Media 2021
NRW debattiert Europa 6.0
Media 2021
European Solidarity in Action | #EuropeChats Episode 8
EuropeChats is TEPSA’s new talk show dedicated to answering your questions about the European Union. In this special episode of EuropeChats, we are joined by Prof. Michael Kaeding. Michael is Jean Monnet Chair ad personam at the University of Duisburg Essen, and along with Johannes Pollak and Paul Schmidt, he is co-editor of a series of books stemming from the TEPSA Network. The "Views from the Capitals" series draws on the expertise of the TEPSA Network to produce books that analyse topical European issues from the perspective of each EU Member State and neighbouring countries, and help understand the future of the European project. The latest edition, "European Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals", is the topic of today's episode.
You can watch the full episode here.
NRW debattiert Europa 6.0 - Gewinner 2021 WWU Münster
Gewinner 2021 des 7 stündigen Finales von @NRWdebattiertEU: @WWU_Muenster von @MatthiasFreise – wie auch 2017! 2. Platz geht an das Team aus @Uni_Wuppertal von Michael Franke. Ein spannendes Finale zum Thema: "Die #EU soll allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern ein bedingungsloses #Grundeinkommen garantieren". Bester Redner 2021 von @NRWdebattiertEU dieses Jahr auch aus Münster: Robin Conrad @WWU_Muenster. "Vielleicht hat es Europa mal verdient, dass man 6 Stunden über Europa diskutiert" (@s_haussner). #Europa lebt vom offenen Dialog.
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