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Fakultät für Bildungswissenschaften, Institut für Psychologie

Universitätsstr. 2
45141 Essen
S06 S03 A27


  • Universitätsprofessor/in, Institut für Psychologie

Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Dericioğlu, Deniz Cengiz; Schiller, Florian; Schmitz, Florian
    Factor Structure and Invariance of a German Adaptation of the Primary Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale
    In: Psychological Test Adaptation and Development Jg. 5 (2024) S. 263 - 273
  • Dericioğlu, Deniz Cengiz; Schiller, Florian; Schmitz, Florian
    Factor Structure and Invariance of a German Adaptation of the Primary Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale
    In: Psychological Test Adaptation and Development Jg. 5 (2024) Nr. 1, S. 263 - 273
  • Müser, Sinja; Hemmerich, Moritz; Schmitz, Florian
    Individual differences in Bitcoin investment : The role of personality, attitudes, and knowledge
    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Jg. 113 (2024) 102289
  • Schmitz, Florian; Krämer, Raimund
    Task Switching : On the Relation of Cognitive Flexibility with Cognitive Capacity
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 11 (2023) Nr. 4, 68
  • Krämer, Raimund J.; Koch, Marco; Levacher, Julie; Schmitz, Florian
    Testing Replicability and Generalizability of the Time on Task Effect
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 11 (2023) Nr. 5, 82
  • Schmitz, Paul G.; Schmitz, Florian
    Correlates of Acculturation Strategies : Personality, Coping, and Outcome
    In: Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Jg. 53 (2022) Nr. 7-8, S. 875 - 916
  • Baur, Julia; Schmitz, Florian; Naumann, Eva; Svaldi, Jennifer
    Implicit Attitudes Towards Weight, One’s Own Body and its Relation to Food in Women with Overweight and Obesity
    In: Cognitive Therapy and Research Jg. 46 (2022) Nr. 2, S. 436 - 447
  • Hartung, Johanna; Goecke, Benjamin; Schroeders, Ulrich; Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Latin square tasks : A multi-study evaluation
    In: Intelligence Jg. 94 (2022) 101683
  • Nolte, Nils; Schmitz, Florian; Fleischer, Jens; Bungart, Maximilian; Leutner, Detlev
    Rotational complexity in mental rotation tests: Cognitive processes in tasks requiring mental rotation around cardinal and skewed rotation axes
    In: Intelligence Jg. 91 (2022) 101626
  • Goecke, Benjamin; Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Binding costs in processing efficiency as determinants of cognitive ability
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 9 (2021) Nr. 2, 18
  • Rozgonjuk, Dmitri; Schmitz, Florian; Kannen, Christopher; Montag, Christian
    Cognitive ability and personality : Testing broad to nuanced associations with a smartphone app
    In: Intelligence Jg. 88 (2021) 101578
  • Muñoz-Navarro, Roger; Cano Vindel, Antonio; Schmitz, Florian; Cabello, Rosario; Fernández-Berrocal, Pablo
    Emotional Disorders During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Spain : The Role of Sociodemographic Risk Factors and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies
    In: Health Education and Behavior Jg. 48 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 412 - 423
  • Rotter, Dominik; Doebler, Philipp; Schmitz, Florian
    Interests, motives, and psychological burdens in times of crisis and lockdown : Google trends analysis to inform policy makers
    In: Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) Jg. 23 (2021) Nr. 6, e26385
  • Rath, Dajana; Teismann, Tobias; Schmitz, Florian; Glaesmer, Heide; Hallensleben, Nina; Paashaus, Laura; Spangenberg, Lena; Schönfelder, Antje; Juckel, Georg; Forkmann, Thomas
    Predicting suicidal behavior by implicit associations with death? : Examination of the death IAT in two inpatient samples of differing suicide risk
    In: Psychological Assessment Jg. 33 (2021) Nr. 4, S. 287 - 299
  • Schiller, Florian; Bey, Katharina; Grabe, Leonhard; Schmitz, Florian
    Stockpile purchasing in the emerging COVID-19 pandemic is related to obsessive-compulsiveness
    In: Journal of Affective Disorders Reports (JAD Reports) Jg. 4 (2021) S. 100116
  • Ouyang, Guang; Hildebrandt, Andrea; Schmitz, Florian; Herrmann, Christoph S.
    Decomposing alpha and 1/f brain activities reveals their differential associations with cognitive processing speed
    In: NeuroImage Jg. 205 (2020) 116304
  • Ćepulić, Dominik-Borna; Schmitz, Florian; Hildebrandt, Andrea
    Do time-on-task effects reveal face specificity in object cognition?
    In: Journal of Cognitive Psychology Jg. 32 (2020) Nr. 4, S. 423 - 441
  • Schmitz, Florian; Kunina-Habenicht, Olga; Hildebrandt, Andrea; Oberauer, Klaus; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Psychometrics of the Iowa and Berlin Gambling Tasks : Unresolved Issues With Reliability and Validity for Risk Taking
    In: Assessment Jg. 27 (2020) Nr. 2, S. 232 - 245
  • Svaldi, Jennifer; Schmitz, Florian; Baur, Julia; Hartmann, Andrea S.; Legenbauer, Tanja; Thaler, Charlotte; Von Wietersheim, Jörn; De Zwaan, Martina; Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna
    Efficacy of psychotherapies and pharmacotherapies for Bulimia nervosa
    In: Psychological Medicine Jg. 49 (2019) Nr. 6, S. 898 - 910
  • Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin : Clerical speed and elementary cognitive speed are different by virtue of test mode only
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 7 (2019) Nr. 3, 16
  • Meyer, Kristina; Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, Oliver; Hildebrandt, Andrea
    Perceiving faces: Too much, too fast? : Face specificity in response caution
    In: Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Jg. 45 (2019) Nr. 1, S. 16 - 38
  • González-Blanch, César; Medrano, Leonardo Adrián; Muñoz-Navarro, Roger; Ruíz-Rodríguez, Paloma; Moriana, Juan Antonio; Limonero, Joaquín T.; Schmitz, Florian; Cano-Vindel, Antonio
    Factor structure and measurement invariance across various demographic groups and over time for the PHQ-9 in primary care patients in Spain
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 13 (2018) Nr. 2, e0193356
  • Schmitz, Florian; Rotter, Dominik; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Scoring alternatives for mental speed tests : Measurement issues and validity for working memory capacity and the attentional blink effect
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 6 (2018) Nr. 4, 47
  • Klepsch, Melina; Schmitz, Florian; Seufert, Tina
    Development and validation of two instruments measuring intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive load
    In: Frontiers in Psychology Jg. 8 (2017) 1997
  • Schmitz, Florian; Svaldi, Jennifer
    Effects of Bias Modification Training in Binge Eating Disorder
    In: Behavior Therapy Jg. 48 (2017) Nr. 5, S. 707 - 717
  • Svaldi, Jennifer; Schmitz, Florian; Tuschen-Caffier, Brunna
    Kognitiv-affektive Neuropsychologie der Binge-Eating-Störung
    In: Psychotherapeut Jg. 62 (2017) Nr. 3, S. 194 - 203
  • Muñoz-Navarro, Roger; Cano-Vindel, Antonio; Medrano, Leonardo Adrián; Schmitz, Florian; Ruiz-Rodríguez, Paloma; Abellán-Maeso, Carmen; Font-Payeras, Maria Antonia; Hermosilla-Pasamar, Ana María
    Utility of the PHQ-9 to identify major depressive disorder in adult patients in Spanish primary care centres
    In: BMC Psychiatry Jg. 17 (2017) 291
  • Nürnberger, Miriam; Nerb, Josef; Schmitz, Florian; Keller, Johannes; Sütterlin, Stefan
    Implicit Gender Stereotypes and Essentialist Beliefs Predict Preservice Teachers Tracking Recommendations
    In: The Journal of Experimental Education Jg. 84 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 152 - 174
  • Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Modeling mental speed : Decomposing response time distributions in elementary cognitive tasks and correlations with working memory capacity and fluid intelligence
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 4 (2016) Nr. 4, 13
  • Becker, Nicolas; Schmitz, Florian; Falk, Anke M.; Feldbrügge, Jasmin; Recktenwald, Daniel R.; Wilhelm, Oliver; Preckel, Franzis; Spinath, Frank M.
    Preventing response elimination strategies improves the convergent validity of figural matrices
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 4 (2016) Nr. 1, 2
  • Becker, Nicolas; Schmitz, Florian; Göritz, Anja S.; Spinath, Frank M.
    Sometimes more is better, and sometimes less is better : Task complexity moderates the response time accuracy correlation
    In: Journal of Intelligence Jg. 4 (2016) Nr. 3, 11
  • Schmitz, Florian; Manske, Karsten; Preckel, Franzis; Wilhelm, Oliver
    The multiple faces of risk-taking : Scoring alternatives for the balloon-analogue risk task
    In: European Journal of Psychological Assessment (EJPA) Jg. 32 (2016) Nr. 1, S. 17 - 38
  • Schmitz, Florian; Naumann, Eva; Biehl, Stefanie; Svaldi, Jennifer
    Gating of attention towards food stimuli in binge eating disorder
    In: Appetite Jg. 95 (2015) S. 368 - 374
  • Svaldi, Jennifer; Naumann, Eva; Biehl, Stefanie; Schmitz, Florian
    Impaired early-response inhibition in overweight females with and without binge eating disorder
    In: PLoS ONE Jg. 10 (2015) Nr. 7, e0133534
  • Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Item-Level Time Limits Are Not a Panacea
    In: Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective Jg. 13 (2015) Nr. 3-4, S. 182 - 185
  • Abstracts

  • Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, O;
    Predicting Intelligence from Mental Speed and Working Memory Capacity
    The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences 2019 Conference,
    In: Personality and Individual Differences Jg. 157 (2020)
  • Schmitz, Florian;
    Sensation Seeking and Laboratory Measures of Risk Taking
    The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences 2019 Conference,
    In: Personality and Individual Differences Jg. 157 (2020)
  • Schmitz, P. G.; Schmitz, Florian;
    Zuckerman's Impulsive Sensation Seeking : Relations with Live Style, Sexual Practices, and Acculturation Behavior
    The International Society for the Study of Individual Differences 2019 Conference,
    In: Personality and Individual Differences Jg. 157 (2020)
  • Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, O.;
    Assessment of risk taking in poly-substance abusing offenders
    Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) ; July 27 - 31, 2015, London, Ontario, Canada,
    In: Personality and Individual Differences Jg. 101 (2016) S. 513
  • Schmitz, P. G.; Schmitz, Florian;
    Emotional intelligence and coping as predictors of acculturation styles
    Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) ; July 27 - 31, 2015, London, Ontario, Canada,
    In: Personality and Individual Differences Jg. 101 (2016) S. 513
  • Manske, K.; Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, O.;
    Individual differences in financial decision making
    Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) ; July 27 - 31, 2015, London, Ontario, Canada,
    In: Personality and Individual Differences Jg. 101 (2016) S. 497
  • Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, O.;
    Mental speed : Structure and correlates
    Conference of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences (ISSID) ; July 27 - 31, 2015, London, Ontario, Canada,
    In: Personality and Individual Differences Jg. 101 (2016) S. 513
  • Preprints

  • Hartung, Johanna; Schmitz, Florian; Wilhelm, Oliver
    Subject-specific tests improve master admission