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Fakultät für Biologie - Aquatische Ökosystemforschung

Universitätsstr. 5
D-45141 Essen
S05 V05 F13


  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Aquatische Ökosystemforschung

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Macher, Till-Hendrik; Beermann, Arne; Arle, Jens; Foerster, Julia; Greyer, Matthias; Mora, Demetrio; Koschorreck, Jan; Rolauffs, Peter; Rother, Anne; Schüler, Susanne; Zimmermann, Jonas; Hering, Daniel; Leese, Florian
    Fit for purpose? : Evaluating benthic invertebrate DNA metabarcoding for ecological status class assessment in streams under the Water Framework Directive
    In: Water Research Jg. 272 (2025) 122987
  • Madge Pimentel, Iris; Rehsen, Philipp M.; Beermann, Arne J.; Leese, Florian; Piggott, Jeremy J.; Schmuck, Sebastian
    An automated modular heating solution for experimental flow-through stream mesocosm systems
    In: Limnology and Oceanography: Methods Jg. 22 (2024) Nr. 3, S. 135 - 148
  • Madge Pimentel, Iris; Baikova, Daria; Buchner, Dominik; Burfeid Castellanos, Andrea; David, Gwendoline M.; Deep, Aman; Doliwa, Annemie; Hadžiomerović, Una; Mayombo, Ntambwe Albert Serge; Prati, Sebastian; Spyra, Marzena; Vermiert, Anna-Maria; Beisser, Daniela; Dunthorn, Micah; Piggott, Jeremy J.; Sures, Bernd; Tiegs, Scott D.; Leese, Florian; Beermann, Arne
    Assessing the response of an urban stream ecosystem to salinization under different flow regimes
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 926 (2024) 171849
  • Sander, Mandy; Beermann, Arne; Buchner, Dominik; Madge Pimentel, Iris; Sinclair, James S.; Weiss, Martina; Haase, Peter; Leese, Florian
    Environmental DNA time series analysis of a temperate stream reveals distinct seasonal community and functional shifts
    In: River Research and Applications Jg. 40 (2024) Nr. 5, S. 850 - 862
  • Macher, Till-Hendrik; Arle, Jens; Beermann, Arne; Frank, Lina; Hupało, Kamil; Koschorreck, Jan; Schütz, Robin; Leese, Florian
    Is it worth the extra mile? : Comparing environmental DNA and RNA metabarcoding for vertebrate and invertebrate biodiversity surveys in a lowland stream
    In: PeerJ Jg. 12 (2024) Nr. 10, e18016
  • Buchner, Dominik; Sinclair, James S.; Ayasse, Manfred; Beermann, Arne J.; Buse, Jörn; Dziock, Frank; Enss, Julian; Frenzel, Mark; Hörren, Thomas; Li, Yuanheng; Monaghan, Michael T.; Morkel, Carsten; Müller, Jörg; Pauls, Steffen U.; Richter, Ronny; Scharnweber, Tobias; Sorg, Martin; Stoll, Stefan; Twietmeyer, Sönke; Weisser, Wolfgang W.; Wiggering, Benedikt; Wilmking, Martin; Zotz, Gerhard; Gessner, Mark O.; Haase, Peter; Leese, Florian
    Upscaling biodiversity monitoring: Metabarcoding estimates 31,846 insect species from Malaise traps across Germany
    In: Molecular Ecology Resources Jg. 25 (2024) Nr. 1, e14023
  • Laini, A.; Stubbington, R.; Beermann, Arne; Burgazzi, G.; Datry, T.; Viaroli, P.; Wilkes, M.; Zizka, V.M.A.; Saccò, M.; Leese, Florian
    Dissecting biodiversity : Assessing the taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic structure of an insect metacommunity in a river network using morphological and metabarcoding data
    In: The European Zoological Journal Jg. 90 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 320 - 332
  • Macher, Till-Hendrik; Schütz, Robin; Yildiz, Atakan; Beermann, Arne; Leese, Florian
    Evaluating five primer pairs for environmental DNA metabarcoding of Central European fish species based on mock communities
    In: Metabarcoding and Metagenomics (MBMG) Jg. 7 (2023) S. 217 - 245
  • Benlasri, Mokhtar; Vuataz, Laurent; Gattolliat, Jean-Luc; Beermann, Arne; Leßner, Heribert; El Alami El Moutaouakil, Majida; Ghamizi, Mohamed; Berger, Elisabeth
    First report of Cloeon vanharteni Gattolliat & Sartori, 2008 (Baetidae, Ephemeroptera) in the Maghreb
    In: Alpine Entomology Jg. 7 (2023) S. 143 - 152
  • Macher, Till-Hendrik; Schütz, Robin; Hörren, Thomas; Beermann, Arne; Leese, Florian
    It's raining species : Rainwash eDNA metabarcoding as a minimally invasive method to assess tree canopy invertebrate diversity
    In: Environmental DNA Jg. 5 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 3 - 11
  • Vos, Matthijs; Hering, Daniel; Gessner, Mark O.; Leese, Florian; Schäfer, Ralf B.; Tollrian, Ralph; Boenigk, Jens; Haase, Peter; Meckenstock, Rainer; Baikova, Daria; Bayat, Helena; Beermann, Arne; Beißer, Daniela; Beszteri, Bánk; Birk, Sebastian; Boden, Lisa; Brauer, Verena; Brauns, Mario; Buchner, Dominik; Burfeid-Castellanos, Andrea; David, Gwendoline; Deep, Aman; Doliwa, Annemie; Dunthorn, Micah; Enß, Julian; Escobar-Sierra, Camilo; Feld, Christian K.; Fohrer, Nicola; Grabner, Daniel; Hadziomerovic, Una; Jähnig, Sonja C.; Jochmann, Maik; Khaliq, Shaista; Kiesel, Jens; Kuppels, Annabel; Lampert, Kathrin P.; Le, T.T. Yen; Lorenz, Armin W.; Madariaga, Graciela Medina; Meyer, Benjamin; Pantel, Jelena H.; Madge Pimentel, Iris; Mayombo, Ntambwe Serge; Nguyen, Hong Hanh; Peters, Kristin; Pfeifer, Svenja M.; Prati, Sebastian; Probst, Alexander J.; Reiner, Dominik; Rolauffs, Peter; Schlenker, Alexandra; Schmidt, Torsten C.; Shah, Mana; Sieber, Guido; Stach, Tom Lennard; Tielke, Ann-Kathrin; Vermiert, Anna-Maria; Weiss, Martina; Weitere, Markus; Sures, Bernd
    The Asymmetric Response Concept explains ecological consequences of multiple stressor exposure and release
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 872 (2023) 162196
  • Macher, Till-Hendrik; Schütz, Robin; Beermann, Arne J.; Leese, Florian; Wagner, Falko; Arle, Jens; Koschorreck, Jan
    Umwelt-DNA-basiertes Monitoring an der Fischtreppe Dessau-Roßlau : Ein Vergleich mit fischereilichen Methoden
    In: Wasserwirtschaft Jg. 113 (2023) Nr. 5, S. 47 - 55
  • Brasseur, Marie V.; Beermann, Arne; Elbrecht, Vasco; Grabner, Daniel; Peinert-Voss, Bianca; Salis, Romana; Weiss, Martina; Mayer, Christoph; Leese, Florian
    Impacts of multiple anthropogenic stressors on the transcriptional response of Gammarus fossarum in a mesocosm field experiment
    In: BMC Genomics Jg. 23 (2022) Nr. 1, 816
  • Szekeres, József; Beermann, Arne; Neubauer, Thomas A.; Očadlik, Miroslav; Paunović, Momir; Raković, Maja; Csányi, Béla; Varga, András; Weigand, Alexander; Wilke, Thomas; Fehér, Zoltán
    Rapid spread of a new alien and potentially invasive species, Clathrocaspia knipowitschii (Makarov, 1938) (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae), in the Danube River
    In: Archives of Biological Sciences Jg. 74 (2022) Nr. 1, S. 81 - 89
  • Macher, Till-Hendrik; Schütz, Robin; Arle, Jens; Beermann, Arne; Koschorreck, Jan; Leese, Florian
    Beyond fish edna metabarcoding : Field replicates disproportionately improve the detection of stream associated vertebrate species
    In: Metabarcoding and Metagenomics (MBMG) Jg. 5 (2021) e66557
  • Buchner, Dominik; Beermann, Arne J.; Leese, Florian; Weiss, Martina
    Cooking small and large portions of “biodiversity-soup” : Miniaturized DNA metabarcoding PCRs perform as good as large-volume PCRs
    In: Ecology and Evolution Jg. 11 (2021) Nr. 13, S. 9092 - 9099
  • Beermann, Arne; Werner, Marie-Thérése; Elbrecht, Vasco; Zizka, Vera; Leese, Florian
    DNA metabarcoding improves the detection of multiple stressor responses of stream invertebrates to increased salinity, fine sediment deposition and reduced flow velocity
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 750 (2021) S. 141969
  • Berger, Elisabeth; Bossenbroek, Lisa; Beermann, Arne; Schäfer, Ralf B.; Znari, Mohammed; Riethmüller, Sina; Sidhu, Nanki; Kaczmarek, Nils; Benaissa, Hassan; Ghamizi, Mohamed; Plicht, Sabrina; Ben Salem, Souad; El Qorchi, Fadoua; Naimi, Mohamed; Leese, Florian; Frör, Oliver
    Social-ecological interactions in the Draa River Basin, southern Morocco : Towards nature conservation and human well-being using the IPBES framework
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 769 (2021) 144492
  • Buchner, Dominik; Macher, Till-Hendrik; Beermann, Arne; Werner, Marie-Thérése; Leese, Florian
    Standardized high-throughput biomonitoring using DNA metabarcoding: Strategies for the adoption of automated liquid handlers
    In: Environmental Science and Ecotechnology (ESE) Jg. 8 (2021) 100122
  • Macher, Till-Hendrik; Beermann, Arne; Leese, Florian
    TaxonTableTools : A comprehensive, platform-independent graphical user interface software to explore and visualise DNA metabarcoding data
    In: Molecular Ecology Resources Jg. 21 (2021) Nr. 5, S. 1705 - 1714
  • Mack, Leoni; Attila, Jenni; Aylagas, Eva; Beermann, Arne; Borja, Angel; Hering, Daniel; Kahlert, Maria; Leese, Florian; Lenz, Robin; Lehtiniemi, Maiju; Liess, Antonia; Lips, Urmas; Mattila, Olli-Pekka; Meissner, Kristian; Pyhälahti, Timo; Setälä, Outi; Strehse, Jennifer S.; Uusitalo, Laura; Willstrand Wranne, Anna; Birk, Sebastian
    A Synthesis of Marine Monitoring Methods With the Potential to Enhance the Status Assessment of the Baltic Sea
    In: Frontiers in Marine Science Jg. 7 (2020) 552047
  • Laini, Alex; Beermann, Arne; Bolpagni, Rossano; Burgazzi, Gemma; Elbrecht, Vasco; Zizka, Vera; Leese, Florian; Viaroli, Pierluigi
    Exploring the potential of metabarcoding to disentangle macroinvertebrate community dynamics in intermittent streams
    In: Metabarcoding and Metagenomics (MBMG) Jg. 4 (2020) S. 65 - 79
  • Hinić, Jelena; Slavevska-Stamenković, Valentina; Ibrahimi, Halil; Bilalli, Astrit; Musliu, Milaim; Kučinić, Mladen; Beermann, Arne; Lesse, Florian
    The First Record of the Balkan Endemic Caddisfly Drusus osogovicus Kumanski, 1980 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) in the Republic of North Macedonia, with DNA barcoding of the species and comments on its ecology and distribution
    In: Acta Zoologica Bulgarica Jg. 72 (2020) Nr. 3, S. 369 - 379
  • Hempel, Christopher A.; Peinert, Bianca; Beermann, Arne; Elbrecht, Vasco; Macher, Jan-Niklas; Macher, Till-Hendrik; Jacobs, Gunnar; Leese, Florian
    Using Environmental DNA to Monitor the Reintroduction Success of the Rhine Sculpin (Cottus rhenanus) in a Restored Stream
    In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Jg. 8 (2020) 81
  • Buchner, Dominik; Beermann, Arne J.; Laini, Alex; Rolauffs, Peter; Vitecek, Simon; Hering, Daniel; Leese, Florian
    Analysis of 13,312 benthic invertebrate samples from German streams reveals minor deviations in ecological status class between abundance and presence/absence data
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 14 (2019) Nr. 12, S. e0226547
  • Weigand, Hannah; Beermann, Arne; Čiampor, Fedor; Costa, Filipe O.; Csabai, Zoltán; Duarte, Sofia; Geiger, Matthias F.; Grabowski, Michał; Rimet, Frédéric; Rulik, Björn; Strand, Malin; Szucsich, Nikolaus; Weigand, Alexander M.; Willassen, Endre; Wyler, Sofia A.; Bouchez, Agnès; Borja, Angel; Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Zuzana; Ferreira, Sónia; Dijkstra, Klaas-Douwe B.; Eisendle, Ursula; Freyhof, Jörg; Gadawski, Piotr; Graf, Wolfram; Haegerbaeumer, Arne; van der Hoorn, Berry B.; Japoshvili, Bella; Keresztes, Lujza; Keskin, Emre; Leese, Florian; Macher, Jan-Niklas; Mamos, Tomasz; Paz, Guy; Pešić, Vladimir; Pfannkuchen, Daniela Maric; Pfannkuchen, Martin Andreas; Price, Benjamin W.; Rinkevich, Buki; Teixeira, Marcos A.L.; Várbíró, Gábor; Ekrem, Torbjørn
    DNA barcode reference libraries for the monitoring of aquatic biota in Europe : Gap-analysis and recommendations for future work
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 678 (2019) S. 499 - 524
  • Theissinger, Kathrin; Röder, Nina; Allgeier, Stefanie; Beermann, Arne; Brühl, Carsten A.; Friedrich, Anna; Michiels, Susanne; Schwenk, Klaus
    Mosquito control actions affect chironomid diversity in temporary wetlands of the Upper Rhine Valley
    In: Molecular Ecology Jg. 28 (2019) Nr. 18, S. 4300 - 4316
  • Beermann, Arne; Zizka, Vera; Elbrecht, Vasco; Baranov, Viktor; Leese, Florian
    DNA metabarcoding reveals the complex and hidden responses of chironomids to multiple stressors
    In: Environmental Sciences Europe (ESEU) Jg. 30 (2018) S. 26
  • Beermann, Arne; Elbrecht, Vasco; Karnatz, Svenja; Ma, Li; Matthaei, Christoph D.; Piggott, Jeremy J.; Leese, Florian
    Multiple-stressor effects on stream macroinvertebrate communities : A mesocosm experiment manipulating salinity, fine sediment and flow velocity
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 610-611 (2018) S. 961 - 971
  • Nuy, Julia; Lange, Anja; Beermann, Arne; Jensen, Manfred; Elbrecht, Vasco; Röhl, Oliver; Peršoh, Derek; Begerow, Dominik; Leese, Florian; Boenigk, Jens
    Responses of stream microbes to multiple anthropogenic stressors in a mesocosm study
    In: Science of the Total Environment Jg. 633 (2018) S. 1287 - 1301
  • Morinière, Jérôme; Hendrich, Lars; Balke, Michael; Beermann, Arne; König, Tobias; Hess, Monika; Koch, Stefan; Müller, Reinhard; Leese, Florian; Hebert, Paul D. N.; Hausmann, Axel; Schubart, Christoph D.; Haszprunar, Gerhard
    A DNA barcode library for Germany′s mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera)
    In: Molecular Ecology Resources Jg. 17 (2017) Nr. 6, S. 1293 - 1307
  • Beermann, Arne; Uekötter, Laura; Leese, Florian; Lorenz, Armin; Hershkovitz, Yaron
    Insights into species diversity of the genus Hydropsyche Pictet, 1834 (Hydropsychidae, Trichoptera) from the Lake Kinneret catchment (Israel)
    In: Aquatic Insects Jg. 38 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 125 - 140
  • Macher, Jan-Niklas; Weiss, Martina; Beermann, Arne J.; Leese, Florian
    Cryptic diversity and population structure at small scales : The freshwater snail Ancylus (Planorbidae, Pulmonata) in the Montseny mountain range
    In: Annales de Limnologie = International Journal of Limnology Jg. 52 (2016) S. 387 - 399
  • Elbrecht, Vasco; Leese, Florian; Piggott, Jeremy; Wlecklik, Andre; Wagner, Rüdiger; Tollrian, Ralph; Neumann, Janis; Goessler, Gunnar; Beermann, Arne
    Multiple-stressor effects on stream invertebrates : a mesocosm experiment manipulating nutrients, fine sediment and flow velocity
    In: Freshwater Biology Jg. 61 (2016) Nr. 4, S. 362 - 375
  • Preprints

  • Buchner, Dominik; Beermann, Arne; Hörren, Thomas; Enss, Julian; Frenzel, Mark; Li, Yuanheng; Müller, Jörg; Pauls, Steffen U.; Sorg, Martin; Haase, Peter; Leese, Florian
    German-wide Malaise trap metabarcoding estimates over 33,000 insect species
  • Dissertation

  • Beermann, Arne;
    Effects of multiple stressors on stream ecosystems and the importance of species identification
    Duisburg ; Essen (2017) IX, 146, viii Seiten