89
  • Kuenkele, A.; Wieland, Regina; Jurklies, Christine; Lohmann, Dietmar; Bornfeld, Norbert; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes;
    Long-term follow-up of patients receiving chemoreduction for intraocular rettinoblatoma in the German RB Center (1995-2004)
    43rd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) 2011 ; 28th–30th October, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 57 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 785
  • Knenkele, A.; Engelhard, Marianne; Hauffa, Berthold; Mellies, Uwe; Schulte, Johannes; Eggert, Angelika; Huer, C.; Kremens, Bernhard;
    Long-term follow-up of pediatric patients receiving total body irradiation before bone marrow transplantation
    43rd Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP) 2011 ; 28th–30th October, 2011, Auckland, New Zealand,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 57 (2011) Nr. 5, S. 827
  • Schulte, Johannes H.
    Lysine-Specific demethylase 1 is strongly expressed in poorly differentiated neuroblastoma : Implications for therapy
    In: Klinische Pädiatrie / 13th Expert Meeting for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology ; Molecular Targeted Therapies for Childhood Cancers ; Günzburg, 28th-30th January 2010 Jg. 223 (2011) Nr. 1, S. A15
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schowe, Benjamin; Mestdagh, Pieter; Kaderali, Lars; Kalaghatgi, Prabhav; Schlierf, Stefanie; Vermeulen, Joelle; Brockmeyer, Bent; Pajtler, Kristian; Thor, Theresa; de Preter, Katleen; Speleman, Frank; Marik, Katharina; Eggert, Angelika; Vandesompele, Jo; Schramm, Alexander;
    Accurate prediction of neuroblastoma outcome based on miRNA expression profiles
    42nd Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP), October 21-24, 2010, Boston, USA,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 812
  • Schulte, Johannes; Marshall, Tobias; Martin, Marcel; Rosenstiel, Philipp; Mestdagh, Pieter; Schlierf, Stefanie; Thor, Theresa; Vandesompele, Jo; Eggert, Angelika; Schreiber, Stefan; Rahmann, Sven; Schramm, Alexander;
    Deep Sequencing Revals Differential Expression of Micrornas in Favourable Versus Unfavourable Neuroblastoma
    42nd Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) in Boston,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 826 - 827
  • Schulte, Johannes; Bachmann, Hagen Sjard; Brockmeyer, Bent; Nowacki, Sandra; Kahlert, Yvonne; Oberthur, Andre; de Preter, Katleen; Pajtler, Kristian; Theissen, Jessica; Westermann, Frank; Speleman, Frank; Vandesompele, Jo; Berthold, Frank; Eggert, Angelika; Hero, Barbara; Schramm, Alexander; Fischer, Matthias;
    High Expression of the alk Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Precedes Mutation as a Determining Factor of Unfavourable Phenotype in Primary Neuroblastoma
    42nd Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP), October 21-24, 2010, Boston, USA,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 827
  • Kuenkele, Annette; de Preter, Katleen; Vandesompele, Jo; Pajtler, Kristian; Heukamp, Lukas; Grotzer, Michael; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika; Schulte, Johannes;
    Pharmacologic Activation of the P53 Pathway by Nutlin-3 Inhibits Medulloblastoma Cell Proliferation in Vitro
    42nd Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP), October 21-24, 2010, Boston, USA,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 55 (2010) Nr. 5, S. 918
  • Schulte, Johannes; Kemberg, Petra; Mikasch, Ruth; Schneider, Manfred; Kremens, Bernhard; Eggert, Angelika;
    Development of Guidelines for Parents with Children Neuwly Diagnosed with Cancer : Nutrition, Personal and Oral Hygiene
    41st Annual conference of International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 5–9, 2009,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 53 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 757
  • Schulte, Johannes; Schowe, Benjamin; Martin, Marcel; Rahmann, Sven; Theissen, Jessica; Hero, Barbara; Morik, Katharina; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika;
    Exon-Level gene expression analysis of primary neuroblastomas improves risk prediction and identifies jaridic as a novel Therapeutic target
    41st Annual conference of International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 5–9, 2009,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 53 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 742 - 743
  • Schulte, Johannes; Pajtler, Kristian; Buettner, Reinhard; Kirfel, Jutta; Thor, Theresa; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika;
    LSD1 is a Potential Therapeutic Target in Medulloblastoma
    41st Annual conference of International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP 2009, October 5–9, 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 53 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 826
  • Schulte, Johannes; Bohrer, Anna; Mahlow, Ellen; Maurer, Jochen; Schorle, Hubert; DePreter, Katleen; Vandesompele, Jo; Speleman, Frank; Schlierf, Stefanie; Pajtler, Kristian; Schramm, Alexander; Eggert, Angelika;
    Modeling Neuroblastomagenesis from neural crest Stem Cells in Vitro and in Vivo
    41st Annual conference of International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 5–9, 2009,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 53 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 703 - 704
  • Schulte, Johannes; Biewald, Eva; Mestdagh, Pieter; Stephan, Harald; Katleen, DePreter; Lohmann, Dietmar; Spelemann, Frank; Schramm, Alexander; Vandesompele, Jo; Eggert, Angelika;
    The MIR-17-92 Gene Cluster is Amplified an overexpressed in Rettinoblastoma
    41st Annual conference of International Society of Paediatric Oncology SIOP 2009, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 5–9, 2009,
    In: Pediatric Blood and Cancer Jg. 53 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 735
  • Bücher/Sammelwerke/Tagungsbände

  • Schulte, Johannes
    Analysen molekularer und epigenetischer Veränderungen in neuroblastischen Tumoren
    Duisburg, Essen (2011) 1 CD-ROM
  • Dissertation

  • Schulte, Johannes;
    Analyse neurotrophinrezeptor-vermittelter Genregulationsmuster in neuroblastischen Tumoren
    Duisburg, Essen (2007) 129 Bl. : Ill., graph. Darst.